Stratford Times, 13 Dec 1876, p. 4

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which ahs uadowe eer in- wre honse, i 'seemed y ery of Pauline 'looked ve place. male = too, very clumsy, but am read and." trapp's" quite biant ; < cuir prada pone woe Ase And ¢'¢r tisir Books woult pore. v school : Tlow very Little luke, dear John, 7 eren "We" tail'd" the ball.with " over." "Is some one's brads did hover. 60 wall tines ching J, aad with it, Jobs, de Beaulieu, la tesse de M " aeid the father, stroking lier "cheek with bis finger "J have been working for you, made- moiselle--I hope it is all forthe best," 4 asigh. '* Monsiour Maurice seems a fine young fellow. Se ann you, papa?" iaid Pauline, arnt stooped and picked up , which she then or cl gins on i loely se young map an ie ousi hve oe "wish. You must see "hinr amt m: away togeth- er up the avenue toward tho louse, along side by side, looking alike. When I OSS "PEAT=FIELDS. BY Miss THACKERAY, a of" Mise Angel,"** Old -- tee Sage oe SNe aS HES cu" "Ets. CMAPTER Iv. . _ When the Comte de Mesuil - into produced the men vo afgrtuna tel cuinstauces no longe ~--eomfort ee oe Se aie whe! erin bet pit tee eee owing some. secret want of balancing pow wa ta ~ for. without a limit. The Countess had | tried i one day came when cir- r ndiiitted of dy. The Coun eerceeni rts | ni Paris ; the "Shere 'officers yssession the w dam. ¢ "tess, Wo Was more difficult to vated "of, Was sitting "silent, - * offended beyond words or the pow of words in a i -- Cich her-son had taken for. her She hada pe gen also, an smal and his hopes. now; gentle git), who tried in vain to con. | now," cried the poor lady, exulting, sole her; but Madame Do Mensil| "4 not die with the -bitter pan: u a at consola- | in my heart that -- pen was tion as insults. We hare seen bow | the ~ that b ~ iisieur Fontame.~ Mau-} from the. home to. he | a rico, ber.sou, uowCounte de Mensil in his own net, had suggested their all going into the country, and trying to live as cconcmically as might be npon what might rema: ; even this da. sat a to be carried out. Mc alate 4 at ay remained, but searcely thing left besides, ait the oni thing to. be done ™ to sell that too, and to live upon + proceeds-- ofthe sale. - The one picce ot good fortune ebb | befell this unfortunate family advent of-a purchaser for the, estate. This was be friend Fournier, who pay « fair price for the land and ce ae Louse upon it. He produced certain sum of nioney rep- resenting a great deal of good sense, hard work, aud self demial, i late Count's folly'and self-indulgence had throwa inate th market. Maurice had soveral interviews with the old manufacturer; ventured to make one cr two suggestions about his Jate father, but "which neverthe- less were, in Fournior's opinion, worth considering. Something im they Count's mannor, his courtesy "oa simplicity of bearing, impressed the ournier oldman in bis favor. Fo er's pride doos not suffer at the thoaght himself no tad thought of this.crnuel necessity? My aoter, apdafter that jittle talk with Pau- . you have yy. consola line he made up his mind." He tion and my courage; and ob, believe for, money than people usually do me, my son, you ever who bave not ed it. It seemed to | im! which makes you yield him that there were o i your mother's prayer. Think what wanting besidos money-to make bis f boeg has been, think of the sorrows = happy in bor marrioge. The ve hidden from my children. A! jonéy lie could provide. ** not 2 to renewed ce My wife fancy to teus's rt on ber daughter's 9% et-handkerchief. rane ae oe worse," ac oet i ountaine. am going to Paris tes morrow to uae That is an-old fox, if ore "< ead @ aod m iy iy esimest isnot « bad ¥ Serine tis silfsele te et rsaimont + to ae ge aly as circumstances might admit. at | mother sent' for hiro, and with happy tation told him of the came in, a Phtnious bad been~ crying. - Pauline just yet," she said ; dear chil orig hi added, Pry. dea a reu face; * Ishould hke my child to know __L...baxe.. bad. +} euch M. D, Mesnil is coming to-morrow. They were aa and worthy al hie bereits them. "thunk. it snhearatiy oD . eré time, end had *gecretly Hated" the | place. One can not --_ out every motive which prompt s exch human action. Sufficient be it if the sum, on the whole, drives it the impulse had a re. Long after, be confessed everything « to Pauline, whea lin wendestel 'Which; ed, the old "home might -- to ite ancient possessors, to owner: whose right sho still ht great er that of mere purchase. As epee -- first time of on and Fournier's leasabee: his ar only sank low- er oe nak lower; his mother's delight and r daughter neec . Your home wil. be hers at my death. I have not de- served so much; it makes up to mx for my life of anxious sorrow," said the poor lady, haxstina into tears, and coveri: her face with her hands. a knew ved how to an His a ing ani very. woll ; bet bi hed den doling . ed for the first = in all his life, and now more ' than ever did the fetters --_ rita which were to bind him down canals chcke pon, very. $v) or a few moments he stood silent, He was trying sonten plain to his mother what he felt, a share is much to be considered," as beginui hen she raised ee belt her entreating eyes inet his; she put up her = hands. she said, do. you re i wtpde ha pce yon wih it, 1 will The sooner it is all "pottled He shoox sf but conversation lang | vectans Urislew Baio . {istered te ing Ler a her twists. Maurice sliy quiet and SS ed with his 3 in his a5 peo- te do at the sabe expressed his grat. t few well-chosen words, eat side. They bad « melon soup, sweet- reads, a gigot, with a p! havdle to carve it oF, tart, cream-cheese, and Chawpagn' desert. Mauric eortainly did not distinguish himself," the Maire répeated; "I did my best, uished. " - SS a Bained ie. A detective calle! a a Brook!ra station days bedure the appointe: voter, that Lis afianced was subj-<t to pen. deal § ts, wiiel: kil bad fabed te care. was truly a pitibie object. © the Ligh =t degree, it tet ae battioeal of bar . ways "This a1 a ittion ---- ae and Ler fam- iy many anxdiat boars, were pot rat as the pas oder the = gent. row less pe, vent and less Hn ae the disc. yvery whule pari f i | i i f : E i 7 FE : is i Fi fi -- Ex abla; Cone TOR oe te of resin the tempera' i z f =nY To ae ities oy wer. oe pat on i ite wine Us&FUL INFORMATION, os 1 giae ie ol uah. eh 1 cool. Sieucteaaoohen USEFUL @ECIPES. Renee hadenved a fer hun doRars be Bevet oF eat ox the ste te enid te be fob wes voents Sree ohhy-oh whi > hardan a wooltua Pultey, Bathe tues fndios ice about sight minutes in olive cil, _ H~ an game: bar bealthy leaving Use bayfecld os ase stepper of belies hour aa ai to hare ing een ar, reittr aioe, re tar 1 and his wife went iato a kitchep to. get oreousirante tee latty and | Sine ot ave try cd sa a8 t trees agnimat uses. detustely | fortnight, at the end of which time I [ could {ta Lave children, |. Brie _will ant on well as salt, te by many @ 8 | had to caur@ & separation, in conse eer ee ts Seneca Cicerned tals te keep down por tonsa iy =. quence of. the hen haying suffocated | working ali y long. wet or Gry out donee eos, or a8 fertilizer. given the Ger. }one of the ferrets by standing on ite | Sd is. ve tag et reer Tr immersing ths shea a intrepid wrevelers | Deck. During the whele of the tie Saye nd Sever nee cares bite vitriol. 5 £25 thet the ferrets wore left with the > salt feck sree ttend giue which go: reniet a a AD its male mem- | toy | e, 2 i'd quurw of stiomes cia : = -- not able to follow fate fae etles wae aay be yee cobalt at 6 | chickens So by iving 1 os. arabie and the myth of the | 8 might ech oneaine tt teen oye puzzled at proportions of Sehwein- | spring. Fey vinegar, Reruns coal et aetiee come. she used. eabbed Witt Sanmet, tan cossheut tasters beard of | upon ber wid his ubien | UOaring To green cold, melt together nineteen : : trai. pu Good Min) Ove-graiae pare acre | Tanke, w- boards cheb reaches | 9 feat wiih. patience for" si or geding 3 ntl i 6 Veastifal dhe sol Lil. {ed¥en hours more--- 1 stiould bare | terest: Snes be catiiad hla ee Tool : | aid 2% Equa! po of acetate of lime and of ---- twiee their hi oride of ca'cium, dis.n coughs of repmooing miz- fox | a ink composed of copper 1 part, die. el im ten parts mitre add, 10 parts outet ding det, ja usefal for aarking ow tin or White horn buttons may be made to fad wie mnotheral. pearl b . boi iant wtarated ao ae teagar cf lead and toi pci lrechtors acu. 10 parts nitrate of 7. 10 and 30 parte cream of & rita, ; powder with water eheu ready to apply. A goolecement for ehentiea! ant may fou, Dib, wax, Dib. red ar, ae of para, maiting the whole as ook. 'ate heat. aeningy oe ean be rendered uging the fabrie into 5 solution oa hug 20 pst eat of up, and afterwarda into jatd apo" her and ie a her wrth Py ie famJy, ant was oovery,: Teason. "alt home with bis mind wanlering. On thenisht of thn sixteenth. » deck Mite | 4 4, caring S tat lite i a rel sar shot helt him $25 to oe bien courts: 1 sities +turaed over wo tue police qudtay nest cag 'ew enrol. ae il wd $25, a bowled re- & pin! Fotbrants we he he reauest. at the pale w snd wp to a "er Joon rn Seite, Re Pare waz een next dav b.a member of the Grm wisioyers. This waa the la-¢ trace of sim, and the d-ctive his reb io «pital, the racords o cor po lice, boty in Brooklyn and New York, aud aurgaud of bth cities, bat withoat « The family ofr a rewant of $3:009 fr inlor mation ery, alive, See liems of ls laterest. The O.d South Char, as a historical m is a French fant cho work ata mil! Sintereville, I." there are four paire Leosiva, is open Da tumore ater has been analraed snd the bost E it pronounced sucpiciows, "Capt ain Br id of Crleago. TL. hee re geived tue Servia d cro-a for gallantry no the battle of ry etinatz, where 'he ladies of a pociety c'ul) in Washing- tnt ener resolved to cu: all their or re aes Manes who go val between the ac "We few A ban rapt of Porth, Seotiand, bas jast | + conpunanl to foarss y 84 penal | The English law now secares to any + her own earnings in any Wupation Carries ob separately from ber Sanoee ia ~~ aeditors. wil. which she ae been ptil ta tha Speniah Tho arrea: lus them are uné kuows when it will be pai According ta the Atl -~ -- 00 reaches a" Northern ver mines are very nortes for n silver, which is at the rate of 83.5) per bh we for young, lovers: So-In und no lather. peel tos disite Fo te Engiisbman whe tovk hie half-e Oue of the reasons teed a ----* re. 'sembles a Soar quart jag is Lecanse it boids * 2. lntost ro in Umar is : pubes yal "The _ ~~ Suan b wets They eh melt ped Head Suenters, Ike has an irritating skin disease. Mrs. iotte rua® Were ont baden't broke the [ojan for ndajer on cone 'ot, itcwould doabtless have cultivated fatally A favorite 4 dish in Borlin re Ms astew at ot thiok, blac, epic: own oie two © ipbaint Lik ted terete Ta 2ome very 6 Won 'erfal ss ow "tS Christian pound weighs si: onneer, down weight; a Christian uae ie thirty: via i 1» GH nol Christian ton ie two » eganm gold fields of Mrsore are Fro: she says to her rescuer, a has a we: Seed ure tat weal bw walecy 4 killed by a Springs. S..C.. }. to. Sparkling roow Tht +e « the horn ail. matter gathers goss ia dry and t oe exten of horn ail. SAi tha bais to ary muutatning the «: pyro otiphale af copper: er rat conan not « dum the ms rung: fon miny oxpect thy + Ifthe eyes look dail on t the eres, weat, it is eoncoaling property fom oie} ™ he tactuted, Srality h in ite as pt -- lime, that plate seize upon with digest to be bailt up again asthey em -- by means of a tooth brunu with ape veally waate, And when we conaderitts" of eranide of =o ud ba led « aay are oi owed to suffer for want of the sam: oe ' The ramet" tha are being rar ot, shieh om ie neces ir f by mies. sels, hawks, and owls are, for oars. . Johnson. sites a t rospeet yous Vaire or Rartapertarceta theve 'ong persecated animais. valud of \ i ' in An I ~ @litax tu for haudies, rings, ts, clarifying #4 ons "| gummy age * lar, wtc., is faat beginning to be appreciated in visio atres of i ae --. siuenian as asus." try, fel at the word be wrote "thriving." | yarn soos Poop bern te ait tks be Caar basin tis private petaro gal- i from lery setou p men by Aw Aico veritas batt 'saa ol of Watero, to be nd " " on two by Eny +~ ef Ear _To be pborus. The ~ up and di aes among ot aurealtura experience, t0 so rapidly dly develops ee wiucesind a sry bone itis righ la th A trees. a uuisanee, woald be to thems --we, ; ai Te ff 4 i tee : ri cy Ly lea eS einiae tae Weta water, saws Cie wood, eer tal mating: on the farm to hare axes, holding 100 bas e248 » posing intering our anint aehenas: wt wl ened thet cook ad a: * liste ny than four basliels of i Metmaaneant Bi it. ing E5 ground Wie x that on of this mode of foul: Years' experience, ng ing « . aud we with ih ie Lis "ther Emus* bootjuck; ly in the future--Live Stock Jourvel, SS _L-converta the -ainmoniae wtwern the pieces, and apply s bot iron inti toe Golo iv meted. A: 5, ort "ase with f asl nm ss, ernbire 't with an ool waight of quicklime. Cire coren: ts *prinkiod on oa te ron, aud the latter rep.aced in Mahogany Staining.--Wash the wooed be rtumed with diluted nitrie acid, 10 parte a oat. For rosewood, her: then allectad.- I sre | = horus thers | Tet the eame-with--eacuiine- 1a Madioh pe se Oe, somal box heen tried. Ip} i848 Anphaitren "(uiooed with ole off ti \ 5 applying the medie:ne, it will Le necessary i -- t an excellant malogany color "ie perects ter { ry a spy tt Ba sure to bold the ear +. ie i that the liquer will pot run into the | 3 tarpentiue and | 'bz. spirits of heat. 1 bave pot known a cresture to die | srimoning, weil rized Twith te bora ail oem treated witht sito "h ueket of warm water, in which tus, for forty years. |e been di War Co: Xn} by | "Fe itn eed for twenty-four bourse and $ alti on Was, the enimse) ore craves ant and shy : utimatciy | When itis -- convenient to take a lock | ape anh pciang the key blank should | 'candle, inserted in the Fae d pressel firmly this i# every da | sentabes ame against the op- kidneys, the necessity of contin | posing ~varda of tha teak. "The indentations Lae ain of Wt to the beay boncenen anil. | 12 the smoked portion made' > the wards ently bilPAlso contains aa | Will show where to fle. a n @ constituent, and; Toextract rust from the of tha. ~ . Thete-|-articieto be cleanedin a soiuuon of } os. fore, if the sapply be stinted, wil the | cyanide of r giase fall of pot beat to properly assist jon, | water anti) the dirt and rast di ap ear. ated -- worst Sithy. be tnet that without calf man woul! miser- ; costs. soap, whitening, 'aud wa This --o we a we on among --s ulstunents.| The following ia one way say a bettie root rat a ed -- the Lis two: Tarn the bottle as a evenly bs jon against bygbtuing than . un ploy | ealprite on saltiess food aa to bare pre | bie over @ low ganlight fame tar abawe ten vera] larga, white Goutic owls, rare'y Tated in Perak pyre we may become | ; and en South of the 5 A, Lawerrnee River, yet ee, last, reowntly been abot near Branawick, Me. OF taading #8 wat hed our stock--that iste the as wel) as one of the lururie® | place, allowing te porticus 40 be easily eep- ak: Dilenieaioa Jatt the cow tha of life for man and beast; asd it ehouid be | grated. he was milking, ra went rivht jute" the profarety provided at shart intervals, taryes The feltowlng solter trche sea and rabtel 6 ai cana ba hash hd. the smay. be tg xexy msefal incase of a valve ea otal each i < work for some time lomger. 19 parte. topper i part, brass 2 parts. It ractiosble charcoal dust shon'd be strewed over the meted am i able. Cemeot{w Marbles and Alabaster.--Miz UW pery sf Portiand 6 parts of siaked {its , 6 te of Que sand, and one part of infasorial earth. and-make up into a thick with *tieate of woda The ob ject to be cotentad dics not tequire to be ueated. It gets js ours, snd 4 parta plating, pat pare ane, 3 af pare lead. Avether sto broek tn, eunbandinett ports glesianen, 1 part sliver, 'and 3 copper. following is aeim'e wey of obtaining -- of writing without the of w copy. ing prevs: Mix white sugar with the ink, 14 drains engar to Use this with an eniipary pen, and place over moistened éheet of uusized lvaves Fuvie or fe to oor Then stand ou the board for a few hooon excellent im; be found on the copying paper. Tha folloxing com peste hye naclal for soldering or tinning Ha: muriatic acid ipa neon eee neiten ve ; add 13 parts water an _ oo copper. a ih ae Zine, 1 ib. wm au gine ut will nta of "water. Ese 1 lb. spe wv, one } ( nd si 1 he auriatic acid, & ots, Speke tabow,. 'and ff a. abuncuice. Soonmanenmaemmtaneel VUEATICAT, sccam. Pealers_and manrtfacturers cf the Important article-of sugar have lately és) crienéed a tenor of thelr ways by the announce- mont of a new chemical discovery) by which saccharine commodities may be produced as by magic, without the troullesome and irae aoe of cane growing an grin Tho new discove' credit let, a --_ Mey ocks - leged byinging tosether of certain co and cheap articles, from which best ae alities of suger pre rapidly and = cally prodticad, The process is ¢! ed to be the subject ore rm er wate + ig. ot present in the bands large compuny: The production ef sugar by. cheml- col méans from various materials, is. by" no wears a new thing, having stareh, treated with warm diluted gulp baric pos known as gTape sugar, glucose, ty the ohly "arawtack tovts substitut by enuincer may refer to rags or other refuse containing woody fibre, such ag = wool, pa: have aa sbeeilata to ind thefr ater a cooking which jstosngar, 'This con- geen with 'sulphuric pr ja ne crystaline art cunced eg Sey Exhaustive | Ttire been meee 2 nce people to oe -- in every "fires gontieman in F ¥ Walter Boott played funky, 0 onnes? a bamenity | Fart PP cai There | ry strange specimen of ving in in Obicn oat, Ténnesses. ya a wee chil of quite 6 weed Seb ot | ought she was going to aw fuer tb: EMS |" ocrete were AleRyS end..with. was Beers 'satisied -- 2 phe th bad "axrangement the bem} Deere oo com ng proved 4 iteat home, io Sry metwith any ) Euvecs gegtece ite FiTSEevete z ity EZ fer! 443 i k F a ea [3 was rise naisting of dry corn and pumphinn i ven wat of bis favorite a oe impatient eine of =t ue when be returne to stand mad an nex ther has poor a ich reese The ettentier of vote phi asthiay thetic served aud be rowers tb from nie inovitel « heots SS TUE SLAVES AND KOtMANS, «4 elinae fans @® re rena tic to the Bla Kk cg Be slew region pooplod tf ab iftiuns a Slaves ard Hotes, 8 nae pr fession of falth as tho ans, aod the majority, the Slaves, speaking what may breally be termed the same . Theso, with the exception of one wiliton fee Servians and four million Roumans of the Principalitiea, | or languish under the grinding tyranny of alien racoa, Many n millions more sroan wi lash of less than two million emaseu- lated and degenerate descendants of the Asiatic barbarians who broke Into Europe io the fourteenth and tiftecath centuries, an! who are kept there =. _ ficth.ns of an effete diploy "ia Aisin the ay Saintly bente he bars of 'h cannot live asa man, hangi sek wea the suffocation of people their hoads throst- into -hage-of millet--all these -borbarous ings of a Tartar borde against a Chris- tian ple act of course differently on Russian nerves from politieal *ep- teésion in Austrians The question of mmanity fx sometinies in advance of he impulees which resuit from ap identity,of blood and relizion. onderfal that Knasians pe gard this state of things with intense dissatisfaction, and long pyre hod the nd of retribution? " agine ves ina parallel ipaaitieas Let us ontienae the washas, with om tails, ae and veto, loose among our kinsfolk of Danmark or Holland The attack civilized Germany on the former In 1eot taleed such @ frenzy among our- = 2 2 curmetieee Ulities wit: mat the allins india ble to our taking the fleld on the Con- tinent; sach a «tate of things aa we have supposed above would evoke modern crusade, Yet to the perpetuay tion ofa similar misery have we been devotiag our arma and diplomacy for sucha pecongeet period, it is to be rom the bhasest des motives -- the maintenance our imagingry | trade ititerests at the expense of the So indifferent ard mien to the misery | _ of tlinee who are pt in ne from thelr pene mn &I perce heer vation is ima} -- pot .thr ome > share in the feeding which had escaped Lhe young ferre her several an were Open ys before thelr eyes Nature. "ANGLING Tx Panis. About 3:30 I éallied forth to jota my and We set out" The body o the jfortion from being enti! y Cun, ts lined with a steet (ibe ay Mar trunnions, ant, in wicics Lu strengt Ht, mooording tu the 4 6ystem,a sericea Of ate) 1 on the breech, res trunnions ~that and shot chambers. a combination of tre i ba, 4 together-for the Seine. The sight in the streets of Paris bordering on the Nei at that soon as they tether, gravely dipping them in again higher up. was powerless to arouse them. It was in vain a wag- that "the Jnquirics. as whether and fish bit (ca mord-il?) were treated with "equal contempt. Cer- tain "knowing sreusebad taken the their positions on the bridges, from Iwh?t aft ao feet from the water. On the ees iteelf were a vast number of sta- tionary meyer "containing two or three anglers, while others, by long poles, moved ---- up and down the Seine. latter be- Jonged to and were navigated by ba 'fessiozal fishermen e ing neta, ata -- twoor three hundred It was amusing to notice wikis what sang and perseverance the anglers continued to angle, while nets were being cast within a few feet of them. They fished with gentles, caterpillars, flies, paste, and various kinds of worms, but I do. not believe they caught much. It was rare to see more than half-a-dosen small fish cap- tured with a net at one throw; the as jJonges one's hand @ dozen mens, J "sonatantly hear of on itching eighty and fish L no Seine in the course of the day. 7 , are one and all as serious judges. They regard suspicion, and treat with con- as Arges guns in use | a Bo Ret cat with tse ib vein am senssa made mer. As tor asthe c of uf teen years cin ik > such eecident vaa-{ zt mane of our much-abueed | vo the most ordinary pre 'ih token, Pall Mali Gascts. TWe Crizie ter . cH Cehi : N acs, such <cks, 2 ndin Wales the Daypot Cardisen & ency, with the Day of I a matte? of tact torre leading from intand t of Roman bullilinzs o ly to an iinport: tested at this point of Gaul, and on ground upon which thie sea has. at These re eu logends grew, m en far more eons; icuous than now. The pojtilar ima vgination ben huld-of chem, and Diack k Mountains in the sist enth century, With these di aiaandwith of ng fons from another cify by the sea This city was callod Is, and was one of the mighticst and eer fest in the world: bot me n lived there too rlob ously. It was built on low ground be sea, anid) the tabist rs wore kept and was first in. all manoer of ; and tha lovers that wore Tlotousness ; a. brought to her nightly she wus. wont to murder before dawn, aad send thelr bodies to be flunz tot Oo & ptt far yithin wennole) in Sng for est of. the saint sald t 'the wrath of God is about re New i cod Dahu caressed her,and asied her for the from er father's golden about neck. And Dahut wert to her ot wore Binyi gud the shé Teli . ry cass -- ut to repre day, Corn!

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