7 pas pret a We Can Maha fF tome Happy. | = ae a | Toogh wo may nk change the cottage : - * Tora mansion tall awd salad, - e ~Orexchangs a titre crane plat E Hai ermere i cmp stoebed of. aad a Hira ante Reta threo scales heer, dom ~*~ By ¥ prreninep Costly 7 Gch set - ewan w6 here no ellkes bangings ; the wills a0 cold and bare-- so -- eam 'We can bang them o'er with gurianda, fr: quality of te Seat tes ea, ton cee. , __ | ssinginek tee Nene ' 1a Shy OR? DREN RL et thay 'We eam altexrs ma? > home cheertah, 'sltaiaie 2d NIRS, TECH Tern -- a mit be borne tn tied that the shone } ay | D GOUNTY Or: "pat GQAgrIrT : cihies weratiioniy copied ak henna wo Seale wrdllet Weonetage GA RK Se ng from inperte:t VOL. I. - : STR: <i epee ea A es ee at ATFORD, ONT., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBE Sekar : ration. Probebi ag acer any chine ans one who visited Manitebs. is the imperatite ' : a Rb, 1876. NO. 46 arises in badiy Spee wh cine eon eevee wars saeneely of oar varia. Srash ratory noila ae t And shall it be anid that pe ey young preachers outside "Andover. ze LAD s : : . frine, and the ia ty Rudepie In a bappy, soeral coag the earliest territory at | enfScieut number of held Shee daring 0 miniet of th . TES' co aan TORIES, 16 n= _| Brine, and the still noxious, bat at ; ye reads, that Y irty years be one-tenth of an inch in length bat bat et " opheo s We can gevie brother, railway via Thunder Bay is 75 ge ld the was slow, and been laid aside by sickens f two LUMN. ly marked in 6 Se outiadien he never returned to eat it. There had been HKisiow of fea and other Sor rae + Land kim tres the path of wroeg, than by Glynden alath, when the Pom. pe a starved and stint at woe es fet, the ah Punhion ot red, white and I bad, beyond nothing to make him dissatisfied with bis, We scrvagty elvies our senders te thorengh"= Ps bina Lraneh is 'and I feel tani ite | F such uiorm good health. jon Notes. doubt, correctly referred it to its proper surroundings apd the iden study the principles ot a i Fe @ey £3 ear boots Wich masta 4° the' medahanhe of a assured | farthest timit, but thas in order to make om, ot sleep | Valvet et by 'The detection of this insaeh udp to oar faune pe pope oon ay st nd paryrt <n --_ : saa iv o'er, were only hall 4s -- . Fi pees few T peasants, who are . stimulants or tobacco, | Third, never | cloaks will be used this seasem- anether species of the dreaded 7) and as tas or wnetheds of ear poll Lod bo-t ul bapa " alt dark iatradore interests as ba i wad Narn 13 iy contented and are equita- | ern wh ice a a Sate arday night. Thy broth. | Binck lace collaretts are fashionable. Anthremus, perbaps to equal in by nication cowardly to ran away. Sixteen years lat pumind tis choos we tee! pee - w sens fi to secure their share of the enormous wowed be 4 -- iad ST Weeittan | ecttine thus © nearly ali Sutarday night in| Dasket ribbon still erntinues in favor agency to the well known museum pest,the 4 his father and mother met him oa a Missis. | Tul' man? i orrecous' fre! ihe = ee een mhiets is now developing in our North-West, = pes ye ep -- = imposed with- | in an caueupe or noe mine work | Close eoiftures are going ont of fashion. priioocb sagen known as 4. mszorum), the aipyt bape bepane vd & bloated, drunken. wade @kird wii pie --_-- _ en * more" would give. the _Doiinion Ourernment or eerap ? We have po hevi- trot wick wit tobseee | Cart 7 ve guest of all oar collections of nat: eyre . . Death world have |"? Weninhe Farin ~ RABE Beate Slee rere sence or el cere | ce teens a | SRS sh mn | ty ene | 5 aos {Wited tho taramden fall to find 5 tine raitway-~ sheer aa sore one of | hint from the Dnxka's ec ~ tou i thjp winter. | 1. iieu! against, and 60 exceeding. | @ ruined soul.-- m back «| to ee that dio that ast amet The merncfest were they Petionee 'oss trimming is used for = : ly ditieuit trol," Suihanagede Herald. tied sat até Rept constant' , ma ach Un of weet affection nd Guardian says :--" We are | Kings or Ministers, statesmen Mote teat 5 | heading fringes. | ~ So a Up dbould receive atheros ass Dinding frie Sis of Kindred minds oer bear very feed fromi the | *ouid be criminals of the Lame oF Agiators, tion of a single jock whieh Tho, nace Lal : Apia hor+ ' ros g Wd corse bony Anged re Peay ay bay ARM AND ¢ GARD presi age ee e hat: Woe may reap Be iden sects e ae 'that the old faliy of er the ate nd ble bend. a men tare: | avy blue and Cardinal are worn together. | taken up and c'enved. Curpets are not oy : a IN . DEN, eer p tied grt very dirty ebout t ¥ pour Wt -- oP Fraser into ---- onrg ladies Acked itis fer hee | -_hitt# oF vo trimmings are wern on dress | ¢#?, its only food, as it infest w win eaomabesmeocaiees = shoulders. wigs Wes tects -- , ie -- thet nothing of Items of Interest. ptoarasd and jas ster faa, be hala pis | tM parel in or laid = % = NOTES. N essential f wae pager ag an i -- Kipd corur D ture taken of the top ; : 7 lor always under @& NEWS OF ' "HE HE WORLD. wai attained ita damaging altitade from the | ,. Dull-tgits are abont to be introduced pp acs oly gp Avoat s "Bai pleatings are as much in demend as |apem eo ee ee accordance with i. frees waking ile tnroeis, but ales water flowing from what is known te capita! of J into | ace past the pbotograptier's | pon eo ri expe | stock thrive better : ecuisienieiainigiain. Chidiw seer, That by the con as the Wea : apan. Pl aud noticed an immense crowd stuiy Red (uit hata are worn by afew mad ---- pertovil correspondent ks of the vast en- ef and reach taatariis hack Lb struetion " afew i uality Canadian a of a dyke apd flood gates, the water that has fisuren ngs now sans pees ot ther pa foond that the gio Ho jovited tm: 1a Paria women Tur Stort or a Ressiaxy Parscass ----What | 20d Reorre --." Joyenne du agreed when they 1 are not. Cattle hupt an si -* caw much [cas abd to the eet. | tueir dressmak artiste, jeave them with | arust bai jeg encima! of an The ane mantelet jo you. think of a Russian princess, a genaine bad the frait well th: oe do pot hapa pte Potstone ode Dea Wan E a } Mere mn the wicunits. aud, nik pinnae ers. pipes ae soiled greatly enlarged pictare | of wre et in one of the new styles | article, with ber name, coat, of arms, ete., | London Journal of H: snned when young.-- pie as 'tieien eters ; = tn coke ¢ - oted in Ontario | ¢2*baded, 1. The tickeat late for th the Ulack wea Tauoing even oi! . mae, o8., e ture. tied te bose herd» fe By such means a very large sur prmour pf veassls yet | across the edg e| Lace m her stockings, servingin the) T > the ota 'a 1 they can with f denen pene pet ag Bas of ah Fa "pong oI they j Hon cles and had lnbeliod 1 "Eclipee | sont nol al be nued for trimming evening | capacity of chambermaid at coukenes | ak an ok oes from freezing, place a | lek themsel ihe beer ey ea ate municipalty of Kine arc mae whl ppl lip naman ed --_-- Mr. Dewdne; pf per = Brown @ Co. 11 ia twenty. | ed at aq' aarter | SET ale = 8 Sctiendea pec ie gem A a fellow's--this fallow's--. | valve whic! A ee an cate gi deg -- on thas gi 4 and the pei ------ Demnintenes Partrenwt power to self surprised to ' suchings.ate.wora with biack eap of coffee and graceful : g the farmer will do wei tt eolleet harbor iva. | ter aie Cay tee ve were} eg Berta prorle | sre are horrified to find ieiek avons iid pec , and it j creases waree Ae slip dein als wilow sould eanaeall Wah, ema tha weber _ will steskoman 2, givés them ball sieves The Greed Tran scipte at Cornwall ment from ie floods, may be accom. whisker sold in the {ilile villages of} testeretion Tren every moron tific } Scotch-soled shoes are the most at Gt in your pipe for a smoke? Iwill teil | main Te ae ewe will net re- quently happens, however, that cutie - 'sere A Pgh eee asranted plished co en ily, and at en expenditure with- pore ee is adulterated with vitrolie | imetstute. -- Ji! aE RHE the Pranktn ap ter: walking ~ -- Sesirelse bail a amie, stranger than ction. In the = igh We Tretee. -- Engle We romquinn Gong gat penny oxtermeetii to « 3 « ' aaa ° omimitiecs of | Ta irom neglect or ss st ~ vey $7,000, and the basiness ia growing | jointly. It may be mentio a art ee j-erxerxmbere appointed. of investigation are| The amelioration of thw eriminsl code is un green stockings clocked with red | tap om the nl ea © beat is ba i bi TU iy promtabie to plant trees fn groves and] pirate oe ana ade ae ie hollering ie is om extract from a letter | lay on the part of the pore ial A _lsteroting 1 . a Miehigan has developed sytopathy not on] peared. muang that [ussan pn cimateaea ta thee ger | 4b ioake woods ia fiw State, and to euriet | chases os ne on eentponedis BC Steck wil penne fora) STW" CReye poe thie. pos. bet. ta ot onls | Silver fl 4 eur DA | the soil wi ; y ected apps te eee -- wet to 9 Man a ee we Rcd ke or Fee of lands, | ieee ters a $ about 7 newspaper p-alire jury. The er fee te Speier scone Bi a may ni Soro ee Seoraier por nar ogre b apes rod pig eg oe oe pane te i 'aur ie m1 : : as -reetatmred: va ale wataral, for : Oe i . who proportion uf fu tor Ontario | secetetieanien diene ~s "Tt ra een Faeeat in we. ot Ki i tentimes @ jury rina greater nek of being Green and red are the fashionsbls solors | } oubscmme capes.uc uiker, resulting in & po- -- winds. --- California Horticultu- ounces of au! ech ry A sersgorgee) fn British Coben' in Ponttentiony te aces. shehtinercees onservator safe =" T¥ | TOuG." a [ tathved- to -<ieatin- tram ----asanrchures--ol bait | of the season Roeman's order for ber to move 6m, eaise Wot orem: mixtere sboald be y rabbed ini ly comp ete, sed is described a aauinonid. the ani . rie gmp me Bowe ai qerkect-tr-death:- Fie good peopin of +t "Wnts mada this country. She here fell in love with a Wi i the stem of trees for an inch oF --+ the besdy, aod Pll egy pee buikling in the "Prowir nee. A Provireta! Luns hy,. of existenes of. Mr. Allan. Mure. | p45) _--, -- woull 'benr trans- {benderbearted cominonity realze how danse } {ashionable. ---- two ground to a foot or two abov bas been done the affected parts mu . --* Asylum ix aleo in conree of eonstroetion bh 6 Caledon East, ou the 25th October, planting. Ia near Beyrout tue | tS? fog of evidence that setiine over the | He was ap etpeditions yo' ae he 'rows puper:- irveedhe Birontonat +t ceive a good washing with soft is _Mr 6. L Bedson. | Warden of the Provin- a ib Orne --- feed raped ome Christiaanty me ie _ --e a prea = eggs to let an a few | thal me rd it one a wa --* hot cas oe ae diamonds wots wih weal as oo te epee | erplied coco a ivan esl stl Ala, arn home : anded a cinb for the ex- | * of sumught. For instance. whi ; ke beans through atin born. As de. | with coal tar, will prevent the srplied once = im the came manner «- Wienipes city teat t by givieg Ta eather od Pe! Md x the city of New tor. eo se pose of patting an end to lying. jury in Saginaw were recently yoniiog pier gee ed bands of inch gimp are used for | Donde melted oway they rame downja he by by se Trablite, tase and'amslar verminn | Ctlore. the mhstare being made « litt's an éppointment io the Government boarding very weak Miler sad Mis te Prinsep is commissioned to pro- & complicated case, a fer int ' 7 ee of fringes on wraps. pg up to the peighborbood P the attic, At Sone! « Rural. stronger should there be a little obserralile house at tae Lower Yor care, together. with loss of age proper ronald sacs Great historical pic. | Were shoved under the door "One of them Gentienen's # overcoats are made very long. lanl, one morning after breakfast, out af the | 18 our sotes om tree-planting we have over. | mitt amsent toon tee washing. = Thi The { market at hipeg is now | vl riding in the cars, seated tho pays Delhi. "Tt fo eaia the h- me Saree © ae. os oh Ok lenin ~ahes ten Setahiah sole sserene meron the nen: ang braced walla: the young man nied es alas at 0 of our native trees, prenppeoee Seeds 2 nn pam wore Fin sapped a an be = F somber | Srmly in his frame Thea 18 dated all % | 95,000 for his st in to receive ¥ wever bay an article af elcth. * CSer'y fexther bands wilt be nsed~ for,tri behegpe dearer is wile, abed one tear on native mulberry. It forms a compact, | don L plete cure ent.--Lon of foats comsng in erery dav. Pri shill, Deceased mexheal work and £1,000 for ex. | '2@' your store." Auother ---C --If ming cloaks. --_-- To bosum, and boltei He went broad head, when grown in the pen ground. ire Stack Journal, frou sixty to crahty ae the ; ene Tang? | ig loanlity rp 4 much respeeted in | P°D#e#- esy guilty we wil never taky aunther d mi Small-et off with enother name and took fo keeping' }smd-teoke well--tleee..es..gsuaped..mite atter quota . and his and conversation | Dr. Keneal in yoar pl rok = -- cloth makes very school at a salary of basswood she} gf tee bein paid ow y for: the beat and eheceat | ere sueb e MF oe andoabt af Ut y is making a joarney throngh | yoar piace." Another --"Il you cous ad = ingle y pretty a salary of $40 a month. The a maple, and white ash. It bears ~~ | Im. lone + ese email se See | eens a ee | Seneca pet geet | Deters eines oer norm sero beeen omit | SRF ve MS ee te i -- = of one oe. w may eontinne to x ly at 3 a bune This eomparati * 1 F ie eae of wat th = of the re school . ey Believe that he wilted 1 qeib-cbent Snigetian aiars atrocities! at 'Balen p the porreenn beep vb 'tng 2 ie ad ot hee steal tebind, eto wear basqnes | teneht. Eightemn Sepin wettey axonal, Wert mor eiiing sul ston withsis: | Sifaita. ia Incerne, ily smodified * i teken ont the Cri - cae o! aumbag! ¥ While the injustice to pulse, and justicn adjusts . ve agonal will be » the end of which time he treed cn | Teach, the bones climate of Chili tr by the poy horror ge nee saat arg rs Yo Bendey day-echools om hie wa) | the elnim "Riysait ant Hog wants of trate. =P tail to the vars: | gentiemen this win o: taverite: suiting: for the eagrant biaband. Shy went into court | pieces ; mah them fo water, thon add Bhny | e=zial plant aa, Sontiem oon z a cipma, obtain v4 a -- and deman a share of the . ands . . iy sa eGret prita.- The mine bos been prospected condveted there, The funeral sermo t All, an eminent Leadon physician. | at | _ Gayx and go'd" aeth ine and jet ones are) extery: 'Phe eoslawag pedagogee's | poands of saipharie adid to every one bun- cue yee State of New York Dut notectivay 9 mand is. Fs by preached by the Rev. Mr. Dennie, - wae ral roa tranaly vowed, in au address to stadents. = Castern m Qaestlon j Tausbis lor mourning, x ' obtained palled oats degree of | 1°59 of bones. When the bones sre flelds of it can be seen where the seed hed aeaber ° 7 | pressive, end. hie a that "ofall eeientifie pursute which - | . Marie St svoTee, eocerhere in the west. | dissolved thay are TaBIe to set eorid.~ | scun_over_ fifty years suo. alloy ' Y bs a practi. | Gart is hin nee 0 Sik pew bo But the employer of the P, ; '| nes To pre 3 .. Tha common red The Rive: ia Sreiie' Tie, Nov. 4th. the L. O. Lodges of Caledon East ead Mono penne the comarenity, there is none now vergame To a ch pry x net al -- ok mag gl ar Cone fertile ready fe mast, and the ip ia biennial, ehorter lived. and there. a... says -- nday evening (Ost. 28th) a Boad. -- smoeatare of the Castell Safe. | cceseare 0 tesla - tlie uncertain 2 and Natial, KIVROTED oF CAEEMONT, | Little hoy's stockings wot werk thold took sp cans. The decree Yight: | tander- y for use.--Queens- pore ge a chert rotations. Young '© y uy arncs Gociety, i ba 7 « de * 1 ms --_ = 7 sarcy as * ° eer ae vangugpant ed Cao saree ia epnin ome iq Tie Potiae Commtesioners of Paisley ate lene heme silt ee " Biesk sit wee edged with tena ercionor eta Coe ore | apes clits to teal: Sadeecilel Se | eee ee" cee fe fongh ble ne, ~ - ya m . of i woe ide ety nd _ » abeos! | | The Montreal Heald, Nor. 3, reports the fo ved poet as loxal, tor when it sas pro | porar, re Pesiaiea eiaiatn ge wf co 1 eo wilibe woro with long binek ith ---- pres the siuguatare of the clerk of Bas tec grien a 2a a, nes sing b rianat o cane to od. the rtality 14 ine and ia aa mt the | feet ip the | lew --" On Hondas ieee 32 ee to make « presentable appear- roduetion, entitled "Turks hay ae lted ot nin - . with the tt egiomoel a ivi. not know of ary bird so useful to the the rocks until it finde moistare, and, ct ee * borpiteds, sei uuder creamstances which _ of Iga Lavot wi | Wien, ona 'wortéF RAE? °¢ the Prince of WD icrigeate hg tthe _-- is' "demand | jndee at carry wea Stevie owt tar ezeee> --e ee their grest | gow the Sans greet ope ve rise $0 Various conjectures, And wi sudden the 1 i . be ie boys and girls. tion, and the clerk m+ "* greb"--ee lepwing. +t a broadeast on el a comes pa nace pat wh pr abba. Fray st rm the effect» | the action was negossary ho hoped the Prinee y) ° ihe 'wine Gae:. with e _ rarer opi alate ae swear to the judge, | next im order eomes the partridge, 1 -- land aw "ood ar bated Phcowed . y pr A i exmetry come. | ao the ends emiroid- py, and «rth all ne eet to | proved this f ; pounds of seed eano. at Cote dee Beiges by hia brother, Mr. O. ss recent death ¢{ the M | qaerad ! Three cheers Mabomet , They carsy | "AMA ee lk, are new and very pretty. courts, Tehonid say, hinhly prepos In ges thei act over and over agaét, and it | immediately to the sere, At all events, £1 Bre R. OHirer ef Ingersoll, while on bis a < t denier, 1s7 og gy ps lale, besides creating s cavanee to mols was tothe Fe --_ ~~! | -- without any nowers, are setm ud plus do document the clerk uae -- ry soertity in their pone ns ap meen bf inpforn isnd near the bern and give ita fair test way {rem the ( entennial on Bunday, Oeto- nernoon Mr. Lavoie | sentative peerage of Seo "wanes at acha-- The devil pou bare" a | bata Gus wht = tice best frienda.--Zendea i cme green food for both catia and ae ber, 2b, 00 Sew York Central Rail- nited tbe grave, and, tohis horror, found | lisposal of the ry all nr Mothers} (Ingreestt Seb to the Serb, | Velvet dress shirte will be very fashsenshle | babs Princes Side mouth oul "bef GME | tie rete ct woe poms ness, es | Ee Rag ie meter bier * way, lost bie. pocket book ¢ontaining a de- thas jt had bees opened at oneend, the cof. | vaton, the Lord Lieutenancy of Hadd ale | (They re-enter Serbing wii tor-08 band's earnings. Now see tgaedad a _ im emmeonie, and "scntly pooncasea | Fear" * sowing an hundred or ' reesipt of the Federal Bank m-favor of fin jid beokep jo. and thecorpse drawn out | shi ington | ---- ye Serbinna, ara brave jast wal den pe Ficm timpulating pe in x comes possesses | year, "Gat esi ge . eect fer dd $3.900, shoe money order in and hake ie slothing, hich wus tying. rm iro Coloneley ia Hnac vtlinrs 2 are absciuteiy wiped ot. airetycrre ie ae revive Fete foul imate ber oui Too mash ect par rod will diva tia pete obs protection for the root ot a son. fo $700 and one | TamPled in the mud beside the grave. The Scb-eoveted @soration of ibe Order of the apologies and regret. aid Peep | Se aliow % ster, apd a lung a¢ school keeps will not | buyond what is desirable. One part con all rgd agg ee ee ee $2 fever ot George Morree for i, <a suthorities notified, suc | Chistle. make ony ae apne yon wul in- Pranklin reels touch bie boots with « pair of tongs.--N. Y. | and two of guano possess peceall --= or et papers. Paywcnt of the several in recovering tho body frrm the stu G .| are among the latest pavelties. Tosh te the Courses jer-Jourmahi ~ 4 emmonia than any other propotticnate ta Zhe cond of CS. when Soe wee aoe haa veeu 6 fra nd'o suicable reward ret. dents of & French medical college im thir erman anthropologists oe agitating the oe We want nothing, Wo will aecort | 'The helmet ia the most-desirable_sbape -- tity of any other manare extant. Boot Prune bint axy and heavy. Hf the seeds are fered for their return. city, and seatared it to the sorrentag' sels- e oe population of janice apologies, regrets, nor indemnitiey. | amend hate that sre worn over the forebend, | _ Dcaeann te tate berrxynney, Peener.---The-| 82 @heeedingly rapid stimalator for peas, let- B Hag steep peer np wre mot ot Site-maseitionsd shed tyohoid 1 tee om. cg as dtated that iH number of reeoe | a iarge a on of oo vai or moh | We inching fer'yeu. We are the | Cloaks are made almost catirely 9 goto of Freak ot oe ite ~~ created by the new oat lela othe 0 spinach, and most erops in & evitia, both fn cuamer and-whee made vd one rena aor thang nine in view of large profits to be | |) Son bs) ert aL | ; figured cloths, very few plain has led to attention being state at the rate of bLalf an o two | ha into --_-- o eet shal vndes } artificial production. It Turis tried g oop ther eare--O. vou | . ? --_ med seria unee y, whieh they greedily eat daring Wan. Mi bat cr om og i Sart nt of the | that it ia devise not sens iS aeaee known from Roman Garon thatthe Germans | 72! bg on ther sare---0, toe adress hid gloves are mneb in repre baile a en eta te a natural dosire py ection Sao aiways give soot while the ter. Try bait an. acre, and you will wal - Bg Sore ar | de Ameo eee rr | er hat ab ostr oo Emenee corte Pe | SR ine a pes Toe | ere Sie Le : .) may saubjects." A law . ibes the --Say itagain, wil you ' (The Serb» uimost «extent There to manure hole ---- erie eet oF Veet the same smoledy. j eumiiar to that are pe 'i Ene Josha os a dark featand people, Tha Take tioance them, ena return to filigree daises with gold filigree cemtres. is probably ne more active eugine for the div the year.--Guide to os cou fe |. Varadine of, Maney-Lender*. sporacews clammy axphetog aa rocgenntel baninens stirrer 7 enay t ry eaten pekeraneate hard por a large eo bese ee eee: wal ce ee et the pew | Geir amiar aaiaiang en a T Ge ; =-- a pet BoA AS SOR TR Tea " e. = e yee ara agen! 1) | papped or iar winter Me atrangemens, Where le : ve Pall Met G oe all ee ee ier ont wars ee | oak ais per eerie belies of She deed | number ot the schocis of Germany. . lu the you never givé mea rest! (io bier to- Teher- | wraps. reason tu fear stat geal Ps age len more stock Moree | must be the paredi of meoey-landers, fone y we me. renpsaey, od om Ost te aged fat on 088 es and oder him oa Suiver laroa, moanted on da a aiver pins nanty oe bead ing a We ate sit ware that wy: na | ee taln capitalixtadvasced - the weeks married: i ' hs . mn Oct |, the ™ + | munesy-mine boaseh 'nett . A meeting of the ae of Sqtageel, "The Sarai F Mak Sie st Sy Pg same apple was : to ail the cam: riod ta it pd das bare edhe dlennaigiil ndhas Labeda id : tarmese--shay-dely-dronthe: era : Spe gi th pants oe on Connty of Duidieecs. wea bold reeently to | Gatarday night lart (Oct. 14) thw whustl | wanal la for a in the Germw capi- _ Tebernayef-- What ' Ap: le ogee t in os armus: | ail si.ver sprays, set with imitation of | ticles sent -- 'ate, ay a role, atterly a pn Iturat se ae mes -woaliriaes eousiler She ausisats 5 ot basing the vil- | the Weili cath ) ded whistle ot | 4) The ebief hostility to the movement ties ? Tau. offer this to we" asit we ro sie hale neta, ete., are much used in | reckless as to iva consequence of the gene -- | was onl nent fie SF ciht. pee" eS lage macor yoru * bang tue belief that 0 tee te sous wa -- comes [rom the mothers of the pa all cpt Wi Ttie oar prvelage to make egret ce | Anping <i rat mingling of the liven Lelonging to seve wine rt rae + eae yg | suoum, bat Saen heh ve per = Per * sufficient number of tubal.tante egies ip ington mp - : tiuns- | Mew hnen inna 4 bows, and ¢ ami ies, bobard take pines #beu e lan ong the who Lave _ crosses end of two, years = euory- lock op ee ae 7 Taqulries tend tha she cant oo week side ofthe op" etter to the London Academy en "the be an Eso on Welt oesitu tn | ave uemetitched borders wroaght with Sine | dress is engaged in p eotive baciness. Nor do prsepe deny Oe segue ty of = | note fa the wposst thes dite, und undertood ' up the 7, after PF Gen whether ernarefi -- possibly yen mg or seuret dole or stars. --_ care to ascertain whetber. as 6 das the a oye to , ture. ga to ihe uicds of perecdure,-ete; ot wae the wounuuel 42 ina iie Pr eflort | dreaes, in whieh na srucaies that whe pate-hed pon sce ibe <aas | White Swiss and Valenciennes Ince Sicha» , there is infectious disase in the very Tet shos this 8 es oe oe ke | years weut vy without = payment Tene eurrent oyiaion that the su! ject bad better | wade te stop it, and on Sunday the fame: gg" wnitreen usr" doemectrented hile | Tehernayef--I sdinit * Bt don't "Vash it} are extremely fashionable for evening 'weer house to which their garments and bed furas. | pubic fi vag ear -- to grow im | made. and thea » fresh be delayed awhile, ae eafierent time wili not} barat SD eavein front of the off Greeks, there ja strong ine all ewthonee |e nat nevat thananiesis mathe vw hepescolored wlk drepses, tureare sent. I} is not under P ag vein was etlected. About that ti hs i tecen now and the waniepal elee- | at ope time it wae estimated Or eiataa that the eat wae net. Sn tee : band, | Turks--You nin', eh* T dight pec cad a jie ae . tb. that« ates lies AMz..Gatisch retparked that his eystem was | salary pace pee « deb or's = tag HO get the Act tga ly cons of fame was at lonst 100 yards high 'OME, | bowever, there is the coin of Tarentum ou | Teherna sf] ot min ss. | ee with wis wiih round | often moke their appearance mrysters re olten ao ton timers day with dif | incicty of Liv pay Tor the RRS a Sater osin lc reported to baw oop uke @ vast furnaces' This, Lowever, | "hich appears a feline animal jamping at o rka--Notmeorenre we, ani ws tpay oe | ' cate retty for ho "oon -fuahaaalaaia they unexpectal a: -- foods, giving just xs raueh-at- ene; his Tia bo. alah ap parpers, et Jet wore nehrws we Lo 'a 'te vp amothered out Smoke coming np | "7d. | woithave :t out mee arin fos Wk the Torta! pm ' ca pay nae unweleome.-- Pal? Wall Gazette ines pe thet Seems woalt nieuly clean up, | that at the time of his death. a few years on ed : laweep the Se , nee of the ! uffles of the sameauk asthe dress, em =_ ol the habit , poy e Ln Mi tchiazen: is throagh rahe sae ot af soal at the mine's mouth iy By eenck women hare attracted a! earth.' pee com ee D { she' Ly dered sa colors, are very fashionable and | ne out his stock Mada thie aycterm = pe ne -------- -- Quite re- Sasciones ot seen a Fda. aoe a 1 rae Taniy rpeeed 4 "eng Romie ' ofan by starting from m.| u r Pd Midhot Pashe , |e jor ovening and recep. | HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY. peta yr rach os thee 4 years old, leaving @ fair | Hindoo money lender, than whys ph wo tr Gli. Woe a Petersburg y < Great | Sacem tend ' 1 " i t [sued 5 bog. to beans « ae be hi va se. ee eof nam oi ised. ae cenk | ie ey Senin ; nr oe? Thue Serbe ere test ' pices tbe latest umportations dresses | } Hie sieee wud owas seslene ony sean, for $4, Deiag the balan ons on : : mated to cure pt ae ne . however, "| the patna ay the Sire, ri pawane a ar erste fol 'went jee \ pr vel a "We bas vot alt « plato» a wt nine back seams zmtBting the ender arts | "Woasehold Helps \ and cleanliness, and he boped the 9 ounger | the . 2 two pean 2 a ae " - amd made Lie ber Give to Bt. Thomas, |-0 brick wall below mbere the fre existed, wan gat they potsess tnaiual physical strength. te ered sige gion tes Toft but j seems. They are beoomaing wot} To Pasrane Dazap Socr.--Hare foar | geet bee pri = - --_--_ be | £2. the interest being at the rate shert he tok ou i tre for Buffalo. commenced and pushed forward with ai pos- oe {weaid to have taken or Yo mast captivate. (lle * furs | cunees of bread sliced and «hghtly t ental aseful to | of se half farthings per rupee taking with wesc) he Dead gobso pay for | stbie apesd Yesterday morning ai! tre sper; | 0 aay & in whieh abe Unplayed | eter retorse | narra s --peaeaaaama lia, zhats come over the fase, beve | Foor ores three ounces of iw whieh tom ed et when af wl their ani- | diem. How touch this would nal the cattle. tures except the mouth of the slope, having extreme bol: ss naluranee, | Serbe:=Oar riaet een ' " a | high pian hy and the brims droeping on you bare cocked the following dish 'and ther clesn, cian, toate tr and , keep ------ ore of these questions which As she Nanaimo Police Cour, seponily. pnt mang gem Se injected 'into the | English mzrchante and shipowners are bs. | ten thoasand Tarke decapitet -- =o Cadeaugt gp op the other aguinst the TY soything (hey 'Wel with them: oe wie may fitly be relegated to Mr. "a oal- D. Manson, agent fors -- See and af night vee ohpemegt pipe paar coming soe alarmed at the increasing Midbat Pacha Bpoorihe | 'Ou. fashioned Chins erape sha' ls are sina "Tet ia rie pe, a Farmers' Club illustrate the'general poverty of 'India, ond 'cronte, with « fler crime pio shaw ore wi 4 "aio tas evita sade . sate ma tg . -- Bi Hesusa. Manson | that miners weot up and down the main | Many tusaaece ae ------ bate pial | mera a a I Pe | lized to make the upper rect. a | beet weighing about ten pounds, with three I fed them 14 day oi @ach and they $ internal and Claimed tint tos Provacial liceose - | Hope. - Gis Wop ios oe ne aD the } obtaimed low wages, and senks Horke-Libowms eek oaks - | = y are worn over skirts of vinek er dank Lae pr al eakd water and two ounces of salt; oA pr emg -- and put _ land -- popular trade, Insome of the 4 ~ ou hia calls 4 cocumer- | Hope, however, large on exist, | antrast . Dacha "Hava ell eca wi! ' colofed velvet. kin weil, add en to e ya on the rotabagas thar remote bill distriets coined money is stili ted ie Soseery oe = me cbcheoey poss bat the prope iA tre sane ine thst ins | nalped sth. Pipe a a i Pe Pacha--Have all you will, Ie that | " White Swiss, profasely-teisimied with V ". | stag the © ulliticn, and shim age: then add 9, peng ling wen 1 = them pretty -- Netbeans pig the argued that ty lawy wnular to the » aime | few Coys re extinguished. At} visions, avd beeowe mutisous, and through Serba --Lord w | eregunes lace, is coming in favor oar large carrets, four surny eran edhe ages! Aa cattle, It | Oi nein oa the old A | b the present siue it ia impossible to ascertain - bo, We want Constant g avor again for | with threo cloves inserted, a parsnip, f waa ro with ail my stock, unless principal of barter. 1t is not very ' municipal by low had been set aside On AP 1 4 ol using lights aud matches in search, | © ming ies a young misasa . & parsnip, four] ioe my | tat s surprising jeat' t : . gmount of demage done, although it ; leeks end two stalks of col . . were an exception; in & coun! debt peat ty Harem ea en, 90, | CNOA Sa Ne Oe Bestest | careay ea sal oapented ecmsate ia bovag Re ee omarion studded with «small | eook stay ice tree bows. take 'oak the | SP rags aon on on fa tes | abd whece the Interest on persoaal loans : : * supposed to have originated from the China Bi ~ aites--and nu.ess ton agree | pes mounted on a silver pin, make m band. | beef, trim tt neatly, nak at acco e feltever since, s of | var 78 to 200 cent., en "as ca gett 8 age po men piling up the coal in the furnace, so that ee Seelie is has * rorke Well > ur em o ornament for the bonnet, = a ladleful of a wate ol "the "broth; mone = valuable crop T could should be apy paming into the Nends of naan is would last till morning. and thus save Acclim: not Paris Me svesites in cluster, "with Lor garnet | With a paate brash spread tomo eatract raise.-- Boston Cultiva money-lenders ururers. Though not peal. , feed. the trouble of staying there | 7 owl a serious bereatement. ser litte mind your eye ting, are mach used to pra avin Koad | beef on the fatty part, let it glaze slowly for Th wasouly a few ago that swine not matter for surprise, it is certainly mattor ee reyy y Sines the ee lowin| een through the night to sepionish t the furnace as en young Glephant, ia ite spoiled ig pi ooo (They fil on tho | be evening dr ap hour in a woderately bet oven; have s were vieing with each other for the for regret. . 9 with wineh he questhea bas come Up in ih required feel." wii. Three Maem took sine | | Se Son. will you bave =. le coun oan a Boiceiieel Lise rapes oud slippers ~ Sawa cakes oko oun edad all ha 'tn thas er yds The ' --Se_ ap . . e marie, seine persons spprer to be totally an- - ip ah bead to vant the dromedaries, but Mre. D. | x, rviving Serbe--We tust have the H.ack | rapper ton in color, are fashionable | oc, out, evul, strain and aoa rigor neg ag eae Fclca ties ae ane Great Pair's Lesen, ' we the mportance «! rear ¢ Susplelees titade x ving = now! dromedary H an those ji aware a , eoet it Lass ote, 1 the companies - hands, was in « TL etly nervous Condition ' Sark We Tl Black Sea vou. {Addit | Gloves stitched with black in' three broad ier omni as cotail _--. out, = - a He eet weight in Eng- ---- { lesvon whieh, sfter a cou- ei WH the property te insared. Ha party Berlin Zour of the Times | trembled for her baby, and "went for" pleasaniness, Exght seve a wr vaded | bands ow athe --_ of the hand are fashionable ni por er 2 iar ugh don n weights. Loa. 5 of two months to the Philadei- er heey. ero j 2 ' j anapkin a sufficient quantity of the broth is obiedy ax with of lesa than | Phia Exhibition, is most 'fin! has not informed the company, ene Tee iualian to turn the pres. | Toby, bo was subseqaontl fui iva poot | Serbs remain.) ge that we have you don | for gentlemen. | evar the Leced in tho soup tureen 'and éerve 100 pounds weight. And ce tendeney of | Pou us a Peonal deeply impressed and the* Praperty+de be destroyed. te sompans | pe spt A to t for depriving | of biood. Tue doctors ware ea moued, and | 8 Soe paint, let us hope that we way eve { The present tesbios of dress asd penny immediately, When the beef ia of a nice the market to pigs well fatted but of small Paris peper, 1s ALM cm ege yng : would » % bere been legaily _tiabl A 'of ber sersi-Itatjan districts is unans voth the pugiists taken to hospital, the lady | to oda anderstanis | demands a very ornate style o of eoiffure, ~ | brown color set it wa dish, trun neatly the weight ia jast what the farmer should-ea- ! without sah mote i : amoant 1 Wared. and It would cy yt: -- i Garmany. Ot these dis- being also coftiderably damaged. . Rey re may, alter you hare abandoned | poeed of quantitice of false Lair, curls, ae ) carrots and turnips, and with the, ccbUia'ze'| cotrage, for it is-exactly in the line. of his | Jarope esnuot get ie with the yadda one aa 4 should serets some are ball German, ball Italian, | A Hangarianehemist, Dr. Vod Sawesew ores errors of _ omet. "(Ths tight Serbs are t pulls, waler wares, nets, and bows of ribbon. | range them aiternately around the beef and | interest, Tt costs more to make the second | anew Engtand whieh is ising her er not. lie 4 a to ae others being exclusively Slavoumian, | sky, bas bit upon a method of preserving | nead to two } | Steekings of two contrasting colors are gerve; a bow! of tomate sauce eround | DUndred ands of than the first, and | the seas, whi ¥ beyond me it nt ith 1 xed 7 P 8) Turke Well} } ne Paarwu 7 pe 4 hich menaces old Ie mind thie Are 18 pou with 'a slight Italian ingredient. mi ceti which appears tO péenese evers? tm | pee -- hare pence quite new, One eqlor extends to just above | im 'pebs the dish still more the third b pounds, and se | England in all markets, the An sctuon, Pesterecn ¥ .the Town of Gurtph. , 0X | portant advantages over any of thoes now in | | Sorbe-- We must harté the moon? tt Phe } ene sboe top, iper fais the stocking es.--T wo ene? bent beaten ugh withso avery pound becomes wore expensive.-- | Fast Sean! China, and nd "pechopes eatrome wan broaght 60 Fecoree compensation or en eta an | any ¢uims that oa eres mee at ee use. It bas long been known that the action te se he a ve pate nie sed | Where the colors moet there is some fancy | ' teak st Wallace's Monthly. v, Wall us those of Tndia--ax ury received by the planus 's sieigh in score of language on Organis 6 Papas ogre is i aise Tent 15 tee ast | clockwork of the lo D1 Mull, then roll owt ver: > ie, * v to Pn Prosper. Ty conclusion, Pome . jn striking a store at the ike of ag Boog hye - and Germauy from - to thatof a bigner ee of a ~ ig ol becom Epo awe aay =i ss verimme te made i ceo mutere | | Soe tastes w wide and four pati on Og, "vied | ing bra --¥ Legged wrdepmag lay Preolh sores ef | omic order are 'iiscloded by 3 ~ hth tos Toad pear tis Great Western ay diate co Von Sawiczewsky has turned bis natural --They wanted the moon, 208 | igty of the bade th: heal he finger, then fry in boiling lard, in ealons ought to startle many the Philadelphia Exhibition, ries vit was coutenuad, the defendants were Top 'neste bes been the | tact to good account. He subject at feat | MEE them the moon * : t rye rood apelptts Meeres | a delicate color. pine men | kind attack, on Burqpean The fret ina vous! to beep arya The damage claim- . Even in 1648, when thé | and mutton to « tem sare of thits-bree lala whom the tnoon ° -- ot Oe rerant eaters --_ pst bat, | Winten Savan.--T'are the squash nicely; eangany rede wor Lat kim me Amesien lonlne Wo do ral pe wk - was Hiv, ae evidence '1 the came erman -- af- | degrees below zero, seals it in tins, ob a lie tate Barve? wnere sate made of the same material as the | take out the seeds, and eut it into simailpieces,| machines destroying a certain portion she imitates and ft a - --_ at the <n me sitting of the trol was first pi resuits which, it is stated, are pal ectly 4 ereare po more Sera! | eratany: pate stew soft and tender; drain, pros well 20 daily, which is sadireetiy daily wasted aad It is the business of France--ol Fi . Court. Oo Frodst Tew Srd, bis Honor watisinctery. ope phot discasy preimiparios. to take nut pil the water, and mash with | burued up in every animal that foods, as :§ coal of Gia Clow as Wchaging Dane ae ae \ ter sei es ent ie Fenesi a! the 'on have Leen aakel.to give them the moon. | ame e 1 Satter, 7 sal \ é ' akill and Jadge Chatonck jodgm t Prinee Gertseuskott, the Russian F t ii pene and salt, It will take much | it had been put on the fre. How mack tare to bear on the production goods - eam, awarding 9 $10 Ue tx ome | talian 'vessels shos'd | iy noted for bus nbat uslous habits He ware sian coketniedaieadiens The Carpet Destroyer. longer to rook than for summer squash, | greeter then the preminm on keeping enitle, tantod for te busnelonn sented r= y 'of dampges canes. te regarded as amounting to edecteration | Jrinks wide and never smok on. = Sains panting tints hot water it ghoakl. tie | whose Pi done ia 0 lifetime of 700 | "AY, it in all loyality, wolng teeter fetta int he One hight recentiy, om the crim 'is to 1866, | en coffee in bed be ees riated, aay poe -- averilisie~ i The Anthremus atari has <p = in evld od tonst twe hours. days, ee oan thane whose fationirg | **bRAwol these jroductions, On the = one "Trunk express tre trom be ein © CaP OF coals a day. fetcring very early im | the mex 3 vertbeless"--giro them { it -- = hey ary -- foc Roll out rich pull ne = -- requires 1,200 days or more, The cond point, the powsibility of the United ¢ey Frenchmen wera found who don . the evening, he #! ten cf tweive bours. peel oes bere " unt recently been en ineb thick, brash over with of the flock and herd upon s farm is & States struggling suecessfully ; - 8 . "2 Tarke- mA right, "They sil "have it. | Getecied ce the ro States. J liar | made for cake, th A : ; with Europe, fog 0 rie. P. C. Spenrmsn, who wes #0 Hin reguing hakits Lave kept his tame in | (Aside) Bat bow Giens peer pen cut inte ciripatonriaabes oflive 'stock management which needs 6a at least in theit own markets, can no longer ta tbat vicinity, took @ soak eoeiijat eqadition thas he does Cai he } in thunder alali se manage | forte ia the eating of carpets, a dd henee, the | long and ope w d bake deleately, mbeh prompitade end decision a3 the weed- be doubted, vou a mersing Wie appeared before EL eg 5 osien the infirmities of old age at all, He (ORD | meee IS ts balengs to aga ses maids. roll thin and ll an a strip of pofl paste, | ing of our crops and fields, lish Gazeth ee _ "potiee Magistrate * «era dlemtssed, yh ee. tora in 1780. f which ans aby tho family Dermestide, in, with sweetrosate of any kind, : 7 : pote 2 gine ice te eo red ts be perewing. © | vererr under Bowe wipers Ms dipomati fireat Battles of the World. |. which comprises several of onr most injar. | roll up, glaze wits egge aud bake. en shonid know that a broken bong Depraved Criminals. Seteidd of bis jurvdictoc. The train off. Wer | ine Forsign Minister of Busia at the close | 5 Darhatt; 1848, there felt "33.000; 82 | Tous depeedatory'os aotsal ubetanees, oe cand pe Fea eee sine o dish with pr | BAZ bs oot and the injery cared. & Saderens | (Some, criminals a Pui a cial statd & 0 uisnnes ia announced that) of aig Crussn cam! Halidenlt ad & fell 32,600; 8%} ja entively different in appearance Maa | paste and pat isito it a. variety of preserves, animal, as well, considering their diferent : m Paris, says a Lotter, teat haze secusa, thew is 1 THO woaid be Setended by tre e Crit paign. i ----, 20,000 mews tt | isabit: 8 {rom the well known e4 carpet a4 * without much of their eyrup, also strips of natares, aa in & Lest qpelyeees Lunce saved teem to be given over from quite o tender paae t wee krille fecorder. 5 ° | The German navy list for 1876, just par, pet aot OL poben gery Ane | conerale Laelf beneath the berdera of earpeta | citzvn. Then 611 up with the following imix. & young horse whieh got wall and strong af. | fe 0 cert of objéetless. depravity, whiet i were ststongirom Killoean 6 lished, enumerates the German war PSVY 48) Bi," 60.000; wt Waterloo bey og at } Ba the floor, and eal -- y those par- | * One-quart fa 1 ---- leg waa brokeny.and not ioe pestee assmoption that they ane mot re- perpen fodowe:--Ironciad*, § ingates and § cor) oo) +. 30,000; a8 Ba ir bd rng tions. Occasionally it locates itself in the one quarter pound of gugar, yolks of four - a year-ald heifer which got her peger --s Boutelser, aged twenty- other Vettes; cruisers, 14 corvettes and 9 gunboats ------ 4 "id wdine, 80.. | creeks ct the floor, following which it cuts | 66s% shites of sbree, wolbeaten, Mix weil | 4S roken above the hock joint. The steer |): struck his mother fifty-six blows with of . vessel Fy 'antenoy, ' s -- ath, | across whols breadthe of earpet, leaving a line end bake in a.slow orem. that broke it chased het over the bara, and knife, aod than, feeling tired, Iny down be- G0 . ich seenas ve haan cut by selmore = salamat tee bishan Seno ats a sensngh the akin pide she compos ensh pascokan Caecient Sas buate, ys new ae =u carpets, » ' aoe te ercure ~e own brother moant i nr ots ve 5 sniaes, ane : ant eines S|. Tee ee ee wie tr, and ot a Uae eT kre JTepenion Sm: So eet ' - . ee theres, homeeet os i ahips, 1 ship of the ling, 1 suttng trigete, 4 : : 7 t floors soon w + " cireumstances Weald admit, and | TePaized to ie house, where 8 namber 3 Ste ke eee oh serge soit an er ever | hak rey tir | ad 4 Ler, Se ota ot | no nm is uh mae | pe mae, A | aging und ow ac, td .. , sorting amlent tien UAsare "70,000 tite Tee New otk, descr : bes these interesting Amthre- Pp Aepomdpn wea, t6 which. be had with the exception eens cdaus ot toe peng from Ry A apeny oll areryeer yg ty aes Th { Sua tpathr-of ex toate ts tenes. Shieky fot fog, mbe hore ted uatralnin A ty the 2 Heine 3 mae aoe | 5 | od wee xt ter 4 : er " . attacked Hymera in Bici-y cieuiee ppm nny haira.and | follies or misfortunes of the past. But the alert 7% or snot ery of 800,000 meen, and. & Goet of Ligh It ingly active in i fond <3 the tiling denn et Sn ty ine mot ike tne Aa = 7 mead Paap ecw Mga wrg a Carne |e on Tpke eee : uater, " linnesota 3 : bint toe. aal of the only & 3 | deuing the suinpaee water, Sos i in the compass of i in an air-tight : ew OMLDR i 7 hed asthe melanedoiy . ak rg a4 aah Sid oe 3 Lact ie re {alo skins and heated « Rav gpg . pael ings. Marius slew, in 140,000 | 4b order parente, started oa he-tad 'nuown po teat onan aa thea | tem. Tarpeomber ty bad ero, ee with ibis mpia's: goody | hse Bk that "Shot, Beoeght vemted as bee r : BAY irene 9 Aon mines flies rar opon bis lips and his booka in his hand feck to Se sunset pu. Te Be. | 140.000 esp atain in that of Arbela, £00,-| state-withia tov akin of the larva, iret" reut petegl es He a4 cole, sight peeg en yo a dow neuer ot wae} 000. "Jalinn Cmaat once an : ut | years old, and wan ss as a cherub, \ that imitation ou his fin: t by a*aplit along the back for the eseape of was Was here brnis 863,000 Helvetiane jim bettie with insect. At this stage I was led by-| acquain pcg Agee Tape rpc oe an cet acq' anges oa & good bos. He was effem- siven it to ; what © is character or it, in all pro-. : "Reyer, ordinarily, veu- solitaire it would make, aud wh he'd be : : 3 a oer hand it over if eked for it. He | ste tat ean fie fe. ese ne aoe 2 ernie Tet on te. sian Spore ae Se siabshabelptabed 3 aa