SLE LE EG TET an ey OMT ST bar ions sar dller teat "to A the while of the bonds of the company, and -- - rr ci we eh TENT Ts ae ne "3 bs WL NRT NES i wesigh cial z rs ' . = = * 7 "WERKYPORS SASRE TS ' Chote roseries ~ Che The Stratford Zines, Shecentle vorweutod for Tew Steathond Toss by Me 62 'Gre > Thien hei, 7 wicteria"T wrersnonte fixe, 1476. Notemmber 1 em Srausman, Wanseens Nev, Pout povER xD PAKE HERON RY, ner, =f ~Persemnpheadiloosiat dT A sagting oft harehot f eee oS fall took plac# in the Town Hallon Tuesday. wot from different we of the sharcholders'to cali in the bomls _ & reivene to This will - the road tothe expressing thatthe sal te of these | bonds Spat thre ec dition, snabling them to ; clear off all their and that it Meaery a ~ GO TO ROBERTS' If you want GREAT. And JEWELLERY, Stratford Planing Mill Sash and Door Factory, THOMAS ORR, Pxoruxros. - hey present Col. Tisdale, of Simeoe, moved a resolu- Ts bere crea, pat er ated L tion authorizing the Directors ivene th peiigued way Co neat jon of the Legisiature of the inee of 0: . He gave a {nll account of the nego- | taria, for an Act to prose tluir Acte of Teeor- 2 between himeelf and » gentleman soit ris th to Firet "th London, Engisnd, for the purciiass of the Thor! rafway, tA tian $19,000 00 per mile,- aod bear- same. He believed it would -be highly ad- toa iotereat at sls fee ¢ at fer ibe, and | van to the interests of the company ntarfe ante - a oj 3 iter l ' Meatetions ere tek. '» eee * So . i fess himself of the standing and very of the said company, limiting the teaue of Management o! one "OO Me 'Bowds to #4) per mile, and an- with the railway, and had yosterday sent him | thoriting a secund iseueo! First Mortguce Ronds ok: That "he an 7¥ so seatonn swale es prepared to sompicte the argnin upon | meneame: Gav o,desacy ato the company making the necessary arrnage- | Mortgage bonds on said Hailway, and to limett ments, be esata F urat ana See net Bends one and | resolutions for the above par- | HEguste authorusd iy thse sald Kesalutions y-Laws ant Resolu' mirstion of al opportanity of th. ous than thas 'eae the \ mame av those on the first-class, The fotlow- ing were the sucessful competitors ; -- 1. Jobe Dann, Gore of Sarnia. $25 00 2 Duncan; Moore.... too 3. John. McAuley, Moore... 16 00 aa he ween: 2° fe 0 00 me So Alert % ¥ The snost- were_those. Somover ta t wall owe know not - what «dav orth That night brought to town hog very fine loo! « "a * eRe sat MateX. Sai at Wyotning, as Mowing hare Gunsparet ot poops prevent; sa pannteeaey: bat the benefit of the shareholders more ac ae hart pot: the ig consent of the hordthieitere:~ The several pose upon being put to the meeting were car- ried unanimously. BOMEXION rLeus GHING | MATCH. cs cate: of} There was 4 veattorated by sore at 3,000, were 56 entrios ote all, --o the lat secon: in th an, who wwarded o0 | es third class ploughed on the a of Ay -Anderson, ~ aud liad the --_ style as to command the ad- who bu marafactired by A. and Mr. Thomas Teandie, Stratford. 5 ae atl ST. MARYS. A fcounn -There was in-the employ of hen J. . "Moore of this town, ap to the Jat few days, a person rejcicing in the en- of Patrick ----, He alwe represented himeelf as aq unmarried and pay attentions to various young women, being 4 ry ineini fan, Be Was very ters had past, and Patrick 'k hina goed and one a yoang -wothan in Niveourt do Batarday bight last he wonned Sis way te house of his , ttle anticipating the surprise bo apr ge me store for him. It has been truly and Patrick no donbt pow @ firm ing Woman on two s bacon mo chit iren lovk ing for him. woman elaming bua for ee tea ot the ebildren calling him On Sunday evening Mr. drive and tone bat with vat informing * that were awaiting him. and Abe Bret intimation he reert ol , ane 'ol affairs, was when as ushered into the oo of bis injured wife, At first os was Gestinnd to steatly resist her claims, bat his Des pelt pha Ew in- heed the a pro Fh pe he a prone ig Sa for such et mea Menper Tetuat--A man lon before a Paria court > sea with the death of his ite under ex. 7 aoolinaty pei tom He discovered ng between herself and oné eee at arg i "4 Winter Caps & Shirts | oo Port "Dove "and lake 'Huron Railwa id R. W. BAWTELL, Secretary. Woodstoek, Oct. 5, l47%. 'Stratford Bowling. 'Alley '1 Foot of Ontaria Street, | ip the bailding" known ws the Faflosw low KT OL No boys oF aN iy ron sipeetis the Alley 4@ Geutlemen whose basinees coufines thea _ ae ° to tae house. find deerme Ce rbealth with shikai an ae ' ment at the Alley, . July 19, Te el Powter's Specialty this Week Ts a large lot of In "WwATCHES > ¢ 'eer's Chop: 'House. Lae ya "freon, © hoc hornendbusenill A CHOICE SUPPLY oF BUI-BS i JUST RECE TVED aT J. H. NASMYTH & CO'S. MEDICAL HALL. "witeramnat tr prepared to cerry assis -- and en ait esata sg re re Doors, Blinds, descriptions of Ties fornath ey HIGGINS & SON, |festeucos tie Set the Lowest igqures. outers Vianing Ga R oc E R 8, MACKINNON & Co, Lumber! Lumber! Dealers tm plated tha aise teh of Dra iwagn Poses Moss yards coustan' kinds | eines, de, usually fuged ip hi Fioo ing, or uodzemned, « \ng, and s saperior kind of Woolen Fave (Molson's, Carling's and Imported? Te baniractore and ctbere openged ts _ Lumber! Lumber! Rina ny toate ail ler romper eomeset | CANMed Goods ER inepees ser naah, Finishing Dauber, and "IBAECHLER & NICOL, Shoy in rear of Workman's Wardware Sas Asparagas _- Burkders, -- tre ford, Jan. 5, 1900 -- i oo Lumber, Dressed and Undressed ~ as ' = ns of > : Core, ™ Nissri did Sash, Pitnity, Mouldings: Fave 5 oe Fruits Trough, Lurning, dc. = a ~FeIrer - cael puneeenineeeneneete tment see --_____---~--4 = 3 2 Peaches, | Having bonght the large stoek of luzber on the > = 3. ieee Lita 'will sali 1 on at prices wh: oO : <-- fennct be bent in the county, even st tbe Mile Pd q | FINNAN HADDIE, [iS celles stamens acer ao; -9° SCOATERS. Teaballt Chard woere geery sping onmh an w 2 yA n eet lpn Herring. in Season. deleting, Reohng, Dt csaed Floor. 2 £ 2 > {Ost se, 10, ow ing, Skdoing. Battons, dings, &c., are always = 4 vs) Bz! et ae ee 3 Weak ae okt Farnibcre ant eh tonne 7 Ed. Sf ' CC. G@ ALLEN, steaution of the public, being made from the <3. fal MA oS {~ ~ 64 Norman-Sireet, ~ Bin ws fen betore eX ¢ co} = "torte touching & Music Clans at bia residence. Goacied ceed we Venton to eaten he tea @ » sj 9 of the following branehes sedSnast cach of Dry Lewber ia Western On- 2 0} . 8 "Videa, Flate, Guitar, Banyo, Cornet, de. BAECHLER & NICOL. > tt mo Will als> instract ia Copsin. premgesuen. Stratford, Jaly 5. =u £ So Seater fetal armen a Geka | "THE _ : 38 =a iy . a ae: ic} ALLEN Stadacona fnsurunce a | a rare naar waite Be, Company a 1 2 s & -- | cents & ee wilt slam pen clans for sone -- 1 attention tot the following annouses- "o <a gees =n ' urea, Pt GLOBE 1K- sig 3 R. RUTHERFORD. sv tener tae ~~ 5 = Fs =| Stadacona Pie ond Life Incctance Comgany, g MONEY TO LEND. TH ay Peete Tneian kg [ae @ General Insurance and Real Estate Agent, | themeci ROSRES BUSES o RMT STREET. STRATFORD. ph g tient wey stat rae, WE OFFER A TRIAL OF OUR AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Oatahar mr, ene BY-LAW No. 230 To Withdraw the Town of Stratford from cilofthe County of Perth. Thins te Municipal c an ef the Town of Berar 8 parathion o Pelee Toon of Stratford he le Lee from the porictee pal al the Mienicip ounedl of the County of Per a Ths By-law shall take es fect and come into opera iiuw om the _Leweteth day of i Decaratine, " o yer wat Lard cae thousand eyht hundsit 5 Thet terks of the Munscipal Ce 4 ford pal Seraai * u > Wye "_ n aay of December, um the year ce ear Lo: we hecvere~ aad eigitt ® vent y atthe howe of os in the evening. at the Comneit Senber. in 'ae Town fond y.the Fourth Day.of Devomber, in the eae crght hundeed and aeventy-six, at the hour bay ena ot the am afternoon, af } ake "es im the Tor Sus che .ap- poumtinent Of persows to attend at the various polleg Places and at the flea! eoswming up of the wetes by the ivy on vehall of the ter- ~ oe cpening # paning of test od ihe ye whe mae his piueewe -- Tenctes a by Serle gr Ahipe December, i ithe peat of ou Landy civ Unwanted of emght hurdred and seventy-six, between the ' ht the morning, and five ui the aftermon, and the places where the vrtes shall be gud the sarees of the Returning (core at TT web place Bolles: The salad the pes es where the j, aff the CELEBRATED Single Mowers Single eaayer Tu aff hinds of "GRASS & GRATIN; And on all conditions of Soil and Surface, and guarantee ~~ _-- se ee ete | SATISEACTION OR-NO SALE | We 3 ale offer a trial of war Wrought iron Two BarJohnston Combined Reaper & Mower. A. Macnair & Co. per poo ae ae es tre 134. opw &, rt 15, %, and 25 certs, Splendid v Flannels, Pisin and Fancy, fom 205 ep. - wards. TWEEDS, a Blankets in White and Grey, A conngnment divest trom English Manu- facturers, one-third less than prices else- where. ee ee ners thee tee HATS "AND CAPH-~ Othe latest American Stylen, dire free New Vork. te our Carpet we tre ame rn 73 Te nn jo Topeary, we anad these. | ply. K gram, wed CUmon Cerpers, thes hay ing orl wh we are offering at very low Vioor Om Cloths ip all wedths, aed cwt 10 aay re- " KNEITL'S OLD STAND. Ot, ABB Stratford, (kr, 2: GOOD-NEWS-FOR-THE PUBLIC. G. 8S. SEXSMITH Has opened oat and 4 romper eyed ual lf er, Can be changed Reaper to Mower or Mower to Reaper, By removal of 4 Dotty ant ve lane than 15 mint Plonse ceil at our works and inspect oar Machines THE Manufacturing Co's Works, Stratford. Stratford July 1, 1687 tf Gounzy of Perth M. F.1.Co. - Notice of Assessments. Teceors XOTICE that en igre ener "eors Mion the veh leet aa tollows .- _ FARM BRANCH. 'On all Policies from No, 6.174 te Ko. Leek par pmapertyd gl iegede peng hg a Seameny Reet, Tome of Straphord sere -- a i wh my? fore hately ove f heh ton Ketormiag oottate 5 Rowen W A Kobe Myers wore BL Kobarts, Raturning C oe le ag = 2 'he Puldic Schoul House, 1). Otieer, T. Radley, R At the Council Chamber: cer. ta Pathespeare » Wak H. Sewell, Returning Othe 'TAKE NOTICE of ne Byte: hub wn by the Moone Councn of the Tyen of Birasfont, after ene "Ti, bay of er pecan sake Dev adored! pte goad a ie of tive elecoore ugpen the shove Ryton wil br taben Ou Thursday, the 7th Dew of Deccinber, A.D 1876, . the alternuon, at the filluwing places : Serecas ine |e this valuabie. protection eo Ceuta dag oo \ Ages, G. Berge HIGH SCHOOL STRATFORD. AT YY Soot Reamauic fy admin to the High School, will be held in the WE setire THOMSON & WILLIAMS HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING, STRATFORD =|BARGAINS | A FIRST-CLASS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT | ~ KING oF THE WEST WEST / FANNING MILL AND SEED SEPARATOR. Thirty Bushels of PURE seed Wheat per hour, from the dirtiest wheat, with WILD O47, House Furnishing Hardware.| A CHOICE LOT OF TABLE C1 CUTTLERY, MICKLE- PLATED OR COMMON. Pocket Kaives Very Cheap. _ Cont 08 and Lampe STOVES! STOVES! sine' poeta Call and see Don't cree ie to Attend. 'with: assortment st al} priess, | Farmers: Friend Gang Plough, * = Pre Bayon ach hio-k will be found bento yooting priom SEET Doon To tot el ject wachange fd ab wae spec John Dutton, Druggist, Jarvis' Block. | SSiyat So a Seven eseieaae: JOHN IDINGTON OXTARIOSTRERT. a G. 8. SRXSMITH. For Sale Stratford, Oct. 18th, 1876. 43-4 FITHE, cast belt Los 2, Com. 1¢, Elliee, costains edad bank Wane a ne Wests fees See. ee ao 4 fram wel Rosd to = Te fo the CHANGE OF BUSINESS. Market Drug Store. {PER padersignes be On neq iial~ t Chets friemds ond, ie To yroye that Rite} ne we skeen poaed of their Market re. Strentond, ta MR. o w. & Sons, Rerastonp. Semaine 16. . STANLEY wT AUCTIONEER, Xo. @ CHURCH STREET, STRATFORD. Oe Cntoria Street, over D. A. McLeod's pe pain of Real Fate, sfatly wake heat the Province RICHARDSON'S The Best, the Strongest, the Neatest and Cheapest Plough in tier Maree W..W..COWARN. Breer we --- the public that he bas pur- vignt t wanulecture this Princes of sot Gang Floughs, § v8, end is pow manufactur. ing them on riners dovwell to call at ote "the Mo shop and , aad leave ther orders in He the time. ia still carrying on his ueual besiness af borse- hones and i jovlang. Shop in rear of W.W COWAN. Stratford, April 12, is76. u GREAT INDUCEMENTS *-TO PURCHASE . . TOWN LOTS. Dic Sen of arectiog pra std REDUCTIONS, IN PRICE For lots held by him im the GORDON SURVEY. ANDREW MONTEITH, M.P., EAward Dent, Stratford, or Samuel Crozier, on Fe srmmiens. Pogetsion given when desired, BS Robertson 'House. NEATLY FIXED BAR. DR. D. M. PRASER, B = bovin Fiala ngw edie, oar bicresdvoce, oa tie wi TE meses fe ng erm See elaine, ay Delaee oa Divan, h 3 DR. W. MeRoL, ftare, WM ROBERTS, BMCEMAKES on end Builder, manufacturer poll Red Brie: HERMAN TAUBER, ICENSED A Suatonoee for the Co. of Perth. Thade. gy ery oy igs MF. 51 and Nakircrcsanoat. Recidense--Milverton. H. BRUCE GORDON, AUCTIONEER, VALUATOR, &c. OMece--Gordon's Auetion Booms, No «4 OL) Albion Block. . BERNHARD'S BATHS, 28 Cents Each, or 8 ivr $1.00, ALBION BAKBER SHOP, -78 ONTARIO STREET. 'Stratford. Suly- 18, 1656, 's Hotel, OUNER of Dowie and Palstad! Sts, close wo the Port Dover and Graad Trunk reliwa: for travellers at po re og CHAS. BROWNING Sept 15. Late. HOT, COLD AND SHOWER 'GRAND TRUNK RAIL'Y. en sreailiie atte Tega I mportant uaiange of Time. Strationd, April i, LAT. ADLANS of Pabtic and With spec: ~ Mevattont, Fatt: Sa *4 HEPBURN, Ca McCOLLUM A. Verena SURGEON, Graduate of the Important to the Pubhe SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS. the peo ple ol spy ape ue nase thas rer Was "beat mn this town, and pared to execute all & of Re pars va ve Yewrme Ho erin He wril alm 4 fall supply Needles, Robbins, Shuttles, Springs, And all tie differen: parts soquired fewrng Ma ines. Bhop~ At Tugger s & Hiya + Blachamst Shep, Huron street, oggnate the Catholy (hereh fderbers smepecifatly wile cted T. M. LYNCH. Nie ¥ pe Great Western Railw' ty FREIGHT. pAND. TICKET Marke' ~..... Stratford, Ip the velding formerty anvuptad by the Royal Canadien Ban xk ( -- Transportation te ofl Pointe ta yf nited Mater and Lurope, rate', Si By other "tine oe te 78 = P BROU GHTON. . ~ General Aug. 16, [976 _ COUNTY OF PERTH MUTUAL F. I. COMPANY ESTAWLinirED INA, WY Aer oF Paktitawier Pveperty aes, one pp 2, fae ae, Cleims Poend, i br aas "y Amant of Private Fuilitiogy : architecturally, practically, aud in per- Uefrcree Lamande, Pa tthe Back, Domes of Visiew, sed many that lead te or Consumptice Saat Total Revenue Fire Premiums & Interest bare | Total Louse, %, Tevested Funds Soares Cash in hand and deposi Oder keer: 3 Tora Amsets . Seon. Thi. Company hae E i aed haw } Branches Gad 367. 'ha Taio ben GRO d EZ, General Manager. -- prarerengine LOCAL BOARD: Gheap: Lard, 1, Cheap Wa Materials, ee is the Time to Buy a Lot Secure a Homestead. The above lots, me teoutiteby yl a stand hi zh ang dry, ram through from t to the Dostaons Lo atreet ae are eunven contres of the 8% No thas on ita h and fraite house coutalbtig P¥oome~ frame ALSO FOR SALE. rand half acres in Mel 's sarvey a toh ts erveted = frome house if¢ eee sty io deuatod of tbe ry pth and ts in high state oaltite- io There is a young orchard of one hundred trees on ls. besidéa 0 Ane colection of, r, OEE tSiraby adpted, for arket olen n pespoe a, Le y Da 5 aferds a Peart, ara person Fishing 40 enter ts into that -very bam- Nor terms, maps, piensa, ete.. WILLIAM or 3. B. GOBDOR. Ang. #, 17% met For Sale... 118: fad triers toe bya down to the Pena. ; nal mapper areal iSui and gl be ioe Warehouses ete Apply to A. W. STANLEY Day, - = YAS ence hs Iv A sa es AND woe cee HOUSE, per cent an! y yyy tot ns wi pleare beg thew ule deeds stn them MO WATS RANK Savasford, Oca an, 1876. ee ee The National Fire InsuranceCo. OF MONTREAL George ETAVE-sctablisteet an,-aganay tp Wiatined.| "it ST ee GR, Rage; Barristers} Fire Miaka written at reasonabie rates. has disesotinued all connec: Metusl F-E Co'y. w. $. COWAN, Agent. Office, up-ataira, Odd Peliow's [ron Block. Jet 19, ISTE. Mowats' Bank. e Pa the SIX PRR CENT INTEREST 'Allowed ou deposits In the Savings Bank Department | } Merete uit the "Cian: xs, llneowa._ Dr OfSee hours, 16 a.m, to 5 p.m. Hee al Saas Now is the Time: To enbecribe to the WEEKLY GLOBE 144 Months Weekly Globe, 12 Months Canada i Parmer, only @2: Call and leave your with N. A. BOSWORTH, 20 Ontariv-Street, Wil be sent Free to any Post (Office in the county, Octcher «a . 1 Kostner, fee, Ex hs Beer MD, Prmautant, Strationl. Joba ii ng Jamec trow, Evy... 9 eermsidett Bhakes. Mayor, veritcnanl J tenes bh "ts. eed Reore, Downie. Wm. Mowat, ¥eq.. Benker, , Sizattors, Leversr) "Eats Fultarten, end Ja Agents Wim. Davidson and w.P. ara 'yesponsiite staif of agente throughent the county, ffice :---ist Ploor, over Mowat's Bank. Mowat's Block,Stratfort THOS TROW, Ageut W. MOWAT, Sec.-Trear. Stratford, Jan. 5. 1976. To the fare atts of the County STANLEY DAY, COCTIONF Stratford, respeettully suiserte your Oeireneas it be destre to gh oot-your hold foraiture anes bea cougract wit fneinde all the rercising, bids, clerk bie sant and mange ted io the do the business tn euch «a satisfactory. Ang. 1, 1976, ~ PIANO TUNING. asf AKES in inferm) ot eee ee ine ta ae wo ennapa at and guar him. Orders may be left ai Ein? Rttaowce, Jewvilery Store. Stratford, March 1 OHN B. FRASER begs to hia oid J friends and patrons that he will, until further GREAT RUSH AT , Cumming & Foster's, THE CLOTHIERS. tht. @ stro ved "W. COOLEY, | Plumber, Gas & steam Fitter, on Gr a nt mierda a Menls to-onles 2 per a Wil cater for priv 'Came, a c= NEWCIGAR aT0BAcc SF Sade. | M";: DWARD PAECKERT would notify the Te Peble ia gamer) thes be Ras opened s. Cigar & Tobacco Store of the "CHOICEST BRANDS OF 'CIGABS oo & SMOKING TOBACCOS. Also a stock of ae, dies eer eT SS Stratford. Ang. 2, la78. , FOR SALE AT Manufacturers' Prices. Most ue soit Latore leaving for Rurope st TF. A> MARSHALL'S WHOLESALE . SHEET MUSIC WAREHOUSE, A New Era Magic Stop Organ, Sub Base, Oe: tave pler rend Ten + Diapason, Melodia, Viola, Vou ent ae Ahish-very haba: ry fi Sultable re Cisceh cr vidten ise 6 eee eg ~