Stratford Times, 20 Sep 1876, p. 2

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HAW AvYHNTTMRIaNTH THR weer, | | sentiments of 6 very. hanoei man in : North Perth, nae! doaires to redeam Gerjan Rehook Prof cA, Tati try 'from Hirose rie $ Hot-l- o ioe ¥ rowing. DARREN = An hin Watford _apéich, | si ai Et Sen Full Gots a kaa ce You CAN HAVE THE CHOICE pet Fae OF Sir the #H AT S| ™ pow RS WIN Di 0 »W, POR: 61.00. THE BEST IN THE MARKET. "ONLY 7 CENTS PER-OZ. Bi -SCoTt-& Go.; -. Post OMce Bosak" Store -- Ntratfont, Sept #0, 1876. wt The Stratford Times, AND COUNTY OF PERTH GAZETTE. 'BUTLER Ealitor | and vemeoan the -hands of the Let _ THs ahorcnctimied SPRECH AT WAT- fe EY a #1 rhe was iajared hy the | r the gas arded in fast cuakrTewas, is ina wy way al recovery. Bs shodaaia ~ 1 you's wish: two bay the Lane works, recorded yor Daly, yesterday, in. Ho states that the trains arrived i in that city on Sun- wes soune . COMMENICATED At last tlio leadurs of the serealhed Reform era have been roused from their the triegenpat nar march of Sir Jobu A. Mae. donald and his Witnds throagh Ontario, capable of knowing a value to tr shee signs 60 fraught with signi ~-- 20 meanly on the «nibject, hose very partion, > gare vent tot depreciatory qxpressious for one bring themsetves: te betteve tr their ve This it now plain enough. We Abroty ans apathy-by Now did Mr. Alex. Hamilton's City Lumber Tada the Manson House Tox Peovinctat Exaumtton.-- The Grand Trunk Kailway will iewue tickets to Hamilton ape hack, saving the a veane it fare or the doable yosy uiay evening next, Fri Marquis Chisholm | will preside at the piano. Over 100 voices at St. Mary. Actives of Stratford faves of the iat! "Kestasation ov on SLE ter by a stare of 2 The sar Se Nraatronp, Waowesiay, Mest. 20rn, 1876. uh. MACKENZIE AND THE ie. Ligvok TRA ter ter for Mr u Kenzie he hae remained i Alawa than venture « remierhimectt- poi the tennd-of theennn pot Ms, Pasar, MT, for Geattes, is annuaneed. | ie --iadulying in what hin followers fiz in qidaratoinl that Me Porar will he ape tomsly--cailed:--s- ¥ Pa et Anew ject ol "the "present ~ rt evideitly tom ETT be trdewed immediatety. fur the e of staying the Ibond Wase Duscten.---We learn that an Verse carrent thas Sect in so Seni aeninnt hiss > imei oe Sisiale meee ix being made " the tof that the story te will Le } the Stratford Mechaw: eat Tesaiaee. 00 induce verified in Mr. MacKenzie " stands on the { the ~ vy. Henry Wa nh 'he vecher té give a lee beach and commants the waves to retine; but | tare iu Strationt, ander the suspices of the still they play foot, and if he stitute. a ee So they will soon overtop habs head. Porat, Reaver ov an Accipent r W, [i Rinery diel on Thursday Tast froie the ef- loots af an aayguey rooesved by a Wayman Fak Touma: i , give a juvenile concert in fhe Town Bass Batt.--A well contested. game of base i Raaxer Haas -- Meera a: 0. MacKay & Co's fall on by tire, whieh . the train« being shilfel to Her Northern Central |] = say ene eAGROEY, fhe Tuprate Native, & add ing 0 been since Parliament was prorogued, and regard- ing whiek the coautry would gladi hear the views of the First Minister. We 1 ove our lady friends ww call and in- kpeet the guods on satixty themmalved what we Male is 0 ment of skilled chen, wheasre well versed mall the mysteries of the tates STRATFORD TOWN COUNCIL. heated Tho remai the Torn Council, aha aia ary go me te Philade iphia, mot on Monday evening, it being the regu meeting bight. Drewent Mr. Geo. Forman, tit Depn ty-reeve, in the chair, and Coan. 1 Mowat, Metsngan, Draper; Carer, Mepan Letter from Mr. Wai, Taman, asking the Hon. Mr. wo Fav peernmneyere must Aaah er eseamion, Tf his aaedtra + whiel: fe wae rie in bsduat page alent we | eomucil be a the Tienes bE $20 chapped snae poles = -- = inks om for a re ely to the | weeks age, Mr, as an obd re: =? nt | dor keeping a temperance Lotel. -- Fyled. ohn: Conservative tenders, then it } of Mteatiogd, and ve ath i imuch tied Be tter 'rin Ww. i K requesting is onay re peo the tniaale te tile wl mich hy © Numerods cire: ante of the Hall = ibe Baeues nai atstp. tah det. "| the "Fireman's Asser! lin views npon the ae of the lormers are beyioning now seo cause, and by varnuuw the ms wuts T in fy tary of the North Riding Agricultaral Seriety, te G.B. Brice" "applied 'Yor a bowling ey -- columa of to-day's Tiazs. Notwithstanding | 2O"s¢ °! daar. Cauedian markets | have sr ala vn vial, aad every noveliy or m Mandonald amit the Tory « jen 'iat, it would shrink to very innigieant | very inconvenient for one in Mr. llnshanie' . 40 bee ee a ; way sevice of affairs daring the Parliamentary re- hw te at great tegts aceon: mnt, the ma! said recently to have with lw Bean: Rished bim with « fraitfn) theme for declamation, bat shew as by one of hia constitatents wit % the Big Push," he could only reply to that have nicrel what T Nave 'alreaty mith reyard ty the charges uf electoral cosruption, Turning to # we hed ab Temty said on the eulywol, ihe gist of it is werely thin. "throw a four is seagred ant --_ bby the Liberal In- cct| TA TFORD, Ont. amen e* HALL, Mare ordinary care has been otérciaed in their selec? ten 8 parchased is the best Eaclith, Fiviél, German, Awertean and Canmdlian Markets, aud are now Vahowlng a stock sirpaaing la cateut, wariety The great tocreasy in our business has render- @! additional apd larger puretiaws absclutely Decessary, thereby enabling us lo purchase to greater advantage, which we have douse. as our freeads will freely admit by paying var House © veeit, has beat souietinvng semdortul, and we paren maintainig the reputation «lich "Kegent Hall" | bes secured of keeping the Largest, Moet Varted ami Attractive Htowk mercial centres ontlenle our great oom: "DR. D. M. FRASER, os eee aoe Mr. lintten's rig: store to hin new yateeygeer Mibacniceuah, n ihe. lore can fied cond ar ie, Ontario Ng and oe Railway. _ PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION AT HAMILTON: 'Mpectal "Yrates Fro Biraljord "te: Hemttios and return cia Caledovia and H, aad N.W. Ratiney. 10th, 20th, att & 22nd Sep., ee Odable Journey Tickets at i fare. North The tt am WOR. have arrange yeas compet eh regular & 4 the fine . mere oe N, General Mannger J. HICK Notice to Contractors. RALBL) Tenders ell be roceivet by the dere. al pe bettalt of Ube Senile Gm ledge. sons se "oye we spent mies wesidin t" ak sere sore by treating the cuaryse of on rraptien elt. i tntpelizen thet prompuy. now ack the attention of Curreaders a weakness of sale oni conse. Referted to Lieenae Conant voual to hin ; Thjuor traflic. We suppose that ono terfuges ends ator to laugh at tive cunelanwn state that = entries for the fall show must ae Treasurer's mouthly state ay was Ws sucht eines the--nhle--tetell Sitch aT taaa ol botiesty aid wepec must} bo madoabl oF baton MiMmday. tut Oct. Nop reterred to the Pimence-Commirwa: a7 3au re oe i * a what the Premier meant after ising come Wei, via: - That the Gove rinaiath nuw | entries after that date. . Exhi accounrs. ¢. John Sayers, fur twenty years o re n power are wholly incompetent to Ol the | biturs will please benr the above in mind 5 dee unr _ dent of 8 Stratford, | hav parehased a aged rem - + laces thy oerupy, > any Hobldiny worse New Par St. Manye.-- Mesare. What ' sarmmalaip Ais P Py 9 ty New laren ron St te babriemire work on videwalka. >; Mike nro Users luck & Patterson have issued the prosportus mln her. te 81.50; John Feilow subonitted piwpere te will ne Bes hae te 'al "Tha subject of prohilution was one on whieh ho had been requosted ta speak 2g Wet ' at = a careful man and we haw eve 7 mind. He had been one of the first men m" press througbont tix Province, | Marys, the fit number to anes about we it tne, sed mark dowe by bim paite earn for himself among Lomitoa to } ing at..cwe- of fir. Jolus's- } aude edged tcimely ett hy foliog Oi re Seana. ientpla ok Nesuasseandinth-qusud dost _ plot to have the liquor trafic prohibited. "is against the Government, nainely, the forma. bo Lib ral quamertative ae palities, Bot ha wre the t le, bi d raeh: y -- in pei ny . hogvesen, jess yle, w eb iw about fall. "of | Mr. Pellow muh whom heyras acausugd, fools " a sovetloak politica) considerations. "Ts would, [ adus a very ¢ hare | will avon enjoy a large teodenlih Ey Thee, Wo Draper aa waning. Zadok i a Me ie eaters an would ae did i sa stat simp site| of wie Wansixa to Bors.--Two boys named. rv A motion waa intraineed by Mr. Metui- 'Danese Ronaxsr.--- Last Toeslay night the i abe "C1 spectively W. Sebonmeyer and FE. dears wan, fed by Mr. Carey, to place lamps named Wi Brock ape party ae to make og pf very important. . P a law a xnecess, he had to be assur How absurd such an expression! Did he | Jacobrwete bromzht before Polico Magistrate pL pruerdinon each chervh 2 mers 'temper te be kept opbies, Owen Sound, was entered by two wen political parties would divide onthe beer not eatimate the intelligences of his audience | 0" Laat, éharged by Detective Heenan, of | "Pt ced by My. Mo we Knocked Vim senseless an and then Pata PR Wie Thar Was ratn oT a "wrth "thre stoner wt the ery wal | ian vee might vote against their party in staver toaster! love of truth shown to be false by Vedhgpapls klnsses, His Worhip ' vaigan, that hereafter this couner enet {a belt about his person. Tee arrewks -- of & temperance date on & »y issue, | the expression iteoll, as evory dne | severely veusandsa thie lade, end trtliete + Kas te trent Fa ape where the | been made. bat they were few. Ho belie use of who is gt all acquainted with the po- | fine of $1 and conta cach wiThe crioal thee clicaraad ant ~~ SILVERTC proper bos-beon pon mien, sien eH ra rmsd that manyef the | - 'Tar "Hzen tanoue" Deenaten.--The . : eee aod thare..soums.ajeneral disposition ay nexsativen pen i by ee watch arctanrht:, between the celebrated ; : on ee The Palt Show taker wise on Tres tay 'tra test it in every part oft the country. Tu --_ fonts press some years wo? . at thas de not | YF oe of Seotlar 5 and Mr, Yates, of fA IATTLA GIkL DRIVEN OUT IN THE | Oct. not the 2ud aupounced by rome fo deatt ete, a yee eee Me: bseeneniyer vn whats suasay LAKE ON A TINY RAFT. papers. . qnestion can be dealt wit tuates of the remarks vf Lo hom. geutle hes ought ty " rpenath Aw the 'ietent of the - present itia not nitely kn 'whet man, which will show the jrval importat Tat The mateh war for Bfty From the Fort Dower t oars. ie Dotninion of the Leal Government _ is during snp of "'spirita and beer, pet voter a S is a great nid gruch work wi reat to te tone te bhishesd th es ee shall han icy with "res itehell, or that noble specimen. Knovwl- ton, will" receive 'the deliver: above ance. They delight in honouring jackenzie-beenuse-of hietemper- | ance proclivitics, Pea much more will . Sete deiveranee, which is as "cloar mud," therefore ap- pro wr tony the me tal -- bal about one-tenth of the aver: ™ -- yam, __bug--bat a politico- emrance hum- =. " the biggest, bug of .the whale. SUUNDING THE Tuecsin, friend ina neighboring county, | ae pe hitherto arto the Grit} party, bat who oe at im foture he will oor! sents us a copy of a circular which was mailed to him, "by order of a committee" of which J Ee P., and Mr. are respectively chairman and socre _ tar, This circular ac knowledges "that a speedy return of the Conserva- tive party to power may looked for unless manipulate the voters' liats, and in order to do this the parties to whom "7 ed are addressed are asked ocal associations, and "elip i "toe bas purpose of «supply- ing inform: * to voters, "are of its verbmage ® the circular isa re of Geo the eon +p but not in what" unction | sel tor" tne™ purty of which Sir John wy Macdowald is the now! and chief, & fow words sient the fame tpeech which amas gladden the hearts of the ~*He of anew weekly paper to be wlarted in St. BIS. for about the in tow por "he attacbes to the virtue of truthfulness. He ve Sir dou A. M. Tavis ri! ye abot Cor federation ; aud takes the whe oe « = reals fod al to himsalf and his friends, Hea: "He \siz wife was 8 leas enemy we up to hia defeat i Confederation moved a resolution having for ite gol co lederation iment made a motion in favor we re. tation by population< but it was de. sat ald of | awe Laan. games, and resulted in Mr Yates « objaining and Mr. W pone, with forty-seven ~ ehappi*~ won a» Mr, duor_wf he stambied ores a tun € 'er. --Un Monday night, eg out the -- Qreen's Arms Hotel, sora wood that had heen door, and in trying W save ling, 'be Pushed his Lagi thron ry 8 gh a Lara ei sewed wound up, and through bis atendance Mr. Klein will be ell right ina Of weeks, (iemwan Scuoct.- We have much pleas- wre ip calling attention to tle cand of Prof. tpon to form a Government, which be tee was able tok weenty-foar hours." ont pledged tiene te support Confed. did, wep it tapether for only le sueceoding Govern. -- Tag) ion 'ngland on the sakpor "wat owing to the penne of the Lower Feovinoee, the thing wna web reapacyrary Bo * plain en- ugh te aay one as state- ment in that rartcala is simply o Again, what my in. He sisbe. fir John's wen to have Lileral«" the opportan out i favorite sehen pe t, he says, "we were the party advan ovis it was against the interests of vantry lo carry out our views." a be find on Seen this ag HTN of tary abthat tay" vw how "the reat atate of es stood. We will give a con- > y ol carrying one Py P Confederate. it nlages, sithnach nm hats the On the defeat of tthe Government, Mr. Brown, the er of the "Liberala," wis! the pao for aettting the difleulties then and Berl sny* rt any Government are would "geal with the quextion promptly and fairly, Wher being asked what rd thowgkt would be the proper ineans of Brown re plied, F heal pop alation, Seer regard to & saperating bi ween Maedoual yey Mr. Galt wished as @ re manly the vr Union of all the bh North Ame Beck aa the real cond tition of affairs in isis and ly are mor worahle te the Comeesvatives Mr. Ma zie. We nuw see bat importance the J'reuuer of this Dominion pay =o th, {t is bra wish to im; ' Canadian peuple, but be will 'dad oe 4 proper # mistaken his time arrives that he ha 'ansdians men. in will not allow sehoud. morta a detest | '*. cour at type Pease SARs ad should at we | bended. hed to atilise A. Halleen, whe intends opening classes for teaching the German arent wou the Ind of October next. Prof. Hail raver' ---- tusinister of patng co me semticnen of ies and gentlemen paid hnowledgy af the German u s language. _Slvould agra: ne to take fessous at the f the wean: Kiel fide 2 oers.eeiepe Se prallojed drouth, rain felt in. grateful and Mlisoe oar "Wasany'" day last. Tire cround was parched nig tenetit from the moisture, as taxctaredsanced for fm maylok ior on earty Winter, and Main tions pointto a sere < -- There ere sexndtines imes episodes in editorialtte «hich are much more pleasant than libel enits, Such wero onr thonghts hen Mr. Lrepyper men ; rt are not alow to appreciate the thought fu cms Of these who remembor that a news Tar is -- of fruit, tas politieal articjos c or fumollabing the Dunkis Act Sem at Ir. --Mr D.D. Hay. Mo P,P. for North Perth, ia still hammering away at his Christadelphian doctrine. Weclip the fol- lowing notiee from the Hamilton Times of Saturday -- @, p Rrnashing ia the Che istadelphian chareb, ehikd a Na 'mibefrcredant, Ou Mond afternoon = most a escape from 'drowning occurred ato } Three intile- were on inedors west of the harbor sud were amusing th solves oua litt One of them, the youngest daughter of Dr. N. GO. Walker. 4 3, and the being off ifted woul inte the Th ti rere mer xtoat upright on th evekla shell of a raft and was being matter oublo fresh breeze t! was bie oan nh out GD yards Bien Uy no- ine ih total == --% aa dimes, were ihn pe x dang saw the poor eh cous) until ptrrmioro ome sr per discoveted 'the little voyager, sea, occasionally putting a that -wason.the raft, tettom, but that was beneath her reach. Mr. Hall atones gave the alartu and Mr. of the - oe LY ractous deep robbed of « victim. ------ nee _ SIR JOUN MACDONALD AMONG THE PEOPLE. (rem: the Mast of Protas, Sep ts }~ fétig fearnin- ofies,-and-s-steady apptica- tiun to public business, prevented Sir John among the to as greatan extent as ty pebe req nowte public questions to the be admitted, be ell in this Tespect that was possible, Next year, Mf blessed er hte poms and strength, he will no doula visit parts ia the = We think it but right toeay, wer, re 3 tg nice he bas sone work ery fluxh of phys Erte Pring A morning « dae wot + yy over roads not the tmoothent i in the world ts = wivanced in years it must prove "and } Mcknas--in Walince. te a + were tee Sonnet bream fm meager Train you RALe On 1 ra, LEASE, w HY HOTEL, occupied bast ers avin n senep cae ot rackon aa Lara ad as fost premment. cot T aan tor ior - i a PT at Ar FRIST-CLARE FARM in the tewmhip of ing MO acres, with © ned pe beuse, bank bars, eatin repre bre inet crate Ine pada rhe Lente 7 lid in. OS eel econ tty be arranged for MOBRRT Pie, Stratford, Stratford, Sept. 6, eG -- If want "GREAT. 'BARGAINS WATCHES _And To Let or For Sale. it 5 on 10 youre eredit, af required, Accurdiug plans Aa rete wa specifications tw Pare t 1.6. KIRK'S ENGINEER 8 OFFICE, STRATFORD, Up Wo'cloek win. poration of the Towuahip of Eiitce oS berbid four large private dbwellings an 5 Erte 1, bulbot the leat rol and wh ite be tok, FOR: RiAaeeite giticc + = 2) 2 2 5)? ae - ZSLEero 8Por forthe ooformathon he Fishes f M. DALY, en ee NEW OYSTER DEPOT. Go To. | ROBERTS" = Dress Goods Depart- - ment, Weare how ing in this « aicbbsiaadal every de. Tr new Tiny terials and now 'Colariugs, st raeacisare low figures. fies Will db Uidiliglied & poaltive -- Uf tives Emil tar ere bin she at "Rowtasp As Stratford. 6a the th inst.. the ae of bar wa how las Ontano-ctedet, hed ites tre wm the js weet, Mr To aby (quirk. 4 & daughter Neapman -ln siratfond, on wile of M bore. t Woe Needhain, a wo «till Lawes: Sleattord, on Stent. Siow anise i Famcotk. Cah "hor e- om the bet inet, hres Jae "nrarten ne Kise in Miteh ati on the tnd inst, Mre Michael wad ia oy on the 6th | inst, Mre Jobo 4 pe th inet, Mra David Mow, arene mot « dager Bucuwen in Mitchell, on G. - Krimeer, pf a of Mr Kobt Mckwen, of & sen. Zorparca--ip North . Om the 10th inet. the wife of Be, Peter Se Td tat r eethopie oa is «Ue of Veter #cott, of a son Compisatay ts W alince, on [lth | jst. the wile of Mr. ay. of » sun. Macixw In Linowel ou the Lith inst. the wife OT Mr Jolin Maclem, of 4 danghrer. awu.ros--In kima. on the 3rt inet. the Wife ot Mr. Geo Hamilton, jr, of » daughter. Maxy -In Elina, on the 10th lust. the wife of Mr Thowoes Magn, of a daughter Kurrn --ln bl-ua. om the 7th ined, tee wife-of MP James Keith, of a son ~tp on panne fith test. the wile cl De. 'alare.. Ross Ta Etta, om the 14th tast the © the wife of ur a damgliter, - W. Hows. af a the lees tnat, tne | o magnificence af bs partine --* ~ AG MACKAY € TO. Dress Silk Department. Wehare wade bay efutions 4g our alree y Of Saturday the ¢th day of Chet. nest, Amt wilt be Wartionns, 1p the saint Township of biliee, Poy noon of tLe same day Tenders mas be for one oF more sections, «7 for | the whole work ary oom pe tt ne sum far each section. t Marked on "the en elope" "Tender for ioatvase work," apd to eon: MR. BEN. SUEET B? yly >a "« sinh trees 1" whe Sheng a 'yetail, mn . seek wear the Gatus rear lirnlge. ter LI tf t willing to beewine rexpousibie for the duc per vada 4 ns uit aden sigue, jowestur any tender not necessarily ac JG KIRK, POL "Or JOHN FEXRRON, Tp. Sturmer Fihee. Sept 9 te JOHN BROWN. Roal £. tate and.f Ag't gt well-eelocted stoc and Colored Silks, "which jaf be er al tie byorrgi ow » although. 5 have ad- ee acty 50 pee on cert . Bevery lady sheakl inepect our stork andl per. "Chase ge Whe wait "ieportentey tctey net egeur owen for pear AG MACKAY & C0, Mantle Velvet Depart- ment. ment wa are o eoce Lyoue os Velveta at be BS, #6, 87, #720, ee, #10 Bnd @11, Worth to day H per cout more in the Freuch j Marketa A G. MACKAY & CO. Dress Trimming and Fringe Tepartinee We offer in this ite nt a Fariety simply tadevert and in pe tbatles te mateh our T eifka and'trene materials Dorewerr ak. + find mew { wtytew and trevetites wt "itewent Hall" 4 dhe Go MADBAL.& Coe; -- of Mr. James McLeun. of & son. MARRIA AgmeTsono Biath At the residence of brother, Jaa N the bride's btext Eeq. Gusiph, on the mb im by Hg Mr. Mall, Mr. James Arie merchant, Li. te at Guus cones STEVEN tes Lab just. by be Kev . 'Nwiitn, a the Methestiat Puinoer Sao @fitineh, of the townsiup of to Margana A. Stevenson, of the same an Params: On the eth A. Broughall, at theretioans etree Worxwax At 6tratfor, inat., agen Bibel, aged 8 wecokaya only ge of Mr Workman. x ayn Mend on the Leth inet. Mr. WR ouly of Mr. dames 0'C aged ithe and 7 da' Cochaase.-Ip Mitchell, on the they tirace, wife of Mr, 'John Doehrnne, po 1 object we find 2 a comnnaitize named | tt = omaelven to be duped by wiah Wecing mix mas. [4 Mr Sit hy Mr >» I, May, _ f Listowel: an ud fea ane ® ork Sir Jobo sear HY iy ive ett wha old a e e Toe to Tacap 9 pot. and evening by th " th: refutes the oft- le At het her footiand, Sat: satel we ase 'enpel 'a which comprises all the members of ee ae oe lag genta stitoces down ot | 'wountly, suse rong Th apn -- ner, Ag hae rackionst, Sestiend, on Seounday _ recon {mee that | hase evtablinhed an Keen of the the Dominion and Local Government, | iN hs of Confederation. He tes ws thes t reign es = pe cana that ee ker 3 eeae mother-'n- -- Bi. Abbott, of St Marys, | Woofer plete andi fall Pres mal Fire tiswrance Co of (Cagncal, and such pure Hetermers as Major he gave bia E the" Govern: | man's reiation to the earth, present "y " sieally unfi ' the duties ap- | age) 60 Wétenetny 'nah, Merismo, in all : 2 es cates of promise, No delay--peoliciey written im Jolhu Walker, the "great disqualified" | ment that sted with the b inging | D1). is grpat on Grit polities, ow we never to the leadership of & political Hobert Gi years iu Navy, Heal Brown, Myrtle, Plum. fte., al! prime | stratford try m : of Lonion, i. Edgar, the "great aboat of a thas ooheme, and that after it was thowgh Ht that be had dhsouvered any of that Party. The un, untruth bas had the rele a Say mei 9 a ONE Pegg Niran ik ore Cueto defeated," John O'Donoghue, the mele ted he coutinaed in the sae course | kind - une tu the Bible We aeage in | most tien! refotation it has been possible AL CKAY & CO. ai desisveg. evemace Ore respiithaliythe ngsoe a > ont their (eajts Wn lt so great rer to do nL set will fiuds parallel to "Big | to give it, And that mental viger isa» median 8 at Gyrestecd, on the rth ton Janet . od paired me 4 call, 3 a won! ah"? or 'Vaile it ever wes been so clearly relict - oe. WM, 5. COWAN, "great clown, "and foveral other | comb» as this is Laug! . ii >| Tue Ratway Boxts.In the Court of | demon im hie " citer Downie, and jAetherto-tow i Mr "Meters ¢ . a M, 5. ; notoriously corrupt politicians. - Last a : the iden that even 4 | appeal. on Satanday, the ease of Btrationd a | $2 of late, that te do more st months. Print Department. + Ray tet, on tho list, placed there in order to] EM 7 breplbape sep . s tw aw -- " herens 6 @hild & that be Haron Railway, and the County of Perth Y : In thse t we have this - give it an air of respectability, we ful a tere nuventity and even to-day meng intel | came up. Dr. Medfichne!, g.c., sab, its, & Lown ome vb oe ra have ciated bine panera 'nan ciutaonal one have acquired DISSOLUTION OF PART si -- = Lag tae --" lagen soe ten eae vers litle to atmize fi' Henith tac the Halle «the appeal Mr, rwsshed biu sixty-second year. Sir John Browning's Hotel, te asin hie important braned of our bee N ERSHIP. atfor rom our knowledge of | He tries a cet Ops capita re- | Osler and Mr. t ts, ix nol @ man -- therefore r P 'es Morehant Mr. an We are gure that gentle- | err vrigin, and forsooth, | Tio anty a bonus of $40,000 to aid | when the interests of bis Party are at stake; ORNER of Downie and Falstaff St, ¢ Awweriesn aod English Prints eveb an to arrest had Firm of Mactonnan & paren aves authorised bis at ae be | auates Lord Tharlow on the subject. But]in building the Hailway on ce: rmt| ard we oo with? the re. pea) yb dtp el hon beer a Ws attantim, whether tm extent, variety er] O0, [h) Sasoived by a tae al rid settors, wae ; 4 such exhibitions as those won't take offeet | conta: ip = by-law and agree: . ang | mark contained in » circular which recently | throughout, amd affords the best ALEXANDER MACK. ENNAN. ased jn the manner it is. Were his} at thes ofthe nigeteenth century. If} upon dppliestion far the Helivery of the de- | imued from the Grit tn To: | tor travelieey at ~ G. MACKAY @ CO CHARLES' LEE , nam ted with men whose re- | bo can't «how eomethiny better than that | bentures, the county refused the very on | runto, Jhat next election Fill be one of the CHas. meet ° . page . cleaa. = aot be aa fabstitute for his many y_binnders and ool a w of _ ine sit most eee fought in'Canada. 1 dj] Sept.i5, wae + a . Berattond, Kept. 6th, WHT. eurpr ws sont O6l. Hiss" speonb af Monnlanel | nomdncnng to compat tha dettenrs see anenan 190 de hae Bch chane of ta Bat wincey D t ANE aber pry eyo ea in t sechiien ye a tail to am te amar abows him to seains ehh ty sr aoe ras very eos 'Mapua teak "eh poles fighting. Fee ion guess City Lumber Yard y se ot es we faily soliette the eontinoance tte public pat ious characters as Major Walker, | expect from a man of his education. We] wasreversed by the Quoen's Bench. a that work whieh veh in e.great pusasare We hold conn Grore ant rouage be bas hitherto enjoyed i. Robinson, of Kingston, Joe | Wil now drop this worthy ; but we do so only | the decision of that court thin ning om the j character of the STRATFORD pore rom 5 Cs Rymal, and others of the same kid- Saovasre tos wi = him time brought, Heserved. Susevoticn Ur Joke tas bed oh . yy a HIGHLY IMPORTANT od . ve nore W say ® ta i 5 ave " ney; oo "pep é . Tas pra. lps dies rar j aze both and willixg ALEX. HAMILTON, eamnot be be stan. AUCTION SALE whieh, we fancy, he will n ' FIRE IN waRKWORTH -- + 600 people left Stratford | to pat ou the Party armour. We hay no WV ROLEBALE aad Meta Dealer in oi! Kinde G. MACKAY @ CO. or t.~ The headq of this * . on Friday afternoon last, en foute for bt the people of Ontario would have liked A Pi: = * ei ' ELEGANT AND LY Grit. "sink of iniquity" is located at} mary senomes nenenn--coos ancut C The number to ha of Dr. SEASONED LUMBER, eres me PP 45 King- east, Toronte, where 830.000. a third of what would have gone, had if nicole, X douttions the waald . Mi Depart t Quadrupte and "Fripte" Plated i ' - ae Shingles, Lath, Bill Stuff,| Millinery Department. all for the corruption fund} y,, worth, Ont., Sept. 9--A fre broke sagen soenety's mer ith | smiction which ter; ithdvew hiss ngles, | ath, 1 ull, ER- , brand Tran! uarters jontreal,. cing ' ' may be sont, pene eet oat in Camo o bin plage at 1.30 a -- from 2 public gaze. the contending Fen c. 'We will open our My the beet sabes, of unt ecerehe tye arrange yoo, abd burued from e iesue th together work: porchase of all "loose fish." sat Office, which was on Ses astinal ttines, bei the Co, would herwafier taro tickets 10 | battle array, the member for Camberland stig ciban Matched Lumber. | -- SHOW ROOMS end Forks, Table Cutlery, Gobi aad '3 tothe Be : . will be oue of the most t im Sliver' Tantinw' Gold ent Pare do- covering thirty | for eursion. This had the efleet of Mav now om hand the largest stock of tum: ie uae Sar Rings Ae. 4 buildings, including three stork, "Bailey's | keeping hundreds of people in this section the ber ever, into Strattera. I anu prepared 'oy the present season ao ~rilga, ing? Is it not about time that they ana C : ee . happened not to be on their | to sell st toner, has heen favored with . . EN and grotery, | fre advantage of the opportunity side, the C 4 gicay ttt toca Tries Y, Oth] Tani s gy Aucuone ceased quarrelling among themselves, we of the fire is unknown. Loss | offered thin exeursion, A very large | tye subicet of id call qposiad nilention $0 a: '| ON SATURDA 3 NST., Mapes. Saha sa ve aa in this county, aud set about re- | aboat $90.00 a inber of the ioniets were from Strat- : 'top sadn y _Wikh the mont sive and unique " he ting a Tux f va load Tots. - ftock of ig ta tt gh orker in the or he ate br TRIMMED AND UNTRINMED in its 'endeavors secure Gov Strationd, Sept, WM HATS, BONNETS, et receiver's ander fur hewach of contract), om " ~ ' hon - : SATURDAY, eee 16th, 1876, ernment, and hurl from power the German School Sat at ib if : hig 4] a i il i E F ii ai! Wm rs, Listowel, Hleck Matalasaie and Damasse Goals. \ of the late J pears, Ronin y, to hristina Raratheas. Biac Pi yt He me Jane, second daughter "et the "ake Thomas hie 2 . Perens See aii "a Plowing, T late of Ni Parmar: »~ AYRE ~At Pali telon, on the TM}, | families end all those in want of mournings inst. uy ae fev W. Hayhurst, Mr Jam Pete to ~ Kereh Te, both o ; * F ™ ; townabtp of Ein, ¥ A. G. MACKAY & Co, cn Menken At New Hambot¢, ou the tth inet, Mr Louis &. Zeger a , Strat ford, to Lavinia, daughter of Mr Hlernetrs New Har Nites Sieh On Wednemtay, ote ER Lt Black Lustre Depart- at fubper. by the " 1 mn ora ment. _ ®t. Marys, to Maria, second daughter of inghaim, beq.. of Bradford We with confidence invite attention te the = } superior value we offer in bright a apeerm shade bi Mourning, ¢ Goods De- tment. Te woern! Btle, We Lecter thidaber ORAL ar "tact Crupes, Biack _Frenets Tei, Mack Persian C Cord, Wlack 'Tac! t oageyanrer, Pb achange Broker, OFFICE: No. 5 MARKET STREFT, 1 Stratford" Ont." New York, feratts Insned on Interest aihwwod on 1 repaests. GENERAL TICKET AND STEAMSHIP AGENCY, Centamsiah Lsckets by mvet Popular rowles. Steamers gail as follows fersitont we Campaign of 1876. __ALBADQUARTERS GEO. FORMAN'S LAND OFFICE, THE BAND STAND 'TOWN LOTS ~ A SPECIALT Y I teerds, de, Tithes VMe-eteaes, lirawn Tacestinated, MONEY INVESTED SAFELY. MONEY, which for make, fluish and bees sarpassed, If eq! A. G@. MACKAY & Co, French Merino Depart- ment Veleriaad ifrous Mhiladdphis + Sept. 23 ~~ eat ae oe « 6 John Brown, Stratfors, Ana 16, bth m@-ly "Western Fair, 1876. $12,000 Offered in Prises. COM PETITION OPEN TOALL Will be beld in the City of Landoa prerere 26h, ITS Bark aed Wk, jiges entries mor beeetae tebe mendes made (ap or sr bel fore the bth aca Railway arran, made for ona Pare to Lon: sands \e 'McBRIDE, Secretary. Western Fair Oce, Landon, Sept. \ 14%, pit] Notice to the 2 Public. ete read ih z | Young Ladies and Young Gen- AT STRATFORD. Por. a, A Lpommegreg sd x Later Moi ra | Flowers, 1878, Feather Trimmings, Ornaments, SUPERB MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS. IDRESS.IMPROVERS. ae oe pam, Each teen romper sis choice re ies ever pared and Triple phe VELVETEENS | a widh plaucw cba "A. G, MACEAY 4 00. jas th Stas fez Sees cc . STANLEY. Day, sna "+n BO A fe eegemeeas . Private tauda ALLAN LINE. TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE, Polynesian "6 Sardinias n tiene 'irosssiat. » . AGENT OF a Sanlu tht y . ' sais e Confederation Life Association, INMAN LIN j OTty Of Richie, Sept. = FIRE INSURANCE, &e, WHITE STAR LINE. -- oa ty " | Just SURVEYED aeten Sale or Exchange Britanuic Oct 7 o FORMAN'S NEW SUKVEY, of the () Den. hall Katate, West Em?) onc quarter acro NATIONAL LINE. , | at 58010 2100.cac -- = ics - 4+ PARK-LOFE tru one to tise acres ab se ios ae ---- ae anil upward per aerr Bayne ™ let Their cheapness andeasy Lerma, monthly ae AMERICAN LINE or yearly payments any terme to suit pureh Obie from Puilatelpbia+ peotk | aser Penney ivgnt 5 . | ane. bl pcp 1 ant Prot} it rian City York et Ft eats Peicastre Laupruvtng end beautiful pest LINE. (TO ANTWERP.) | of thaloxn. ted They are sare to double tm valor in o short Une as building #2 Bee subsesiver oe ae Stratford in turve years, vo complainte frogs they vor ad Saiz dealing» pot) Lithe, no forteiting inenta or and in ew more thans gciad Sherr money. wanes theen tne ag for aew pu giiaaay ° uh The iweb re of tne North Perth Agri- ultaral Society have deckled ts locate the new Fur rognd of 2 acres in this ausvey, whereby fwd Ape trathdinge wilt he erected, si saree vai > the veae ee sarroul 4 te BUY N NOW bet Pricys increased, ee) ive 4 greater chenoe. FOR § SALE. a towns, well, exets ot lenae to' property give mee Money --~ Save also special Evortgasre. TOW on mortgage, please eall: 1300-Acres: of beget Jal deal ing land ms one block, ENTRE COUNTY. PENNSYLVAN IA, tor Townor F i eS as - = Gat perseuaay & luspecte:t It--- good virgin soil, be- tyeen_clay and samty 'es a near Towns, Bohools a a pe Land | part Pisine, or GEO. FORMAN, henner, Amust, 21, IsT6. Mt REMOVAL! | REMOVAL! AS consbued 8) the batt ia Naeem & Co. ing ore: mtr ating U. thanks his pateons tor favors, and to merit a continaance of their custom. ' ' : PARLOR, BEDROOM AXD KITCHEN favorably with Mratfond, Ang. 2, 1908. . STRATFORD ahy other establ wat . poner teicoaee a QUARTER - 'BARRELS. "at 9200, ~ FURNITURE. Spring Brewery Ola Aged Bottled Beer: SU SS ONTAMIO STREET, -OPPOSTEE-- ----~- Mittin, Dohrn aad Pine Which for qrality, or in price, will compare ' . noheenent: " eC on ee Renee ea ot ides

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