. sree or "Tice seerrmase'sDsconren" i Tell. me moni yet? oan her font pear She «Fean bear, better this tingering:| break- or evil tilings E still enceevoring te tess the shock, vale, "He ' softy, Gig yor tes news, "jie beak Enger, Sethe, Tino! movement, Cho- | aeeraeed rye ae }- "He ber opt + | whe weld, tatchlng ber met in broken cate A few days att " the exerts Darrated in 2 bleak 3 se sa sliclter was be | "nut pate er TRE te = "Xo, ney. there's nothing 'certain, se ~ aval, after te Last er zagemet Dreb- ably Heerey, Fhe VP pusslana wads hua- i: rikts other the nile eneeemled in a few moments a at + taxing her tiese 5 proceeded to t tif = aut foarss- am sinment of the Thiet | Hthepoie vel & prisourr, he at any sag he But Tam | that peboald Maat 9 » yon wold use it vine duel, he | APTER AVIL OPT 2A SREP ENE, isa Clement bad not Gite to rive: hs 4 as stkior of aren sheets tate. pri be con. | i 1 t- forget beter retire ; 5 ferris) cine. bai ly. teurthured Mer- | j Lita "as liishe i parcel ta bis | Oe No or fro | or necident iindly 1 intervening, ean shake } it from her grasp. The web of plow and "yards aed =i "the Jelreek door, a ve MwA peatleman ig below, and insista on y- ements appearan and position | " returned thing bal a friend to jt han end Yismiasing the woman whieh | ly and reservedly, howe | Bot care to be con! and th iG in an official inquiry. But, putting bis hand ta re breast, he ally reasons, oad- forward on the- eat t tracen he the fugitives, The papers had disap. ion pare psnnery unread. ; ef moving multita and ; | eee Karted the Us ifn of : j those present, and sent to CTIAPTER XVIIL be Comte's theck. -- ~ SkFCRE. THE _WRDEISG. "ia BO iyi ba wi be was thinking of ita "a tert= al reanita, and of the penalty fede | falsehoo: _ been woven liebe yy, despite re Dee prevented or mitigat eves t | the rumbling of cannon aud cries of bride and bridegroom, approached, | crowds, dawning in famine, defeat, ables bad just been ditered when Me- 2 aon Michon reappea! duliet motioned her away; the cere. j mony was concludin, g. and Clement took | ents warning. It irked heed hgpers 1) the woman wide. = i ired, with Ticcaceaied uneasin nffer in repute be: +o mame « voice--face ast eA porerd fe mt aie nl to ont ~---- that the mar ae San a adaloal tache; looks rather weal the ware ne sno of workmen | ad two or _-- bad an ugly Kites the juue fumes ul 'tro wit > e bey coon eines. Cle eed Ww net enamored | ook treme thr pr serrated. He hud "an | = to large concoarses, ") indy: | nth draw vked up p hat Merval gait, anal, "By. _--s saabtadafesaas mat, ane reste. ore ven -' ¢ enue te prevas:? wut ay ooteh-an tI aed dee morte 2a be taper® theersht Cle the cor * 'comentario --_ -- the window, and anenrt wh iau't, cpretige Me vont are te drew up the jalousies. The cold winter pibitn, 4 he ora net i) thenght), i feat pretty" eunlight the room, and -with "if en- . ertially --sal- ~~ morality would gro so Pin as mn red the acise of trrum finack, barbarous treachery. -- the old soldier's heart, that was na an jorttadl ere te: oe dard imbibed. om. ated Clement bad Litt d ithentty in Francieyque, Francieque' IT wou the « Care. Byprehercieme thas thane te " yon were dry would Lave made me true, and He steyped om on to the t balvony. et ina way. abnt ambs- inotbave., tender, and unsctish--the syoerele of ell | "IL know what.it in" be cried. "You snd fava wich i Bolum tnodels -- far above "Fables, "wished to give ee eg for my ar iy as their « 1 . Noy lsheuld always ae Bertin fallen! The ave been open te the seartet--it'e becom. ia ae "Par That ia hse arrarigeets Th Tre Sh Pe toy Wes 'He conceal or atten: sailin ant covnplaces IeYs | fing 2 | health, whilst on ioward garp andtremor and dismissed Madame Michon, saying, said scmething that meant --_ He | =.* 'him give his uname. The Comte r gers." ea gh Nig | } bridal bumor, a» Kk listless! Vat the weighs | The amait e: i ee bd + a nd Uh me o te hin bodily 1 weakness, to cry"Better," wich o firma. full voice sat! 7 cutchedrd ay eh with the tire ht fat she "knee better than ta, canines be ; ho aneped ws | i | The mond of tye and trumpets were with their anne tion (would the Bell dati | pear no Th was advancing, a wave of pant ne nog + up the bread ay he dee were deeriver aot | éaine have cousented = withoat!) thet to | wild tri fred for the marriage. * enue ah ihe Cham ace at the Hotel = ©Whatis tha Comte nae ae Elysees. 1 erhat is that!" exclai: S Miiemeak i alle Ppoisum 8 wooden a pulley, saan { water and poled oat the road ty" Teed i Trthing, nod anerered note: we ie conspirators hat excaped, calm ti een = ag tne an . dissolved in twice their ja a fireproofing mix- wneaeily fowarde the +- t _window. The -- element of the Sasaprend ob eepper + Te iithe "seid; 10 : add tleman 2 wil not go without ar "Who is he!--what is he liker" be in- a Fives Wo tame, en ee hee a ir ne =e war bo cafe of the | attachment * i. And moreover, she handsome, upright geatiomen. Rather | plunging the fabric into a solution coutan- Co © Chayolles ty, but polite. ng 2. pet cent. a eedution of biue vitriol. = A' gine which will resist tlie action of 1 ual proportions of pe loa and Arty rights mith Lanne, fe hres rf tn 1, melt together ni vega wl 'ive pare « = rey bas s beautiful dof shin}: yar jed, - rei tor lu parta nitrate of | ninon salt, and 34 parte be weed, Muisten the | 3. - «baring pai pr the: me vat dues tos: na cad dynamometer, pn Semin ot Shieh show sa tte het oe to have shat ngineers eted the sg " s ---- rg Ihomabie luck bail frogen of, | off, -- comaeqnecien of wich be pew sg erat mero uel y ge an. its Ware, hom thet shh teem he dcr . yet he wl str pall Rese cf ermen ey nenet theagh mw tvursedd aud awk : sat? rath te Sain grace tone deans - Wes "3 - wy toe claiming the same per iain of copps he Tike, yin tall 1, rather Snir, blue ayees mall mous -- iy eoabTed Tor a rn ad rah "oon at with ie, sad | ay nine --_ to appent hale beck robs | can't prein stra! 1 valeseent. | bid z vs over. The Comte To Faiiek| tea bia A 5s papers her in a few dratraest with an cera * epriuckled of the red bet | wivl the Jatter replaced in the Gre. | med 've Comte, appearing | to realize = the first ashing zh withor 0 2 ---- Wetitted the « isprepe wrtion "Ob, soine al changing Cheyrenty re between hin and his "Tbe bride herve 3 age. scarcely. § ie ------ on a sofa tn le S Bandy aay axcitemeat: © self and la inet tive taste tofeetavery tions of their martiage. - intense inte Weilet seetbrnde 'a to- Madame Michon re-entered | day she la ini "ion weertng the sia- epen-mouthed, astonished, almost aghast, t coat a barony wich the coming | ~The music grew proed ithen Ind P ot eaarenition her.omuphers | Tha Comte, rove whe coosttere that the orvasion of be! WSsade tee einae reat, | coming a Comtesse,and mistress of @ | "Shall we not go down stairs now!" said cope ea of Chonsaucts, should be celebrat- ae to him. me edd f n Uriental magnificence of adore "Yea, yes. Let me nal, moot. "he dali had hot even that fi | Madame Michon drew Jain aside, and b the whispered in terrified es, "Madam e, ib e "anol 1 of lookiqeg one's best i--and, pitgthe ren ty she seemed auely ia need of wi ---- was before her. ing to fae compleanns; but To am deed- our music--there fash o sayonetal" wite af eggmany ieee pai loye-- ve h---the bayousia vf the adv laa "hty. semmnenmnani creer ete 2 ner ar yt = ead Ch tt Fabaineht OF thet Thawestogeme be green mp: Rathee tgelet tJ? amt French regulate in the stres wore bow iathon AIDOTg t B io et oar' A-& ected cies 1 90re4 ss ee hawae thier evi . ince on aad bbeet be eeddarn en. why base Ted 5 cour ew," pail in another bivraee. mnie arama ft. pas hia ~ ww of Choquard wtiments, and sme y ie wan cievesly told, an f here | if | better for dreaming, the y ahwwey eter tc he herer | 1 ae pera aid | red. £4 + I don't think a phi pt Tagen' juvenile There was « hasty kn a | at the door. j { 3 Lote epee a re tcame anxionsly forw: The. doctur: lorward, and can bom endearored to persnade his patient 0 Qult | Well, well," elie muttered, after awhile; the baleony here's an end te it all--the-dreaims I wae deeds 1 am tnake me = ae worse for havin F a Oh, J have march is th "thin abet rit' ire < Mee iin of i that. poteons mut minds! e nouang and Krve ret an saols bape 43 by fal in fovesaateh. It ini cust Ue ensy to be good were iwaxkiatesd by aye an: er shart ar rg the doe hope mn ehall die = wend be ny Tu "umte, i" aunvunced a ser And be clapped bis bands apeicetiy. ae ' 2 iret Lines of buglers neare ~ i viiet oy aoe at the coincidence of dow, and in a moment _ roy Sng they © | -pauie aad we the 'Marseillaisef" here "lt age in, Ya 7 'le Americaine, imype: Sacre ' One' Peaaeastry $0 is all very Ager utbable, easy of manter and coascence. bat on euc he & day an this it's the "be of ¥ after all! 0 look rather eanmbee pad auc ne anthem of victory. y There are cevanun as this," she « L i i 1» dow Wh euadhel, ie it? Tt may tain oat vdestty dow dow aotody ebeer -- i t- gloomy. Lalas je hadn't got the papers come, the brav- fellows? Oh, you young } om hina, Gratly generation! bn take Things eon "Dee pe yaa say Unatly, there's asecondly. tory like What nd be Peeve curiously into the street. | ites ne waskeeping them. I gota fool, "Nobody at tows! What doesit a hove with her, ot obtain them. 1 zuast Let an ol poi give them a lee ] beta "Tavs ts my ha "a he Pole, all the Pevclutionary riff-radl, got. th "Weil reiterated Cement, , peavey are they crying 1 ¢ * x ao" Brg espe be men the Ublans! P, are tu be foand; if they are _ -- the papers pm 'ate oe tants of the eo Pre fect 'of the 1 ibuves go ee ard wan " et watched and ~ bene of him, kneeling teruples ae ty theprae and porchase : rete." : into an Pree genase s room. yea stood on the -- vere. abways the widow's ash, sir--bush! dour was ta on stood amazed; At th 1 in | distreetly, aiid} iteelf when the permission was given to | Marlarme Minue Chavet Macame de Is Comtesse "1 ba ve ty I ti tt oles." ; P 4 d da Juliet ta private 1 ont wae i bar. ty lighty, but Vencasl--| The Cotte sat down yr bie wife, 'aa spoke gently a few fatherly words turpentine welk mopar ressing sachet of wer, Juliet was a Iways too sure - ee that proved bie recallection | the condi- ti a gery firmiv um -roll sad She did not start or cry, Another press ralues, Keine was the And truty there was one ree streak of borne be tee avenue, ae lar as the eye could ancing "No, ne, doctor lam tasting the best at weber e whipped! the aad wy the vit er erry His eyes that not dives , : "ere they are! Here they are! cried The ar yoen looked oP His voice was i be volive apy, re. and be as the only spectator in all | set uyun cae, anal te papers were wresied broad, lon, ong e enue frow me in tue row ete fook up, mes braces! Well donet "Weill" Vive la France! Vivre la ree a what rman tobe doue. In my fi He tottered, A and looked closely at the ace with the yratroly "sh pessine Then, with a shriek, "Oh, Ublans-- aris A detiant yellof the "Wacht sm Rhein!" ! en, ani Choyaard is leon d dangerous nn gm i» body lowed euddesly,and he fell "Deadr" tald 0 the posers in a low vaics, -- te form. ef Clement canght Jtijet's glance, and darted meantime, you don't put The door opened, and Francisque Cara- is Seth ia ty the ¥ pped ' then, realising ser aah head protruded oe ral th h. hastened towards the Comte, wctor interp = a Rete enter--the petal obese overgrown head of "You can «do hed good here, m meneonn: 5 ee 'that the "al vig re was no el \"" =i Oe ta eine tw tbe Tepublic, Demo- ed fet refine, To. har e@ reke "of being pene. be ho levillé cogimniftee?" vey Lremember your oneat, coolly; "Tam - Zao areelilew," aculated La- bate "teen saddled «ith « to he free, citizen, se ? 'ile of thaspwity land- shail le at gh i « 'erarannal govern 'Thin vague progremtmo met with wni- txt. | risisiy to depart i other giau* Clement eaeny Genes drwak." His pale beat ferer- said Cemeoh al ¢ yenture. _ bette cared, 'than we bigest x few. abe ghee' tum drinking to the Ree | yer country prteate, | "Ay. nj' Theres the remedy!" said | Clemem, hocking" wards the doors and "Nel yet, ritaen? ankap oust: "Ane "What is sour Lattalont" inquired Cho- | esa ten tho es sing Site his face. : he dane + it sdrors too Toasty of the op and ienew 'that be came tuo late, nting a notice to quill, or a summons lor ow * | the rent, Wien | too you and your hus (itossen' Sant Saves -- Dake two ollnces fo oW ne that you should become reepectable ser piel, and pour op a pint or more of water, vante, vi then, baving covered it, let' it brace all |} "Madame may be cert that bi eicht. In the morning peur it care! | geet her oe he me v ares + forgot rd dregs inte a clean battle, cork sox "hes | dame' 'hin "" it for tse. A teaspoontal of { gmim water stir- "Oh! after | bai ilar atthe Rue Gau- fd in a pot martin?" seid Clement, hough "It wil give to laws white o pinta & fook of rtm!" sei 1st, baug hing. was ae { | ae rather high mivrest, ch, Madame Michon? mewness, ales cas toctore them, | Forty frahes for a be wan of Bity, and © after they have been washed. conn leryane thrown ta? + To Exrrwocsa ing 344 Fiaurs; H Sho ew? who was to foresee that the the most 1 ebit of a servant-giri pe onde complain to some kind river the Focal t pumatinecsre--te ali nat bon's them ; but ie the etoth is not always % conven ditth } ate \ gat in our obt age = weabotisets oveur, some « -- flow "There! the ere! tia Juliet; "what in a substitute, which, jt ie sail p srcmmplis Ar poyeue } ready. M. the Curt is Joubs splendid. setucicelle--beg pardon--M. iota Com. the fire bas been teone---" | -*Not yet, Micbon { at iv s only cutting theelock om, te t muipw' ; dias x XIX. THY MtkOM OF BERLE, Juliet and her esyagy 4 paeet Joke | long drewthgarss room. one a pod altar. 'nae wontion were sein taeda doesmpen tor the fooked em im tonne or4 ol oper saan re ag timers esate, is only two, Clement and. urlace with 6 3 lane the 'tinfoil | 'aint teres, and apply « het woo melted. ey Pie in moat of ixteenth | ht af quicklime. Wash the wood to | ited uiteie acid, 10 parts 1 For rose wood, | the temperature with caruune m Manich | fa. um thinaek with Sepentinn ote tebe Tris peng AT mahogany color for pew ft Dissolve a add to thaw ork. a yee sarhberwomen nee @ mb stare ; - Wiz. spinta ol of twxgethber. This . warn water, in which * Bot coeisessieot to take a loo! the key blank should 4 inserted in eal heck. The iextamtatlons Ftisw tuade by the wards 4 must in rum ontevl, imimerse the edin a solution of } oz tyanide at A were jum & a wine fort fall of pater the dirt and rus ir appear. fers brian with | ' Tey wie "ot pot cdtenimg. "aud w capt cab oom} he bettie as evenly at poss + a low guslight flame for * about ten van -- cooling will * regular the, 'sade. fn the Heated t the portiona to be easily wilt rape steel, and | fa valve | shoakd continue | ap, so thu for metals resemb- bfraluce a metals which | tuste the genuine as | tte = Test } a- together with salt + ated pow tr goed recipe ealls for 2 I part silver, and 3 parte | a simile wey of obtaining :¢ athe mut the use of a copy. Mh x wit vngar with the ink, 14 ink. thie--with -au £ Re tiseful fer | ro pried uriatie } " ae vit pe us eoich ne + wail be oe | The Dwarfs of Africa. cone trnebitix iat, dwarts 'and piants: Tre wh lunged tnte it have bad their Stories . discutery y ee with cool incredality. it was a Chailla cont com | stence wae de fioitely 7 thy many plains the fable of the tailed pap as ape a explains the myth of the arn curious of Doctor Schwein i ios was yet te come, heard « One of te throw ac' lt of = Sib Set on $- M. the Cure haw uatived. Feerything's quid, deudens the flames, and can be readily gathered np_and thrown oat of door when extinguished. 'ore beards that reac wore skilled elephant. and kill- . Wash and i corner fet of Bs feet bee. abe a uv He eared: Fer eaottes fw Saal ve ute atid Fue entcle en 1 openationss being a < Tel nee, Hem ane serene paige ot Beerntng an soon as the vataral tba retims te m the horns, then t . and) wed wapptias aa ' we m doven-the tancond wrt they must feed theit f aides Ty) he conreet cpa of the poy ™ the ms soll i agtie 'iearal c ser neue 7m oe deve ma the teeth, secay js orale when acids, ay at. affkeh i we bs AY at thine hee grain, cute om tem rans the feniden re tLe 'es oes thee v4 fike an effort. A sieeplees night had ren- dered him feebler thin cegal; and it had Beoded rome peremptotiness oa hia a met were not 'The tallest full-grown Fae) said have cw. ane a af these filed bi oy "ptra 200i. seen wpehargsxtvimlye ny 'wabet, Pocked ia solid, ana well steamed, will foe A al Lorna i they will