Stratford Times, 20 Dec 1876, p. 1

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Ber grave te ts Scllevt; pv lee apigttgsile' vtat band -- Tet we otiil are tras lovers, Vor Mary bo hovers f Maatk os ia gentiones bees i Aaohtcsttend - = + Mihe captain's fair "ntiit.tor, - : } have sumghvt her, GAGs reams with ber ther the wilt ora wae | pdrperioaniege: % weather init tegetier' Lt Z * j weds, ar p rot t impet ith eh evita s ' VOL. I. » Tulbey Bh working with: ten xr surface. bal « winide ta he Oratted isn. for those 7? we ; ptosis Mea be cor 6rd mal fimo his work in eley, and thes acer en; we phish ar pera Yung and Tender Minds. boro agh were married. im' T Tens, east years awl tucir ongagement and theme pirate wae Ths *ere divore Tase fri the; Woulit it Have Her Oat, Sty the gellews' ore a he preee ted thet was tated Garimitted to wv ef Srey tia rer . eon tree For invtance, shathoch hi vis poe aehe Qew - Ragas atm ol +The troahl- pas been anny uu! id tien tropesene '30 ar hearta are ee beev. ~ ne nem four heart > the exigenems of suasite yet Tis worwan Was con. od thoes. osben they | rere nuitd without oy row. Tae Theatre Holocaast, Ths Beata: de Unwerrees Dasp = Sarvepar. x. Dee. 9.--The doy of Mardock. + Gircorered this - potent Le. "My wile cannot . een ani the bodied were removed to the hi C sing to the bitter cold ge only "thee: membe rs regimente who have roluu- '= their services uneral procession to-day. pee pres On the prineipal streets At the time when the first open coart of teen -- <a Was estatii=hed esti wil take pait in the the closed et have nothing to 'a =. yon, air, in "What an insane demand !" said the lady's undress bersels wistter, butomy #ith the complainant. ler roe, -- Npiniaid leas it ef that sox! bts Rll time to ------------------ ~ Apherina « et a Pestalozz . { fami ii jarizing A chill vith The mode b the 780 ane alkene Hat be aie, atid apr th after be bas tho anbt ¥ 1 j A praspe Caudle siasel Sn uae' a torsers for th ee ote mr ttstot a avert: La snet t etter et Yr rei 7 Kot to 'padyens to ban mary sors, bgt te brivg hin to express hime { ont Meat exhanet the subject, bart to quew jl about it, roms 3 4 an eee m bh clear, ics sind them exciteibe ch ite acevo ot int fo muster bis little stock 1 kuow! isiga fal materials for an abtwe' Bie er A had bev ----a the shape of a mig in oaled PEE TA - eR wwst-s yc -- wae Jon ping him'to peint ont other o ject 1 te which the same prediesment.beient, yor ene employed him more weil Sly perfect In cas ihaanow he so' have led to lrten eat to rewoalieet i i= the other, he has to ob ~petve and to ; and let bas sah fod ry an =. a ae eas SF ew | pan suinent the beurfit of a procedent. --_--_: Wedding _Fulquette. . American coutemrorarr lava lent Ld at {oilets-- fants te geome my leis aad creoteman opie then.-the qrrowim~ i Nien metle x a ila w oily her WOE a avout passing ob, * PEP UT as treet. A young officer, aap Hast'lr from « sidc sirvet, was op Careless ae »pataa te ladas train, amd 4 je Indy "s hiysbatsd it cel "Rethion was rch fou my intention, ~~ Sain. bame ora you one? pra to receive m, cal ajauneid 20 te last "gttste --_-- bd wae fr r | Show him a certain samy in one thi me =e Pres af Food eaten tien should erwars trie ti ne smasement. or bit * a ple Pere rh ly tr' that exertion ix -- eon # for the _ mat of know caiet-webildabenld bo tanghtts } win eri en tive of fear shonid: not be mates ¢ itwill destroy interest, aul sped 'disgust. y 96 ths Brat ting wh aa siden os 5D SEI E y Sandra tt tans s pp "he des ss Cbeg to detain" Sr Aen ee Soa Be or ergot otee} ary" the ctor och ao y are sate whee stud quire glovew to tet 20 pre sents he as tides the re fe ta to ths is "Sou-shal' nut escape 8," ead 'the lady, dead Bhrow, "To. day is the rat time I lend worn thie iresa, and it cost two hundred rables, which Aa to the two Lulidred rables=t- reatiy can. aot help tha leugth of your dress, yet I beg your pardon for not hating if fio, Son shal mot aa sir (That you biged iy coond ay . " been more cau nothing bo ta. ay wite is gut, the dress must =_-- fae oftieut's '* tha grew "Yout1oo me toes through the rules Of vue er ge, oud E shail receive punish: } iain" way the two bandred rablég 'sg yoa are Teo qui e an olor on the Bee seeny o lamendig.dlécarsol "ec righ anaes be awoey tho dust and dirt of the toga one of bis « train. an inestavt was torn --" (har eait'y hit feast material of thee di | After he hed written pale WithaFew, Wuetist Winees trot -thre-wedi-"} 2 ead, with abratink self command repp ng cicse up 'te them beta, hon | volush bt Yaabnin), ths farthis vis loaf was mpuicoonemnya nat : of the Whow graip, atl to mite u oubeek Tl" on, ae 'live vat Unes pay b banily prey ie sum of two a tbat I = ~ a-- peer | wan, ¢ who bas nothing | oa l joiindteduahiet in « whee year. I can, 'uerefore, make no amends for the misfor- 'awe, except by aus . from want of interes are. perbape, rious in whieh aotrant owe ee 'Of vlicpess or dreguau Beil would enamel that tha het means to 'them iw by biases ater Leds, deft to} -aleue thrown tfpett the mersclrome | _. employer i Bg lows larity treated for litte and exécenb'e "tailings, "tnt mere roured by contain ays imated 'y uae: trations, interested and won by bind aes No Fear of Death in Dying. A striking fact in cx remeet on with fs that the peter ma SE Captain hidd the Pirate. * herd Mueaate ee well known that be mey be dicminsed om a few lines as by no means brilleage cr ace f " fut in. post mas.Tv,J : Pertaye | ere inthis reapect is ie org ae fesseed ot & Pa a sRE: 258 S & © 2 ° - gh Rito. ls iept ae tered of-inetenee Coss Teh ah. at hs ati vii on ing hye her josh wi, wrod Dik Gat theas --The lovowing j era h pewortiy of place a promigetre:--A uM seta S Btw method oF No books are kept. eredit, be fous to the dk they, for wh oh interest: Hs tien the eo opie Herre i 4 Prey aitinalcs, or "strange wgits be and b ri nd bo li inv nants nin abies. wita a his gooJs and pays for them, ye sheteh af Coptein Kc te be LP. + pre mai whew ten <P te} ty at ta {a aly ung: shila: ard slzpece per was, th e fart --_---- Items of f lnterert. ange ike renter (SOF the ix * capect y Maat Lae 8 Aman kos par bas &® tiave: 4 ale WAYS that Land eutios 'tia tememial hanaava hace bee: the clode of the Exhibition "Seygorra" Giay say, "we wer Y on til ous jobs on the gravel gee th atealsy reported burned to death" : five. mies from Bey otearr teen Sate TOMES ATONE giver, phos trom all parts of beg State ere te new iy pe the de- patel b vs A rote eye ra ai Suatebed wurtok arin weather; aud thatthe « eather of last week the young 'hoppers, en vat be Ba! os r Bre rer a 08 pone road Wsndlitsacs af tee ser dante Bloat, ond they had foand 'hes the eres, becks x! uate oo eee. bot site Indieations Se ny reed its Aevor'd : "cotton; bat your ertinng white sacked with a crow. of 'han * tthe Lat penny por sae waet® boity 1 ed that | re fools fot aterestiag pera, ot] coants, ng howaes, agrical i "i fra. revue av aid graiain stace, -- Bas, i Swan treek~'t "Ol: eon, @ rial was burn dito sls ta thé prairin Bre" appreaeling aud or Wrahear ge ny bat stuppe to eth, ed to tet the the bel plowed wh The tedy waa burned ee abe nae ae ata retro " ons, eal be ing cara d 'Tie ey ee tote Li with your exoares, demand sled tue lady, im the bard joe Taek we kai thr °6. ourt rom, whee the ealery was densely peepie Buse ' to this com plaint ?* said the judge, turning to the ofi- er. ho seutued embarrased and haf in eer. Ou the whole, very-litt'e, Ae the late wk of the Laur, avd being 5 shad wig's trac, whieh, wae dragging on the é A-eanght-one cf.imy spars in it, and "dross. i teiaMtoriiay to tear Meet tame wou d not reee va my ezeass, but per 1apa nm Wehbe mgt find hersl Sooe "aise yowet t> forgeveness, when I agaca declare, @ terlo mateod, thas Loomis sie tia wie sar i bander without acy mechietonus inten. pardon + Ton, sad Dow: me.' warnestiy beg that sine will murmorran turongh the gallery, evi- , sing siles with the lotendant, aud agains jong trains jn ganer ar. The js/ge called to order, and asked-- Ae you satistled vik the defundant's «x. saration I "Not at ail mat sfiei. Idemanl tro hun- ired rables in torn dress." * Delon: 7 = Lyon Fed thts sum?" "LE womidty eq™uired on daty, putice thie ag before thie were Either ie self in marriage to ote of the "o dav Bt one oe ock, to be pal yes again at « se i Soe eee cence te rlasact ait, Edmund im te A carmatctierte ao in en jor oo we my own ormed 'Gr "her reuzai ara «of this "unfor bey geri str 2s efteer, rainang-kie-vesoe} oeremncay, was to have a bor veto djsuster was aenet thie morning, jadge, * to, decided | a5 affair euccass. Unlike those the post vat beoinsa i ; . «| bad im his mind pW opal wy 'two hearts patina 'The vfiesr is right, madame. Tou afé theire hearts | ae sors srr | a BEF t SS as een) the 86 OT Aa Sould Es" yoaponvivs thet "Teamt andrews myself bere before all | becting to bis own heart in the doway besemm : soto fomee eons without any dress | of ie tair fiance. No throb of delight was {ting of the Conference. the question Tirward wer second, for the ovcupation eficmicty ihe Kiguaice} Pominn Tense, Do. 14.--Ths Roamanians Pox R..--<% £ rufsing Paras, Dee. 14 --It is ramored on the Bourse here pone ep lee advices have been Lave been oaths. prolong ation of the armisiina, Thien Himes Ts igeedd- ingly improbable Bucharest, Dee Mu --The Oficial Gaagtte | en of infantry. the formation of whieh by to 7 'om the ist of January m | this ity. tia te be : /eation will meet with a, favoralle response, Lestwinter S5 ial wae" sumh te We dc a were ieft pearly- eu monthe withoat let or except « of Feburary, thre« yeowrtior Sa cf the disaater. "is is armen the pedaioes weight. planets ze te bg relshews nouetet --s their re. Prom Punch.) | sat infantry teree of Rouganin is o6!y win New York. Bec. 1i.--A Renter telegra: from Cous! waza it iengt trae thet the Marquis of Salisbury and Gevers! [fia t ef are agreed couerrnimg the cocupation of -- 'This question he not eFon deen jespatch from eon. Gerenee ws progressing rapidiy, The pitnipe tenturies themwves afirm tiuat the Coufer ence winaiar way towards a succesful --The : Ti wee Vie Boa cor. puzaia te Mi: a was brought tT arpos tion from ie fies. ', te regard te the of the Mabometon;, Ru fins hat Gen. [gue news CL the detent "and p berets of Nano before the cra af steowahipe, of railways, and of the te' j graph." | ae --s » + How Bank Thieves ate: Made. Bal York Obarreee aay TN soon seovered that tie first 'val ier in one ercuses to be mady for the bank that -- by him. -- ro are quite = nat Maj il of Amencas tore 4 7a mea ayo views aa eye ir Te Sa 'Siam, per and that they regard the views we . ie ex- prekend as tothe made 1 which buai: CEE! | sl Cosi wt " is the evening, fou ! Intoler- et © of that ng: 9 ee te victimise you so! ray aehal the" way th 7 may treat very young . 'wrea tT GS Hh SOI eer ae | Enter Clara , (mt. Myf constions of made thie uent of the peMant of a ore of bse 29) (How Edad foal ter dear! style of bestia Shipk one guia "ty Yo v Wie Nor Wazx Yor ¥ oh ar: livia Howie engin scanty dangh ters are ptill aaa ese whee they mee « t they, bat they would'n' ba' they. oo 20 they _oud-be they, bat they woo'n' ba" they! f" mou Bey Beay Corsuatinw: Te Tavita "Tasee To Ter cre --Lesking for « train - te as was ipconl the tendency beng to place jibe Curis tians | ws . Russia --as, ore od that could be msimtarprtad brig is sormed to take npon ce the dies of muy lody's pusld "Take 6 yout money back, and leave me my Bo, madame; that drees fe ow worth pore than two Hundred rabies tome." --- Miao iscen for it." "Two thousand rubles," ssid the officer, firmly. / vet will pay the eum," the weeping ee promptly. ba' | Ware bere | tout sll wri colar sr t .. te an my er for she remai eared." pRee. Agaary....Did. sh iely poet noais Tet bs train ee oa ee _ Mr. Rebert Oliver, ot West Garafraza, hae the of fa! en Beir to an estate in yy of Kerzy, ireland, worth « large annual rental. The Baptists of ook are eripeing sigua of activity. Twenty-two con verte and neaziy a¢ many immertions ip weeks. The St. Lawrence and Ottawa Gitaiiwar. Company are dotng a heavy besmoss in. for ward'ng . for the South American markot. Tise wiltar of the Forest. Erprees is to be ated for ubei. fur maliciously aud wilifally' Week naa again dr: Wood; Beer Hyer treme: Bhe wernt enable "ahas pe the} i by the Dolesrians "and heat t beatuge whieh ker pe draft thé worthy] with =e own. As tho minister a on the ring purchased, Gnd other otoste:as hand | tbe two were soon made ons, and in ser beens Ste taeir te to their Sombre ~p home." "The Ang of sharp by dogs i te town. sbip-of Haldimand," Colborne the farmer made such use stroyer that two of the Listion to & friend, whe ariel Kies te ye ¢ potson:- the- aATitte 'NEWS OF THE Vi WORLD. --apor - ot le the capine de. advisor's dogs were rs feld pest morn- ho shop were | T be considered as { fueled 7 in Buigatia. a Yew is secepted, Bugana would emia more thay ball of {Turkey The Standard's despatch frem Pasth wavs | the § rnc aWian Jo inaae notes with forced, waa The Proaldential Elecliva Fraxctsco, Dee. 13.--The clerk of | Monterey county, in the Part Congreas- al Distriet, bas forwar the Secretary of State a new set of election returns, whieh Loire Wigston, the Democatic candidate < + for. Congress. one majoots,. Tasheca, the ee teen verses =f 'bal write the Geeretary. of State ----. ~ absurd. Bat it may 3 yet tnrn out that we are } Rot altogether wrong thatthe de = ---- ibata, ext aot -- of wen ka are } wid end predation' bn tis part ot Wiese th This Inst Sesovered thief, Thes was Eu Ls & Tax9 ro kg are Laces ox 'Srmmavvan- AS: jetic nat ASCES. (From fa Eee Oo tun Prva turns. and directing Lim bre cour Lend o ni. TY thé vow tn accordance , Wasirsatos, ne i Deiaae: aeiteees ref fpr the two Efbrives of Congress to gite to the BUM people * Corvus. 8.C. Die 1m DO-Chy ~~ and. Beputiia an House in joint session de sia a age Stewart, Melcererth, toe toreshed yo fall --_-- 'Tecent ra it tarn ot twenty. five bushels per This rettrn is consi. ly better ag J] E< £ E 5 : a recomcmendasion Bet Poy mg or keep bed company in thet ture. The. Westem..e)- ' n ae ; tine jaw so ry ! $ clared the election of D. T. Caraen as United tate Samay: 13 _The Na- | -f having toa! of other people' '¢ | mlsery.) toves company. a er _ dt Presidentiad | Waa aa ore vt ne bao SiC te ae is oiew bawd irg lection, the eieetionel Tiblon ard Henidsieks, | ort 4a. the ne} POOF '* money rd ae eile nt | -- acer some elivck spon Lim net know one snel er. Scaroely do w teow ourselves The heart is abhad re all things tad desperate now it?" And ail institetions money, sioald iment mre Tere the bands of tha dev. Tastapassce, Avo 1 bee inven Com sferscona oe The Court met this mornaing "gat tood steps" to wards bringing forward tne mcmdamns cases The argument wii be upened today and « decision before the week ¢ Tanmuxatoits, Ind.. Dee, 43. "4 moeetiz ei ithe measured four inches tip, and had -- abont fons inches leng. During, the past. season the West Em. actory. tomnehip of Tuckersm reoaived 895. . of wmuk, from wifich op 1.546 lbs. of cheese, whieh sold for pe a] sa.144, ear average of 9 canta the } 49 i i for recently 5 ja'. waler on the toe beat Ro 108 'Tat comesesion vf~ Festi wit mbary, struck a Sowing siream of cousid erab'o magoitaje. After about siz , the flow of water % tit spented o 1 ove the groa: i e flow at the to per min ute. Aloog with the water, it is estima' 'that ais . aan hare been the surf bottom of tha tabing, and" dig:hargel sboat the weil. T of the fs, get rid of the warplus water. » Ber bes any clue to the parties who reeentiy dace, a # reward of $100 was offered Tia « porition wo do 1 Ms pay asaa "sdieer in all I have at hear, tompisinant, that defen ae js noralls to pay ape _ you -- ser Ta Os: Lo oo 4 complainas' wasseaTet | Au aobroken stillness reigned throaghont 4 suang officer's breath could oO you stil wink the the bath, aad th heard eaming bard. 'sere: stand. The Jaw shall. gice ighta" Tiere ran throwgh os rows of a "weyrmur of indicates nae a of your prebaey The dete memy © one -- apen it" rte the aflaty Was taking seemed to hare iehras yanfal to the eds '4 husband. He «poke witu his wife nogentiy, bat, as coud! up tiselverly. The j was just ate quite Lv ko firthier ypebiahys Bei of thew, when 5 in OUT Vthie wil fear? fom yaa; . and dependest }), Do you still ineiat epom your eonviction of -the Jf wil plage the two 'baudrod rabies at the j ervice of nbs defy ey Thete fo! phe a aide. "Sir, Lam Prince W----, and you sill by oeeptian tae ie of the two clea "Take tise waune", at ali eveute. 7 ger's face He imme pees eRe aa | Hemoving Sabstances from the Ear. spectator aring which s jorwnd bis way ray throagh the erowd ant placed gop yoting efficer's Sec a, with a'l! je ¥ polite bow. . . , largest Dumber Rarrative :- Une of those ahoek'ag then pate rege te hes . 1Eae: a Ate members, Bho. arrangements prety fgg Ay al the crude oil is isto come in their possession, thas sing OM wl competitors, (a hamb'e cireimatauces wii! find this winter that oil will represeit no mean ji domestic i . ford tem in their who On county of Elgin are to P--- en 5 ee te Company to that portion of their a of a tine be be. teecn the present atthe to ilsonburg and the 'Sorter of Port Sereut, oy gixing to the said railway company the sam by .way-of- @ howu+io ivene debentures therefor, tide for plaging the «aid, ntures hands of trastees sn? to en sn annual special rate upon tbe greet therein set --_ for vl aa payment ot the sail in the levy erate morning, Dee. 10th, 2 Sue death 0 occurred in the viliage of In (ding eal ale te aller geiting ready u her room, out into the adjoining mom, lay down on sofa, and on ine one calling Ler, in minuté abe waa dead. Millar, tho was 'anc- in years, waa ia her ueaal i heaith the time ef ber death. he oye, however, prowl + diene, wad s ia" beliowed r death was the result of a oe malady. snags British Wh _ ann : a ee i ig saye:--"The aya. toaa5 40. Meer "the. sghics! uma, Pete i ms ET TAI TETRA Belem e poe Fea al | wife and children in the agonies of sha De An Ron = ere feepenings. rays 408. to auknorn. And } vog qual; wen air stoer 2 "teas Stross ted ate a tolda mid: impulse seited | tho steed mixture--ay asin sim and be could pot rowist it, whieh it mere Tar Las ws 1s Baer - | pensense. No one dlenly base hie? eae Human wature does not work that way. <i mo ye : me ad beth" Barman w truth cotties to Bi learned, it- wil k eat mov morte eT det b ood 'ed f* be fa! by 1g been the serennt | Cocker at I don't bke sich Lof seervt vier, and probau'y he has b "? : te served hi YS aad Row thes | Ese vet Cowcerets. -- Ei have in vis, or in some | "Tsay, my ma, c can gla bing sas te i. mare unmet dna dhe en ier erituinal propensities, ~ ode Yanittarty) "Bank, Tene ie thats dante trom w:tife-of rit os. be woe "shosid bold ink eat . Cowon C creer Eat (har wail san Ree farm (Fram Judy.) Auwoet msn.-Hiw Taxes "Yah! Lknow'd you wasn't up te : -oesaaion) : "Juat He eee ee ee. a: peasy Sot --Ons wri ribatio yet a a nies 'Cee, _ Te our American. oul éepe Fe Ty ts oar Rete s : see es | NewYork bank. direetors, a aafe. degree? | od willy emotion--rou und not have room } preesution iv nimaply vinonary ridie aioe aw! } fet jour diver." . Ropius- of country foe Her = Dinactors--Ht Ses T bres it, We go heak al too fast fur ay each io sy eonselal! tious man to oe anne - | alow e these. Avd if we bod a con tui. vies hiv company. ie reution erry of all the directo Sipe eee ee dueing fey years, they wont rome lt Hi Mew. ron Atnocrrr ye ngs ia in. oo eoneiates nk to denouyoe have an. Ovsorman iB your piles nana rom preminest po iteaus were nage roti e with fepresen: Gives from wach Congresmona: district. were ate cl 'tbe vente ment prevadng in the respectiza districts, the tenor of which were task Tiden. ana scricke had been ehected aud- ehon dd inaugurated Stete Con¥ention was @aled for January bth to consider public take such. astion aa Sill secure eS ee sent ~Gom«mit- w the National ftel several State tees. stxotox, Deo 13 --Chairman Chand. were extnied bya 'sab. rate ttee of - uaittes on Mrivileges and E ors ioday relative to the mle fadiial: at) ot Detijamin Wi! iam.o static Presidential elector, © Arstified that they *nleréd a protest o New Jersey iat i ce of @ cart: -- ateto Wiham the proved that al saul a tif. when the clvetors -- but was at obee nici { the veraney occamowed iris outa Witsors produced a stag of the law of Now Jersey in g au Jersey and Oregon " a subject are in- al, tev have ee re Witvesecsh, elve- tore in question, and Secretary a State Keivey measures req mir! ing more dilqent attention on their Part to toe trast committe to hess bands. la words, our. system vin place the greatest amount of temptation 1: the way of mep, and to trast {to the strongt of virtue tu resist, with the least posstby e upon tham to frighten them froa orume, of to protent the poasibliaty of ite execution. We will not argue against ench a system "of doing business. It is proved ta bo 4 fact "that « subordinate es below: Tieident the cashier. has opporianity zoung away from the bank with wa iueh 0" covered, So we go, and as the "money gone _ elem til? writer in one of "the seluntiie joornals argues ep the common idea pretaring jn , Fegan to piogtaplical snii 4a '" to-the oecepants cf the earth's surfer pe the jongitude will differ by one hudres andeight tdegrees, Tha theantipodal pointct gwar is i the Sew Incian mest one thou mba te -- ot i ie. isle of Malagarear ; the point oppo ait New "York is aleo in the 'Soattors Tahan Bouth ast vertielu of a pape pols the A accecnsfal opera ion 'ct the magn: The Russia, oa mo re : vi ea a Witnessed rxpeioenta, pets Som y Anustreng guns ry 1 the tron id |. sberlin The | the heavy fon. - The. ofthe | oe to is fast bowen, Sot eke. there, * tinad sends oi the teUowing pe'ntal | am d_employme:t ia the Koo: wey coun rv wait a ie from Cariboo Disiriet stata Rebbe ae, ina sain: this manner without of irom baye ve fret to beoopper pistol tneeder aamadin eg Semin shee ing that abe so reouired ber "Cos-Tow always al an aftcrnean. ° AFx an'a NottoX or Msrntson---Tak- ey eile * : : r tly Detier o« de vores." Tw Base Inra -- ee charming Lydie Thompeon "her costume of white okie wd of tad " eS ET HE "4 pe ees coasters of buriceque cortame will be eur - a Pinte Prag ts --but att we dy wonder Chemberiain thinks of the 'oede Lydia alabaster epidermis. {Prom the Hornet.) Morro rex Tacarascat _Oscatstass.--Ont of agit oat of tome. - Te the "Pore" ail things are*Peor," the pauper retuarked om getting his * wakilly-= The "Loo" Pravens* Lawnsr--Not sadh 8 4*Proi"* a9 th delete =f = Misceltancons Hem. Let friendship eonty: creep to itrush to it, t may soon run steelf oud of breath. ie batter to be the beailder ot@our own name, than tobe indebsed by descent for tie proodost gifts known im the books ty. ero Are Eeeiments when by strange im. es 'jes Recontrudict our past selves--fatal ' t lava A'l the great religious denominations of Great Destw n have decided to establish Bands At of their parishes, ia Breyhiye N. Y., bef bhi Wisosa's Tem mperance Union 'bere, ts sere Were sn that ety 3.tK wah shops ; ae ore ty 1, boxes--were ah trom here to Torcato Britis" Colanitin, etic ore separator, in -- eS ee be ree & . ae ve ! Let's see; two rounds _ sine hacsertlony wee Teasers s 2 the Cuited States cost one dollar for every man ( all the The foitowivg frum the ¥ ole pi hes g vine eheing ns : boys bare had they can surely bit every Dee. 1 A, may give poopie Pecan igen ge The galepa pan, of course, be easily wet ene om -- a sould slaughter 60,000 F and | bow real gatote velin i ie At ab Ss Sy, p, | meentequence of its greater aprdise gravity, | COSt* te ey thar on es the whole Unteed "Bictre up iz: oe but-the.blende and cannot: Connectiont, Maine, New Jerny, on and Taise, And there area coupie of ing aunts culaie a period by ved nti ee ry a per. | Bodo Intend Lave cael reccilly "hold Grand reande i son. tn be baasd. _ cha i me | torts uvthis intior cas d fide} 2 Kinastow Tobe herd es wi Hews 8 of land eor bag no ot nd, ape ey a Wes o by to ti RoW. Ge Lodge. i 7 ; . i seporator, ore. after crashed: leat thy devine, tet reason go along with The Eastern Question. pot Be Ss i he aa wit iq roasted ata dal red hatin rev in vnng ree | thee, ecrerty thy boyes ejeend the tenade Loxpor, Dee. 13---The Standens deapateh {8 stands-- 2! 453 190--sold to Mr. torts, when thecarbonate of ran is ico apie f pr-balbi ity (+0 shal :Qovess astend th: ey =. from Pesth that. the Austrian Stephen the Or "c Hotdl, Cor. ed, aud a magnetic oxide ey eae Theor pot wcrtahage at thy heart.shall not be vez sentative has to quit moratt atroet, for $2.50; parcel.of land is then. transferred to the hopper of the} od ly ais cir eaemarsd grave, if Servia refuses satixfaction for the | 25x75{t., adjoning Sher Herrin rensdenes Soon week aheuisie mic peers hf : wile brick: ae his labor. forcivie and us- | ol Broad. stiet pob-sod. Ly Mr. HY ---- = ef,? nil at rect Patrigh,: dell kien": t0 trian mail stenmser by the Servian pol Hiesterman for Mrs iiarris ab $1,025; Pon pes with with tt havte, ax WoT nre weitere for-bim:"-* Sede A cespateh to ike Detty Newe, dated Pesth, seres of land situate st gage in Cowjehay | (eM of magnets, arranges radial y. _ Tus wad with," rephud Mick; "but what wilbE bine ty Right are itie twported teat Hi district purchased be w ore tn ite 1s very simpio-- tbat is, the mized.) nim if don't ms @ aise! : t have tendered $380,- Tie pesos venliaed imay hoethg * : ty nis aes paw acyl forthe raf. Siete as abaant of tus haecmpcices se ama V ow recent real estate attraction, and the _ the part that i copes in the weation of f drat kards. hin ey" bape eat 1 |- Coxgraxrswopix, Deo. 23 --Turkey contin. | Provisions are reported in medorata Rrocem js-cjsan Senda, 8 spinel yl gel array "in ts Uppawy aay vecuyuiton Wt terry hy By. tt Rooters. Hind -vrieet _pearonabie,|---ANartmberg chemist. Dr. Maret, at | Wemotieg reece. Ruswians, , a inter beef i: expreted to besaid atGe ticcetled in- erating metals with sn 'niloy | Werovsine + einige Loxvox, Dee."13.--A despateb from Con-| Tuere is grvat want fot in Kootenay of « reeemb ing German alver, thes giving them Tn Wyoming territory the office's wives -- Conference has begun. | Coamty Judie. They Lava. some Grivn, ood wakiig the surfres| "Pd lexntrantt attaetiad ta the meses DS Re crab ear ah aN r ri mard. te nf a' of tin | can vote, not being awe into wil for 3 husetlukee itser, Thee thiseaia. | States service, b neither officers nor sol. ag weed tat Bsigara sho be placed aie Falla Wala have fo Briteals eihiaens | able proeess states that Dr, Kayser Beoiwesta Tet oAtido 60, & Christina Governor. There has been some | aod of alegien:a ¥ setber vo yurts pore} _ Tirkey ami Russia ave making great prep. isenss Of On the futare condition of Bouin, wn. Bi roard Vitspatrick, ef Colville, | 49--preferabiy the Australian, whith bas re-| srations lor war, The'other & bat the comijeration ef the was | wil take 140 head a inte Koo t\ycome nieree, als utely loosing on with deep interest. and doing -- " adjourned, the tenay in the spring; fering at | pare. 141 Cotaper Baura tu. ae rae their utmost to recoueile the belli * par, "i Polrtitiaries asking time to refer the subject Commar'y Fo "77 Shipsenn ts Pree oti 19 | asusmal, but ne, tive. -liussiv deems ned Servia. - a bg sag Flat Head Lake, at o low priee, | en mized with water tarter, a4 free | sud the other powers united with her shall fF 13 A from Cos- eal parties 'the psaanation to lime ea possible, ate. To each | not be the losw: with Torkey. stancigople to Reuter says the absenes of the bane A el Teg large bands two hundred parts of the gran U alloy in| Their territory must re: intact; and, if Porte's tative the preyminary | horres parsed through for the North West | Sided one partignited oxse of nicke!, 'and | need bo, their independ eaten oreates an unia tory, where there tx caid a the articles are laid an it: After boilitg a) Ex, 2 fect that un-atere td for them A men a short time, they beeome beantifuily rich ~ AWee a paper sags >--"A genuind case ot cunt pata! Sag! taiuphscedd ao a Wallacetown Mr. D. Pore ag whe ras his nce ad Case, asaisted to the we we * by Gunn te %0 We-

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