- \ Wat liing for papa to come home to toa, or ee Doar is their pape t2 all of the three, a ae "Whivir pair of perce, Think y F ~~taret who ib that now Whose Bookshops they *; Far dot are beads, stretched to s4d him draw 3 ra 3 sess Ste rene ; ) | Ar a ieee | AND COUNTY OF PERTH. GAZETTE.. | RE RC Deck frém the window bobs each Little head: een ° nm © ecnrse moeth ; very quiet auleme arcoed ' ----e .* says doar F y A . ; : pve aaeerrrey Bettman Sawn es peryntee we BZLE = coe ey. when he. 3 harsh et ee Se er VOTS, T. | STRATFORD, ONT.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1876. i ee oe i, , , " : ---- ; 'between them a sort of friendship was rrr Daniel Deronda, 5 ol ie ster portions of the eommbry. Ap and' then tovered [°° "eae onatire, | dews from. Heaven relresh and fertilise the onak erential aierseer a toes datiget . _ NEWS OF THE WORL?. are stolea quantities so pore that with jethere % decorating tha head in the - earth. and gis Sidhecttien. : Mappy ot last, not 4 rcuient Sheg-weit, 'Theis jk wo doubt that Daniel Deronda ee eee the eo of a i fi 4 aa od shouting they rusihto the gute; 1 iy one of the most remarkable stories ever Canadian Items. nd th the So- wisely directed, and liberally dissominating | developed. To Haydon be once gave rer ™ written. 1t is altogether the best of George ter apples before the ciety of vt Publie pct wid at ---- the (From the New} York Tribune.) the seeds of intelligent observation, britig | tamuy counsel :-"Lt Each rosy m % - | Euot's, and it bas.the sams kind of superi atany sheep have bem killed by bears of order to cave it {roms the thieves. other day, "On Enameled Cooking Ves-| Tha death of Mr. Lick reminds us that | forth an sbandant harvest." along in the warld, it's not condoocive Cpin h tite ority {6 all other Engtish tales that -Tenny--} late in the ta vlesome and uctive sels." Thongh not sere of & Act of Par. | his munificent charitiee--bis doustion made --_--_--_--_--_-- Ba ._| son's idyl of " Guinevere" bas to all modern Ske ae yield of | Working vagabonds become that the liament, bom could be ta, aid "Mr. | ta Din tifegime 'for literary, seientifc, and E at tate the beees now all four of Them shen, English poetry. The story not only describes, | grain not nearly eo ge catia EF, Toeet have determined to ttle author of the paper _in ques. | benevolent purposes of fivemiilions of vening ome, 5) ~--qPanamea state sonttiong thor-boright- welcome. | Bt transfigures, familiar life and ebaracter.| 4s 4 R Catholic pienie, held recentty | Teitable trees at all bazzards, end that the ase of man ---- dollare--bardiy" "brought either they owen tbe i deg «| Awkward roid Tt portrays conduct practicable by alr mien, ai Batria, the oeza ie etn, hal SOY | powder-aud-ebd slut ou-exary_raseal found | vessels was calculated to intro poisons bonor or the seif-eatisfacti hich be might} 5 ehitdren tm even owih oat kooks & butt with the students. In lack of a mod- a nee on their premises.--Puisley Advo {into the food ia TeOEBy have i Atter-the won [on penenemnerads © bim in bie garnet, at ae ke yo ensa the ao found bi his it: Puliiag std supeing. they sia bie sit down, | spiratiqn and exa . The " Guinerete™ ng Piet wags ntti yeasela forthe prcaaret am of jams, ote. 'tare varauee ol thie greet eotate | around: torrow"s lesson | stark 7 ius own figurebs bis gown ; is supreme améng recent poems because it Chatham Se cases named pointed out : : . Hound hon they hover ee describes 'the highest snd finest Christian | of tickness are still raging at Bolle river, 7 Zi para of ing yao Ind, samed bat Mr. 'Tatlock's cbject was to deel with | be made s legal efort Waii behavior asthe most simple and natual. | ¢*Pecia/ly among the young, several of whom read, were-mach alarmed last Sat. | &melled pots. The results of his analysia | upoo Little uy know how their eweet, loving wayn ti bgt ; iel D. onda cub 3. = 3 i i AF ie e i a »§ ~ § 5 i H i + I | iy a ri Fat z | i é a. 3 i 5 f H pots 4 of twi. | die daily." arday a bom showed that enamel poor too much | ave 1 on the} There was threshed « short "° on the | weir --s pond roster pic ada Pi silica. The use of these umproperly enam. | the dved wae executed by him ith eon, i 3 would undoubtedly cause poison- C . , . Geo. H. Garter iph > | hisg i . | elled pans Ha d h fe i Ogre : . Sate ante "art, with ar ye, 'and-| ship, 680-bushelsob go <piump barley, tak- 7 44 gud stink thete was nortidings ofthe mins. | 16 by arsenic and jad. . | depression. | " i The hue ing tio any joule cmap me ppg ae him to paint a picture from ove =e e0.afl il ol 'land, which | 1.9 one, add fears were he! _ Es and re-settie the whole mattes. At first , be te wings. This was the famous *Vil- --Congregutionitat. | restraint which is the font 'dautrabie bo: | at prosent prions bs tninty vomanaretion. «as drowned. From the pulpita notice was | ----~"*Teimperanc® Tei; ~~~-~-~ | trustees, whowere gentlemen: of- honor, should lage. 5 aay cause it riske in the general apprebeusion | The urgan question is still an exciting one | given of \ y An ludian Orator, the repatation "of dramatic power. The | among Presbyterians in St- Thomas. The #beu at noon be returned home safe and} oko Bright is a total abctainer. Lack, but they finally gave way for evidence and triumph of that. power are, | congregation of the charch there have been | ound. Ii explanation of his absence, be| The third "Briti<h Workman" FPablic | board, while the trusts were in some The first council, oft the Sioux and United | therefore, alt the more satisfactory, A litte} directed by the London Prosbytery to take | said that a farmer named, Phitip Riety, liv. | House "without the drink" bas Leen opened mpoditied. Only a little while ' . fitede Commpiseicne ra_ ak the f Sputted Tau | excess, a littl of the extravaganos and cari- | 9 constitutional vote upon the matter, and a about ten ten miles out in Vespra, in Glasgow. rs BRR 3a reer tentang 6: | shus settle it: snore boys, and took them up| 'The whiskay bill of the United Kingdom is | Youd at ee ee ope sounld inden. have gives 4, mate ur00 t 4 > has] oe cantor triedto get_them to about $22: on '| aso third board been camisson in whieh be betrayed an ap- | superficial impression of that framete teat aye gre, on Denes, Reporter he an a his wag, seater jeteset tet te 7 ira man, reman-am-child i | request wae met-by-e-eedueal, tee qxatieman | a toe nanging-overnsttiee prceiativn of the rights of the indians $e which Ley Biiot is oe Sulphital sod chief emp'oyment at the present time, The | oowever, went howe ath Riely, but the next] 4 fellow was recently sent to jail for drach -- pelt ti 7 legal ! dirged stereoscope, and been delighted to see -- aR, eda a ret se pe, which showed bum to ce good observ. | amusing an ; tieipa mtn tay poor ae FS sarts morning felt homesick and ren ants | a wre who bad ved is | trust; and we may safely took forward tos aosh part shed gre oat. figure in _ glorious Pri Prine fegeat lon honored it' with 'hie "Tha js he an Gon wee ords ha' to oat" and _ faupiitar ca saivenstt ales os ae te anewer ihe coeree oth s the France consum "wen Hy 45,000,000 plantifls and defendants apes, either aide. ied Wane es 'A young man Ly, td Bato ot aoa ns cies ae rane vaquas ae ta child, aud was oeguisted barrie Examiner, 7 Sane aera two shstegeapha the same scene from , w Ureat Patuer--At the--time iy of ~ Seatt's aud Dick Mr. Joba Glamsier, of Brantlord, a few 'ee. bashe's of er ey am the brewing of beer, not- wo never saw & better opportunity | pond fiandpoints 9 a ew feet apart, and by the ad- aaa aoe ou a Sd Meat ] EEE Ps ; E a F is ri Es . F DR Ke ite EE e Ee ant "a 45 ef eS | maeh." + mae the child can do, and thus thought this too mucly, abd advieet tLe a The owe dine the road comprehension of the painter to consult his friends, When the ex- i i r i i F aruer: 5 th aap Saal ; first treaty was made on Horse Creek there there is trath in this assertion, but it is also, dava aro cut himeelf shoost dangerously, |"? : - . dy _ t nnd i | true a large pect! prom: with glass, Ha was cutting glass with « The Montreal Meraid says :-- 'Wiliam ' - The boards begin tire fie ntianes and though f waa a boy then, sae ef ana Pasionnahetmanese com | diamond wheo the diamond sii and bi- | Thomad Hanus, & youth aged nfteen, has "ts ata the poor y fe of Po Ried with. There te sin gs rowing tbe to views intoone How pre | tue was bo getting near it' Lord Mane. ' ; 7 ? =e they tod tue tuat promises were made to last | mon al usiongand understanding is the re. | Snyger ee es sen glass, 'wows ee ee ta dena a 11,000 ;-in 1875, aboat £2,000 , in 1876 ry | About whowebegrtimacy ther exist grave respect to the lesson «hen the parent and eet -- anuzivus to make adte «0 Bik : "titty year 'They pineal hate wor pad gpa tage hee ctor co be tw bieot Lettie ours . . ad baa * in New X ad doubta. There is a great number of poor | the teacher aupplement each pa fim the in. f?"2* beheve, Mr Wilki il he saul, "1 . ho ys tre be topped. -} searing swiuaele pein Luding hewe- Bishop lanes. nha de. 'otk. Ay Sait tb Paes age antares ee, se rethi usta de sy se hat he ee FEET] traracance. a wate Gear Be nadier, whem there was ne | and Dick Swiveller are asbealionke *pifieed "nia oy + Syed 46 veerd of bin uv lia morte, toother, cont wen Gn saraenl tcuspersice WOrkeT | Low of Mr. Lick's sanity at the time of in- . ta promis made, but we meile Irieila auu| Yet in Daniel Deronda' there are the natu throagh tothe Tth evo. af MeMarrich sata. | Ho ves Her culy naa nad principal sapport, sll t Vice Fretient OF New Nasi Fee stirating thie tris" Batons tess asthe tear se so reas the | shovk bands. Then there was the treaty | rainess and moderation of the Shakespearean | titudes of land-reekers are looking for loca obtained a iivelihood by peddling jewel | perance why segues Dealt sg surveillance, if we may made by Gun. Sherman, Gen. Banborn, und | characterization. There is no phrase or | tions in that neighborhosd, and some 'who | Mery apd small wares amor g the saiiors of | At the Eeeeopsl 1 ene to be beld an | credit the bs cha tread beng are out, #0 to speak, an Geu. Harvey, Woon we were tod we shouly | wevement or word or look constantly, asso- po pn gs sp the road, 20 that they the port. On the morning of the fre at | Boston, NX: "The Prevention and rite i -- physicians at the instigation of | pcos salien! to whieh he en 'oup gain," said his lordship. "Dad you, upon have anuuities and goods for thirty-five years. | ciated with a character, and therefore dis- | earn mest of the expenses of their exploring | Meseré. Couverne's pinaster mills he kissed | Cure of ' Desuseenaann isone of the tpies This, it seems, was a card] it, his nie firetetl and retain fo hie _ honor, my lord *" "di Tuey said this, but did not tel trutn, | tinguishing him as if be were labeled; bot | trip. ais mother aud bale good morning as os fur discussion. aed po -- the relations, = or.' "Then the picture is your lordahip's ~--------- {Fie Cin Boeraes tak ee ibe t there ' bsurprisea_aad| ou, wy gh concussion 5. 20a and ieft for the scene of his daily is- 1 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty | mugnt set up Mr. Lick's Tansey against the "Then. ts arostipe way of thinking and of for Gfteen guineas." "Now, then," said his 7 i 7 Hedi netreternr 7 "Tis Chidien iw dolue & good @aik in Nee} aerty ofthe treat dent ejawtry was mauve and I sbould select an) | 4oubte which enrround interesting and com. ;., McKillop, --_ reo buabe's Pr ter | rr 'ager ~ Hur gorrow: w Cit dien is doin goor Birk in Nee" | vacate ot Soe trent duut: memorizing and ap tees al eit sti aa | } dagobatap. 'A bape joa a Ral wept clack, ae areas nonce " ation. I 1 | plex characters J be farm ---- death, that be must rk by tar ning panic ig attention to the shock-| Meanwhile, the California public wel thirty guineas." Honest David bad wisely wi the couutry from the bead of | play of light and shadein Gwendolen, for | this year. This is an ereeedingly large yielu bave met Uy drowning, but neither ing rv practised spon children by drank- | wait for the largess so y promised it i not made bimsel! too recht, te ttlacahy gaw White Hiver to the Missoun. He said they | stance, is often perph xing, but, upon re-| sien we take into cousideration the alm in ou parents --wait for the great the ere : monies 5 eds Rorebteroorsr ge 2 asarel Shed dy | parauinte dailare. sof spit ae oO i hoois, the vanous charities, and the Siwy many Coreg roatins Fo mo spelen sweetie eee Ba omnte ; | Serle 40a a nc a Ua f ref the 1" soe jn. mand. {gard ob anon Whee, be i6f bis boame he | Cuspet ied advised by pee a St ike aeaber ot The but when carried to extremes it is death to Wilkie t famous at ooce. Lond huge with sd to hens quads amd earn mouey | @-ual fiat apparition of the rovel, aid" be At Co " Bastern toms hi baler . } se Ata randy, reused. a aut te go | iit We topes . if ' y2 gery Praag a eater that way. Hesad aco there should be is- | comes, wy yy say, folly moulded and has | Compton, of late, ge Unies tia polio Mgg Samael = sto the presence of my Maker while under mischaneve of the Lick ee eee mean rte the Sty of & bhandred era pero ort er iin ee pant ro oan < iad . a i }wendo! a against each other in ely paral imebes higb, and wore a curl of bai: the influcnew of uduor. scale Aly, A |} mind? thet daily -asrembie-in one sehool- t "that oi vrei ee ann oa. . tod us a ae ved sale deneguinied dhe Guiaunenas te dition of things w the farmers enjoy | nis forebead. His other states that he war | For every "negro massacred" in the Sonth his tate in bis own old ron flee Foon to move im the rare itrlictual pat Pay a tt seankal tke © oe Seng Bik den. tn batt toul them-{-'e. the rather familiar figure of which Dis. Potatoes are aniely gees np there and | 9 youth ofmdst exemplary character, always | there are twenty whies- massacred in the person will eve that the trouble in this 'is. The treelom of mental movement so - "Hf a you on man." aya that wis & bad amount, that we did not Gu | Teel gave' thestight-bint-torty- years ago in | *2t to other 1m: returped to his house by 7 p.m. and at the | Nurth through the fading ef ram, and the | Pe pea th ings terd labor will be greatly pro- tinsins, * nated to be padled at dinne?s moury, and--thet-it-shounbe $70 | Mrs. Feux Lorraine, and which Seasuapyeat Tu as Gran a of Bit a large bréndtly of ew ot bie diverges posty polslionl -paper-do, Sot--caiss..2. rules. as the dower; and-troar-wneertaimry tn-fzing-} 7 ef shore studios xt a asia }- -- Sem the. face. - exch one, and te asaeuted to that. He peti any epee aR Beton foal. | fali wheat bas been sown tis year, snd | learning a Uiide, af S00 aes Younger ehlig | *Esteet the odteage. he details. "Nobody need be afraid ts or al = Seat lees sal Ser Congr vere thy wee we to d me these tuings should be carried out, | fs Soman, 'daring and half devilish, who | throughoat the country it is looking remark. revovered, feeder Y from sickness as to ad The late Hon: J.J. Talbot, of Indiana, path x oper basa clear bead and porn bin ~ a child -- to do it." SirG with pertape-parion-. - aud luc we to go to the mouth of the White. | pisy* -life-ae e game with superb disdain ; | ab'y well. Farmers say that it is already | mis of his eeeerting a lower ges | than he | who after a life time of struggic with on i- | can command the service of a good convey. i Ae deg thats trem ablo exaggeration, described witie as "a stove ad iceate my people there, aud tues | 4 kiud of Lamia, who, however brilliant aud | as lar advanced as it was last year when the | received by-his occ spation ga a pediar." herited appetst fur strong drink, died recent | queer. 1b must mot be supposed that avy | Usch other, which + Gowns Seay to | 7oung am whe cvsne to London, saw a pic. tings suvad be fu filled tome. But' it was | 'secivating, is but aunske after all, Grada- | «now fell. eaereeeenp -¥ rom We eflcets of prolonged inebriation, uscessari'y follows charity and lib-} youn That father who keeps the tamge of | te by T rushed home and pant. notiras. When these promises failed to be | 41s. however, itappeared that the skill and {| Owing to the crop of spples in this neigh Fo ae was cneo @ member of Congress from Ken: | erauty ona large scale. On the contrary, | hig boy's mind, who Lnows what cocupies | 2 the ' Village or Pottctane BT anee----at anew eatried "cut, I went mysed to sev the Great qo of Gemue Eines sare eet Agha bortiood being very abandant, the best qual oreign Items, - tucky and @ Metuouist clergyman: these troubies we believe to be the excep- : i Father, aud weut to his house and told him | "pon 40 poor and trivial a character, + | ity offeolt fruit for making into cider is sell. In bis adress to the Legislature of 1874, | tions, and there | \indles wis hopes and rouses his ambitions, suddenly te rag. these thugs. The G 7 told ing : i Chicago gets gas for public use ai $1.60 per Governar Diug-ey of Maine said: "One good | has not been the least legal difienlty. : Se paler thai tor etens be lost bis head, go Lome and sewet any place in my own | [he test gery sa is the gered to ing one sok aka bushels. This year they greed ~sell ae eflect of the euforeement of the probibitory --_--_ Ny own youth tn that of | £6 bloomed out--much as Dickens did, tong home, amd ge there | Compore } in ject picture. | ripen and fall early on account of the dry creditors o erce, a Spring | law is seen in the fact thet, while in 1666 rangers ¥ . er, v and 'ive with my peopie, I came home and | [sere is a. quick and bay alent whic wun e --Eeetr Tins. Geld bankrupt gut one cent on on the doilar.g there were 63 convicts committed to the State The Gre yoathtel erdce abd experience with mod: imitation of a dandy. Bat bis heart was, relected Unis pikew aud awoved bere, They | dashes ey maior eaon, Eee SO Sk | Balore Judge Toms, of Goderich, om Thurs. | A Nevada mi Prison, last year there were only 22." cin" ailbeiit cwadiies ape we wet pam @: wd ced TPueewin ck venanae after ull, in the right place; he wished{his ; old me if L woud move here I sboa'd re. | pressive suggestive ' P the | day. September 28th, Mra Griffiths was | on faro, lost, and then killed himself. A Chureb Congress, about fo be held a mut. more bitter or more hopeless than wat. ae er en. ete invit- a THifiment of the- promises - 5 os he Wal a toe pSuarood with Bring ber-gwn bouse in Ses. ] A man was killed in Georgia fer vieu! ving Piymouth, Eagand. auder the auspices f fered fe: ce mee | sensative child who feels | 1). friends w iaceae rage hun. "Upon ees, A : ie SF i cane then forth, and causing the late terrible confla- [a Kicking wale. The milile the ex }teeCberch of Kuquand Temperance Society, | Earnoxs.--The wheel of time, in ite an- walt na its parents mere poy table," eave Hay tne 'spread out in gute a and ove Ol4 Wapgous that ©ere worn ont. aren pee ~ ree sustained + | gration Owing h technicaisties | poner will devote Tuesday, October 5, to the con- | nual revolution, that carries with it all Us ir Gia ony tie that uniter them. § i pies: § ees hice bonnets, to oe inet sumimer you came to tak sbout are gten oF she was acquitted on the charge preferred The es. a ordered the exeention of | sideration of "Parochial Temperance Soae- | human acts to be recorded in the history ot parent's mind should be | "*™ * win, ssriters 'a what, to as. & tetegraph: bea, thea : i z feos hoe, Again : 5 Ger crantry vent worsened wo would: comeider | Danial himself ia unique in fc- | 1.) wes bound over in her own ; < i inh P . welparori We pete ic spared 17M "The sal atte '7 a trae 4 a ro a get aN ate tt egedina for-mepiecet ot ri ae = -- Me . the past brings the Dominion Grange to its es IJ for a every | enable his reoctab! m tate 'ine ts Tieas of the Great Father = bum to settie, In reply | S*to i very apt in a Sgure *an- | upon to answer such. charges as might be Near Summit. Mise. ts a0 ominous? in, Wikiel) -Lw given po- | great tuterest, for in ite deliberations it ie to | tage be placed at hia disposal ; thus drawing ¥ . ™ hoe or the ter of Havenswoud,"Kene.m Near t, Miss, man ju of a| of 'cand, Pi porte in wife af ot bs sent ou out this summer. brought againet b " wake for itvell an important record of its | into bis own life the parent's life. the ur ste hi and daughter were . Soa have come to visit Gur tend, and wenow | Chilingly or Guy Livingstone. Those who train to get bee bat, and did not be | Med@iat "if apy person, wan of woman, comming t0be plagsd in the archives of | between | heonen rama tie and shining in the splendor of fashion from the intron aired . ' cause * me Me @ erin ss parable, wk ate tor as bo | > th norco a Pea ing a gt os toovel Laeiiat ata 1 4 ane i paiva ou the set aie bree wer facta for fotase. ie & source af aalailing * aul cavength. ta fone; makers of the Week snd of | Lato. ae es DEORE: Tom taee so ace | casid.-guedinatatel -and poet iominigl. xg Suerypanson, AA Hara, Siasbeidg. "Rene mooen P 4ie,° Ol | vino avows hie inteiitid 1.j01n 40 Young | *pection, snd I trust the wisdom of oar | both. The "parting of th are aere i ogee = aa sohanedbemangnuban inetd . " : Seated a towards -home, aro ts Ban Tr es aa i 7 | Mau 's Christian bomen, and to pay his | legislation will be wach that the members' of -- Soper oo me age Pore ero peparod vemxery, in Ha i . . ; T wherv, Be Deretdé, fw'the . } Whee the best =aggon came cot . os debts as soon as he ean. P idee ¥ ee ae eT 2 - Ee ea a bade pris psa or to pasey prevedl of the fine-natured phn and porsiglaiee ---- Ce ._. euecite uy the pres sane of hard time, tut A Canadias ---- gti strong' drisk by thas made, fod ont ee eee only, bat life, when the Young tulk need to be Lowe 2 all ~ * " ec, an Lece " ® bay if, he Ortags wien bie suet Un -- ens man 5.5ad senkarinins, bia lip pena medi = Temperate sc ties are collapeing lor want, -- to 4 - pe mal iqroew sn Salle Samedi ons laiiow sa gl well directed. A| and the parents peed to have their ar a of the , "EWisurg Coas 3 tiunal aneiety to the that wo call | esasing almost iuctont. deuth.--Sherbrooke utd $ ete aca if arene ed and their bearts stayed with | 2%. STiing trom Cok.o. Japan, thus describes your Pons have both oe and heart; Chrstiaa Secics ed thes lita fn cau ther | Mews. Mr. and Mrs, Fleetwoed, of Texas, beld s ion 1 hens rol bat wigh oe an toe order, and the pescefal virtues, can badly | Glial devotion aud lore, , a mi atte wr Tea reigns you way you were mort tuily manifested'? None of. the The Almonte Gazetic says:--'Owing national a aud nominated Mr. aid ddturmmed Wi releum the be surpassed, And as the *gate' closes be- Of course if the lessons of pupils are prmoders were wen: ra Oe gen do lo the best to live. Sy people, who are great modern Engush masters of fiction bave | the showers which h have' recently falien, a Fieetwood for of the United State pen sober future: and | warn apd eun- world, the spirit | studied at home under the tnition of the of bamboo, gach borne on the sbouidery'ot two see that a tesa A hewn Acad poor - dealt or would naturally lave dealt with such | tarage bas been very much revived, and and Mrs, Fectwoed tor' Vice-Hrewdent, Liat pick man ip Whe trade that, shou. they ofparty ls tucked, nud isvintusness hemished:| father ov mother & great deni of tiene is enn. ruled high hove le vend sneraie ees pee. raised speo- men of that kind have | ® Sheracter. telecine el prefnd ts tas had a regain fd soe wwe er oe a iamenn ecmenie ero by ie th: a ee cup, in 'pigs sod bole thie 'We yal on this sumed, but "fa -sutsten "ar tang--toe lelona 8 goed siew ol the po gt ae : : : t 7 8) Secuston We mothers rarviy judge-the time ESA bli. : do | infer from --thasthat you are. here to | @mmert of thorough trai to forage for themselves.. These sains béve | make.an educational tour in Europe and them i anti se sca th and wl pr tore of coun and of colléetive man, und five to the ph tical eare of our ebildren, to of the bill, aud were then ng up ler what shall bo guod for my people -- imagination, wad Itarary intinet, th also greatly benefitged the root crops of every | Ametica- form what 1 si)" agent: Siessed lati . J | to, ti parity of purpose and | kind, besides having effectually qaenched The remains of Beuini, _ composer, who The following startling aman are from werner Providenes which watches Finsig clean, bat the labors more abundant Bit down, Hefrestunents, in the shape oe fish. 49 selected somewhere a good piece of land | * goin engelrsicinpe aympathy ouly, per- | those bush fires which were beginning to | died at Puteaaz, near Paria, in 1835 have {the New York AMediosd Jou ; "For the | seedtime, and materes the harvert. stowed on mere phyrical nature and sur- omelets, cake and wine, were then handed by os fur himseif with the intention to live on it, | S&P bo be expected =r & woman, to produce --T us on every a been exhumed ant e¢ seeped to Catania, | iast teu Yours thy ase uf ant 2 As iehpowes Thee am I before you with congratala | roundings, if partly given to furnishing the the attendants to the prisoners, who . i there raise his ehidren, My | iNet the reaut; | an this combination te lad named Jobn Quinn, The b-cigh wd Sicily, Beliuni's birthplac pon the nation @ direct expeuse of 84 LD: | tons for our prosperity, and to mingle my | mind and polshing its faculties, woul de. oremed to ake quite iresty. The prisoners ee es ne a ee Provylence men who vaneaiil to start a | dred millions, has cadsed "dar, expends joy with you for the rajid iherease of our | velop many an otherwise vain and cds | © LAvETRO oy et Crd eed earth upea ona . » and beg of seven handred millions ©: at tunes de- rder. i from wbore. We have the same thoughts pw, W. ludeed, a master of story-tel- | The allegation was that the defendant had eve given ey the pian a tee of ot tos stroyed three bandred wand lives, Las ieard nang ny iemonins a ony pumabers 8 = rere m senelhiey CheteNiiny women, oi salsa in that respect that the white people on pees Seah, wit that thie Aad ay written on a piece of ge = eee | projectors lost al bis own and the 'a | seut ope bundred thousand catidren to the ave This is the country where they were "a . ronda language coucerning the plain ie at faro. poor . 1 + pro. | #t Me guidance of ufe, but pot in the nur- < : * pete a eh eu teen oguired all thet: pro- | Sy primar or the unday-soboul-biarary | Sanpiler em pe-ted it os tel erolemned to vA Neve man, being emmacded by to bay this ofusy pers Mestains tet October, und: is con eparit Te: OUTCeS ; v vineing pool hat Wn Gomes in Canada is| many an . stberwiee parpeseless and reckless | '** moment. At the centre of tha ground was x) pare, has commited at least ove hun |p, 'a child in its swaddling .! youth in an earnest, aspiring young man. | * bole sbout one foot deep and about one -_ aud tifty 7 thoarand peope to prisous, -- is aemming the strength of 'canbeod, -- -- The first erfminal was ted - = sebhes to theot &: hs banda chayed .. od with this rapid growth it requires wise ee tothe matandm de to kneol, The exewut- wey a fine of Sve doilary and costs. or i aan 7 corcuuer the iow by fire or by rwience of | serixistion by oursel: heast: -- prepared hissword by pouring water and it woakd be well tren would come with cae leak seas ae eee, ee leali verte ales ya in - county eS pre regen tet mol wa at least ten miltions' worth of property, has ication by surely and beat) oeb Talkers. é down. the edge: The be prisoner's 9 body was bar------, ¢ pools you prodiived to give us, aud to ideals, from poees, from Spree confinemen! " clothing, made t t ired th i widows and one a fat hh i pwr r bo ed dh put them out of your hand so we can see the high hamanity. ' The Galt Reporter saya Me. Samuel * pase pe tg bacty. Ly had ine miilion orphans Who can teil Ls pepe pallens frye sion vat a! o- oe pap gen behind bis back by 1 a strong young fellow, price you peeves topay for it. Then oer - eae in tin = mils, on ater: omen in Kansas recent'y ® pris --_--_--_--___ been 'cheered senee F | who gained mand over the -prison. our bearts would be - of Undine has felt how ieep and sabtio ma foo toad, bas lest recently by death some six | ght, ga seconds, a releree, a ring, aud six Bew Street manners. 'ti ee, shat ba pie a is fe won nna ding oak. Oss te -- ers body by knceBbg aiso and prewsing his My triends;-rhen you go beck to the great ees oat Shrongs or seven fine pigs. The cause of death is bey: ed rainy aeligecewy Finally one pulie ~ it comes "forth in ite inerenced atrength to | relieved by wit and brilliancy. There is no | T#ht foot against the fect of tie primoner, Father, [ want you to tell him to send us| S80 love paren bs erg '"Dlaek Tongue," and tha digeass sppeare to ------ which the referee deciar-| Tie London police were remodeD@l by Imaukind with the | greater uitivance then 'when & company at Another man settled the bandage alre sh over cae Foods; seud ux 3 aod ; be contagious from the fact that the frat was "a foal," aud that ended the fight. Mr. (afterwards Siu Mebert) Peel snd com cctv nied fact that the farmer's oocw dinver is forced to listen to two literary | Se e¥es and eara, while --anotour tase. nai ag_OA, FO we Om money by some days ago, while yesterday The company ofa San Francisco variety | men uty ou Septem $29] gon is the occu open © which ali lions, who try to be clever aud smart. No neck out to the "noe, holding the hhond over in wet Oe i teh wit Cantony score. Thee | "mt ar & Ave went et" theatre inteted to take the remains of «| Previoas to this the daty of of apprehending occupations rest, and the advantage offered | doabt it is peasing to them, aud to them | Me bole until ail was ready, wien he with- EP be a very hard day; balfof oar country in | SF eye 4 Farquharson, of Whitby, sent on ex. | vourady fromthe bospial in whirh he bad | criminals devolved upon tabivsy whe | as ty the Grange if sought for aud obtained, | only, but if is not conversation, because a:i drew. A slap ou the back, just bvibw the a i at war, and se bare come apon very dificait | eet IF one of the Serpent lente of cun- hibition a painting on velvet ta. the Womas 's | died bury them: but they gut the wrong -- called "Bow strect sauna - ere there need be . the neck, itttémdnd to give righlity to the . hd 4 A ' A share iu it. ) nag LoL ates bre i Nem ve 'the Sapp. ag Yes the love ty tote Departwent of the Centennial, and put there- 'ua ere © touebthy pause demonstra whom showed great ingenuity in detec ey- -stowe of the great arch-way of our «ister eee than to fiud two men iuterrupt the | ™ & A oes reetg + ras gta age Ry y eat 'y that ot te asagut 'ae Couns, on the price, $300. It hax been sold by tue | WH overs bore thief. ing the prep: tratars of offences, and of which uterests of our country. Therefore, it is to | fow of talk by a hot argumeutation, As De | Bert? perform his tari. Ho made his bow, Ry: pidren of bps Greet 'ss ig bsrvellgne B14 not Ferdinand Arminie fur Heunetia Tew. | M&nagers of the Wowan's ment for & comonhes eineiias Swreuit has arisen in | Professor Vrynue, in his interesting "Meeol- bers of ibordinate iney ays * to the ofhenis, pao Po evil tings. 'The Crest Father | Pe. oe nice A100, ml secea in eee neat $e aher oe iiveg let gree the following Hiuvirstive | Granges wil pot be bared by Anaselal ac . Th , , py hi - joe | went 106 suburvan ihe-buure, ancolotes:-- rements from the real objects 1 rtab How. ° sat oh. gren eh irchsoupgrbapberr pres troubie. | ~I Lave seen higher, Boller things than these," | of $600. pampkin vine, pao under a. ome "A ftrewd of mines barrictet, tll me rite ailow thers: sania Gs oer aie with ay ee meas Gee ae instant aa ewers had hb. the e have rere ehOse onr pro | sang Arthur Clough, im one of those poums The town of Walkerton is ina ',muddle,." | "0dse, and bore trait twenty, thirty, or an | that be bad the folowing relation from | sentiments thet cannot uphold or enstaisi | sequustrate, a: it were, tne wholeeodsl on. man behind the body pressed the traak for. ; 7 | wet quiver with toe wring Med the parvst | The Finance Committee's report enaten that ---- The trem n kept the pump. | Townshend, who was ous of the most noted | them. 1 would tages | joyment of a large and compel them | Tard inte the hole, The executioner f retire feeing ; and in Danes Deronda Arthur | it wili require a rate of three cen! the m aud the owner ite brought emt for | Among tiem, A robbery waa committed At | to be derived by the co-operative 'aan te to sit jn aad divinity. cr deen of a contest | th s Low, and in an instant after the tronk dh is beak: Ciough's genius, beast, and art would nave | dollar to cover expenses this Shoccantheg cent thet value. acoantry house in Exnex, Le io mil es onr busineeé relations, Bat to -- the | which can neith r interest the ce by ae seh toe witls bhuad, Were cunvyy. thw chidren of the Great Father are fighting | meowutzed a Charseter of wuich be surely | more thas can legally be levied. The Mayor! The missionaries who labor in Ni pgpo, in oak A ge Sayed on the page Was | Order perpetual, we mast first educate oar. | its final object : a silo place W) await err apt 2 : See 'onpalle-iaaet Sesurs Mae thes fon mpctednneg olai se noon | Chitia, are much discouraged by the mpereas- | boase a lite hay, wich eouvinced him that ot tntalivetanl aes ts. Therefore, it | for couversation. Neat 9 oe ei, slated he was ready, and toe other 4 pesersbiy, but the Great filled i pa mig of tue Chinese for intoxicating bev ® hiackuey coach iad been ther He went a oe hi ol oe a apo - Prisouers shouted to hiw hiker ike oe va seins. Whe thank uly of our feat tu liaspes's Maseitade oon Usteber, fixed. lt is announced that active wfiarte the Sant ter ak "voked HV igpecis requires the assistance of every metaber of | er, but spoilt it by too -- deciam. * be rm, "4 Paine war Webb re gone fFom ter, --_--__ The members 'old" Wesleyan xo being pet forth by the missionaries tad passed throng cX cbout rash » ties to ee em bathed mad an shoal | Ee hoa however, (Lam firm), His mode vt pemecte an sisn- 4 re coe ung | ane Fc ment en | Mn a oe ie |e ef rman He ann Veh snd st remem | ch Sa at hee nage | neers os te rani | Lenin bbe ened Ig me whe bare gone m to bont, re | aren the ag r the floors ba As the Saxon troupe were on their way | the mamber. , should.extend its Sabord. | streteb of be iting the o! alg, aad bean atinched by codiare thi Elora in order for between 7 extend & paternal care tq its Sabord. | » the jinagiuation, be considered one at ._-- of stads for horses. Ail agree oo four and five hemdred yards of first-el we esr was ror William ne i _-- Catered nah', neat? | inates, and as the Dominion Grange is «| or the other. Nu conversation was ever so that be was finn, er Uiey repeaved Png S other set b apchetaingaen do lod end lan ; witha view te enrpeting every | fa) stavate rprenat slag casing sone Wilkes and Libecte" wneded, sotinm between the Dotninion and the fal as tuat of Reynolds, Goldemith, ated and advances io the front, 'and 'w ¥ and now, when they are willing to come back, ns condition as = tonal bedof earth |" of ee, - _ chareb Be Bnd the triumphai arciway at Laipaic, prom ar "The rcunuer eprepery returned to jaa moon tums ihsanecene and perpen ms scanned @ tne woe a the signal being given he mado his bow, oa : the soldiers stand between them oe But-tor obvious reavons thin is regarded a» intend cashioning sone, oes 36 | by lightuwg aad thrown to the ground. town, four d out No. 46, and summones the the Gri i with a simula desterty performed his borrid ¥ its ane alleeeh other T 7 p teeped talian Government has resolved to | {river of it before 4 magi-trate. The man | jurisdiction; by so doing much velenile im- | their minds in literature. In the present | ™ ik. The third prisoner was a boy, who this. ve Core acknotiedgsi that be had been out of town, | 4, parted aid ling showed not the least bit of emotion when in. people come to trouble itis better for both | o¢ seats cs ate pores . pple giving ebtaesiie ler trom "MeMurrich "(Muskoka dis- hasstolces fm ene ik eden ahariane cake as fal bs. lt war ouaw eee oe might be ime be boon Age tra limit their r " * ip formed that in tarn bad come, but shouted 1 parties arms, talk | them a to the rear that Phere ix to be ro such gone, Theo magistrate said, 'Turn down. his | pivicionG hi ; = vi seed ant J . M@ fo gach luvoration of the b . {vision Grange taking «pon jimself the re- | conversation cousists in puttin; it a and find rome pega inf to settin. | o¢ couter, where « gutter or grate ig 1 et sown bes ame, in ra contr Lond Diety ws "So help me Gol," or "In the pres sleeves," knowing the negeror they these met | goonsibiity of visiting the BSabordinate | one idea they have benrwersd from the lead. | "0¢ Sm." It was a paittalaight to witness yt i of the pl € ranges in i the g i &- ie BAL Sy A 3 Ff tel i ict Ei, bRst- FELTE i g i = i : 2 § : ; F is iy Fi if » tomate p the * | etd the rou _ "var Grange in + Bot touched Ly frost--and the | cial decrues of the Khedive orthe refisal of | pe (McMann«) was sent for to inspect » | the United States is a subject of anxious con. tomato is a delicate plant. the Government to accept the judgement of | house which bad been entered b- bar arglars. | sideration, Our desire lor recognition has The Pieton After carcfal examination of the locks, he | %* diminished, al t we hove, te to distant re i eee eck 5 i i: ifs i § \ F } : i ¢ : E a F re n : rE 1 gF hd 3 j 8 F i E F E F E z i é E 3 i ' #5 arealso a very : uy thr 4 sre ehilied 'in eusds 2 . We she evaniey, gpd peiow may be expected to | doctors provounced it a kind of typboid | wacky. be returned to tows, amt emlorse the sentiments ee in tue i - 3 f E i & | | i voupereaiion with Urone he etens -- Te tials let rain, batter may bo specie ta be me cere Beare nated 00d, on | frend thom he aa Seen at tomy | sulin Ron-evewatials, liberty; in all things, : z 3 i i E E 7 i i reeedeiie erty iH i E i 5 Toe Bomba Gasette imna-slatanbtil et ap re pabiahey te " st. One of ; i 4 i . : é i il oo" « . "And presently it came out that ono man | "lam glad to know, and am pleased to the fail equinca is on te aud in the neighborhood of Carte ---- : bven seen ~ oar lady' membecs od wince dey ol tae-rovbery. His neat | iuitiatory steps to assist in efforts for the cheering sient weverai hundred horses are reported Fae different coach offices, | improvement of the pondition of farmers' dronght '" ¥ after some az wempe: inguisior" made in vain, be | Wives anddanghters; and it is to be hoped discovered that A BAG ike the ove in| that, ail Members will comsider the westion had gone down with to Seti greta robbery. sd portance Gapham common ae Hae. east his place for the neat day. as oclicge snrived Astistance to any scheme extect, ream aE by E- | of Oxtord set ab "a in thie way, | thd chject to its uitimate success, elosure Commissioners fer visi aad 'in repreatign of ? i Lis bi E 1 1. tri iy F i ? F3 E i i a& F i E if nd a F | i i 4 é ¥ Ho if | E E i i ; i i fai | gig EE« fi i i i} id i E ' i F i Fit f if 7 : ; H xr Free i i° it Ag j i 4 2 E Fis = | ul i F { f i : t r i ; : 3 i : f ; i F 3 Ei F i Ff -. Hf 5 F i : F 5 é: i i } i i el i it rf [ I i ; pace ' for on ' ' ' the vessel was off the Neth Foreland. * "On ite a mistake, then, 24 inatter." | then if fina yet attained, and in directing the . - inch ths haute wns -- plan of adorament of ber : "Much § : | E th. " one cacy Secceeaccad Gaetan A "The tus.ces of orek ; statae of vam of shapatdner dome oem bcaid, | of dation to yomrself, ; hte ie j sal jas : « va ai