Stratford Times, 8 Nov 1876, p. 3

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a Senate Waneener Nov. rm, ATE any role of few. 1 -waeuaaas Bet thes the @ 8 court of reptity would re SHEET MUSIC WARBHOUSE, STRATFORD AND HUWON RAILWaY. thet have tees niged on eehatt or et | A New Era Magic Stop Organ, spondenty. Safe asl bave been able bw fol For $2 cash--Value 6216 Has} ots of reeds, Rae, A Os. MA. -- bee ee. re '4 erat ; Engl courts of ipw, ig liberals ae d Viola, You 5 mseycuntden thas Tayent tol me + | Celeste, Vox Humans, >ob Base, ve Coupler, shee would extend Ww this application. [ must | Rwell and Grand Grgen Oil Guish--very baad at prapet at has shewn the pereanoe naturally . ts appli ot the table fora Charen or Partor Aleo a sig tits pro} if supplewented | Soupcuess © ae ee opposed as it is Genuine Emerson Piano, ' > * -- 'suena "a in 68 fda sna kaaue: inion Pron aired Sutera whe Ses memes fuses "of their "ge their future pros- ~ F. A. MARSHALL, peets, The ratepayers had the opportunity 'o Diork, Stratiord, of ascertaining ahd must be taken to have Jane % Se ociikiee caine' upon probabilities case le for them to decide whether the '| Stratford Planing Mill quired t6 be --e oye and asp fi goverument subsidies that might be reason- r shy wapected, the borne tha might be raised Sash and Door Factory; on ls an m0 of obtaining money that caight be acrestible fo the com- THOMAS ORR, Paovarztos. The Stratford Times, Sos ees mah oF PER PeRTH ah, pany, were cafficient to sveure the onyee ley-law in its existing jon on oat "8 e a i rm opinion was | authorati They did bot choose to exact farther or statement, nor ilid they empower their council much less, ayajority, it may be a bare majority--to revise or to pronounce that their interests isaperilled by giving effect to their by-law. A farther objection is thus stated by . "The said company have not in my opinion bona fide menced of said rn within said b GO TO ROBERTS' If you want GREAT. BARGAINS In ' An JEWELLERY, Ahe_J ot eomnty council in 1875 In Lae opinion =e of work operate to ~ company, 'i it te te pisin t that that the thajority of the counci} would op a pone mne the prosecution of the a iy is dependent mpon their ipt, 1s would TREMENDOUS have been mere folly to doeig continged an - eet he BARGAINS acter of the work actually done evidence was addaved the view of proving that there \ - was no thin the ee eee Witches, Clocks and ~eent tittle . = ewellery $800. treste FY the 7 veces of rights of way -- hag tay her Wilt be given during the FAIR DAYS. obtained for any part of the y P. J. Rasjpicises rahe comstrastion af Uo pation of ae ape aes read oar igi . Gh peicwntoKecencnee . - -- to Go Seaads of tho comity, vat tteontcined | Ont. 6, 1078. tt a protision which hy 6b i " las been direoted, that the eompany shoud O'HIGGINS & SON, any ? and the! there skould. be me hating GROCERS, we mH secount of: delay. fo oe oo athe fa m HE ' . F HEL ELE Hai ei lay or i = s | Dont Fail to Attend. My o 8" Crockery, ge stock af & stepension until it etempting the company from suspension or delay, ly detected ticipated the a) stacles as have now been rai porati ta ft 3 & Hi rd i ! ~ 2 Feet Fe simply stroctio: er zs = : f +f rf E i completion. an) The much criticised clause in {hat contract for sol art of he fo way mente mu during the :|BOTTLED ALES! iat | COQ nned Goods ! oD COCKLE, CHESS, '1J. H. NASMYTH & CO'S. Eee i i FS ay iL FE & § Hl sEeh RE an re ett iH j prepit ii i E Ff Hee Ee FE af a this "that the rH {Moleon's, Carling's and Imported.) FINNAN E BARRO Kippered erent in- Season. nisl i Oxen for Sale. HEELS or four yokes of tatted oxen are tered for ot- T Choice Groceries hich rej an Warehouse}: NO. 129 ONTARIO.STREBT. November |, 1876. =" KING OF THE WEST FANNING MILL AND SEED SEPARATOR. Ww call the attention of heer and seed separstor Thirty Bushela ay PURE sn oad: Wheat per hour, from the dirtiest wheat, ts will take out ly. ALL WILD OA bbe end other foul seeds at % acti] you have seen this mill work. Guoena ranged et toe maguire Erie street, near Railroad Bridge, Vir fuasterd, Aye |W L. BARTHEL. A CHOICE SUPPLY OF BULBS! just Recerven @ "AT MEDICAL HALL. sties, t yards exe conmontty wet ot Lamber, competang Gosnegrs, fost ' : Ted w cayerion hind of Wopten Raves JOHN J. OLARK. r } | which we have dous,as our friends WET Tréely sdmit by paying our House a visit. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. ry farei-clase drag sore will be Feb BAECHLER.& NICOL, oh bhan ad, a. sad bined with all the newest Market Drug Store. sigan, combined w! fuel fered grog epee non to-cnguunint thats " = WM. PORTEOUS, Unat> -etr ve ¢ ere r] Ad ' their stock auc ry tbe gon will ot thelr busivess, OB | , NB Osetars oe Rane. Sees eigen, Be June a. M R. a W. CULL Of Mitehell, Market Square, Stratford, Ontario. } Qaurie tor Trevetlers. Ta Drange! Sal Diwiggeicl, meee pave Cchalnee ys A free ormonibus euiie to and all traina th a ape! ~~ Good stabling and tive hostlers. him S cosiienane vttions bo italy at HAGABTY, Proprietor. tended to Stratford, Jp. 6, a6 . MACKINNON & Co. iis oe MR. CULL would mention that he has re on House, le i wi f zurent sie chore Prony try oh Corner of ell: gton and Patrich-cts,, Stratford. Lumber! 'Lumber! : tumber, Dressed ana Dress Goods Depart- ment. \ wags Saas Alas manuiniies, ot this | 7 A. G. MACKAY & CO. | _ | Dress Silk Department. 'We have made large additions to our aiready Doorsand Sash, [linds, Br Midinn, Fare Trough, : Turning, known as ert Lem ee to the large Bay Lumber at our yard, at "Mit-etrevtx, situated, and Pacdinos to coutain the largest and finest stock of Dry Lamber in Western On- BAECHLER & NICOL. Sratford, July 6 we Excellent Ales, $1.28 per doz. Genera} Provisions & Groce Stratiord, July 96, 1876, 'Stratford Spring Brewery, / WM RUSSELL, Propricter. ry aE beta aren Sanit s ans Samaaer 0 now in working order ordez and Pale and Amber Ales, ein eh Oe BIRMINGHAM AND PATRICK STREETS, Wear Mr. G@mith's Tansery. sclieited. Foot & Transom, | Ten - Dealers:-.and. . amily... orocers,. Flave on hand a Gretcheae cock of Genuine Gracerien at Moderate Price« eth ety ee FP. dT. have also on hand Baking Powder, Teast, € Sardines eer, i i 61. 10 Ids box Soda Buscust with Box for 960 | CALL AND GIVE US A TRIAL. Seretford, April 25, 1874, "| City Lumber Yard the Market, Opposite STRATFORD. ALEX. HAMILTON, YY BOLRUALE and Retail Dealer in ail kinds SEASONED LUMBER, Every lady should inspect our stock and par-. chase, as the game opportunity may not again oegur for years. a. G, MACKAY & CO. Mantle Velvet Depart: ment Ip thie department ere offering Lyons SR Velvets at 4, 05, 65, oe 67.20, 06, 610 and S11, worth to-day §0 per cent wore In the Prgech Market A. G. MACKAY & CO. Dress Trimming and wrtege Department: We offer variety simply tnteoaribabie, and in al shades to match ow hr tek Gon ane: 4 oth Jen find new styles and novelties at "liegent Hal)" A. G. MACKAY & Co. ' naire 'Mourning' "Goods De- partment. A. G. MACKAY & Co. Black Lustre Depart- ment. We with confidence invite attention to the 'we offer in bright black lustre, mish and shade hare sever & G. MACKAY & Co. -|French Merino Depart-| ment. Merizo, in all 4 im Navy, Heal Brown, Myrtle, um, #c., all prime value. A. G. MACKAY & CO, Print Department. THE Stadacona Insurance Company | ; ra set Me LIVER' TONDON GLOBE IN- wee ac COMPANY, ve tranaferfed to Stadcona Fr and Life Irene ¢ ad. Tenafetees aneopainet _ RORERT rmuarenD. 'Agent Strattera "ated, Sines ith, 7 STANLEY DAY, AUCTIONEER, No. Suvacn STREET, STRATFORD. Orrece ~--4t A. 'Store. Branch. a Osaaie Seren; eve McLeod's Day y respectfully wl soheite sales af Real Estate, ~~ expenepce om buying. sabi and realty in all ite branches, combiner wah an & je of the causes of tanon * . Dealers, and Srathord, June", +876 RICHARDSON'S Farmers' Friend Gang rough, he Meares Pica i ihr Masao "Wow. Cowan B® to inform the igo that he hae pur- nae the right auufacture this on ws An Strattard. Agri) GREAT INDUCE MENTS TO PURCHAS TOWN OTS. afferss covery FTE ws appeal beang a deer persons desirous of erecting Uwelling>, Jermaine to REDUCTIONS IN PRICE For lots hel? by hie in the GORDON SURVEY. tach block will be fowed boards ¢ \ is er pc € Intending parctesers. | Wilt ac we ee Gcvarahle 'ome wah parties int we tuild thie Season. JOHN IDINGTON June 3, sbyh, For Sale gym ate Can. 16,.Ellies, contains acres, 3) rly ma Boney po ea from Strat ioe | ile from School. 00 the Gravel Koed to particulars apply to the " ANDREW MONTEITH, M.P., Edward Dent, Stratford, or Saewwel Pages ou the premiaes. Possession given when deaired Terms August 30, 1878, Robertson Hous. Fencing, &c. Also all kinds of I d and Matched Lumber. pctarien ea on pond See kinenet eth & lem, to sal] at prices below competition. All Georgian Bay High Land Pine. I would call special attention to my patent a aa. . _-- EEX Clear Ghingles.. £00 November, lat. GOOD NEWS FOR THE PUBLIC G. 8. SEXSMITH 2 Has opened out A FIRST-CLASS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, MEET poea to Jon Dutton, Druggist, , Jarvis' Block. ONTARIO HTRERT. G. 8, SEXSMITH. _Stratiord, Get. 1eth, 1676, end A. Macnair & Co- Snes seers fut cash, are ope offering Drew lode i ll he Ltt Nov Novelties, from lée and upwards. ne 8, 10, 12; 15, 20,-and 25 Spleadid 'value Visnotis, Plais' God Paar" from 208 up- TWEEDS, a large Bianketa in ae and Grey, from English' at all prices. |. cousigament direct Manu. se anda xomsnelnneds mess Mec +] ooye, in A. G. MACKAY & CO. Wincey Department. We hold an extra large stock of Secured Win- Greys, whieh are Drafts Fraued on New ,York. Interat GENERAL TICKET AND STEAMSHIP AGENCY ~ 'Steamers sail ps follows :-- ALLAN LINE: Polynesiazm............... Ot, embinien Now 4 Ctreassian.... ec eS Semartian,...... -" Celtie....... "i Ust. Britannic. » Mov, a | Italy... Oct, Spain... Rov. 4 Ruglend. -_ "Rn Beypt y "-" mae" AMERICAN LINE. Oita. > DRESS en ini have bought them, tobe superb value, ia fact eanmot be beaten. A. G. MACKAY & 0. Millinery Department . We will open our MAGNIFICENT SHOW R-OM8 Por the present seasca ON SATURDAY, 30¢hInsT., With the most comprehensive sad urzique stock of TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS; BONNEPS, Flowers, . - Feathers, ~*~" = Feather Trimmings, . Ornaments, SUPERB MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS. aa eee NEATLY FIXED BAR. Flor x del Fumar nga Sar fide Bar on Nile street. W. 8. ROBERTSON, Manager Strattord, July %, 1K Dk._D,-M, FRASER, Fleciintnew othca Mr. _Deten's 's drug ania new ethos, near rpailence, on wut wore the penattard, Hept. sub, 150. en ' Palace Cigar Divan, ------ a rire navi ora wiuane--cuar, . ai dain REDUCTIONS To at the by Box or} "| The National Fire insurance Co. | his | the county, for the same price EERINGVILLE, Ont Deedsand Mortgages dravn up tn English, French and German Commission fn Q K., money to loan on mort at tuterest, Office, opposite reac} t+ WM ROBERTS, RICKMAKER an: Builder, manufacturer. of White Het Breck Hiesideves east ond HERMAN TAU SER, Zyiceasep. Song | fiales aitedded to at low rates. Collections made. Aeent for P MF ToGo. German and epokru. rtoa. . ros - Se H. BRUCE GORDON, AUCTIONEER, VALUMPOR, 4c. ee ea Auction Boum, No §, Uld BERNHARD'S HOT, COLD AND SHOWER BATHS, 25 Cents Each, or & for $1.00. ALBION - BARBER .SHOP, © STREET. Browning's Hotel," OKNER of Downie and Falstaff St», ae stations Te chow NWotel has bees ret ea erat 0m for travellers at moderate CHAS. "BROWNING =u ae -- Pie és = toe ; ' om sare seturers" Pri FALL 1876. GRAND TRUNK RAILY. Important Change of Time. 5 | Seye 4 sear deep" ssi nei A.M. McCOLLUM, TERINARY SURGEON, Gredunte of the Outario Veterinary College. 'Motel, strettond NEW GOODS. i Nigger Also a great MERESOHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES, ac Also s choice stock of Todaccos and and all Kinds of 1 'creap Land, 1, Cheap 3 Materials, ~ Authorised - Paid up Capical . _ -- Geverement Deposit, a Total Revenue Tent Vive Prominme & Intovent bar ta Tovested Funds . Srg4.73 'Cosh ty hand amd Gepoutt- Desat dems ~ --+ -- : Soar.000 * This Company has now entahlished iteelf, Branches and ed --_-- GEO. J Ger -val Manager. Now ts the Time to cn . ee an nd Secure a Home to and are to the business centres of the town. Lot No. 1 hes on it's aed well Gnished: Great Western Railw'y PREIGHT AND TICKET} OFFICE, Marke Square, Stratford. ae alec reas ogee wee Cheap Trensportation | to all Points in Canada, United States and Europe. pibeueeen apply to ar 4. "uace if Fr BROUGHTON, Geveral Aug i, 1976 COUNTY OF PERTH MUTUAL F. |. COMPANY ESTADLIMERD L8G, br actor PaRLiaMEnt. ares am Mien w ane RON wn iret ain 6 rg was Abela a "plea vlamagitee uke "MIVEATS TINK Serarhoed_ (het as, rit6 att all commee Pai Phen Se Torta Muteal ~ L he y . & COW AN. Agen Office, ap-stairs, bene Feliow's lron Block. Stratford, 7, Mowats' Bank, SIX PER (ENT INTEREST Allowed on deposits In the Savings Bank Department ! Mpecial colisctions. D: insued on all the stigation given to large Towns in the Dominion, and ou New York. on most favorable Bought and sold. Agente | in Canada--Baenk of Montreal. Caited § Bank of New York, NBA. Office--Moyeat's Hlock, Market Square, Welling- ton street, Stratfurd. Offhee hours, 10 au. to 3 p.m Boars of discount, 10 a.m, to 3 p.m. only. . Now is the Time To subscribe to the WEEKLY GLOBE 14} Mouths We eckly Glebe, 12 -- Canada reer, unty $2. Cal) and leave your aide with N. A. BOSWORTH, 20 Ontario-Street, STRATFORD. Will be sent Pustage Free to apy Pout Office ip October tn, tte. re} - OF MONTREAL e Vir is establiabed an ageacy in Stratfant. » ov DIRACTORA ; Fie Hyde, Fat M. D.. President, Stratéord ames Trow, Esq. M.P_ vice-President, Shakes: astney, X ene Ellie. + 'Matteson, ell. Balke. Eng. z- Depa, Heeve, Downie. b Sonttmng: Neds ne " jeorge Hye mene Easthope. Hoven, ay ¥.M.Fallarton. --_. drewid Blepsbard. tabet Wha |, Bx-Resve;Mdraington. Win. Mowat, Keq., ie saher. bi radtars. Gouge Laverss Bes. 'a, Fullerton, end JA Soltertors k as. 2. Sinith, B Barristers General Agents and WF. = A retponabie pg county. Bank, Mowat's Block Strat w. wowar, Sec.-Treas. Stratford, Jan. 5, 1676, $9,000 worth of New Goods. Grand opening of Fall Dry Goods, on y, October 12th, 1876. MACDONALD & Co. beg to announce to their numerous customers that they will open nine thousand dol- lars worth of new goods on the 12th inst., and to retain their reputation as the Cheap Goods House in Stratford, they have spared no time in visiting all the best Markets in America, to buy such goods as cannot fail to suit eke lic, in quality, and -- in price. Note the following prices and ask "yourself the question, "Can I buy these goods in any other house in ae at the price." 22 yards factory for $1; 20 print rt $1; 3 full cloth for $1; 10 French merino, $3.50. ; $1.50 Brussel carpet at $1.10 per a nig all wool 3 Py at union, be Floor OH dioth: .; 15¢ Wincey for 100. ; 80c. Set Flannel, 25c. ins, Needles, Spools, Knitting Cot- tons, Laces, Edgings, Fringes, Buttons, and of all ware will be sold under cost prices. P. 8.--50 doz. Drawers at 50c. Please don't fail to in- spect goods and prices whether -- bu D's & or not. MACDOD- * 0 {Port Dover'& L. H. Railway. Wadickion it Pass Jn seecunt of hard times. -- CALL & SEE THE PRICES WELSH'S Jewellery Store. Sees June 4, piaiiel __ BENJAMIN SLEET AN EATING AND COFFER HOUSE, NEW ean &TOBACCO STORE. M™ cits in gsseral that bs bas spened a Cigar & Tobacco Store tn Bile OM stand, oor cast of the office, where be keeps oc hand a full Suertabons of the CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS axD CHEWING & SMOKING TOBACCOS, E crea ekeneas or Retail. hime an. Stratford, Ang. 2, its. Stratford Marble Works STREET. « pov bak wd et pe Teer Orchanon "covered by o aimsiomary Station D. "Bit Hoses _New York, June, 7 sire ~ ween --Old over Mr. J.J. Clark's Italian Warehouse egos aly Removal t yee r FREEMANT

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