Stratford Times, 27 Dec 1876, p. 1

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CuK lcTMAS Nees ee -~ 5 ' wig "i i : é "TE w : ' Gideon Grime hs SERIE IRIN wealth ear ' marriel a" wena" mitch younger - thaa- himself, but soch a. woman one misets a onee in .a life-time, ana ea ¥ and having sein, can never forget. Had sho lived. he might havé been -~gud-bettor; but-she rer irae "dead twelye years, and no sect ing being Jad ace th the Peer a chant # heart She fe as a very lonely man, this! ee a oe sgcb BAMA es SR aH Sg De ae, SI VA VOL. . ~ STRATFORD, ONT., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1 S76. ------ one cluld, ans despite his coldness, he | ¢. { j mt ' r had frozen t death. He saw to} Notes on Educat lon, sixteen he handled with « freedom of . th h lavished upon this ao his sarpriso his a Moe Shere ka ke vl action that was net aug aes Fon ah craryicitioguaeioasy? i oe : =t be love only less strong than that he had Lis i = ble | is the opinion ef a writer ia_ the Sehoot 'war pointal Mt Gar heads, and all (From the Loudon Glabe.} ' cate nace. I don't wish to Le thought to j aud grant us edesor to retire." ; 2 private papers anda considerable | Phd tin-thas.*° eatest dilfienlty the barrels - ' place. I don't #i ought to} e ? ion portie her metier. t eighteen ue m of d f hi H WF -- bad charged. This, the minor of life, a pro | speak afl ofgood peopin ; byt I mast say that ex a Lis goestate the deer i girl had marric ist his will, betes Pa ten Lene Bail Of his | which tenchers. of the. nataral-sciepees have ever, Was net so to him as the | iment place mnst | sometimes people talk tate a. atl the eal ae 7 11s Wi theontend ts the wretched habits of study | small, thick-set English weapon, whieh he | which are the dire - were Tot alr mail = eler te taken inte. iis He 2 to spring iia Fates the the pupils bring with the and--ovidentiy "Vo the importance of petty ecanomy | would be one. I har pistes ees pao ie St enan but heconht Tot move, ane -- acusidorste Sent ae ont 5 i setting: pat cut dows teats oa a ree isd ' ae he ea vored to speak hia tr the Timialion ef correct one eonreere peels " ithen pee nearer : Meibonelin ks shi sefresh= Tailed him. The fire pointed s cilent: [Mougha. Tt tannot in ® miniature olver, which wretched for the tor ie dicaane wae mee by his si rola erga . she - ly to the bed, and Gideon Grindem | "ee " reo! eee | with a - sane said was pede » a just as a | the want of siz-pan'orth ory at 1 yao fect d the -mereha t tidus hands lo egal i ? an att over « lesen wil! : guardian in ventures im less oS partioular 3 by folded wearily, nid his eves tod: ah: ste helplessly in; that direction. & proportional time mitt feats ore arm of the cities of the With } this time of the year rigger at e-echy | eatta Sn" Tl a onan fe cathe Es --------ganitly oir Tie fires so still, so. tranquil Han lay on his bed, silent and } tion. taught to stady with the un jess favored quarters wo afterward bat yy pastasea, "katt COE which he te perieetly couspetent to « ' i c stall, y . oan dad} t mH perie chet et de fs hr wn wiehie tins ter. ath His fiands wero claspod | detstanding ; to grasp the leading ideas upon | found ne hed » and genial acquaint. | even in innumerably ! : the shodid do it, or poriaps, re that ki that one" might have thbaght him toutely on 'his breast, aud his eyos which th fiole lesson depends, aud to | ance. Alter dinner he drew forth » spring: | ised in a yenoral «ay bese = a a | j wil _ fit ax Id fide. < nt % i he xat Pa , ' s ; ole i i '" - ~ 7 comfort snd vk 6 rddecide. Somstiines 2 man i ' rere, through anne wide open dnd staring taukly ai bring the whole into unific form. In the | knife several inches Jeng, which I thought | liberality. With the view, it is to be pre. | S87" pruy over this very care ar h the closed and th 1 class room sonsiderabie time is given to the | was another weapon; but be used it as 2 | anmed, of keeping the coal bills within cer- the cane anae er ha God may give to te , the Pooh come 6 ceiling. © Gideon Grindem bent | making of wbstracts, or skeletons of topics, | toothpick with an case and rapidity which | tain definite limits, it soeme to bea point of | part to There is vo barm in ar t! over and gazed the countenance, | 4nd tothe analysis of subjects into their Mwe thoaght moat thres! to the safety of i thusking that, wait the moment thet L the midnig parts, And, finally, the papil + al. | bis It was of evident eha- m yeany weaverelee Shak se 1 bat he ear back in sist ror and ca -- A) pepus nai - a & source the extinction in spring should ba determin ing ayia thine i "ol the oat 8 filled may: Ne had h ee ' te tee of 'act that the nar to him that be had not his rife with | od, mot as comman sense might ive i j ae bhveee: 2 all the air, rising and falling co ve ee i ~ look'| row view of thove sublecte. obtained w his, .madgh Abbe, as. well. -bp-aiee gebariT vere at ti "pe nd rari y of prayar inborn "Ieee a Tae 7 bof 8 thar oo oman hwotaee} whore hernml ae Wuit eoured te vals P}'This must have been a chef d'aurre, for he | er acd the reading ' sce bay | ing af the ga te of eaten - i Ghec : wate. far aig a ul and | 8OFe- So still, so terrible was it, | ly s* 4 foundation for tature study and read- had deeds with it by the almsnacié, Dates aro tor, bat Ps o solaun tate they toid ; for they sung that it seemed to be bomething super: | ne" aitgqeelietecs ar wes at Kanone sek hala. towers wee may v and if | Ot tobe, wl teaching one's room net *. 'ee £3 ETC Sasa = z HInk back} Presutent Woolso "] question | mare Fea at was in- t the month of May, or the early | SbOve all thought of rid st in the epper Boor of a four or induced him to give her eo we pie ay ese by eg with n ; for the face upon whieh | toch whether the formal alien by vading Servis. I to be his great part o' . whole bow id have | *Plermnity of prayer band. building, containing am ¢ $ ton francs, all be-had. Sitting dewn-te hie ' ait ua groan ; or the ace upon winel de labout the . , s-eften-rented wir . Gideoy Cirindera ! hi } ed rote ofthe ble im sehdelsas a rcheol book lige' to prow ft tbe ontakirts of the | to ait numbed and shivering.or to get gaan fe sgt py Mon. nap Rint . The voles 'ana $0 elk, ond sel 401°: 4 wae hat ei i - Joes ro much good sa ju sateen ae Ps a in obwerlens ry, why it is | bed until they peared, zs eatin ah ae i _ po aor , and he earried it to the 5 ee the omd Phe] ax einential, ~ Pine ti . = ree role. fault of bine - iw hate | v Tay 4 quiet ane be sddrevs sho bad given him. Ou thy top stair." hnamnasinesncictisc smcaty. ' the -- aon ere - ae po ae Tid shitfas o marksman') 'i he beard laughter vopeated np = bs Tia tate Gf mind tt traction curious regard te ebonomy m thonght it quite safe vig siane ier case i load and the vi reliant to his inmost soul. + Gid- * This will be the ond," oi the | from it. Its catsitae --uet da seit ta § ~kateelo on poeiafty "wel! regulated ny mat be funwd to we chureb or out of it intuds of inventors have | "7+ Mo Mh cmeeer ™-@n- entering he: con Grindecin,"' the voice. suid. are Wirt its style is archaic or the xatiee Gbe aod dexterity in a hand te qombat with | control = lighting . of ic 6 ic the | Weald not dare to do ik in cumrersation thy Igtoution of an ele | "4 td goose, whith hail been wasn figure, solemnly,' To die-alonesmeg-Ty . the cherisdsed sabre. : a = th hia ton teanes;-ronatiny telote 4 you glad that 'Christinas--has--eome foie a tant . F and with ' ieyond the comprehension of children. fitill mnnieniiiiinieibets evening. A very pimp! sary-goed--- rain rE dle moved by some other ee ae "tonsting Gelore a large again 3 . e and unloved, and without sieehices yainuble may be tht = " te adhere to one i think would be to | 8 life, Mr. Bocober held, ongis tT patents have been ' « jolly company sitting bopeft: de : poe scr hereafter, 'Got help you, unhappy | children through familiarity with the G : Canadian Fruit in England, lage alight when yen cannot conveniontiy | Prestslingowluatured phrase, ks & bh has been the . were petrified. He smi Ve Troi W P is aI t WLeiunelroiu tie fice, and enan.t . and some influences even from s perfunctory = ton without one, finell i rile, Sewer, wer wld } eay be -- ats ~ baturally to «ui costly building ours ET al ie the merehant slanesd. down at: the Thott selon! : ; ale treatment ot this sitet 7 From @ a * . he coulby " ¢ has heen littl eseonr- cold meat. : : heath ° : a a7 Lata foils) Py Ee utare life. a, any of Li 7: oe app Pong ay Age good housew: would yet 'repudiahe } | have he ne. You unght ta eet nt i ent fur efforts in this direction, But] "It ia Dditherto - i Tak ar erent Phere, wernt fist below Lin, was | start. He was withing in hi his library, Corned a shel | ee et eonit | x November . tbe pa sani frou 14a to te taratalinn of mearoe atoeh -¢f. shjestine, | effeet. Bust srandiaes aot felon Perey: arly So. We are Sine atin Dinter, ne ates rh o. see a strange but boantifal figure |) BEER aT an ae nts a exery tant sear 16s ster! por becrel, _At thee. prices wet to-tesrenst ". bien fawn fice Muisae reve et level, i pi = fF ceapeeiaiaiiienar ruse "PES face Was tand by hi ai : } 1 ra on Borns oat allow #9. lesson} ant Dis inargin of prolt. wonid-be | evening ae long, or it fs a shame te shnt oat | and spams thee * bis nese. "Oh, w joke. At Le oe : redhat with pit ager beasts bord E ne is side, and the. embers {70 0") Nee ey se [tether small. The freight, to be paid in ad. | the dayiight,or | I beseech of yun. now, tor think? a oa fr apie ides was allow. its partes a ie old an grate DETOPE [its place. Te al aoa sciously te the read. | Y8Ce. is we believe Ga aterli barrel twilight--all ot which ie inmany cases merely | soul ; 1 ral sof vou to thick pogo p" ro oe ' a | the Little fi im. 1@ gas was barning in the | ing of the Bible against « considerable from Montreal to Liverpool, an fal housewilery, As roan | Cite of religion spon ha him all the waiters ale. i a softly nee = " "a '1 chandelier with a sickly glare, aud | ofty a gp . oF the State, could | £°*: -- fruit -- be sold, wenld not a diay : in the eutema or the | "bly exc.ta wats diasuet by Freneb cetiet, aot han >, sift Ati COUSCcIEnEe, ANK ut insisted on, id think, lighted in the ev . : SSS { 7 trieated ' = + 5 have come to xiait+ wo Harvest the curtained windows stron eround that this exercise rsp Phe Pe hs a leave at the higher price ouly eight | siderations of economy will crobabty silver bei | al Thunder Bas Be tinne thay me aml 3 been--steangers for a love time, "bat yl Saba ight of the Christ-| tance for the moral and spiritual welfare of| thillings to the shipper. We have beard of ; Hidcod, it may _olteg.. Ries man, who pretended to i _-- i ie roy pee su a $cubbed.lis | die rhaidron, else J wm not peopared. be 78 at 330 and 24s. per oaced STs cane #2 | the waist, theesit wonld bé "nase, ta set then, fhe bail was ead ---- ---- ted 0 an mk Ty Laxaber of. Jtedior ae im thle, the- hea cer one ny the Teast ere and cea fo compar | ee ye ae teas ai 7 b= ete me Sic and and ghd - > van ° ae Ease res portals hid the 'a Sr adidatiia of careful to select good, sound trait, aud atively greatones, "You suid--tient-+ rev a ', ib Sila cis er nT 5 Tegalas! times® " fo many 8 barrack of his toad "wift over the mantlepices. e rr inthe women ------ attention to A rer peer dando Tleiman Who onee gave the | ; si the ~ 4 wn tape or 'feat ights of . sare, has been wiped off the roll of the The geldewews faibbovinty apa tea ate Pager pata wacety te "done ment ontredin the Ragiich port in ---- eves cpaos poh lastratien ot the was redu od tale th map _m ae te tu cmutines tat ae b aS many) Kent's fing aid ' { en, rire "9 he eves oO the woman mation of thie object, in with the a gave him « ° | down, own: it ia 4 tw the an 4 tad: = tome at rer acer TH the ta oratory, the art uit Oe ca] The mere t sats ' i 3 compliment: for sending the beet lot, precisely because I by en oes oe One eee Ps raat he : ail = and bi ses who hed heen so dear to him, seemed ae u Univerety. A ccsstitntion sod code | of severst humdreds that w) a on ar "4 pod ars taka euch cae ju the Sieh SO a Oe verter Seco etchant 4 by "his the mest travelied horse in' ths" wor ani" c.. " aoe im pywes Css, full of sweetness anc tenderness as by-laws were considered aud a otegiel, and valle = eee en t Nor'wonting (hat l kar abe Les het thle from che: mein shore "sehorethe 1 4s by wil their other toile pat together. could bly have been than twenty. 4 and sald not rey ee ve te bed, is "Mouthly ) tortained the epiajen good profitable | serive so liberally to your missionary fur. are ronal taint : - ed. "r rtainly r nowt mijection fo elevators ip | 24°82 Years of age. After serving in Prtenrne oben. ite-on fi = "Rt it WAS | "| Tight orig into his heart "that had | conumnittes wit saute ieimaiiay at 2 ---- market for Can apples be Possibly the old gentleman was right, though | " Meter roll pl inher, Leal fe , iv every Feasog_a | Compan, ho ead raed the Cape to Ai His, little 10 Jongor, for it grew in siz ao dar stiles educatots easays, loreigh correspon. in Grest Britain, providing that proper care | :t is clearly impossibie to deeide whether he | sone lense 'oan mty 0 5 aes eae been sie in India, and every tmowent, unGl it sanumed a gi- " Oh; God be thanked! it wis lita tenes, secretary was and at --- i give te was oF Dot: w vale t his | around last onpen wafers apne i the couutry, His nti¢ forma, and # mion-so-etern--amd-} trea" ---- appa, "whe open communications tema Lv clrapah pl ye sige Ney strength of Wat ta," j ie There tat on Sie | this ve tion of the ws on. the Ath daly ne ". terrible that the oj wane almost : ever fips te parpoee in all 0f | wins" and"Greenings". kinds | majority of petty eig.agae eed | When he hisjowner : ) é ' Noi i Joris: petty -apeaed , : as well as feted ic tor be psn at | QD a a hs i ot art ire geet eer ar | me a tl nye Seek eg a ea baa "What do you saab uwitlecime Ao f . = paver 1 4 savings positively mischievous, "] oO -- ' ripen men, ii al MOYO. on aca cae het io Jank down on his knwcs and -- 2 ee, ee em. but the cowstitution | packed, these kinds will bear the voyage and | of a good Sk ol wie, aasp Bowe i x suagiuent i wast (ola or them all. carted de s gasper L wilbshow you, ~ said the h t the endowment of permanent "opt pre Pas pik Lh fos sd B 1a be tala tend, 5 ni figure, solemnly. "Come with me?" is head lowly and reverently. Cade schulasslai p, Leilow eh. travelling feilowshipa, Sol seat was tate er agreed hm ii cigars, f ted | Bp eee : ion rolaut. felt 0 strong-arm sees ¥en peasing Seay aeons ba. saniinladesed snk phvodip: Mc' pola or things: the tne wadition of Pa te then of bis saving te cost of = ee ee a " aioe ou 5 ' hes SHORINOR Aaa The Bere aioe Ae aaah uty spe ring . an t i te oped by such sieate to create for fers ef the fruit adds greatly to ite marketable ergar Le tnd lgen fr F nye territory, aid aneo Was bee rue through space witha lot aye Raniie a saree a FE Sper me simple nn the part of hippers tien clea esis tee cw ans ie : Spee dastt st mm of . aay La rT) ect to those which have been bean sha. canee.of maa Soe Aeaermtoes - cme impressed. with j aid separate thy M : : ° 'ability to Suddenly there created f nought that or four years Neg lg magnify ihsitews. cmporta miderfally Lands Companys), but now theoneti-e one ala Bows through the vile stra the adniinistration of wxisting. fandsto- the} iis "denier sbi portanee, and to lead to Feat "byt "Uhaeue powerful Cuitipes ' ante ; ed his eyes. oT ge "'eMONGT OF F7T,000 will, after this F a be | Londo het fling barrels to the -] bunited pt a late repres otative coseaiengedny id Masser r_pectormatce of in een ent at the 7 Placed ja the bands ge this lis aa ge and wolected | SO cgon sums... And it -is-very often [New Yo WK este, ated wow we b ' t of "of CRD although cases of bites inflicted at the same hit a mark the worst quarter of gH adopted- mime iaThe Boatas Vibe ye | ult dut,-owing packing | j frow handed, easy going individual ai rie " od, aud tat " wee our i , | time, in « ways, had in. i ie Péity; the splendid' equipage passed. | Women's Eineat Fs snouameed Sask she choles Oi Laresis, & way te inal 9 | Soe Soman Manme a ineprectels.. A iabeit red . fet in ana. | Sed in e dr : bith, p iinty furnished tt a mausod Before a elt pte Hing. --* sauunauetave ieee : ie thal in bat ite -- in the groat | sell couviction of extravagance is very libeta-| jets He rater in_spd. a ~ ali' = gga yth ling bets ak ene d con. seearic 'Sous a pesiahize ~ ered Nae 98. onthe {| -- ore ' ¢ elite is nine eactuee mt, tect ghat. the me time pee = este islet sped aorcres ai 3 ae tee t be bad paid out. tt ads about a bani are the » -- yendir: ft pee cnee rer Tas vover, because Sade ss, tu fry poder he ie zane i ' ~ i rt cerpesponurt prin pence' is apt at The per crgmnaniins esr or ae 2 peavees See RiP gr the rickety stairs, cemeloy that one part --< xn aed or Aas Lous vee tmvo | informed. large shipments were pon Phags pot aan oi geet yeagetl thie Thg voersbeie ot i ioe omg -- . ; ' ith Abeu. watl slight ts op ae guas i 'igi at 2 enn, ait hy the fire, true after atl Rath er A) @ihkost ruincas* ee" ayelem of petty sav-.{ the #uares cre ft, " a) Lane ee Saad PB SEND OS pe O Sorvin whe a gure of great trade; and we ars tro aA Setoff against 7. a : ig Oe WRATH Chikd. with His t [Te pushed open w door and entered "x | proportinus eiitéred the room with the air of | the quotations mentioned above, that the rey conscious eatinet aSord But wh y a (0, eny : ee ™ gs ittle hands tolded im prayer. The | miserable room. A glance satistiod an Enuperor, aud afler casting his eyes criti: | margin thie winter aver maybe the souree in which a disposi Sta en: tale at = . ine SUippers. F. Weary 6. Younor, F.G.8. * ne nent ia at cet cone ia otter bie that the blessed day had brought ripe various - 2 pat to us | discouraging. Ottawa Tipes. te affect potty economies crigieaios fe on ; Mr. Henry G. Yeuner, whose daring westh- * bewildorment. "Thi his cyea grow ren ee -- a ute : rve the f ' t -- wih is Cye® fg 0 joy to the inmatesof this andabode.| tock hi farther introdes --E : -- -- Jite shediei of them Your She Srerags er predictions bave for the lest year 2 misty, and ao great sob swelled ap n woman, pale and careworn, #at by | tion 2 at tt = inde table le whee we had. ois How to Deal with Vermin. Sierors tint with eaes house: . : one ee, ~ iainpes jane vier gmat 2 allemaal from his heart. Ue had recognized | ag empty grate, « of hoyige) Desttrotr dir 5 ordinar: ts be epared, even though he cota ca LA ncn = | OF the press eople of Canada, se0 born ---- uipty grate, with a look ft hope 7 timeers Sahrtate r : Fs the two "tha Dor Wa Lunself, and |}, he: gf te} damege done by email tajmale, both" . sta nay resalt from 5 2 T absciices.froin gn frequent, {23 Mf tetd-rs e === "ts f, i easness on her sweet och ace, While nasions: ity moss the ecosomy, Others will take lithe hoet--of Csinls ington' tenet eed. wee eee fit OI Uiem. | fore not the grey-baired veteran that ti c Mie finn. 75 Kae mG "i me of nih loa and sicklyday onthe bed ious, but may Lemade usefal, i" uy. peleccunneines rf, a iguce {5 wit ONES a: oS ee ar ieee st oct "and her manner as | erall He wad & wad Sdueated ot Phsty's eo ~~ terrinTes seleone Crramdemy | yi closed. t tren "579 it " oT antpply tes! ' oa a le aaa es "a mite yale Ss eign | Th eae ney v uventurer can alfeer, he was tneditel trees See year destgoyed by mies pod yy ooh tee a amen te ps : ge arent in Farr eir pei slambers, Startled by |" # 88 aking interest. cnc . aoe Baden ea ets of grain are | which is deus A fan nomen « icuvageionn The me A . nest 7 noise, the wom: . : rate tall and powerfal and anceeily cons , mice or 7 : | 8 man looked up 5 powerfal and somewhat And all thie distruet ay be la bids the one great o ; Eiaking of bis ows chil how he | Gideon Grindeta's eyes clowled, aud fas ffl yer black, ot at tases | Sf eiled et prevented by proper methods, | "pubes icy rani waned son "hy |W " 1 ter pp € :) . ™ . 4 merey : i I ke ; OF he oe his arms and folt rel : taruct ai, though of mack bumer; mere erat te the em the £7885 | depriving the servants of perquinites in the ey. hud ite hand up My daughter, forgive-ine ! is dress and uccontrements completed the | --). Reid Ps 1 ix peet bones aud but id con him ani w lum away. He w ith a 'glad ery sho sprung inte his pi latdre of a good teropered, bat wy) a cal waoads mien id Ma Pomage he papers. Itbas been that thers as knew they were ni New York again, | arms, and the penitent fother felt that | 2°4 wee Page lek cece warm ea groud, be ra would be the fag 2tt8 blishments in the city the i and that they were hs wrying th ons gh oe bee wit Ot, MAS yoned ' there them earth which make it a eubcanter i midst-of the stor ie pe fongiten....he a dered eee widen by eed a RS oe. To heensd Hae seared of | tlt W the Fae ar wlibsihis siewslee Phe fries Tod hie ty tone fights ot as ont blessed Christmas whew it | e*Pers. With these be was more a pe 7 marca fl = ot eat. Wage mb who par peg droge British merican Magrezi stairs, until Boally they conte 2} rung wi rry shouts of the ainply x : wt . store, im 4] weudd be. alascet hn per) a Bri 24 the cost ef time spent in this way have de. ons t ie Tore ans cotared an 2 PS - s never be y fo t cortar here | time published in 'Toron| %y the pein hin -- ger : cure, and echoed ee ee lenght Y | livirg man. "ithe fe eck. tae 1 mage 4 v prec : svailitig snow, this thas Saust pata x aapenny ball ol-slving saved | iate commen al pars is 1000, tow high aes / ep merchant shrank back syuat. | of the ler ones ~ £ wit] Weteritinel as b w * ida aa is le 4 ' « Ne. uch ' ap shed a feeble | Grindem sae he lifted oo his By one 'soutl dots tliat he weal ba a mot inte provide bathers for -- Hite. eat | een cearierioe Heemeselne Fr gieat it pathered mat t aces fas tasted he pins t doo caper vi ad " "~- , e a . tot Fatheron: 100 + log ont ' ron, addling to its tt and hocireany hol ¥ 'ex: | will gather to feod, and there to ey | ee ne ernamber habitually deny themylves a Rin wm git hi "Fartovata fer street t, and during ears ; 4 oe - . tt Ts low | he had sent to he Sixb au tanele ploite' with which he regaled, us, the Tasks die af et: TH nd | Bary of & good abrorbont sheet" r ol ww nder havdk heitlays and spare time te the 7 g » i word ed give « very handsome reward ba hee sendy of bed aiman lay, wan aml emaciated. hap piness. kis the orehard . and writer, t "Wesstn of do vancilen in her , and large of A woman sat by the cradle, sewing ---------- a : ' : inds, most of which were obtained 4 y * th k t vl rung hours busily, her P ee wan : soeming | Coimnsi og A Foance.--The Daily da we | im exhitating hie ecnhasnd seca ag rt ep seahne eh RS reel aes antag ret pe Montreal, even more ghastly by the ancestain ays :--* bas matics nidewee in giving a list of | bark of tr ther. " g any clear rpace ¥ instructive | sey tron Sidtol + with impunit: 1865 oe light, andou a low palles two chil im hago, Hom witasaned seraee wbiel wouk! » in-each of which he | bung Meety: fief f ante. rmsiance of the way in wh cht ix kind of | Ini age on ef adtines ot she yaaehir we pa meth hy are Sppeiated by - a F shadow a A general taiévident pride. There was, first thing oceans ly resolves itself into an Lee, -- * rimotltis sire quiet sud sabde- Tis Hat in & gwolégical ox- as! the while nneen- matt 1 kg tereata in the yx night in spite of all ations, exoopt that P iad ; ; of the con e fi in the poiitees of France. | foremost, a splendid sword with a gorgeous! fe y 2 hobby oame observation' | Si j Li of happiness glow r in Island <n around them S revent speech M, Gambetta protested a Pee z an nt of Apt ay "ih which | .ceHmection with « gentleman alftietsd h tees to eal ot Sarthe, = ows i Huron. jie thera be wrote a num. ee rehant saw that, assingt the policy of thone ho wane one ion, and whirled round | they may bs taught to ram is search of foot. | * particainr a. AL ; oR gral gate the Indian tibes deeliing vthe inland. he in spite of the marks of eare and-anf- [NI BS ------ aoa ow eat destenty. He Pi hey may thas be supplied with apple-pear. togeth: the be * | noemery, ete, ete. Sivabe tnsde a latye = 2 -- fering which it bore, the worman's,face | head very boldly of late ge Boe ke nner ES Or leaves, & handfal of | tet the whol ae 'ere Ii; | lestiom of Lake Huren birds, and formed a ; w won derfully the that of his dead | been putting forth its pretensions stoatly in | light and ex 'ig ered Shank a or pieces i and will ot big' y very. lint of all the species frequent. 7 a wonder, for the woman was | the Chantber ; it ballones iten cif to have for- half. agunly Toss Tagish ~ podighegieng yee oe yp ti rel). apr wins én the. ot} = =e ing sind toreed Ps thé shores of the Tape ™~ his dant . wld wweat xtood ont --S inflaenee in Bis ae and appears | sabse aud a Turkish similar, cinaly ovek these alleys lil Cea last one im canght, ae bhil, US flash. an) hie - See al bmg the Geological § so gn = ' his brow, aml his heart seerged: to | gig A that v3 Chisl of x4 aie vape Keett a4 tho swords of Japan.'| seme very welcome additions famils id ee , disposal, pe e Chiefol the State ix Notielug that I held is usual in the provided. vo 6 step still, Et wa» fearfal to stamd | at ate ally. hae. pr te thet the | Wert, he slowed mg bow the Cossacks _-- i given si . thus and gaze on snchla dreadful stateatnani @ "moderetic and seeder their swords into actien, with the righthand Bats, mice, and sqairrels, ma hept goa scene . lately shown by M. Gambetta hay over the left sliualder naked « from barns, stables, cribs, and nly by | ue Mr, : Chicos Csi tom_yovanc ani Reape Sateom with new bone, Sets | inde baak ao aw te eter ha as | eta nag thei Precious mola in that ay tert Rreeod, Ay r at he se 3 turning ti fie fiurc. cried imphwing- emt events, t whom any sort eae pet WY | ssvural ahemnion the cate and The _ He sheng apaaa mene i } 3 . rm rt | pointing ogt that thie, would po ner alive 'oe . se se ly: of modgration, any comipromise with fxisting | soldier te ward low with ease, he said it mischief done by ~-- pesta la a discovery proving of great service, jel (Let as xo away! TF cannot lear | Powete, would seem odious, There must by | did not matter to kis county ; they were and beyond easy belie: : ons; was me lane for tio cvld water on I Whit" ; many hom hebred : of Cheri ~o qaick and «itv im thew 'movements anew way 9 erops : the | durate rob murderdt tw n ctanption. His «, however, . T se j : iem are #0 strong that they would turn with | an attack could enemy disa. 4 OWE them. weh a bundle of | a member « fc one ef tee meet ' i P gh the metal wee figure' ghoutly Je d lim frorn | weleome towards sny eloquent gogiie | bled from this position os well as by W The money easily almost ae formidable ss that | ble £ ab eo found in small quantities, thé séereh. tor the rotin, au i down the long «tair be, sandthe lita | eaypiry from ther as guard. He amount dollars S ialeebien '9 famiies ia southern lialy. it has neverfyet.come to auything, Mr. Yen. out into the street again. It wai no eee vehomence of fan-' showed me with prides deep in : -- tfatly decfined. This certain: rete Gulane anger Ssplarstions in Kasteru Jonger hight thernefor the sun was | Neoon oak no means unlikely that Prince | Uade, whieli be wai got before ny wise and pound foolish," and "the aie'al the pec ear . ried maaan on Mi. Goan ined | -Alexinatey, where he éleft's Turk from bead Build. | , " i toantry lying. between shinins bristly, nad the-thorongh> | teiose favor nh merges spirité | to xboulder with one eweepi 1 | tage should el in Letrared Lake Ontario sud the Rives 3t-Lawroney ont fares wore threnged will busy crowds | of soos his own opportanity | may jook. « litthe haga | view, as There 78 raved, | wus gradudted. pon the Miltary acs, ; tie Gne band Ottawa river on the , ¥ rin ¥ inereddions, for he addled neglect of really important mat 4 : i harrying tatheir accustomed -avoca- some coming grein or 4 least flatte ra him wks Hales: aga ure effective devioes for of Ste Richutaa in TOsi- and was Ident! : | ers pain is investigation up the-val. ~/ tous. The dir-was ketn and frosty, self She he Sens, de foree avec Vepee, je road, anewre," breeds sal Iss Danaahine nae and % ' sii 3 ' Tes Diereeits at tus Care OV Rd. Tits vue regardiug his powerful arms of the gue my ant " "aud whi he wrappuigs and comfort ~The threatening aspect. of Asath | eadidiaitlon i dat ies with, a mane. sto aud important facts, respecting ers. Which: she aasn ifeanceto the fet} that he would nothave objection Mg a thor. walls uahing np' and tene- | sp Brie: th . lanes sirof-a ppere, I both the and economic minerals, of the % ie Peri fran the igh élngeol bonad camaraderie, to prove Places "Siang te fotk hear of egireing edema ieee net wetomal eunjugal ddéetity ? rte iO: The fis ure lial hiny-inte a large stoge | thovernorship of the Capé Colony, and that | Ure trath of his remarks a i ts & ficee of iron or savea | tat... -- pki iar ied sliver Netto sere pie pon up_a fi * y " we i} " o ° " on one of the br 1 | Siz Bartle Frere sobcted as his une. | The interest with whi ss oi we Sopa ote i : ¢ business Strotis, and Sir H Barkty has had to straggty | sword pre oom aie be > Provi pK dor 1 5 stopped when thos-reached the+ #ix years with peculiar as. | to te Fohuiteer # View of "es Soest pe pe wht veral ies: culties. If he warn: « tit | knife. This wan 'wl m 7 ti 1 the stove, Pras jane rather than dis fault. In | or engraved, aod a eats P alavativa wen ' : } > ATH peta soleeting Sir Bartie oe for the place whick aban ut eighteen Distiog slong: curved and waa Fr an aye oe dor hee ppintinter har = -- pe sed hea t neo: bat ius: penile Sic Hein Barkly racy 4 "a ax. oa he | sound doctinal methods and fervid elo is ~ mon did pak seera consejos of their ~ pri -- winieae cm we He ia Sed [Anticipating my dn aunts. yp faved if cage te : What as ik seorpreamve os the = " haf tha 5 aA cre and to ont. the alt Leas, oh malpore hoes and not the ¢oeking up of pins or th pore be.anslavic patty. la. retatiew . resence. ' " y at | ee ba ue or the say | tat 6 as P * What was that yon sod about poliey of the Imperial nln withant | defend hi of candle' : -- "Ape oe stow 4 ame Se a trite = a ster of iw, sheath mts -wiely 2 : Gid Hind oe Fpue rufig the rusceptibilitic« the Bath er * idens of the of petty' econ. ne peprmanty ea oply I Seale Griareneched b Ms ; Grindem * agke one. sate. Xl aw. very important Turks?" Ur with: great Gant to Sndps: thas So shiver: shiver thfough the Sovereign of Rusia lamrell. pwearal du slipper at ; Ss id ib ~ is a. heartle od! brute?" slvantage 10 the new Governor shat - has | ty, sabe yon do pot mean fo scalp the a and evenings an at ian Bossier nse gar, al ont Vreanic noahl 4 pane Links varie 83 oF SB af no pre teailey : for the hghting iy, does ne athe happy tat : . 'rep! ani Jota oe Piao aa gt ps sei: € Yia,"" be ans "eoalp Cremation in Arizona, < = bakes mony fd thy that they dealing with snplanant stern ere that sig er sa ens ei 4 laboring colonies, materia! ly @en fortatue redevesscr, Sign S a courses, # He ile killed daughter,cand aarogtien 3, i the revel ens tama. whatever they may do for the doctor Sabibited. Fast Wale iar tos Talon sack Jaton to wa a arecseoreo whe, ae % her husband: and: children... Thee wees ¥ : » be weminformed thet ammest-- 4 hart : ¥ but that a ee télleet G Say re as froze to death yestvrday, in a tuiser- | to the consideration of i eatiaie: that ant, perent + Rl $69 Sarre teas we able borel _-- 'East river. , Think at wil face face him at the wutaet, Peden 98 m2 yond ee he bad caw. "anily ig en go by jee vo t amd tberefare teitled. Tha. a litintivar day, t pling ba wealth i in, Lis Governor of Box ia he - solemnly. "In she ich? of Gad "yor have. wurlered Jour chillrsas"-Agai _ the morcirant $5 Lsinaself bape: 'home. : He odd in bn ends, adv. aac untarily he taurked eh s Sage) hes fail himsalé i ia las own , i soya te tient Comsauis Sec arasnnnenton cae ten PRT ; : 4 vers temon- ete Te thve:ntanre thi 'cout \e- mu /* cable | 4 see thee coca ba Bicinse ee ner ot eoboten: cha' = < Ago rast Oe alt ma aian- 3 cot cae ere We thee sentence | pect a "embroid-

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