Stratford Times, 18 Oct 1876, p. 5

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"gota REN. 'Seatty wey. ad the Leteabeanr, and. wire ne eco et a Rimage detuchiuant estas i neers im ying te p Tih oem ct es iain sro i & ye Baa Be sneer aE Whiy Cate? Eyes Sinhwe in 'Qederk. fonts ie near costo ro ee = 3 x : ~~ . oi: thaote, pat puadeqye tock s: tix, os 8 * seeing the sister wh - : " é npr atids tie ef rang that ene bes" ae they ve a = warkios Rint detch maith A np een et this moral A Joliet's seat, and ia the Philosophical . Magazine, draft in 'Shuct Hwee, Ty seems, from are mom taltahls -- Erez a Mee [te WEDS saps ees by te beter. he cect He te bes ce of pus fair, be 0 looked ma of tue win. Bi ergy rebrwnmendypt the | advocates theory, aceord- these atten a, hat ag te i *- Four baakele 'ef grace ri were tor # Pe eacagae pegs re iy * ert ain Parner nowever, 'te epee _ dow, looked st the rolitiers, veritable def ge began. ae. w exchange is owing alt is pence et showing > gory qiiek, good iawn, a aEy DUE Whe seme Tye 7 ye tof Creme 'cabecc jncaaved by 4: cs yet of sh lence of PAREN af. ise The most intel: tay ; wre) ce tetas ant t oa at Se Pag Pisa eater "ana amc ie Prana: a i tdes eal he Soy then a el hier aise | Wot bal that she bad eye ehdeavored Tyemential othe Scogaiiimcatr | nro qeeccas Weasca Balog ct aT arte i gies, stk thi hae > ere ther, aint a tay bent for ward and |} ux bre ; the surface..of-- - te. Amotiiver ten 46f xpocd wert) ea a * * -- Hage aires 1 lad *3 "she "Ka bin gocher att atPy ' 2 > fromm | eoptiond ¢ be thba t 1 the wii is uibition aie working harmomowmy together | « fu. : iem--w« petrofense and | gtighily, and that as har brother's should be € plores of lag. have | <month or of haructer aa to take the ;# Masemehunetta, Sarin suave of the Com a | Seavemaae goes had met nar ed by hand--equal readily, = 'ia weang, men i, then the Do cr "er work -- A sor the Comte de yolles! house, . oval, A vane Sees baboons vod x -- Bulletin aoe coe ven oe -- ime wit peat they wv esvnted endl) "You. have atvanced but gue precise | would be sutilent to pro en Rp np eS ee - cline $3: : geieed; god the tumbyi} w 4 deen away allegation aainat this lady, and on whese | face flow from the | "0 , ni zginte. ieetaon pag urate bat Yeas tr at ed Ban] ah Beene: : _d: With Mervate Lyte: wounded was vag the | word docs twat restt Let me-shew yet, | poles, but to induced such Te tony be Pes in; epacen betworn bars. 3 Vine of coe Want sbowd the areas ot seeicie ot agrees 2 RR Pasada - Spat ; oF Bary momen Mer you of 5 Hm gomie slope there must be, or yee et fttng with steel. Gable" Clee Siky" "tu; | ishey'a line be Xd Rage Chassovrs reigns, : ; eraiies, la. petsienses une momrnt. h sould exercise » to x ve sian ae iedies oat amd tte aty of thg Chao oh see vente a i tarde ban Seems eed ae adorn ape magi ina she cutas quit ¥ , be as wich red any. alin if wae Losdis arartemedt't have site: ones eg te | AR a ah nates Damen ahead Hast Bile vine fc tied te seatne Shastoate his tay ee researches of the Werable mobstare, | Enstaers tbe poplin subrict?, belieses. the . ss Be : " Bwniled eweetiy from the a ¢mindow.) There w as iock ing Fi in hie voles Co erate potatoe bazs weave bean warl- a ee pluie." 'Live segniter operunelt oe Wery ia. vn = terete Por wrt oni ws xan the "ax he cou'iat fe "7 uuclous-spd:-otleve ingen. isp-- et: . ham, tht bw: ipedinecaiosnenesetie ellnierapites that eees pana iied=Tranelsqus amt 1 me "inst tell ou What ohe mn . ee fii" aise Ti nualeas CPiste ts tt ft | La portion whose iemdere, arg ataty to k ep | 4 coat Lesaic + Walk, hee ai i a4 det. 7 let any code of falew pred hn Aa J "Cae Beacon 4 ne . -- togenicus ee ob calste nent pester Ping Mihi day pore Otl, wid Head mage soit, | = Se 2: - a. i ie eee rant wa *CHARTER ENGSe-:. The be htrerty---the ie rt ped - ey in -- oa toe Or ele Bape r wed Une Le evan Yay ESSE EY Ae ~~~: = aay, then, a + eon : de ee ~ ee ORE+-- sete ob the whi pasts. - ae ' pewetieer ja 4 res Pierennn ise Patio Fras : Saree ih af-| agentle slope to well nigh the lati- | thread uyon fie er wheel ahatt, of aa iahad ties 4a Fer ps me P Sus at ies 5 ar serie ' ran ous of En 7 'be the tal pin --hed tee lever arm cuntesmcrnesd"" ite tie Sie vere a thee foe, Se esc tne aot ee 4 gg oer Bg ppg i sible [thle bet boy ¢rovnded with rh: ht | 2 boonies : cee or a 2 meore..| that, as far as the th Atlantic ts on anaes ' The hope of anvesae iia te young, be ead - His blood felt warmer within ing--antu: Shey srt Pinaching an conve, Gentlemen, I will be | concerned, can be any such throu whlca is preemitemty true of the canse o a onan ree Deen a rosy haze pirat ci ts ms it" rae ive use the Ries goon de Sade general movement as Dr. Carpenter ' bcd pin ts coperarces, lor it we ecmbltet ant herp tie has wade the © pans sceptics ore herself, satiafy ; ted eG 4 rat ri ve -- tine of theses wheral é sae / nae kien awaiting an Eve, For sykabie tm thas tiene" Rictainn ok raed feminine 7 and 'jea- | believes. Gravitation can no more wenfasted s hcstabed . wigan ge tectil rast ik Ws Sh! 4 i bags mabe the Arctic regions than sory mr moro es surfs yent> behad seen her with was dacwshei mrt "te by. Madame Ja, Cum. esas." _to flow toward tt regions ne he had to'com | pronoun "The seneation was greater hes had] 1 tained, Mertte rer Bey Wenls wind dee ae Sams hier. at, Tayler. er identitge-and. bow: thors. |.) -Gamms on rver, A pleasant: test -- "OF Mexico up the Mississippi into Rey Deepali d dnigons tacealardes!Hts | ee eit wow the Comte - 7 a bard aud fast. It wast better "_ Another. objection Is | the mules Teens . ene ee yore =r at tious DQ: Signs ates "tS ok latter, har bey z ped.) we pmS Sees . mr warm. water I t ne mam tie ran jeerdin te--to wader failed-- fae pete fv 4 The can opae teed se Set tlan " - aie rae " 7. Wy time D histe econ Lise pullfed dowre jonate yrovestations: unveiled : a ér Mages s a Tilueg °* thst Peer eaprsaes - ha = -- ~ bas au teeth a bese Lek ne. Meet eran i "te ie swore bussiodly Yees Be had yet dens sod | y. dac You were present, tinet threatw against Reine, now, zt SE Tr -- nak ke Caivarral Com eS Wit aad Wimrsas, s oad ee dats . eee her again, theory, it ought to have been the re- cA ck morperd-tos hue oRue bt : Tasers" he grin The count vetired but fora few minutes. | verse, According to the wind theory : wd tiie . ee - Boch smomentwHere, Lefer i, YOu means old Colonel noes, an: and, addressing of coean i. ieneuie ater élacie Waser aa, Iotoep ronda sill eaptsnaoe. Gis . ust replace nue, Im t leave the trop ine, couyt trades tronger than tthe | north- i ' 2 € t . cots ) Sate, sambes meas er FroteBisnwtoarns « igh i tea oletuan: ¥iute den "a areunanimous in ting you guiltless. seckcand blank eoustantly-over_opon io remove tue phd | got te pope et ane tat wisn loathe ptegrre | * 8 bets win Sahontnone toe # that the northern hemisphere; hence the by the wane ments | loweter ke conta ts ' 1 Cun-tia 7 a » Calum nipd_nsnpr vageheuy ans should teats i rth w - ' iby aire at warm surface water of the South At- | we a a - - a Ai ehecred. Aad. 3t-s-thea eurriod by. the | equatorial pas ett ° two--ass is kod it bah i ~ ' ' pi 4 4 ty Ab > $ey- ine 5 a ei i teal eed a i fails ibs scereany ete . 'part. of the Gulf | the ages ied ieptotkrig buccatia, : Abr wt: | . = "she is Erev!" = ackls, weite _ maineril, t : 2 : } o- inna oo act promipiiy ont se iss igen PME) ¥enker ea wit CULL TAL. ing -- i wats . : A } 1 tee OD ssbf carsies Fi cot - Bea he second Nearicake Lad by He ie --. CHAPTER XXX. AGRICULTUBAT sina, '& ts ce 1 --_--- ices seas reeamenclh ce i ee I rT oricns. He 'ers n ho .- tee ules . . a . 1 - tna, ower . si Sete San sate eee a | Se m6 eames | See eset St hee | Se ete Say al ee |e A orotate ee th it. ae Fie spasleica ca nga go expr ected --_ are ; tem <° we Bierinaosoks OT CIS FE ae oT ert bi yr: ed Fonte, tie +iualons wl * ie tice ak fess "w-4 . | ea ere Kae op lew pet them mt. "is ' the side street whict Be: ee - » usally obliged to Sheep should have better care in early e ved by alkaline | | ais ; | Buses th nae helt 7 "4 ot in , Lute 4 wee * re phere Vaaiitingty | fae vnpe ino the story of ix mouths, are few, and a arein the habit tu, Bury isthe best of | | to hanth) pers af w nite gg ts . pa wecieeeaatrn ce nitiiet'n Anal. as dette "nit track ty en broken by tgonand and formal tering Tr WW} dentifrices. Tt yy exrs 5 that the jatra- | | a hig geek ; 4 seine é 3 mist $3 toto weslti: "Ete p= +- ricteratay ie teal vers are not. torn i y | a | Lig wad ete tel i @ neds fharnen a wat \ uaa 4 t 4 | quueder sbrantly 'they oes weraa-ot ) thé fatal s coning aed have {to tor millrsanired lest dil 'i AL ees eI ot bere bim sige the cee The readway "si pappers, and their oat eae was lit the flames burning mymotiome | an a butchers bile; 4 emp rey feuds of the ot ith: wailing woine Ms. ef, oe ae ms las sd ving death behind tte barricades; ex it piewes of dear 1 a ak ee "No; I think M. Barns fete men her," in an: -erene. vee eset bem to p wen vironger thas portal Reet 'att with mt axed rok Abitafe$ mectbencsoay OW you ithe etiek wan, thie Mala Prtrestereest a-bow-t¢ wv ps4 iaco-the-wwerk yards ef 4y TA ®- itty 45 mothe Ata ex Say postal; "eens ke "Acwssut te: called, elncidniail the--Gorersss a Sige Oty trivial rages. Tess na poling Sam 4 ous ebes | a layer of little erin thet attenuate | torrents. Where the neoveliet pours « t Tent tive eat = wise, what numbers would last for extra the winter, and a age lip af woo in 'spring. While a sheep is th ; if poor, a licht 'ore, witha which ? Pp bir SE a age ype ----. ef exullation dat sod. and quiet _Rapiece badd second at Bes Jerml Reine des, d. jusi le earn spied Bier. buother's f fate, 6 She bapriness as asu one. Sheep should "nave a little What a series of ric shocka | grain day, from the time He would tet fail'in the fall ithe. a. So, two or three days paved ere Fran- @art in the spring. I would chaque tal a shor wore ssectoge oe apy re hay gill of | Gras -Sathenition: the: faldil.:} €otm of-oats per day from hinquished their prisaners, does not | day from January till June. There bap trom th dark into the street; | but re | should be one object constantly be- nt ie 1 ns Raa forest liar mle apnea oN oy apeeet Tr nicreque, of hie vide; = | Teceworbich called -bien..o. Becta. .ogein.| Conaun, We. Roep hie abeey: ins thriving " Bhelter ie alsoone of the first ob- jects in arin sheep wpeerssfelis; canine Geren 'Farmers often and sheds as unhealthy places for sheep, when it is a want ain Bak a ventilation Fig wool grows rapidly; when a sheop is -checked:It}- the tec: «hh +> j a ey St FoNPST twice a day, cae yee le, ee Tare ss esata igs sate pom wt TEA sie we! wm di wick 2 yoninde Of Olathe ; ma ve 'over' part ot the po # hia Aree, cu oe Ws fat of ball a dex le (mio Qoarter th ol nee ste phened aud ay the ebopa wo hisses four 4 bckie: \ oh thy w@ trnds of + bof so ab with thir yr tows af tts vothes ; bad os ad i Le Mink Kak gan Up aby alee ob monte $ esagntsee Hace wien debe Keatile paged ual a the bu * BOHM tela. Crane leur fet 2 Tae: edt fees iv Edi. imac ec ie , was ten minutes agoy rhe must have F 5 : rd the a a: He bat diemonnted, and unroited the voluminous Pte cloak strapped to the sud dle- rperenes We apm toangerertic Sve mr iris 3 ees raat : ve forced bia had ylehted, i as es talter was oe head, wind Livnte fevre, with two troopers, debe: ee into we ern k, arid 'spranyy "upea acral eh from Vinoy! We are to croes the Seinet Conte Capsyon-- come! Is your brain tuned!" x it tay byart!" erie "0, my ie teine--to bee gu--let me go, d te : woah save him in 7 ~ af kim- velf. reame forward and ft ~ om tue it i a oe att Ta trope an gorge --. evil my eh at fr, 'ana ti pes oe re --_ il, humnded urnl id oy madi" Slacks ai tie "e0- jeanne heed. BG BUC deor « ' cia ie ait Dein clare a - ms ae ate } iit Stich he fan alt . ere " od | nt ste meent "I rom vuld not have you slight | brother's memory," be raid, ribage tog 'teeta Witte Ai aha kee agt a mere conventional sor isl rulet Does feason, ' naturepreseriba this waiting? Cam ou' net respectaud chorish the poor fel- _ ome my. wife.aa. andy." "And ser, } pnts there are t-te low canyon live alone 'aad unprotected with all this noise made about ed e lived alone before this, my aod in aworse phgbt. For be added, now," # with an ao 'ebis dlike orang ie "lam rich-- us left this ¥ Tam mot poer. | for an beg a aire Fa. ee bank notes t oehaka Vnors than « mon «ae looked agg wal ined. mh world rather you: should yw S rare OF ices tastier tone Me: Stare man "tant tf themeelves, bey thie Lariat uf de ing the de wal diosa 604 suldions aud 3 men inte the cur They had jor: 'tevformal ie Tagabn- tng slowly up ene o 1 reels be - yartier Latin. 6 the mon said. © over, my Poor --_ z > Neral is Ate fewer iy Unis quarter. grotecas youd the circle o t watt! *. ha BLO Waheed fo die Wil Tete, Pap M. Mas eee PU d. youself foe ve ma te c wr Fo : a "ksh itd all the Tia pom mir ren a i tind Cone - arsed agaist the "* He bad son, ght: lee. tine reached hotter "Hevawthe end ap- Hy Re Ip re " : iy. triumphant soldi fe 4 "dik-not- pat-aeide-hin--ownt ain bition, his own Sreyerane instinets to.sare | and bese i ies her, the, who bk sas the adopted ly with her fo bis s daughter af ¢ Mor brought ng himevtt- 'the red cera -af ihe enon Sa cross af Geneva, ae Lgitiug her the hs bratie, thet ote a "tt ful-- Tig ied. By tints prodes ae black gown of a dwive Of wrervy, he bad 7 faith she Red woe at dit sar Tinie. "Bega pene Pilgtipiage threagh Foted oat iMat all her friends weep wasted tle etharnutie; tha: she hed x were itn the riilizigs of the | bee known to have compromising wvolite Lasers ter i ton CEMTERTA TE Lee pe dintoeniSh at a ie atl trey hetimes thst ee wee goons Bhan, og white Kt ahs? 4 tere Murcur; tho metus of a gond- sont os m is wit whe ought Te for a harand' tw Re coxTnt En.) AN INDIAN SCHOO. ! miuast | Weather, Snow cheugh fell to mark j Lo ~ Se nil geese upon, this ---- palts Were nto show w to play this game, url Mat to awaken am in- _ sports, differ. stomary is one sorakening an teen in the ry vag an ita lessons. In this nl tnety f éporta, endeavoring. to oe Bern new the play-ground, In a flock of 6 The patrol was riding towards then, demagogie--and, Ht Wes euid, ae fir Maretts halted. ot an Ex: et aint ee had i Hee otal ike e Fir uc a Po tN tere," ws an ttle . pares rere em it FOr ee ree mores" eee adady who ait an ire * efelveesitenre tlesewnded ax strol approach privsver's activa, det. borate com-, ates eed oe tbe potesd a ily i the. sortst crimaeot the Com." Call Madame ia Comtesse de stood ih ma rere" wabd & Nuapien: said fine! Looubl not dédde which greater ree ~the w nit page Wieeeaoet al Paar "rs. The sedhe é Share aT aad cntienag, a8 , var 5 argument against sbelter for for rs because it is improperly used. I am believer in having sheep shut up, so Sony I like warm, comfortable ft. the warm, stimulating sunshine after @ storm, ought to know afd ap- preciate its effects on ani- mals. Too. a should | exeTe pi --~Rerteetnert-trtirecew:= kr MY. Tee, dasin Gir agit 'fret eustve Prt SOs; eer forty bet bans nama len, simuare fa an en as Ag the unuster of oq ach aquaro vi trees. --- temsiure French + 1 am» ape garicss rie! ten, toe «ys evs F wt lad Be tivogd vot ia r fenk Crops Lowe seanganige be oan, at ae, Kas, Ma Sa ad on 3 eo five. - Onrsiowrth of Ue Vis pdevoted t holafiren' Varieties, \ politeness; sind a gin the tori, sepply t There ix vg police mms The weit at gold but of iron adeteed 61 nt: the Kat Ware » eeltean ", eens thee-abeer mpoe arid per jets, ity nt wy Cugttact, i Sree eiltiest of waren think --s . if Nice tren disew t+ ms ry x. phe Range ry Be is "when yours seprte ebarms be apigit- ' any tenth thet haw be feate yo nincke af % littent good ga a ethan iwe hate at ay only whew ap aver the blemishes ait ¢ vit taadia sian of. . friend ; ta rr itis ai afore hid stad achioke: to bury ae et to proclaim bie 54 apt Tens virtues upor the Lou watery. The Brit cnit dace who tried nog" _taind at tye mask rancho ate mrlist The Piece ty m see hondi ne ame xe: the Crine-tecom, of Bt ie Cn ta! Never <BR bee witurre ¢ =% tt Wiens t pevetl when tw eg B ed mo fia df wes dois 6 the Keep ea es 3 He Cau e CUS ab whieh thee wine i Me 88 4 The War Maat be Craeil, fe =. sue a x and creams at ave i. ma Br, Slate aad mpictinainm, oiled anedamias danse dts, birt Lente tas Peucitd "Aika ~ The present ing bepeven _ Ferv ane and 6 Ledger y ote t oor bqer rtraibed Ureugh a Feo tucr Casr.-- Whisk ie @n ogee tor be f én hour. chen ee leat » grated jand of tue tau Ww beat ager Geely powds ted ane vilting tasted Kasstan V. nuirers in the Sertian ~ STB. 1 Engich staff 'ote wre, writing" te th Aras = arg Allgeweine Zeitung jrom the sent pd ae, Beem rater tor Dee eater the wif te bea the ramp steak eeu) J. bak nen «itay, 22 < three-quarter byeria bm gota "aly wed Deon ob" Keiiete we, T oan She ondoms , deta} aot. ard pu. eon, Jeng Dee he ab Marmiag dh 09 ef pasted eked Wired, dstenth sup at Srtirne § : baie, mali talitegs, Koes, pastas * ttady b> Shine sannnt iste elton fasne bth Twit up terew ima dozen bie Wits | swat yf hte Meadow xpel ee neg washer APPEALS sys Tey ee ris bay DoT VR RIT Fee Ste the i thie qoreram et wat rrr te mb thoy Webb die a hilnats a ict ches at the Dey bea geeks " To dashigaebs te dant jie ums a thick 9 acot ane T ts St Paar rw ecm The Deri Stesmte oo esasge the neewiy fit tweet Du sant = Rit, sat - oven coal patelres git maber sou CHE , : ? . Sake, Dawsinn ollloet< jovsog Vir give a hundred euest deeb he Pre siete Mele 1B aiGa thet wont wt = WeBTAL fe ped: thes «ti es Servinr where be wall arsine Une command o : Mik. whe Bide teaad ASIC, aiem Wee jored end onan zed by ot @ jonrtal whew Ravais Re -- ¥ thet " pr i nine Wat a howt ¢ ee a cing Reanmanie on their wa A etd wl be th Wey oud! cation iad pa Suew- slides in Utah. the 1 Gitaie wont Dutra ts athe tape! | sc heful ppb aby fa eh. e y4-bank, tikera_ a gray. pro hen the wit en avu-bing it re bert eet ing x &; noiew ol wcisite 5 ~ & tthe asec ta reenter re tve to "y Y Wwattie- the Soba Cask. te t vac vu ares vei tb that Ca a fe fa he him iebed lin lot warts soitiw il blows « " Tabegantins tnits - elas days, fii ca ches, i job they unged cae 'fos roid ri stray enely. day or ut Oro the deep «st avima> Tn - curm ar ost hye the aw divite| from rt dorp. leaving tha tar brat = isgiatei.and thie ny show. Saener! euls chamibors aod vacant $ pisces odor ory a8 fast av ik was mined aore days the came oat and 4 shave the freee: pale of ches year in isieh the trike rit es ¢ of this ker _ ra mt re abound, tba eda baran'as rozactrbn, in its watuce, ae all dvery ew intention of duath ond sappose, fréins reading thy thany ie Earrey 7 "3 on laimasitariis -- aa. otel 'Thee may, indeed, be Conithanity, Wut it ie $a omental 5. Faypooyan 4 hardsy- censiet at to be 'Ctrvtan vations do. fu dealing arm, theory of hon ape ty do as pas th. their own eye and tee at Rome in | oer 8 ry hind a Gietie® [rita dew | Move tre snow net yee Eh: packel, "amt rch vo ripe. of he, bowpitals, 'ft 'mais ut ais in rt od ange Bhs rm was fates! " , Sookig a - ce in Noe - hing on the sips. Six Lahey fan e abrabs, Dy igen settiom ute werr in tle lade devel Geng In a few ag polot during the fret tie: tines | Fauks oi seas st. ety a well soerguntinmiees ekg fee tee 2 wae ATA, Ge Wirete is eeieek trite the etter Ades 1 Wow 2s kobe aio Oo Bght rach cra Ata yuk, sae eu oe thax. &a errand oe & bas dog phere pen u Whee is a beggar lade a pel -- Wien 7 * wg: "ie {ts pens. hap, Way euaali rai ty .oumpauioe bay sot sanvege Wit dd, ter Bey ani Preble siready land ut te "tg 5 5, Wu m ty ct adage teks ie hy Md. tho Stor T, ike goa Sohne we th tu te Giibhd edt tee aout 17. Ww Sy tatu Hep cotta? When herty oe reed, Is Ifa tee were ert & teetin, what ated of Bity would mt okey painw--f " a { (geet Muy om the wmaecess ta! -- ed oon mmaneee end tev eats thresn wera Fon: Why ik w tacgraps sive tike the aor dian Loe? --Becai~e it art ie puis. tte aig hetowen Dog. " i. What i- tiie iB ene: taker ga bait, s i ie es flue, « thetr "tail pen Shaka, ; kite the materia gaamonly @: ond Ger aeruing Andy "erbockilige? Kocasee they oie thretiare to pews i w weratatiy Orival, culyto badesonsl Secs Way isa aceite party dike a ghebet ae th festa id Be dee - Loan os em "Gpmsas. "Sh Way dst r= comms "peters 6 trata --~ Becanee i wu _ a. Way is cae Q eu the 'most erceeetal ver row? --B =| Stee wear vs, sa -- wi be {Yace

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