: = hci, sesh, Seppe eam Zi - = i nal + = t* z: toe ? ~~! -- e* wn Tee % . este ota Pier ; ao bt ei ee yp inet «| OVGI dete , nevoit'l orprrrtortiiy Sy panels, FMM * q prevents the prttefesion of BD verse : solaone Seanones A shailow, so faint, 60-8 i ing as to almost imperceptible, "My dear face; but he ) hope," Mra. | stepped rkened the } ecner's the hands ciosely in his own, . ; bine ; , d | pameaiaf the, ports trom hich it-is.|.qpmeth surety in the presence of his " Ptr then drew the benutifal head down | terribty-youlook---" | sbi tate: Py | by sian cs rested " pped ig unfamiliar, Very few ; friends," saith the wise King of Israel. | of first quality r copa Ut Eston Pret ear e e- Thora " him, --_. Ryd h spew 1 ait of | emerald, weually ian te Nn a ee a Pett - + wis that. There ina twote'd Bhurky, metenc "3farion, I willtnke the hand -now, | place "with hi wewint b | chromium, and organic matter, tien, Mr HL B. Brady cahfittet s scrine ef -() MOHO As Gar satlinw is mow eormpt}, eed and wait fur the heart." Was this John Thorndyke, lying 0 | 9 ou rishing comme ; gine : a | been one of his points of research ; mieropbotographs ehiv#ty from physiologiea! CCl or isierwi, The first r common to mae month -lgter, they were that bed, so white and still,-the fore- |) 74 @thakeot thehand) thinks that bow on and and pathological prvparstions, tekou by cnr | "Hobe ots ond other trestures. "By this, q ; : Read covered + \ and the - but ft & : Sse aagle- rere ene te SM. Hogh i men, as he = ds ip relation toman simply, hair cut @nttrety-on- one wide of the : -- Bowman, of be A ig con. Tio er er wlan ae AS gu = 2 a ati patty yee =| ge ee i rea! t, | Sempatihic end moonsis: i "Oh, my datlingt™ she "acbbad:}, . may | Sted ots secple mister ot eyece grees in. Aid can ck cadure toe rast toiteamen of thd knécling beside him, "you mast out pera = . y of the oFe-plsew of oncope. amd the ne so ond main. die, I cannot live without youl" . jand. soi , -- emerstd; aod. . directed downwards. The oe meen a ried "Gn eo ck ew more 4 For one moment the eyes opened, ; SG -pte ret i te e e e aee tuen brute and a glad light came _ --_ but fuct, to soph dg ae ee -- uo ghehegupnie smmeen NTS Ot Coen . erat Giciht oY Pte cin The -- eoming in, told Mrs. 'Thorndyke that g@iure at which beryis and emeralds ae oe stated to be o salleient otporan twthieh aithe orlinances af Gad the least excitement migut produce a a a Pearle ane ; ak in ot bide ot leak wie to fatal it © Oo} , VO * sford an excellent pe ettlon for tim metal |, origin i of water, Tu ser Through three tong weeks Marion en oe enperi thee tee, revks Maton| one nd wow! segravngy tt in| iy hand. tae, him farwwal| ae, om sr ne éisé near, -hearted pate of its scareity-and high} oo. Very tiuch, eeunen ond oxide ae tse be wend" hove. int Co a eae ane, peat, oahag. | TH2 es0UE, bearty grip for grin aftwo | to hich the red oils of'the Tuby te * thon af paticnts instead of one, She had be-| any have been experimented upon; |-Sl4. leng-parted friends, meeting un- os, takes place 4 come almost hopeless in the long, sad | but hitherto no wood, metal, or com: | expectedly, f# one {hing; the nerve- igh se ume of tion has been discovered pos- of ac . aod desea the requisite qualities. ---- another. Sydney) pexrxo Boregns -wira Corren.--M = whe = th y ae ai --~ toleave her desolate, |, Imation to engraving, boxmood sttempted to classify baod-| pyiia, of Vienna, has published @& | Outs other bal. ss to cos 21 the vats One evening, ne sho sat i m,| is dsed for scales, rules, grode, | ghakes, dividing them into the high | account of his experiments in fining from the prjws treated with oa'poile ford 9 Ru knowing 1 life abd death were | and similiar articles on which Official, the sepulchral, the digitory, | steam boilers with sheets of copper trace of lead within tires. saanitss. avd * eee San aa a her. not..being happy, bu - together, she saw a change | jg made; and there are factories in| the shakus rusticus, and theretentive. | {n order to hinder incrustation. | Secous of air. . q eas notes Lnown to complall, abd tr-was-} come..over the wan face. Going | Connecticut thet constime hundreds of | Phe first was practiced by the then | states that of the three platea whith A method of towing canal boats by stonm f~YANION Thornton stood stone | certainly unreasonable for any wo-. nearer, she said, softy: | tons annually for-this. purpose. slone.-} a rehbishop of -York,.."« formed the bottom of a locomotive | has been introduced into Be The kco == na 7) TT in the Galt gray twilight-of.a.|. man with such a homeand husband "John, my husband, what can I'do| Any one that has ever held a vary body érect, carried your hand aloft to | boiler, the two atthe ends were Botire te similar to thosein © ¢ Lisbon Tue Jewelers of Constantinople, . owe. 2 >¢ November afternoon, gazing | not to guther some enjoyment out of- you?" ter's rule {a his hand knows what bot-| 010.) with his chi 4 It 9 | Covered with a" sheet of copper 'am prdrunscaa single B .aid on ; _ * etait re od "Mine wt Mast!" be-sald. "Tt war| wood is like. It differa_in : in, end gave 1 8) os iueheo- in thickness, the middle + greet rotier tin and ru ht ee , Us fag down faster anil faster, sa CREATE" tate te-December,-2as,|_ Worth while to be under the jaws of | and texture frou alt other wood, none oan oo rearaers wrt Sir Joke Mack- | coe being left bare, and the machine | gacntannzed surtecs cf the patb 1 misesne vl ip nil nal porgel -- . bi it -like | Thor ke entered and sought his OB, " ft is somewhat remarkable that it J *t wus + lily - two years, an al wheels bearcu the ral and grde thee 4 which ¢ te ta aaiert ~ fingers, causing the inte earth 10°) Sife with An anxious, distarbed-look |_."Hush! you must not talk, dear' comes: oniv<iu-a.com-| $ag his open hand flat on your palm, | i, Gictricts where the water is of @x- | Somef the toremotuse, Ly + inp» which mer} i : Bppear a tery mirncté of beacty- on x "and she 'stopped 'his. words. with. vely limited rgion. of try tn $0 GelDy you were bardiyaware of its oseively. had gualit . On removing , mechaniem the greater sei ht cau L iether ee these obceure ahopa A charming pleture ahe madestand- | "Marion, Ishall have to go to Wash-- kisses. the vicinity of the Black Sea, -- @cntiguity." The digitory--io: favor }-the tubes a ee a -+Bpap either the drinine or grading * ab | {tnare fess tml biter's stale than py: ine there cladia ber slob silk robes, | ington topight, and as it is essential | _ Slowly but surety John Thomdske | about ceventy live manda to the with the high clergy--was adopted by | inches thick was found on the fron! [ul igurice na mbm eR BD ti om once re scenmmulat. . low of the fire falling | for me id Te back here before the | crept back to life--not the old life, but | foot, and varies If price to land i ip Brougham, who used to put forth his | surface, wbile a deposit varying from DORR er a be Acre arf enesibe ear eawniabecuinapereg- Abela ones. eon a i it'don'taecsn worth while | #2eW and better one, in which existed | Boston 75 to $20 a ton. forefinger with,""How are you!" The | only 0.03 to0.18iach thick appeared , dra ueary bony Fefcoae tons (eke po ol Oars Recetas {eahone with the glory that 'Old patn- | to take yo. Buri fr-ts J.ppactets lore Seat was never to know peemgeemncerset a ae "inkwun Mann ters loved to represent. at alone | ty Irave you alone, and our gudéts will" So thay aoe into jor ananieel --_ eT iccncclel hand seized as in an fron grasp, be- | found corroJed In many places to a i --A now instrume - had been enough to hare boautitled not be here this week. Now, what do |; --- mory ended and the story The dank of "Fogland clipe avery -tebening rude '@ warm heart, depth of 0.92 inch, but the copper had | invented by I vk any. wom yee Noe Thornton's | you say?" Mr, 'Thorn- | Jest begun. light sovereign that coment into the| and distance from rary coggheinS Bs mem clean and bright. | by ae ps , with which Nature had been so prodi- | dyke." She had never called her hus="}° ETT gn. ia-accamplished q 4 they] band Saat agra pried gored the ticrustation showed grains of a* thus: 1 Leia Pere suatetiy 'i A - ~ 94 > r i} 7: . . her ' eyes were large | band by his firet name, or by any en- weigh 3,000 in an hour wey broken.""-- AU tha Year Round." ~~ larger size on the iron than on tho | 9 je will distinguiah olive vai ivan sont ire terest rere arene <n Sas napa yt gue yep ma dearing arenes oe oat ee Afew days ago = fi ight 1 chine. Mr. Palmer the Deputy Gov- a oars copper. . : | 4, 1s sill indionte whether olive i htt = rca i h Seerownty prohibited by ahh ost. nate any aaa full of pecerstant oedtcy his wife and looked for Gn One Of the railroads went 40 the | ¢ 'Select the ' -- Scrensepcne oF "S1ux.--The exten- perp ri % will chow the quailty of cord tf propren + for-"Purtich Lemme abecre ag weary longing Which told of tears kept ».no.other, "Grace wrote that she | Superintendent and said be thought | Se eee fesue, thai of at the} ; In ancient Rome, during the perted | sive supersedure of pilk by other fa- os. 5. Pinsliy, it wid tmbeate toe proses povined Turkish parey. q back by strong. will would be here 'to-morrow with the heought to be advaaced, havingserved | 9° of land wel ef i between 200 and 300A. D., the aver- | brica, in England, of late, is remarked of entton in silken er woullen tegtaren 1 ' oben Teme te coneeal, nod ee So lost was she In thought thatery- and gexeral engage- | 0 the treight for several peste. The porate ey 100,000, aS teseen age duration of life among the upper | upon by the British Trade Journal, Heotenecd i a -- argrers pd . r ° me © Sey eee ene quai toakion, never mimi gs Mere mere to fulfill, so you will bave to go j PORT 59 ' pes coat as be -- thirty years. Inthe pres- | which a os change in this | Deve at Nantes, elcen has pablabel afi. * ™ rated Sy a she started, turning from jw | without me." : ing light gold. For this last amount century, | same class respect.to the fact that somo to OF doscrptiga cf the aparaius, with lustrec | ©! tea Br te ret try w per. - when 'ad this man and womaa been dis- | Made the very next week. And it was bank paid the val making people, it amounts to fifty years. In | three years ago. When raw-ete- had... prety fogeiny oe | Arewot Lar. teh averace to part Law § soir weceeceas "Marion, my time of probation Is at "appointed in each other? In the_be- | made, ze a -- the Fee Geadnety of atehe the siateenth century the mean dura- | bcs forced up to a very high price, --The Land 7 cer ¢ ttt one rr ao tenon bin seal 7 5 turedto. tu you, ginning hey bad both heen very pop tage -- to see how. the sew which ls generally about a. of 4d. per | ton af life in Geneva was 21.21 yoars, the French doalers introduced a sys- eating 10 r unt . . reve, though _ fedling sure that you would expect | honest, that. Theik iver t conductor. to business, | light sovereign. It was stated to the| betweom 1833 and 181 it was 40.68 tem of buying qaly the very fnest shins Kaden oo OORREEY Baan te - me,eventhough your heart bas not | and the other reeeiving, Their lives "1 oa iat te-|Committce that boxes of correctly | years, and at the present time as many ~ sizes of sltk yarn, getting twelve rae siele themeelves 'keirnet to eche the love-that fills my | were era weg. gd ---- -- oe ann ae ie Sor cere weighed gold, sent by the Bankot Eng. --peaple live ty years of age aa cunces prea ad oon to an en és of Tusie-elther frean " jee _ somethi want . * Scotland, came e : ae uces, thi e oping iovet m "Hie was not a handsome man, yet no Ing to complete a perfect 7 y. . | Pushed up, and a balf-acre emile on pa ving ten naan 'and three busted year ee eutch pd tore over and "ane . : doet neawenry 'for "a gre "woud have questioned. the fact | John Thorady ke hed learned webat | Bie tate. | oF te Nee eset tiny there te then R..<4 ase of forty-three, In the year oor again, preciscly asin the process of | cratled 7 at is cueticones ae of his being the prod fg th ft wae to 'suffer ducing past year. Get ~ your pasteboards ns Britieh Government borro dipping a candle of tallow. Silks of | tated STE vt the tener i of affluence and culture; then there | He had found that he Perea this'} shouted, "'I'm,the. high mucky muck bene y iy " ang ey bs meney, the amount borrowed to be; this description, though in appear p< of tarwad, Tie wttageetench stone Se are, hr ok he | Mitac aa ahead | ee naa te Saw | net hg yee | A eatin one tra or] ane hes spuras nied ed ES ee 3 " Farat . < .' i A wemmdeiréie, e pals f 6s buthirey Bb) be bg- Ho footie tever kcored: (ie toh, you | Linmell and all is peter nterat | BEADS Soe inl way--plny vey | Bey ill ako slight ierencs, | Bea CSAS OF ee tnerooy a Ploved, that they covet bor pani. tay = erie ny ES aren oe anon Jomaley daw 9 , here eae enenly OO | phate yng tpl ng ens SEnvose-ainie rom sight lato Chir ales Worden igi, and mney Soe Derguin, and all parties to the | Meaf, and they went into cracks and feo the qd cl tne ten rl Tn ei Siinemmneah nimi pti tah ioad : = helesa, (aad i were satisfled. per, and = jt tee mounts, eomewl wun totais Tewere, crekoents, FE ROP = . Lie was decidedly un homme de vo | difficult work, but he began the pol- go--hurry up there--trump this ace ty ola non ue later Pitt -- a carthae the natural consequence was the eub- | at's man drinkag ay bd bindes of sabres of eens olede-wertnavagent and. morbidly fus- | ishing with his own hand, He no ~what kindof «band do you hold stated that in.o box of 5,000 : or annuity com based on | Bitutlon, on a very extensive scale, of = --The Lary are vever dvaplayed in ail ° page ag ead Serpoenraue f -- a Segre asa tin ecomee pac novel and ex: | the number which would be Oy ha hottbe = her and more curable wearing ma- | i on the: vesenher: of ie to . pa 8 h * e ° Jom x 7 -- pebedtestork hart to obtaia his ap- } Men cnvied-him, Uiluking: that they Ailarating- fh his Dat yet the itd cena bot would remaia the same as 9 hundred ee ee | By oes . = 2 jarent approval, With men Be Yor y-wrwit--tettocset ts tend. if they | superintendent called the conductor et agi he uy. hage.2ah. hese. year before. But to this | Tue best kind of paper ts the class ' for strangers, a0. Atiral injanction, be- | might lay clalm to such rare howse- stairs the next.day.and told him ies ro teapaptred that. the. Government had) known ne'ware, potas. fs oom Sc inde! ; : cae? Ataetgh the would of ~ comlig all things. to them, that he | bold > that be was the bes? man in America kot at eight 0% fa the} Mode Ss Red bargain, since, while | tnonty presumed,thetald paper, as it) ee ee ee ey gael il menor Thome ser tenceae--starred ms Wey are micht path thea all, He could not condemn his wife; he | to ran a freight train, and that be | Jour poe the Bret tontine 10,000 perscns oF ench * fe termed. Iz is found thata varnish F : fiw eh A © Daieese ef : rea st4-shaes Gof six moths previons he bad | ¢coul'l not even find fault with her. should have to promote him buck- 1 hac ant ae ae pen died under the age ef twenty- | formed of Canadian balsatm, dissolved as --- Be EAD | hare Tae tte seeder dream of pba Cas pA never yleldéd to the rentie-infuence |. ¥ not. always kind and woman- | wards. He was too talented for a pas- tweite o to | eight, a hundred years later only 5,773 | {n turpentine,eupplies a most valua- | Politeanaady (ages ORMMATY reiarning <1 ofapy woman. They had served to | ly? She presidt'at bis table, received senger conductor.-- Detroit Free Press, | rather alarming bod | ble means of making pay nepar- ° {eeweces tae ot Orguta: sag. ' , while away some Icisure | bis gucsis and honored him, Wh --------=$--=----= | satisfactory to find Mr. Hodgson stet-| males and 6,316 females died under 22) rie mode by which this is most uggaton-- Tho Arabin Nights) hours, Huving done (ilar tiirtr-ints--}-should bo «sk more? Only a hate PITTSBURG sUETEERANEAN Pine. | Ing also that the ebarge-for light | thie age... From this fact it appears secintanneity sesnmplished ik SY a ee ete wating of partendar' briby Sy eg memcascomplished so.tar as he | before, the fashionable world had} ago ncaieny cpa Mot --naye welght agg egg that life, under certain favorable in- { piving a pretty. thin this, =™3 ais al diel sigronse oe . paeaialidiitieietioass FE oe : ae ° egheny m yi. ' in, | =-- A r "andur- a ud connerned:- Foobar it kad Beth: or ae by learning of tbe Sight | wtp, Board of Fire Commissioners, caly 1éd-on the bos of 5,000 86 that. prevents Sait the-tovme yn yplary | Yaruish to the payer. eoas to perme | gir. 1a ect ct dup afs0@ MUS Of tear decreed in the sugals of File that his | 6! GneoFite- fairest. swith s |) vot the Depttment he," really amounts 'to noth. protabty, j.atett thoreaghbly, after which it is to v2 cos aod other fall should be deferred. in order that | penniless adventurer. He had shtd- "and Cty Engineer = wast he, Lig econ anes. both ta vigor and dura | be coated on both sidéa With frtnery and. xe of ommon wood, might prove more sure. dered, remembering that the woman duy visited Herron's Hill, inthe Thir- _-- peasant TR onl thicker sample. The paper ts Kept | bas toon accom Adinent ogy bite of gines, He Lad met Miss Thornton at the | Prefeseed to love ber by nth ward, and examined the locall- 4 NEGRO CHIRFTAIN. ing, the opefation | 4 san we aay SS an CuI covnace.: h ernee. 2EIp 5 LO 000 tea -------- Oe." | before a bot Hre, int a Rey OF vem» Gerereer Wiathrop's fwea ci Liberty. | oa pau > i OA eae = bd cae tee house ofa mutual friend, and from Tonight a matter of pressing neces- {y of the fire that is consuming the pinta -- Lope. that Rour his doom peo io can be 'ai catia toe coal therein, It was found that the | Oneo?the. most remarkable ehar | Courage isa vital element of chris. | 6 pour veers ot my te abi Hed, aD | oee een nne read the aons's of the = ; Seeger: < Bhe had invited him to call, having | SIO) te oe an the Air Line | Mouths of two coal pits openiag on | seters who have influenced the history Han » Without it, indeed, | ti! the texture of the parér ts seen 10 | wibout precerting the intense character . known bis sister "during -her-sebool:.. ing Mi Be a thirty-third street, where the fire is-| of the region of country between Tin- = fe nape primer 4 meri? ted an genet mgt | tae tafe led by the wading men, They were ron Canada ; : : = ; had been closed by the | buctoo and the West const af ean be hoped for. The coward iseure ceney. feist bt SOONG 50} wan ubose eonviciions ard sity eonkl) ayy him through the bond of aséoctation, |, 2 wo "deva.6-hasd. brala-work fol. pea ey m= sda ae the supports, thes weo-ecative of Futah 1 on to Me when truth means punishment, | this process is dald to cine bearer | base stood them in gro) ed upeu's tare | tetge ot € ak ae ok, Sea He had availed himself of er courte- | lowed on bis arrivnl--the review dy very Lintat.ous of the | ran enrmam mitt tate ler eee i CPS TET ony > i | and gure to retreat from his than any uthe¢ to the highest stand. | ani varied felt situs he ous invitation in less thon a week; af-| SB-lmportant laxsult then pending-- pr dg tytn wong Sag oo -the Shek aS i a ay th pe awe Lerd of peifcction fa tranaparcat | ¢ ler ia lile tendedto deepen tieit convictions | come ita © ow emtact wits Us ag ter that he sought ber constantly. ov in bn House and orertat n Urkught or air ° 5, Oo ccceneiemerresmewenpte, ol came re . 4 bed 3 ae __ : j ane to brew forth, apoa apparcatiy elebt | Lar Back fires cr rainy ar, Sam pa re was a new «pd wonderful werd journey. o seaee Oe ee ing the fire; yet, while it might be | manding presence, sud xteat persenal | 10 aodere and and Se ne | Lei 0 oe 7 tthe' fienedate-soneern ae wag nll a Aemcthtiai ne oe satisfaction in being in hor presence, Es inany tuings passed through hig | Supposed that the openings were her- | influence. He "educated by the | danger fearlessly promptly when | rf apeic journal --_-- favorable | vonds far nations to pouter, A sinyle ee nr ae ee ee a fhe. 5 in listening to her drizht. cheering | mind during the next few hours! Hig | metically sealed, evideace to the con- | Sheikh Ljani, a oslem -- duty requires. Some parents eradé Behr hy new manu acture, recently | jjustration wlaerre cur purpose, th ap aa sm kearted "abd » words, in watching her every move- | early life, that had been ruled only by | trary was made manifest by the issue | from Arabia. Having speat thie vital part of training by glosses, "exhibited in that city, consisting of | \icht as ma upon rome of the Arrest t a : ' in MWinturop"s cia ; t ment. We had all the world from | his wil arrant of smoke therefrom... There was no | years under the instruction of this die and deception. A mother who has bellow iron cylinders filled internally | ' <i sa thse Gene as pant Sanade = which to chunse, but this calm, self- | his ambition and determina'iee | other indications of the consumption | Unguisbed teacher, visiting Meoos to pene fife manag pa togeta | witha stony rates for whieh greater | | The tows of Hingham had xuminetel oO | cosen wo trssos hag d pice =e j : va er er "tn Autheny Eames, be pant pptiae ba gat | etn | #o TOE Tat a j eiarming country it --woman. Tes! to win everything be undertook.| and destruetion going on. Here is | the preanwhile, he became ci him, and she wtoné."= one-of the difficulties :--The firy has | ly tearned in the Arable As-| ing, "Bit_still, my boy, it won't hurt | Seteed by unfilled columns with alls Whe » im, : the owners of the colliery, as one of | : as ~edme---4he...romembraace " thickness --tt n the Summer came he fol- | of the meeting with Marion Thorn} the death of his master ho went Wow she knows it wit burt him, | of the same nese--the itea beic hare ber Md sores, _ onee:en- | ton, bis cool Sociucn tad ealeeanent the question is how far has it pro ee ee eee Rat thinks if she can only set pe be | rl Sesny of om pain, ane ' og when chanced to come upon | disappointment, the final gucvese | sTessed.- The general opinion ls that return to country second this Gevice to ait wtill aad: -den--;- wo pion Pie her unexpectedly, as she sat in the | which had become, worse shaft or must be dug In its | time; he series of prose- | tist get bold of the tooth, then his dis- j Saratnae' . ~rdiiet deep enbrasute Of a veindow at the | ure, and, inst of all, the home without Prear and the fire thus stayed. How | lyting expeditions against the power. | eovery of the pain will not hinder ite | a Se a Ocean House, he told her that old, yet | Jove. 'These ee them. | far back from the street his digging | ful Pagan tribee on the East and | extraction. fsadpuble mistake, | cours 'ery clinple in tils case, the Game: cal! eles ever hew story, abd thea awaited her | gelves" ont~ so iatinetly. before hic | should be done ts the question, Itis | Southeast of Futah 'Toro. He eam- | 2* destroys ber boy's confidence in her; | sokeinns tiring made By roling «pile the controver-a tn remain sa thes {fof Se-pFus up answer. . tncntal ¥ . that the things of yes | belicved that the fire te not. only pro- uered screra] powerful chiefs, and re- for he detects her in a tie. And though | of . Gilied willy * pecwiiar re autil the urxt General Boart, Bat the seed to think thas it wae hardly worth In froth he never questioned what | terday béelifhe™ realities in the new | greséiiiz eastward toward the reser- Yocea thetr to the faith of Ie- | it set the boy thistime,to sit still, tle | 882): * ata heat at which tho | people of Hinghsm, who were hot and entirety | "Pie to hava the teonstions, and that Can. that answer would be.-there was no | light of to-day. voir, but also. southward toward the | lam. He paganiam. from | @2derthe-delusion that there is to_be | sans STE suflclently fase and: { indtepored-to- eeupisnch caationary wtvice, | abs Letter monge with as. We think so doubt in bis mind, Was be net Joho | Qutofhis musings he was suddenly| Miversville car stables, and {n | Bago, and purified the practioss of oo mre eminent he tangas | RENE ENE keen "wate to tasare totram under Align, and did their | be denwet. Mare good wilibe done by bax. Thorndyke, the man who bad been | groused by a crash, followed by a con. | >»! directions there ledanger of great | several Mohammedan districts which | %° ee eee Ht. This the rejuisite weight, selhiity, aud | bette exeommunicate Eames--froat town OT ti we TE Ee and sebemed for, and with- | {uscd noise of shricks and eries; thep | danas." had become imbued with beathenieh | kes the between the cow. | stretig!/: arch were not wow to won their qaac | Thoth isaifers tivo see hm ehet -- society was desole. filence settled over bim, and be te Jenne and | Stds and heroes. og of pol- ' enazus and efficnct a oh ; i ipsadetentiel:. like us at thw root. They hare esintings th ae . more. - his to troons could march a battery as { icacious Plan of re- woatk whicu is peeadariy thelr o ia. op '" uletly, 60 quietly, indeed, that com * 2 cheerfully asa regiment of heroes, if storing to steel which has onoe been mung the widetuess throug it bode mt geod to 5 gs she may Mrs. Thondyie._ eat aibue et her The President of the British Phar- ecugh the tondhety af lw Abana they thought there was no enemy et burned its usual valuable qualities, teorau, on wha the, pn -- have become a trifle paler--but she | sumptuous break. mracoats nwa ns Fo bis inau- | that region, he was circumvented and ove a cane is oo he- : a sage ~~ ye gf \ etetclarcbageay <aeng A ani thel national never "had mach clee-s0, ho can | Srnin hd uot aria, and ce fo | ESTngats anata, aPeane | ile at ows in Mason Oona ans nnn eacnyaayiny io be Genre on the | =i on "Faia tn tec pom change? together new to her. This yas the which, aa he rightly re- | rules over Hamd-Allahi--two af the RECKLESSNESS | scoro of cheapness, has been brouzht | f° wubmit tot iw ner iaregpecl ery Ree voage a ebaliasag : "i medicines, aint ti o | trates, though "the De labored ¢ s extinted inthe diferent denomina. At nat she ake, rereitly, a | fat separation ony tht tng | RACER, TO, paunk, bac | Lage ce Se, ata Aan A | acc cae of rok | Pownce nthe we of rein eit | SoMa g uicaa ae | ese saey a a pat. 4 . o b. io case 0 - | se Ke 7 * fomsiderafit.' Mourteen days af vd, there ts searecly any t « Mr. Thorndyke you have i Seg ar high pointment ofa commission, to which in prose and poetry. His poems are leesness was investizated at Barnsley, with which is intimately mized about court, Wanted. sushi tone ak th Tire bus is en- : the highest winjwiaeut @ mau can | ghe bad mot dove all within her | ** ap pe aod wh specifics | recited' and sung in every town and | in England, recently. In one of the a aan welght of = ag oe | for another eause, again ro cur = offer.a woman. ilieve me that Fam : should disclosed, 7 hich shoxid™ r 1 ; perafi.ne silis. Chisels at have | enter bonds for their appearance, atl upon not uniiludfal of It, nor" forgertat barry aol er) "and peel exercise some control over the extrav- ore om mana. Be wee copiebeld cutuee b cartate portion. of inom becouwe selene tiny thus, His stated, | tend relia connie tna i of the many pleasant 'hours we have | things should be different>" ft must | 2@e2tan@ puffs by which their jin. tho greatest ee rel cat Soe was officially pronounced "dan. | Ce completely restored and made ng | coMrt, | The sction petucel 0 Eee rna | : passed together. Still I know that | not besald of her that #he bad been | 2/6 veer ie "Rudents, and-they..sttribute to him |: apd the collicre were warned | Yelustleasever, The burned stec! ts | Hep and » ethionine Oe theres inet (oe banter. Wourd that we bad om or ' T gcimaot make yuu, happy, and | found wanting. r "rhe Bot yee he "many extraordinary deeds, and see im | not to go intoit. 3 ne Ninel ete ty then plunzed 120 | eis eause eliog.d Le ean snaatiach a8 thes {71 BOC, in Aeasea, oF ip Bssoubien of thereforg must not 'bevome your} 4 servant entered, the precaution ts ob- | his successful enterprises, themen who had heard tho warning | '2° lit} lors fox ALA SheD | had suffered for Liberty's sate at the Lorde of | Sow Anse. Suything that approached the wife." morning mail; she took it the | served in all other countries, the other | and literary, proofs of divige went into the ing open | Te beated and cooled fa the ordinary | . Theperton eas i, | Fee Rexbbors on the ref, _ She rose to go, but he detained ber | saiver lcanly ran over the tet- | Sroceediag would be mor; t0 | ance. : lights, and one of them -actually ap- | "**- One of Us farmers, Wh, had heard a teo. me , ters add to her; then; taking or TY meeaserte --_--_--_-- j candle toa " hole," | ee tare introduction es whieh we ex preas- 'Ewill wait --I bave been too | the morning Herald, sbe-clanced 4 Apcther evil of a similar descrip- CURIOSITIES OF LIFR. the gas which was | 4 sora comrbmsatary thoazite eonearning sabrept. cists months in which | the headings. wert ep htagnce< not notice, and -- from it. Nose was done,| A ° . id to a was looks, "I ta hope, nm 7 -- " ~ = t ob "hie 508 ©. e 2) i et Ranked Perey peer or ra inacie fray igo | este jada ils it ' the : ° ra hm; and we <ould not bare said eo thete * of " , tmorning sun' | chemists ing across the cOuD- | ta. light? What terrible ,calamity bad |. bres Ao areal prnaird shy Arse gg or oe et pom a poles ewept thé peg gd er te eguling wich hore Dare owt The magistrate thought that a penalty tate. tikes Unien. Iy to rs EEE * Atk To Umis An exehangs says 2 fe | 'found in the more correctly than o ar pertp that pitiless Me R NT need home at Se "Awful disaster on the Philadelphia, theiramart Baliinore Railroad. | o>euas and worn ft | : L Ff : i rf t See Why sill gale ma away and get married?™ same, thus inves! v4) ina treasury of Washington and ba Cae tie bce her pre: eeeene parwusren: TO AVOL SLEEFLESSXESA, a a Pinte z ee : cucre the LURES oe ; td nior ' a, that of the HE neg tne Ca oha-ws oF ae ane knew & Sat beep . Mee inte and weeks of John Thorn: | Milled many mortally wounded." | Deture and fon cl-wnion aay knee ar Mage Le et eee Wl, ee Se eels ak the-chauee bo usr ff und ge ke's time of wnitiox had written | | Then fullowed o list of names. | jittle, into s body, the structure, -and-| than the sing! lpia er cemteeted caljects none | fara and 6 teara, themselves out, and he hal come, as eng ty a was that 0 | eapecially the functions, of which they to ee 90 oeih-e0- any tania of :timearhta ' oe-ak aneeanshs supaniiedts 2. cn tia op he had sai, for the word which was to n. Jobn Thorndyke. kgow-much less. if te fut of ravines In afew moots bo | frowa st muing on Lis dignity ar bi - thousand ron ifreal, as all | {nz married the husband. died, tex ie} mdiog-the issue, eoaghs it op | bad effec, | «ile bat : } airectiy. gett ty ee webs a Rpts te i & i. "The day appolited being ¢ my," 4 j the coart wasems'ed in th i i E i! fi i t ais en Ww Se igh S| married, got housekeeping by Ling move she ---- : Ee 6 Bd hoe ot se Ah, shun tive hatas Totes ee Mansion Sie wen Tue London Lancet very opportune. | thee hiding two = wer ope t sate wy ss na bec mgaz, Ean 8 tay fit 3 trees valent papios oot (aaah Fi gens #, Sen teeny fe eet nee te coe Sah. 'the others not famillar with the symptoms | Thus, by ; the eause whieh oe not tary their backs upon rao = ; bare," eee Dansing the hair prevaus amorz fi ie ored cow : ralter at the: women in Cains, and Indicates 7 hea "end the the "banger" is on ioakont. r- |: . as jetenal sibeaany t. wobaeke = > oe 6 = : yalclans, who po onemn.. sortaaa : . ' A epee, which vis | A philosopher being esked rate ' - isms 7 1a . . +t f ' . Bart ae Meee wae. eg : : ---- > . b § se ii or ' é Bog a pee f " . = orn * San mat or jome, and: Boca : a omeens a . . » pastes Lhe. . BRO pete 'howe ae rane liv dignity amd leftinues eith -- AB ADDONS," Sis ravine pte ; : . | } i : ; George upon their rete return, ~ tt te SS a2 7s io ' Sunday the work of _