wvTUA hE cour ° Count oF Peni wt abt oF Pamcuawtorr |areat =e Stratfor ieianad Neg TR ox : Door bien 5 or B AE prs T.. Sash sot inte a Pa a a_i < GREA gape icii aged to sursty King, by 7H 2 ss mie Goo ey site mn ot 'Me, : NG SAL : "ee Pasi ae willeaye oa om 19 ay a, por Meat or woodi, i, aed on ES aoe DRARIN: ) = eae eens a5 ihe a ae na a =e a : al, G . ceageuieinsenen 5 Archirave Veence hinted on tee ph cheapent. ' OL Smee isan ---- ' thn shes e ebialt al seat tops ae Tes we x "lark/é sett et Seventies DBER "KNEIT at. = sangre: 8 atoc! in + Sea-Tream YY, eae fomone , &C oak constant se ee eres £70 Ni Scare eer noma COREY, Fitter, ee © singe 'Horne wena eS la & "SON pti nn oe ee co. & Steam Fitt _ t prt es. ry etigaged o pio rear Sept enh OTT. com: : « TG 2. = =. saber te € ' - Continu of SS dete wires fo 'and: YHIGGING & 8, | __Btratto T 'INSURANCE $1,000,000. Plumber, oe cee £ ETC, ea CARTERS ' Gee . { Rurapoans ea a ~~ to their OH oc TURAL Ty - capitar, f ~~ RELLHANG ng oe teetoom QI dosti 1 T) BFR: etl ee i _--! be th rng will fn oo grea < GR ah any ! ns + ee: <n, a pba HEADQ sisal in = ; ile _ ee ites " tentone! LES ; 187" 4 se TYeities, and pee iy, Brveataae ony, FICE; (eee t ee Ee iene OTTEEE = eh a meng ny ND OP Pe. = a bs 3 ra 'an. 5, 1876. 2. iti an! 1 Bon Esa. eng 7 Ay to S n i , ae) = wor! ted iL Te Bee ed 1 Of. Ory: Stra ford, J: Lp Pp B olson's, Carling' ood Ss _*] --+-- i, ew meee Building = ORDON, q See oe ae ress, int in services paeext ~ te: j _--- E a G a oeeeee $50,001 ne by Five Strattont, Xp Ee |G NO. 35 THE T 'Ss vThesiorh : J. 9rrae icin bia. sorvic Jniy | Cheapes td jm the G ICG ret amet ed --_---- ~4- or Dama; ii RUC No 4, Old LO + eras di ; Bireome. 3. ; trettend ant sia _ inet Lone et tai canbe mact ting ital Veterinary Kver be ford. N OT She Towmot siratt Can n 7 oe 1 es <3 against Lightning. teroesie H.B 'Adioaing Booy: WN "arresting mate seen SAT" a vm mag f Strat itante of the d,s * aragns, = - ire ih arate -- Gordon's nee ricrton TO TART YO bats im ina of the "Ove Aug. 2, ie) To the inhab The nie Roa there- | 4 ~~ Damw te Peas, ts Coal a to their obtingtor- Block. pritatssind NESS. A-SPRO : te - a ip. Tes | "Town -- See Dow bas put = in baer Th wilrane Alba a BUSI , -- _ aiswat ccna Sie ; ian sate, tWurto No. 78 De McMullen, and Pro. | c Fruits. = bes, vrata OXEURR, -- E OF _ lenis =F D SAFELY. . . Pree ------ . 2CRET i De " eostle prams i __ & REAL srosoas * | ines et Pant Pah, ry oo JAMES BLA $ CHANG Drug Store. a wiesteD "oles Privuce cern = » Teas. Co ; : Wellingtor ete: S ors a . bagi 0906 of. OCK. Pr he amd Feed, 4 ' Gaia RD, Watgricn, Market en MONEY five eT Sane etna, $17,000 ne disp. E THE STO Cho ba flor aod deur anorreen: epic sec DIE, B RUTHERPO eae ania tt 1. Me baat 'i RTGAG E. ol eo Don veyance pen Jan. Stent ~ EXAMINE visi Flour TUT nan Haddie, ce THAD SS oe i the pood UL N MOF 0 ar | ALB mere roowm nae et ASP BX are re. nego § ~ | AN Burs Fev. ik Sas nae N 'ON N : ana en sented fie eres | aa ee wpa lace! ance Co'y.| gursint "Soa UE LOA ammme L are to the by ALSO mon, Ie fe pee the 6 FI BLOA in Se =sasas Co Market R os q TO ee i at pam RNCIAL HO" "evar easton, : veaty ete oe Salmon, 230 j ing, = EAP AOON m cxperianes ex: ife Assoc! | Coe Gest runs jou e smo + Pried 1 1 renee ane Herr: a eee insu ot bave largely on Li 'tbe Co ar B.-Part an early «7. whieh merous ution ronage di foo Ba Life = le sore 0 in rati E, &e. te ing that A free om arhnan roel ee tie per th mtdie pat sudge for ippere a a ad QUEBEC. Seman a a Bo ANC, castes > ' Hi gton fated to ; __ woot Coa pe OF strict ott and Kip N,-- an _, Dec, | mevatine on UR, Senses | Be "apace one | sma sae. ts earns Sack a iL E- re ne ee ne | Seceter ts be tag [Ci FIRE-INS: sr Exchange eae ee "tke for re dbelge eres rere esen tomer = tase suuraig aye bua Gn = an-St "iecnces MEAD OFF? pore are gs vended to the Mion that be hag = D snators ¥, af the wes armed verte a ea fixed peng | cin re bine ee = | _Swetters Pres i lable sany-cus "fond Cet 84 Normé pe foliowing brasches ee "ere eal ments a Ent ie W BURY Se. poo cn cr taking tne vote ws as Min tas hae - -- a} S , ae -- ing of the mellow fe. | vinancisl Fond CULL w ntowk be kept tn stock. 7 RURVEVEL scam ae _ re vers and roe Sates na hae ater he fe as a ' ap 7 sorb wipe t, i . rae fe shore ove wid be ane ; ies est Kad a: 9100 : . 'ere rier every and | bon ree" awe bown Xm at Fresh % S open: seaching . Comme ition, an the Sha in wi acrea ture Se cont r oak one Fesccneet OH corner of 1 Steg wc ts heat rice the suntved of may Fe tor thn tone r, Banjo ere (Fire) : Breed shane drew ane ; x! hell Estate, to five ae "panied by x is te ing the so rate, 1OTEL. sat ie shore tal aT wy havo fusd vortion Guitar, tay of tet wp Cae tray eines, yoo is be ¥ ove ae of to eran agree D ies mode: INGS i Banen fi para = I he chads ape se| 1 Flute, na Soot, or 8 | Paid = mt Yaron = Eotclenr Lum - OTS trom " wee Se oats Finest 9 . ROWN wh heat at ce S x. the bert an always be hed Viol instruct . tor or --_-- "Frcatuene ' x! OL, u ard per month' iar qa Besar aoe H'S -- sabe ieee ca ea : Pris 3 ber! L NTCOE Tam core en. pineal 8, wes he t the Tre ING. Ritg- S = = Ped Tham win Ray taasroman' & ond cay orm: m eisen panel ge . Gran as BOW Ont. OTe, EL and will be FORD without ting and and oa coon te ee Lum R =e enters ene te Hage for neve me Tater CHAS Stratford. Ont. .- W stock STRATFORD county telat Nem eto for MR. A tor Yotal oa ¢ sere HLE Th r cheap any b Pe dete the 1 nova aioah ae an THR STRA weapon oe the strumen' an aS ry Ler pr EC Theiret yeymenn the thoes wipe tte pe ack 'ae sepa aa ig Sera s ahi parts the "uF elle Place the "iene Pa hand a ; BA. sed "ya Saas : 2 pid plod Sound nee i Piawsclanligh os semet ttl fs Sert ; ellary perry 4 acting ae, avn Saar Sees = . Mand has 11 . Undre beautiful past rar % der tenes it we inten mre we wit ofa aleo ve canes a hed itse aad _ Ld and 7 arvcunnnt besten sway ta ay 'ada 3. W! Je 1 owne: reo wilt Tota wtablis ° Late, Sacre: vate - Sone cesar oe 08 has of the itrators. mm. a fabut oo ney Locke alan ; oer - bine now Sot nel r, Dressed wigs, Eae. ae: high and x ere bie te pnitioe twa soni get a aad soit mee are oltent toon for Arbrtrat aesidocd Ww GOODS wa bd conta ile ieraetion -- ORD. io Company TR NCH, Lumber, nk Hinds Manidiogs a ee iD oo nee : im foe "pina TOR foe oan ort hile tan. the pub KE re serventa we . nero RF The art RD BRAD Lignds aig, be, 'or the y dave P wr mt 10 Ton a re nate bee 20 mirgt oa. | ford. sate to Hel nes is] 'luerwa: Nov. 29, 1s FOUR _Sireciord, HE Branches apt RAT EC : i Sash, Turn: ci} a They 06 mtd i be complaints i _-- . hwith pat gam an de Market, genes hotel 'sey, howre Si ea AL. O UT . &T xT. ReaCharmaas urs and cmuh, (sway time ibairtber _ mt 18 partes aver pan Decaber eT sete me an cere dlery, Sirs BA TRI R _ NT. Rea. 08. BTO des a stock of ween | short The mi tities, oe rn samen, se ot KRos Borat. tensed Sere tats Watches, vewe __ wr an TED rs R. EY TO To bs = Kean a Agent, 'ont gareeiecee - aa as oe fis oa, --_ eee tee Laman ' mare that be Steak, . . oF ma! 'wORD. SBON, -- bovg! hoe Li ey emp id thety are ag vant on tee lerk. to abou P Tieet Steak, Lazab Ch w - ) ae. ee CE e and Rea 8. HE: . Havicg Stractord, a oat et tad bm Pa Doveres. ard day 108. Gmst. _ he, P' _. -- a sol nano te Lara they Agr a ecw = wont | oer ets ame S _ ori Re-| | gle Mow = ral Farrense ond THES PUBLIC- eee ae - ce Sec ee oe ae a is tale a sine ig whoa ore on eae meee sol a | REB feraor amo 'THE Tr ts SH. Law bn H ~ pure ey tee mers ter iefioae aes | oe areheyeempscan in » a HEWES Fon Insuran A aes Restfoe| tre Dara Senay et 'tiem, hatin Reo porainy Fahiase, Whie hes.a ae. AND ers NEWS on = = ¥ St eae ¢--- 4 stony Ra--Tee ori oe ae .-. ea Sate See oe ~ reed Hes 7 cap OOD N = ore Tne sand eoeegerna Li am ea toss aera ae : she tl ced Re GC ee tad eee Montag Shingion Lath, Fair Grown of 7 aeneins . a Bio v ce. --_ - Ss Col ] follows: pth feut a fling, . ana kest orth the Fair sho thareby inase . tsadian "Pima rig a > hereuasane =o - ITH $e the 4 Alle Janets Batten: well worth weed. | targe lots aguas entane: eo De rhe fone c> beret grins -- : ae GLOBE. og siding msioaze' ane ool de tro: Senmmeodiics avec guates = Ses iadt om the ee - Ww Sing RAIN, @. S-SEXSMT so sal eeeeotien <0 orphan Slt Paymitare" a Senta "BUY Now: yaad bave - on nr go fell La ct er the i ble te beter oh Hotel." * B Xov. 2 l H a ' * G f Soll . Gt. $-SE -- een mn Ne COM: Company, Wuenane ned pape aerate BU prices inereasnl, and R SALE y en soe . be Faw satitied Mow Eraeel, @ paves bh oe ig or tm - Stratford, - :) oe te 'é : -- HE. &uU mee Cx to 0 nthe ed spec TteitT t on On. "FOR farms; ; ji: James Maw' at oh [Of mand elling pat 5. tae. eng a z ns 4 out co hd transt pletion' nd-will in aoe Abe. imepect a | - rroperty for i m - * ace Pas 98 Ewe ; Sie irige commas 6 travel Jan. 5, 16. d 1c err = opened _ Have Lefetn godeill f Lent high Abe wwe to conte trons tpn "ira et ae on out nig Hos Wiss Mit. | hee be kan ahort, Jan tario-Str 2 oerye. e il varafitee -- He . : ENT re and Peruse tz govern fuente 6 igen NICOL, -- 7 einen of and abou! town oes arene mack reer = one ah CAVEN. Sern 'ot ehe M a pana ABU § nd-g 7 emiese ESTABLISH ona Fi § Sadao tickle pr Al ot kof Dry & Nl wey Senet keds ane or lease -- te po Hy bat phy may = CAV URANT. {earenal ot : eee ndon et ALE . -- ; iG ESTA Stadaci ad vicint mation ary eden CHLER a1 tor pul and rent e ale me. Metoemicd Sand Mami ae mM aber bacriber | ticwoioe of the ot hemor A rface 0 S i" 85 THICORTK TR prevent cute | sitcaten BAECHL aa. Bacoee 'al esd rane and demainte gies - 'ant a de aw ly Su N THU HF: mag Brana. | sd _ BA - sell stage fost los " Ais g Barend ¢ Saket marae fo edes an eee bin | eet sya all the rag gins new supp) <, J: and N OR : ST-CLASS Ti rei acconting!y seed Bn mt fc, ivan es - Sebago -- el owe et, Sapo + grant calves, ant nen, foe cod eearn ts ° Pery a cTIO mont pip 7 Doon To * Block. wilt please EX POTERRFC --) = sca 4 SON'S wh, |i e also J 3 | eel Cig ~ Peaking ma ts bac ites | we oder conneing rt the wtvan Excellion = Vases, a TISFA pl san... . wer Jarvis Tienatel ves > BORE: aod Age Saeonsaetl J "fiten Etiied, ICHARD PROUT property -- Hay nr toral rene na? ers wesiem, tep L sromgmenn oe tela ithowe with ire Pilauory and Ss - tole ia ---- SA = trial Druggist, camel _~ = B a Gang one to eg sits oe grace! ree: Go ory tod ep withos to sone, in ¢ oe | Feilet-Set : also offex ston ton, ; . January = frien Newtost and : M ng money pases Et, ied ote reer i. $ No bran pacianlalini Ly won nn KO John. Du STREET. Stratford. <a gee 0 Sin the Market . -- al " = gravel dis inn. go niin ets uh meee do" choleest slats sa lTnchen a axp orn 2s a 8ar Joke ano TH oan. c ford. Farmers* io Berouaeet, tie N --_ borrow an 'OF a = ye os Tovata ee ote on the Stabling, tetteeiladay = Ds, an in Two rr, _ XSMI National EA tT Beet th Plough | AN a es farming 5 -- fies hr of =n ecko Ty ea a gee htiro. Mowe 1 se (26 jo ite maeeeres se Taw Beg the WwW be bes par. of far owe po. much aes age Pasko = Deets cy a Wroug er & @ drag G. . -+ ine OF an ued all, sonmec- 'W, GOV inutactare Acres block, in jes nin metre wed seivent a acy to FAN toe ed Reap od and 1 ah mes t. WF the public that awutnctiire = land in one Me Turn . a neers vs ~ bin -- Oct. 18th, 8 use dlenemttn ™, sere = > kee Fight to man Parers CENTRE Ce ; rate te, o one EY GNr tasion | - aca sale S. Comt waypliod 4 knives; shanget 7 Co' --~ AYR wu ce baked T DRGs e "1 the ded scale. F and a He -- per avery wpreca aso bess ae cen imiarpet. & end ¢ @an be _ Stratford s & Badin or tte Fee s. : 'hon : B chased Plowgie, ms shop, hein) or Fano on this mat ane thas spa Th ouve a aed acai with Fellow oe ot Gane Fi on SA phe she "ef of Serta Pre See tanh sabanitted re sina Ps MYTH co, ter oilers, on _JOH tom out [Bese on ea ee -- ange for Tow aia te Sn See herent Vyias acs yas gt relly fee? |r NAS nuts, aw B. SP stair, NG. b- formed t Seay rae Lido wor et ge thelr Far tor tte Sere H es. A sstarmng Halt, on Se, ¢. " JH. 8.16 orks Soot, Mower Cc. Office, yen UMBID Esta te -- sea cow Le Lag hat Oia TE. thet pare foe ¢ be- sth tat Hieders Divias Ly Dee. 6, eWe from to- emus _Strattord, | Fitting "4 Sad Senet Ww to weavers rigages * yirsin sell. be . Paar rte wer Ei stra Mar! per, -- 6 re Sond Sire : a) peg [Oe 12, 1876. Auctlonesr -- plev Reaper Rea: ee . . nd Gas . came tford. pert, Notes a bs are Soe sa 'cee oee Rvinar S Sieacias ---- ist decir oe Fe Stratford m ST ete - ver to , is Steam a ROAD Orit aecasane ae f Stra 2 = ' Ratha, : Stratford, ie ZACERR doe ia MARKET ae ower t Jose than . Locks, TNIE wv 3: 8. wusdentey ng iand one nll toute d : 'd by Mr. AN of bgt ty es es Mo and in les -- ae K Town- FEE = ee ng" facres wey canty aid arth sawed by Me. FRM tte oat wane: our 7 M ET nt i fo dean Be dr net devehoved i Pring clbcor fate eo German andRacich foot fhe GaDsBY =n ila ™ 1 inspect of TG ARK my pe sre Se ere inet gl groan trom, coal « " et ee, that inet. af town Co, d atthe : Jas, 8 eines By -- all kinds inewate: we "H ebtte it ssa thet: Bealia, ing mi egret gery Shove tn . fan. Cviewe: i. Me of Dec . L iwertens. "Ening snltedee Me eather 1 Fi a, Ha i "Ty the '9 piri haa oar cree exted by M deat ides se ELT, » Mcp os ey Came, rise niacin - . s ishing" into rry memes ASS pair Reo sin smnaseree ie Lis ie eccnesied by pay in Canada, | MIN St: pe ravet fo = : Ag i t=} rni rT Lf. 'ial a . OTHE. romani 'at "orn Seri sriinwort Sd shed chaowe fastory, pe myer ra of « ENJA peau Bibles an Figs Feet, 2 : JOHN. Insurance - hin oe B xc N Ss aeneaee Town ot era Also Plains, adoure ate, edness farm nee That , aecioa Sad ac of . a SU. _ . ouse Lape LERY, peri Merkeor te Pry ta <part at atinire t ora and aap. Bi ren ll te and In = Ber, . Mac / H rt cum sm Sa ie Mar VAL Poa cred Ee Land There as or Sn. other "night tod Te- irs te part 6" 380. vis RealEsta "Exchange Br ET, lng elsewhere. HOICE LOT or OR CoM sil Laos pala Soars Che [Haste < agineenenen REMO jas owiad 7 ba FORMAN, ictal ? a jer tae - _ , EF RE Catatog Pe - with be i fan ea thes darion ve -- ca a Rasce stil sr Mn oe os Conceyancer, | RKET ST. basil Send tor eer ac ero = 8! eu ta = REMOVAL! REMOV (or ot | eee -- oo red 9 sti Ret ' eri Fraser's Sg , Vo. 6 MA --~ ne Kaives Vv E é rivets A meen R 1AM ad we t a otic oe of the oars re aor Ont. ; a IAMS Pocket 'STO? ia ee Bas re witt 0 bailing ek os 2 ws ' 'ban Seeneaan visited aye fy sea vevety fers | E's. ene Pabst oF OFFIC ford, Or tviceht WILL -- = Ss! : be idan Bovina NT. Aron mea 0 ths begphnn ing << vratt rer : : . - - -- E aa je S renin & Lo vend 7Y ; who rw that t in 9 feet eevatce oe aaa LANS © Strat: 'ork. --_Intere N& OVES al aad Wand eg tone TO R aoe $8 Ane Ig etre 9 S paarone for » August. PER Those in kee Ce a: wheel, peri a. BsLGNS, r are 3 tar York, Pao SO sT - a tdi x = H Longe a 2 patron : Sad PRO. a interested ~The =! os, str pees 2 ine een rel et Nae PA M uring -- ----- an Ontario' str Four gry bs EN|~ WN "snsited ES tated -- = a seamen | Drafts tweed on Deporte, THO anufact tor cect an neon phere ye a eee ese AND or VEST IT IN TO sient t 4 re ~ heal fos -- Thelarg: eye Ay ARLES . 2, Mr ot -- a4 -- ae ameter cari ou don't, Aan agenesis side Mowed on GENCY. M Stra 65 Sri . T ear hs = Special ROO R IN --~ in treated Woll ify in The x er toned von dork = a -- AMSHIP" A ks, ---- | ae Peembing, " 4 BED wT the town, for iinerense aril eee . 3 a or anu hing. Puemting, Ste OHNS, 4, ue use. R, IT ILE Subscriber has i one = sip pti mest = satsing tro ae 8s Wo --_-- a bartroching, " ¢.B. JOHNS, May 'He PaRLO WN Die contre BI Taaran acciden ~Recan iby a nhosiet e ET jollows :-- Co' iy 32. 1088 : ceo Dotarie natal _Strattora, on . ALSO Gllows, = ter accra JARVIS, ark r n yearly mpany- 5 pak pont 100 pages. ahow: ee ERAL TICK Las f itr t Sul : liars done : ry . AR. - FUR ALS Pil are | prices. "As ¥-FO- P. we are Hee Co Le eal aid be EXD ae,, Oetiates takas GEN rs ani E: tr a 3353 7 i: d. Robert ED B om lavesand . comp valuee " : on see Inenraz: ema travel. eine! Stat. Steame: LIN Nor: 16,3: loth 18% tten FIX J ; 2, Fin vi ALSO MONE aos s ollers ri oat ov thonsenl not P= waDpapera,, bite of r LLAN ; : 'of. i St dc f shee, Al TLY, Fl -- - yrien, et | th, NT: Trava opty. samt 1 while 4 ptr Roce. W. pa genes rend A g ale. ds ar o cme | to EATL! er Ma Otter extab a Ort E * ¥ed day o Ivers. ENG. ita Tune agara tes sais 8a. 00 sale ai N " > ality, ss ----e seed, E ca th coe sheer wo Cente 4 day aan ae Prepared: == . = Big of Dry G ennine y Goods ont F " y meandy, " Prenton "one OUST INDUCEM DEM s. an a, iy. stout T amp, Agent. erator avrestiecee, = not A great g of: D ence} D MENDOU Ss! ame Moluon's A mn Btout, eran + Vere GREAT "Tt oT . 1 ad dil TORREY, the hie at thowe at fea onary rth «¢ mim TRE lin Stow Ale aad ce 2 F eet' ecancdmpeai toga Roun Pigeiery aM WM or gt 33. wo. rill con No- IN Diamond Whisks AIN OWN 1 Sew seiicaiaiiiniea | Thowsa: bon. Cre Prof; | Be ra WH = mul be Nout "9 [aE oe wi of A Diamon< "AG: -- = h "Pee Br: (them | soe Marth warden mit va . MA 16 ng, th D| G = RD _t ieee enc! ni ri or The « Uflice. jen.) IN| $ lothi tHe 25 AL R r : FFO 7 salng deters ewER ToT ng ob re botter 0 y a Clerk' m4 er and' CDON B A and ~ "xD Cigars, STA E sabe pers aoe ne epg Thwondd book brent TELE ERR oe of eae Ke 9 eaten INE. Saturday, MA beg] ks oe for caab. JOS. Ditty xs IN" is kis bow much then ou attain' aaa Warloenaay ofeach ye 1 ct Y er bios AR on at bseribers: er- Cloo am Et el niet ARDED E CTIONS | Y. -- ie et Soa a uy cad Solna Toons, cuny ITE 8T. ber, "su num eG C a ean be x, aw Lz DU RVE ' aa Tha pal nm m The- e hes, -- or aia sue --e, R "RE lots heb bey 'UT Falmpe. sone eet ihe 1 had thts Set iotimes ite op ena satan WH ve "85- to their y. hav atc. lle . Fi beat Nile BF. P For s ae , impose « ' : : . '0 hey. WwW. el pars, The Baron 8, RO Ee : ae ON Cased esting pefeen - to te wt iapons pre | sth tice om ae pe Clerk ati nese Jew: FAIR Ste Baron Rte ae S BON ¥) ca Ives rend mae dey. thee, AS BrLt. Co. Oe a now tha Tr _ ve the - I R 76, Go will be sp ae " themnel There-is Sen's rt 1 suppose Wednestane's od sant hour eae 2 to an tomers. 1 Big al, seit during DS, 3574, ik. F at mm: ONS,18 i tock inaculing 9x wntendung , : heree yextne -- e treal,| iren Woo! . ty 8, n BITI ~ ° 'ah parties _ temo heeled oan scene ara in aaa Ste eer Mon neta: Block 1 Ba W EXMBIT om Peers . Pe nid h is "the dollars ' Poor re | enc Cleth's Otic, over ween "9 ous od and ey Wi P. id Albion Stator, Ss' . 4 PERT! : a Pir ra bricks terms IDINGTON better cr all the. as with Ther " _ County € NOTICE. an offtes -- . " "By urchase oronto Ga 3) % w at ST AND SouTi ~ oe ie own JOHN ae... = 'pay their del poly af moe his | R in T of I make oe te a Ow NTERE NORTH AND § einai tnald thos House y, : i ir ee ee . Saas ter -- Sale orth h wil The ked in -- SENT I the ! For ae "= Seals DLEY, dor 'ro be hors tiers» ar in oh ee een. 355 ase thie T mar _ q R CE ts in th t eae % alt ] ty ean wd i Thin ae oe sin a, [an hothing, wh peacinael On tae __ Groceries sone 3] tan te BE Haas GEORGE RIDLE eo = Christian: if Uses pa et or Yr aivieiaas and' te of the an holes ure e Oct. pots ank ' 4 Drafte " fieoteh Tyanke . OF. EDA ant > hat us eter, om ne Pia a parts Ww. all P chth 'y "-- ries. q avings -B Neetion tn Pair | pot =i /PR DM Cutters dd ny have "tore ved) =i tog 4 it ad pol in their vere whi eries = ving a he on ei hebedion y Asadttren: _ GOL and ing, amy on od r _-- it in J et tate Lang conducted Shi Tkow ds we rices, their Groce TOC m, Sa erase ee oe wold. . " ar | Association, What © a. thas aka fegeebas ite] ton Bate reek ys} ACL. '00 lowp to G pani so stiention 4 'pone t atid ro " , at te ales Drafting ' ' - " = 8 Be here- 'ran all th Rew y- bea BA, SS crotiiaenen wi "ariety. raduste ores 1 ee eT We ioe lished. ie eomatye oe fabulon ever d: & T Grocers, Rocod ga persean qesube yet hne vorki ars t Varie! bs ine Colne ot 0.8 asntder P establi » lines... ye 1. = RES: of to rices ni tfor oot 'amily , Bowsision: aad on Bank ctuet New vo B--An Co! fn Grea tford ber at: "Flan now sbarge & Cr ad tal Real thew : wa, March emer he intend Tsat p Stra nd F and F ioe Groceries | Domnin " Salted Staton Bas me Square, N Cething et Stra Da mae Son x. ar | 2 head . God at ~ | stratte inert ome in on tome: wh in e- list a it Mealeve of Genuine Agente tn Canad Mock, Mark Morse nat ae ie icin iliam : OOMS, xe 7 that conan ' + verti, za. ; : ee oe so ting a 1 ie e . kno r pric that i Tea cog tg Mowat's 3pm. a 19 BE canete St Ww: iG ae Mista ed aye Haw dahert - W. EVERS b pres and ' _ ly tofor ote ou need Ds, tends ry Oftice-- aaa fea: wip No. d Que A, CUTTIN ware . M.E. " pt of 4 ae c a Gs ye ereet ke ie = a 5 q Tease n Onv1. ribbo: Have on Black Tea, nme Ea we RY, ket Ist, 1878, es, thy Siting RIDLEY. -- sn a <aten, : wre, ~-- ais, Ple ill be ¢ 3e. and had Lael ana IONE oe Ark ere toves art, 3E0. 4S-tt R Qcer a Pur any of i condne AN Pande spied decal Avg. M4, ateri wil 1 case at yon ned Bee rae rs of CT out ue ford, Ne > Sto Batter: G aie ; ies the Qne ie erties wna i: 3 | ane sin © 'hh Sh CTIONEER. rattord, ou low. yds. DT cs Crees rick, hon" part ee CONFE has opened ny Tor th _Bero er oo ety : wend 2a Neither ai sore ye avrvie ~ & . -- Nov. uh 35 Y, AUCTIO? ATPORD, +] a d, i, Cheap Mai Y o blo 16,000 co all LL CURT arts Sal or ma ng ome ee: 3, --_ me a tin ae oe na MTR. fan ot edging, con- nm ., (a Se tie ee"! Gra ADArtED- mber Yard . lay. te by hol i LEY Stxxcn, "p. ning gi + pe *. Yu plese d the Ca - ICH. tion tte hin ¥- se, : Gesober : ° --_ an the Cast tievai Hons. parties TAN TRCH STR Cheap Buy a tai 1jc. il val age and Rien one 's U ene MS he af th i omy ° Ss Witenes x ad. on case t e@ . T sinew bye zesty wid eas at the Hos iit Caer "an cuvacr oe ate cre a Home sten c ry 1 Te fringe -- n tveen -- jock Staniey qaomag de val!! SPR er's : Pees Lumber' D. tn aren a wren es CS bee a ees HSectire a F | eine too "aor "yards ase a eae |_Removal !1] For Fe TF ROUTES OVENS City ee, hin peri "ee prone Ate . mce renchen f nd \ L case ins, wana phy | om Onte ral = : tent UBLE A F £% by the Prince -- ot od ee acne Pe 2 commas of agua a A yd; 1 ing 3000- P for a smoke car tich, whole : Noy ae Pa UT ho TR -- TON; py see ge stirs, a ss aoe ley art expen can s rman i Ls seg ag cre srare aad tacos -. Rem ZEL oUF | @ AMIL! Mate SS = eninnswe ie ee Srv roe tne the tnd be OR 8. aoe Sears pagan Pe at So. Setar amy NZ by rene OF ane Fry on Para suatiaohe for some bdivrling re Owners will F arty opposite Mies mt r yd; doz. ntain- = gre : og WA peng int WITILAN] TOCK LEX; Dealer oS oye tae hae oa sin ae nt decle, to advansege, - nearty Sppost 2 . Pe 6 900 es, co r re cited peels wo nice laps Ri F. tee Ay: a ALL ST PAT: and Retail RR, < ht sans manly tes sand aceu: tation and ers, aa, Streets, Slag Uva tr erwel containin need} le. pe bows af Ww. the store "rFitgine a large URF lour CMB day at fon aI Ba 9 aaa enor ira PRADA 5 wo lets aro t tothe con ase at X- mar on hand myth te 1 0 * eS EDL Stuff, pear soley hye we ae ee ee -- and ar : sane r, le pers, . best si rae , Conatd Prudea' Be Bp resting opposi Par of ASON. 'Bill ' Sas tetare ane "'thading ar ae aes in. "rato fo ax sh Toe ---- aah eg a SS Conte 1000) Powder, Ts Tea i mages MING se on Soon choes at work bi oad 0 m the-Ba i » MON ioe toe noe its sine bowse and 10, ase ing Baking : co hare be wil beep 2 . Bu st ae = , the. mber, ™ 30 oft ape jd tarned rg eae " to etre nes noose sbibaa ing te taining 2000 | -- fs nuusenenck where be wil : AND BASE Sac es, hed Pe naa trade! quite strict hole onabie y. A iene arg . cont 9, 2 otttalning Pro and > con ; Sardines, Young. Box amen Shingles i Mate quin whieh be a Prag ned tee art omer? ------ se + » Eat rua, fi other ext Velk-ond paper; Is, 'spool d; 7) sa Sound e with L Gieaiine, : VE Fen 2 grain tarday nile in de hed ning, Lal A Tow: - Penta, IE WN. hea inte above at Ly peld to © spoo ~ Sper r yd; ' @ooa et ATRIA' Grocerit ae sibs O i hae seni Eee Fi rat 0 TOG ee ae deat 89 be: pet orton, om eos bat 3 ea STO a: Se 0 * ns, > '" ' * le Sth ss r. Beli basa and a # this Pirated 'ea 000 TO. mae iets fond oa sic "oe ors thera Oh SALE, fevered ds. pri 100 * biel +5, iti, ERY. -- & ao ------ this year, One thas we wld opera tens; sett ahe ay 2 Ta K ' met the ae MS Culionl ad: r ord, . _ Picizies, Every Kets Leiba Usie he Sand: é ba eg ep yh she a We bosoms fa ners sa Por tee] per. y' 50¢. pe i Sera IN Fruita, EAP. . fat to nol 'ecm fom the Paane Mens Series or on ™ sm rhich ost Sigh seat of wail 'at nae kids, | at ~ a "yr IDL ENLY, Fish,. <r Daily. a BIRCH, «. sr te cone wh ESS Sento ciclo Renan owas 9 yt situated undtred tesa n GRE] RLOCK, Sauces, ived Tp : ec . wa Beote! s vesting -- Dane te M storys and one by ls ad-| Fre MISS. aay BLOC Canned rece 2IP Hor at let: day har bath. pall ne ahi Sg " ao ae ai of whole le ey, D TO WA will ters . eee = & P.-Bireh. cuca he ; previon of Sun of the Sab ve | Sane bat, i 00. yl oor eapune orchard ¢ oe Twe , wit (eae movED Otlen; weeon Oys I will guarantee thor- ie a erate mary ee Sunt es Sa Rete TS luste ey eee tles,. Fresh at and sca cae ar ear L of Uw ny UL 85 borrowers, it heaidies for market lyeratle . on i pater) Man mea WAN. : 3 IL, wertia "bee " cae ' sneered io Compan- rant and pant very < all ry, beget tah elgg WER, -- M T ts oe ; ing Fire Lavaraon et unlaia' fare equ ~ Stratford. line: "tough eee mea Gq HEART Is ALL 1 ibaa wadeftigned te fo aty, ee . ' ' ~ ie Mil b , Flowers, LEASE. NING } THE -- heat, " re nt Ve tottowing pal eae 'Wiahiog ¥ a ver Wi oO Baffalo|** pa Feathers te E OR 'TO Ph yeeiewe' NN rane i the 3 "ii . Agent dial, Cap bay 4 tien. ne io. West: Terms Reedy oa Caps, oe Keo B SALI "es Pa "f "et Parmert ; a Pagrewne a Thee con'st . Comm x yi ennayed =}, sag 0 : STAND the North ce. N-]. , 'Ties, Ribbons, 7 @2n- | ¥0) HOTEL cocaptea -b u 70 aed tom sae a ee =| hectian pe, sin aero SUSINESS 100 peepee CDO} Ladies' T ae Sas] ie cule Wheat -- ie = Soe bon: tae 138 ay . '& Mari reine Lit x nkiiesden BUSIN f- Also, at MA noe . Died a large ites Fa How 'sed See Saari. Lron_ i 1 npr LE Y enna bes ty ue. Be ie CRE Hires cr ome ee Steeecie etre Tr : LUABLE BU: On. Ro cash. as cbt 3 ni sk "Tis har coals wii we abe day, Panien" Settiah Feilo saoMAn : VA TL ree strictly - Co. sf 0., «1978. GAR &TOBACCO STORE. - dirtiest ; D Romane 2 ee at panies Geto a ucTt with io & C *] "Dee. ar08 ; ver wma YE an "Te a is ma bot " _ ted 8 eee 7 ---- ws ay er ntigen L D & SON A : feed : an, Ps | Tair hour, 2 - "Rae ge L zal po ie 6s MOVAL. 2 eterna "4 "oR oan 1876.5 A LLIAM a NEWCi I. eS dry : Rady it wh oe salicsiion tka RE NTLH, cum a3 ESCUCE 08 AD. WI 'T- TAILORS, ' Sieekiore rene en are w te awe Sewer = | ee sor api $rnet of A. MERCHANT we . ba naso Ni ail the ' ineos & | premises; he Yelock, or 'Stras- ' d - / paises fiaateet ston = see oe vay, i jae seee sith Baboon te Fo enta,| bla Pee ee & sens oe a ; i . that pes that se * ce fy Se ae = i) fac sfpremniese tested Induoem sotbeint Fe vekane rey pe ker kan rar brol vena Wiiys 2 Bag Manuf tao ad rence cial s|: "Tis seek: oe tas pecan a bt Nes: encod r ignd oiT: poe ba OO a Pape: ford. Vv peery . are - ep aes x snot rae "Ss CH CHE ~ % veers sive their es 1 noe ennrts- s. - ts now R = By carrer 1, MARKET : SCOT Beit pistowr dy eto etm T wm Dark. Wat for : meade meas ew Dark gases rr : IN i Fa Sens eee ToS to i OF TH a corgeisie : == bage- ---- a sae t