bine agora, me henct Naga 'e j FF or = = 3 e : 5 --Canliiowers, 3, 4-oy: ?; Squach, "Times Advertising Supplement. She Stratford Times, ARVIS' BLACK. OVER DUTTON'S DUG STORE. Terms; 91.00, per annum Invariably in Advance, - . PRIZE LIST--PFULLARTON SHOW. . ~Carriage--Span, J Bag- a? 1, D MeLasty; 2, T Mutton. Brood . J Woodley, ar. ; 2, Stew Foal, 1, J Woodley, ef; 2.4 2D Stewart. or titty; 2, J Y, 2,WHGdL 2 year old do. 1, J Harrie; 9 f Curretiey, Heavy dreaght - Wood; 3, T Smale. Brood ! > in 2 Coe Foal, 1 Ubbyots iy t A Ty a | Ee ; 45 i F H j T Mutton. Sow, 1,W Taylor; 9, T Mut. ton. Sow pig, 1, A. Miller; 2, W Taylor. Poccrnt.--Turkeys,1, J O Coles, 2. B. i Fi al =f ofp Ee: ft i 2 ? iy b 'oles ; 2, G Somerville, Blood beets, Bothwell, 2, W > Pridham. Turnips, > 2, BD Roy; 'ate Hodge. Onions, 1, +3 O Coles. , 3 O Coles. Pump- kins, W Hodge. 1, 2 Pringle ; W Taylor, Citsons, 1, J O ; f p : i i f T . 1, W Hodge ; 2, J -- Fife, T lo t ct ; i af is; rfl HF # dee ral oF x ues sambgs--sraggon, 1, 'Tren_narro Fy ter _ a 1, J. Huth: bi ji Hl F fi ti i se TEPET er FE rt a rl Bits fF ; iti F ila a ee sheep 20 t re jee arth fale ill 5 ee GEE i Eh fi ir We & 3 Peace pig hg tyke Wie eG Sang eer. . held 6, G Samgater ; Butherfordt. i * Gives} H - Sis } ' ye vy 7 hearer Dicks A ion p33 « < w oon} Joly ; '"'G Coal 1, We jake Hhgir = We Btrrbers "Rata hres J ' oe in & Wren J Buggy horse, Harris; 4, Catrie~ Durban heifer, W ne = uhad por Wadler nae pet «, OB. of ig ! i i i 5 ti : i if r 2 r i if fi F r i fiy | fi i fi j i j z iH E rs Pa i F i ¢ i 5 : i rf F il ie : i i i i j i U He ff 7 ior FF te | : 0 ee ; Ureed--Boar' "C" Garbutt, rlatoes, rie ff ham: 2, T Dickson, Peas, W Meathesty 2, E Cleaver, Late petares, J Howat: 2, FRewland, Early pay toes, \ Ancdarson . x, 5 t- Swedheh tuenips, 5 Ro Burnet. eevenwe J ene, J Nearer, a, 9 Merrie. Home mate wasp J Mowat. 4 Miss God wey wert at ; 4 Dickson 4d Moers Mb ee tare he --dncoeteanie hemnen, BAe ered 3 Heth tat ete dr fireect----a-- BT wind, aot failed Ro thard Moere, a, da Flannel, KM Moore 5,do Piaanel, (mom, W Biewenean > 2, rhe. Z erect, A ese oobady, at yarn, oie: 2 Kobe Padthed quilt, T Pullartee | awry RK Moore. 2, G Harne Roem Tag cobl . UL Gleeepe, Ohenedile work. FOG Harms, Branied surk, A imp ee teehee Pwrttarnen: - F eee aie Revivar Senvices --- Rev, ts. Wood, ansinted by Ret. CU. Rofle, will condact a senes of re- vival wrvices in the Primitive Methoxtiet Mord, commencing weat Daliath ~The public are curd Bervice every evening af 7.30 o'clock, Removal! Removal! ! Fresh Oysters Received Daily. Pe ahs. orchpls -- guaraniee thor- W. F. WANZEI. - wf STRATFORD YE are eiving ite teat" vais La Seraenone ts Tweeds, Flannels, Yarns, &c., FOR WOOL O CASH. smtited. . Will give M2 cents per pound for gol clean Wool i S etchange for goods Mills yd Bridge. Steves. par undersigned will for Thirty Days sell Gi OF any of his lnienee stoek of Stoves Ata Trifle above 'Cost. ho want & Oret-clase "as 7 - Intorueath a Cooking, Parlor or Box = Sis reeeived'by ove, (Bither coal of wood), will save money by calling Od the truthfulness of this uo- tice, as I meas all jeay There is so need for advertise Tin _ ood. ODBERT. Sept 7th . ---- amt BR. RUTHERFORD: MONEY TO LEND. Insurance and Krai Eetate Agent, MARKAT STREET. STRATFORD. Cetabe t 4. sys et Don't Failto Attend. _ TREMENDOUS BARGAINS! Jewellery, "Wilt be given during the FAIR DATE P. J. WOODS, All goods marked in plain figures. Oct. 4, 1876. 40-08 HEADQUARTERS GEO. FORMAN'S LAND OFFICE, 'ARID.STREET, THE AND STAND, TOWN LOTS A SPECIALTY. Deeds, Mortgages, dc., Drawn ; Titles Tnvestupated, MONEY INVESTED SAFELY. MONEY, * (Private fands) TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE. AGENT OF Confederation Life A + 4. FIRE INSURANCE, &c. SURVEYED and Exchange in FOMMAN'S NEW BUKVEY. of the O'Doo- pell West End, oue acre se befure the best |.taaregone aud pone Ineovased, ad have s etwacer choice. ee 1300 Acres of farming or graz- ok) ~ ~~ Uy lend BeBe TSE coal Mads head. bet brooke 4 Sybeen tare Satan "Watches. Clocks and' Real Estate Campaign " of 1876. ee Btratford, July 3 Sheep Lost. spine sa ---- . : TRAYED from near Harmony, four be 4 Two aged ewes and two ewe lambs. laaob had one of its hind broken. Of their whereabouts be thaak- MICHAEL MULLIN, Harmasy, P.O. at Oct 11, Lam, At James Gordon's Store. MISS BYRNES © The Ladies are respectfully invited to call and ingpect the large stock of FASHIONABLE GOODS. Prices very low First door cant of U' Higgins' Stare. __Oetober 11, lat. _ ss Consumption. A TMAL Bor of Dr Kiemers estebratsd son. sutaption powders will be seus fres, pred cag Anes ne BA eure ox beneat that dissuas hdarene GREAT RUSH - - aT Cumming & Foster's, a) OLOTHIERS. Pet O76. pomed, Granger Stoves, SPECIALLY ADAPTED For Farmer's Use, Patented 1876, WITH AND WITHOUT DOUBLE OVENS, OUR FALL STOCK OF Cooking, Pariour STOVES! SELL GHEAP. PHILIP BIRCH, . Late J. & P. Bireh. Reptember. 27, Ltrs r _. M. WEES HoH" Just Keceived s quantity of OVSTERS. Also receiving Fresh Hertings every day, Whieh he will sell by tha doses or hundred. sa required. ; M. WEES. Strationd, Oct 4h, 16%, or =f GO TO ROBERTS' . If you want -- got fanner ; . =i nar, st ree oni oot GREAT BARGAINS vgn le . des Y * 3 mk coe as Rese Seat 1 SUGDES4-#0K8-- mt FALL 1876. A. G. Mackay & Co., REGENT HALL, STRATFORD, Ont. Our Fait Impartsaze intense _More than ordinary care has bean exercised in thetr selec. tim. N Wenars purchased in the best Faglish, Freoch, German Aiwericas apd Canadian Marketa, and are sow showing © stock surpassing in extent, variety and val necessary, théreby enabling us Ww purchase te greater advantabe, whieh we have done, as our Srvenda will freely eduuit by paying vur House * vist. -- wee oe Th 4 our trade Was bead ng we purpose "thisitalilag the reputation whieh "Wegent Hall" bas secured of keeping the Largest, Most Varied and Attractive Bteck outside our great cow- mercial centres, We carefully observe all changes in Styles and them prow pis. We would us '$2 she fottowsng tupartmanta Dress Goods Depart- ment. ~ We are showing in this department every de bh Ji known new Ma- 'Sgures. Ladies @ill do themselves a positive injustion if they [ail to ase the magnificence of this de pertment A. G. MACKAY @ CO Dress Silk Department. a. G, MACKAY & CO, Mantle Velvet Depart ment. In this deparmment we are' offering Lyons Sih Vebvots of 64, 05. 04, 87, 87.00, 60 810 and O11, worth to-day © per cont m Martetn es: Dress Trimming and. French Merino Depart- ment. Merinog. . 42 Navy, Geel Brown, Myrtle, um,24,0l) prime _ Teles, A. G. MACKAY & CO. Print Department. Tp thus depar waheve this ah 4 s bh age on Gn ante Ske Beyer : ear stock Aenean a6 Meng totem os we omien their eitentiog, "hetper tn extent, variety or aus & G. MACKAY & CO. Wincey Department. We bod an extra large stock of Bcoured Win- sort, ia Browns, Greys, and Sooke, whteh are hare bt them, to be cuperd valne, in fact eun@ot be beaten. A. G. MACKAY & CO. Millinery Departmen t We will open our MAGNIFICENT SHOW R OMS For the present season : ON SATURDAY, 30thINsT., stock of TRIMMED AND UNTRINMED Fiowers, Feathers, Feather Triminings, Oxnamente,.- SUPERS MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS. DRESS IMPROVERS : :, VELVETEENS ~ WATCHES ss ecerapas ce And...» at JEWELLERY, -- 7 " a