Winter -Caps.&- Shirts, AT WHOLESALE PRICES, ' NX. B. POWTER. ~Ooteber 17, 97 sot Try Our: -- ~Mixture;4 THE BEST IX THE MARKET. | ONLY 7 CENTS PER OZ. E. H. SCOTT & Co., ern of Perth, and thus cementing the. south north and together, was fully in the municipalities o' n, Elma, Wallace and Listowel. Those municipalities not at that time, 1868 --is | Couaty Gounct | in - the County Councit fully | 18656; | fe alive to. this ehligete', oleptel Te- solutions to expend money build- ing: and Eine o Bical ei to Wallace, and the Stratford oA be expend en content with a promise to pay of paying their promise. Hie aluo, we believe, true that in ad- -troney:- gravel roads, the northern municipal lea witb in other ways. "Tam evate mont oft this was a buf, but it tainly was done aml ssid in « hostile le pen A Wo of Garnaan Hall jost recived at Crystal Hall. "LOCAL NEWS. - Fire Ineuranee Company, a whieh he is in every way fitted, . A Baaxexan Decaprraten.--On Mi morning, s young man, 19 yearsof age;named etednexs to to the county, Stratford m atones for this, the wnt ot the Aven Belge , was part of brought before the ratepayers. "The |»! wed hand over the debentares to the Stratford Miord & L. H. WyCon is ablow aimed particularly at wh ap Fae ahem car. 3 ger to 'be figures. I now make a statement of divect mate | gnin. by-soparation,. from the Heralds own Sgures, granting all he ays for the sake of argument .. Faecordingly for 1877 on basis of $40,000 tax, St. Mapa cue ines pete Sven towards it « cost. "erful ots Warden other soir pend leas $2500 re- ved trom th t f 1 justice, leaving $5006 wiek © jee what Mr, 'Trow, the hy puts t it atin tae Bn poor ad nage oer from the engine near Ailsa Oraig, and had kia head literally severed Miss frota his body. New Tanonwa a G. always be kept in stock, Webespeak for him Orextxo Mexrmo.--The Y. M. C. A. met + | Cover omissions. cover missin, | put Strat re not put in an for nem! . mittale foxy reasons w before. I put ihe | ay . pare, and net claim Stratford's share of of the county at $150,000. Some of the lia- bihitans an in my wv rale ae 1 Laestioaeris named, | year. | do not include the county buildings aun 70 push ABS -apeubs Sor Lal matter. IT think the $150,000 will be the sacieaun eum snes ~~ She Stratford Times, Ato COUNTY OF PERTH fH GAZETTE. "ET 'BUTLER, Bditor and Manager. Bruton, Weonasst, Oct. 18tu, 1876. | 80,000 e sa whie be together | with their gravel -- Re mgr ag- gregate t the sum of $100,000. Tn ad- pay dition they il have to their on of the County debt, and. | under the circumstances, it is su thitted-timt it iv now the duty of the OST EPOTS ANE ETO TON Tadd WAY As we are receiving numerous en- a Ceeres: regard to the prospects of the above railway; we i . of sufficient - __Portance to la: ay before our readers the -of the-Con R. which By-law was carried by a majority of over 1100. Thia was the largest majorit va j im Canada in any for a railway, pat the bense to the Hamilton that in e gran og 8 as- ed pring erommedation to the north, and thus.unite and -- their interests wwith those of the whole Lrountye. t It wil be seen n by 'the arguments | then used, and which w the meana of oarrying the By-law, are still, or | Ont sho fo: u ld be, in Is it not about time that the re- | #par resentatives of the northern muni-}. cpalities should consider carefully advan ve-done their duty towards those municipalities which they ropre- st bade them in this matter, and that ett heal fairly conaider- ope ey next meet, will do soins spirit to --, out even handed justice to the northern townships, who have artiy good they have fairly treated by the present council. Now isa fersanhle time for _ ing the road, as labor is low, and ma terial for the construction of the road aia and the expenditure of so large an amount as the completion of the road would -entail, would confer a great benefit on the farmers had | and others during the _constraetion, besides finally obtain the debentures wo have n: Aouit, and = zo be better fi for the C na was te submit wi he The Beacon quotes fro: from the Huron Signal in order to prove the word T, e sho Ory moans a- * uldn't "Huron Railway was not an organized board of stock hoiders, but a provis- ion cient there being nearly $50,000 of stock in all subscribed, and 10 pe: t. paid the: is" unneces oa conflict which took p at that time bétween some members of the ~ {present Listowel peo: ple, as we anderstand that at present |, they are working in harmeny. Im- mel after the election of the per- manent they, without any de- lay, engineer staff, and at once made trial lines of ce with the By-law, meas the on hand 'County Council refused to the Seheotured to their trustees, ae though the demand was made on the Warten and the identmel jared tho' ham Teadt- for street repairs, Beard of Works mm Poelman & -- sing remission of j sera offers for farms tee taxes for 6 years Fim The clerk was instructed to notify the E. De 1 WR. va | eles county " ne fon from-3 Herald, $21.54; Beacon, $21.07. Pr. Shaver tid $15 in for i was in full oe suppl Mrs The couneil refused to pa: John Pellow's account for improving bis wn pre a vexed and threatens queation a atthe request of the council. He waid - pronperty. that I wa not advocate any and are # sufficient to justify us in taking that = et Srmertenarins 3 paste ited the case tages dor it Ales. 'Map. aan, the See Es in ite! = el neattare'? Tetiey means "'robber"--what in the world does "Clear Grit" mean? Perha rs B > only redtices it $435. The truth is some where between us. $3000 a year would be ine re peppalte Yearly gain, about what i firet elias voll hel = fate of patting it off until the end, as xe County mae tay ip -- encherive of -- Registry expensen, 115 of Sof Senn "ei Ba ss wR Te 8 to women | pore tate given by said act; is to --tirdiemnsrcton shor ghaas one per cent. higher &. for our ce ig ary I by an aspay of "haan, from the time of the separation of down to the present. He claimed that we would lose the county that St. » Phe coanty -- hereafter to be ecatie. «the "| while Stratford a Lewd $655, which the "The registry Wrage $160 more than they really : ing. Tu tho debt statement I pat the net liabilities pg {Ol Leabilities of the county,--not have Re fewer wtatrinent of INTs yer tired pat ohare still at-t-t5ae the teraid rays. Exell be observed I make no clain DRATH BY STRYCHNINE. hich resulted in 7 cae es acer, te i 2b f F san SHO xp oF 4 Yobila woman--taxEn thik To SREIEVH PAIN AND DIES rRow hi Ey Fler p Deas Sat a wk beats saeies me? ee market for woe y ete Years f And collectyrs lt baste are - The debtors, by day and by night sted HE in fete aii a t riiets Hh ae | STRATFORD MARKETS. Steceally oni one -- éy Mr ~~ LECTURER AMD MEDICAL PRACTITIONER, Will open 2 course of his interesting fectures in the TOWN HALL, THURSDAY Evening, October 19th, 1876, Continuing 14 nights. W chet Sted Ph; ith ho hese ™ ry aerno: One a Phish ----w a ~ snl foe er Lary. well, with « pain ip her stomach; sould aaa i. ning L. 6. SPENCER, spent. The programme for next Monday pectin er the hivee dull al itent. eee "jaie; comma ob roy _ Sartor, Oct 2 s evening. will consist of an essay on " : shoal ame. the Sak thao "ta aes ore aug. vias sais mana Sg Th ing | ee a egies oe te | ete ae ak a wt is you rae ten only. All such are | 1, pouse; Ididnot have much eouverse- butter, per Ib, ise to sreuh bar den, Meee iee al tion with her; noticed nothing unusual rit rare me So: Giekens, per pair A ti ! Tue Mozant Quanterrn, -- Seer about her. Ay uncle, Joseph Iredale, re- Et #40 to 4.2 cheapebinn Pica 9 uc 10M... Sa le atdtence-ettended at Stratford during the 2) bays toh; $98) to #1000; per cord, * - . 5 Hall, tol " {the M , and teu of eleven o'etock be and 1) #5: fo $3.00, lard, p¥ 1b, 120 to Le; wool, per oF ra quae jena aed pany went to bed, rarine Gvoseees sitting at the | 15: was] stove in the dini going to my * REAL ESTATE, im store for thew --botall loft the bal with « Ld her goon nigh, and got into bed ; BIRTHS. se | ecetins iatment. The musio-both ta = ate aoe I called : to | Ron: nrnON it, Stratford. on the th inet. the Farm Stock and Imple- = i Pare sry sb Bae Good Lut have rm nway tie lich Sisk L might go to cep i wit . Hobertson, of « son. AWAWUNH Ih Stratford infinitely 'better. in this Ts her room : my av tittts time | Monon ts Siratiard, on the 2, faut the _. ments, &o. _ inetance the name tuade up! for certain defecta erage 1 a a "> light and b beard i some one at the Winsor. In tra! "ee he 24th ol ths wife} -_ --ae _ "the eoneerts * o> thetining 'reear> tr - SRW Wir are i 'ban petit Cenen- Parape.--On Sanday inst com shor ttme 'iore I heard deceased eroaning _ fowat Ld Noa a, j and ¢, jth Con ei ' ret own Fox whim. ie . ar woneya euatrl by Stratford tor panies | and 2, 28th Batt, under command dear dos las " ont feck? Does making and = tepail vel roads, of an et. 1 put oar Avan ns ra wee SE PS TAS Chine BE it trout a OF 1 'ha ands the a he new serge } ipo iad ned, to be as fair as pobsib A H = andthe old style forage caps. pave the t mena soldierly appearanon, presenting quile Y @ contrast to any turn « ony efor Paty TiS ee at 4 fab of Capt Bang, Capt = Hamilton, and re a Peorsy zt Clark, a! dedalivine sertice ponte gg "Soha companies Were well "alle, Oo Poy attending. The | cadet top ~ looked rind tt 2 oh by me before. Ali the outery of the Herald hare of caunty ex penses, bow and after sae . town fine grant Sos fe of the county deta, being 1- asyt ' Thom, say Beam ko ~ + 4 ve a krant ty element Se . rat ter TM and. Master: James Kay. After Tot yearly county expenoes ey! T.M fon ed 4 ave fo st wap partakgn of, J dies Jeurty saving by seyaration oo Pee Dan a pscreracerng rer by - antearly train ASS ade ew op greed pith Ane shea Calecons alah a or "eo -spmany friends in ach eg = a Jife and pues carcwage en Toes. - een Touispaiy & perv sae ak oS gese |" Cacrenna.--One of the most experienced Total yeacty gem by scperatic "hae scientific lecknrers of the day willdgror Mr. Mowat said that Mr once had the citizens of this town with » course of sented an arr whieh could 'ffot be | lectures, consisting of 10 evening lectures gainsayed. As an -- he* mentic & afternoon leétares. er bas that a firm of atoek.bro. had recently bed been before the stage as a scientific leet toar feuTr Se et of Guerph B had fattes < the | throat the fact tha: Marys ed from the ca: upky.. Mr. Read tani exception to the idea of our | the the? hea it lg th: it He thas | if we were separa! rom e pounty. noted from the financial status 'they were not separat- ef Bt to show yoga en gainers | hiv ment seot ower the reason of thas we better high school ms rts ord. After a few remarks tayo: samme with the St. ap th Ia payeet' td 'ad the- proportion the Heacon will drop a line to oe "honest" old standard i who is | now i, Se wort Bourbon: Old --_ whiskey inthe Far Waal, of ts Ee Aid| the Bosses $a.snaae sniag, She ¢ ithet | robber whet ofits opponents, in view of the fact that the purity camp is proving itself to be full of thieves, embezzlers, and peni- tentiary birds, just at present. STRATFORD TOWN COUNCIL THE SECESSION MOV 2MENT. The council met on Monday evening. ors Connei all present except Gibron,. Abra: an . Raverai but af thet town had L from the Mayor a mo- tion was passpd giving leave to Introduce | th Ber by-law to separate the town from the county. oF equal, that wal are assessed oo Pog the trae not-admit is delicious breakfast table delicacies. af New a formerly ater, peak Intaatey any of Strat ord. make c likely more ee to the town as bis | nese at the _Hainition Assiaes which will nt Cited Juitiee 'Harrison. . and referred to the ead | treet. Accounta..-For printing--Trues, $9.50 ; it ts Rt J. G, Smith, law eta Mr. Forman 'introduced the separation My abinehment to Stratford is as strong, interests so with ber theGi.T.K. workshops here, now work from 7 to a, a [pent © hich is nen very ey Peele Ker some. ~ Bap Aapant--On Thanday ahenocn, as the G. -T. KR. gram wes running betaent) Gosiioe station and the harbor, Mr. John off . hin. ear au, felt Presber the trai. 5 has arrangéinents to sapply oysters either whole- is om Se town's side of its F cn LOCAL NEWS. Faous Bavpixs.--Massrs. O'Higgins a 4 consignment of these Howonary. Mr. Duncan Metiregor orary Lieutenant of No] Tae Hawrctow Arstexs,--Mr. 1 . of Stratford, will condact the Crown bat November, before Hix Lends Fux nore Svstrm.--The employees tn 6 daily, instead-of bane Sop arday ---- botiday--an artabge- aud e wheels neiowe Overans.-~-Mr. W. F. Wanzel hyn its ebareh. has become a Benedict On Wednesday morning last, our worthy Sheriff, Jukn of matrimony to Miaa Kate, youngest dangh- > pride late John J, E. Linton, Exq..Clerk Mi chet Nh ing ae- sisted by Mr, Chas. J. Mickle, Mr. M. C. M ne *o to speak--at the Band, the ) and men during diecdrse, Yet the Band repeated the founy, the and to state that the | Sonliah church by their own free will, They @irer in comm amt ne by the way, isa Presbyterian.) dist. told the men that | ¢ any who did not wish attend the Episcopal Bhemd they ghurch, could any here fore. that part of the: nivel gentletnan' 4 ~ of "the é re « of the conmmadin oer in forcing the meu to attend the EF: malik ehureh," in plain | Clear Grit gp re rot. A minivter who woald hust i such a small green, must achan Pafppped for broaklast, and the shackles were remoy rel tr how the conviet Shore, and parade was that the at layed oply sacred selections during the mareb to and from the ts, Fasmomase Weppixu.--- Another Bachelor } Hoasie, Eeq., was united in the holy bonds ¢ Peace for the 'County of Perth, The petra, a Were Jackson, of Beziin, found deceased in great pain ; if it was her that bad been at 'the cupbear Mbe did not answer ; hed by anylheng to tell if whe tat and she replied, ehuine os oane the took 4 a atthe, and it got think it woold bill her; she w rer th ne pain." he 'iin a ane ou refir: ber life vine in clock ; donot think deecased in- - --t f opinion that te } nent whesrebe > imeane if only at that immediate ti 1 have no doubt decea ou! strrebalars which re. pare in death ; 1 am persuaded from ap efa) examination, exter ably, withowt interna! anatomical investi- gation, that tl an vahaatia and strange A Boup ie Mr. nnndeet Wednesday myrn- At Cobourg the party upon they were still salé or retail, to the whole of the Huron Diss Lapres' Arp Socrett.--This sosiety in con train, and ee a : Ai nite: nection resume made an "M. P,P," uimping was wih the T, @ A the perate piece of business. h on the ty meetings - prisoner end the sheriff's officer PI lect i pa cary hss what ope man qill do for A full meeting is Fig ted. and al ee iy! ee Sat as for duty. Both Pry net Sa eigen re < ightly shook np, and miderably dial invited to join the . | ie ag a bases into wh i East Botxp Fasiont.--Messri. potenee of leoting wick, to goon the plat. that en Under p d forward amd tn ths cnteblinget pa hd prog | aver, t soon rece Shore, their w: 'Fo Harrison and Hatton, here on Ther ¥ week, with a bréach of the. license law t open to swallow | sh vi them ap, much to the seen gentleman's -- We are requested by the officer in ing to the ceeuapey YRADICT. That the deceased Jane Iredale died | on the night of Priday,6th. pr: October, from tak- ing aq of nine to release i pain was suffering ; and in ignor- d. er if abe had "I have "nd atte 1 why replied she had only taken | 8°r?~ lo i x ree suite pak as uesilg, nr sup; 'me t deceased g re the cisco ton gitrody --s life, bat to Bo suspicwn ceased bad an any idea whatever of destroying Joseph Iredale corroborated the abore, anu in rere to rely hag eaid. There «as stryob- were ne pn conditions aah Sometiones is ns cane, ta "tial Srprecia By th Misenel MeAuley, buteher, 'ot twins, TuowsesLirrte -- At the residence of the Wort om the Wh ult, by the Rev, J Hislop, Mr. Robert S$; Thomsoa, of Powrtr 'At Hebringvilte, or the ettinet; | . br the Rew] Be Mometoticnsn ie r. John 4 Powell to Mise Laura Grace Mil bow of - Sebringville, pom Wi inst. the Stratford, on the Teb inst. the wifo sone THUR DAY, UCT, 26th, 1876, at MEQUADES ORIVING PARK HOTEL, qe actes of kt No. 3, Com 5 All cleared and under Ve the portion @ ervcind-« good acnee. heared and vader good cultivation , good oew frame tame house go young orchard The above three parcels of lane are in coe hack, coptanning 177 acre. and productive Farms in the Coney of Penh: the oad «al, 44 draw image "ihe situation healthy, and centrally srry for Mills aod Markets, be being » mites from the « The bot es an three rs rese te what Chaser, a 'came day tnd Siaea OF screv on Radial se Survey bea LN. No 5 Com 1, Ellice acre lot om the ~ame survey Lan Baim ancl excellent Aho, a village he farm hots mmmeciately. 'Tithe tades- putable. Taaxs-- Easy, and made known the day of mie. Por furthe: patina apy 0 the peopeienor. im Seratlord. ot ie Mr, James Cortecan, 'Santiood, er ames Trow, va: TROW; -- -JOHN McQUADE, Auctioneer, Proprietor. ALSO, THE SAME DAY AND PLACE, The mock and implements co meng ft 1 span of mat hed horses, riging 6 years + horse, wars uht, 5 the | 'yours, Une.calehudied 1 Pip we may en Oyen elds ses a ng ir i, | old + yearling bull. splendid milch ore olan calf. a number of 1! hbred bogs thorough ay Berkshire Man feeb wagges, a be. wag . Vealhy _ pale otaieiate dogble cutter ; large Pe mech to Mise M Noare-< ie eB At the regidence of , father, Usborne, the od intt, Me Nebie, furmerty of Blanshard, to nh : her Buwwxerro--Jaczsow At the residence bride' for over 34 Years, and this is now bis third | S°°° marcy a. ee mech, whieh a father, on the Lith 'ae gh nm His. rabje -- ca = W. Haybrorst, Mr: Thomas Batry Deubetto, ; hg Sn, ye ee ATL IDES tcverve "te Mise "A. Jucisea, aff of -Pelmer- rst lecture la lo a Th: 7 - P everting, Oot. 19,. atthe Town Hall lead -- ar eee moe eee Moc} amma he rman pair ay ea +See Buus © maxcra--We ws Sr, Jomo Boek, $ lesien Aan. Me ay, Trot Fame, in bd ane | Pep hg fe Mead adie eae ene eRe a, | oR ©: ™ = so purehased 'th Hl qvarahant Seaforth. by. the Bay. G Bug. sferaoon dare his scare. ja. Bétnin aod Dene of Mapare--W. Lx Hutton & ton, who, Se dae ae ot St Marge, to cate ta nt awe are sorry to learn, are about to remove to:}--5 flan eager aie ree the: ladies" audienee. Don't fail to Toropto. They, however, bave left their | Hosare--Lorrom --At the residence of . the Professor. Ladies' rn will | customers in We are confident mother, "Rothesay," Strat on the 1 Oct athe ne Pride y af +] that Mr. Dodd will do md branch af his. {get .by the Ree. anne 2 os =, totnal mate ag einen Dat so Kote, at Ta "ate Homa 11 -Ou {et a han « very ~ Kooee Sor tea Oeuntn ct Ferme aioe ae succeas.-- | pesoceon 'Rew, Kea-| Vane ' . on the net, at the of ren da to rm to rape tune of * pn a _Mr. the bride's parenta, Mr. J Stewart Fer. Juudred."" This so stirred up the bile of aie ot Tans, whe: _ Ps bote near Stra}. | ames Freep ion Terwoship, to Mise Rebsces Mr. that he hurted ford, was up before t . DEATHS. when avery axtracedinasy neene ann gat ber : F i+ g 2° ih eEEEE3 ary a ft a E i ae sYFit EFS fi EF : H i sf £ F h si a® Jeants--In St. Marys, on the wth inet, the in- to | Faxxcomnr--In Wallace, on the 9h inst. Kliza- bigs of Mr. aged * Hagriz--Aceldentall Billed in re 4 cle Ferree . ys Mr Thos Pow efast sow of Mr 1. Mowrsom: Oowiwe In Listowel, on the 6th inst. Hannah, deloved wile of Mr. Chas. Gowing, aged w Geo. Farneombe, inje's saw-mill, Listowel ou ferment of LS ter, aged A Be seers. 4% St Neot's, at te hop's Stortford. Merterdshire, Tage Regia A FIRST-GLASS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, "AUCTION SALE. or REAL ESTATE, FARM STOCK, FARMING iM- ENTS, a6. TROW 410 aticr mpubtic competition-on the az reee se eect 2s, oad Con. of the . | 6Q0D NEWS FOR THE PUBLIC|S* G. S. SEXSMITH EAT boéA TO Jobn Dutton, Draggist, Jarvis' Bloek. ONTARIO STREET. G. 8. SEXSMITH. Biratlord, Oct, 18th, 1376, i wen that jieation will be aie to Uk oder ora | German 'Bulbs, parr aee ees 2 sets of dene harms "single harness. pair oew cron harrow geal Plough. forks, rakes, "paden rece histo erck yokes, @c, bow rt forge aneurt of use Liabasery, pene ray Calis bor the ser oom myo m Janay gid i ed poet . that yum jor soa aqui: - Proprietor eet Oat + cma wd 3 The. National Fire Insurance Co. mp-steirs, Oud F Stratford, Oct ty, inte," $10.00 REWARD. -" L T! londay M One ¥ Morning, the «um of 9.00, between The Onder aida grec blclnes by eanenng THOS Ww. ¥._ ENGLAND, Trunk Shope. EXTENSIVE E Auction Sale FARM STOCE; IMPLEMENTS, &C. Mr Jotn MeCutloch h has been instructed by the proprietor, to sell by Public Arction, Comevssion, Ou Lat it, ed m= ae the late Hegistrar Smith's Farm * On Monday 30th Oct., 1876, cows Baer si it wi 3:2 pair : reaper mower; 1 mill, iron and woodes harrows, sretters. china, radios, nd all ef Shs ower: TERMS >~12 monthd credit on sveroved. Joins a: om all cums over 64, thet emoun "PS--Almo Hay. Straw, Roots, ete. No reserve, the pregriceer 0 giving up farming bis term Raving Will open out JOHN MeCU prota we YEANDLE, wate, Oct Int wh, 1 an. THIS WEEK In the § Surrogate Court OF THE COUNTY OF PERTH. ® * NOTICE WiLitaM OGERS EMERY, let late of the jecensed ne place, shoemaker, d WOODS, FISHER & McPHERSON, ¥* for dpplicant. Dated conch gagh 18th eine A. nae 1876. sUST ARRIVED aT CRYSTAL HALL, | October 18, 187, . au WEEELY GLO | 144 Months Weekly Globe, 12 Months Canada ' » ais Parmer, only 42.00. _ " Néw is the 'Time hens