lL epplying the lack to thease whe sae te eo mate teaperénte: bat who the pint: ioe a aption.--Al data and: 'wocdunts® dae} Mosare. Osborn & Werrell, must be paid, and pagans otige | re Cvs oat nt vik} on ik winding ap bie bi acnepe sdadion. = in connection with the laws <uabon we | Daugh, agent, Markel Squgrer es debentures, ath seat B RECEIVED V4 rER 'EXPARES. [at femtead bf trying Che ridlewlote nod ims : W. H, Roberts, Ontario-street, has just re- ie iukng és sober by Act of | ceived a gorgeous assortment of watches, XMAS.. ARRIVALS. FOR. 1876!) arenes te. ones a ete eee jewellery, and fancy gonds, hich. will pA ad Eo |sppoate views always. tel to} ern nc it aed teen on and calf, frighten men coming forward and ex- palo 3 it is money ihe, pressing their einacientioas ideas, ha Pit the vg - * aa Mr. Jamow Ryan, of 'Centennial tame, has 4 a » ei Bos, themsalves is. -He Tales been appointed agent for Wester Ontarin, ts madin vf Piaeiey Siapamdote "Narrbenrnt; = beet «sober and met. and as to bet i ey wile Fa sine pero tot tune Ae i Child': Owm Magasine, men now ogg = the at cowl exuld datlere' homey events of Stratiord "<The Child's Companiow, --} say the Other sins were mm oneund at reduced rates. on account of the Northern gravel road. The a reno, Chitatrin's sree wy Lae drinking, bat they wire a 'St, Tasca? Cucnce. Venerable Archdes Geverament aad wthovel it of ------ Infants Magasine,| tent members of ot: the solied 'Femperntcn { eats" WHHtaker.of Toromte wilt preach in-se-}-foTtat of te inbelsotgens Op toe marae --~ Petal: A Bands Hope | Societios had been arene moral ba» | James' church, Stratford, on Sakbeth Morn: | tiny to the expenditure within thvets jurisdic 'frovement 2 Ping next, and Tite ott more * waede fy Our stock of Sines ane New TF Carda 24 asin te Int hits rear. (Pia adeno "fa Sfnvan, will preach in the eveuing. Seatd | doctors for imquexts. it was ee to Lory odin by by Mays Heat ment in faver ot prohitétian, that- in States will be provided for "ranaers = > bation = ag a a oon Deneeras, suitable tot Xmas gifts to VOY* | where had prohibitory laws that Post Orrick Boos Stoxe.--E. H. Seott & and dk fin sc wore-crot-10- intitle Go. ' Hf SCTAP | tion, Heferring to the $400 expended in tl FE. H. SCOTT & Coz, whfe 100 ten years ago. wie 3 he cunside: albams, aatograph albums, dc., whieh will seieelion of ji " rent +1 * ; Oreo. -- ee a a argument in fav favor of i of prokitition, be sold at very reasons' In their | dispensed with. The elerk of the ibis aN cr oe the Hiqene mendes pala tor the work. ps Bassd paying 9 per ™ ~~ GENTS FURNISHINGS !) FINE iy weDIOw Qu Wary HATS, N.B. 'NB. POWTER, "Naam, eT. sali aa "4 Lane, Bite moral influence: 'etpall "eburelr a" this tows, he "tite n esque _ SHOW teeer lic and Rngttetretoret: $oe from 15 sents watches, the sun. aii bber » » - Comme iaait the edreed down, obbosite dat Market 'Ouse, t vant, yurt 2 alee apd ae Tuenay hae diasals an - ehip ae lamber merchants, continues the boaines'a. ~ leht. Miatehell Seep | Canadi ian Bank of Commerce. . TH. ARELAND, ae aa The » R, Co, and paladin their fin. for building the mp lerinot seconded by wr. | law be intyedaced to draw the township of Waliace trons the tist " h wehonl district. 4. ---- sail sorkes would regret with- fat meng th | eo wuddenly a few = an intimacy with young girl, has returned to town. The betchers are making great efforts for | agramt diepi.y of Chrinman theais. Mr Matcher, wo believe, ger pirchased « yong oj Palpn th which to tickle the New Year's. - tates of castomers at Saetiss Reyna at of alk the propewed establishment of several rinks in "Mitatelt thts winter, eel to effect. das: bye fest the cuniaees te Thea. McLay we --_, Gd) x LI feet, on the vacant jot | immpedigtely in the rear of the Hicks Houre Wher thitstet the balling will est about PT ant wit xp county: om. etidit the energy hie has displayed 7 *0 peti supplying @ Want so wei felt by the » poopie of the t for a wealthy county like Perth. sn wonld ee Bo No people in the world ns peor any temperary difficult --* i "hey ware bealtluer, an ral than onr¢ forward varinees man snd deserves the pat jover any temperasy | didichlty, These eo- tempera hee men give aia [New Water Fanten.--Mr. L$. Zoger in. x wre - Mr. A -mcapane sgn ro erest many # , whieh they wish ts to ; vitee the pablic to eall and inspect hia stock Sempsaraiioir Pag per- shies preinted ~- ssoapt ne saline. ro of thes sha mw sin of watehes; &ec.and procure one | jaw in relation to appeals from the equaliza- ihe preeiding speaker who, by Freel wae. thee of those $15, two cance peg ined tions made by the county evuneils. which regulates Ww eheREDAY, Dee. 6. en a hen fg a bomustor the pl shade trees on all the side lines in-the arn tide 'bot ot think they wer wore getting justin. He tal. January eestion in the hope that an under | standing might be eommto. TRE Sf M, RAILWAY DERENTURES. The. Warden said Ma. the committee ap- pointed that met worn, Pitreeteorn ef the SAL. HO fh. and reported as fol 'Tress "Phe etmmities- rig? thin soeneenl scheme ef the company to be from Stratford to werthern, limit of potest average cost of $15,500 an miles at an mire. Bontyre as follows _ We hose ft our 2eeve's a other -- when peded to bows, in fact did make 8 oper we ot wmabed thre # penal mith the brut at tittle ytecer A. wtanat Deida pou so ; performances the mathe aie o -- a sn et tanfully pre- ) Little grocer peacetoving people ae real on amd muscle, rented tenia benabed. "The | a -- Masagu®? Tee Ts, rare mia a Si | Colter's Cigar 'Divan, |. 'Lhe best vlace for : "XMAS PRESENTS. {i RM TES Te cigaes- we | HANDSOME CASE. | ert | PE RSCH HAL M # FANCY. LIPES, | Sold 6t cect to make roan for new stock. ao ay ae Tots tad Cees -- for <i iy | ofthe © CAUTION. paar 'Great Western Railw'y | Fre ight 'and Ticket Office, [tee oor tothe Parte et Cosameoses, Mashet , Square. Stratford. le 'heap Transportation wn to all Points in 'anada, United States and Kusope. + Or abort $504) per mile, tearing a Lalance | ter be provi tdewk fer of $5000 per nails UAL To ant el thm the company i all, 'and te the amount af $8 DOT Te W. H. ROBERTS... Watchmaker, Jeweller, &c.,. a __ Mas joat received a | New and well assorted Stock of WATCHES, EWELLERY OF ALL KINDS, SILVERW ARE, As. ' Suitable for ~ Cia and Naw Years Frees CHEAP FOR, ows x PNY Stratford, Bee, 138h, " Be ee ise, 'Regent 'Hall! Se ra are ata Memvirat Erections. Beporigere sc e-| wor: rates, throngh Rille of Inding, and other - flicting that at present it would be ditheult information apply to Mr J HAUGH, Ageut | & ADIES FURS to tell who are to be the candidates the | ' F. BROUGHTON, ° . : views ---- srtersarasecer Sell Ma 7 not be apposed the reevesiup, and iia. Dee 13, 1h = ne eet -- ro Creme ble that Me Call willalso go in for de ipuwet _ ame nmin ote | paty ci awit te is-Coming.! _ oP pone wd f by Mr ampbeH. | wth gentlemen and their frie ety are confi- so Is | dona of anenees, and probably it may tern ont $ Se ie poke ic MOHR & NEIs $3.000 WORTH may be saretod by a majority. However, | under th: t neem voting wt ! Large Assurtment of ur will be diftieait to watt with any dagree of eer Axi vo until after the voting "takes place. drink athe, 'Ya witows wer ing of ntie. The oniy The Stratford Times,_ wy Ww Why. seallennes, at this und auf a se 'vat you county, He explained that they would ai sfurd | difficulty the committer see will be trom the Direet fregn New York tia wook beak on: e| statemnarryy Lp from «#! and gre reatly to | time when ae es cent vulage of the bonnses are |. Strctne. a Wralneadar last AND COUNTY OF PERTH eee « to to be sista 'is continent would - s lew Bie see ~~ The cold weather keeps s man eee - eg "commit fas ean Ou ae i tk rout | Mr- Anthony tinettier, one pewter vecidentol ra ? - title , i otion row, | ss ey! and the 7 wt sue simsiguas . are : pl Ta ter.) cs ae. as the srreaker | was eoneerned i, ane hes el fe atin thas appointed to memorialiae the Government to | The committees considered that the resolu. | self in hie hn nest Me lege a » de- Lailica" "Sith, © var, Tasso, Scarfs and ~~ ie tT. sUILEE Taitor arden iE) sei st cre <= COMEOTTASS HAS ake some change in in the manner of appoint: | tion about bpd -- Fes ret the | hist te aig vue -- : went 8 at a ot ! Looe bef nee tits cata te soto {Lan ister.) | T ke | DAVIN = bi * ac zg oorbeet, ~ +dnboteata wi the county, and at tle same time | his room as if te hg! nt the fires, Bruises, "Weomsos fie, 1am se fasta within am 105 knowledge, bow 'aly of his » id pipes, londed "print 'tor the offiee of Seb dol {ns | place the directors hoyorud the easpieion that TC ee wifes Ladies' Linen. Collars & Cuffs, ' ves can thay abow as in yonder cometery = wome of Uhat ciehiy "favored tobacco, speetor wi via Messrs. Chas. Clark. | the counril do not intend to act in good faith es lighted suspected ae thing ©: <t SS = | nade by. drink, and bow many habitual | "24 qaielly smoke the pipe o! at | on, J, rs eClarg, J. M. Dunn, Walter | or y Mr. Jones, recoded by Mr. | His two soma went in of herr father Silk Leace Ruffeling ~ THK WA YORAE ny sada He nsaert five hits a Ontario-street is the spot Nelborn, J. M. Moran, E. M. Begg, D. 1. Sal- | Gardiner, that so soon as Mesars. Pulley Tis- | anc on entering the barn say sd his body wae | a od, ana medical men on mae Jam in his]? Gnd him, vith Sitting Bali's handsome | jjcan, n, Jas. Ferric, Andrew dale and Clarke shall bare exeusied a ben 4 pended --_ a rafter bya plough live, vara CO! ORSETS, asia statement, that moro men were iny aud | 24a" Bt the door. Hay, ti. "W. Vane under a penalty of $40,000, binding them- -- des. had astended a ladder GLOVES, nn Woae-noqnesal by trea died eh 2. Micsixexr, Mr. Trow, n.gooring that the applications | satves to soungeete = line o of tes abe cl tasted pe ne scat pad HAIR NETS, &e. announ' % e = ferred Us scouranttoe from Stratlord fo Listagrel wi -pepont Ja jane 9B seppet or Mr. Grote | ad . e-eleetion to the civic apace aco ag ae Ee Intlech « _ hws have ok lee that the ins vector oe i reside ather in 18 -- after the neigeiramciroiseeni a ~ & To sae whe? x "and } Si0 6 are mat -2 i Mir--Daly-}-wttir-e- s malo. require good substantial eT and the) i \itebell or st. arys. also. thought | ¥or! 9 900m ax the debenta oh etber eons iderstle property, at in no financial > Taewete wrt e it F SE ee ae ene wae ae the mania ot then me aowth | in the county non voted shall | difficulty, and peed in -- > health and | an = ehw api anata oa 'a gtéat many'e? the men who were riding shou ve on =| " weed any. L much about the ravages of drink and in favor [ite dans af Seathers, flowers, ~ and | withouY sti interterence-wn ~ot-the) Warden hand over debentgres of the x. a | thing wrong about him, nor tad 'ho "dropped > | ------4 . mac who_were mak northern members. Lanchter ) under by.Jaw No. 191 with all capon# matur: (he eienase tite et steritton "ti dewtery-} = - - wort & NEFS. < everything used in -- ve be datewent confirming « by- | ng uary, 1k77. If the road be | himeslf, Ha was in lie 65th year. An "| =e ' Wet a it . Beer thet ow of tha.ta to elese|nat. within one year. from the quest waa held at Sebringville on Wenn. | 12, 162 i, Mr. Webster for ix emtance besa | Post Office atl i ain street Poole ume s ative 'of debentures the same be) day evening, t¥ bial TATOneT; = Tr WT a: * -- of te op Po and Ke ditn't know bat if 'Caasay oF Bente: Sk wHE be notioed: }« Lmotivn forthe ap- | bande: 1¢ Treasurer of the County. | Kastner, foreman of the jary, when a verdies, : . . ey sone y,bim as mach as they paid Mr. | by bis advertisement in Tae Trees, Mr. | poin ntmebt of county valuatore ome tt, ate "@ _ has : , Fas, pasrel 2 tel te, randet the wnfiy SA Mesure sil be bald a Coppeity Hone! om Freda Webster he would be a great ro. = Metniloch township assesears. > be withdra n, each party o pay his own | ence of temporary inert -- even: bree roth, ut -halt-pew pecwck. Mision man too. fLanghter.) Mr. Imlech | Ln ee piceliges ii m. esol Tt was moved Mr. Jones, seconded ¥ combs. ------ 08+ / 1 County, members ate mvted to- attend. 5 sett of Clark, "ialan Ware ttm cs Of | vy, Mebrermott, fhat no action ap: by pe 9th Dee., ISTH. FOREST ¥ JAS. BARGE, Seey ie this ec session for t * pe apt ann pati hat | saluators.--- - Os Trew; We re glad to learn that Mr. E-Sebbeas. LOCAI 2 N EWS keep aoe a | erpeimtnesa Mt by Mr. Ch Cele, seconded by Mr | strongly Stjectad tothat f fort rating te. Sictnerty tngraph operator and_-fieket alert! } ss shi at harks will ba able tai Roe, that # o Warden iets @ his orderon Ghe | the * Landing ooet by Mr MeDe ped | abr od G. ToT, at Forest statigh, succeeds | The Ve MCA. of Torunto,. have: started fa: : . T in favop_c for payment of | Moved, secon: vr: FeO Mr. Dav as to the Grn of | sae a ah Sas ee eas Foe | ee ena icin eee ee en ae en, | P ae sb i a : | Mr. er R and over the tite teash ta dent be will Receive # Terme patronnie ~) Si Planes --------. 4 ,ieeeTien, Setter, Hopenot. Suheing {of de eoppany: be hat sont oat 7 Fox. aebentares, about which there N, A. Hoaworth is in receipt of a args Curren Urexixna -- The new mission chapel | The by- law to contra" wT bylaw oF the +-Carree Mi ' om = pies 2 Posh pesiate al ond, consisting of | recently erectedin the southern of the | township of Hibbert, to establish the centre | | Nays ---MeMGiilan, Bain, Gardiner, MeKee. end we hare om sitajion in saying meena -n enema = has been so. imi {Bee nd me € pet orman, Rutherfor on oe Be amn.] Xmas cards,-stationery, de. The best as- | dows Ta Ghtinogges eee tqad.of Shas P we pow We, lire Mebunoedl Fan The | tee | mhezber it) bee fo sevill be appre a sortment in town upd at "hie very lowest {$f Hames' church, will be for dittae rue act. sou, Beatty, Piaemore, Sills, Kennedy, J = it he one 9 short, will be sppteria = be - sre are ail farther bonuses to ce, service on Sunday next, There = three} J. H, Flagg and a d on prosented | and Clelan: oli es ered by hime. WEST ESD be i tid thet slaves it The Sxurvinres.--Tie Town band will teding et : a 1 o et peutione. eaia that ibe Aah bak the ore! Moved by "Mr. Read, seconded ty Mr See' : en ~ commenced wn hag mildin: consecrated to the use o! that pas taid inthe County -build- an dooce" ind etre es age i a | ema nt nt | ot Terie! GT OUSE i ~ aftertroon. gigi e3 pial ume ---- _ sialic isecasi = = __ _o-ask the illowing a ae is badly n need of finds me hope ie ait o'clock by Bev. J. T. Wright, of St. Mars . Mr. Hamilton, Fuilarion, said the wenn tae Pron ] Up .. hee "tonne di down har dsomely. n the evening at 7 Schock, Archdeacon satitives presented were pumerously ec 2 one of He --_ $94.26, Pa: md: BK. | Bemeo, ua, Browni ngs hotel i, Wednesdar. = * exit. x }, «ix months salary , belihan. " = ; Wallace, $12, O00. As the am [Wo learn that Stratford 4 'thir "your 7 ee ee aE ee ae i thi ay ae ee, | = es sant aan fixed are Me. reasonable, and | eagitlelto an ulditional deputy reeve, there | "BOs ne- tion to the | ae Caien t mn sent oe st Se Holiday. oh ae Nice Stog.-- Rer. F. E. Nugent. Harmony, woald plead | $15.40). ae acon office, $68.07 (reo. Stone * Tilney S ~ mmall casas to" grants" give b; over 1500 names.on the, rei us A-Nics Stons. Any persan paqsing the with ihe council to do all 'they could to landing $325. W. Alexander, $40.10. That Paina rhs Wilson's i cal Fri ley even- other municipalities to railways, We | having the i araoues wal voters, not in- bion Bi cannot taibio~ be strnck {- young-men. evil | the ar bocorrg "et Davis Bros, boa, 54, po r¥. ras "Kant, el Tuesday evening. hope no difficulties will be --_ in' ye uplicate bof Ch 4 with the neat and tidy appearance of Mosery. | habits of drinking, «afoking, Tver to -- Tent te bon L9th. these | The errs toe of Christmas toys and) Mohr & Nei's dry goods and millinery store by ie i manera of $22.55 for blanks for Snrrogd | Hamtet Ward ~ Sehiroede i fi company may be Fs 26 ian powi- | awe Strailond, in jo. be fond at | fret door west of Mr. P.-S. Woods" tee in St. Marys, petitions. we arash je th Seat dad with rerard yo Mr. gar ho oleae one ap sntaws , 's balls "Phetr are: tilled a the of the Act. 'in that | responsi we tiantor, 808 With regan Mr. The ratepayers are r nested to astend. Sly - " Gt > -enlvert--and | 3.7. x Tesi £ the - vboiesst ataek-ot= hiet his "area fox she paomngs, of She obtained. ¥ ral - 3 Bom ausortment in town 3 Ter bar. this winter, tor-if this} on en oes ne aoe Cian. conld | paula as st 7 Trow sul thé petititn: war presented | Lawrence. they recomended that # be not : eee ar ERATOR LO LORE cn genet koae db dll 18 Saleen castomers.can see at ® glance fiance what they do- a large 'ttinential ; hatb. 2 oa ---BARTHS. A Leaitifal assortment of A devoted time snd. to obtain the ee ee "That the : = = ee tion of the railway for at least another Coxe A grand concert of voral and | aro well up in their basiners, and the pops: signatures. The only question in his (Mr. {Warden and tervige % arg ie a Seaforth. ee T alt. the wits XMAS CARDS year. Ifthe company are piace Hh satiemntek mnsic, under the auspices of | larity-they have achieved is evinced by the Trow's} -- was, Would it be advisable at) urer of Ontano with « a view tg settlement Of | poory a Ustrattort, on the wt inet. the wife -- 8 position to buy ties, ke., this wi the Stratford Mechanics' Institute will take crowd of customers who daily throng their | once to or wait anti January | Manici Loan Fund ipdebtedness and of Mt ofa ae axp no reason why the road Shout 7 oH os TH store. The Indies should call at d | session, 'belo sacha by-law sbould be enter other preming matters. That the secount | Doxtor vine ims, mon the RD wt, the wife ot we se y eo in the t hall, ou Tharaduy evening, | oes their X Thies Tiwxs, lor printing &¢., be reduced froth Mr. Wm. Danlop. of a STATIONERY not be completed to the line of the | vist Doo. The bert amateur talent has bern | = ea -- = a : es right | $26.6010922.60. T yaou be t Jacnses lo Ft ita, in the 2th ult. the wife of : NE Welli: Grey & Bi Railwa at | secured j Coxwrnapicrioxs.-- The stalgusent that the | & eres! abe ellington, Grey race ¥ oerw! direction waa taken during last seesion of the a bridge at Henfryn. That the account of | Nrtan ins Marsa. pot 'hee Sth inet., the wife of * "Listowel, by bert so Of -187T. "Very | Bese Rescate Semyscrs, nA gories: of Rey. Mr, Nagent,. of paar a denounced | Ontario Legisistare, to check interaparanon, i & Grant £e r seal from vals. 90. r. Jacob Near, , of 0 Sons at ~,encouraging Ie aro being received" aieomesersions aru oe bang held in the Cep- | Mf Trow as~ being worse than the deri} im: tenting, the a to 8170. Teportafoptel as amended. ge ty i from the ae vot Gh Grey and Brice, | ira! Methoavrv ver tended bim tobe iat the conclusion of | That law b been gon the Staite ~~ BOETILRIYING_RCHOOL INSPECTOR. Witane.-in Listowel on, the mah ait want a | A. Bosworth' and we have no doubt that now the | character. Mr. 'Noah Phelps « of 8 'Bt. Cat oath that gentleman's wonderful donbie-barrelied a batit had ons Tach food in ome Moved ty Sf. Branner sectaded a ts cathe th oF eae aimty = aughter, Ww te W. : > rites, a fost D 21 Peis ekarRe--In Liste pa the Mh inst, the wil mene dati: difticulties of Perth are reorinege but char p Amare hese ego ~ may mi telly. ppt - Po eke cis prescribed rules and ream Dinsmore. Mao be ent Moran be School of Mr. 5. Menries, of « dangtter ° 2%, ONTARIO ST. > what way 'com will he Po |iations But the law was not carried oat ; luting. vs the S40 inat., the wife . qelings a ee irom 3 to o pn Fven- } sition to state that Mr. Plagg den Mr. not enk fle was inf ty cm mt.by Mr. Trow see by of Mr. = Seott, of @ ean. - able to cir earried | AU) are welcome, Jonee ae the "real ' of his aatanic | p44 belie se thnk. coms ta the | Mr. Goddiner thet Mr. James MeLurg be | Sutras TE ln Lissowet, pa the ded itretey the wite Wes, End.) north of Listowel, so as to sputhee Benoa. saci --A special meting of the | majesty. Neither are we aware that any of hand epee sane Seat hd oaek were for South Perth. of L. 'chivas ofa dessin. ~ oe oghr-eonstrnctionof the raw ' Hot --Heinetion was beld 'the Dunkin Selegation took a pe, a disposing of liqaor, and it was a great gait my motion was carried on a division. "17 Srceat - pravaaebis At Listowel, the bat STRATFORD: Georgian Bay, as has one evening jest, i taka xteps to fill.the vacancy oe-siz. cape of ten cash at trad id Tima's. Tt is -- rents were a tiay waved Sees SMir--fanwpeconstet by Mr. Men }---wt ae tir cowechlp-at- ipl taney Pears lan era aay paid -- tn the ---- sip, og > hag only right, in view of the many riiors fytng $300 ger enn, whjeli houses paid for | Dermott, that road inspector Corrie, eT le me-seane eee ~ = ving granted a bonus of | te around to make the al licti hey could k Saturd ht a ealary of $250.--Cartied. tar--Hanetonk ),000, promises well for the future to epartza ol cancam tse ward poem oe Soutn Rinwwe Scoot Insrzcronamr.-- | and Sund y, Yaad oun Gon te ie ats r. Trow in « complimentary speech pe foe vies to ny i RURas success of the com pany. stepped down and out." The secretary was | We congratulate 'the people of the South | slmitted femperance was an evil, and geced 6 toe a. adh Warden rd a ae ni by -- inatro wo publiat the nscal wtvertie- | Riding upon the excellent choice made by it was the duty of every right- thinking man duties daria hia te which was cert the Mev. J. M--Av- om the, Gth: inst., ' iv asse staph eT EM PEBANGE | tian an : to use his influence to check its eo GUrINg ae ----. Mr, Philip to Mine M: Higher, SPECIMENS OF 'TEMI ERANCE Pas emake cal : th County Conncit,--in selecting -Mr. John | yeti not object Ae apapimon n the conneil beth of the township of Biaushard. Logie « Fue ae. The wry aye Nan 3 : M. Moran for the im; i t0 the peo : they were the proper judges, | their er fe ri County Tranrer ant J stg ape ter it a St Marve onthe, 2ich sii a _s ars ever impo in : ford ean be) ereetor of Schools in South Perth, Mr, | Mr. Jones ¢ too many of the p ssaeede it with i w ard Gomaes Llisebeth Jane Mitehell, The able sermon detivered by Dr: Town-| found at Hegent Hall...'The 'hearts of the | Moran is in every way qualified for, the pe temperance agitators wero aly drinkers in Giings si right wie sdesnncleorants a ro ote ary Listowel, on the ath ult., : ae soem ley. Paria, has been means of | ladies will be gladdened the purses of | --eTen in * whieh | Pestity: eT ee but poor STRATFORD TOWN OCOUNCLL. _ by the Rev. Mr, Beil, MA. Mr. onan esr a down apon his venerable bead | their lords sod nuneters soddened, by Mr. Mr. Trow deemed essentially necessary. As "Flags f henr iy sor, Gray, to Maggie, dpugitter orMr. t wrath of the "tem joc. | Mackay's enterprise. The stock of holiday | 8 lies proved himself competent, |. Mr. FINGx 'ewe it bikes a borw for SPECIAL MEETING, scone Fina -At the Manse, iiverton,co | TLOWD 'Hah, Stratford. , si goods cn band comprises everything that indastriogs, anit ienl, aud in reti be hadn't taken a horn for 27 ~. the tad inet, by the Mev. P. Musgrave, Mr : sage he is denounced os 9 "{fool" | Co arkets of the workd can p ia fr the Prinei; of the Stratt peg -- A special meeting of { the Town Council wak HJ. Seott, Walinos, to Miss Fanny fer ee : ~ ", A., He jacipb, bh} pyr AtzeaRp Anontiow Caxe.---In the en- pe Salt ®. gain is as wen" Ei maou' seek J . held on Monday evening. Present. The monet ca tc: on the 29th Thursday Exening, Dec. 14th. Rav. Mr. Howie had something to say about th 3 death' af in | Cr lone, Mr. Moran will assame the duties on 8 bgp hoped | Vayor in the chair, John Read, reeve, Joseph |" uit Shen Rd, Hus Mr. Jon a. it. Ata* jam saye | RIS as to the canse 0 ath" a Matil ty his econ ta 1st Jan' and we have be oul be at liberty te indaige @P- 1} Sharm depaty Sete, Councilors Ais. aor Her emg HARRY HE ATH'S > the Here " Showsa that the text of the | Wille. -- in last week's True, the | every confidence that he will be the right Langh- San i of the wownship of ol Wis ; L 7 ary. senhied of te: Suey as. tat Wabe waa felon ; righ| ham, Gibson, Carey, James | sonme td Pde ah Ticmaly killed iy "Ebon I kiey Lina At oe ; 3 Bain shonght-the Dunkin Ast war the | Sharman, Kige, McGuigan. Tho Mayor ex- |" father, tn ( 'Vinton, on the wth ult, by the COMBINATION TRODPE, M4 because a pe too muck, He then | Tre Sevanation Br- Liv.--The votiig on | plained the. Kol the mporting was] , Bev, Dr. Wall, Mt. James Moore, of the Com. | yp tive! f hy at warrant wna ixcaod nul the Dr and oie "thik necestary to make all people Rats <4 ta All 'second daughter of il) posit y appear for pne night only. 7 conteyed to gaol, where be ts stil confined the bylaw to separate Stratford from the ha) to ike some" stepe to: - alleygatt the Mr. J 4 : Admission, iets. Hearrved seats, Sets An effiet is bars : to have pe urjédiction, of the County took place on BR herford he 5-¢allon ee of the pogr of the town--tretdént | w Ko Melsrown Wednesiay, 2th ult., " i e : y and mm mevisnece of 'The bride's fa sty the | Dee. 13, 1878. ~~ soe application having teen made to | 'Thursday last, after * He preferred his in pert a uaasititios. W. Davt th, Robert H. ; ¥ an cxesedingly Mr. Rieshows raid he had ' received num- Rev. : non, Ess, the Court of Queen's lench therefor. " t.resaited In the defeat of the b: In reply to the short sermons they beard dn t week, and the of the firtn of fos & Ca Bankers, Foun | A towsine Tuutarneron WLEPEAs cp ad bette emeet ees ed 108 OS takes tore Leeay im terer ot che: Deakin: xt, he of- ee oe ciane mapas ton eet sou of Crowell Wilwan, Ving. inte MP. ot | . High and Public Schools. be 1 Sckegniion wes pyar cod fnwbis | tena Sv teed: De 7 pole, aod tht | owing to the oay winter which bad set} dauwhter of Henry Melutosb, Eaq., all of a hay ged who-conla prenc De. Townley's) - mast "have Bis ad or olae have devil's " We fue ae a rf grnnierber. <omy Cgeeee- the Cw 2g the snoeniee 'ionsees inworhat g at mei iting 8 tse piace * here tee renee -"" Sopicil were sit me re typ sneete ont ** save thet it of deeper ie for The Galt w aa "Wiel a cart that wat au Glend remeber, wa a oot as meenher od that He arieichcoibid could have done jor "The * "See'y of the Y. M. Oy om King, ort bendy 0 sayent. doe 00 thes dar Too 'Tas | A. Futertainment Comiifties."" Tas? wee serit. us tro dead-bead tickets -- tary" Be vee a {"eomplimen- to attend a lettre Kiba a ete We ure informed that this entertainmen: committee deni things counted in each ward were: a Fox. . weden prev oo Mr Rutherford to post- a Ward, s 108 "the Wanton exyiained Lik views in a aen- - ae ibte manner, he was against Hamlet : 33 mL theast He wa nt a face his eon- iit 187 --s on 78 Pair Beaty. eon sevomsbad by Mr. 5806 ate pate "re intosdared tnd pitesl| 508 etre satagens ae deelaion,-~ Majority against tbe by-law '68 Y Jones, se- The nt of god eng gerne rng te y Mr. Gardiner, no- steps be [ romtest, which was conducted on ere takea by the county this seasion, bit it doing their best to be left ever till the Jannary session, an ex to death. There was } neither mone; pronent com get Ame eom pl; nor whiskey. Tho electi ri P with the T Act af bi4.--Carri patriotiem only, < er ee pred -- Hi oe Onrrrant=-Ht is -with-feelings of sineete {-therforl, - DFMAR,. Ie. o the. death on Frid eee els M to ri He sail he had xpent $0414 po far during ich was cons widorably inside the wood A cae desided dnesting Abe didyisabil or ie relief = Win Pnows abl -Rastate- At the residence Ls Sad Meier Rieti on Wi ¥. by thee Kev. B . Brownell, : Blane to rat oe] ee e« cs ter, Henetall- -- Friday Neet, Dek a Tok instant, DEATHS. . -- Riverina Nerth Rasthupe.on the pty tnt In the th, Mr Josep Riddell, peter 2 years and & Sraniinerto Blawabard om thw tot imwt the | Centra Schl, on on Tharideg, Sotinei. ame, moond sou of Mr. Kewin gonsiiee, of < at ro am. McEwor--At Bt ttord, the sth inst, Mr. are era wed 'tends of "glean we outs aa vin hai pals oa William P., | ! mack . on tbe son of Mr. Danie! Deuepsey, aged Ws years, 4) JOHN A. scorn. "has. 'SrEET, an ets Mine, Op the fet inst. Rosanna, rie KL % 5 ~ PY satu) 2S 'e we " were. dar a> Worren "At Preetin, on the 2th ult, u.| $5 to 20 Wi free. Sroson & Co 'ehegrer beloved danghter of 'Ambrose Win ga Hrvneel, aged #4 OPENING OF THE "HOME" MISSION © CHAPEL, ts Smcnsrest ve Cigale in'romnection with St. | Pr wl be opened. on Sunday, Destnto Lith, the Third Sunday, dyent THE -- ANNUAL EXAMINATION take place at High School: § Stratford, "Amateur Coxcert.. A Gat Anieor Cincer iunder the auxpicas and for the Lanefit of the STRATFORD MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, + Witt be gives in the , an ae, "Down of Stratford. "|CHANGE OF- BUSINESS. Tse MUNICIPAL - NOMINATIONS!) MINK, | CONEY, AND LAMB FURS, 20 percent below Market Value A.G. Mackay é & Co Stratton, Tee 2 sth, 1976: | Christmas_and New. =a . _ : Presents. on ee "& er pened TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, &e. a great careety Of tag arety | Flower Vases. Card Receivers, Table * Croquet, Albuma, - Purses, Work Boxes, Writ- ing Desks, Ladies' Back Combs, Hair Brushea Dressing Combe, Viclins, Hows, and Barlicgs. A fee etgck ot Walking Canes, &e, MREBSCHAUM AND BRIAR | PIPES, &c a choles stoc! ro sear or Tobaccos - Cigars all kinds "PE GRAB. 'Ss 23 MARKET STREET, STRATFORD bent» 287%. FoR E SAL Manufac turers' " Prices. M* BT be acid before = far Europe at F. A> "MARSHALL'S --" " SHEET eats , tare tare Coupler an Seand Organ wipe Melita Princt C rn Rea rity etry inh very band~ some. Suitable fore Cburch or t Parlor: "2 xteo . ~ Genurne Emerson 1 Piano, Seven Octave, Ua we try Reraéfond risberat gaceptron, ico Sa. titer Ll z. MARSICALI. - dlediord's Bin>k; Stratton', Jane # pany Gallery. « stables Peer hare tres new rifles, ES ecounection *ith the above they yg 'nny: wall Pee eee a SE ateat a : ee silver seamed cane, an Turkey Entrance fee, 25 Contes. To the Inhabitants af Stretford a and Surrounding Country: ~ that ke has parchaesed Lhe etOck and busi- neat ot MR. J. J, CLARK," srt ana solial mer gyro po of it ® contin "eo wok M4 predecesicr, of bong ee Tey caper oly the" the best lines is stock Groceries, Crockery and Fancy ~ Goods, fi {the very best qualities and as ware fondo 0 ie ts day ciber house in the ~-- The Choicest and Best Brands of Wines' _ and Liquors. Christmas and New Yours. Delicacies Just Received, a very large aseortment, Acall ie respoetfuily mlicited, ALEX. MeCULLOCH. Dee. sth, 1x76. ood Great Bargains -- PoR } CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS. Beccary, HOLIDAY G GOODS © pcm Zeger' s Watch Parlor, $15, t . ' Lever Watches, . {eeetacin os fad Whiats than any 2 watch in, se okeane Sei shebinisd $e cit neon: snd no bat American watches kept, tunging in price from 615 upwards. personally and properly attetided: w. All work warranted.