unm Pa 4 hae Rea w close to the rans at Dis hreeeh-loader, a $73 Franca!" anaw "s moving, an Sethe Te ed cles, ei ries a [Saboeeew 2 tee Bei . Balting at at I ag: =k cateen Bit and within hailing} dig- > in | grown slope maf the « carte. 'cried Choquard. whoulder- ret wae rare» faint, bq hepitat- a oy te Chasseurs ¢ rique. . ae P eo deuce! They're in Mets," bien] tnd a) eorgean error: "Batdou'ttire, Let bim ae) pe he- bed high 138 ht among the master-sgogers,- Yartteraaces of Fepmmacd merch seviy srt | jae anslation naiasion whieh he di u of genius firet, aod onigin the the sec_nil ding win his my Bory of whieh ne "=i ee Nuremtr td wit ee Lwin ix very wealthy. an A a piece green pk ard, rath. Twakish inscriptions, or the cresten 1 Baer ofl banda dared 6 6; aoe Bis the bes : Yhallange again," sald be. T ere) ota ae sedi | eat n Wale a Clasgent * " J. > bo tei, tebe reall Af. foc "AH Due Of thé istope. ; y Qui vine, I say ™ seins "~ Clatnenty face paled borritdly. lle laaned | "Ab! Mr stated) "itis Fra ne's voice," Higbt, = erfed, "Where is an entrance! 1 wall!" A this T "It jet ter po Clement, easily. "A ope: Biretoped. fea dinnc inolys "Pardon, mon Capitaine" suppowe hid ar awer = = ' LT aad 1 "Con: ound or Lireoaiienst . wyl R¥py™ * *More like a a ah ont, { "aptai these words, Clement nobel forward bat the ren! ine! obeyed at last. 4 aho wan. tig Ny n neice up at ite steep slope = griing arms and knees, eatwhing at tufts of grass le ! iilas. Clepimns relzed a rile, dnd Gred, There was aclimmer of Ly htin the ease. te; and, folie wed by one or two 0 rm, *What us thle "aye ry Ae 'Lei srgbertT" "T iiiew ni = devert OY tagaget obi pd aioling his fore- bend phe Arnie were 0 siaietrode Tae the Dattend. nei Mean: = a the. ens 'a A hin hey ¥ a coe pad lie' @ia & sey ure (reer aver te | ui enid the cof te bas I oe i wie of cers emited. The stesncer wall eee io tatters. The sic 2 oF coats Aegtionn we --_ "Wiere the cats ley JreRet a ne, a imed and torn, chat ne tronper's abiths begr ririile, "How came you -- j * ni "Lhave bee have only y duet | meceeted in passing geet' the eaemy's | aly bale, tings Bich--where!™ \ At Versaillee be The cota at's face darkened; 'and e = aly ean mnie Chement said, angrily, "The rascal lating at us String ton up, command: | ir a web TS ei Tut & courtennyeiat } Es cr pe wi tot a esewipvitng party | wir Wy by h tereses Aarles "uervouily; ¢ then aalied, ; ES Y j ee a ~Heary tome ooaye * topes" Sa Cents eaillos gms betel in Prostianhands for} the ten w , bat | bg 1 ag -- "Curse his inrelenes!" said the "There! take Wea. Srllog "it ay short wes the Apert Tame Leet oe ramets My na is Caray on; SMT repeat itt bald' n cotamcen fa the "Sth Chaseputr {and your chances woukdbemoything but im- | were Te proved. t's safer to he a Prossian spy | than a veo. ronaway ! Gna w hand te his a and made a stride to- rm * fie was pe Ai " away by the guard; and | the commisndapt --gadcl, uray. "Mabe | { Wn ayes | leper "the rascal's hada and feet Taety and --! hima dy the mec hours. Hq mua! be trans frati¢iegue endeavored fo protes again; bat vieleat hands were laid on hie aod | ¢ case hé Was bustled down the sleps fo the THA om. pocershs << ourage hg eit bavea wilness Bad have got Sar' of Their most auda- 1A tps" call the commandant, ligut- "ayy a shot in that fellows head i] wor Kies au "vic sat or two, Cait Clement i ie tatolye COX AED = aA MAN'S Lew. rd Abs ite jag aaa half agon young | aise by the namie of a 1 ik Peter, so er ag owns' -of Berk o., Roea Walsall cata Leigh, aes | s edie here ean eaning. pase ol fits "Ty when & piece, ot abel was carried eh bh a tit odiathig th pd of his lungs. "At the ig i ub F 7 Et | 5 g Ll "5 in F * a of ret the Chitttaia Ca thedrat formw the ten' the fortress, and in the capalo of the eS gmc ow gorurent, lpsige & 'bell, seen anst beagd Dow bero Tetigious aplenty tebe for mies around. Ach ey they wore always wont, into "the wen tb ate, fruit and soba iis tue court q gres setmen on as V Nut oer ' { Pre ph anual Temes coulj be pa sood sllcwe jometrated in his he cvcbobd arrauil ne rite Labi vo warrior, but gene bat bub tor « n etogs 40 Teasons. - La Ww the Cireisstan cavary, vealed iteell gree me Pree 8 linp tisive ane hearted on te orlacan aud Pembroke, Cusirman of the . yah wis red that be > hel ri eg poiron statewent cat 8 fact taust be cea on rave frorri-priew EE © eregon wal eis ket neta! er ou ae sbay, ip thet existe among , all that ts cub of etree el The tales with wich the Serbs bev au if joss y not intended by the el mia "Serti may fttend 4 with that flatred is « tery | arge amount at dread. Thos the Servian lorew aw Dreaefal Trageay ta Carmarthenshire. @- 19, ate Joba Johues, late County wart sr for the Counties ee OUR, er the Borodgh + mq ¥ta' Mr. J re ne wu edad s pantie often "wae" sar resbded at ine jamnily * Landpvery Carmat afine old ¢ indewd, of the most anciest in Abe county. e bas Leen for generations in the possession aioe there dhe sods with csiek . es sod tue einidren otax vobeatedl9 a ah femme. entiang at the mame aude, Detitiately refused, and thrusting the gum "areter her ari, he rs | i aka And Fiat imque--tfor it was be- pot bis fated i pe. CBARg 1% 6 perten mawees, wad be even put aneeerele He . ane we wan Irbman by beth; anq Ce an © onttet te abun: aliereup ne pa wank to res arr Sue . epapsy lay sealer 1 meions kidney affections, by emery; poise, by oive sipelan, by aD- Fal © tmitate real hatr so closely thet it is barity possible to Ph reformer pagina and asked his scoeyt a "bucket" of dowers bee: @ Hidle yale WOME the eae age weEEes wate for oe 4 * ivemere' wittr spe io bana of "rkveew* or "porn Phe cones stat ne tmongh to eat ---- door. Dolxucottry' arms Tom uad a alhee ol slice tbyh piceed > ther ey eggs oe and three digs whick te} - ter.' At this time axial, for be gmt p gota olergymide. asking if-Mr. Johnes was dead or thely tere a on he was dying. ox -- dead, -- fired. the wntents of « of the reyoivers into bes ian Mr. Jobnes, who lived an how and hat xhot,-was sensible tthe soonien of his death, and his Inst wardd were reqiest. to Heaven for da his chi dren, gud he expressed bh thet Miss waefrow home, as ehe seula prolably have lost ber life also been there. Tremble Was Aiget brought to Ea aut Coe , abd by po of Mr.Jobnes and Mis. 'Cook- mun, he has romained ever wer 5B F teen years of age wh Age -seleas -t0-4geubopied elect tau appear ee 3 mm - cotton aot seems a alight thimy, are newled tuat sakes one ear FP alek : tions i @ use Sse h t a c 4 FORM.) et arse, camera x Ullaely. she oe ha vac and Ma Rasa pm servarad to » aume time past het roar ie to erothre Dolancotny Arms, whieh belongs t Mr. T- | Jobnes, ans rf 1 pane | to bit master to obtain it: Mr. Jotnes,| how. eer, © pb fact mont bles ts ae mete wf | St Sun. Das |e : Siepes oa a m sud has tis chest pit i) at ~ ol ee 0 a) In the caremates fe s The mm -_ there~tr tinfée of the occurrence nath* ing serious was thought, of te oniy boolnng light tiekling would to. Jhim_and in thi lies the explanation of the fetal tr ifr Tue bouse aie ieee atthe « to thve r'(s en and Leis the principal botel im the neigh' pre is of applicants for it. "be an ¢ & BS a id ; i i if pir ; ati 5 Ly = i * able to. ges" resort, he proaate ot scelpbie. ame, bili, san | aera ia Ravage Louk a = pen tar tn + whee' towers rd ee aig 4 tayo a 'apes ubab Sloen ig proper ? ie et ik ye br 2.1 abd and | Hereford. ej in r= Br white expenses fuive pot bed eee irae _ re Hd § Lita agent 3 = E i z + Hie: ES z i ike png! . , Mr. PB same place abeul windvd 9 years ri or men. with sacking the hanse, Mer: 'Hg srocadattogas ab nega son fn Bs & Ss ead Ornithologists teli us that the owl is @ wise, bind. He saat: solemn-'un. $N, bas be ly forMMtinty-six years wail part: neSS) Cope tars ies wabery 3 bot high jeor were Days a wire ist: Ee hoe eg iii nt bye Cs ers York Conmerrie? eo * aes te eave thee pain? a Syd ye : is AT A Hp pecs hen! eg feit hale dedlap-estel aad Tas, ret € LIsTé." 1's the the other kind we + Kn-without- 0