'Steer's Gnop suse. - : inger froni Freeh | . Litxcx hers nal Col - LUneerporated 1374... Caplin, 93,000,200. | : trates w 1% sug ie ' Si a ait es ee ieee we cn ace A CHOICE SUPPLY a ne 5 THE op Tawa AGRIOULTURAL (NSURANCE DOMIPAAT, Before Taking, "enays Afar SPECIFIC MEDICINE Or t Shopcaboas lp the future ss ne 4s pa -GOUNTY-OR- PERTH ITEMS oneaenee ecapienneRieessecianldideniiceeinat ss i Seek soe ee Wer Detiett abe wit Fatale West "En stration, ete wbich m toany cast ' oer Fi ete ee fo [ J I ' ae <a command, be wil] | Leave Stratfons--12) a m.--Express are by ver in thé use Ams lard p rit be te La, u B B S Thie Company covers loenes by ligtaing tf ti ter late the travelli 235 «. m.--Rxpress tetaeen aod alcobotie ; but the CLIPPINGS TROM OF EXCHANGES. | geese, We. to doe . 4 he aire he ree eee pki see tcand ait haraatr be Naoweee 5 hee e rho Wwe we. r as . 'armers © Hw theiz advantage te . a 43 p. m~--Espress cure eae, TE * Albicn Hotel. pane cry nt lellagan: ys Petes follow ' lodge of Odd- gure in the "OW D. L. CAVEN Por : se ecdigiadaaoniad anew MITCHELL MARKETS. GO TO: ROBERTS' svat Reeniyxy MRADOFFICK - Victoria Chasmbors, Webinaton Stretford, Jan. 6, 1878 ai. -- £2) m.-- Express Tere! Cemnends, Pain a'the Boek, Doman James Anderom and Tobias Spearin have MiTrcwELs. Nor. 9% , INTG. ; . BLACKBURX, aa ae Restaurant, +. wm.--Eapeoee of makina ine other bes left. Si. Marys. tor Australis, ' Hall Shoal. yor, baoh (0 to 1 8-cpeing. Al be If:-you want- AT ose nv 'Secuarany Avon tetene oy . nested undas_ihe sams _sobte: tpn por vt, ; a oT . ~ ee panty Stenttens ~ For Bum Ee Bows: 'ret vauset 4 of Capt. Gourta. ete '| UL $3.50 ta 85.50; potatoes, per bag ox wie | GREAT: oneanaael J. H NASMYTH & co's Agent, counties Perth, Waterton, Wellington, ese to serve up in the | Leave Stratford 0-30 «. m.--Rxpress Sagues pend ovne OPT, cesait'et 0 108 y . ' . | Haren T ar Specific F ebel) 4 last week. While there they be. | SPple«. Sie to We; beet, per ib, te to Ge ; kar AGENTS WANTED oe best style and at short notice, meals to order, 20 a m.--Express meay aun pean in treating uring last woe mutton, per Ib, 6¢.to 96, hogs, per ext : Feb. of delicacies of the season, if 1235 a m--Expres bpd Fab partisciary tn ont haved themselves most ereditably. 5.58 to $8.00; Wither, per Ib, Ike to Ise, onze per ATCHES q Reranas ured His have teen fled op wii. £20 & m.--Ace. w Brantford. | these spate in ee desis to pend ives by tail e Mr Satgasl, ka ised Laseber,- ba oo Hes, verbere, enah iM aad W "MEDICAL HALL 30S "apenee, in orer we supply Goderich and North : one. graduate of Trini * % Rena ath and a nd | ina. each oe vo e0, hay son, p00 arts And Noyember, lat CHANGE "OF B INESS. miei icon wine edveurage of 6 Rectanrant, te, ime t- wc Symcite Matietne is enhd wi sor oa was member of Keyal 2; wi per #200 to . : bag coher wt brands of liquors . by ad as head teacher Of the Michel High ee ' a ee Market Drug Store. | acs'ciur cntaes wih ail the sevens ena 308 pm. by mail on revsipt of the money, by WE = : ST. MARYS MARKETS JE O'HIGGINS & SON moet style of drinks Saeed _-WILEIAM-GRAT &-Co,- - : = ™ "are qi, -- Stra Plani Min "| eye EGIOMETEY Ve to asctean Nanay NE Foereory, Amped oid in Strattord by 4, 8. Nammyih' Goh: 1 bs understood that "Mr. James nemo asi Min or Stratford 4 ing GR ae c = R38, cata ie rantie, Wet witcha ye diegroand al oN, Ourett i pm uit tn Sevettuns by 1 be elected m. Mot week spring. . we order, 7 Toronto. J Baron Ric I ane Seas mo on ~ yy June a 62 Dm. lv Agente. 'ergs, Depary, without oppoxition, -- Fi Dekrccd TGk ie ha Sash and Door Factory," MR. J w euLt, aa = vt _. PI eh cvcsccmnntinns é Coaneillors quite a number will likely be | to se: Ie __ TTLED wm re om bd Hotet: Connecting with wont + Sieg St i HS EEN RS EPR GEE| Guoxtas, ORE Puwaron BO ALES ! <_. | Sientiinaee« | Real Estate Campaian F . D2 ened fang experies a Room mercial Trurelisrs. " F*> - 'eivemg ears Tis ger'DeRoriienk | Shae at's chs ot: Sts | erase anderagued pega io ety sea} (alam Caring ead teperted) | A sea hate cndtateee tr | SANs machin tac tote hts oe 4 mORON, 1876. = . , ; $ 4 : pit ee Dr, and Mr. Babb retire. . Aw th: pend ty at; bay, per tee Goh onus Down, Meum Pernt sh oon cy Maiaines, C d G d a] buns seth uanes of the business oo lntgely Geet "T HAGARTY, P Proprietor. Stretiord, April #,isTe. - HEADQUARTERS tee * teh ey wa rt _Tepeewentatives itis | woo i, per cond, $2.60 ta 63.85 Hrchiaraves, aoe Theta: tor fuming cee | VALINE OOdS | |ssuie MACKINNON & Co,| "sort Je. 5.8 - ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. GEO a Sea am FORMAN' LISTOWEL, MARKETS =-- i R ULL tion that he hes re Mansion House. LAM® of Pobtis and Pr qoustiocliy, oad te par i P Ww. ie. oo by ema 4 ne Lumber! ! Lumber! Lima Beans, pone Love ait oF Of Drugs. Patent belt Corver of Welli gion and Patriek-sta, Stratford. | , corey sith wos LAND OFFICE. 'presi @ capital points of gol ra was RRS ia: | of Camaber, soupriaing Clear, Common, Beant: "Cora, 9 Ree Hae ere we be Reve lock") ciate ecmmoticns ems has been_re-tued crested Jone EFUEY |NO. 86 ONTARIOSTRERT, OPPOSITE i) ht 1190 ewt., | SRR" KoA. agg . Flooving, or au ud - - |e for transient or guests. Good ' wicca AND. which we think poetics y bo begten tn the . fo 4S oo fe, oe, an se 28 $; | Skding, and & eaperior kind of Wouten Eeve Fruits, b t L b ! mabling and torsas 100 A.M. McCOLLUM, THE AND 8T. county of Perth, he DORR. per ew, $5.2) to eae: wood, short, | Tromshins and others engaged in baild: Jellies, Lum er: Lumber JOHN MERNER. ETERINARY BUBGRON. Graduate of the Me ay Untreated "Spat ren] BAECHLER,& NICOL " -- TOWN N LOTS | farm at Molesworth, consisting of 260 acres, | dos, Se to Oho: hides, per ewt, e4a0 te'soen. knepect us AU Sinicblog Laiber, and 2 Pickled Peas | BA EC + The Wilson House, Shenboeneb---Werthcs owe Soosttoed) . John oa ae, near Wroxeter, for | potatoes, per bush, Soe ES; 001. per Ib, 280 Sioatd ines are all kis desea. Btratiord, On Office -Mowat's Brock. 'SPECIALTY --~ ~~ . 10,000, east bbl. 5400 oo ha rat aoe . |. fiop in meer of. sate. ---- " t AITCATED -betwee + ant = m eter ahcmnan mn er a sae . Tt OR. : P : Td an oh of ag brtlen ped Conse , fo : eet 'Bure ford, Jan. fw aes FINNAN eile 'Lamber, Dressed and Undressed | Sine at y Deeds, Mortgages, dc., Drawn : Titles the of the lan being con. | Seis Stra ford, Jan. 5? --- , a improvements, by the addition of anew wing, . 5s HE, tee sta | BY: "No. 230 | a 7 -------- SH OATERE-- +} Doorrandt Sas, tends, Sanidind Riesionscccomndntion for foevat rr -- | 'BY-LAW No. 230 5 Kippered Herring. in Season. Trough, Turning, de. MONEY INVESTED SAFELY. = Bipot ao, Mr. Teane Knochtel, of the pO wea! etl tne au 3, WILSON, Proprietor MONEY lath eon., Euice, while threshing, had To Withdraw the Ty .wn of Stratford from ad Having Longht the l ge stock of Jumberon the | Stratford, March 14, ty ; ° a Ldn ¥ something fying into it the Juriedict P oO c G. A LLEN, me ge Radinet's Lambes rand, 'eres t- Lend, = ~ lw" (Private funds) t é benepretirty ran ae = $ uren Trond, Btraitord pelt edger in the other cll ofthe County of Perth, . ° x aa Herieninined, public that we will onl i ts cal ot prions whieh raga Mlse interest, on Farm and Great Western Railw'y TO LOAN pum MORTGAGE. _ much, that the other week he had made a : . for casa Teen Preven Apply to so . } a er ee analy | i pap Cl of the Towa of Berat ° : o 5 |B pk hne] a en oe Suit iiherine call atigation to the large W. LAWRENCE, | FREIGHT AND. TICE ET incr ciate AER, fhe ---- ¥ he Coupe < Town af fer 7 | a ie the fous of and Mill ihe cer , genet ite ye an there, ee thea wen Pig bef cal aie 'i "ig wat a é ~a@Q - Oo Veolia, Flute, Giwitar, Bango, Cormet, dtc. Charch, whess or a thing. such e¢/ Siratfort. th Aug. 1876. Market Sa uM . . » patermeh end M yy paket htel Coico she County of g 4 @ | Will alec instruct in Coprtng 'Franaposttion. -- Beotne, My ec cocrenns icin oman tome oseupied by the Royal FIRE INSURANCE, &e. Tr. . * i he wt the aio rineasinens since | use che ee anal take effect and come ioty opera 5 D3 | gai grrenging Musta. tor liraas, deed. or String | Co GEmursviny Needs and Mortgages Canedion Bank entieth day of December, in the year | Sy on WOU! made-up stock of Doors and Sash, Turned drava a is Pndinb Prove, ad German i eo ; = Sen "lest oe suceioy oie pale, aig' ade fom tne | ommrenen.G,A coer wee ore | Cheap Transportation to all, Points in JUST, SURVEYED seat sie Bahan * BS attention pable, ~~ 'ee aa ee ecm ae. The Liesk owe | 17 5 < oz 1 cai es y ingainderl pt ocping' 06 Racen; 'Mace ben tant Pine sot thorvags ol at : i wine Ly 'anada, United iota and Elvrens. ed: $o0'dec quartec esse '4 places had been entered by burgiars during ood sgh st al a eae the her < « f £ 9 { Biber n Ehopa Si sige ey eae. aloes. ae, sles kere. aoubomill ares WM ROBERTS: --} - Bor rates, through" Bfiie- = ~ ~ ~~ the previownnight:~~ or MY. Poe. the Feat of car Lard ome thous erg j aT "T\ ponte s ' vei also open » class for those | @tua! we-l-knerwn te sontaln the largest RICKMAKEM and Builder. manafecturer of taformation ee veae : Rowe PARK LOTS from ons to five acres at 6180 P . pA rt stock of Dry Lumber in Wostera Un. Pierson, was ontered by a stall | Mu cht hundred and My six, at the bor of wa < P| 0 | wishing instruction in tbe art of Dapeing. ead feat ' White and Hed Brick Hesidence east end BHOUGHTON, end upward back window leading to the ce he br sir a at the Council amie, ta the 'Toe bm g cv o% Strattord. Nov. & U6 ott in BAECHLEK & NICOL. town Peep green S Hoot and Shoe Store, w sain Generel Manager.{| _ ing also evutained the onday, the Fourth Day of the} FS & Stratford, July & wer January 13, 676 Ly ate _ sa aeaevcnas and a; thecal | sia Sene Ley of Derm oe 5 a R. RUTHERFORD. - : <nayaeet and easy torte; mouth sate haus of e a THE : COUNTY OF PERTH MUTUAL FL. COMPANY enyentiy payments, any terms to ~ sat af pire " yor the Tons of Seas tea E 8 : : worsen pcan nae aa oie of Porth sRLIAMERT. : Foye Pie $ sa | MONEY TO: TO-L-END: Stadacona Insurance | L'SMIA Tes e min "colections | | SATARLNED Iam, HY Acro" F "Bessie gation wide rt vn 1 hig, ny ms: "oe ¥. 5 'mae over | "4 tape oe hp inser 2 SF 5 ¢ | Generat-Inswrance and ied < Seek dhetane Agent, " Company -Bagiish efcben," RacidenceMlivetea a ie Sianersh: Satna', A A go seaside beeen], rabidly tmproving and peastitel part aatiak, * wnt -- . -- Ce peers ------ ---- - -- ) af Lhe --** ae = aa nj S - MABIMT STRERT, STRAT #OED =| elena tie : Snd--They are sure 20 double in value tn e this = ee = from*t dollars By-law bg peri Thurutay, the Bev < - . . 7 short time as building progresses. F trom the Isther. No clue ax to. who "the | Soest 3 en cath seen 5 <A e, A 'Macnair &_Co.| THE LIVERPOOL 8 LONDON GLOBE IN H BRUCE GORDON, -- pone fe pan isccd" | sh, te abeoib eld ise Taga Lot in ares-~ a aaventy aa Hench howes mies i 7 . ; NEER, VALU . dames , Bhakes- | Swatiord ta three iw -* pie ne ory ep malggnna tag ee = % a 3 Are now showmg.a choke sscarument of the kallowing Have wanderred to the SUCH » VALUATOR, ac : eid porehasers wak therm ; hows name egies: _. ; aa Onfecers at each wet pace chat eae < Ss | which they have recently purchrme sta grest | Stadecona Pire Inrurance Company, ee cS eoms, No « Od 1 Kagtnor, R nee nag + oe a goat ittens 4 me Serre Spring Beary, | : Pieler Weng the the Pers ah " the = ~~ s 3 3 yy rea ree wee vilering at a great re mparin KIM present business and good-will in wee Bioek. iS mn Bay " sty hicore, Downie have more thas theiz. money. a clection nical | Sg pt = regal me vietnity Parties trterested Salee Thomae . he E same season ; theses facts are a guaran! ' we -- "Camere a bade scm = 8 Ps a E£ | Press Goods tn all the Latest Novelties, from | 30) plosae note this intimation and govern pening cians: George Hyde, Baa. th Easthore. tor mew purchasers. : to notify Rolen seoph Sehun, Moneta es Y - d Finceys at , 10, 12 , ames Brown, Bag. Vuilasten. MthThe Directors of the North Perth agri- «e Tht brewery erectsh ten ihe iy Fuad a rhementereanas. rig k = Oo * 3, 20, and aa cute "Sole value at re pa i BERNHARD'S Ea vx -iteeve, Blanshard. guiteral Society have desided to loeste the new thee oe prt 'aucw in working order aad K. Lang, er - a ; _ - . _ Piemele Vieiy and Fancy, fom 2 Atwatford: danusry 14th, "ft HOT, COLD AND SHOWER | Wm. Mowat, eq p, Scatter'. lange show bulldogs will be polio fabs 'mmc In Romeo Ward -- iit Baten Myers store. & 1. |} a r RIAI, OF OUK wars. Raq. Pellarton, and 3. a @c., thereby enbencing the value of the P3le'and Amber Ales, "pli Woteicee tesa Df ea eree | SEAMEN YT DAY, BATHS, Py Cars | " 3 » * s tose ars gone Blankets in White and Grey, BW hort notice, and on Reasonable Tarma. The irae Whe te , anzets seluaehse y AUCTIONEER, 25 Cents Each, nor B for 91.00. General Agents :-- Devidsanj end W. ¥. re otro! ~ t .. containing A. WILLIAMSON & CO.,1 55 MERCHANT TAILORS, FPOR vee next tow woegs will otter Special Inducements, "SCOTCH CHEVOITS Four Suits. New Dark -Woriteds Tor Swits, New Bich Freuch OVERCOATINGS, All eur garments tt with grace kod eletance any Shs best af talenenings need for every gar on December report of fashions to hand. Nov, 1, Li at NEW GOODS. STE waders undersigned Bas just received @ Snes Flower uk and Card Receivers. Toys ------ Goods. Hair Brushes and 4 Canes MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES, &e | Also a choice stock of Tobaccos and Cigars and all kinds of Smokers Sundries, on, at F. 'GRABER'S, 33 MARKET STREET, STRATFORD. Mratiord, Nov ti Big sale of $16,333 dollars worth of Dry Goods and Cloth- ing. A great genuine sale of $16,333 worth of Dry Goods and clothing, will commence on Saturday, the 245th of No- vember, at MACDONALD & Co's. The subscribers beg to announce to their numer- ous Customers that they have purchased at the Big' Trade Sale in Toronto and Montreal, $7,333 worth of Dry Goods and Clothing, which will make their whole stock $16333. The oods were all purchased at abulous low prices,which they intend to dispose to their|! customersat prices never here- tofore known in Stratford. "Please nate our price-list and you will be convinced that it is no blow. case ribbons, per 16,000 yds. at 3e. per yd; I case edging, con- taining 9000 yds. at I}c. per yd; 1 case col'd silk, tities 3000. at yd; 3_ cases Fins, 5o. r | HH. Bewell, Ketucung Uther, TAKE NOTICE That ¢! owe is 2 tree of EE. Hy law "nice ta Nek taken ite o by the Munice of the Town of Beratford.. after ome mont! a the eras of which threr heat 2t6 pom the 'hove By law will be tak "lim Thartey, ~ ce! ae of December, JD, S76. Between the hour of mune in etary forencen and five in the aftermoam, at the fulluwing places In Avon 'sr montenaash ner t Ta Blakergere Ward -- At the Council Chamber, H. SEWELL, Town ert. au Reretfont, Now #, ityt "CONFECTIONERY, FeHARD CoCRT has Opetied ou! meowt, iu the store - cart nae Rtankey * avetien m a Seloun pple Con feetionery Pate Cake sad Bread He alro preety his business iu his o! sl rr ad on Ontario Weights and Measures. W OWYEKS has « penedt an elm the rear of tty othoowt + the laspector at Weaghes and Mew sures, Eine vtree: ct gene scales, weights poly euten, Hating anh oe te ake the aatne a pecaalty Btrathord, Nos. tah sept. ast Removal! Removal ! ! W. F. WAN ZEL we Sanehy coeapied by Ir George Meal ms the arnes of Market and ontario seats, OPT nen "O Higgins & Son, 'where he wil 7% band a Of choice pa large Groceries, Provesiona, ruits, Vegetabier, ~ Py Sauces, Fresh Oysters received Daily. Give mea oeall and I will guarantee thor- ough satis . F. WANZEL. Great aed among . Stoves. Te meter il te, Testy Dore oot as At a Trifle above Cost. All WhO want « first-class Cooking, Parloror Box Stove, iJ. i. ODBERT. neh Groceries, es: Foot & Transom, Tea Dealers and Family Grocers, Have on hand a fevticiom aoock of Gemsing Grocerion at Moderatq Prices. Groceries. Gro Ca. Augusta, Maine | Ww ots ; Nanas GELEBRATED ' Single Mowers A consignment direct from English Mana- where. Intending ~ hasers examing these couds, ATS AND CAPS duress from, New York, Ol he Levent Aunercan Size AND Single Reapers In. kimds of ged GRASS & GRAIN, eo And on all conditions of Soll and Surface, and guarantee We bdo off a tria! of our Wrought lron Two Bar Johnston Combined Reaper & Mawer. een ia supple! with 2 pitmana,2 trad boses, bars and ¢ huis es, forked , wd keyet, sae self oflera, ke from Reaper to Mower or Mower to Reaper, teens SATISFACTION OR NG-SALE ! Ta our Carpet Depistment. we are oun new aud elegast deuges in Tapestry, two and three ply. i we, aad Li neom (arena, pee ere which we are offering at very low rer OF} Clothe un od Reser am! ont 10 any re quired dimen _KNEITLS "OLD: 'STAND. G. 5. a _ Hasopened ot A FIRSTCLASS THILORING ESTABLISHMENT REIT Boon To John Dutton, Drugyist, Jarvis' Hlock. ONTARIO @TRRET. G. & SEXSMITH. BStratlond, Oct. Léth, 176. 43 | KING OF THE WEST FANNING MILL ,AND SEED SEPARATOR. ~ time, inspect oor Machines: Bel: re buying elsewhere. Send for Catalogues. THE THOMSON & WILLIAMS] Manufacturing Co's Works, Stra. =: _Btrattord July 2, lee? County of Perth M. FH. Co. Notice of Assessi nents. By-- NoTice that at ata meet®ug theo nes on the c. homesmneld swore x ° "FARM BRANCH. speliive, papain' te ato Sat *1,18, both v at ta of mit conte onthe wary pext, at TOWN BRANGH. Rdesize to eall the attention of elo to cur vew and im) ved fanning mill and sec V separator. warrant to give Thirty --_ of PURE seed Wheat per r, from the dirtiest wheat, take tly, ALL WILD O47, tee Ce ited H foul seeds at It is w Perfect CHA _-- agains ora oan stand to be it One. "Dee * Purchase until you bay eden this mill Onupens reesived at mang Erie street, pear allroad. Bridge, L. Ban. THEL. Stretford. April La GOOD NEWS FOR THE PUBLIC| wu }|Flor del Fumar Cigars, Stanley Day rey by Bice ay: u aaron fait wolecety alae cad Real 'Estate, roagaout the Pro rotarts ar i ant vein < Kmuwvedge of the causes ¢ of augmen Copienion ami (weer: will Ged he can Pan cregy Weare interests lo advantege "rachord, lune 7, vip6. RICHARDSON'S Farmers' Friend Gang Plough, Hest, the ft jeatest and the oie Manat Ww. w. COWAN EGS &® inform the public that be chase! mes Leer of an extend ould iitocallat ouee at the rhop os I setyest tbe pler vegh, and leas they ordersin time He ull carrying on te Geual baxtness th reo oeuos | and oceni poling. i ~ 'Stratford, April x 76. bs GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO) PURCHASE TOW N LOTS. mtnont wer being determined to afford every vere on desirous of erecting dwellings, WwW cowas. ¢ HE REDUCTIONS IN PRICE 'or lots held by hum in the GORDON SURVEY." v; cach ke will mt beards press In order to facilitate Uatendiag purchasers wn rome - make ith partion ae wo JOHN IDINGTON Jume 7, 1876 Robertson House. NEATLY FIXED BAR. tar Side Bar on Nile etreet. W. 8. ROBERTSON, 2 = ' Cc. B. JOHNS & Co8 is the place to buy White Lead, ts, Oils, Putty, lass, Nails, Locks. -- Ard all Kinde Of House Furnishing Hardware. A CHOICE LOT OF TABLE CUTTLERY, MICKLE- PLATED OR COMMON, On all Policies from No. Xi te No. B38, both : . eles. Geran -- the e tas =r January win . Pocket Knives Very Cheap. Coat Ot and Lampe tom" Unless the vances' is when due, dl STOVES! 1 'STOVES! ! cate MOWAT, JOUN HYDE, . D., bina ese For Coal and Wood * Stratford, Nov. 7. 24. ; __ " 2 hia stock. eyer brought inte Stratford FOR SALE OR 'To LEASE. "All Node et Tivenee al very low mae cules : ? Phamting, Se salad ad hs | Sa ; en. The cebeerinal hance ete sasen ~ oe. oa, ShEN WILSON ce er aad ft. Michal October, 4, 1606 ott Stratford. - + ~~ --------===1 Dont Fail to Attend. Granger--Stoves, ; SPECIALLY ADafrED TREMENDOUS : For Farnmaer's Use, BA R G Al N Ss | ' " + j . Eptsniohd se 'Watches, 'Clocks~ and ITH AND W TTHOUT POUBLI > OVENS. Jewellery, OUR FALL S1 STOCK. OF Wilt be given during the FAIR OATS. . 4. WOODS, - Cooking, Pe rlour Fr; va Boa . : arked in figures... "AND BASE BURY INQ. Oat 108 "4st STOVES !\ Farm for Gale. 3 Stratford, July %6, 1876. @ DR. D. M. FRASER, ~ a 'Vremored from Mr Pe apaer sha eh nent » H man gone aboot ' 'wth, Lee. -- WOTICE. Down sodersigne 4 oe Bank. tatber . Regatiating 4 a Too St reasomabio terns, dvoid SELES CASTE on gue wt te rounty. Ofiee bours frog: 10 to 5 on 2 Stratford, Mareh 14. Palace! Cigar Divan," No. 81, Waverly Block, Ontario Stroet, - STRATFORD. PINE HAVANA Clu: CIGARS--CHEAP. 'BRLH. C. CIGARS--CELEBRATED CIGARS Domnstic Croars, att Guanes & Paces. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS To those Purchasing at the Store by Box or Thousand, store tie en bas opened an an offiees over Market : Pde? lon", thiow Choice tot of Meerschaum and Briar Lew, to make roum for new BR. EL 'COULTER. Stratford, Sept th, tee ; "p. BR ners Are an poetd of ee ip gat A.0uh Si Genpiane eaves eats SELL CH gap. . z RT good hi nape had 70 yoart cxpereemce sa suring = reatty i i we ss } TA. Wiltamacn & Co.'s Pestsees for hie , collecting past due -| NORTH AND SOUTH PERTH EXHIBITIONS, 1876, very | during the sesso, ALBION BARBER SHOP, 7s ONTARIU STREET. __Sérastord, daly 12. a Browning' s Hotel, OBNER of Downie and Falstaff Sts , the Port Porer and stations = throughout, and affords the Lest ac for trevellore Ot iwleralo rates CHAS. LLOWNING Sept 15, 178, }$200:000' PO" LEND» MOWALS BANK "get The oar Fire Insurance Co. iF MONTREAL AVE anmnen an agency in Fire Kisks eritten at reasonable rates be winters gned hes sdiscontinced all compec- coy Strate Yerth Muraal F Ww. LZ Cow sith the 8. COWAN, Agent OSes, upstairs, Odd Feliow « iron Bloek. . Bera: ' Ta, ste. Mowats' Bank. SIX PER CENT INTEREST Allowed ou deposits in the Savings Bank k Department ! Special atten: issued on nailt the Dominion, and on New aren to co Draft ef Sarge Tow Towns a 'ork, oo moe favora! soe Agente | ta Fanete Bank of nate. ited States, Bank of New York,.N BLA Office -- Nowans Block, Market Square, Welling- tom-street, Stratford. Whihee Loers, 16 am, to 3 p.m Hours of discount, sone to 1 p.m. only. PROF. GEORGE RIDLEY, GOLD MEDALIST, as now charge CUTTING oo Sad wis be he happy to A mae t all those bag wae tl. garus eut latent wtyle thear. - GEO, ar _ Stratfqnt {October 45, 1876. AGAIN VICTORIOUS! JOS. STAFFORD AWARDED FIRST PRIZE aT Tur Far the toliewing -- Best set of le Carriage Harness, '. Pair nant ollars, * Assortment of Trunks & Valises. N B--All Collars Warranted not:o Hurt. ~*~ Horse Clothing in Great Variety. No. 12 ans Street strasiord d-Queen St, St. Marys. Opposite a ° STRATFORD. ALEX. HAMILTON, OLESALE and Retail Dealer in all hinds SEASONED LUMBER, i «+ | Shingles, Lath, \Bill Stuf, Fencing, &e.,: p. cet tat of BA dl 2 responsi -- throughoat Bent. Mowat's . Boek Stratford Me OW, Agent. TR wer W. MOWAT, See-Dreas. Stratford, Jan. 5. xt STANLEY DAY, retford, reepectfully solicite if you desire to sell cut your farms, farte implementa. or tn house wae wil contract with you to datos, wd der i" as will prove satisfactory. Ace PIANO TUNING. MR ROGER W ROBERTS? ~ AKES pleasure tn informing the shortest St atford. that he is prepared to the Fashionable Tailonng. _ OHN BR. FRASER begs to GREAT RUSH AT Cumming & Foster's, THE CLOTHIERS. er. a, tfird, your --W. COOLEY, | plumber Gas & Steam- Fitter, BELLHANGER, ETC., ETC. Stratford, April 38, 1978. enters See al siormiager ae bye Nd merarbrherie REMOVAL 1 REMOVAL L WILLIAM Hi HRPBUEN Fitvimayg a core Medied trad 2 'athe bie potrons tr apn ong =< PARLOR, BEDROOM FURNITURE ~snnisiaihs ean Pentre a coo on favorably with - to To the nT of the County faclude all the rt Aer Feat poner geet, BS aay wet IRE HOUT Toe PENNSYLVANIA, poet Tat meee oie Just Returned from the Lead- ing American Markets. Whieh are now to band. | CALL AND SEE THEM. pats | A.-G. MACKAY & CO. AND KITCHEN | Subscnbed S gator lands noree blo Seek first-class wood Eee sashes eal