to » mre of school rates. 'Not seying "any! about our. py or to stand sieh & tax ke 36 ' 4 ox 40 mills, So bin remedy i is atterly im convenient it froukd be to have half our taxes format and Forman' lef Un sous we dol ag he te : her 1S p > hel one. It was true im eq nd the | : it strork off ; = 1 only about 50 per cent. of our actual tazaubn. | T "maak, when the Pek increanad sto} | 900,000 affecting,» #3 ve ghey | continue * Ke, me 'ain of Stratford were townships should : om Mex Wawrnn,"--The Trev, Manly Rens seers let, im the Cente Metho- itis eek oe ee a " 1. ee Mills was re-elected wave. of ae E. t struck that bepighte: yet ! The t jin veonnting | Oe are at work in ane and Pit, and if fair piey | | Fires ear eger will iy the lacky men. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. es Positively 1 Day Only. " "thuekany Nov 28th, 778! * jor Williamaon sme in on the Ist Jnly, jest at the time | (Hear, hear.) heelsimed was more to | ated vino. 1s in number -- whieh im the} "sural" ie tush uinles, Dasingss - voce caeettaomed, iol Gees *o us | OUT Qarentage the Jndge seeaisat.on. | egyregute faake a town. os large could not stand He trusted the people of Stratford would got | Miaealenh, ane ply assensed as farm pro- pres tan he began fo ink ay bard Politica aud.religion are a bot NEW STOCK ie, Alenandan <Aiepwias Ubi item of iw sever their connection with the county for | perty, oa a If the peaple be Raion Canes tamale fos, at rie - mixture in Jacques Cartier wt On 4 eome leastnot until it became a wes bo-hardskip to F _yeuterday ended 4 FU ISHINGS ! oe fia os areal i pry ' ' iin site. ee Seles the by-law, | About two weeks xince he went to the Albion Sanday last Sao priest told his hearers | TS S iRN which we have no interest in Myr. td be thowrnt Mr. Jarvis h : spat kr tha Ptepapore to oe md ' sd 5 Latlamme, aa GEN' ituse of the for 17 | tailed a eielentectl explain to the meeting hana they ruse esetving Juesiad ae iuemeste ok , eed anxione to} (Grit) they d. 'a The teem ot eest-29;~ county council investigation . some place w recruit il FINE MND weDiow at quality PHATE, , Sebi Inspector Sook ticle ben | ofthe Comuty Connell pr | ead sada show 'Wat they TAT Wat | bemnesll-- Mer Gatien tenb-pity- Oe a ee ee ald been on for says we tair thing 'tor the © reenived it. Stoney's sounded | lore ls gay er. He , nsery 'ee N. B. ND. POWTER'S, -- to get our Png beek from thet Connell to equalize the best lsads ine this | well, they 'aan amount to | ¥# much debilitated then from the effects of | 62 0 to evil: Now, either of thes Market ty. have we ever had thie refand- | eo acre, when jt wax notor.| much, a few dollars-to this man and T, bat as be was a strong-built man, and | | a are bad enough, in all . $80 and Se oould- net and shrewd when sober, it wa* | conscience. editor of Tus Tusrs, . r ve for we bad bevy et from ay at a = a past be Saou 'would advise the electors to a ake----aile iii " 5 3 ti 7 tly bridge fesqver. s a : ; The Stratford Times, x " pie rw gh wer | Downie, bi thy Ss Sota; dt' tha tpovecs the Aven, The warden drank tery intie, but be compiained of | vote for the Couservative, and run Wa: siveinlle oF St anes thought it best to allow it aa | I cure. Then Mr. J, themght it waa | had dixplayed a bostile nice to Stratford , | Bet Nevegr be well, stock be was ---- rite, oe ithe risk of an interview with his ==: - an ees 4s "Rasact Dat sowing | quite the thing to leave ptoperty fut as soon Mi the notice of a ag was served | Mon . 2 quite shou Satanic Majesty! by the town tothecounty. I wouidask what of our wealthy farsiers ne Ts » by Gorm sliver ir dered. t : toe St. thee, rth wm llowioe ar pa ae -- ---- ~ tf hate tha Schon Board these the sam: thing for Stratfor mules being Counts roads, was ordered, to i all work on the fo: q a T. BUTLER, Editor and Manager. or to make any euch exchange? It should be | Wei a twa Gutaly te 'titvar-t road Aves eto slosh yer yesterday (1 moeday) essruing --The ---- question, to the cmiraeeisiliesia ti alle mobered wi own School Iuspoctor | bror.s Ev ery farmer hae eased within the corporation, sithorys at « bad eevee, ress i paper pea ba peo hi witb we a hl 80 Pra ~~ Ss f and are thus paying, or helpit lia tie to taxation, ranging up to $200 ard paid 'oe fate to keep tbat road in re- ' bay >| much space this week, is aftractio } Aged = Decuaged Ae ea Sraarromp, Weoxesnat, Nov, 22xp, 1876.) ° pana wre peti re tana or dealt even sesen In our town a basiness | pair. The bie semen only See : Cau declaring ~ : was "countable attention t the S ppl im' tho Stratiord Pubite KING S HOTEL ~ ae oe | statements will by made hore to rors ote mparaied towns, not a | $s te b - Morely refu give SEPARATION ! __ | the stance rpert ofthe county for 1371 to| pert liable for Wxation, and many of them | neeeerty and wold pot hare to he adopted | him anything. exving it wae, eeu ctings bald in the Town Hall, the | wctzs ius terete oj Stat, ze . prove m y figures in statenen wrong. t | saffered themarives to we axed teyood what | unless thonght advisable. It would u Deceawed then went beck to | | argumenta for and against separating trot Mr Jona . . aged Log ace bon ie intimate to the pub- ~~ from the Saat thest } eammed are Count y School } hey shou 4 their credit. A | deat iy be the poor man to | tianan hour afterwards the porter went into | from the county were -- to with | | years, 11 montis aud 17 days. much regret- lie that ne has leased the sbeve hotel and te THE ADJOURNED MEETING Inspectors in that statement of county coun: firms ow éntly fail town was | allow hu y his taxes twice a year te eall vr to breakiast, when it) noch attention, but pad a8.quite evi- srove, 24 Se 'an tho Sch teat, the Wile of of the day. Beef Hark, Lamb Ci fog Rd WELE-ATTENDED hich w Me | taxed in 1874 for $15,000 serum property, | one they" woakl oct he slew. to appreciate, | W8* disceve he was dead. The "doc. | 1 ni that amid the con {| Mr Jokn Stock, Ki from Wa m, tb 10 y. i. Pree stable to eusto- i = --= _ be saa 1 evtimated th r whiltt in the same the County Counet pplaure.+ tor' was about 45 years of age, « pai _ e he | Kear Ep mis, on the sth inst, Ms, Joba were 'The bar is well ifled with the choi 1877, when there will be one In- | thought $20,000 no to tax each of the a New Orleans, and bia hame as id | figures -- the sae we ride Kien, jr ie aceite core and Cigars kh OIMLETT ~nnalhatte there be Light, 0 there was not te for the the North and one for the South whole personal y ol ie best five} ST. MARYS SPEARS FOK ITSELF ! ahr p sre nd tovaties ee: am neat | wildere? What the result 'of a "sir Pi slhing hp mgcen pAp net, | ow oe late. much Light 1! -- 6 Ratepayers sti } + ownships of the qauate. His Boner Judes shi ae and young will be time alone must an | wane At Willgw Grove, Landon township « hai ul ury vag we Ratherfort, Jno Wiliam Warner i 6 tae rs t mi | Lizare, djacoveral from the t teTTER SEMA HARDING, pont &) wo the 40h inst, aged e expenses from = be soreneed . yori . poh epe a (, Barat, b. | Wer, as it is nmpossible to form any pont yearn, tather of Mra. HH. Keays, suattions, Insolvent Act of 1875. wumber of sch: and pa P St. Marrs, Now 17th, 178. (piteccralt dobn A Pewtee dnl acy fidhem"at~prement: ~ Within -the + Seman ou the 13th inet " larly law ane in the de Deuter anit, | | perty were unreliable, for whilst the cola ranged : . ger olin wster, lahn Mader, Jno. pest tte at Ate Georte Spearis, ; a id -- ae my eth "te doe: ae Geonun Foonas, Eso... Powell, Kichard Ellis, A. Macnair, Geo | week a new feature has cropped up | Heart' in Mlonshad, on she 4h inate Juact, fa the wantter of about correct. t have etedied this mites blank, yet the colamns for horses, a . || eons, "Bensteng, = : mth ory eommreetion "with -the--bysiawy-mod4 an Duce Jes Myst se eel ea -- . M.-SCUET,. a aan: can zive ep, &e., showed harried amount of Ieam Brn, You a ont me p to give you a my Say Poe John Codd, ae KR. Marshall, Wm th t is Ule ble Dank Aet. | : a an-estimate ax --~ Seay Finance Soak vat Bia woe: TT any ter--whetiver Bla BMH nil, oe suyuiy war, Hat is the irrepressible Dunkin Act NEW ADVERTISEMENTS tee of wiiel I na ; . | of oar townships ean swear to the mecuracy with her position as @ meseapaiy wh Ls idlics 'a 'pee v Tr the ont. gor from The) ~ the itema amounting to $15,000, county ex. [OF Reh men He, soenty for muuicipal stharnawo'shi TOWN CoUNCIL joounty is will rest with our town's : 'i are | ton. Now, don't gouway with the impred: [poses and er, . ople sone. gr Se Act shall _ ee tes cocehaen ake wae wth their pees " = = matter and he hi ' Mr. | a» = on Sats apathy tford" Palicvilic. Fort | position and could wot be induced to RRACLAK MELTING. : rt ford," corsbe Ar Str, Stoney bad said that we | baready St. Marya has stood still Hope. "Denna and other places, have saf ment of rote local affairaor their | The conneil bebi it regular set aneantity | | a "ya a 7 experience. in ' may b® seen at ny Td only etd 92,500 of 'county rate thet | meaning that Stratford's advancement was | fered and have taken tepr eee Tal ithe the 0 ta wie te soe oe ase Bale rs he * neal \ on oor poem Hs mot at al ualike'y | QUA PYRAMID. mace Termncee JOHN HOSSIE year, Mows!) | due to the county and our union with it. | selves. Brantford is going to vote for a ee. | ody Tike the county council, which ie com. | ship, Mayor Daly. in the chair John Read, | Hat the coudty vote may swamp the = OHD - said $4,500 ee eturioie sted a Well, we have a more cont viton, end | Paration by-law next month, and as there ix poxed in great part, of miatives from | reese, conneiilors Kige, Draver, Mexan, Jas, | towny, ant thas force the odious law IP YOU | ; leo the feet- (Ch in eonmmneniinn vem debt of over $200,000 given for pub- _ er Bo a apcaition it will of course eaery, . apy Manpinipaliting whose tnterests we Sharman, Gibson, Scrungesur, Mcvaigan upon In thie a on sta ee Stratford, find Nov, Isc8 it A - | lie build: for t fnc- I ba yabt ours will, (heers.: It | Mentic ad opposed to t John Wilson, hotel keeper, eomplmined of + nt 2 case tfor! Want» a lemon hed Meni Sr el be hed Seas rs cos ond the northern wuvel is very pleas asible for Mr. Stoney to show how a firypata ayy pes his ming boy a condition of _ wudewalk in frut | Seper ~ at agen re he © ogre Want pacers | | JOHN BROWN. y 3 : ech county moties have been apa in } to have but one mission, and thatto expend tines toard of Works John , $4000, besides what she wou ose ant a sertan! right ie would have levied $4,00'tinder 'the | Tend, lielp ous growth, and St. Marys | iO aay anne eee gut tesdeoe mat the eomus ig | 7 1 y in as uiggardly Proemantie and a oly wtitioned for aid " y =e 8 ' egy erent or! Mowat' ee ee eee roe follow thatwe should submit to injustice | manner a« possible, snd ee far from. the} walle poy Alburt. size ged ew ete ere sipeinad Want to sell « piano, : RealEstate and Insurance Ag t . Mr. Sromxr accepted jowal's --_-- time the G.T. abo here three or fonr | 50. In former yeare we mere ably | towns as posible. I would not like sg in- | Waterloo. street. and a croatiy over to Cor- ) for: consideration tax pay- - to rele . eae . nation, and was satisfied that gentleman " 2 Pe ted, @id our tow s better | terfere in your discussions m any nell's stables,-- Board of Works. {ore and we wonder that amidst all Want to buy or sell a bouse, . " er wot stated the chove seu 1 with | yoars ago, St. Marys had as large a repr . Sid our bn interests better A. M. Conreyancer, Karchange Broker, mera abs g : bear.) tian as we hed, we were about even, and ebe | looked after, as Mr. Stoney himectf admits, | the people of Stratford should know "heir Storer ashe ere council te remit ik hai} | the mass of arguments evolved for Want to hire or rent a house, ' " a view 1 people. a had tede no pertionlar exactions by bouts a moment let me point ont some glaring | own interests sufficiently well to take the | rent © recent Kind concert, (ranted. ! separation, none of the controver pant @ "bones. OFFICE: No. 5 MARKET STREET i peg second hen slien he om or dubt either, Tine proves that §t. Marys ee of injustice to oar town in the | only step to effectually protect them Tt -- Of the Fire brigade asked the | walists brought this fact forward a sas be yeaa bnecr a widces i : 1 eb at th me o "4 vaina ies in un vs coancil to provide therm a saitube ball for " ant to boys ; 9) the ; previous. Ye rt with Macca aban incorporated villages, m 8 cortain oar JOHN E. HARDING. | holding their meetings.--Refarred to Fire, | * Fenlly the most important part of t ta find « strayed oF stolen cow Stratford, Ont. ment of the debaje the evening dpa al th aliead of. her is due to the ci . in Fav tock win i Tn" Stvattore: _ Water and Ll eter jiaitel b asked-ahe | the whole a = betwren the Want to find anything you have lost , -- mara pecue : from peresual grace @ r0% y Company Fin ha bo waies vas 8 weno a 7 animate gouneil on bie | Dunkin. nd the o- to er for anything found, Drafts Issued on New York. Interet. Praction, - «st : paves, "é : LOCAL NEWS ~ "Teele i Gord eavervey, Fir Mets + ander-the san, ad had made ¢ thai stops bers and ter the and} hatao for Finance, Pets le of Stratford hay ; ae been there, be rel od be illic id somes Sen town ree dealer i. What, pe a be FI epics, oat ~ "By Capitan hes, trie r an Q You ean do it easily throngh the cotumus of allowed on Deposite. a fos homed ah of : ~ = He. The Grand Trunk Railway Company" pay meeeeemeni bet ih? at ~edbory- -of--3 opar- ouatt es on Patrick and Main -- B. of rome aad _--- separati ion. pure ot low-rates for cash. -- been Reeve town many Po : m a 35! onwwhieb a T > a from z Act = ee am ig somate. u Fayed sport some Soa es aca 3s iA gem cabal seaiober Wheat a Se at rows have located in Stratford. Weleomé, skihg the couneil to povaller dn his ori should become law through the apathy TOENERAL TCKET-AND STEAMSHIP AGENCY. ; i y . " awent. | know another walt ia; | litthe strangers: for barying a pauper, whw ordered to be fyled ere oe it : ips, a a ng me Ith ft foeatiag © Normans & Normal 8 Se S7VT. Be. omg ca ico Pp Sebring ville, whieh if teour town, be} Mr.-J. diogman, plumber end pee fitter, |.AD aeconpt fas. barging the thaty fogrd in bed --_-- oS ig tat . H ---- a one when that gentlemen was editor of the Bea. | rumen and on x which N? | willLopemoutina, few days on the Downie the dam w mted, but being ronnidereet ry "eeriow: atter ° ¢tsnec-me - | "ALLAN -LINE: - 2 - ion of sepa he rated town or not. Tie yet it ry will ] would have » county tax oor 00 'How too high te Mr. Hay. heavily taxed residents of this if. thoin it Mt ad J : com. Aa to the question of separation be was ay do sea think He nes ene rom mite Me. Were, @ fall sock of gas : , f 0 Whom it ay Concern. Moravian Nov a -geteminhed at-Me.-Mowat's course, 95 it would be de to our esserephienl poaitign, and the | % areas tt teas Oak Pas - een tirdahings, de. fie advertcnnvnt tent acwuUnta. ¥ 5 we fancy, are notin a position ' Porivtas pea 9 -- jnjure the town, and anything which would wilt for the *sme no valuation of the Cousty Coane! erg mittee to London, | $o lose & roventie;directly and valirect. | Polynextan a ie ate the town must of necessity.injure Mr. passive will not present the county beir had paation.) Ans Mr. Jarvis Faye Goune, Mp. F. X. traher hes raha | Beattie, wand: #14; 3. J. Towers, | 1, OF nearly giaHT THOU *AND DOLLARS | ASiae torte minting, Se i my ~ * He then went into the of Sted by our proeperiy. xuow nae and Mr, Stoney virtnatly say that that iv quite re x *. police sopplies, | 10.65, C. B, Johns . ler t tisfy the | ersten contas the Kedford Lauber Ya the separation of this county from Hiren | growth enban vaine of their 'farms one 4d there et hundreds of such in- | ceived a splendid wew stock of fancy goods | jarners, ae, do.. or bas he ry STS pda aie ae lt ne © | will te wid by suction at the yard, INMAN LINE amt Bruce, which he had worked tard for. 4 aud ai one home mathet in the 1 yetwe are toll | sasabte for the season, and imported from 2 Ki. pacpers' oken 'en. m1; Wiilera peertiar ideas of a few so- called te "| . side by side with Mr bave talked with many farmers on this, "sid that te ail right. Styoa votnerte tr . aoe "e erance people. { lest Sanardeg, SAA teat, hy of Coamter . tie had tebeved side bz _ oy they scont the idea cf separation stopping | oPuion your approval by voting | te best markets. Smoker's sundries ' Poi ee, d40. | P pr | Cotmenctng at 2 o'clock. p...on termaaf ereitt City of Richmond "8 --i ee a a aig et thea = tradire ie uh Gs See PPS | eesinsh the by-law. Hut the question te, | Taal, always in " tock and the best branjy of Th ccrial ed ( a b an Cag Mrs, Jane G. Swinhelm, whe is now in | Heading or z i ° w , bear. . OF | scbannnend cp ask pe a nan named Grimes, but as the ange ( WHITE STAR LINE. ov been to build ude ty the Hialt Schools again. | That are we to gain by sy een n* We . dix fe be Germany, haa come to the conclusion that He sates GOMDON t eas Ha chp tite seelay Pols-of Shrastord Wap: : shall bave OE! OF Stvew GM Sod Co, brave Hs -- ony a etd as * ae Wiles, he ey al she has been all wrong in rede J to reform Auctioneer Germanic Now. 25 ~ position of influence, whicli he was glad fo eet a > ee ot High f ar act ire anit ee Hane whist bg ai Ny barry pecontly retetved han thea markets, onder "1: eborerw "citi inairkat yuare, the me oy 2 -- } ews 9TH ett § aa ae cespzamaesn sy. me, 2 gay she now-beld; and he did not like the | of 187 says: Incase 6 wots Kit= mashed ; wa: tatest in faney-goods, suitable | $1.50; B. Sai fire ladders, silts ana Yous aay! -- _ 8 6 id r frou uated fn thene from + Lmitted by all partios that in a few gears at . i iy and tabored faithfally tc cuienele NEW TION LINE sien aeaioed Michigan a nang ecn | Sn ton at 0 county council, i aball be iawfal | 0st ©e shall be lange vioaxt torderetone batten oni Co y- ails ing an Sia growth, bat yy x a teen GOODS. Hei NA = radieat chihges" aa "separation, "Chaughter.; | for the council of tha town | into a city, and then, say the unti-separetists cll seal tnaers cs e-ols in Hegent Hall at streets, $37.40. Ten ALUN 804 Cece etae-eanploryed with much better ; lly ned inal poe ae goon become a | bY.«ue' jotnt action ax may Oper | os sha Bagel pod 'walt at the farmners . a «. Bhacuiy &- Fowles baw 1 S summons wax verted off the Mnyor ut of pance these ee pur snidersened war jost received afmeas | Thiguen - and he we dhedka dos FS or. auy adjoin: | By that time po wi ve plas very mac curs. Sharman & Fos e seut their] 10 of John Peliow, for the el ganizations have 5 |, abe now believes, sortmen a 3 ate even then. In his epérience We had] ing township or adjoining townships, with Jarier and our' of the eoanty indebted: | soi) f itaral machiri¢e whieh th ich be alleges ta bold against the in, dri a majority of the conscientions | Flower Vases and Card Receivers. _ Soon " parate even - pone oreaswd. Is : a aah equines VOTRE: , always got more from the county than we ~ town, s¢ ate f <2 o High Game sol i bese a a Rpt 1 i had on exhibition at the Centennial, to] ation. The solicitors were instructed to de- pycig caeeuaicar von rar Pancy Goods, Hair Brushes and AMERICAN LINE. upen # eo em MEME Certs! be ny = at waoorerto an LJ 7 gave them. iba en -- for susly period we mag Ie ped sgually concaz- Let as Ro | how because we never ean de x "Ans merelil eeu' te will be exta aig a the -- ; of Works reported adversaly to dragie Vsod poisoued " tis staple pcreomidy a we bento ok ot latea te ae. ----. from Mbiladelphia | - » t kre county town, the éctaishe Bhat: 'eam: 3 jt t great a air eli the firm i aes ange consumpts The pe . . | anes, . a 7 saneed ikas, whieh wus bel ewaaap bat | Mich Geli baldogy and cof postin a itary the deilge's } mare Fe reward ne rae wale hat tees od aap Sur -Geatiagb: are 2 prem Spee] MEERSCHAUM AND pass B Furs te | Onn on 4 ad b ouluby eananend -- ddew-scue ast opuatantion vaine as a bast for fnture tT Pew rine ust received a fincnew etod es' wonder for the Cambria itiaat sewer jbaion ¥ io, 6nadcted only to be broken by 'Also a - RED AR LINE TO ANTWERP) the oeare| as nom. Pina | are we pisy for] of ents' hirulabiiighof the best maka anit { Toptat. the whoivsale, have -- de t . 6 Philadelphia.) Dee, & Pwoatl be one aT The 'Tities oF of the wrtttrators es 62 sa MESO reet-tabrice--Hete-tor the season, iu lay, ths The st Nat: te procemt do riche. wl wo tna Canes nnd! = mae haed Kenilworth. New York... "8 to arrange. Now it is quiie cortain that the | by the Coanty Ceancil preciades sas snch A I Me aden, to purchase v4 hester reported _ restired to im arder to the aleobotie oer mma ang towslips, who are ae mach ii ides, and-onr only safety dies in ummbediate | VAItY sad evers price ron't forget to call bh ad purchased one beverages, have corr sea tet 2 dealer and Aut goods sold at prices to quit the hant times, at John Brown, 5 ald High Seloot | Separation re Powtor's, om the market square, where you they h fat hased one ata cost pet to bi me ¥ with wa' "Dis preach Tigh Senate iding ie] Ste Werstt? yj ke against sepals n- Percy one -- "= eet es : Aeearethinee ikae city ™ Isukina. 'What has led oo auanpa'er F. & -GRABER' 8, . ' d Cet to s joint dulging in witie at th M ws oTetala, far conrtesdc a Mrs. Swrehetm's riews om the inqnorqrestion MARKE STREET, STRA Stratford. Aug. 16, 1876. @y with th Lotor an it nig ¥ en yma ae ni Foran and Mr. "Mews at, -- | 7 the 'ood | Satz or Leama" "On Saturday neat, the paceid ath ' oven * contends 'xi ham is She etninina tm si nf the effecta of the free} gerettona ne " spon : buy it, ean compel the county to al In goed ha . 2th inet, 6 Brees Goniis, anche: The committee appointed to consider the | "tle of malt and other Lquora in Germany, = THE GREAT ; drt eect ly bc sans ws al ---- hacen demure parchment pulpepd te | ed todas saanatesiate ala oe aae-Tows | A WILLIAMSON & C0, ' ; ial en is eottwe: d the matter - hh er hat interviewed Mr, arid 4 - to speak of thirars 7 'ratford. i+ wae table Yeugth pity ood pointed. He scantling, cedat poste, Ac., ip Deiat tm offered to. sel) are regerved for the abuse, Raeh person is re- . is 8 grant to the-townships and town farm. t the time had cume ebrn we should | wer van Loris a he -eiauce psipcined conneli for $090, he to have nse of all water | (tired to govern his or her own s wepcuaxt tanons,----...; CLE ARIN G. SA 5 ing the district. lowe: it zor ant -- apron oe Peetatie: = neap Duiding COSTE Te | ver and abate what the te a tequirnd. and, failing to do ao, I the consequence OR the nest few weeks will of : would the to epoca tion with the county a report was referred back to the committee fo } Meme, Lh tn the man wlio. qt * not}. = weeks al . Of the Stock in Trade of Amwag the cot ty y ernaits to Stratford, Mr. | prociate i Mr. Moore's epeeeh We would advise all ont friemls requumg | make farther nagitietionn. who farnishes the mean bears Stoney meet the Hush School grant a» ef after the pr <v and td eheap Dry (coods to attend Horne & Clark's The report of finance committee was read. the Penalty of drunkenness, and the result ; . if ay ta is aoe! a mice th t whiet Ua «o often Leen tead and re | arent clearing sale, and do it at once, as ow. | [t recormme pe ithat Mr. Hickson, Man af the ike 1 ts -- as com. Special Inducements, H orne & Clark ants ct} se ck hi 4 abe a *. io « proms; peying custowers Str ford "aa oviy a t. The . erence Mr. ex. Maror Hresew wae received with | ng tothe great renee in prives they "i Soran' net mignon in rere Sve thaey of halding the "deal aler ompenelils To " '" & were tiale to ihe ad that is to the | 87plaa-e. He felt constrained to way that | bare in ade, thert at aes yo crew a = Workeat Rtratford. Tb 'Keation of | for the effect of the liqnor, instead of the Ly A whole wt that ju The town amid the mass of figures «0 much | Moreover se ffid all « \ at siby rs we Postini wd Mock k for exe 'apne id tdaee on drankard. She thinks the cunsequenee is to SCOTCH CH EVOITS Still Continues. line grants to Stratford -- d by Mr. Stoney, | Cot fston prev: hat m iy people wvald satisiied with the purchases they have onl. th mill be not entertained. T impair individual self-control, | Ben furnish For Saita first 4 town ' not be able ta deci lo which was righ ht and Twn Hear Booy Mistnay The inquest | ype. pres, aeulweger he re vasiteed $10 on ae apologies to the drankard, and to "e _- = a? rate, arid thet: pal't tO of "algal "Ghat-} sehiebs seme Shees cirvumstan. | on aanof the beatles bat, found tathe | count ~of taxon, par cent.of..the | nex . Mrs " Swiswbelm'e opinions are New I ark Worsteds for Suits, the money was out af one uf ogr | ces he was ae dinpomed to fall back on bie men: el yoibd: Was rewumed = otis hotelond tres of Mevare. Lee's, Caven'é, and Dals's, | Vell abont. rat eee Mtn oy oy wy 8 pockets and pat tart the other ne-it-ore, |fal fle agreed with at Stoney | Friday evunt PAL) dowruet mivisalie te 'hotel property = be cemitteen NEP Smee oy ___ New Bich French Sasa ; wats nies feo to th the preter ane a pry hat aly - to the eoenty. & Kum won Sede bes beer te That 875 of T. 3f. "Daly's Taree oe hie Rrie: -; Te iat OVERCOA Oe _ Streets, were burd'y candi sua gone tertber Be it ars FREtieE fons moet td street terrace, be it being vaeant | Pix menday might of last week TINGS, Cheapest Sale of Dry Goods a re fact re pale wereeses ti ts wad te tate s ace sremsinstes 4 ose pd property. The comune hope ro adjoarned. the vable ead co barn belonging to Sam. ' aunty Was obliged use of the gaol, he taid we sept rd ont of | Sees = : Murray the lowuline between-the toan. 2 ak » ted -there-- Towy Hact.--The original and renowned | Piocomsc Maren --The anaual masch' of the | ships of Usborne and Pallarton, were totally | All our garments At with grace and slegante Brera es 610.0% ia makin aig 7 North hasthope raved by inesnd: lau and the beat of trimmings used for every gar- Fagrauts, = wih > came hero from other! Tom Thum) and wife will give an entertain: | fom of Mr. Daniel Se t, Sowa Keneth oc ate pu by Insurance nag My ' present day was the Past pene ty oP need a bf ment inthe town bail, on Tuesday, Nov. hyd eat, owe were a4 omarion -- 22 fo ths fest "ate ane the paienigp a are Our December report of fashions to hand. Town of Stratford. A = onki wom, a i ad oF Lays" « f Separation. Was not this greag Dominion ain nar eon: A toga tie 28th, togetber with Mies Minnie Warren and ersstul oo jens in the | dest ches . t, Jobe | barn ey ge of b old Wilson Hew. 21, 1M, ae ---- = Gord es ered AR "Nr peel ws! this sear taxed to pey her stare to }ogan anil count j@ was not sufficiently a radical to | Maier abr = company _ ao as poset Kiion (Famehvey pheagh) yetee, 9 Yeundie | farm.ot w. Tenn, belonging to | ~~ etn snantteesermaaaste 7 om | elms aoe thea gravel ae at the fy being one of the t now traveling, and the A Fr erahon shore gir gd hy wos i Mr W. snd fire. KAD thervirom? He nage the hard-working had Wi ube thooit se Bat thireoahty" Beep ole laa poy The avilamen ef eur leg ean dopend on witnessing a refined | Jiven } rag BS pee: phage ico picoah tovemed for $200. Origin appeal mbes Big sale of 816, $83 dollars men of Stratford w vote ---- . porn of the road iy, Stratford in mah proapensty bind 5 intelligent peeforns ance. each en. | Riddell. North Fasthope. (Gray plough) prise, a mir ; h of Dry Good dCl $17,000 worth of Goods stilt to tian and endeavor to bind of weil ator Stratford to assist in Maeping Present prosper still bind ns to the iste Wantsbie apsen be Semone' Sadhana, Techie my 4 worth of Dry § an oth- end the 'etal | Wee eave roads Teas all over the county, pol ery Apt county, and we should cultivate & goed feel- qerininment the ladies will appear in some | tUe ares Gey ee in eek e e ~ sao iu, ANoTuER es Thursday | . Ps be disposed of. . -- ~~ whe bx po pos fe tower iotltn: zal poemarenisy. 1 | elegant costames and magnificent diamonds. | (iouch}: s. 'Sohn Musell, Zora, (MeKense picrghs | MorBing abont 10 crelock, be barn ing. A great genuine sale of . toes : together. (Heas.) nl at pt y sep ns my Strait teas nty tohuees us to look aquarely into this matter wricena Exrctep.--At the anuasl meet- | % Mere Kei No Keainne det cag) 0 ee wes a © $16, 833 worth of Dry Goods| CALL AND EXAMINE THE STOCK. . {& volee--"The same 4 ba vais tive COURS rapa and endea teap the rom } ing of the Stratford St. Andrew's Soeiety, | peu = on fire. Sr. was : fv gh Paso ot Our noon ade nae fe total the large expenditares we hate made with the a6 i a PR ceee ware alamed ab: iy We iene apeniy FR vlomgh) fron | WheU the broke out, and-none-of the and clothing, will commence > '3 ring ur in! manufactures. | Le Suowins ollice-Dearers se 1 .McTavah, Stratlord, value $14 . ¢, | family bad been in or near trom | on Saturday, the 25th of N nue Utics contrasts our Speaking of the relative vaines of the town | President, Mr. Jahn Gibson: Vice Presidents, som; Newtls ead seep 8 pion ahd: 4. bercly morning. This fire too is supposed to ys 6 o 0- eO-Pevtion-telebend te: hep Seek ae se The continent ig owes" (Cheers: it af wi Mr D.C ti and Mr. A. Serimgeon 5 tha Mubertaon, Sumah bacthope (Veamcle pore): S. have Leen caused by some i ron vember, at MACDONALD a say NRT Loud calls were made for Mr. James E. he and ty, be claitmed that 6000 acres of Geervtary-Treaserer, Mr. W. Mowat; Ch Tho, Hamiton, North Eauhope, (Gray ploughs 6, | oo. rf i. pei 2 oa % rave hi land ia North Rasthope and more in Ellice y Treasare: + Mowat; Chap- | frmeaa Cearar, North Fasthopr, (Yeanule plough). | fring ik, A and their eon- | & Co's, The subscribers b py bear} arose body a rthlpie go most valueless. aad the nnincor..| iim, Has Ches. wn physicians, Dr. | Aegr class 1, John Dunn, De . (Yeandi« pout) | lotits, excepting adriving house, were,totall, Og Tahaan Ba, 1TH, stat ~ the and de that he was a seeker hy ted eonld | be it Canipbell -- Dd. auer: MM , | Plough ty Fhomson @- Wittens, Strationl, value fon} destroyed. In jeultural Mu- | to. announce to their nuiner- wher ah te 9 setlead iae a i freely, as we an Olfset to" that. Wa uboall be Mucreom, D.4 Pace trimmers Vice (Weanaliephoegh ¢ Phan or 91.000 oes about 92,400, 4 1 -- Ms. Srowet addressed a few remarks to In - Morrice, ee Thomas, Robert Thompson, | Lockhart, Borra, McKe igh' The jules were | R&SIANED.-- wen 'cughton, "High Sehoot Customers.that they bare r phar yh airy ther Take "ia else eae, pleased with the prdsperity of the farmers, sh ets wer the audience dgainet the by-law. He read ; D. Menish, A. Macnalr, Joln Toas, Stewart | dame Thor, tractord, Jolm A: Rippon Wont teacher in n : dis | and ¥ were growing rieh, It --_ og gto | pure at the Big . figures to prove that we had the best of the 'a Wxitt orgs | waa highly geatifying i suah gas tive cate, [Ommpbeth jrovand A. Teller, (Downie). and J ho McMillan, North Fa By the rétioval of Mr. H, the sehool loses por ' R t Hall { 'comnection. (c f ay exeotlont teacher ant e in Toronto and Movireal, cS n = thane ping «na = -- (Cheers.} ¢ paid o larger eounty rate 10 Lamae Sare.--The sale of Mr. James Red- . general é Mr, , plat value for for tel rod, wo the-casee nsee are not parallel years cee Oe we today: As to High | ford's farin stock, implorgeuts, bays took ne jotailigent Friday it this bain ol ane: $7,333 worth of Dry G ' it : aR. o town Separstes "in st-| seonshipe shoatd sly OOmp cx 9800 toes Monday last, w very buildings belonging to Mr. A. Semoing, sth | and Clothing, which will make Mc, Jarvis shall ainong mpporting our High ee en {0 was 0 ---- sentuees of son nog and poten: eon. Logan were totally destroyed by fire.] their whole stoek$16333. The ree by previoualy pad nok fact that they hardly sent » puptl ging. that over 1000 Also 5 and a couple of young . 'is « Vaukeo may be ther ihabte te paged for rinoxt son " the ease / rf i attended at different times through ay ans. Be Ne ee -- apres © barn was Gred in tl places by some were all purchased at bridges by the '* 's roms C. * ° . 5 hone lived cous igen waliere -- "me a tad a suet solitary ety A Pi Date An a ye ai hag gn toa allowance soa trom ey he yeh = of Elina, to on anki at t. Insaranee, | fabulous low prices,which they birth, : North - : ' : "Wothiag "ibe wor ' . Hetouk a 'ain Fetonan's | oete'® sucawes of the sale bw dae to fie. The . tin} Skattre Rinxs.--We are to have about six intend to spose to their A. G. Mackay & Co ¥ an tot i retaed wnat be . - Towns tus wales of fas IRULIOUE To all oun ve bircnrend Beane apt thes mat Hehell thie winter. The smallest and} customers at prices never here- o Fas from counties. roads aod bridges © io ad vanity new . , adiaa son of $1 was ranted , He the yarrone of a bonas, we believe,| tofore known in Stratford. 7 a along ms " ' Tat iets in towards Frog ou y | Sh to-westofios # Thesuim of 412 eae graced. Sat the Please note our price-list and = eredit te to be given; but when the bt LOR Lang. for off-take drain from gravel road dropped }- pablic generally, to the tect. are" within the sits it tn to. be Ganteed wit s Alse the sum of 630 to Thos. oe you. will be convinced that it bl id oi . pr oathey is nO ow. that they have E if i4 i j 4 F i gent taken his connection with Marya and the South Riding og f .) Mr. Heason Genalaheh fey petasens ov Twono'-sxep Sroce,--At the sale of Mr. Redford's stock om Monday, the thoro"-bred cattle were purchased by the | fothowlns . Mileh cows-- Wate Rose, wold a. os a by Robert Jones; Reeve + Princess: Mary, $00, 76, tratford ; Lillies' Lash, sit0, M. Knechitel cen Alex. Brown, Lady Wit heer alt w26, Hoh T. Hie Hicks; Smcie-ball, ; but fe n inte wpe it That i yoo Gaylord & Lindley a Mitchell elionen. re hates sere ree = Sead F -wareiay WEF betes eg aly. Wee "| Just Returned from the Leads -- ing American Markets. nevelties in * 80 -- rile nov how ta tone