ETT gta ie cS apt eeenceerrgnigees sw heaneyerartes patents ies, ay ween : "* =o a "i as Sateen, _ cao 2 -- sais m -- = were -- + rp rere germane eee ' a0 ' ' . . : --_ « ~ ' - ' - ' Perey ee pwr pean > , " "is oe 3 -- 7 1 _--_-- " ae mnie Suiza MERRION SRR EO NCH IN Say Lace " NLA oor ue a - - imes Advertising Supplement | . She Htratford Times, ee eLissn tp vin atery Removal! Removal!! FAI. 1876: PUBLISHED "4 . \ Anderson. a Seredinh tescmipe, s ere. 1s Ro . a W Henry. Yellow aberdeen, W Burnes -- = : wee nee A Every Wednesday. Morning Mangsi wurterl KL Alexander... J shearer. Cais. F : ' ; a? Tan ovrice, rang Nae th "e Fea ---- WF. WwW ANZEL A G ' ARVIS' BLICK. OVER DUTTON'S DRUG STORE, 2 Har40. STi "Cincom carney Ps LAL mene ie te store taety ovepried by ° . Mackay Terma: 91.00, per annum Invariably in homage se iy tee a x Seanad ee Share ke ul ee opposite O'Higgi:s & Son, x Co., ddeance, -- é oa Near eertine Ca. | ~ Ccustenily ©: uand « large ° Sieeeeeeeeed toa a vrais y ste Ww "Gz ia REGENT HALL PHIZE LIST--PULLARTON SHOW. ped Sate hi ety rope? "prvhes, * , ms alisnew: 5, } Hassle, se Crat apples, SH Pho . '--Carriage--Span, 3 Harris. Bug. 3°F Giratam Wieck Cece ans ee 4 Gray: Vepetabics, STRATFORD, Ont. Pad 1, D MeLarty; 2,T Mutton. rood ait. Tub buster, W Steceeee a J Kebd Fh 4 Tras, a mare,.1, J Woodley, ar; 2, J D Stewart, bread. J Rott i J firey Heweomacte chew, W Sugars, y Foal, 1, J Woodley, wf: 2.5 D Stewart, ae nt ewan. agree) s hewse Shearer, Coffees, Our Fail Importeare now forward, More than Year old gekding or Sit. 1, 3 Woottey, ar; thnk ae Poe Sahat Mowan hers 7 Tobaccut, -- OFdinary care haa been exereised in thety selec. : : 2 Ww _--_ A pardon do 2, 5 ie te 4 Peete so tent, S42 Kemed- CBNNed Fish, Canned Fruita, Pickles tien New mmashats have bean visited. Wehare : Wood A Saks Brood wats i, ey Seams teeta aw met ge se Pe deren cgfieee a tant, Povesh rman Boy ; 2. J Ullyott. Foal. 1, J. Ullyott ; 3, K Meee sds Plasnel | ear WH place t annel Fresh Oysters Received Dail American 2° iaadian Marketa, and are sow ' BD Roy. Year old gelding or Bily, 1, I [) Pulled shat al ero Nmap Nec ie ¥. Boy ; 2: W Jewell & Son. @ yuan cid da. 1, blankets, 1 Samm | s r ous. Westen yen, W Gite me a call and ! will guarantee thor ebowing @ stock wurpasing in extent, variety ooh 9 ig 6 mts tains rer ani ics Paithed quilt, T Fullarton; (Ph entinfabtion = and value any . ae ow. 2 Ww * om. Dams quilt, K Mower, 4 G Marre '7 intniane i b Brood mare, 1, P Arbogast; 2, i Sand alge Cometerpane, ¥ Seutsos © 8G Harrie Ornamental 'os ian W. F. WANZEL. - The great Year old gelding or filly. 1, G ay ann Powe shir + Hectne"S « ue _ i ed additional and larger purchases absolutely Weeder. ar. 2 year old do. 1, W Vee te FN y » Weaden errnes hecessary, théreby enabling ua to purchase te Voodley, a tats aes Sodting, & Nempann 9, Carrun:--Durbem mile sow, 1, H fea! Palliat Paniaters mann Marrs he STRATFORD eroster advent, whinh we have deus, s out 2. Edmund ae mileh ese, 3. ~~ ath wl f Fallertiom Phe frieudte will freely adiait by Paying cur House ~ Roger. --- Kearling beiter, J ioger. -tirades een Ware tomers W Graham. tag -WOOLEN -MILLS ff}. - ~- - -- - -- . ~Mileh som, 1,4 Mocca ; 2.WPritham 2 Seurer Heriin eu woth, massed, Whe _ . 'eae ; -- ther, 1; Hh Moore: 2,¢+. titth Year. naka "geth becnnder 7 ; the beet' velus Ogtgten 0 cond 7 fing heifer, 17) Sutherland ; 2, WH cdi Fed a eae WWE are wiving the beat" vals ln Rerattont ta as tae z ------ -- ~ Helfer eaif-1, 2 tatherland 2-11 Hal 9 " 7 : : "tidlntalnlng the repat hleh "Negent Hall - a ion i Som' Ww Fone Revivar Senvices _U, Wood, assisted Tweeds, Flannels, Yarns, &¢., ws ssoaret of keeping the Largest, Most Varied Steer calves, 1. W Pridham, 2, ik B Gill) by Rev. C. Koffe, will comluct a series of ro- FOR WOOL OR CASH. eed Attractive Block outside our great com: Fat bovine, 1, W Pridbam 2. H Heal, vival wry J Methentixt = ereial ceutrea, 7 me, HH church, Stratford, commencing weat Sabbath Shearling ram, 1, WMeCullich |'2. J. Wood: Stoning. The putiie-are conialiy aisited. Will give 32 coats per pound for quot clean Wool We carefully observe aii changes in Styles and Jey. Ram lamb, 1, E Moore; 2, W Somer Bervice every evening at 7.30 o'clock fa exchange for goods. inteodvoe them promptly Aged ewes.1, W Somers; %,H Heal. Shears -- = Se Mills at Bridge. We would now ask the attentt ling ewes, 1, W Somers; 2, Wo Mot och. Great Slaug ter among . : aor: . - Sania . Ewe Wists, "TW Somers: 2 M. in sine Snipes eshte ca aR 4 8UGDEX 2-séya,--} the fotioins gross " a ne ee - mee _ ~ des Aged ram, T. Heal; 2: T Mus. Stoves. Stratior4, July 3 mt Ae . ton. Shearl ram, T. Cuarrelley. Ham a - Sh > Lo: Dress Goods Depart- lamb. 1, W Prilhen ae a" a "i F. undersigned wil for Thirty Days sell all ewos, 1, H Heal ; 2, M lirown, theese T OF aby 04 bie innowune stowk ul stoves eep ost. ment. - 2, A Roy. E lambs, *. Paes - ~-- ow ~~ By -_ ~ ~ were an . t= Garr hee ~*, wiGéeea ir eae aaa 1, M Brown ; 2. H Heal Pat :o. Ww Ata Trifle above Cost. STATED tom near parmeny. Sow choop. We are showing in this department evary de. . : ow 8 - . -~ MeCulloch ; 2, H Heal. AU who want @Ort-clase smallest lamb bed one of ita hind lege broken. eee ced me ieced in all known new Ma. Bwinn.--Large treed-- Boar" t Garbait. "7S he joformatin of their whereabouts 'De thank. Cotortuga, ¥ low Boar pig, 1 Roberta. Boe Tc ' Cooking, Parloror Box _ tlisteeeired by Bow pig, | and 2, W Hodge. Small teed MICHAEL MULLIN, oor) ap ay Boar, A Miller. "Boar pig 1, W Hodge. 4, Stove Harmony, P.O. if they fall to ese the imagnificence of this de T Mutton | Sow. 1. W Taylor; 2, T Mut Sh ines ceric, Wilsase tnoney by calling Get 11, Lamm ot partment ; . 1, A. Miller; 2. W Taylor. tice, sal mean all' lay There er nae ey ee -- - a. G. MACKAY @ CO. ~~ trut.--Turkeys,1, J O Coles ; %. tre to advertise Tiuware, Lamps, Gos Pittim hs . - . . : . D Roy. Geese, I. J Moore, 2.30 Cae poy pot fe Areal on the israrei At James Gordon's Store. --< ; - , Bache, 1 H-Baber ae Masa hieve jist call and are veatwet Myoudou's -- Dress Silk Department. 5 joore. Common fowts, J 0 . 7 MISS BYRNES . by = * 7? e.. - ~- -- *. W Taylor. wed. ODBERT. = ; mts a f 7 4 = We have made targe atditions to our already " ° . * Hoots axp Veortanian.--Early potatoes, ep zh os Millinery and Mantle wsteime:ansc Bact aod Caloat mine a - 1, Wy Hodge : 2, R Moore. Late potatoes, corns - Aithhiab ilk dee- offered at the -sapsediigly low ~ . co dpe Belial a Hide, Aaanolde LR, RU PHERPORD: SHOW ROOME of lat ssn, sltbough Sk have ad . Cll, te! cartmedts, 1, . vanced fully % per cent. W Pridham ; 2.G Gill. Garde iil, = Are eee agen . 30 Coles: %, @ Remmevillo" Bend rege MONEY TO LEND. = eo gp dpesraghaanecalrnameieegh 1, A Bothwell, 2, W Pridham. Turnipe, ----_ 'il The Ladice are rrepectfully invited to call and = ls 1,6 Gil; 2, BD hoy, a, W . General Insurance and Keai Ertate Agent, inspect the large stock of - Onions, 1, G. Dankley; 3, 3 0 Coles. MABKAT STREET. STRATrORD. . &. @. MACKAY & CO, . : . a Conlidieweres i, A Mey : 3: 70 Coles. Pemp- tndets sie ae a GOODS. . kins, W Hodge. Squash, 1, J Pringle ; 2. ---* - eater -- : ° Pring et, Stuns, 1 J 0 Colmes 23 = Dont Fail to Attend, "mt tewsam ot vitigeiae' move. Be ka Sil Gene A. __ --Qetober 11, tats, _ o« Mantle Velvet Depart é Hodge : 2. C Garbett." Fresh bate, 1, TREMENDOUS Consumption. ment. 3 Dairy cheese, TRIAL Bos of tw Kissners estebrated ; ' G Somerville. Maple 1, W Port . oom- In this department we ire offering Lowes we Strained honey, J iixger. Honey BAR GAIN Ss i Pad dato ovary tuleree es enemas Gun Veiveu ot 04.04.04 Sh glue 00. £20 and im comb, J Goettler, Bread, 1, W Purteous ; hee aor Thad diesen aes tnown to O11, Worth to-day @ per cent m o Peensh 7 Bf enone mas esd rill vieal, W feat WatChoa ae pays eGo ao mateo, 1. T Smale a Eee po atches, Clocks and Ovtober 1, Iara Oe Street, Broakiya, x.y. AY Boden | 2.3, Rope, ile. T Seale Jewellery, aid -_ --_ ver Wheat, Hodge... new a eg es ener ce nent ae Per nha gan ; ' - < a Tek i Moulodey : 2: Moora White Will be given during the FAIR DATE Dress Trimming and " rowiats, W Hodge, pera nee, P. J. WOODS, Fringe Department. - Fine ne A zae 2, i Moore. - : Albion Btoek. " ox * 7 : : par aim ply Timothy, 1, W Hodge ; 2, fi Moore, indian s om oa corn, 1, A Roy ; 2, W Porteous, All goods marked in plain figures, indeseribebie, and in oJ! shades to mateh our Larcewsyts, &e.--Ciang plough, KH Har Oct. 4, 1876. 40-40 siths and Gress materiais a stone & Bon. Lumber wagon. i, D Me. - - . im Sete "shims Mecewrty eater Thee: Real Estate Campaign _ Great Rusy -- . inte arnt ah . 7 . Buery, 1. Hankin & Hoggarth (3: Dawe & ; of. 1876. ena: : 2 AO. MACESY & Ca, - we Horse shore, 1,°F A Marwurthy ; 2, °' = at Simms. Harness, J Stafford. Commended ' -- --Swwail seed drill, J Johns. Reaper aod HEADQUARTERS C ; . . mower, A Harria & Co. Fanning mull L umming Mourning. Goods De- Bartheli @ Co. GEO. FORMAN'S ' partment Facrt, &c.--Plams, 1, A Bothwell, 2, 1 & Foster's, : Pall apple, 'I. J Roger: 3, H LAND OFFICE, q - Winter apples, 1.W McCulloch | 2, oe eens ate ous sash te unegpencst- Te W Taplor---colbvetion apples, 1;°G: Mebi..".0O. .36~GRTARLO.STREET. OPPOSITE 7 ome are oe Mnemae: ealertion-of Wiaet tesh ; -2, Bh tlandereoek. 1, J Johns; THE AND STAND, . - epee Cochmares. Black Frosch Morines, ~-- 2 Deakiog. Talbpeat tS. Westar: eas OLOTHIERS. Ried GugeasSeane: Seen : . pear, 1, J. + or: 3.G Roger, Crabs, 1, 1 Roberta; 2, B TOWN I OTS iach Mataiasste and Damesse Goode Binck Basderooek T, 1, B Moore, 2,30 Oot, «she wt, Baratheas, Blech Paramatias and Henriettas Coles. Red peppers, J Pringle. This depes Deumertc Maxcractenea. Blankets, 1, R. A SPECIALTY. weenie 'i " Collie; 2,4 Hyde. Union do, 1, Mies A Forse; 2, J Moore. Pulled ehth, 1 A. ---- 4. 0. MACKAY & Oo. Hyde; 2 W Hodge. Union flannel, 1. Wo Deeds, Mirtgayes, dc., Drawn ; Titles -- Lenk 3, Min AF . gh ge Farselignted ° . lL r i 7 Mee A Parse; 2.7 Maun SO ase a Black Lustre Depart- Laptas' Wous.--Chihl's dress, braided, 4 = MONEY INVESTED SAFELY. Sg _ ment. . $5 Om, sare a ape POR BALK OR TO LEASE. We with confidence tevite ettention to the ; 4 HOTEL occupied eubsertber Hyde. Socks, 1, A Hyde; 3, R Sander. MOWEY, (Doving a tangs tea eh hg aaa superior valus we offer in bright binch lustrea, cock. Woollen mits, 1, G. Somerville ; 2, W : Lo NON MORTG owe. Fae aabeeite? erent Sammars of the which for make, finish shade have never Bodge. oothem gloves, 1, A Hyde; 2, W : subeertber carried it on been 6 urpessed, if Hodge. Knitting. 1, ) Woodley. 2,' Mie A TO LOAN 0 RTGAGE. a a atta, ones wi A" Micheal Vurse. Culleetion needivwerh i.' Hrdet ae ak : to A G. MACKAY & Co. 8, Mies A Farne, Paney kauttting, | and AGENT -- « ees Patan week work, 1.3 Wood- Dann ford, tion life A inti, : wai 2° Semaine, tet RB Gm, COR y Granger Stoves, French Merino Depart- A Purse ; 2, W Cooks, Floor mat.'1, W. FIRE INSURANCE, &c. ment Cook : 1.3 0 Coles. Hag matt, 1. Mine Mf -- SPUCKABLY ADAPTED . joggerth: 2, RB Gill: Hag carpet, J 7 ' We after Hetherington. Conewurk, R Muors, Feather. JUST SURVEYED sna For Farmer's Use, Mesina, ia ot ' work, J Roger. Moss work, J Woodley. ta FORMAN'S NEW BUKVEY, of the O'Doa- 4a Revy, Sead B Myrtte, as.,all peiens Orcehet work, 1, BB Gill; 3, J 0 Coles. nell Estate, West End. 30) oue quarter acre Patented 1876, vena = , Famey needlework, 1, Geo Somerville: 2, Lote at $80 to #100 eseh. = 7 Mics A Purse. Tatting, 1, George Hico; 3, PARK LOTS from one to five acres at $120 WiTH AND WITHOUT DOUBLE OVENS, A. G. MACKAY @ CO. Sitound Terns. - jm « and uywand por acre. - --_--_ a gates Somerville. Lamp wat, i lat--Theis cheapacen and ecay tern: monthly OUR FALL STOCK OF coat Bag wee, J Hoderr. Gest or yearly payments; auy teruss te suit purehe Print Department. Gil aad W Colwell. Da onsen d Grote tnd--Reastiful location on wide graded Aven- i] In thie deper wa have this' F. Patebed qailt, J nes; high and dry land ead aitu~ted in the most the g09d name L aequir Sree. pealthy. rapkily tuyroving aud dewautiful past AND BASE BUANING for doing thip important branch of our business -- canine ; : sae j . : wel, Bayere wii}: pd cur stock of : PRIZE LIST----ELMA EALL snow. shart tiue ia baiting Gheamene =x S | O V E S ! Aserieon ond masiphr Petts thes as to arrest ~ sa 'ah ' their attentiog, exten Hoeses drag he -- heres, Wm Bas Stratior i ia [comic ete fs conpasiaas roe P value --_-- * = eae AS ert o, Wee Bronwen) dae Nand ay iy = old purchasers sek theas: their nawe te leeion, A od of th pa an grtding, Wm Nesdier. yt Sily oF getding, Jax Tiwem; they hat fair dealing; good ts los. ue fox fettiins Canada this year & G. MACKAY & Co. ie legeag i Jeceph, Hear "es -" writing, § pp meee bl peceoeeen, anid in get "a ; " wd Praeth bewe mure el their money, '8 4 Call will Convince Every One that we - mare, Thee Whicetiete - " 3S Sang. sale season | cUsrantor i ter, Weal, vi74, T Whitehetd ts Seagaes, ok at oe, sama "ans SELL OHEAP. Wincey Department. i Pp: Sth The Direct: rs of tne North Perth Agri- PHILIP BIRCH . on Pe ally aw Ceaham: culture: tah ty have decided tu lacsle the toe ' We bo'd an extra large stock of Seoured Win. dy fates. a ye Sly oe tat Wale (remand of 9 acres in this survey, wherel.y Late J. & P. Bireh. cers, io Greys, and Steels, whieh are thes er w oe. @ cieneere oye "Large show bathlings will be erected, sidewnlhs Reptemteer, 27, Lby6. ret itted by gelding, Win Stevenson; a, Jas Jolly, , EG Mora made, &e., therety euhancing the value cf the a f aed & Bem. 4 yr hilly oF We Hors. 5, joha Eyer: ing late, SS ees - have bought them, to be superb valve, in tact 4 We Lethe Devod mare, Jas Phearer Wn Bu NOW beton 3 M - ; cues <5 Wn Crean naan Foal sre. Jas j Priews apd have a greacer choice. . 7 WEES Fete A Wy: horse, BG Hain, a J 1 BA EL "% Jost Received « quantity of A. G. MACKAY & Co. t -Drsrheem hertter, Burner. My schedule of property fut sale ---- as Price Pees toes aS ioe nda sec _ityou wih Which he will heen on nad during the season, Millinery Departmen t eee Van Af Berman : 0, do 7 ae ea OF lease towne. farm ~ Ajlao receiving Fresh Hertings We will open our pA money ae Heb 4 yy steers, Hal Clencer, > _ . every day, Bae ha "Fa Big Sell ron Md Money -- Have also Rpecial pth he wilt eolt wy the doswm or humdret. an MAGNIFICENT SHOW R OMS ; jour y lonning money woe Seer - - a Fy Parties having t invest, lo For the present season Nasr," thawing rantW Hare pete ee ke cartes ean seinat, Se arent. 7 wanting maaan sivah te Bisons T Wat hitaeeee Se since =o **- ON SATURDAY, 30thInsT., ps. wi fmt fe» $ 1300 Acres of farming or graz- With the most comprehensive apd ynigue - -- -------- * iy ted tr ee Taek, 4 , ac : . Mathew Kanna "Wig fomingm WN GRSTRE COUNTY, TRIMMED AND UNTRinateL ° pe age by b Sack ete "i as - Ay NT NMED Sy! Amr a Bee ham, 8 Rae as doe PENNSYLVANIA, HATS, BONNETS, suo ranow=s-- Ewe, having reared propert eevee: 2, do fn: ow W lg ald Sranty, of for sales$ 68 per acre on pit way Flowers, Jeane ram. G 5 w To farwers, to rate, thie in Feath ky haoneed = tomb, W Graham) 9 cans = souTn mae na ea Hind atce ee seek Fick % Nixon As they can nel shat Parme or Tove Pea -- Feather Trin ngs, ote St =. h ortho tor this Pros Hoar « Bepod subserjber i the owner, -- title pertet, fares Wm 1am gee ae New ge hae e~-good virgin Bolt, be- 7 0 . Ceetan, = *% " "tweeu clay and seedy Isam * rolling dry iaud : Postar --Paic of goose J Niemen J Eyer. Puig eae, TS Schools snd Hallroads: splemdi - 7 SUPERB MATERIALS OF ALL KiNDS. hernvard fowls, G Peebles 4, J Kyer. Pair 4 ing timber on ane corner: Fact second pina 2c - [i srring carriage ® Marber and pisines; 2 @-day easily - . DRESS IMPROY E K5. . r -- Sane & leony: a do. oo. ih te wars tied per Sane tak Tee a VELVETEENS " ie, sy hake food farmer could make « large fortune there ta ' . ALL THE NEW sHADEs. a ae i anee oni oxi GREAT BARGAIN ay . . - , 7 o~ Peanae eae a Magy sea K Romerties cMeeemo : 5 this Bt altogether the most ' ' . - 14 Tarned = . S $ ites ng = T ress tn . 'of . or eeneieienmn " Toga re ae tral eg, | 80 bige for Sale oe aba 2s a. ae: ' Rg RE eal Pi er Ti "> WATCHE Sythe ahi meebo east T Dads eae y Spran Whee Bless GEO. Forwax , op id fut ius eirculars tor our opeaing dag." A RE EDRESE a RCP ea 4 seo Wiis S34 mo oie os : RN BAR Eee poy nw --28 te 3 ea re a a agape ores --a ae ee ES Sa: CSET eS Sapp NE Inge epi oe : . 7 eee ee SE SEWELLERY, sus MACKAY & Co. . . : E ane wa Se } Prop. ' : ae -- i " ' a Ree ' " "i ~t arcone a | ~-- = s bs , : - ' ~ ' o 4 a - . parses "4 we 5 3 2 a ? nAsU a 5 & ' = TEN * " . oath fs ek 3 Betas iy: ' % ¢ a se 4 < ie 7 - ' x RT ey '4 . ee ; . ¢ ; 7 ; ~ : L- an t 2 i tan oe i