4 Saree wives had. next minute ee oad to. greeting set him up. See fears] ecm Lam immediately ing to pay may respecta to Madaine. ee I "YT paok I find there are" ffty-res Lb Birmarierty a year: amt! find fae waite ' + By sol Sonte beck te otter Care, eee se dap ateavel. | g organ came aroun ty, ane ne for hmulftheday inthe market your Ieave, that our nee os ger reecmmenct, |} -- with some restraint. The Maire gave | > one Tr glanee. " feschinene you," -hesaid. 'Per- "T will let you know, " said Paul- ine; we may aay ol Bhe rere == ' FARM A} | AND G GARDEN. Ten Few Beales 'te ma L Take good papers and read them. Seon th taht 'B. Do not leave impicmonts teattered over tthe farm to tro, rait deadbeat. 4 Repair. ym apg balldiugs at a properties a i seca e are. beginnig early," "gail ¥ Fe theo 'aay, prowlly; "they wi : & part in h Be ~poaily far the Ste. Beuve.'" . The | things play which never ba; We _ PEAT-FIELDS. Ste: idea Pingo ing think oF end at live tor ther, and | "* E : RE Mid THACKERAY, Lp by, to. whieh the J they form a piece of our history; And Ei ate <M t+ Old' Kens = Ay al loking g forwat" while we are still absorbed in , ; Ainier ot Mise de D fave deseribed imaginary the realities of our i sain fir ees acca pion ic cur bose we lives speek us on 5 es oy, ot Bec: ae shine await " sees eres eh ec Madame Velmy { Pauline thought that her fate was be: Pe aiterward discoveréd that Panline Si bas uy titi fe ont e ye & : shes Mine not rally vulgar, Bees did vulgar things. Bhe nig att eer "osama tats 4} her eyes and vent an. teh faee bs sont pr 2 er Ab times, zi have -heand her ex- 5 ' gn tell one when | eee are back | _ ever say ne word fill AgEin: "Pantine, T den p am ae father are the most 1 : a abt pana' never Eek he TRORBTE "16 nt all." " There! that iv just like yout" Fi AD 4 lio) sowner. Madaine V bat up vinire cas Patil , aud was uotto come in till flowin bane but her iaid-ser: t destinies were to be unravel: No wander abe waa silent as we walk- a ataline Se saa ; seal Si teintonell | chen son reative - --S cannot be used, -- sie ' somite tectaeie} ter 'vueho| 0 © gamrinerwaren, -- - corrre | - EUDIMENTARY EER _ Sin wont, Met a a Avrlvet fom.) At the tiene Golunibis discovered | {known that animale deawa . ait z + DSVALY Ametica, patvee Bid never been known | Boney Inthe ae, ware Vor tied. "It ogy grew im-Arabia. or' sae must be very: fee! ble 'indeed, are _ Ebe diseovery .. inane sche 'been - | "who, Maclscur of prvcunitag 'es amnbe Ranks, stud - thee = : tron Htrom Heeping Sicdrai epoca gore | oo from # ng ve et dr tntusion of } gighit cicoememenion santero. eS aati' petra ate Thence r pier x _ han t tule a. ifrult of that piaat. spread through the adjacent coun- ---- aa tite ee aud Be gnomes indicinwaly amid: yall} WW. Donot keep tribes of dees to puretrese ah: kites of ay teen itis cheap. " See that fences - weil repaired, | egg grazing in tie nyendow>, grain * 7. De tot trefune m ureter meuts, in a email way, of ma bing. 8. Plant frait Pia well, care for Crem aud get good Lal , » ® Bea' o by yieng Sodinhoker Seaioer oe aro yey L tebe gig all that is unsound, Laif rotten or niu ly. amd tebe tiamp- inks a t . ~ tthe than they are worth in ail these bfetame. ry y buspe: ive tn condition, even Lat toe straw anid pomace, stuted to ne th ml xtra 20 large a mesa it (reeds, od waeey "tut the outer cdges. so that it 8 feevh nud tot, when ly reaking'eilet with the 2ow commin peel nit "hare* about .c eal of apples at each tage, aad the re "a I Tievgy NUH pertaedt a oe stitation, } shiz; Dat _otgans _ narod : $ Tis reputation | j picts ean gctin other directiqns as well as serve the of recelving cay. oe in about two hundred yeaba, | phe rave. Thine considers probable : fhe | it bis: hed Paris. Asingle plant | peor organs very siullar to the i so Sint peymenent sry & wr ie at hE THAIS WIT. THA eves of the feae 4: i = Tireqiant:y hate Wis iprartse mere PS agin stock of ail the Epeneh aire | on the body. and are net coniued to fenew of sprains t toto o'ises Are put to - work. * _ } plamtations ia the West India. The ts Tike exes founda the doops it guanyt wbere 43 | Dutch fntroduced it iato Java und me sea asi eee may therefore serve other ortang of ihe tow has beew negieeted ch cast Iudtes, and the ion aaaies hieh prevent them from be- Wt! thie hesks hae ape ay bonetoral fn Si antsh all over South~ American rine eka ache length. Practical Faimer. av 14 at 'ad nyeeien-4 é dridiea: Fae sient et ol eas Ehlers. who it We have found it to pay well to feed' apple only three i r oo _ upon the fact thatthe deep waters pomace to stock, which is ent-at greed- ¢ dinmeier, incr ' ate the ocean ate cold, and are tenanted | hes u le 2 js cil ease, Fe ne it at thee: tts by 81 * see wie correspond to tharie et aivaw ' we lll Tee Which' tetwren the layers it wid mot ferment, bat at ae BM Ss snes) we sisis SB) found 18 Arctic-regions, There Fay onaen st threefuld «x t keep in good condition datii fed out. j tniiiion dolla even even be a steady mixration of srrervichnt ais not aiteud bere. or thorees mall eat ptewe road a itt the "yun YOUNG CUUPLES PRITIB new) peahe beet fone tn bs the tm, That? (to friend ipwat Go n isto biaten to lo stals o f . | be the eoniident of ita raj tureus Joya, | dorm be of despair, Tae lover © fags all the fonder ot his siva or bis ° a HE arade. ly ¢ -uOw even it tiie 4x the old af- om rite ured a aay in the inorning to go over the inyentory, aud to receive the Sirtivor of "pheywofeom-aue,tbist - -our- cheerfal Lee "he HLascewd 4 rao to have the house ed into the eonrt-yard ; ito the Village, so that here were" 'distinet etitran Peo: fe calling geverall aah through the "te tiled roof all to itself, but it was ts was tdo - with, she sin = < dE with a heavy, eulky: "Blie-reent, her one day 'that an uncle of "De fed constantly suspecting souid one af | She Monsil's, ai old bachelor living 'in| sone sinister Lagluark she wal! Paris, had, upon general expres: fovtr the the inven- 7. Herr : a tion of Monsieur Foumier's good will) tory 'asked me for the rent; he her coffin was three feet two em onnervitoenr eevee eed Shi VARS. mind to wet change for a check ¢ rielor of the chateau, ian ood, Triy quack doctor. promised to eure # eo ank what he wenld- say in the uvent aia not seein to belicve. me "when ] | consumptive women eueumbers, ti" ; . -- de Mesnil coming Severs told her so, The hows stood at right pee agra ther tage os ---- = = itor for the band of Mademor * | angles between a oe anda Fr he has sued her husband for $50 pay. a cele sa A ere in r ense of retributive justice ed into the™ warden: the door of --A clergyman ins neighboring town mar- Among Borints clratorsl ip raduesd tocoare | taltiuag f Shower «i usnaily Jat s horwe one ae oe BR ésieeeoas.) wom said that it mot oul feed mukes the horse's eeat =e rs takes be * growth of soung end delice hittdively witea drives --Country Gentle ir -- . ree wharks ree, atid io duces © the wy nit si ondmerican Notes, - foat, but that it haa @ { --_--E-- a3! cheat cated fe ! (> "LADIES' COLUMN ete carpet e- ' ia flaunted ia its frre, when ft has been ,thrnew- ching, j the ones paw the ve Raed: scl unk: _ A rral M Democrat, coming to town eae EE | und manurial-purpos « thet tu lari pro duces.--Amertcun Cultivator. Two og the on in it, ie paced it mtn I Sons» new barre! and ne ina cea aud | Fathlon Notes, {aah gee rod is cue of the new alge ton of that culos 'tn aephgt wore! Briaid bende of inch gimp are naed fof haan ml ge of fringe on wrepe. che. .wary. butage 'Walls tai Te 6T ear inateriate Wit be-very } 'Saaching below the Cock's feather sede' will ¢ be used for trim- uing sama Siwalt-ha ath xntas very pretty hit. ple saat baits, Very young ladies continue to wear Dasqace v uttaued Ueland cuir iene verraen "hang gentlemen this Onys and oie gee necklaces oud jet couse are diteble fur touring : Tre 'wa provi on tis lis rer. 18 the finishing stroke?" Afar a or pulation, is it a. fair, houe-t samipio of the w ~ Marie Stuaet' a thé name of one of the bea- fT Tet shapes. ) noar the Tale: ol €e aC, th 0 artist fa ved | ent --_--_---- eNow FROM THe MOUNTAINS. Strange 085 $1 ajay ening iy Vi rgint Ms zt js sot alwaye AoW ot f at animate y, ish prevents MO Od BY nem organs, aye 4a --t not Stted. - -- iis aT Eten ros. ater FOTW. Totishiam, or the attenipt to cow. tyai external phenomena by witeh. Baw though the lowest stage of "eonoeption,.. kta... 'ptlew | ary idea of @ sympathy or identity ; ' exfeting between an original and ite tellectaal advancement. For the ides seeceusutationn infu- jure of Vicarious or ay indeods fs one of latest growths of the human mind, while spiritualism is one of its earliest, For to @ savage, everything that exists peerage CY a) eee ubseen that surround and af- ~~ fect hie are as the mote in a sunbeam al age in eMfigy _ 'probably be aCity sll Pa Seat ralt of se ne hea cae wRy is Ctoar in avery direction: "Nrney seecn to witness the phe nomenon of snow | traced to ft, and the st Ala a penne bumed, in order to injure the pertoba ' answer at uite easy to open rarden gate if if pap had beard shout the Brescber . Se tn S| They 'presently eacrer thatthe mys-- | long to tt i Sweden, \ See -gnve-an-auswer,"" 5S eeato: oe pe Ra! Pi ae of the tates Ti.ton scandal that Tiltoe was pot a.64..man4 Littlaeys:- aloes ud, Beniioes shaw: ahs ae Nt thee Ll irs pret | dorious mo comes trom the} -eupning men who-cas : pals. to come in by the Seamingicoone ms or ate esccice ry otal this, + 'tows wl be yet ae 5 hints Ott ries beer ere by cutting ahammar ~ pineemeity Meal ead dows, A tewa yw thed by | ; Stingy aunt--"'Well, Robin, have you en- . i = Dlaek silk rude at thw band of far} where he "ecu b above thotown on the West. The | Oo the bark of @ tree dnd" ga ame shed TIE) iron. Reta | "Oh, yes, sant ; Ld will be worn «th ton lack ik cloaks and music waft el {re os the convent "clit 1 iads nals or arrows fnto" thi d "xchat did ecuye = ay prin" Nt he ee Ee cima mecetenssteeeahe ss es, pprovalling winds are trows the wost, | SSO See the Tepteentae : F Dre? ; haa? ° . eee] Bain 'ynruier shragged his shenkians: the garden. This kee Was always | sure to ery 'tmlves' when 1 ee ae ' Agricultural > wats | scicitheplnaded-euite ase-nn 'isp (demand strength of a S. emtoh "ats this day to shoot into the water af im- We . -[t way abserd, ae bee a Eb wong was | locked, besides which the vines und }.pey you didn't give me nothing as ever, boib for Little bo rpey ghia. " ab a <a" GP their absent a a for a story." 7 a gnow on the jop and sides OF thy [Aer ¢ of 'exemies. In what] said. 1f the travelled on: aud on,avd bonnd the - Wow ro Ger Rw or Tare Sremes.--Generay ; bu las! ERG OeaP,.. imi ihat ther 1) White Swiss Yad, with h theends emabroier. mountain, and wafting {t along pres- | 5u"olk, in the last century, if an ani- en iifurinnafe, J piight Pet eh Uist Ainges-and ie iron soralle imesh | - Conneetiont dost pre Colqnit & a a reomnt ee! elin red sik, are new abd very pret ct ently alfow itto sift ver tha | tusl was thought to bewitched, Ee ~ that their sngroeti on seemed au un pe standing hand: nied the Veneten lene |. Leaves or Mack: green, cardinal "a sud} are "the: udye ing worm cn town. Although but a moderate | Wes barmedover.a large fire, under the kare on 5 that To remove stamp« nena Oem, ai "a a8 is | ! PerNMence,'" ES aT I ing talking t a Therese and ying far below the real value. mantities | necessary is to lnve ope oF tare sheet.iron | 278M Sithout and flowors, are seen ou bats a - he suffered tha } Pa i 7 all; 4 | reeza was abroad, there were times | Wea oor 4s it consumed away the au- Am i a papa sal eapeaes areshipped all over. the .cot - you Aey } r 1uGr- or tive foot Ligne Set tire} Veivat devwsskiste will be very. fashionable | eu the stortn pasyed bo found | when boul au hour the air was filled thorol its bewitchinent would con- : Paine eo new "apn me, eee tard eas rapp'y thousands 'of- ore il -@} t0 the pan ptaceg pers both fe strect and fall drers. i a without home, family, trisnds, | as particles of snow, which. ¢4)% oxpy- Aa y itis " E he impo rtine nt. Bird knew 'tiothing | ing r round, 1 saw that" Sone" one wae | marked s0 only offered. giveth r0q ai ate deans tat tite bots} 'There is.an alteraps omng mide tw rene! > ghd tornine? hadsbeen 4 fia sated about aa ait ies 4 were | #tillbe rs emer ag ocie pommtt sms eJennha lithe grating..It.) An At'ants lover, who was made a lunasie = a will dfaw mie a C2 Go "ety ae ¢ the vwand-toad igh Sastad 'aos ; i dig the ae tie rename | ensily mistaken for litte needles of | sinseriied>cn a pipkin, eontaining E: 2 'toa hove boon sShiceteek 'cd was ne Sgite te 'slim came in a reece tarsal Bl eerbdiebe | ciiteess, Pe 7 emirate aLsach rae ree é Se ae -- - a2 oe Hs , Ww Soca iperatee wale is blowing | 4 liv. t trog stuck full of ping, will = on. 4 ot) might be his snecessial 6 J vi axeganeng. latest ne: eee: wi = = . ee te iran are ET ls ism lewar nebo ay -- om 2 hap geome rieanayr sized ee ee ee aiikerant-anene "fh pe et sire 'five helmse is the most desirable akaye | : ngear for so maay-bappy days Mog of thea Kee grand Sud Shera ate ap) set.ol pop EE eS ri that marderous asked | of het 5 on bee wee a ie ee ae Matania¥: 7 iz ate rH green ty a ng ae eee a ate aa uch eq pee | #oeR bate thas age woes over the forebesit | + past Ife, hud been amen t% vay t weake Great whirlwinds form sad | & -- er -- clearly relate to to a ournier looked | parasol, She laid her te they were acquainted young me nae an Hebecamea wan! gr a = after I Wi ¥F ik the lock, -- ** Mada' k man, a1 d shot th i diameter, according zath of the! Cloaks are guade almost entirely ont of ye) are playing about iu the eddy ander thought. : after her. ven Fournier spoke | upon adame you know sfirisative 7 _-- stamp, Veablonlli lin the eoaise of the: fatter. tic ad edoth. Very few plain. ecotha are ew white cod his | the lee ofthe mounted in, and the snow Thera te Song wo wide ha ft may k aguinr, shi nuewered him sq sharpely | very well there i id ne getting through ; a inciies devp nea! evel Lefore he again fet | pathered and carried aloftis preseatly | Ge called. Eur that cut hair | ee thin thonght. it .more discrete | that way," said Therese. -- As sh ae was found Langage bape one to to nce of wee ieee hid cloves abeaeuel a deisel ' i all the at hurled down upon the town and ; | EERE a 5 "the _worthy -- couple" "tT spoke, Me hyare: be | er da 'with « baile! oe ee ed with * ep orm with saiaing aud carriage exits. | ' ' @ me tue. whisled through the streets in blind- + eae re oun': - oie Was Alnigmtarty cp * aa founds a ands mera take out the apie a fag. an po TH at inl 'The. daist chain nechlact 1 . iuale ot ita wm : tt i. i "i necie- lef o bie. ket aq-slowcrs.... is i times, ben | : MY ere The pare, 00 : 4 what" von c a juteate , geieecthisd lt AD. she forcast Ss i SO 1 tie Biy is perfectly clour more enow | . wat-Lack te the house I met Four tit was that Fin pressed "me so disagree: an, "Lt with me insanity or deat's, the very extremity ui the routs, eerie anil "Sloutexze la the naxae fiven to the new | Un tke ' ta ofens Be i walla pony. along oa in beth maid and mistress. eT sai oy tal ae ing but ashes. ° ' mapa ie feeted fabties In use for winter | i i ae Bec J ' ey Nye iis = ple Ti his eve i some-at- If the imaatile te ited apy it in ont STEHT { ae Sal by: be 'Have yout found Praline? he Ben wor whieh Strangers coming ins |). of-the prettiest young ladies_in New indication of a qniet wel é diane {Vo in Stiver ferws «, Mewnted on dead +ilver- pins ow is both failing i wisa iu Swal that if o Lird F . went soviely lobes uhing post Gor. aie aieed as ornaments for the bair: 3 and Glowing from * fook enyof it for'its nest the k -- tirweheran © Well, are} to a. place lew "altiongh they. PRs sty irae cmather is low down, ia bs tn indiestnn.ol a facies a aid. acs E d Tiksen*é potion. AVRAEKACaitie with the crown Smail si} 4 aes set cith imitation dia tates, itis thenthatwohave ; Pvill suffer from headache og ereaitricnida, you two? My Jit-} may not always understand it. Meun- | voung-rotman, 7 "Do 'f in Bes 4 . athe rest 2 y ' ay ' , ie u poly Vewo or three inches aleve the fine of the | wat erearis ae are Ae weed today te un uncomfortab ule weat the rest of his hair, A simi; etonhas one 'Want on, = fe while - paeninenninmairianey her- ims ent et 27 "Ob. yea auewered tert wo oF sures he'ew . or 8 © Ae rar wen ; "then that te can reach' ott g Ths ebott Teele MMT eye = chimerit so she js #trensnre... ¥ Heo i ahr serine tr eead. the buahte. [| rvirty Feare* ot experienc t New , eravet ils. Heh BS mined h-ontrarnmptel-ap-wnew bythe Landlubie chililren are taught to. throw--- lier vil find aes asure. | in ooeutiy, "I fut aie was an awfal hand- Sia teak} pare buustitbed hunders wrouzhs, ¢ ith bine ee -- RRC Rat tah Lindy gic hm site by... Lice uaissuted teeth into the Ore. jew. "Shether world have t) i said a e ow it worn Ban be <r sie nae aa or seaglet duta ur atari, "is He-jo etek -- ~ealied-- 3 awe pm -44 . Bae lady: not eo w entd 1. She ' we mt thet out af af w way," I soy i BROW TEE Vier Gwies ard Valenchentier tacw fiche voyacred talaber sick and. ear Ys Be Fs SOM ste a he wail Chieé, <. : my te nt and cuurageous, sian 3 will Gud was," in aun Youna an uncle ef the atin Served it = eae og ag ss ' a fo etry meen vab.e-for eveuing wear | sailed up the ee "The oe i asaxowleuinenon Te mAce WITH r to those whe belong tu her | the file. ecllar off the dining-room. "| charges rll the Liame ta the James boys. He | the crowus two nr tires inelies below sine | OT) OY 'Gesell wre Sanita Ott vend enme to anchor le the port noar aa! sijeratwn --~ Virvor « eht colores! cashmere hawle on H aut th lifal ty her se good | 'Therese was not wath antik ihe Ea a eee. ene Sey Steen wt aus 'with ball fringe of ester. Aga f Aud Sa he walked on, tert | hath Vighted a-cindte, Wescciided the t > -and_settie down ie pence, O@ . color anv pretty for --_ thawi cot of most b vanderaa alone, thie stone steps, aud examifed the sea tiara Tel Famenbave gt te gambling 3 sor Carte ef tberame sik oe dre mn in i n ¢ "oma a charms for cer- 4 seme one came uy frot jocks, to be sure that they hed not} @ t ql! the'r money ; they borrowed ~ af! 'ites periavad 10. ' tokens ju ewors, wre vely "a "hua a -- ud ans = é 3 f we Pre The i for e separ thre neck Le tarepered-wit Set sorre phe rat She ase dt ee tae es + has asils apethive trim ngs fu ur eqaciiny and " ¥ fo: pie a at Dor = can stroud sha nisat - | tom swore '. "witha! " aed tae WR morn es m . m ; . ~~ phen Pandine=t in jo eae Sh ata : ax} Saag tk more freguet way Be witha heppy- i poamuinng Bat arte a. black acemereneen ne Ht apecbanataett tt Porth tthe or dete j-she dad pood-aatieouiy come cll ; an. [SRS BRATS rust Gr eaten Assong tis laut iaportasions sre. ater | eryg Th: Acad Maske, 110 ar eri ; inv ; a A tue beck seatas, counting the under cages a % Shytesoncds etirtt¢ ---- aS . xchat tiv « Poulnes My hate} to fetoh me "Here you are, tise, An Ingentous Pies: oa tkeen ba vesis the teyride-a8 ya aoant ae = are becoming fo stout ; mast ite batt . ing | ete tet ar South street, si "Yet COA balke, trusting to the SyMps- a ! you --_ lehind the] ghe said. +I" have been to the sta- -- : gr tirow th Als Larops F Sgitres. -- -edd.2Ob, Jab sham, "8 ta «tae ¥; butehe- joists ae t_end snail, But_ F - ? the ton wilt .--eaw-your-anele and | A soldier, by the pame_of Richard Lee, | outhe velvet tart whi in g in going sito # dists | - Combing bats come over the face, hive moe Bote : 7 denny +} Kanaka who ran down a coyote is now ee % ---- Taw meat, @ etalk of | cu, Come-- i : be: | was taken vefore the a G | barn yard in winter i or Maat " : Satal ore as many knots eae i et Mes etme Pa aia 8 _for..playing cards. during | sapere. Ba.§ should bu ven ts Sie is toe | sie, smn couglit.ap oa the sii! agaiael the Itwasa beatiful evcaing. The jo ree ae ae posers ttf i aa there a ths be py 5. ied fer in the pity that is w Tong te ine for ever ao long" aud she eee The amount of itis thus given:-- ile other tial ott man estas ot hie-own dtalyis the th ho wituesitd the ace. If RS 00 | deni snd halv tied to- gee : es wwe ys woy-of abunt, took sy-bands i sand them] "Serjeant commanded. the soldiers at the | count in contact wathauow, for » ad i time of the-year, the d vathot of 4 ee nut "eathe nt eee --_ E aw him go dewn to the wator-side ;° cordially. Her eyes locked very bright, | ehureh. and when the 3 er ed he aiaitaet M1Uh tall Gate GH DiIeLae ei ay ae fashioned Chia erape sbatls aro. stil nti | S¥eetest hd ee he Ing trig Kehala'a boats (Captain oor a 3 ane i, applied to the pat CT) 3 ' i parren es 2 tel to make the upper part of cos the Spring. bosom: ef the river) an) were oniling 'along the b sen Learned 5 Ce nucaliih mani 2noush there stood M. and her hair very curly, « Well, he the tert. Those who had is is injurious to te (hep ure Wor: over skipa-af binek ahha waa like a broad mirror, EeGerting ie BE ore suiling 'along the ACB, | rie esswntial prea ie : Peurnier ke abstractedly "were t Gate yor you? tu oe it out, Bat soldier had neither | A subscriber sein in information x: te seco r shea o relvet, atines of bright goid thu el the | mage Fg ri spoon le"s carcass tee) of ti oe he heh - | the cane! at the willow stamps, How is your inistrens, The TeNe, and dela. jes cpa by aay tony angred waite a good crop to raise TH Pray: To WChite STi proteealy trimmed with Tet} blue the towers, and the "att o sand with severst corotes on RANT hirea a ne li s in the Pant, as we were | when is the wedding to be?" fore He-looked first at oné-card and allow i theo ieoked aa 5 aed tn wncenues lace, is coming in favor again for | of the old 4ewn in its clear dep expressed wiley thget ohe OF these | Pahut Teihite ® good ague caro le to sued >" gliding he " heres "w d thea at another. The seargeant aw bim " tee it" | evening dresaes for young misses, The lighta of the city dunced upon the | i eso | and leave it to gliding along the waters, with thetove Therese an mei ryly, that. er bore, jast to bioom ¢ ad wher | aalconls alive, when one of Lerish, that spider and ly ap: an eold lighting the: dark | never ented sestiona, arg that if and said ; " hoppers eaer) ited sient shame vat * Silver Marguorites, studded with a pearl! warelots that rippled from the beat He alk hy tt ir of the a azuc may disappear t he wctte na igsmt hettea nat 4 (wer had Sot "Richard, put up the cards; thia no | Out ent tue bean vines, col thonne Leon | ROm uted une siiver pin, make ® baslsowe |-ay she' gl Saddenty- the} HT, Malluce, alld: that if: they mould miny places, it is thought that the = > benks, witli the croen leaves floating i re curjots, Bea ter for them." aren thous-sinp. oatt, frat open ashe * | ormament for the wet, stillness was Seakenr From $t. Mary's /- 1004 him be would catch bne alive,.| Doidaaackiat sea and insoets dréning sleepily, and. a; inquire ie themselves. Pauline tnrn- |" "Newer mind thal," said : = " The was laughed at and called a fool-- id Gabe ; g: . ination I found that the Loppers ate off the arendrite<, wi etuster, 5 pearl there came a shower of silver soudd, | a hairy eeterpiller tied in a bag round E eweet fracrance ia the wirpand faint | ed. away with the family shrug. 'The | When the rerview wa over: the- ls'| Siscen bak did not eal te iat 20-1 picked | bet weding, are ruamsent The filling the alr with music. The boat: | fora coyote Isa michty apry ereatUER. | oe neck: as the 'ates the cough 4 from of distant peat fields, and Mr, | longer it ix putod, the better Pleased ns and brought bits | gem orer twice (vighteon reres) aud ony got | head for evening = arta cary on their cars io lien ia "4 se at run down goats at the | ani en: "A cough, Fournier said to his daughter, " Tell shal "she said, "DT cau's ima. | "sya, sbarhass joa bevegha the soldier | $1'¢a" Miten fomth: bashels, Grosght 138] cidered. silk cutie and slippers | The old Italinn crossea his arms and 6 ei lan td ae ae ill the'thing be | 11,0 vans hair is given adie, Baca - Pauline, is your motherright? Woukt j age how 'she ean think of Lim. - The for, vig gehen Sa vievcnt ot tantebins Espo aepee in solr, are iaskiouatte soaining -eyea upon the ation ing g Raitt a tle sar rs / tigen two slices of ba 'Oroad, a i you like ame to think- sextously -- of | English. ai ep sarin es Iwonldn't | "For dale in ig beng eae was: fdr eveuing w tower, The sound of bis belis bore-to tet ca esception 0 hint the-dog ma: . the emtor bros Gop ie re.---Hatehineoti; amare, ont having provided himeclt | © may take the 'aair and 5 mani Do. Mesuil for your bush, "nd?" parry an ry ngli "Well. solilier, what have you. to say for Ranant.-- Prairie Farner, . G tte: Sa with black-im 'threw broad pach all the sweet memories of his pt agus 9 eough together; while tn b young ' A itt "tba hool: reel " SI bands on the back of the hand aro fashiona- ded past; home friends, "kindred, with some rujo rk with whteh = ; tk peud te shaved atid 4 aoe 2 he wery oo fpabpthe RS, FEE 'more n nl id * Oat-door pits are preferable to clara 08 yiy fur gentlemen. At last ho was happy--t S| tle. his jae 1, he stattoiaernss | 78 # shaved afd "he hair (riak- : said. Panline, very composedlly. "fq temper Was easily roused. Beicet «des sh goes Bio the sark dy plain a en coyaty ae | fag, we must suppos% & headache) loft a would not wish trmindinenco--you or. a 'think i it is very rude and 'unkind 5, |. The ----. fasion ot Sage -- "When the ¥ too LaLpy to sneha onabash carry of, Ty pucther, as : am sure you can }and -uphospitable of 2 et if you ard i wot | Sore, eueuponed. od quassstioe ot fan ait, |* hit is taco was upturaed to the | Show's and. lan ero his shipmates, 7 783° tho "cough Teel may Het be : judge far po Lepn, Bat if} my friend, to pit, cover them dnt. wide' a. this iebhie! wr aris, bands, de, pala water waves . and we but his 'eyes saeret ve Pal The ut the coyote foxy uo th pele Bui all cages' we ee areal yor nik wy wishes, c¢r- | way," I xia, 'hoe: wit ee: in cleat straw: F shears pevy 1a to be pioeferrad yg igen oor stranger bad breathe! his 'last. Bog ore rh etal haa stlac _ papnce pa ute eee ee thon actualy tainly be glad tht you "should my eyex. * The E: are - Then pat ow ol eke Beto See aie en | Bh ings of txo coutra apacd astti i e ouk wrod the Kans mete: ~ eavares, sider M. aN Me "ail s pena: am yet: they? sy a ¥ this sopeving of is tren to th h of iphone herp hres sale ie fot ant ore His owe oh x = 7 vs ia > -- Res Ue: two dines ared in rape npr for Instance, believe « oe three or and ther erat | . other finiel: distasies a . 3 J opened my eyes an nimazement. Do you really mind what I any! otha Becelag a5 a to jajare siriomet paste the pelore mext tuere ix some fancy LIPH IN CALCUITAL ~ ing it; vie a bs speeriy pipe a it YMirough their food or any- "8 Was ery rei shiek said Pauline, taking wy hand.'* paton a liberal of frevh Be stable soem glockwork of the lower color. Love thing: betonging to theta a i a tuanten yielded hor Teart? > Were+ dear ore ; buck Peis Tie eveteme is tinde of two mate- 0 European sections of Citoutta: : 2 Bees serious? They were quite seri- from a's ot the whiade thin wilter, "the ar tharos SRalish ne a si ietopestl. toee rt eee nn ne BL are nvatly eouattytole Seek: un tlie heat rat hag ok, sturcocd with a piuktahy wh ity wé had to elumber. np the -bank# and Bc shaanad dp the cobughl under the pan OE ed, for J wi «= scecruly interested by my new frien F hints of scaaioil ensieur Fournier's, I bad' i that, nadir the dreumitenten ag waht with A _ gteenaabe "ss When Tanline asked awe to ors ail ith jut efter Cucle's | presence. might be Peta out: ar t that place, bie ew ee. asqared tie Towns {a welcome, and arene gironcs a Ty ittsiw a ' Se we aad, vibes elie" wi) "+ that _ Tools te should be erga ness. aad was Fer Ww tter for the tables, or a el Liteon the wide, I yat ' a ith niepifest thar T wae tial ae "Aw Rnygiish paper re'ates the abrapt and | satan {riaation of « sebding | ? ol Shatidd. All were ev jupina themselves eran at the boase. ents of the Se hacame rob pee ger ung | le epee Tries tenn pet $e See eee itwed, -- a ree shale} ording a fino effect; somo. of the bisa eaten, peared the Viecroy's+ the the best London and Paris specinens, ; | The streets throughout tls section are wide vide and ubiformerly excelient; - the same fay be said, too, of the abile- some of which are 13 to > feet in-enith, Tho Enyileh cox saists da ir work bry and upon he pach in which the ° 3 ibe et hod $. Ee te = ae seple of Kanika was ate reed emit ta tute +- distatied, uti ne t tor, : poyote, ge 'Lane his bes tied with Sioa The estwal was tak mu yarns. board ond the atiempt made to re wer ed ipa tatlore, a' ho ra eM adhe as cur tisy and swam ae, onscuuaan opens, People wha are Ohlise burn }- Ae On: = cee Prom Se son to whom it belonged. Ip +, parts of the world the Bog _cerer gota This enemy, trodden, wi : answer tha j mene co bes the mere scn's pame is « ig ayten oterlous px power. "= torn fail ad Se Yow 1o-Frr a Cottan 10's Homme-- The plan adupted. ta is tho West, which Rae ities ne faeces business does "fare the collage ta the "ik