trae uf-the strawberry; by i of of ming hanger, bat increas. ey ee 'AND COUNTY OF PE 'HO GAZETTE. oprah I i i Le EE aes cag Ne tiene ee ~ ~~~ SPRATFORD, ONT; WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBE R 20, 1876. NO: ss. * ca unl enue be revived this an- tam: aodiings now m abet - 0 the bottom o of the skirt [2 aRM AND GARDEN, "> Farm | Noten. ke rt, ana, informed us that he had fouod great advan- te tee fret of May and fed, arter beitlg weaved, ali it can eal, a aang. take -- revenge for «nels ifb in the cad we gun soit. Radixhes, tar nips. tomatoes. parnley, spauach, ant the like are chieMy valuabies aa em arcotnt of shear... salizg. pb rabe HORS Spe ms thoagts Fankivg or the moat yrare te. hie' nalritous thawed among wel canhae than ete mushrooms to sorely tue tuinman naaning The Freneh pe cap has supplanted | ----, ne nae the a 32, Rid Lag merly. aie e an us soem iz uc pete i! n -- _ Lpphag enith their a of eal: od " te yt pony ead Of all hinds of fresh baw popu Loalide, tab --s pata! ite as tele consideration, than een pan i cl Taerbor Ti WHR Gian ey PRONE oft mitre se on it yields to mang other y vipete ties it contains a large proportion o vary to The Ta wmaan, o we rs ie nis Tt the tare any Bhin diseases it +-attt ast | than this, wash ta daateay-reexitn Poarl-gray gieves ure h~unagihens evtreme - fash. bed qood sheiter in ¥ivter, will le batter and larger than oue born in December, a ary, oF each Buk te ba at one-year . ane both fod alike 'after Weetern Raval, Perens ee. are not sicersaful in propa. F cuthogs should try ther hand at making layers, Any shoot of one year' ai ; "op r. Strong and vigorous pianis can be produced the first season by Laying, -- is wot al- true-of cutting. --rer- _, oe eryztais of carbuiic etd and make ak | ar hich only to "hore, B Fo "neti t the air, pel to flies" whit ouble ah not olor -- snubena manana 2 The wanuer of cultivating a» of clay loam and send Joa, 1 auggest fears 4 = ab -- fms prosewent. Tiere PO Lire, rag ; an 7 i ral agroeableness and digestihility seasons together, the mauve real ss ET Dog Detective. In the letter you published from Daluth ~ dated the 17th of duty, mention wee made. of }. the iow of the steauscr St. Cluar oti Lake Sener ene EPSHOL. ~ABOLig "Te pale RS Teeter ~iamgebthe ary bs oe urd fa wine of "Vatnig lollies m the k= eh the Northe; remarkable, for his a avd nagtuecity owner waa employed by the Nerthenc. hcakare time Lerreire The dog wouid take the "-- ol go te Use end «fa dog sixty or poet lect long, and Lou it at ibe bee "while his master-held1t at-tite ether, and de thie at (sy. or antil all the timber was fT ag touster wontd send ti ae NS) ai OE oer letters." Tie dog wonkl go te the port eo arr) § iv vare =. whieh bis master had written bo the ufos oa resteel. ie a soent * acute, Sha. Heart. mic! bya compaty of young poopie, whe had Lewn hour, Frogs five From Ti te 1S years it aot eat uw wal the young ladies au Jett her bars eol on the yround. Stewart shee and ating tothe pati: anid, poe fat bring here." The dog was gone abet afeen or twenty minutes, and reterned woth: the var oLlamber, putin. Stewart's eharee was being stolen. Stewart en hie dog i evn inn a ame Wateds it and awh takentE : ward the dug came to him in the morning. te and, by sigue familiar to hie rT te toliow him. Stewart to ? with him, and ¢ dog to gaen, and be led at a wert a Oe to ow ahauty - of "a the ae, pa "ster art told the a seit what tho dog had done The parties at pone cunrietel the Swede of a erent tent eer doitin oF < Known Lo the people of Dy shes aud it i+ to ee eopad baad tae-weadl fa} snl hands. Wisaom ™ mow Deny se! at for we a i in may ae 'tn rent weil before you are thirsty . The * ting of reproach is the 'truth of bd Koop toy shup.and thy slop. will dongs weeny westions ask for deliherate " ow The cod of a Ureseme story im the best part efit One vannet learn too mach, wor soarn te lat» The pest fra will net fall inte ser u pride few the wan, beygrary brings uy uh = Tn cemstre never sap the werst, for thine own Censure ts most effcetual when mad with passe : A qeol nother is worth a handred cclal Bbaabera Le aid stuays pritps wa can loing creat beg ees EL is ngs ther te take many injaries than bo Tt is easter to avo a fault th ou te sequire prefection - ee ns ble power. Maanas.--Lo-k bofere, ot youll find vour seul behind I yoa would have « [raithful attendant, be your own servant. The gene imines often afford us the Teatent ples Tyient and worl we tho vnly eternal van to vl ietitetivons yous thoughts when alove. and ays Poverty wauta ae an inaury tansy tage sa that which is Theres anal. revenge in words, lat words bo gmatiy revenged. "face fy alba fe few vices: wel fikts nets be few virtues. The reve has its Hhurns, nd diamond its failings. agrees who Ae i cing that ia 'aol undcrstual bor but very asa what it should be on Tigi oe sanpy 0) where clay knell. ine wed eo plonutifully iil + Honthly . lie thik there in a nm the womatic efluyia of ue the HAE pls" the 16 Decemary te un- flow marshy 'listricte bs have been known materially 0 improve the sanitary conditi n of the dis ab Waslunglua ory ar 'slo vorrme by oe ihe Prince of Wales viail to lo lia. facturers are immeuse profits, poi, oily on the a] Lat on the yeabts no an. w lask gray for the strovt, aud digut colwt nik hata se as] "tse buitriediy rida E aioe CQ "om tie hair tworough') 3, bat gently, 'raugle: cau be male a more aigeate e moter on the 'Vin be tised for a great arteey of parpeses *hich windustil cannot, A windmill ir agus by waity natn a layer of fresh dirt ix a suc TW these teyers are are made alternately | m - -NEWS-OF 'THE WORT. atin atthe them The. rateable value of Leadon for 176 te £23,111,918. ann year the ako deritet Trora armo- rial bearings amounted to £1 S27 10s. In 1876 the the as aeent value éf petroleim imported was £523,310. last year, £834,114, A Mr, Henry Brenmer. « wett kreen Liner, pool salichier, died steidenty whi pie aidldre ing the magistrates in a licensing The Dublin.Port and Dock Beard of the cr r together vs a two new bridges over the Liffey, tec ek sary by the rapally ineremaing trate wf Dublin, Sur Titns Sait, lart, the well known York ule matntartarer, bs prema bu at Crow da felt an "i bis sunlit. He | in Be aesouly. tree yeare uf ages Captaid "Morriam prewided ; 'ind there were ala 'eraant the learned deetor, Mr. Ma j A entre of slater, the first of Lie been eeut fron New York to Le rec i pies. ary stated tes I gira Hugeoria last Wear amos: SI STT. agaist £37) e741: per' Ja London a iman taaued Wiillam Tiowley i° deste te 2 DY | vious examination and ripears # shiiifal arrangetnent of Lndden pipes. etolen | da GRO ff { pipes tar... Gdearts- 'prisunment with hard laber. for having % foot of gan from the service 5 the took Gas Light and (uke Com vane. © In ther to Mr T. T. Hayes, yr. Preset t change. dente the Leigh Liberal Club, Mr. T. B, | camly paras beyond the FE ites We tmimst have | men. -- un Gucderer's Muuthly, Gitar terrae ruiils @ great convenience, bat | "4 the Tur 2. Regime ante in wiles dam | 7 Wisse present xt 4 chormous, The manu. | ""!*: if he ae & proper eae! " coon | of out shes uy." Sys Sosep Arey -etite tncretmme tr ar suedehe loenittess emia to) tend s meviing at Leamington. bad a nar t | prove sree, = may ; matter ithe wh heth ¢ they |, fuk Yor es "frectran ow winch be war, eullided ve auother parsanger train, ap theend of the carriage in Egerrs Mr. Ar ue knocked? + tte tostainrd + aad, was feated ow: 4 severe blew on the neck hint bes orth without wi ere ix A eatchimanes in Thaven having obtained | deal in that fact.--- Detroit Tribune a verdict tor £50 frysn (he Thareo | rie Many. if not all sorte of 'ina Commussiener for injuties <ast ined by 'fath | 7 awneely improved by lming Fabimtol to a} pg over a dast beap ap the treet, now ® threat. | a) tire OF 1008 for an bouror two pre | ope to declare thé town age ifthe-mon lows to being eaten take the best kinds | ¢¥ ae mot forthwith paris SoMa saet at trust arreet frog tie fruit room, which | 6h prolest that they have av er way net be halfa dozen degrees above the Prince Bremark's visit tu London is mz pomt, wonet doing justice to the | for Febrarary neat, and a large building aoe ald, to te omer, Let au) | ae euutes cd cotaty matpe at South Kemsing: | ween, 4 mp dace iow, ts being menerrs | awl ra reception, Tha» | bash, nd pears, some "i rr ane Son Wot corr ttiielaity warmey warned. rape rots thre sapehets poands to ape = Trmich bail woud ot latier, wat the Prine « ol lus the whic! --Lewdion Sonrwatet | nergy - ie not generally known that viteanized | & cubber has a wth: 'wartess }~ ot cleaned br: Sw strong tx when vue on the cubbe rr will tear r us t en leave ba ma 'wade a a an a. Maecadamired paths © recommended in point of cheaptions. Col the steties you ca. Place the large d wes in the bottom and fH in with the «ail af ones, covering, ae whore, thr etl, aches @ hte mires Pi Tt has bown the enstem to ole up baru with proen hoards so that s4 elie vay Mews 5 wil wave wide cracks tor tie neces f ast te hay-mows, Au twportaut pricaple lee been al overlouked, Fermentation, ike MO, Peguites valwen be cagry cb ot. Many farmers bate laotive i that tanure wile telat when thrown win re the callie can toe upon ab. strane apd hay y vertained caperiment directed by scieuce that hay wil keep better m cap boarded of Rs buen ie A be the heating will be so moderute as te oniy dry oat the hay without moniding be waret orgsh slo raid be kept aunpsionnly sae to often tanner a+ and 'reytvenate the pisnoest ons and most y fu « fect that hay may cent p eatery pal inte jarge are than ordinary usage sh aoa re very itnpor- tant fact for will enable them tu gather Useir bey ade, pi ay epos the tudes of the weather, for 'Vicies! when the hay i in the cook ins aeseever a sace is injured by rain or dew.--Kaural Home ake this same potato bug. They hare subjeet- ies Se St ees ok tate, aud fed him on nes, nid ai) on n to the couclu-ion that the only dung known under hew ong tren whch iron wou's Sige | pubsdehed im the eal ts enna ene vermont eelante Wok dialed ne an de ely wihie etude the aur, that it rellom Gi. aony trtend tes pay freynent white to to Fag oe -- dmirat-Rir F Ww the Mall Mott teacette the miventages "hcl ba eh cruisers wail bi u pablus) sens" in eee, wey a by a load ftw tne pre ny fav oral ef manieung the ap-deot aid The 1 4 vutdour y athe of Encuind dering the hat | Thus year ended with Lady x Way is has ny ues tna} ang hall's one g selint wi was - ie & How it ie £2,345 te -euaviint 08 45754.16, or aa a own Tate hacen @ has been received at Miymouth {ict Dydiey of Like capture of a venses Massed i Wave by Ue silages of the Istanis, whe have entea ler crew Vee man oxcaped bo an adpomng igen ana gate information to vessel, which went ip niga and found the e Ueneing Waste per dismbies. The F hal been sous te chastise the Pair ™ by oe BULLOTi tees Avetirer + teaccrew of mamof war's otip'serew have Loen trent edt tum winalas Manner. bat the detads hare net been exes The health of the Empress Eugene in the subject of anziety amougst the [uperialint pias poss caper fortunes of the oer nugitt be redressed, The are pees vlection proved a grevioas dha pepe: at, Trae, 8. improved tue avonsh « wf a ibe peereesn. but it improve, We uation of Ox Tepubiieans stil ng that tie the bealth of the Empress gave way, aod Medicus athendanre is now amost cout, utiy required. The Eeotorn Daonti k ail in its power to secure an armiat'e oe to made St-lames" | nol Pr- Reneaiy a mht Orie, AW Vout ye an whe was an ob Is same. octal seach, abt: b you. Molen egal an ee apes . 3. as These brought from the | rl | diplomatic nen wlath 3 might warn Tu: m bow athe a rates 5 a the com: the Brine tye t or Mi reer, tet Tw. \e tageched } igi sian writug ve ar mts ou { ate uy me, on the, other | to obtain her aa 7) b | ree vent the rena mmetiy with livetale La Dali Aug. 2th. Mh. To Caaack, a Line The Tune roe be cer oaye Li Cees for--toeai-+ tmade with with the eoneurrence out be would never put his name to ber scheme, whith he Vetiewed mot ined in any way that would nut preyurtice thiess agli tak atid display bus ap ibes aul | bie wns me t+ boat « as: ik Tier ms ay . 4 Aire eset t | arsorrrt rhe Tirke itatny ef trrectenweresdh Fir geet ert batt ane ay be 'the ett 4 birat-ony + setunied ib { maipre area t tbs undies. i been | ty of the: ¥ m | weet the beter of the wat babes ba, tb cul Was bi tbe vd a Lid ken, wigs prem i sotht te i Beet protean to the' fost: 0 Mos it SBrein ' Th ars thie Recetas wl tlae } throne winieds Wasted dvoo--me: of Eyuut, aud Prodas |. ir . eho off ' ata ad | anipey ne Bb Ud Bley ae i a4 \ preetiar rity Te tha ote st Seiya i ae TR ity: oT ar | ber to believe thet are-rn { prem ty ie that fey were pigeet: i fs hy j aed ee ebretig the, tte 4 frei eatretioe nerve res A tan named | | Hack ser evr it babary Beye {4s pertape tine p poditiea) wayne act termi gy dads rer aii +t BR ' ' Pee WntF ops te te wt . ie it te ad wing & ede ae ths Comme aie ana ater * tire Ty amr & om Chat te . is | sire iate Pian setteted teve Bed ae =m = -- ee ee Wrrivedene berms dradtaity es | inne itlitirtitrsace sharma mainacta*t onrteay faltet great state} mete engaged in. of mental excitement. . She was put to oak. | fleld war peers she remaius very inch pros tratt Ml nt deem tee Pcie cline ay Hee, turned oat moa baxly he wc ptsc id « nt enargecinatiy Vo Wuttwo dart the rhe ve ohare eibetis went tive Tre 4 I ur priseth, ined up fo the p ue wo meet | bepe of their be ' bx Ea.) the dastanthly ruttiate, the + Tu he coutd | being table fe ve ane , severnps wl ON Te: tna hen 1 | Ti oct gen vier Pe Laren -- Mian Bababen, Uw Veeteoe cf tine + a SOG T CE Get oT teruble 5 ' we uaw Tight os vad tan bin apr pret i . ve ' i ina ots family. She oe nm hea. tb ah osufcnn tty af the as deed eat. finale must tend toredace the Teak pti that tod tach: Tuc repay of tas --_~ per ™ af tow wal boots: anel t mreviny une + | Over-Tusurauce and Lueccudiarian. igeat hen ned. isa peron cratered -- pe fem im fat pos 'ii the bur wl ter ™ te Ot ' ' bay t Jat Lanta ie Mate rts ' am ab Ate danke Akusnigt | ewe if the , veuih 1 tee dedoms Bese. Weak whe su, ca ma Creewrdinye PORT. 4 mee teeedy pasts : V--_-- Sn siete Sood Sdn -- pion Uae "tome" cane thet dyie ey lackiey mutters wis ate ni Gy < \ Brave Old Soldier, g heakeetien, ted Bement Loti Ubee thr * et 4 4 dade "e a 7 . mr > le ETT) a ane ; : " ad isn 'tl he Hv i tn a on 3% . ~ or ins tute a it The ¢rucitiewin Kebrarn. 1 . eee, ah SYirn Haee z Lhe fans - i 'tlw Mr hans mek sot P seinen te "us Hise baer ot re prenet wate te: tt re pteare 4) See aaedeme OIY © 6 Oh many nae bm 164 terew ¢ tet 5] 1 iG tte | Wood WiabCr wien asad ise erin ae ee see Pan ee te maior a. | te 4 4 ee aed hee - He ra a 1 ott eres binsaT sy vyent ' ba adacina nd aad sano Seanad ab py a atti bunimate pimoe eM itera eat Sin Pabst dated mcnaey Brag aktad Lage bas wen the u ah . dame tal hans Ww a to infliet a biow peas a panat -- The Potato Beetle ia Larepe, seperate jie eas the ar wma | oe ey CML S Tevace) | Sth ate eave i Wor. 4 pet the ace ) empty bh uby ¥9 "a ties isarge. 'Died. Fabing a nee ™ tae aeng fue ao o tm eannunalls eoubisy ip. the *Yankees tw bot. : Yea, at | wan sounded Vin Me te ro 4 one as 4 ae Mates dae L the antiota td yal throw myreil ine ty, he mas yohiets sete tt bem es aioe nal oe teen een as Gromt. 'wot de yeu pelts Pi werd is _ the sata, oar the nko naiheae dw pen Marea Come orm Lstratacanut Punerals, © bean terion vprtoa Uae tt Co 3 L' rew ur ewmar kel ib eodelier Jeu a seddierw ibe henk ware" «hed ed tise nels er pre ph pt reply, "tie tre tie ere aise ation, we Confederate evicthigenh anluk peem to @ipect that mm: Y did Bere agewng tn drara tz {a what motion" was asked. EOVGr Kiew what they nanwt . tay ap, wd dou ever thtow your und ihe hy erked one of the thres Dak and sometime? T clawing to the tae wens Sutt thet ot t Sa i. -- mee Serdand Lagek be pated snabaman ent turk, fhaetat an oy flank, exit 1 frost." tb Veet may Sou were wold Ls abut there The Fy wurteaey ia fume wr foar billets hit me stoldusan, aid tell us ove ny Reet leg bert oo a mad cae are cr $ Aarne ter athe, atl ted } haw ene snd-then re pied to omery a tea Meet a bertadeding ar Atcaaetue hte + bat ys dees cmeerrett yf Spear ee a eke tab De seed ib Lever _reatiy at hast sa ga ak phe weer! phew bay Your teu adler \ Malay Execution. vestract trun a peivate letter ccomtat ut the egeeation of the wlus itt boas he spencer i Mr. Vpatum cr than ag Gdensitod ~ tried of the 954 ape e | So teen: at pint aru, 'at hy Wis eas tices rt plnenael m4 16 4 Piss Bdew | te hed dnrets sone Wow thesie condi wast t, 1 We the authoritive conkd aut make up thew ! ie winned t twas tiey woud tke mes ww iek bee bay ey-place, wither bw eitti or, according to the Malay hevmmttes Manat TAL is peithivined Gy the Toots Take Gia tte gn hy every man), st TY Goma ia the direction Herding Wewitte lage Guth deat ~ nptight postion, with bie right be tee Rie ad the krinn pntmediatel y le met. four Matays sit reaud, and hold de of the person to be krished, to prevent ey Mhske ys oie at ihe the air when bis heart : panties. wer, abd with the Heat re tule ord P iutetieth ear ged ats, whe furvaed tiiree wales of sitan Atdiukel be invited ie ne ja oi waiek, sory Wd touar astonish . Hitrkener wathed we ati from "te ' . sate #13, Foire the mw put round * feck wley, eo. . La igi, "the iuter r i ha rent a Py mm m Manny ay be was Petia Sal v1 te Hecessary. te purified in the furnace, <0 chur jife in the soon of heart are. twisted (reer * Cunesitics, Hawks fly at the rate of 150 miler cn Dacks- can fly at the rte of 190 ills The crow ean fiy at the rate of 25 miles an en. sun sale: greta ene pomek ot cheat ge nets wade yr fine Herege bair = oplor talnable, Pg =e ES ae used, Z and plaits of bair, so ligit that an en- dren --___--_--_-- Rexrpy ron Benss.--Dr. H. H. Alnats writen Lomlon Times---"The late tote ation mag in sartaxaTion we tne Oe MENT'® COURBE-----tue "Towns" al vee at carDins oh CRIT AL, OF rLad Laxpox, Sept. 11 - The Kart of Derby -re- ceived two dey watation J. one represent the sab. in diplomatic mattere amd fleet Besika Bay, was done, if net before the 1 Seas ter found Lsenoo Dae ae ty. RIE the vot (BR LL bPEARe 'On peachy evenir om * Leet } Lai of its ware x, wborvt a. tes posted ud List.well, Ont, ae fs Irae war #, be Pireprae, Wigtews and bye is dh thew the potate Lewthe pouinie: apphenuce mv gs ols ay wl dapaper, and Moat it ia pe * ash wha vo hres! * Us slsuataicl Lind terbanty to > prevent 'te ce. t dheutid. see thee tows fer fries ce EWS, i uctiogy Mite thie country this prreeasteun? -- aut -_-----__ | Money woutd wa aye: + uy The Fenlans at Chatham | abe to arrange ¢ ; + fof .-tne famiiy A cop-tant watch ia stil hep at China | | Business tact an ouch Prison, and a tre rong ailitas sy aon in oe duty j rae Sone be might avthas, lu} pet sunt bes | 1 80 Mate the bagads of 4 Fat Peopic, open he Saltan looked a sickly rte, wot " 4 hnorting what might ¢ cone het Wager -- brasado. A Mains ny can, when - tert tet that the fat, rohiy und ts are apap ie its 'fa. ff tormal-any lefewecs of Chat ans. yes of fat ag oa bet hy jalegrapt aid 2,000 sabdaos "Phere are tive eRergensut prett.. ab chief of these man fiw Loot ves fr pio Bata vthy, tare os ins ag B46 one | brie "'valeort "Lavithed, * 0 Seta iantnstory arte, we Flom wae omar | eet ie 1g sali ae. + af the aud promos te oe > . Hix fziemls weve allowed to take the bode. q --_-- Pett dicta Stone aml pare oe, ek fo ps oes fomg -- qrvandy ) peaches anew abe of arpa ciatedy wate } util Wh ape tender, ee