Stratford Times, 18 Oct 1876, p. 2

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ee AT WHOLESALE PRICES. © N. B. POWTER. eee: a feat = "iy Our Sting Mitac, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. ONLY 7 CENTS PER OZ. E. H. SCOTT & Co., -- Post Seren Book Store. ~ pasuttond, Saye 28, 1678, 'mat _Itis also } 7 Num wroney: these} fhe saving =p ES gravel roads, the northern municipal. | in every two years will be the ee of an iting have-busdened..themsalxes with. TTD ~~ She Stratford Times, $80,000 for railroads, whieh, togetiser || with their gravel road obligations, ag- AND COUNTY OF PERTH | GAZETTE. 00, = ad == "HT BUTLER, Bawor and Menager. , , under the circumstances, it is sub- | gent re t's year hed wont on a oe their share of the County debt, and. pre fs now the dury Hf the "LOCAL NEWS: - A bt ot Ganon Flin ont rived a Hail. A Braxman Decierearps--Oe Monday morning, s young man, 19 yearsot age, named BO RS &s ¢ i Fbab ti E F F i train for Raruia,feil from the engine near Ailsa Oraig, and had bis bead literally severed frots his body. ; sivag be hey i wok We bespeak for him : lh Mzxrrvo.--The Y. M.C. A. met Orrxixc for the fret time in their new rooms in the commedious than these formerly oceupied | by the --- bat es wero tar woo} mal together amber that assembled ening wae pry The programing for next Monday evening will consist df an essay on "Tobacco" com- itations, u ' I do not include the "county ae seein oF Waa Se y tay wank gregate the sum o} | . ta , Frebl us from aan our rate over 2 | for making and repairing oe roads, dition to this they will have to pay | | milin ol the dollar, exefu wa TRAE PUPILS ANE? EEC EN Seda de WAY. regard to rospects of the ~-- 'railway, -- atin Tt of sufficient _ portance to lay before our readers the difficulties thay have had to meet. lore necessary for Thue wes the te majority ever Grecteta Raitecy, by the County of estern Railway, e ol Simcoe. Tt will, be bered that the of the Port Dover As we are receiving numerous en- 'Serres ed Retesy accomsundation to the north, Is it not about time that the re- pre siyelitien should conser carefully | ad if a. | justice to the northern townships, it gradually 7 we ee _ point, but it net vo a and thus.unite and consolidate their maecita ho! interests with those of the whole 'oral borto ate curtail be young men onl; cordially in vii Tux Motast Qoanterrs, -- On rhagarnered gitentet Town Hall, tolisten to the warblings of {th en The high many T Freaiend instrulvoutal wow J r amateurs fn Stratford infinitely better inthis instance the name mais w p for certain defocta -- re ee "rortom To BeEEETE PAIN AND DEES FROw a es Sani: be te ont one ORGd | nie lit ? i i EE i i i f rj ext i i | Dr. Har. Hi FEET | a } i bs hi fis a é | i 4 F i ; re : Fe i # 4i i itl | i aut att riges bas EHE aan cee He Core Ponapn.--On Senday inet oom jes Land 2, sth Batt., under command pan of Capt Leng. Capt. (Dr) Hamilton, and Lieut. Rabert Clark, attended divine sertice at Si. Jatnes' Chores. Hoth companies ¥ere well seo about 40 men attending. The by the -- -- is. he new Min jnekets. ips elayed be belts, a the old style forage caps, cave the mew a suldierly appearance, presenting quite sane 4 contrast to any tarn onta made for bheas 4 Lite 6 sears pest ter, . wer th » In fonntye - to! t y- views, I still bepened ol rea total | saving by It willbe seen "by, the arguments' pos pwede idan Me ratioor of then tised, and which were the means | ferred by act pansed last ¥ the | of carrying the By-law, are still, or} Ont. st. one de be, in force. have ie hems molt of that pets rom Hope be bee eae by me before. All the oalery of the ishard The truth weelaibe yearly gain, about what 1 first UL Tn ot - % . ey * are following, The Statement of Stratford's share of ovmnty ex- in ite! on --Torenta City aoe ct took ives of the northern muni-) 44 his Fl antage of ve done their duty towards Suen the taxes in thone metals which they repre- instead of putting it tae -- the en, as be da them in this matter, and that | the Asseass ene them io th | comaid | ¥ ex: uaiderab red on itt merits? We hope that the terest, Couneil, when they next meet, will do paid to ke gor lee theit so in a spirit to deal ont even handed -- - onler to ee aystem. who have certainly good or to have been fersstee tg act; - is. to "adwertise -for |cormplain that they fairly treated by the; a ~-- neil, Now is a favorable time for build- ing the road, as labor is low, and ma- urer by induce: terial for the construction of the road cheap, promptly. T and the expenditure of so large an amount as the completion of the road would entail, would confer a great benefit on the fanners and others during the soumcenin. Te besides finally obtain the debentures we have ae ee Mr. Mowat said that ae a had ~~ re ry and assessor' second year, fatly $2000) a year. fered one per cent. pet for sar Soe hoon mage were a ee mrs erat ete act en ae it find That the com mo ml « this it mole is aie the through the fact that ie peter el garde ----~sistanee- Rieas.She, doubt. snd it road be better for the Council pesggs buildings not bec anenta: BU: Merge Seore the sank Northern 'ownships should not be to subunit with good grace, thai t8 Le tem thew aa s. Sines | overlook: ' should. be | pelled to hand them. over after very ae amended last eek The Beacon quotes from from the Huron county beuldings "hereafter to Signal in otder to prove that the word ripen the Beacon will drop a line to that "honest" old standard bearer, who is bers sho '| now supping his Boarbonor Old Crow very yofair to a : wll», for the that th pwhiskey mothe Far West aking tor | that tow: bhig ted oF a8 securing ~-- Sal the month of August, 1874, when more than sufficient was sub- scribed ; of stock in all subscribed, and 10 per pena oa thereon. It is daneces- for usto go into any details of the conflict which took p at that time between some members of the present-board and the Listowet peo: ple, as we understand that at aerate . Im the Retna in harmon »~ motte Boar, the election sof t the per- art without any de- staff, and at aeeareede al lines of ouncil refused to hand- over } q: meen Rinenanaah their -- al- Wileor 7. Alot of other pee it would be Sroper were atk on the Warden, and the aehontares bivoncs. poenin for delivery, al b "introduced the separation | sessed at the County Council handed over the ~--_ tion at the request of the council. He liams foundry The company were very anxious to ayoid legal expenses, pind st two ses- ta definition. of ths em * We aiviss | =o the Beacon to cease a ithet thet | redo he heen bin street. Accounts.---For printing --Truxs, 9.0: fi; walneal 7 Beacon, A}. po. syed wa aid $0 {uli poke ii Mong ale they bree. asdeestiont por seogsd except by Mrs. council refesed as farm land, and Bet inclu ded suspended the work. aa lege * "Clear Grit" mean? Pe Tory means. arobber. We shouldn't! pot who concurs in this view. wonder. - it Blass 'MaD.:Alfan, "the vinies cakes Sar tate : bo ation we rm iauttere'? 1 Te Tory' | hare: a char -- -_ A wit * "robber --what in the i tothe registry -- a -- reward Soe the | ihe ree reason of thig waa 'dat that town had '7 robber when 6 rou birds, just at present. THE SECESSION MOV ZMENT. ancl met on Monday evening. I still maintain that our soared 6 Acnubs- be the bass parade was that the Band played only sacred selections during the marek to and from the ehareds, Fasmioxasie Wevping.-- Another Bacwelor | become a Benedict. On Wednesday morning last, our worthy Sheriff, Joka Hossie, Exq., was united in the holy bonds of erred to Mins Kate, youngest daugh- ter of the late John J. E. Linton, Enq ,Clerk of the ee for the Sonny 26: of Perth. _ The bridesmaids were Misa Jac' . of Barlin, Abitton;~ hiaws t repeal rehcone url Mien Lalla--Seott, Mr-- ode Wy Gull, of | Mitchel® offitiated as as. sisted by Mr. Chas. J. Mickle, Mr. MC. Mode! rwell, neter Rev. T. Macphetion had performed his part by ¢ of ft ceremeon. teakiast wee partakgn of, and the, Bappy' couple on by. apdenay= ner the Commenoial\\ theceanen | the strychnine to -- her life, that pare; coased had any ides Waalerer of destroying | ' many friends iu wishie sre lo life a anes appingss Kicricnss.- One of the mont wesc scientific lecturers of the day' willdgyor the citizens of this town with a courw of The frat lectare is free to allon Thursday everting, Oot. 19,. at-the Town Hall. _ programme. The | afternoon dusitig. hie course... Samia sad tee tthe tater' een. Don't fail te io lectures will ie with rm lectaye on Friday afternoon, | ya: ' o oe HRAAAEY AedeeTy" Hocatean 11 Oa =e Maitary: Band pisyed the last the« volunteers to church to the tune of * Old Hundred." This so stirred up the bile of Macpherson «that srange ump wicide as stata we cane, but a) in depres "« That the } the iy a of aries 6th of October, from tak. | sms'ol Be strength, took too" ek. which fadtiew; Physiclegy and= how-to fore: life happy. Prof. Palmer has had au aver- St.) age attendances of corer on -each a oe Free Lecture i" Ami the where my paper ie dus, 'i : | ri Steceaily verrected for The Stratford Times by Mr J. Thoumpean_i-- Sraatromp, Oct. IT, 1978. oT ahcTneg ae eis estan two Be; four, per bbl, $5.00; catmesl, $4.50; owe. woe wate; sore, per We, | to " Ih, Se to 6e ; ion: I de tone: aronaed ewt, 96.000 butter, por ib, ite to ile | eggs, per dos, ite te iée, bse we me Sain won pole tie te Ge ; bikes, RE re gl Brg ree su lard, p>¢ I, te to Lic wool, per \F = 5 5 Cov.tTEa --Oai Blytheewood, on Thursda = alt. Hobert H Coulter, of Stratford, to 2k ot . Lith by = Seldon, jon. to Kllsabeth Pranees, daughter of tbe waters WER ay ae suena een "ir 3 ee Si to = ay ie ally [aes At nner ms the Lith inst, M ' Dobaun, Bewxerro-Jacksow -At the residence of the - '2 father, on the Lith inst. by the Rev. er Jucksou, ats of -Patmer- ee 's Cocat Exrmaosp: sagt. ~ Mr. be hurked thanderboltss0 to speak----at the Band, the officers, and the men di ; wuaseally long discourse. Yet the Band repeated the Yaraan acs. O'Higgine- 4 z opponents, in view of the fact tel --. -- oar present town -- the purity camp is proving itself to be | 4. rale in fall of thieves, embezzlers, and peni- | tors, and of New foe om treo Stratford. hay the « STRATFORD TOWN COUNCIL. in the - ington, Q: jprolenies a aan the Crown buki- en at he opens rece i which will be The ill fe Coancillors.all present except Gibson, Aben- | Wieite a lew cases 'Diaper: eve: 4 y uf along, John," and my interests '0 indentified: wjth "her prosperity, that I would not advocate any measure that I thought would injure would acerae cor the jurisdiction of th the County Council The eu satt.'¢ 8 workshop seen, now work from 7 to | ™ 1 § daily, nstead-of warking the ten hours abst who ae haut a fap each a a -- grievance, ham uF = ' read= for vtreet repairs, and Larrea to the | of ove farm in & Board of Works. An application waa read | from Poelman & Mogh, making remission of | ber offers for fi -- for 5 years -Fin he clerk wns Te Agito, th | ha arta! tracted 10 vatity ibe E. D. & Le HB. ta | Seareoanty is the ment which is not very popular with rote. obstrnetions : John -- 'a santenat for suptening his own | 2 the ie Jace' s late decision. Lanes John is , a sevidence in our: =. aang ealt, to which thacemnal replied "come | Slee to include them, bat that purt of cer to pay the | tvideuse to say, the earth did not open to swallow them up, much to the reverend gentleman's disgust. We are stern by the officer in the men went to the command t if Heclish ehareh, (+ their own free will. were neither coerced, eompelled, ner coaxed to dose. On the contrary, before they left their Leadquarters, Capt. slang. (the senior dfficer in command, + sok a "Presbyterian,) distix S etly veld the me: any who did not wish to attend the iene conid Ct any cha ¥ erefore, that part of the rev. gentleman's ourse ¥ Ci of "the enee of the com cerin forcing the Clear Grit language --in rot. A minister testy A pias yd Last Wednesday morn: ning betgeeteiine Robert Shoreembarked on the train east, Godvtieh | station and the barber, = . bia, enr- beund for the penitentiary in' charge of the aud | sheriff's officers, Mr. Mathew Hyde and Mr. Strachan Lisars. At Cobourg the party benefit of t pped for breakfast, and the shackles were } ,; remored {rom the econvies Shore, and upon My attachment to Stratford is as strong, | 7 acres.of land at $50 anscre, te Steatiord it is: Fineed th: tx, to the town by withdrawing | bins would largely outweigh by tnd are euficieat to justify os in taking that Jape my former remarks I presented the case | that- moral obligations arv not efrong enough' I Sakeiy fromm the sommin Hite ot ae to compel municipal cofporations to be just they were atill under pretense of feeling sick, end Me Me pital noon plat. were passed. The high school report for seeel on nen tee! ie 6. verage a M3. with 1.121 om the roll The number of pupils as baving ved corporal punishment being large, Suled exaeideeahie u Th oom ; i E g* tif i fi Gown, vio In Listowel, on the 6th inst, Hannah, joved wife of Mr. Chas. Gowing, aged # to| Paxwcompr--In Wallace, on the 9th inst, Rliss- beth. wite of Mr. Geo. Farncombe, aged na v9 hal) alot. ie | «cd on aa. inat., LT antic, oui a te aii Rarleod, Lec nea rE cEeRace A ge 2 pete i : 6QpD NEWS FOR THE PUBLIC G.S. SEXSMITH Will open out THIS WEEK A FIRST-CLASS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, > MELT DOOR TO John Dutton, Druggist, Jarvis' Block. He (fs i 44 t at ik "AUCTION SALE. oF REAL ESTATE; FARM STOCK, FARMING IM- 8, 40. MR TROW nil ate a oe pubis emgage Sn tee f of the saimcriber, Log 2s, sad Con. of the North Rasthopa on i : , i ' | ee THURSDAY Evening, October 19th, 1876, Continuing 16 There will alse be a course of § alierscon lecuar® to ladies, tommenc Seeing thy eee tre . L. G. SPENCER, _Seralort SE ok, ors a et ' i EXTENSIVE» '| Auction..Sale ! or: 7 REAL ESTATE, Farm Stock and -- ments, &C, _ fe | ee i dengh TE THROW wir any PRR Finjan, > sii | Mirada Sen ejay sh Com of he are THLE DAY, VOT, 26th, 1876, aT the JOHM MCQUADE'S ORTVING PARK HOTEL, three dy ti tas, {= Sea We aches bal RRS Survey of Lot No s, Cost, Ellice very central One fea an the Vil Nithburgh, North Rasthope. 'The lore toe ct sl, wilt be rented the same ched horses, 6 years thurse, 7 year cht. ¢ oe | SSE rear od vtherengt 3 amilch cows, ity Miss Cath- cal Pico Bp bred hogs thorvagh- heed Mezkahire boars demas wagyen: 1 tight ong gon. t sulky pat otal double' ew fy of bay U7 tee ome 9000 of dumb teen ; singe harness tom harrows | good rakes, chevela, eAdMarenion neck yokes, &c., = gree asaott of jul artiches of hushandry. c, Me. Credit for the chactles sii it Januacs,-st7t, for all sums that exceed $ " 4 that saan asad le L Seles CS sm JAS. TROW, JOHN MeQUADE ao sh ae aot a The National Fire Insurance Co Hae Rae an -- in 'fenteerd. Fire Hisks written ot reasonable rates. The bas diseontinued all consec- tion with the Pe Mutusl ¥. 1. Coy | oes, asian O94 Fotow's ion Blak. Stratford, Ger 19, ists. $10.00 REWARD. EXTENSIVE Auction Sale or FARM STOCK; IMPLEMENTS, &C. Mr Jon MeCalloch has Deen fustructed by the , to sell by Public Arction, Known os the late 's Farm OF THE COUNTY OF PERTH. NOTICE wenty-one under the of WiLKiaM hooks EMERY, loc late of the , shoemaker, decease. mm woods, FISHER & # NerliEns0, Attorneys fur dpplicant. Dated this i ple? ace A. init 1876. JUST Lepiinen at CRYSTAL HALL, A fine assortment of |German * Bulbs, ; FOR SALE CHEAr. B. GRANT. "_Qetaber 15, 1076, : Say Now is 2 the Time: WEEKLY "GLOBE 14} Monthe Weekly Globe, 12 Monthe Canada

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