Stratford Times, 18 Oct 1876, p. 4

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THE AeTHRAT. OF BEDFORD. eee tae Toate Grea, oetent, R.A REEVE, B.A, M.D, LECTURER 06 diseases efthe Kye aud Ear in Torenta school of Medicine, an u< consalted in i acne | Grangers: ef Pest hare | nae eee deer tte gapgR discovernd that Users is sotnebedly worse than DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR, that he ie « " At the 'The honest Mr. Jame Retford; of Stratford, }| Albion Hotel, Bt ei! on Saturday, Residence and Office. #8 Ghuter B., Teron. in Lie Jamie" he foing farmer his bag, beary with the dollars "Eick lee promeks ot her --. He] tor and dote ao yet intcod; but aa to giving | _ $9,000 worth of New Goods. i afte tie Snes and bas whee ioneants,| GABA Opening of Fall Dry and has. left thousands... Those that were | Goods,.on Thursday, October te ete ior ct ar what 12th, 1876. MACDONALD say... He. object neh law. Bus if, & Co. beg to announce to their his pntntan pendant iss wony tenge | DUerOUs customers that they ent (ip would will open nine thousand dof. ~~ tou Bre Taitord wre pacmtnens Reformer} ats worth of new goods on the bad bea chosen te elevate the standard set 12th inst., and to retain their and is pro mountain with it, f Knsalales oo \reputation as the Cheap D: G ouse in 'Stratford, FOR SALE AT » Tatannteetenee Prices. Tresses w owar & NON: are prepared 1d UsTt M" F; A. MAR A New Era Magic Stop Organ, Sey ie tp el r= sunk, nase Se tae opis grado von, Vox 5 i ant Grad Organ Oe Seer pene ee some. ® Church or Parior. Genuine 5 eimeracs scoallnoa a "Fane Stratford "Planing Mill Sash and Door Factory, THOMAS ORR, Paorarztoa. E undersianed is wt to supply Seats, Doors, Blinds, agen Base, ' eT? @e., at tor Lumber! | Reenter _ they have pared a tine in ad eee DOWNIE. visiting all tke best Markets Tren sot omer scent ye = _ _ in America, to buy such goods | est my sock, Finishing Lember, and Sure > Wan-Feandie, P all kile d-ted. _farm known-ee- the late Smith's, 'as Ganno ott ~the- | Moa OS at ot -Workrman'-Herdware Stare. hes instracted Mr. John MeCulloch to off Fe. T. ORB. forsale by suetion on Monday, Soth insta ae re 'owag sera ford, Ja ~ _ produce. Jmplementa,|. 10, 4. 2 a ~ moe oe ge LR Sa ete, See a adrt, . prices. and. 7 yourself f. the : P - Dissarisriap win THK "Boxvs.--Mr._ Geo. question,' Can I. these}. ia ~¥ eee. ee. --: "Wad," © | * Ss od OST TS Ronee the Stratford and ede in other *house "im}- - See sae Serene peeseesionlis ta) have |town at the -- 22 yards A 8 ; oT bailt to Stratford he would receive eonsider- | factory for $1; tar for $1; 3 Ss) 4 are for (hie erin and other articles 13 full cloth for $I ; 10 French 3 < day he took.» ford | merino, $3.50 ; $1.50 Brussel mn spd offered it for sale, bat he did not think | og vats. 10 rd; $1.60 Bo V5 g 2 as ax mach ax the wheat | Carpet & per ya Set Z Oo uit woot Opty; at $St20- --o-iat-a o a brought it to St. athe next day, "when ne a + Eloer--Oil fiery 4 iiM . o z = Ee tinion, 350-1 Cloth 'ten't Her 150 _Wineoy. for We. |. 5 Ee e544 . oO. ator gig mins ---- rong a Fins, |e x 3 x 8 $ t first we thought it was only another nam- s, Spools Cnittin 'ot- ° se tine hee peo A ieee ange hg tons, tuner Edgings Fringes, 2 E a 7 ," and w ' i ic ' & press of St. Marys to ical of the > trath, when relerring to Seratford. Bat hav. Buttons, and all small wares e 4 E} ing Word, be informs us that it was = J sold under cost prices. a - 82 oie shiek bene Lod Pres . 8.50 doz. Drawer att ur eo Tres.) 50c. Please don't fail to in- x % B ¢ ' ~/ spect goods and prices whether | Se = ELLIGE. ~ : ~ ED Go, or not. MACDOD- 5 <m ov tax Taxpaak THE ae ges" en ml ene Riga Elie ewamp, to So & 5 _ pee, 5 which we il 7 ; -- 2 @. 3 be seen that the tender of T. M. Daly && Co., | wu 8 3 i in: the lowest for the whole work, y. 9 "and we provome they 'will be awarded tbe The P, D..& L. H. R'y oO. gontenes ; NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS. f fre Can, forthe wk wk ee oe ee ie HE Rharshokders of the Fort Dover and L-abe | Stratford Spring aie big a ~ « F9 aor cj = Peer Meau = 8 Suest thats ee ae etint oe la in tie WM RUSSELL, Proprieter. - die "as mil "-- | aaa rT that the Mia tated et Y erected ering the pet at Sknces: " | rocbeow peg tn working order and Gongs Erving, fer ibewhele work, 2 ane) Lown of "Woodstock, l Themes san oe of work + oo the 14th November, ne Pp aie end Amber A es, Reward wohule werk On Tucsday, day of 3 zt, pocpheny mer hee ae ~tgyt as} At the hour of 10 v'cloek in At sbort notice, and om Reasonable Terma, The Jona bawards, fer. porv erent: med Por the varposs ing thelk tétient to the sroneap lesiiented- cn ihecomner ct f See ee ee eee | ee Se ere vee -- to the extent of £96,000 sterling 'money of Great | ger ' --~Baagen,--~Th is courtol. re- | erate ers nbe te Maginad-or Gnearior end-all} Strationd, lan, 870, mnitnosincntths 'two <n rere ceived within Soe tine . RW. SAWTELL, . sr oie ce a allowed appeals to be. 5 : and shout 12 afterwards. The appeal of the clean tian me Canada Company was first taken up. Mr. THE Stated os behalf tie = be Port Dover & LH, Railway. Foot & drensow: gory per ye io lone Tea Dealers and Famity Grocers bad beard in rege the proposed for. a sect ARRON a DD mi Il pr a et RO ee aa ey 4 a ch Pek Mr. Kick, the engineer, pa =< PUBLIC C NOTICE amare ner ig J tn error in the esaeesment of lot 16. 'TS bervby given, that the Port Dover sad Take | oc. Tea and Black T on. 3, ¢ ed, whieh was complied with, Heron way Co. will apply at the yen' J rich, with flavour On mation of Ms. Marre Mr, | Belo of he Colalatary of ha Prorine of Owe | Joe cnr Se RASIAE sa semcm eta | Eros pac veenteg come ver| ee a? in the 7 bag oa ag ESE YY a0 pat mis Sioe cafes sen " seconded Murray, that the west half | {nf /Btercst at ix Set eee Renee, Pere 'Sth ga Canned of lot 6 ani jot 7, 8 nd 9, the cot a Seat oan meant she er -- in aemdancut ih | Sane nit sompany, tenting the ince of Fir smh and che, was woved by Mr, Suhring, seconded by Mr. issneot First Bonds raf eine wt ony WG = w as am . pe ee ts te exhen of Walt deniare ity off all grades, pad free bad a oe ---- into session on in- Srange hoods on mil Railway" tod tortie cmd Candied apie pny ates) a was . Second lesucs Bends made in ait of the fands of 8. 3. No. 10. Tunte- antharieed 37 ibe eald Reneletions ane FF, é 7'.-have ow "ne of Letter from the township ania, | oyaanea ond Remeron. RW. SAWTELD, Boting Ponder, Yeast, Cahes, Hope, Pickies . mes, ta, * Secretary. Mo iain a0 ret hearing council, 3. ae aoe the aiteniuan to the insafticien a culvert, ubleline 30 and 31, con. hs examine and report, The following accou! 4. req were otenl © to be paid :---J. Roche, oe on tideline 25 and 26, $8, Houghton, gravel, d&o., $5.90; Ludwig, gravel, $5.20; Schweit. ner, do., $4.30; Kastner, do., $11.70; Brick. . work on concession Foad, con, 6 and 7, $17.10 | Dew $575; Moors, do.,on blind line, con. Sand 4 --<-- ; Me- Caffrey. do., covering crossway, con. nd 3 and grading seit 5 and 6, $40. 25: and 3, ove tn drew Kahry, aah, $12.64; L. 8. Zoe repai The pratt adjourned. was in amber, were opened. counts were passed: Gortiier, jr, and repairing culverts and covering bridge, $20; Brown, new culvert, side- for with bim snent the pete Mr. Kastner to oon claimed. ------ 8 A BLIND MUSICIAN bani HIMSELF, WIFE AND CHILD, New York, October "3 blind at No, 201 third street, last evening, shot himself, and ebild. The tather abd child died instantly, and the wife is not expected to li tre aceident policy in The, of about Two Cents a day on _____ Rosat Rovaruvons, Agent, | nee REMOVAL! REMOVAL ! WILLIAM HEPBURN 'AS removed tw the batlding grate 2 in Nasmyth & Co.'s joining ©. B. Johns'. tae te os rors, and vite Coutiguance of thety custom. He anenks his pes 4 tiention ot apecal . PANLOR, BEDROOM AND KITCHEN FURNITURE. ALSO Mattrasves, Bolsters and Pillows, Which for quality, of in price, will compare @ | fvorahly with any other establishment. Stratford, Ang. S18 STRATFORD Springwrewery pu repair- ane t2: Old Aged Bottled Beer A' $1.25 Per Dosen. QUARTER BARRELS At $2.00. Half Barrels at $3.75. All orderdieft as TAYLOR & BARNSDALE'S, Wx: RUSSELL, Brews Serettord, Ang. % ~~ PENJAMIN SLEEP ty ad at the foot of the I AN BATING AND COFFEE HOUSE, he will be at all times to ly either Qn of: off the premases, ; Pigs Fi , Game, Meals to ager at mothe at rates. it cater for private balbs, Ooeraber ¢, 1876 cB. d OHNS & Co's ia the place to bay White Lead, Paints, Ou Ard all Kinds of House Furnishing Hardware. 3 iba. Good Sound Young Syson for: $1. 10 Ibe box Goda Buscuit with Box for 060} CALL AND GIVE US A TRIAL. 'Surat f ord, April 25, r876, JUST RECEIVED A fresh supply of Constitutional Catarrh Remedy. Pellow's Syrup of Hypophosphites . "Dr, Pierce's Medicines, N. A. Bosiworth's _%, ONTARIO BT. (Weet End) STRATFORD: fasettena, Ang, 8, 200 peer Bank. fARSHALL'S ee ee ee SHEET MUSIC WAREHOUSE, | speciai attention SIX PER CENT INTEREST termes. *, y } Maem aintatacnoe Rank slew HOHE TEAL T CELEBRATED * ' Single Mowers Single Reapers GRASS & GRAIN, And on all conditions of Soil and Surface, and guarantee SATISFACTION OR NO SALE ! We aleo oGer a trial of our Wrought Iron Two Bar Johnston Combined Reaper & Mower. This machine is supplied with 2 ptemans,# drug "} bates, DfAnger bars end ¢ knives, forked and a OE Ee Reaper to Mower or Mower to Reaper, By removal of 4 bolts and time. THE Potpnnees beeerwed upon the and favored with new customers. All debts ow ing to the late frat aie ot ; 4 8 COLTER, Harmony, Ans. 36. casaclile niin A Good Investment. , with Frame Mouse thereon. seid tn one lot or divided to dial Bac ee ae WICKLE- PLATED OR COMMON, 'aoracoan roar - Coal Of and Lampe | = : Opposites the "STRATFORD. " ALEX. HAMILTON, and Metall Dealer in all kinds ~ SEASONED LUMBER; STOVES! "srovEs |e | Stations, Mareh 15. mampaiat _ Srrathord, June 7, # 1076. - __ RICHARDSON' 8 Farmers' Friend Gang Plough, GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO PURCHASE TOWN LOTS. HE subscriber Leang determined to afford every facshty to persons desirous of erecting dwellings, mae great REDUCTIONS IN PRICE Vor lots held by hier in the GORDON SURVEY. OfSce--Gordon's Auction Rooms, No 4, Old Albiou Bigek. . , to G. P._ ROWELL &Co., New York olunaten EXD Si. Passphiet of 100 pages, containing lists of 'The Rest, the Strongest, the Xeatest and the | 300 newspapers, and showing cost of _Chespest Plough ip the Market. -- wtvertising . a Laas Aaa 3 w..W. 'Cowax -- | PTD terme , Fao hg Bg EGS isform the bie that he he d 1 B uel' the right" to tha be. ha $5 to to $20 Ladder { lag Srrveos npc Prince of Gang Fi hs, and is pow pee pty the shee aad teapeat the plough, and leave thetr orders in time. He.}.- PIANO TUNING. cdeuteg ack cammeal lephaat, Seem te cue 8 ROGER W rear the Commercial H. san. side ares ES pienanre in informing the sept Slee peck oat prepare fi Gee ciostere, Ene Hikes ees Store Stratford, March | bile of aud oe no Fashionable Tallonng. . FRASER bese to ie wl amt fartber : Carpets, Oil Cloths. -- me} A. Macnair- &: Co.; cut, and | Floor pit Cloths, Patte: tian, Wool and Ts Beam Mats, Wool Mats, &e. warsranted first-class, ent to The celebrated eictehy Ob Ce ta a wighs An inspection of stock and comparison oO prices rc spectfully solicited. Robertson ficuse. NEATLY FIXED BAR. =a Gide Baron Nile wtvect. W. 8. ROBERTSON, Stratiord, July 35, 1876. DR. D. M. FRASER, Mr. Dutton's drug store wu Exton new odes, wear lis residence, nthe Btiattont, Sept. ath, 1976 eee NOTICE. TiMowsir er mar " for his father, Can' vo sean ph neste Heal Rotate Songnt and sold 'Odes hours trom 30 to 8. ait waa da Stratford, Jan, 5, 1870. : In.the building known a the KNEITL'S 0 'OLD STAND. Sonatina noe Stratford Bowling Alley ! ! Foot of Ontario Street, Botet in South he RB Sead a onnen wae Inna, --_ D., Bible Noun, New ¥, Coty. 'ew York, Jane, 7 Stall Sion Ice Cream 'Saloon. Richard Court. Has opened out in Market-street, an Ice Salons Sarda Water, with all the ioawest Aatce. ings, , Fruits, Cake and Breet. RICHARD COURT also carries on his old Outario-street, pear the Post Ofies. Jae oh : TO RENT. ~ TBE rscions zisee lately koown as Avon Hotel, si on Ontario street. Suitable Sm Say REE S Sees Oe See Pour fats. 8 LER. _ Stratford, May 2 1876. D.B. FRASER, M. Ba ~ Mir poce of the Ontario em uber Urabe Revel an Léetediate 66 fee Royal ed cates aes Ovrrer--Old Alaten BG over My.t. J. Clark's | Ttalian Warehouse Se ly Removal. F bnveall F. FREMANTLE, guosmith, haa re- Albersrests, oppenne ny sate the cable of the Queers Queen's patrons, ee ie emer Gen ee the ouiom. _Serasford, July 5 Stratford > r Ba Man Paper = to zy _| ftyrad af ity prieas' A trfal I roapestioliy '0 jeara oold on the prowess. No boys or Ni ue inors allowed in the Alley. 1 Gon a Ee ny to the house. will find it beneficial to their health oo epee e plnnmant hour in chanies wad. enune- YWETERIARY SURGEON, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Stratford. NEW GOODS. 5 pu undersigned has 'has just received efnea sortinent of Fellows Syrup, aT J. H. NASMYTH & CO'S. MEDICAL HALL. = : | ME Eparann rabgnees opto $2 Cigar & Tobacco Store Great Western Railw'y FREIGHT AND TICKET - OFFICE, Canada, eee Ee inc Bill Stuf) Marke@Gquare, - Strattord, a Cheap Transportation to all Points in] ? old. stand, one door east of the post "TE Sear | octet aoe or Gouna MEERSCHAUMAND BRIAR PIPES, &c. axD Tobaccos and Olgazs and. 'all kinds of CHEWING & SMOKING AU goods sold | Shot ate Sceass Skea ote hase eal ade poe Stat se : 77)! JOHN BROWN, RealEstate and Insurance Ag't, Conveyancer, Exchange Broker, OFFICE; No. § MARKET STREET, Stratford, Ont. Drafts Issued on New York. Interert HENRY A. ABHMEAD. For rates, through Bills and other ~ Palace Cigar I Diven, Mazutectory i reer of Myerv Bioek. RENE ee ata, Kook ree ee J. G. YRMEN, LDS, no, me Conseal Batagw: as en - satel EL See peste ces gwen we | COUNTY OF PERTH MUTUAL F. 1. COMPANY B.H-C. CIGARS services. Gas used in extracting Teeth--rend- = Dowmanie (>; (3s, aus Guanes & Paton ~ "P_Seaattond, Faty & a Poipents Biciani: Mire Ameen! ¢ Spams. te tan | ~~ BERNHARD'S--- E88 DIVIDED It eee '7 Pest! HOT, COLD ANDSHOWER | pout or paancroms: 'Smoking and Chewing, BATHS. we Sloane: re ~| Choise ae em tae very > 2. , Rx-Reeve, Ellice. 7g mt Gents Back. mor 2 for $1.00, HF se SR carton, eps 0h, ee peace ALBION . SH NEWCIGAR &TOBACCOSTORE. ._ ae -Mowat's Block, Markos Square, beam aparece will Omer henna ase. tou pm HEAD Hoars of 10 a.m, to p.m, only. Street, Ottawa. County of Perth. eae pr se Ia pacts month. from teu te tree lr AGENTS WANTED ot The Clack will be in attendance at his cies, va Fa yf Waducouay of ouch weet, trem eR cm sicasiimn a fh ay te 5a adie declan ane out reuard to sxpeuen, in ofdat Jo suppiy. the Goderict Potnts North flee, on ing, Wednentay Thursday, Friday CHANGE OF BUSINESS. vied ta cosets Goce = --e taste Mites am ean ; and Seturtay of each aaine : : STaWint CAMPBELL, Maxket Dfug Store. | ar'spar Seats tn autos noweat sat sas Fm _County Clerk's Oee, Ina. 20, 4570. ety XR nnd povtorslgped Une wo tequait thet friend ~ WM. PORTEOUS. ; Lave Lanton ania wmmatiens public, ve itl 2 ELGIN WATCHES pr aa aio are = : MR. J..W. CULL, ae a a3 5 & ai = Ot Miteball, fo Commerciat pe ee =r of Jong exnerienes nas Chemist | ¢ aurtn ane "par Oommen Semen RESEEL Tt MBE Marrs Seder, thie or. ra em A tres OninIbua rand {and from all trains. ra - sapcessor, and beapeak Good stabling aud attentive hostiers. a Kins o conshbuance of the Wusnete ne largely o8- T. HAGARTY, Proprietor. | Stratiord, April 28, 1876, Reduction in Price, -- MACKIXNON & Co, |_Srstford. Janse Desi p MR. CULL would mention that he has re use, esirable 8 to t Dn account of han! times Pleted the above stock of Drugs, Patent Medh | Corer of Welli: gion and Petrick-ste., Stratford, , py me ery here tg! fee weealty Sexed te a : (Tt sriandidiy lnsated belch stove on Well: CALL & SEE THE PRICES | " Strastora Feo 3 meek. tlhe ee pert yard Ahcen-olrmmensag| Tyg gr proceutcoropted Uy Ma. C. dation for transient quests, week hcee Soe The * three stab) terms aries in a good cellar, and is well ' a Lumber! Lumber! 20H8 wmnxen | Sept ie aGeaee sc reemeene seg | Foal View Premios & Totoro Seah 773 _ |BAECHLER é & NICOL, fl Rca: -- Rint ee "a " a. ---WFETESTTS- oan a , } moderates, For -particuines apply to Lusaber, D pr TP) | QIRUATED between the Bridge and Court | | ---- Manufacturer of iaqeovennnts, | by the adaiiion af anew zine _ RCHITEOTT = 'Dbalc aaa aaa Jewellery Store.| Destiand 'Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Rave pustior', Excellent qaccmadanon for Travel wile -- wn i Strattord, June TC i Rei Dit Tae ee ee re pristor. ~| 2-,arebtontaraliye practaiiyy ama' te: pane '. BRANCH, -- --~ | Having bought the tumber en Stratidrd, March 14, 1476. vr a whywiniose ion Locas 5 KING OF THE WEST pfemines Known ae is Camber Tard, | - -- ; 'A. HEPBURN, A. GRANT, Eq. Chairman. we FANNING MILL fable Ghatwe cureal i cn 'tpriees weleh + M ney to Lend, _ Reatard 08 (M |S BHESSON, Req, -- THOS. STONEY, Rog. sepnet be boat 1 im the county, even at the Mills, F ssorepacersath-o ee and F Sal Seratiord AND SEED SEPARATOR. |" Sead cath attentian-to-dhsr tee LAWRENCE, | or Sale. Peregtont, April 15, B76. po a ca a » ws 2S the "itteution of Farmers a bear 'Markst Square i> cst l a . ot "We will warrant to Seteting, Rooting, Sh tes, . Breed Floor Dirastord, Sth Ang. 100. _ st stone hoase, ash beam ne be] & ' - ing, Batiens, Mouldings, &e.,are always ~~ | Sever Polling tpetngs. "Wir ice fem Beeeed, ; og Thiaty, Bushs a. PURE seed Whegt | onband. aaa Ww... COOLEY, Pall can be Gone by purchaser or im-| ci 3 per hour, from the dirtiest wheat. Work and 'ture are well the i ey Sree es -- = eit -- ~ aa 1 wil take out iy, ALL WILD OATS, ees ot ania cantons. Fram the Plumber, Gas & 'Steam Fitter, nERT WUTHERYORD, Stratton 3 Ly eS ; : aa ot a hag Sateen . seat LLHNGER ETC., ETC. strattond ope Cn Ee ES | i : 3 ise re) we! to execute work in the above -- "gfe tillsoan tad oparnte perfectip, all kinds | Six fuest stock of Dry Lveunber in Ly anches, snd guarantee catistecuion welt! Port Dover and tate} Huron g & =] en 4 BAECHLER & NICOL. | work executed vrowpaly, in style and =ailwa = ee Bashan Sa reece "raat | _serestn, Jy ma i oe | geen Panam, 3 Erie ~~ bal . --_ 7 qalans, -- ene he' Se. " On and after Monday. June Sth, trains will 8 _ Seratiord, April -- 676. Stadacona insurance Albion Live ever the the Port Dover and Lake Huron fadway aa Mm . FE F - ompany otb ry. Leave Arrive arrive | 45 To the Farmers 3 of the the County B be following Go Roen singh' sedoubiet ait coders Sameed: 125 aim, Sorte en % , ed to premptty and at rates. * £125 pm. £6 p.m. 1.5 p.m. _ --_--__ THE Li 4 LON GLOBE IN- Stratford, J J. 5. WOODS, Prop. Leave Leave a x january 5, 1876. ry 2 =~ - roe winsat? iy, rad sat, ae Be "es Soem * mem | agg A Sour patronage i eer nttord ceaPectully solicits | 'Stadacona Fire and Life Insurance Company, | © Ri Ont Deeds and Mortenges Loounection made wth the @. W. R. Canad | forone. fers Le yl enplomenta, or Bouse- HEIR ord basiness and good-will tn drawn by 2 is teem. Foenah end German. ithern. He will cotrast with you to tnebode all the | will planse mote thie tu govern | interest Offles, opposite A. D. WRIGHT, 2 ~ necessary advertising, bills, clerk hire and ¥. : ly Stratford, June 1, 187%. by is 'and do the business in such « MOBERT RUTHERFORD, ROBERTS, =4-8 . 1878. & pore -- -- Agvt:t Stratford Branch. E CENTE:! es "hig _3S-tt | Beratior'd, Janzary Léth, "74. -mt | BBGKMAKED tee, mauahectuner of ie VIA ine 8 . 3 = i tows ; office, 's Boot end Shoe Store, . = For Sale. STANLEY DAY, |Senece" 4 |P D. & LH. R, andi 4 i: 2s 11g: mr amis tence wee! a AUCTIONEER. | | memuax racaen Steamer Dover. |S sé a5 ie yaa aa ars | Na MMM STRPOT, APMATEORD,, | togneh anew re Coo Prt | ye Tate Menten crows | Lg BOF ' ipny. to A.W. RORD. ~ made. Agentior P.M F. 1 Co. German and Thee D i Pot D Moe} . aa #TANLEY. ix. «a .3B-O8. r Yeb. 23. ly don Wes end pe ry og " A ae me eo WE es TRIAL OF OCR iets Se H BRUCE GORDON, | = ae weary othe Aleph? na as = with an teennige Rnowiedge of of augmen . [Sm 'creat OU and ious of Penasylvania, Cheap Land. 7 -- _ Lah ae seis Rie, SM wa Ragienatenwen a ~ tn 7 nt "KUCTIOSEER, VALUATOR, 4c. Pores ar oe an by any ater AND i Chonp-Materiale

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