7 ay / PU Zehiene 2, : formerly so re Free error; erent a oer SeinrDnneeeeraper er éernr nesten tase ' as = ~~~ STRATE oS ' _ ne Z L ermnem: - ee 01 ae = -- "STRATFORD, ONT., W BUA: OCTOBER 25, 1876. . NO? 43. ree or nearty Could Not Doli. Fs : eee a And that, te near _NEWS OF THE. RI. British: Thema Nalaries -- : i Ant as ore _ jaitates Choate pet « little oF Wo D. ee Tho of the different ceousrche "= : : ns tob-ed * Jt is stated that the election salaries : : * - SS raed expenses of buvope faows . j ' company s SL aid net hea sey Aamaager sear, for his perfect coclress xmt seit: pooewaion Mr. Bapert the Liberahand ursuc. ap arr i oom sa Alene the sete. da_snbi. ta. be dys gaien,---2 Your inst veeneth antes . Writer never saw hiss Gieconeert. coustal candidate for Buckinghamshire, were ase second | =" mony al + $9,158,000, f-ing | = 'Het Billy Wa Gover laa, =) a wate 7 Sods a £12,000 | usaia'é notion in harmony with their alli. bed on hl dase = gy I. Wages a secagne' po ge Witkineeaville, but jery arkige presiding, thse - 0 ' uagn + Mass, prensa Ms ® 2 qty a the hk: Mr. € ue. Thomas Fos, a gentiemasn of indepen - 000, or$8.200 «dey; Victor Emmanasl- nt ig ----_ ---- ae st the Tobe.xp lacight ond acts, the did not make the you, i L a has committed . a" is Derlin despateh ge t | $2,400,000, of $6,840.40 day; Marre tae cre ver" --, 7 ah " ba Mal y : ay "With x 'ide owing spirits, chiefly | amte'a | ed te" | OOD, of $6.870 « day; i Papi ~ co Aa ake aimee : seiem, 1 will thok I comssie mnidaben -| caused by ng epee of menenlis emg ard is aa fol $1,049 a day. In asion t cach | Ae oditer vet od . i . - took every nes w E oi praedemenied Richardson: formerly ot} " o tegard @ Bi Hs of these individuals is farnished witha dexen }> sayes-- We have rese! * " _ ee Land have it bere in black and white, jast as P. for Lisbarna, whale dreasing for for dinner Oe Suilecesary Std Walavorsble (Use Gai" [or mor Urst-olass Boasey ts vst wittwomr | grapes trom ont ~ Dimceting a Cigars Chere staled It your it: Heb ie rias.on of a durable peace win deme. | any charg: for rent. for which be will pleese accept our compii- ol "fF wotes* you will find it eo." Turning to the ih a apopleeie BY ait aad yhairter We akt aati' i po to ixereiee apour Re EE ------- we - ob which aro woaciy eon FF ewe y bgt 00 the desk of the | jury' be went on :'Jastas I have tohl you, of en bour. regen Periph es premsere 6 Age ars A HWorriule Batile Hyman. ; ---- ie ta. eos eer oat, The ate nial mectng fell pang nacurtan sud Aifscult poaitien. We consider | 'The Farkis "usms, of which the Obie, that ew begga po dasonen a - ar Ma Poubane: (tree jadge, seats interrupting, esid, Gruffly > "I se the lelter of Dr. Vhs poet "S shat the tal aad eyoanae: foliow: & portion, furnishes an exesilent } killed a negro. When te gucaeree found Brea py Hes +, carbonic acid and oxide,q, dot't want tc lock at your ustos, Mr. Choate, aud et ' cotton mill. If ind: -- which ia alreudy aaakign would [Teal Mr the borrivte britatizies ) bhenself th goal; with the- chores fare era k and » vaporous anbstancé condmaable into ['eéd, if Ldid, you know I conhl not make takes to manufactaring eatton goods ale will | /2u%t Mil! more by suck post We | by Turks in moments of victory Alan ealle | of his being Tue Amazon Liver is navigable for 3,000 oi ui These are the nothing of them. The witness did uot enxy interfere with the staple trade | Sens tn } signa lr he ag tiinsyler, gud the inectames | gs widow hes obtained a ver. | Tins Oy cree ne ppd hieb Vebl rt what you staté." Then leaning forwar at be Baty ser an tributaries, ehieh ; nonce whet Va an Eee ve 4 Pager at Choate. his a, _ red eetien be lice eciregna pans shoul the progress of the weguta- | of the infidels, Kilsh cals? Ata i Gisitest Ths ole her Wishsed Bae deiner of sr tee a ioe Raley Tooemasielinion fae ~ formic, lintyrie, valerie, and propionic seids, | "You wanted hii to ray contd no, Mr. Choate seth € poration of arian ge yt tar Bm | Shak gevonnat M seen Se Ge ena! a within fit its seo or coal ts sept of Awe ; acid, and earbolie acid, | 20d you did your bust to try and make hitn; vile fling en pion ches prayer of England, and is weli| Teuter's correspucdent at St ths cons [ Tie pecptiets wilt open tho yuter-ot-Paredine-t ecaved kis death. Hoes. minal Faas tah, wud for . ian thes oceurat but you couldn't do it" | Choate stow for a open batchway in Pl 'Lawrence mar 9" '2 zndon ral | teiegraphs that it iw understoo ih ts preat! The corp our brethers > ching mteshre fl. of fax moments sitent ket, trom the effect of whieh it is thougi.t by ism, is starting oo a voyage to Australia, in | reverting to Lag dee * -- pre it remain apon the beid of carnage. that Sometimes it dosen't pay to -- ail ond te pping. ee andthen took up sr part or thie thas recover. | the hope of recruiting his health, which .hns wiara mers cosy may trace postitens> and Peviesty £0. Your wife im orders that you ih -- cnet : Says theSt. Thomas Timer :--"The freight for sometime past been indiffarwat. om ot ren Parkey. bry came cl our euciiien. Weep | 20% be resposibie Tor debi B New Ti jenera tnal @ eal ' a i rm. ace Dablin session the Recontor duod | meaua of aif international a" The Porte = tor theta' The avenging *wurd of the subs pthnggthare ng hand horieg, ter Has a Be) ta geen reads Ware a eee ae aed Whelutrednerd hem. : 'Saat Te Tak " : hab, Shee, LIM ar hae, Pe eho ~ tren pel the prophets . side. of each, Onn Dae Basta | tovt high. ; "Tl canna "its ie Serva > W reject ae Pchuvered as 2 a os « oe tetas mera ty ni tobacep cbampbor or 1, #0 Tt ba hf that eject aay arate want of $3,000 bail. sole ESS Siena' Wari tinmane (about which net much ia known), | Potatoes it is ssid" sduced | Company are strained to BR im, | Scie ee r ane Ot AOR fora ng Soe eneteed apeaene utter extracti into Euro; Si ¥: whe Raleigh i pore a it. A health ot pression it was merely an ajourned sessions, d 7 from Zara {4 | weapons sow db eee on ened -- in man tune conieesten j--**i a my te ronk rh soaldae often eee a 2 Peay es aa Peles et Kak gh ba = rity" y sign o reviving pros, be bad only sunsasoned patty j . " the * repulsed tae iuaur- | infidel ravkst! Weey nut to themi Al is | Geed to think it mean, a fer yeare ago tb mary "rein po page ren wood: if be did. intes a Recorder said be would not remit or lessen ete and relieved Dilek, whieh has o | great! The Chri tiars x sycedert, our dead wiit friend Without dng hee | cis woman neud, y fiber and various saite. The | -trange, nt the pxtato inte 5 the Orhan Vindicator :--"Last week Ph thee the most frum. « feathery white ash, which in iteeobosion and | Ireland or Englan: 153% or 1585, Chat | we ge hey? onid ahh the penalty. The criminal business of the | besened by Peko Pauleviteh. Sinee Friday | inherit wll the jovs promised by the what kind of champagne bu would have | vere ivost. Bre t ro 'whiteness is indicative of the 'guod cigar, | Joba Gerunds, we Ent at that tine gather. | up during cine but short time. Coart be hay song leh to enabie the aiersil te |< -- the tose arigetihe of the daatinet of Linbunge al as lowe for fim = one ae combat! Te rapa bh whether be prefers teer | (41) a4 197] tue trovi ime appears to reach yisid potash, ' lime, phosphoric wg material for bh at work, "The sks does not apply to the Oshawa Cabinet summan Grand J |S aatins ota end ve on aun the he carnny ey Uah iuvites or weal @ bave twuched "wert peu le thasunuw fro " to 1 Nae: -- agid, wulphurie acid, and chlorine. Our torie of Paste" " pakibbad & dozer jar | Couipany, which, we are tact waders At the Bow strost Palice Court 23 Tue eieuibiray specter . He now . ie uf oe Leadon ----, drontcte. Ten her kirtsy tetra steer eat A potter aiap hotel in South 7 as nae ; thinks it in unsafe to 2 bist Deny aed wa wade of f Olwotung bottss born 6 and the i poy iption Pe - ---- a jarger pmb with racy tp SECIS teats _etemnter-tetele-- Lang pope bee . fect hae LE Kg oe Pri gag = -- | bat e-a-were Waites ai ete _ verte treating acat. The prisoner, uuder the = Raseian coarierine jast arrived will a se. - ; Tieee--- np a UT fl "i wondertal to er tem ix the list Raleigh being its introduces. The famous Thureday night, Oct. 12th, Me. Joh meu y . pect lctts ietter Crows She Zar lo tin ll of now nearing comple enS ture "ues tx bode is very cod of the from sn English partiamentary report on | (terman int. Clusiae, obtained seme | ie fas a Live ot boos sta stolen from ol ead. to his empioyer, and killed it by repeated:s ,. ppl ; OP ton these report ' targent he m ~ ore om matmerrerominy fevers Teese penis ies -- Sugar, alum, lime, | potato --. while in Vienna in | ied attache to residence in Guelpb -- on the ground aml tare the | ita nie wert sabe keke minor ic gel Moon ina aieied ~New 0 a aes Se rae ie ° jour or meni, rhubart leaves, saltpeter, ful | 1589, from the Governor of Mons, in the towzish: * ir, Vaughan amid the case was cue pola furuicaGous of the t fin meven stories New Orleans Ballet.n | worn i, ina cumpect fora on the ter's earth, starch, malt commings, chromate inaul ithem from | (he beet to nl ts 0 sppareutly mp | She Worst of ite hind be had ever bad before | "PSM! wther ee ao at ae were ue i Lavestigation tends to confirm a } af Sead, pooh Mana, mebiniane, a a an eeu oF vee Pope's niegau, b -- none bio ¢ wef. The b co ke eee ais, en sentenced. preoper tw two | teie salts ms conan ant . pad Fine { cast a weonght ne Sam was piy busied common sait, endive leaves lampbiark, gum, Sur Walter Kaleigh. | wongside a picket fence, the bees months' = imprisoument with bard ee bave as age Sheiter iiaed. His beaith bad been auerr red dye, s biackdye composed of vegetabic. sod eyed babi no os lel of A dead and thet . ly all | iabor. been tichaement Lit Bug-and, _Prance, en - S77 of whieh are | tain for muonthea, and, alter partaki me ved, ron aii _-- pe of newspaper | etn ian enterprise. paicad azul the honey smashed, - ej sore is cving Italy have of ti : none tesa th ole kent dideniy fe ae wigs | 8 Sau) carpets of baukets, of beth ; al geeeten stick, eas ad Mee ne Walteh os bor gid Rance tower St Edward Sense' eat ae She a ot _ It ie Tatewinl Vatgem cr ia tin de fe angie we | OF min ate sae the deter, who wm called eter vdeclased 2344 clot ay Sivan Ae atten 8g '4 atl, si wa Ween sgl sal eieqrates to lake par in drawir up the Lond ur we eee rae ee o 1? ape on eas om aii --_--_--_--_---------------- . alg tag the iat teary te the peta 'ab itby, conetitating of forty -- rane the Ch Ini i Ge demar@atian. Aistris bas vt yet N 4 seven grand stair Hi, "en © 'Was pommotnces he cok apbaviges rte mee, een wate tceoee im vad but F actes Was soul by anction-to Mr. W. R. Stone 14 S08 | bey decmrabucd. ay 4 & : £Salsider- ttnred Anjineedote of Early Telegrapric - te ceoe nc upon >a slicks parse = ---- or pt tue rate of $150 per acre reve inst be had Which is addrossed ae * | An editeral in the Jimes revewing the . vi 4, TBs 190, gisaty, howe he ing ettrasted '< oT wyeusd om -- qamction, % aia te the b a dons beats * ode ere -_ =| pipe en Si M - ity. ears ago CA a tow hone ar bestowed, "expcia ly i the ao oe ee Tning | stroy himeelf,.oo account of bie bebscior to | Meanie pSpualeies as touts roe wold Em ee podcn 100 sand, o aredads | tain Bates and Anun Seas, oe mgr Jos P| shethor potuoes ever co become migad b ae CY thectric wan Ltcipicnt happens t to be a pers u of mark. = ' | one be loved. He Tegrets the trouble he = many, Austria, and Fr and we may | 1.200 gucgts, Roches LY He is geven | Ober urvw ong te Me semme Bad erptied bead new,and « mystery to the masses, came A Fleeced Pick pocket At Montreal the other day: Leughla jedan "Four Bra vith epmumity even the wn ttt piovens anda ha f feot high und ae tear ineh ta'ler base Lagden fim we. Ol trouble = one 3 night = in ig gi Scout, carter, employed at chowew pa an. wars very prom! ing wur, Bas therm may be a point at whien | dark 'or wi - se. ba a Pere kina Stare -Sho } the of Bugland. _ The ~ basiness "There is @ tide in the affairs of men,whiet hard. labor. Sor: tegard far the well being and reputation «f | bas berg deed u a length of heavy eg ~~ rooms of theig be are eich ' wets sath aera me poy pota- -- bes SN eae = a sah oe oe onto forte," or tS ~ning 6 'hers having four sores on bir Tho Bay of Lan Spr pinyh ag gn Blip ig bat ; gto saeoital: menese tate 'i ah. on8. Abe Sapte, bewne bs | Ae Sr Seen Ob a whine been woes right. : misfortune as the case may be, ail Of The 1 bwo-on-his $wo-noderneath.| ged been discoverc aden aa maker Mbbebtirte ¥ aay of ty just £100, Fatis been 6 ba ama ing one exam oi te pena 49 collar, His Honor lectured the man th Wecters Tie: tatween Guildford end ttiwcs Belgrade ses Te ch sa, One of the largest droves of cattle ever presence os ee. she ie rit erm 2 esaon TL = lend pal tie money, sy.bel the | Sure se~tel. was it app ; severely, but the latter auyte deaf, the.| Sos » A letter found om the decraves | man's atitude is wet under rr iy : x res eregeeat oe cape few Tere iuatins Gp and dee.are his nag a -- = __#¢ commotion. It was 1 y,' | passenger station. "verde of wisdom unheeded. Tho. showed that he was a professioual bower tista, Laanarch is supposed ty de © {few weeks ago feom Captain King's ranch, |" error, that must be found. For some of those Vira) arrived, a maida ray fey sia ress poorder ue PS agers and Of Datina | Hs Game with tre new of nenteting af oe Bos tied pt oe segs the uiterer courts wid | Naeees county, ans The berd num | 2 "ECs. Stut Ht eooms to very clerks there coald be ne gery a Oe wood, ™_ ighted there from | Mast the horse was in working condition, lyri asa minister of Ord Grey 7 tran Eqipure. I [eeecens i bered 50,060 "« Bed ip tile, and was atts nd pe perenne inprgrs te > ki a4 of po - sa Fiche I ed Ae she ane bernias depot a house of = Robert Mitchell, on the friars chureh and parish in consequence « Tike Vienna cortexpoudent of the Lene The € eae r Fight, TAT, ARG Ths bord brovest Soz7 ey Pat e man eraninin. a A > - was busy. It seem tee naan fairs, be. | Coprad road in Southwold, was desttuyed by eS y "Now thet the: © is te eae any Somebody tried to bern theod Yale Cu Ue thwid Tage abotleier hes'owe thea as Lady Threadneedle street longing to Ao fingered = profvseun, | are oo 'e anaes of Friday, Oct. - 13th leret Ung the real wearing " + AMA © ou i last week, by thieaing a powder | Mocre's ad ES - wonld over that £100. Jt wea sare 4 el : . - tha ainie i an's 2 - aan com Roe voudty bat mo mark told -- her pocket vf a ss ~ ¢. "The a = soraget ae wor meh | resejutions--"Tha Pr story "he ee aap i andigaton ey = tre ball about -- mee moe S tome Clare wt a ery considerabie isdarace where, Meantime s young on the San. tainly el oo phen bad the cond ns Pe a5 'ta family Tne oie ta @ to extinguish | em a from Dr. Wallace, of date the ata 1 ae aM bs retpemiberes chet : ox |g et rebound sentte in ames over @ tanke's . : . 'i nd the fl vs: A " ve sag * Opposition runsitb sadioky oded ' ntartaghe y ben Te na oats * adsy ovining, w his way homeward. [ell dently 1 on the robber stipes anot Lise ve Lady | stuadi portion of their peaorhela goods Beth of ds beisaalgecey peas rtcog hte mas lie mare fle! tual than any Sey atten fer or's | of br an m aftairs: ims ev the fulowimg | window to a of neary twepty feet | : -- = cat ut "raimea i day te expose ttn . ot his. companions at the }. c . a tion of Old Greytriars, nod also demitiing hi 3 yl i ko tue ata, 1 wal Sacre guss go thinking rdaigs "trad | med out Lim} bes | One of the tors in attempting te re-.) ondets and functions na " ¥. Ayers foo een ™ sea, frum Agent Muched .-~Lattie Trek ub | away from the 'Taaing. The simage wes | jig i2 - Bat ir ae wun be biaceened = . : ~ truth} te r fee Res 4d masa smal {rom-one of the.apy liened- igen: "Comaeities appeiited ta | forece are idk» very, diferent. eopdition from | states that twas im ti i vetvent eight with the Aspe windows, ap 6 ag -- collared by a --_ 'in onde wl tneape uenriy --- oeabel, and was carried out in an confor with him thet he je decidsd in aber wit they were at the « iba ef the fast nap and all tile m pope es Fict 9 -Rbattera! by wis jelivered up at otton gaia, 'fhiv waa: inseusibic cond:tion, The was e new 16 to the terms of the tctter, resolve le sees wer oo ; eleven onCetean ives. wer . der-the ------ all right for Mr, Thief, to bave f irate one, and was peg A enbscrip- bia reaignation of the charge of Oud Gees ait Pall Malt Gazette in ' leading arti the fy ght, To » » indiana were ne thlel es ay @ year. h4 Lema Seelety 'in been = * he tad ckesp.} Goo iin circulation amy oy Mr. Mitebeil » Tat Pte: eaprensds thet dtm ty at present - > tit ereso man 'olebester, ons:ot- wivone ; bi whieh bat ed beyond power of detection Mrs, Veste metgtibore for bis -- ranean are --s » te' i shy pe war with Turkey,;-and -- --y fur- ne ommtleh aot fake MpArt jos thal Mf one.wotd of any. muemler i 12 ion, Here dives. rr Ms job peerage is Tis Leliowiie Town Council, ty the pass | « minister of the Church of Thete sod. The nt diplomacy are tt m tt; that the soidvers were ali beave men 2. be comatructed by F of the . hare, thasigh i i. | (See the contro: of | Rev. Mr. .' ® the we twa, | ---------- and fought well any other toember as bearing any row " : with may recover his a i ue police for ce, which of late been | which was , bowerer, | ET sh. - biases tetruth, the offendsr abail by « i forty hours the start. Very soon | iemeiy probable that shoaid be d) 49. 45 | ested in the hands of the County Judge, the | three dissentients--the ftey, W. M. Marte. Affairs fn the Cast. ed. iro in teiable ave, te, at tie * Ls F Pouce Magistrate, . Th the Rev. Dr. Scott, and Mr. J. Turnbull Sanh ° --_ elcetion of officers, nobeiy dared i : the telegraph asked a man in Southamp- | 4... A aid : | : ' led ft 1.0 tal. : at vhs mmis- | C. 4..--who held that the words, by se) te AB TAL FUSES os | hided rotes fre ra the hatte Groce ne | Be-ieve the Dresidents de: on ot toe -- A nite the: ship Meseater snilal? a . a ---- wlves, @bo dent r "4 pap set," cicaid hab left au ibe fds a | m '" Bae Ge TER TEAS pooner seers i, hod dee vote and they don't know whut ¢ bout - = ree eee eee ue in: Votre. ha The tores,t | Thediews Dr. Stover: cone 9 sede Aasmnepa. ste aiter..be SS Higa ciscel oltGa' der oa OetatE i th fa ta he Sk seach tare es arava es Lt Adi vo pe nergy a in citd-was Killed perm. wés crow ma SEF How, as if ~ iter Meemebed miata ater boaih the } ar par io Tira wi "Stop her, in the Queen's uame!" fiashed siatypee ee i ot | Stic ac puma Ceantiiens = : ; ee ieee snes: MaMabib! abetting aneeih mo Le Erates vhat they' eaptirid D eute ae oe per ~o--ithhe ja slopsed,!' was relarmed, ings in the case of Dr. Slade, of 5 Upper) The Kingston Bettiah B hug says: "There Affairs In the East. faker, and demande ated that 2. et | Mew and that ne sedi E z episn "Tlave on deck in b ke | wa 5 whoa; ea E "at located--on . _ Weeks' artmiaticr shoald be unpesed upon the oars the figit women a -- te eat him. oe ae ' . full before Mr, Flowers on ef oniaw- 9 oo They WaMINKVITARLL ENGLAND, AND ITAL ten | belligerent i» Fevnrting mai unk. "Ba beats be » dubeus i ina! ® telegraphed' septs me know the po 3 using certain subtle eralt, as, mrad ' phe ino Te 'ihe eid -- the vhewy a@FNOM BIaMARCK-- Kr ran TY an ortgiaatry mare a to Torker Tite were penty wt prices 'aed money se the « =F a Negeri rn Lo a de oy ones ose slune rewalt," | repens mare of har Sa arnt impose open ecrtain | aud lve (several of 'them)--hnddled No VOR THE STRCGGLE. ee : we | COR et SIA Ee 2008S WATHIOT ) ean lay his bande an--be doesn't care what ped. be somewhere about oue 'und "ter a icvitie on" eons eek : su the most Taiga, uncouth, and_| . i : Then w ie! ot up and reded lieheenitememansanisneind era neeh Japote: -- . HLankener. 2 ee ae ware '. manner. They have sb a Loxvay, Ost 2T--A spevial spats the | api & bee a both ay te : - Near 82 | aroand and Ia that young owed pone - Taras, aad nder Trin aa hod t ro iL "proepom '3 ' iL Buses. sip yans tiie weight of a bundred "goides~eov: Carpenter. The defendant bad aso pre go pin day, during hours, they . is-causing machi crear om Siaiomin wil recurve =PR 1 tpete bes dyis tae a that Ppernrar mera seagate wert P Set right. the ship go. a charge on & ere grantee wins woud shed of Frontenas | Lt week an outbreak of plague occurred 2t eee jee sath ar nifena of a] Senisial THEAy against him and hik atsistant or mma Gat = cord which hiked 314 'Se ret tw Renter statac | Ginetan ma, Je other 8 'carding! iw, peice ha - On ie wat dati th per ; pained Sunmuns, of conspiring, a4 ya "T re ygagibn ogg pln Ther huts, clothes, and bedding were pos i ve pet ers hay yet gives pring woman uh tae veo os, 8 prominent ior te hotels Ww a 2 ear eae mt happ: =e proved theelectric | °° er by divers fase pretetices | winch we ons will be Foo cana tu end | 0d the groaud ploughed ap. when the pests | + the con nein ena of the amis. Jem ard tebe ~ Toe photographs Longd ter the bite Monntaiy tot | not expen wtowe ite base toe whote teat beta! es and subtle means and devices te itu abd | oo pis sifenaiwe varr 1 cvased as saddoniy as it appeared. Ta hack of the & hws ' ts i eth to be # great thing. ac' ives of and Grom the abore "iy yeaa" ll calla ead (a correspondent ofthe Times at be ryeraske someff oT ---- os 8 " sliscra A Locdon paper say 4 diseusaing jtaation, "4 aoe Woman stoud e A Lesson for Wives. sums of money, and to cleat amd defisue it . socaben plomatic agent bere betberrs = c be _ the above. men petsonsa. M rg | CCcurres tee otlied day tm what cau Ui) | ove of great a war. The . onty at ir t ; be count de a mot reprelensibie and foui ing @ high official posi- | Lewis. the -known soitcitor, appearo. it o pthem is as to whethe r was otiew sau servicer (ho in nes scuhy 1 Massie more tran bfty years do jand under- . " tenlalined tow letter ~~ en ope of our Cossacks, bern brow. Rt op in France, content ta Erench 2s fel- Be good enough, dear. 5 ~ to eeutiaey tease trom Abe w war 5 ' my * fre wees bight wi 5 Godur a +04 % coma te tha, ph father, for motter bas become so pale, and ds always erring. I vers devel that ste way mot ory but mere, bid whem tet cummont will nomen ox vd er be naughty again Bat thos must come sven, father, and must hues mother, Lat ste us oy he scoine real epain, and abo hiss BS Little Jinks. fhe Feeung tb of law in Paris, during the [for the prosecution, and Mr. Manton for the * will eeatacane iy the spring or 'alin inivtiee whieh refer te Serya caunot be taken jong *eeue in company with his | Jelence, sand = ee ican bt iy. All the ontward edirasnas Littes canarmiahect ist a wile, ona tour of pleasure in Belgiam. Af-| Mr. Lewis, in opening the case, sand tie | bias hie sesuit can Khai aca latte ceemrtotavcr the tntter ides, whish-oowm | A Berlin dee path the Pail Mail. Ga. having travelled Unrough thin imteresting | charge against the poe ey aga waa that they sail: one lo the Lave Rassia dnd Serna great ady ctte ways, buwever, tt buat s ithe Powers, ex: | country, they were returning bome by the | pad couspired together to pretend that they | joge. a fendi las aren 3 ' vived the Turhih "pro? iway, the husband witn hie mind quite at ¥ 'the spirits «ef departes |e Qs ccated me hy taphesplhn rest, like a man blessed with an untroubled for the parpose of cheating and : z, . Oct. 1--The Powers counclenee, white tha bnity Slt thet emem- | ranaine those che wero foossh 5 ough ienpaial. wire be) now ae 4 Lo suree 1 ° wus poy dae , * Tortable #ehsation which arisesfrom the re- | go tw teen to communicate « Wi deceased ely proven aio was the canse of this 4D- t the Czar that Aastia woul! remain weatrad | onppeh o a Tg aruikatian We ssitit wal Ber ot ¢ imprudence, a dreed of net help canta é gerlt b Poaijeoed be made an ex-| and would no objection to certain | ov: of them ure divpoved to acer some approaching -- ~ ---- poi amiing mt ibe fouy pr any | rl whe afiat peri dian taal aids pibcr a coe py Mee » of tue Christan provity sf 4 wes nace © pag na contemplated no Ay % A ce 5 , wlaligution is ofleieds denned restrain Leaning towards . oie an mnwilling partic. | op, We, a bee goer Vanes, Get. Mi --It op re that her husband, she whis; to bim-- ' cial , days: "There are indieatiqns that | the Portes reqmoet tor -- a; vgn stipent Of ETT bate laco ti a dolin, N. th, Telegraph reports | the = of tinople apd war aS --_ ~eon to arrange he "detain of the aud conceal it, hes it may not be seized." ¢ that Basaguruis, Sunbury County, 1s troubled ae) weicome Ya. decis rae «Kl ba aes std ng "What! as a Y" exclammed the | rived im this country only two months ago. | ° ® ROW he oath & settle. }-to finisis the matter withodt delay, The | bat the oulioany atti uf the yarious Fist haaband, with a soice between astonishment | Arser the evidence, be believed the | #°5t for Tudy twenty years, and ail endes- | meeting of Russian stateszficn at dia io | Noonan £ Cone stasis phe lbw eppointed ight. magic! could bare little doit that vors pomp mys futile. Ma. y warrants | dicates a crisis ties. This mecting-] Cominuaien "It is beantiful Malines cost ts were guilty of acti ora bis ave Seen mers Io arrest since he seri- | represents official R assembled iu Lestes Oct. &~A Leuter Berlin de great deal." repled my "We gre not} on to pretend i resid the reas vastly wounded bis half-brother with # hee | of th tho seat of war. } prtoh ¢ done a te ~ of --_ statement - near the custom: house to 1, twenty years ago. Ouce he was arrested { A te te the Siwy, | from St "Petersburg dee "the Porte's coal i against Mr. Siade was 'at he insted = surning @ schuol house, but the charge was | dated Oct. says ng ews tho gen fai pownt of m five ror me ra is re a. ia meets; I cannot do it?" said | sons to go to his card. | Ob proven. He w 2 bat bas | eral im is inseia is om | necked - the pubhe as merely an atignpt to be gentieman Piece, aud that he na eoveregH to pao ges sexvon = salle the wished for strngglo with | checkmate Musiia aid evade 4 for . , the | camp who consulted him forthe par. | "9 Stleupt to drown who Turkey." the proper treatment ot the Chnetainn by a tie corey it ot oe ol | pose spon Ba? ere with the sparite of se ae iw cantody on y, spore to the Times from Vivana states ie hs tte, and docs not seenre peacg. Such vour hat." relatives who bad diced receatiy or : a -- ts ge ----_ wife tbrepe that the English aud Frenctr Saveoemment nix only enna rritution, copecialiy as we recollect," rejoined " . He aected that, hating | Ya, bing bis children, ete, e has especially former, have iy yare. the pete ipis is rohesthua to give sea p= Toceupy?" ** = lost his Wile twalve years ago, ies ae rot three of neighbors, nounced for the 0. @ oe te net af precedenen ital the "Mut recolizet," said the wile, "thera is bovering about Irim, and thet her | keeps er well Armed. a months armistice. Austria is intlined Yo | sympathies Dokee Rastiata for their not an instant to lose, and lace spirit Waa sole te search for »: reer The : . Ont. | do likewise and bas asked Germany's epuium | eo reheat, worabie recy a 1,500 francs." opirita of ta the other workd, and | and his _ Jet bmen given. | the ) on ape ale by Tessia~ ia impona! Daring the conversation the train rapidly | that, when sho had discovered them, they ma, ar- | Itily on being pressed by England to give 4 t yeb of the inetfeass of the opt - approached the dreaded station. Imagine themselves to face fn the? Conn. a | defi reply, says it does mot want in any | excite tt of ti) languege of the English the consternati.n of the worthy magistrate, ia Upper Bedfori-p tie ither he bad diiven | way to pate Servia's decision, us it re- | pros, which may of late Leen distrustful and who had diways been in the habit of comsid- | fendants went through avariety of kK waggon, drawn by | garda co to Ser nya Rasa, be _ things with calm and slow delibera- | which we should cail conjuring with a view Proposes proceed. dispatels 8 ter tion, thas anexpeetedly in a position | to deceive poopie and induca, them to De- A Neuter despatch from an an are entertined of averting mat ao soburiaestag and so critical. Overcome | money, One summons bad'been taken vat is going to settle with bis that convention has been couciud ie in by kngiand of intervention in Turkey, | Eg and perplexed by bis diffienlties and losing | urder the Vagrant aud et (or eon. family sleep in the wag. | ed bet the Roumanian end Fusnian rail. | by dividing fmto uones the districts be | all presence of mind, he allowed his wife | spiracy to defraud, and if there warw evilenes stile, way Companies by which the former only. ccctyned bY the forces af the Powers." ' te put-thelace in his hat, and. beving es pitacy, he trast ions for themselves and animals as | take to hold in readiness at the disposal wokpens. Oct, 10.---The Stuadangs Viewna ed tton his head, he foreed it down od tie Gave Ww "te yeyet -- cee ne pcan -y follows the 1 Rt uaficient trains to transport 'ine correspontent ory --"Tgrkinh statesman to bis ears, and then resigned himaelf to though, of course, the magistrate gould dea keepsfguard over the imates while. troops daily. so taver strat cent ith dinhemot, The fate. At this station the travellers Were in- | with the sumuions unde < | they dream the beppy ll away until day-| A from sil the' principal cities in | majority are afrovit that ifthe foreign pressure | " Vited to come out of the carriage, and to walk | In support. Europe reporta gloomy ie provading | becuse. i wave to the independines | b sate the seems "where the comiota- hasan senate amare th "Te than N.B., Glawmer bas the fol- iat amd changes « t bed be i ' owing sory :.~*Seme tithe the timeast he and Handed bis . fimmons, contr a, et over from P, E. with an air of assumed that Siminoas, ab and took up bis residence in D Present a Lpry my mm the view of picking aes = 8 tate -- eg on bem igcohy Anstria oad ge ky Tohornayel? . po apaphasethe J . h space of time ho mado ' ayell. liaateried to tender their respects, and declas | coald. Neco peor pr pyptet es . re} ating for an alliance with that purpose in re Oot, 1h -- Times _ ry fealivg . they considered it.quite unnecessary to | which wore jock married to her, U conclusion view. wtiet wave: --'The coma taanjamakes ane the | labeled with the name | enabled him he tr prac ihe dereiny aan ang je re The Pall Mall Gazette pablisite a ~pecial i certain pee W Turk Hot Keeepy thre} of one who such a 'and impor. | tised.. It easily understood that 4 | Neweustle and set wu: keeping on their | despateh from Bertin says "The | proporals of the Powers, iad a will inter tant sitaation in "the State. had the | man ond, of fifteen years ex wn agoowut. For atime all 'went merry as | Great Powers have not creed fo Lond.| vere. "The criereis a one. W jes i sinverely valued the respect | ence, 'able to pick up information and i 1 but one fine the | Derby's earlier proposal inde seem Ui have r vachod'™ pouitlon ih thick six ° al to Lis position; aenttt-a2-weeret--re- ieate-it-to. Slade Simmons carriod | gruous guctly took his depart for parte | armistiew for six weeks without conditions, | weeks wi Mechs anigene of more momevi a morse for » moment disturbed his at | on all hnkuewn; fesvidg-bebind. a nusnber of | i Onder to deviso 8 a asthees sriscn sinee least he béeathed more (When be' reeel- | If theeonsulate pe Pepin Biopgrts lp surruwing the greet wiirs att the tommencement of the | danger bad and tbat the bride to mourn his loss. A few days after | | awh *.~-<¥iolation of of the revenue laws he had com- his nengued, bat the: lorte ae --diseovery, With this : ¢ aa | jvel, x 7 a not Rusts back. any country dan thus save (eptaa ceen sf power Is to Be neo. * Ket bin daly say. that Gertuanly rep ina a wil. thud: sgeans to was a traix' toys wat 'iowa. nes 'ix lief and closed sagh of elit travel ; . ! ss the immense berd had thery wae us aggon, ro men, oxen, * left, even their bodies obliterated, The one survivor Wasa women, who was carried out in safety | spon {iltiie Miles oct the whirwicd pad tononm, Och, 18~Tho Tiss editurially | 6°26 © says, "Lhe bopes we hate so otmuedy Christ ker Schroder, one of Nepolowo's : ni, at length bagipra, as. a fortnight ago at tie Gar ad Wo m at') cae, som alter bis ral from Bure; lie 'a . £ a m on = hie wi Uinoix to Visit Gis 0m. = St tue two berligetents Low Lace t face in He was bors in 1778, in Tharingia,' aud «as wropean Turkey iiast be b ft to the "eopme- wnela G ptar. He studied ques of ther scte? Another bweaty-four | Smee and travel.ed trough Germany, with shas brought to frict te the a y band, finaliy eniisting auder Napo- under which so laboring, snd eveubs jean, following him Moscow, and wily ryov ug ton the Danube io at a hie the -- to Le armatal ly "4 Mmererd 4 graphic dipts = rem ax hersant, to die where he Teer. Th A 1 leading article aa she loves fits ceqate me its Comstanti. uit od wee oli it dear to «ll ecnaibte row » Bap i.man, that at the _ overt oar Tea iod een = Beet, with * easerntefl the Sal iten, should Gross assure att ancher in the Golden Horn. Thow whim euch #& step might appear hie = for the Tarka, aay comfurt, f ual be saply an ack -- to Brats. and --_ ished Wa pane the pre teeuon ot By ish rights it i were rect dane ais i lo al ow aud pre upimedia. Square ao. 55a Is ~~ AL " eveulng papers daciary thos tf the peace of Kurope 14 qlis- will vigutenty tGanke a 19.---The Stambant'a" dee sapere There sis hte an ti Dicember ist: It matters sitthe what jou 3 to ece his childroi i Wast 3 seized him in in September, and ng aa deniy set wail cu his last vofag At Syffern, Reekland cou enniys, New York, atew days ago, tinere wh = _goiden n . wedding porteeny very soon, ca ay oy 'Mies Maria party exceeded suli in very eacelient heal prepowai te mace, 1t ba the 0) weil. pind wee vey tha Russia je vlapeptes ou curry: lane, will start Lin wea Gd Moker, bat it Irequentiy exte io Rows fit art thdees 1 thas mise Wake Sever iy paadliaay, a tan Mare 'Tor gowtiug Of hase enxtind all over Geet «atv, tem fold tus onl tides tage r sass wns tole ad 44 % unplers. wad tay F é i a Towns nied it "* 7 eff fii il elise : f af ey RF ' aa tor the wou of sets polit 7 } ie than tie highest kash haw mgnhe= Ohta Prot. Lt m aseeld, in the ry i F i wre,