Gatronk at pert of the leoquented sine nighsis!i-- mt the greatest 7 i ve Fi i i en- gaged by a a in the bar room; and that, he room centathed tw bela, be could .net think = bnpesivg wpom the guatienet so much as ait @ strang- "While be , the tiled ee dressed, anal rather of being a gen Pent ternal my SSwiee Uurether bead. in WPA Me WAL Ce | py ot ys at te Coy ea ook t turing. tuost in to walk a! waht iF ' erie it ree ei a jelly. hie work, and tah but sure degrees he rose to opulence asa mad Oe maui es = "how ---- heaunar eect atvesd stedithily to the window, then to the busy hammer made mers. iat a disproportion which by- |. doer, parted oh the latter slave a: fw eesenda, Not far away lived Herr tun Koben, wb sl be yore by the 'und and - returned to bed. | # wealthy land whose son, when eoutalay st pos sas 'be reversed send para pet ceemranel tp Sesion, 2. eee ab- eckool: 'went te od, the. erent) Pueryouny ' i Se nailer's, where he would sit by hy * than a quarter of there peartd satisfied with the tour of ob- | and watch the bright sparks es they flew children will die lore ate five years tao, for be arose again in a few mo- os Getntim te gas eae --im exact numbers, 141,387 boys and » erept softly to the chair near my "Come, Master C: the nail--} 121,795 _The two sete§ aco now litted- tie: clothes tity, amd took there fg one day, in a jolly inood ; "why not om a a tae 22s Be 2 Ring ie gee anne} notion example | Show thor | wil by much lo fatal tin "th = ii fold Uke dielag tion, the son of a rich man-can-tearn: «f : by 1 could ace his motions, although | taade. Who knows but that it may | mortality will be still fartite tutnesl.-- Dep didpinetiy nimselt a profit you one of these days I" Indeed, for both sexes, ia the most he pooeded to the iautle woop which g |. The youth fell in with the humor of | health of life ; heme. onal, frazned waa the thing ; and pulling off his fine jacket | however, ia lower for boys than for gi fare g bor gory Ay he donned a leather and went to mome advance in deathe i ick im the wall } it, threst the ar | the anvil. Ho waa» bight. 4q the next fire years atill more in the beep tg oy nog drm replaced | and when be rempted to | ive which follow, but 634,045 will pao hacen dled retaraed boas We sc | make anail, he bad a pride to make it | tainly enter on their twenty. -wiath ort dificult maintain well; and o iH come t+ pass te the fe Rta ec gree tak of dor ig Me vn ali long he could inake shoe nails as deft- f twethrda of the women ill ave «iar cumetances. It was the first time I bad ever | ly and as well as --_ old Kari. riod. ¢ The deaths durigg that period will "been closed: with # Ullal wien he was actu. Time , and Herr Yoh Kobon-} tt Pov, ant ee the won tewrr than bh MT iE, Miod, leayis hin great wealth to his een | 27.14 will b> -aused by omsumpt = - 'and exeil "Adit to this the gratifiestion 1 | Conrad. fw theroalter the week (hirt A os farses, felt at having finally solved the mystery, and | armies «f ~~ erick came syreeping all laryor de death-tai will be ped, on lathe the attrodant oe of having to wait until # through Silesia, aid Conrad's iuheritance | moro tun bat 3 the vriginal be 2ex morning before I could pounce upon the?| was gone, In poverty he wandered | ac' nuit. 12, 015--wil! enter ot their aud. it may weil, be imagined that | swq he mongtains of Bohemia | forty inik Pees Fach sere disap ten the rey hours of the uight passed slow: 'eo b { ' eute- Bre. will now be- ty and, heavily. a town w a beet of | ve sp to Beventy-Bre, will w "On bo following the farce. that a stand fer want of | cewe more fatal, and the numbers will had betn described to us Mz. Ellingten, ero in groat demand for | shrink terribly t setenty-five, enfy an Davies been bomen ta case, Was gone | the soldiers, and a : ssoffered | 161.)24 will remians & " strock down, with, i i 7 7 a hese 122.559 vill have sin wtb} praictan "tan avtnahed wheat | fOF Malt Heres" onion | bythe Sen year of Wer ase, Ti and or gy ak : my trade will serve me. BAD tha' remain will wen lay down their oud intisted on calling for the ) nowt And told the ahuemakers if they haardewe 5 but 2,183 of the "Bis struggle baving/ the rom searched, and on" being T woud Siar oe ~and forge; ire t- inet. scarcheil himecif, and having an officer sent would eonaila fur thew. They fur- hundred years old. Fmaliy, in the one "Week the inter tnaiiaany polsnl wal | weer rend~bo- a Line. cunran, we Wego" All; [a the oom, T placed mymtf | went el-the work 1 carpeat. ie made the tast solitary lif. will flicker out. against, the door, and throwing off my tow- | better nails an had ever been made be- | Sih. thicn, ia the average Tt of a million culcted' wig, and dropping the naaal twang | fore in that secti He tie | Reuti b e and ween and pesened Da my, speech, I --_ cvs, and enlarged hua shop, and um ome A Curio jous I "Laweuit. lve = --. = poe sides of the mountaiiim. "By" ise - ~ ue an «. Soe are both peiesncre," aakd the ediicer. "Io the Crown Court « £ Lincula county, paren started Among i recon sume gui tinsympathetic and hard. Karan Pier have been] a wealthy ee ne mistress, apd intercept any letters oun, pot -- eareures missive was in fer Sais bs S father was forbidden by his Fy bathe in the surf, * io "Was thi the Water her liver ai xt neo eer, . cle ~ two wi group the surf = sates out than. the' other bathors peal to ge eo marriage }- ceremony te be "ane every few minutes on ace fh 4 the breakers, cletgs nine 1 soho pre ee op regunity for Lug ts biiding of the banua Toad sess herw was at dinwer that ieee fang thought, " She's | more upstart already later he was undeceis ed. ay tm The britegroom lin- ww days, ne by wont back to altioure, where be tober the pas tepants of the Gum in the Surf sor) reer yearin the sa haracters in the ua of a grand alley icfers the ey the world, pee As Bvt tte aes a) sentiment, the powtry, the o- -- pia wo ag wind and dries bis soutiments, and unfte of ie ig berth. out Of him, insensibly but effectually, aud he ind ' Bhe neither weaves nor d'wster te the be mith mt kee net aa Le li il : 3 § ay The foll owing is a. very valuable. housewife's table, by which persons tet hating tcalea arid weights at hand: may readily meastire the articles wanted to ferent a pt without the trontie ot | | Serbing, allowance to be made for an | 'extraordinary dryness « or meisture of the ites were Totnes. ar wallesrere of Ste ane! rey anapernl. no chance -- r, by t-te be the must extra heanl of, He te ment for, atl thot bdueelf ami the ros n bee in pretetes, a my 5 ERS me rw Jett bere! earn to La unlergarnet ats a Porte bot Toe ime Trae | ner 3 wade z1 sgh % "Peas Chet tit eer he habty mente teaey which kot! on Macy per Les. ry teow y. en eshnale je robber we oF a rery waren' position "thw ay wo trary" arith i: "_pinauieed, when. be had onrra: tha, mene oue glass of beer," be rv "Bie drink that at Mariow's bar!" "Tt was probally Srvcard.* chit. hulieve. ¢ : aprihing last finished hiv I aad. ie i thei" story + Sapeat of the aceupant, (fae pend. noth alles, Tf you are content to leave the miatie with ony ' Mr." Filingt T beliese we cor solve the mystery in time. Dlease fenve ue y frees. You may not hear fra fc Ul certainly be sretifieal o eas ye tanke a staccens "Ve wrote the ahilowss a 2 grag om hs an heme afterwan! Pca A 7 he har-room to take a drink at "ipence, the moment he heard it. weeks after thic, a bet cor atry man, with a travelling hay anda large ' f'3%; of i . Sepped at Marlow's paket and for lodgings, 1¢ wae neart z tyidmbght ; the were ent: and aa the moon had not yet risen, aud would ne@ rise for ap hour to come, the darkness was almost profound, Marlow wetcomed the countryman to bia ibe bt i EE contained » beds, tut Hf Xa hoe gentle. it with him. a en oss ee oe lack wnel, on the har, went to -- a lw with equatiyman exchancer Mr. Eliagon on a Mertaniis Sin Hing Wha echt fut fromm the searcet | 7 * eee: Ba telat she peer. ie, 5 ce place t& get down on tow 'Then they scamper over the rafts they 'here they can scnthe fh superhuman 5 er tions copia fan pet Laniers weman, rad she v ime tha pb tiere were bumblebees oe aR, @ue sticks ber Vl, tise gasty Ghing 1 ere sitting an vey pole. iatele ms worm arc gettes of th @ tose aerew equare. be gtr, ex manage te cht 8 worm ot » with a eplowh bike the b std await the repult. end ai osnds jai alr the fall length ef near damp flop that erte the pean, ul ere uh nary barnyard 'mana, and two = ml pa Ps as follows ; am the curered One sere produced 442 bushels. One acre produced 471 ie The next year tho with wheat, hen_the crop ean, as tol. lows Wheat on tand treated with barnyard "One acre produced' 48 bushels, 18 vl 61 nds per huahel.) fot gree 42. bushels, 38 | jpounda.,to. the bushel. ee land neared from covered acre p enbaael bs bushels, 5 pounds ot or' po ay mruduced &) buanels, «7 (ot 61 peunda. to the 2 buskel.) The straw also yylled one: -third more upon the land fertilized with the manure from.thovoreped » than. | vpea.. to which the ordinary inanure was ap. plied -- There is no other treatment claionsil in these experiments than that of simply keeping the manure wu our readers © 'agree gain is remarkable. eaturated his cuvered heaps pientitally her such substance and fix the ng am- monia, So wast have found the difter- ance in results still grester. -- Dam lier the yi wth ou} show | aul ¢ calgrpliat', anal eat ¢ Wome 'and plat enryt taualin d+ laine friende Suites Flower Cuttings, A practical Jor a directions for setting ogee should be selected, a ned stronjy- su -w bloom' on the end rere' the inrife leaves and pnt 'how in water Cuttings "ta vy! "an ape voot aj seers Fac h cutting zshould have a cood sized pat, uF seve itings can be put ina wooden. lag. The best sail Tor amatetuw ty tise is half zood earth aud half xhite sand, well mixed ; y bm api keep in the shade, but wot in damp, until the cuttings have taken ; i T a ing £ for a gery Ceilings, ¢ Inarttert i quae orer with sk tol be 23d e it mt oft a 2 «ede put it back." n ve «pet the hook fro i. hei. SEQUR ike beok and otcitin the waiee | Chey eet etemted o ---- ok, a aNat, Took @ ter aca ety te peel should: bess ir ereud, They tik orer port Who leeks rapidly eat aftallef t There, ite "= inte the water, and vreme and li sn uosary chab dare y poke at him with azul ¥ ty they Nrow their po basket, elieb up md . the by oilng what ~ epleudit time" Uerw bad givee the following geuttings : A " those with a fail. Trim off arth is net rich, with fertilizers in peor per wilt eal very 'gl and Tisties ! bz a! fi ee i Yeimove 'the t lef the Sailing For the var children have thonity of anes sinetink your hemes Plant oemgh sothat it may bene ain for the bithe ones te gathe range handfuls amd wake playfe on Soot the When 1 was ttle avd, it wan sel generally undoriiocd that gathering a part of the flowers cansed the pl te continne tts Moomihg Touger, and te predtice finer Gowers than if all its Linsasoms were al- jowed te remain on the ene. storm and ripen sowl, It was thes naughty" deed for chiklrun te plue' hk any but the moat eoummen flowers, Littl ones cen. fet abways he otruetel to help them. a eels cs in aut the flower vere they may bat thore shen'd be beds of y here ther t ays ohl then, used wate mh fore she w . every Py for oo mat stinitoyr. She count the Snngera es hie re Veni a. ree: "4 ere a ent a re bre "--* -- y few pauses, times agai thereon : ar the day, ma coud have ax many mere, and th all per- mevtsant st ---- ato ber inaginatioam v ee ir iowa some- Sian * oa Y pupils, sow smiling pansy facen ears maa attractive, Cie sitet have own fewer beds. as o_o AA possible, many waste places aretimd the door'y aud. lnc sad re) ter blossom like the rose ley axes with 'bat Bittle labor. Se " Watering Horses. A full drink of water, immediately al- ter being fed, should never be allowed to horses. When water is drank by them the bulk of it. goes directly to the intestines, and little of it is retajned ih aire © ijl cunsidered for the carrying of the w The hecessary woman's clothing. re raid of the bundle, which 'contained' a feather asticles, olssdewus- secular. - His pip com amg | upon - aes | the counsel t the effect that gyre tpon "the case ae --) a) aud t, however th ae it was the law t ifaw mele away with the property of her baw band without his t, by ~ asaint- ance ofa - that ea guilty of cg Re ae Tound prisoncr ilty, ar 2 FAS sent pai are lun priaciieecs twelve sk with mr --_--_ Onareal for Sick Animals to Nearly all ae animals become se brag improper feeding im the first place, _Nime casce out uf ten the diges- &. majors ce. tered. An example of its u hired man came in noo ort intelligence one of the sick, and @ hind region prepetes the and mer! ici The owner us being i] and unable to ee the cow concluded that tho trouble came from and orleted a teaspoonful of to be ae charoval ve-saven in water, was ited, i just) Puttle, ape oura qui.tly grazing. uccess OCCU which had become moe --. by eat. ing green apples after The fresh niger ------ bap given. In x hours Appea: a had gone, and the eallor a was well, *---- Be Kind te the Aged Age, when whitening for the tomb, is a worthy object of reverence, The sions have ceased. The' old linger with the Ant and, oh, how careful should +d young be to reward them with ten-. affection andl the warmest love, to divats tah the chill of eb ife. The Spartins boked on reverential respec} foreld sge asa Lesutiful tralt of charac- ter. kind te these "a the autumn of life, for you know not ---- suffering they io have endu -- "A it od he ibe their i poe fu tut wt garage slow ny maton | og and crosses « and perhays their dispocitions, 'while in wo spring of life flexible than your ewa., Do they require aid! en render it cheerfully. Forget not that the E e may cx ¥ you may -- sminta from others der ther. » all that is pres ue for the okd, aml de it with alae. rity, amd think not hard if avch -- iretl at your hands, when age sete om or yy brow, amd fills your limba roe others niny wait wavillingly, oa feel relieved wheri the" for coftin hae corer i Who wm to Mary ~ Women who flows thate husbands ars, happy and at rest. Those who do nea are disturbed and restless They: are al- raga -- tine. = Th © flirt ut any moment, ir sir hikdren are according their ther in nurser- tinder ths care of Fomch nossa, or handed over to Sally, the upstad » to! e, and and stuff with mar, as wisdom 'while #0 jy and amusements of sorts one their mother's tine, Home is not y te poor * chesene Ls that 'love after rei fom _-- on cwuary paar ahs they age go goo id gna Wife, why loves her seed --_ ey oi jour Pr happi ter thas Onan ale treo, Woah ped" Tay lone one Wee Hot fe. Leesan if Ete anes pour blvat was to serere thet gee "idles were a ee @irecting \ acidity, Bat, -- attempt to put it down and it did fittle alt a teacupfol of rr wa rs doubtless, Bh 7 have been "}.couldn't = it w trials f Poe Baa pr ie hvala wot kay to & large wine qiass 1a one ee A teaspaonful ts ene-h: orty docps are equal to pee Ti are nfyl. Biol teaspounfula aro equal to 'one tablespoonful. Grasse and Leather. A citizen of the Cass farm has s village Who gras t" shouted the "Nobody," repli from his work. " Grass is a nat- product of the soil, pursed and car- for by nature, and it is as free to one animal as another." 2 is shoemak and Tl give you all wan: Miceed hack, but right ast ph, and when In some localities stall, black are ve ants aan early in the stm- beni aweet trootened ih aed ow casa Gnd access, aud though hey tumble inte the s aul, suicide, i drove as it nethoy olse four par ee np dot Lee héte the sweet things stand, anil the : Sesttie vedere, ) magar-! owl will yitcfer to gu elsewhere in scatch of fend. Only the: tightest fitting «x can keep them out. am tdd ty me whe aye 'the has tried it, that tittle hie drown pi! chalk on the the it aruund ai een rdeevwre vrs an itapmssilde Loser in yrs ants re * fet MiG a soueer or plate of wm i protected frow there i is w line er eal ant found interne places, which meldlies afte th all kinds of grease, as well as wath Preuta, ee oe Aa Astonished Indian. mebody devpped some on cn tin mera m Main "atrst ria itap. Firat and an [ndian tried to pic! be made a grab at Fund ® forage, sb ain he thumb and fo have that qui % The following trile of cleaning eilk been » mn) mart 4 yr the rifqed fant Haven large Gat beard; over an old shect. Take balf a bel tare A Cup, pabitagase watur. teeters se wxille bit i he if if fort and n veantts trom though ni Tang OF jug, with sien ral Pst yh ead dt it, ig oleefaghignes te. 'Lay if away," for somo desirale ends that Gll it up needicasty, as some are, i) Om wit wont wate the the etiest. . This wef) for pha of aad tart Singular "Mathematical Fact, fonitiply by & will give ¥ HW divided by 2 tion ; } to the anewer, the eis nae er r A tw mie ed and, » i femindsr 7 dl 1 er, 'Sow take ig Baer "bj thare: i birds the'e bichiaw am There jot be sos ied he rearon why. eipteearil cs] +p the - 'tow hte Moree steently mith stealiuu certain articles of of into a brildant fame . Put up your bbe | ae toe ; ne _c-__..} emgbers of. afiation into : Henish 'convinced that . wll om as he ® was sep Y= to tell his ehil- furniture at Mareham-le-Fen. This was Wheat fleur, one pound is one quart. Es Ky passes tatwe ds ar feng Sete an a aren. ihe dl fide sed ape Oe ieee OF | Gren in the after years, from 'hie having ery curious case q India n meal, we pend two came are "<r, y fol i old aie? seorrting his clteg of the Maan pay a arly for thie outrage," a trade i _ os 6 taney' was van to hia wife | one «t. pra w 9%, beaut sae ee gust of "The the landloed wabered we Lares a aiaws red, aud twenty-eight years age, and they h Butter, when roft, ene pound isons vial & se a the wer | pel yg tle uso sary fuude will beyin right here" | Experiments in the ese cf Manure. ¥ wildreu, On the drhvef Februs | quart much the faskjon ple dimensions, with a mactl ie bibs Ue aciles Wo-thiriert, T 4 ee ary, 1874, the wife left her heme to co Best brewn orgar, one pound: twe ; oivans Ae ed ear el the pirtare from the waft, and remored | Seience declares} ' - dae JER ene qh alt. d is wes ie ATS for a fire, weoe had e erie at Exuiin Gna " most being made of manure it should be never epee Th - night = w vee " 7 iat ya sugar, Tieken, one poun one " ms with the prisoner and one + * daugh- bal 'uy companion 'expretted Himac » being we simulans on = lh -- cP bowesl, ant estursted abc -- to Leadon, and thence to Anertea, a eyed are ove pound, ine oe is tao the ST) | the ficelplace, WA tak teen severed above | SME OF some other oubetanwe thet WUE | siving with hun as his wife. In May, Foe, four jock amy cue basket. inte bed somgmind cuseramoniousty, dnd in 4 1 mit of ita com Kion, absorb ur fiz the ammonia) Tho ma 1876; the prisoner returned to Eng Ls "ae large tensy are one few moments was iy and ge ed a number of watches, a large | jority of farmers in this country padi no aughter albeut a year age returne Soler re er ae meg oe fam: eant in coin and aad quant e her father. The prisoner is »a "esi as afjmeiome sr eigecgp 4 --ennmmbnend..the wislgw-lant}15,.0f Stich a lose ben Soon ore whatever to the rare tn: "i i as 1 teft a wife and __ Fou Acaspoonfuls are one: half | 'adit the foo, taking the fasther yee. | cre, srme belom f Kington "The |"it is one : eikiran wlign be started for the Kew wue-balt '#; the key, 00 that ¥ "ec ado taken ina itl were also thers. w the and appl World. The wife two boxes wad punt. ~ ent pr every. a A » > thas my cop the -cunteal. manure, a ' ns ales Two ire ane ome quart. Jeane 'the room without be: pla Shag Hin the heat Pendle did der hen she. fom = toawaken re. ties Ea Tit tecu-aiter to winl,-when they-were a a oo beer hy muni ik wae fot of Foer quarts are.oneglies. --- tenced te in ten ti Thus innaird, ata Farmet's Club Meeting couy las- ool 1 extinguished the light, et itte be, tea gad wl penitentiary. ; : thees articles + that aha itcharge was sized tambler holds: on fs for Watch. aad wallet taded the Starlow aw recontly, gave his practioe and experiengs | Uese artic sea Nt eas contended, | half = gill = : hate as follows :-- ' r teacup ia one gill. It is bye astonishin a@-how, mach com little causes, A box, bag, drawer, or basket for scissors, thimble, but needles, thread, tons of all sizes, ------ wax, etc, waves a multitude of steps, aud saver ent colored balls, and t ai needles, cam be hung away | Lie a 'menta, and is: for, we and. not in the way: A place ssered to. pens, ink, paper, enrelopes, and pencila, where one can jot a thought without getting ril- ed i pieces upon which the cloth is ound, for the shelves ; a piece of strong twine fll. ed with spools will complete it, Stand the books edgeways, «» that the titles needless handling. mop oF brush for sore backing B can No matter ow. poo are tired of in a year or two it will sown foveh and du a good service ta , and eave a few pennies, which put vith other little esvings will" buy 4 nice book or pay the subscription publication. Doda het mean the incunvertible odds and accumulate in a house, and becanse.thoy.. pusteas a peasion far sat ing all Chings, but only such ae taste and judyinent can convert inte usefal and oruatuetital articles Low te "rana ce Metures. Te a ee Ss a3 £0 a . Mi onthe te lighe bs. vl -beell be + oy as ory asf for het te fe trans sy hatter sewikd "toe © te m Sra out equally Any tumber of figures j you may wish te 8 much quicker upera: but you must remember ty annex a cipher to the answer, whenever there is ne remainder, aml when t is a te mainder, what atever itmay be, annex a Multipty 464 by O and =oyatee dividing the | i aft a i re Hi d [: a EE i i | E ~ PHOTO M. J, Husnix fe --* ie -- bichromate pear pee oe es the - canting. wd fr the pe ofa pat, Wven wish the pine ae A colored pemudert ov the « of a cast-iron old wagon, was hired w draw some dirt wher 87.0. am a cheque for at a seven dollar and a ball * That ix a chores ena eon J 7 Tak the reply. it down thers and pour money. ** De feller at 7 a wes yun, does marked the cul oA ge down dat an' he says dis ye docu- ment ant an order on a hardware store." " Oh. it will be an right," mans started down © --, in onde Tooked af ine, wn' den he pure yelled. out :-** name an' whar you live ia mighty straight, an' den he wanted é eames and Shi Care of Tools. The proper care of tools is always is attended with an impértaut counomy. In emall establishments this seldoas receives due attention. Asarulo, a tov! to anybody who happens to have it ; con- sequently, no one is responailile tor it, jhe b = rr i stolen, or worn out betore it has render ert half the service it is capable of per- forming. In sonie shops the time of one man, and sumetimes two, is cunsthntly lust in looking fur missiny tuuls aid put- ting them in order fur use when found ; = @ great deal of capital in wasted - by the premature destruction of tools which, with proper care, should have lasted fet | years. "in all mannfactories (here shotild be a place for tucks m4 ia comstant wee, and some one should have charge of ery .gved system, phich | found always to work well, ides for the charging of every tool to the man ue ivg i. - When it is returned he received a credit for it which balances his accuunt with the tool department. For tools added to his individual kit, such a# Glee] "ployers, e made and no credit ie givew until teo-teot is broken of entirely | rite poe date, in use. Such a recor and other -- supplied by em- |. i | i if; #3 pts siintlar to that always charmers, and net d of basket, ereept- the oper naked man, who cannot possl- ia for cm simple and sufficient reason t he has ves nor jacket, Bor. tdeed 'eied-of- . a small waist cloth, which would y bea t incon nt hid- distinctly energetic se: discov- ered. No sooner is it stirred it on ita tail, apreeds out its hood, at the charmer. to examine vy usual manner, snaps at the j iii pp adie The charmer takes good care that gy "4g t> roy aug. amet ae ie Fomes year you, for with : "base Wd ie wid eae | dexteroas movement he siezes th rep- tile by the head, and holding ft In one The tellooing rules f for ae aes ot the a te hon with the hneies oven are ® writ | tn the other, while you put a rupee ing ending arenes ume. Soe to the receptacle, if only to induce hin tabl fe feet warm; there " nea ox ui is nothing tight slwut, the peck ; there is nea so ty of Ight, wi the | Comes . > dtp o eyes , the sun divs not on | S0ce, and then stepring "yack, throws . oval actk seus te g fully eleven stone Fo nut come from the front--it is beat | Oer ber should Nor does she wher it over the left shoulder | stop here, for she slezes victim the head is not very niuch bent over the | Once more, him work , the page is nearly i her back, and then tosses him into the to the lin bt-- fee ym pa ke as eet nr 'te nearly opposite om a not e. for an object held slanting is not seen | being. ing backward on ber feet, so clearly ; that the page or y other object | she picks up straws with ber eyelids, ie Jess than fiteen inches from the 73 meraults, and eye. weights which would astonish the ordinary Londen ac: t. _ While she is thus performing, jug- plants; ponds into eggs, and oom into n thread beads with their tongues, jola: innumerable vince of cotton into p bal! a score one long cord, of | cannon balis with: their toes, and epls < Pandemo' , the clatter Is unbearable, and one is compelled, as was the Prince, tu di«miss the tribe of vagrants without further delay. TE ; 23% PERRSE RS: Etrak ey ibs Li E s 3 E th Li eee aT jevaart Bore hey iach' "Th HA a i 4 feea | Par abete