eee eae , Grong Slaughter i = : Daye Stratford Pl le a nUaINES a enti tansasinn wvet ol Seoten THE GREAT Sash and Door Factory, TS Syawee above Cost. Soka Byte, Ena. Mr, : A I @ ey Prorartron, At a Trifle a Jomo too NGS = 'HOMAS ORK, . fan, | aot 0 Seeeatane Z PLEARI 7 Sota iepmrpe | eget ; : Times, =, ' rede of Nponen dieses +: ©60} rag Themes Gry. ine The Stratford 3 erie _ ewan r Toe 3 apeae4 Stove, oy calles Goan Bae. oe ATITGATETTE. rh Gee ee soving tbe tratafaloeae of this Be | Se ND COATY OF PE : &EC leben! Lambert pope ous. Lampe. Gas Frmings, A XL all kinds | om me sad pre : tm. Rétor nad d anager... - Lumber! i Hoang. Ses, A } aces oe ty tan . A oo nad Dee ae HINVCS: | tira mmcemaamy ste Sara 7. -- ct ecco gees SY = Still Gon " ose oe seen ety J. ODBERT. : g ian Metell --_ 60 EE ON Seding: wae to - J.J. 48 . snd Fageielens. Saipeae fi een ryitd conn' a ee : Mucw.---Wel}f soa dow Rowen, serastued bbw gek -- " the enna ee cece coasnlny Untated Sept ttth ON, I Dow' 'Paavat ident poucy in The | trussrox MD pL oh. banda su be want a oe ee ee ber, and Lad INS" & 8 poet m then. secure x Sporty. meray ah eepeeriy us 2 4 Nesm te My Door has bom Hardware Store. Oo' HIGG RZ 8,. = rales Inco ee clas Qutarie, | Day Onesie a f Dry Goods Mouldings are abi his died T. ORM. GROCE r cet er aa pay nat er forse et it areata Cheapest Sale o Sere fort, Jam. 8 = AGRICULTURAL eemerseiD that reowi¥ protection -- D. $, kod - ; 41874 pat Ete" lei pt ae to Pe esha Coming !| Bo TT nepensnt Salt er, on only i i Powter's store. bus . ; s oO i's, Carling» and Tem oe a paar a Thee nd do aml Ketwenvmp, Be "pest ee - of Stratford. Christmas . s nae ood Ss "se Ea TE : pend Poca : a own - 30 F - : ( x wee NORTH PASTOR The} AL. &, MecAls the. "ont i id ae OHR & NErs Canned Deposited with Govern Prasextatiog, Ms. 1, - Bidens Y tw b TuIS, M $s0, AND of 8 3. Ne. Mi sa Bloch, HS REA £ of sparagus, oe oe r.. Thursday ata | Ofice am a f Goods still to Assortanen Ay recite Beans, 4 apatet awe half-yearly was held oot HY titties 8 CHOP uouss. orth o OD Peas. Tavure: Lig tnt esther a0 cable sat ote Sires pyc treks ae ge disposed Ut F ANCY GO ot Caas est en er ore t -- K. nares "ani a ¥ on the inst. the untay ined in and Cotes. Street. T " 7 hs - 1k STOC its, This Com A ring is w Sam. Mr. J. A. No Mab Young - ~ MINE THE DP NOTIONS bra "" it to their The pupil may, ty Mee J: -2 \ ¥_. Good AND EXA AN vot Jelties pg Sets me 3 'Wellington roads. of studs essra, Curtis, O08. LIVER (both CALL Yous Min pet | Peaches, ¥ "Ottews. bers, different cher, nid Meme Carn Se Fei = ore ze. Dives Hemm Bow York ts date Pears SEADOPYICE - Visteria Giese BURN, Albion Caines, ka he readiness with ---* Woops, ae eee se ae ~ erties indebted to the meu) -- Oo carfs and Street Ova BLA amet 5 6 sangre tte. |e the various cr rates. HOTEL, vb oh 4 NPs a - - rapes Taxac, Nea __ E wich the ota pect rset exproned Ci ars PES | Geasied ts mabe ay rere Ht | Laie' Sik Crepe, Cafs,| PINNAN HADDIE, sagsok equation Forth, Waterloo, Wallington, to. i . pret yotonibus ru short note. i978 : & Cu I od Ba J seme The twaghers eer she _progypas = lore. : tree oton . Mor. 22, r Collars F RS. aay pep are S WANTED. 4 " teaaber highly pleased the "prericas |S | osties T HAGARTY, ---- | Stratford, dies' Linen BLOATE Season. | Burve AOENTS » Abemacis es ma pals Schr Bes aminatic c. Jan. 5 Ut - ents La ffelang rring, in ~ ew sersttind. Fos - A Lecnenpineseminananins by the 5 close of t J. P Ru ed He oe . ceatie, Lets para ota Sap tee Xmas Pres sg puonsred.. N, | STADACON Co'y her wos the ache ¥ Jd. re-fitted 7 % Soh, lets. ; * Hof han bean mreden Oe . 'Btewart, on tebe arcompanied i their o- tanec easeanta -. , nlite CORSETS, iLOVES, &e ALL E N, 7 d Life Insurance ; Meatine etn xan to vertmaipet foswts Got Aa Sod . a2 * GHONES: HATH NETS, Cc. G. n-Street, Fire an pee UEREC. some &: speaige -- a hele ty sanerip @ HOTEL. sad |" ' assortment of 4 64 gay one eg orig errs OFFICE Ms Des} wer tear for one tion, a mart [> how eRe: hotel } I large Tassels an & Masic follow! EAD aa nae WR mes 'as thei: b vanes parting tt v0 We reply "Thaahing B earrrun veltSppeien oo WELS S thmminee, vo to te taching te CoE BE. : SY RETAEUP TE Bases FO | See eecetounes = tat par le a anitable present, an Gran a Fringes. Buttons. Snead prpehen A te Beat. ! mane eal AF acon. | Samdud im Shame. ms © sabnlint fcr tek? velaable' b while | haa. teen < has BROWS ) Stl ; Teeepeattion.| thorized Capt cone tha ee ac 4 for th Hoyer to | Sashes cequemedetinn i a re. heue of alee pallens Laid hae = r Author & onaae var sie daofocie tl Kind nd promised ~% strive |" N HOUSE, House, Jewellery Stor robe a all '& NEFS. will rrancing -- Gre -- Paid-ap a pout, (Fie oe | oe. COLL, wont oa wang wilso! aammvasgenoee and . ere cramer eter nd that o paating with th "He advised om) uea- par beween the Canh a MOHR & 3 weet ene of or for nett the F Gow , Lo (iste i) . $993,775 | ple vie a "oh ty eet ie wet to there people teed Poe be Saree |. ainsi vets serait, to MR. AL ao Song, Hare Fire Promina & Inter anh toni, Fos 1a th all thei: m to thes 'the = oaahe "NEW Gs = ier 3 4 copies for Wal ; Total Revenue 7 ; _ Btratlord, Mises tion? eo at hy old some "pe on oe 8 for wae Ty are | 7 Sauiples | wit] Be hes | a ne as ae _ , on _ eee a = i rw g bows © | pipes or any ha opens ; averted Funds mt . a = Pent. 7 ee they maigh air see oe SOF.) efor. ~-- ator a. Watches. Jewellery, Silve | $5 to £ wots 88 few ------s tiranges tr ine will a $ of Dancing eu Lohan sand anid 4 Sana eo ~ Sapncree 7 f. EER o ceokane hives 6 eaeee a is ; -- aaa, tate hee , = eh ny { HLE 2 . the rulers « ecupy. A ne toe Kt ot the fe pals land, Mai 1. oF OUR emmsates ~ "= Tanah dapat. rt BA iders, : ence cam rs . Port! 1RLA Stsations, 7 a ane Bui thes som ceedings hee leased the y, bow: a&e., OFF RK A ORD... LitisKew Tay, tail dealers in pomiion ¢ cholars, the peor lie ¢ d to scoospasonate apr Oysters Sc: as ~ THERE mes Soy sneer sale and re sith be ~ Ls+4 freq pcan TkO_ "RK: RG: a' okcs atten hawetiorta the Manager. d Undressed c om. oes of thaiay Till 10 p.m. the choi heap fur Casb. : : --CRLERRA Fy csp i Pilar ao > tha Gensral = Dressed a ane DOWNIE. free). in The bar te wa MET, Patch will be sola i ronthy Re. a rs. €Y TO LEND. GEO. RATYORD BRANC iuadher «| Also alt . of Har emai nore aud Clgare. | einige ss Mowe MON eT 1. BOARD : ps mae: Eaw L., No. 707, Toth Joost Ee 8. Si € 'and Real Estate Agent, Cheireaas. "Blinds, ' ""'Deanae Tan oven UO. L coe an, oe eS a Tale Tr erie oe Rae el ER ey - ing Sa General ah? STARET, STRATIO RD. 4. ana, -- STONEY, Rew Doorsand Sak Teaningcdai 7 mony, met in eR terzn of © yfoues ~ next . -- 1 AT ST BR. BESSON, Esq. BUTHERFO! Distsia vouy aren ~rtatte Taw adi 96 with the ie NE eect '5, thee fatere 1 Reapers ss FOR THE PUBLIC |« m= ot ene ROD bought the large stock ints 9a Setgeimeene ert bf ms Tare ing - ct . of officers then a ee sot Sn ier pea the vor Cie ed Stratford, Nov. 29, Wie. | 1 | | Si ng e€ - GOOD NEWS Buetford, Apei 1% ure . ee, we beg to st penees aehiets malt :-- Robt. THEE, Che ote bret i rt fa Ip all kinds TH ce ae Eos the county, ete nt te. " n tm large wen oo DM. ; = aaur sss cain Wm. prey meee ort ie i M € di 1 c a GRAIN, a dacona Insu re a3 DCAM " eall attention bonthenche at ter, Tre or of ee 4 ttee * a / : fHikewise eal asiber we the | ag mairag ater alk <= GRASS & a of Soll Senn ofenns Gampany.-- ara Sie ten man. vil " Diiabangb, atte. ply of handsome 2 all condition nm G s. SEX pena the following a Se ee = "a bere "tath, Dressed finer. rae meer ie -akemaneeigaanen = ma a SRL en i eee P -- the Taine way oul wondiben Vases,. neta ands : "NOOSAEE to . Has open T THE UVERPOD, a CORP, ping, le-up 1k of Door 7 Shot wd te sate iis im Sorabing Toilet Setts, "} SATISFACTION" OR =f 6 ESTABLISHMENT Pic un Life urroner Compan, | sine AIS AF 2 to tia me ne Th id Life In hanirhmendaeiomran® fore pure " +002 -- : _ , TAILOR ona. Fire an A gockl- wit atte: tand aaned ea tly ai ° 'BT, MABYS. ¥ eet teobton.- bes ae, ~ We alee oes & trial of our A FIRST-GLASS _ 45 HELA ' terse Easy tad Gorey They acai petesieaieekemees _ - e . - = Dod 4 ore. a" San. nbn Wninendas, Mz,| be. toe ~|---#ancy-ac0ps, -. Johnston wae dtlogh.}-Taamaala aie a D, amare eiheken 1coL. ote eaineeins Ti¥ed aihees "FANG TwoBar Draagist, Jaxtis 'will pi accor UTHEAFOR! Braves be HLER & N Honwes ger Weat Ward, ¥ bores ," ~ Wroughtiron Sian Jobm ..Lubiom, themeeives RONENT KUTHS Stratford tastes BAEC ett 3 7 . @ his two ms at LZ Mou f erauet. siiuainsaseiinedan John sages oad track, let they wan on pa bimod Don nor OsTARIO Mth, '76. July 6 ave Ea caseeatener whens ~eattle 05. a) -- January Stratfant, 3 ae anita? LSet The ITH. Bepatiord. 0. ARDSO! n= tal rari the ena oe az fbe-He-NASMYTH. &_¢ == | ahtein soem Yc At oe Nationa! Fire Insurance Friend Gang Plough, ROBERTS, ~ i ae stn weit-alboa-den. Sethe 76. The m and the ~ ln being before along wwe, betes, 2 oilers. 18th, 18 fase" | Farmers' the Neatest W. H. quar: track, an Passed . Dee. 6, wolf tend, Oot. 10h, t -- OF MO! in Market. : wenweal the f, a train Stratford, | nuts, Btzattord, 0 pd age She Dorengiet, the om : we arioe Unare @ Works | reye2; : s cB emabliched ob, cit eosimiogs The Pews yect Plough: Jeweller, : fe eould driv és 'taste Marble trom ror & Co' AVE Chee) ~ AN her P see aniaay oneitag Mrs. : Obe, to~ Mower--9 HNS | Hon ret Gay cow. Watchmaker, owl, Oa Th Harrison, endtown ; +1 Stratford ET. to B. JO 2 coders qua bas x, Agent. w. W. he bas gar) Wal STRATFORD, -- mJ. E. Harding, Mrs. Dr. Mins Steven- MARKET STRE! ~ ;Reaper C. is the place te bay tion with the W. 8. COWAN. A ferse: he. gobive wanutactyre : -ARIO-STREET, srases . Mrs J. ot Port Haron, rT their brother: ; a metionser Sy & SHARMAN, ae -- Reaper, cae , . . os Fae 4 Lroo Bien on. ae wr how asatuetar, No, 87 ONT. out wed a @ Yrleans, we TAU! ; : ade anor Thite * Gp-stair i rer i inapect Hae jast rece Wisniiceceninid ne New 0: station, H 'a. ; 7 Jan, 5, 1878. Mo 2 . ana Paints, 1 . enoeree UMBINC ing then gt cure st the dere a tae He ried Stock of sveding in cab tothe 5. irain tor St PHO fe Reaper -- paterale, < fe. Oe, Fitting Estab-| = vepiodah nt bene test "lee a aaa and well asso ES, ; eroding 6 p.ta. ~ imam = ------ bad ~ 68, the pi on bis _ § New re toe maa's womaserer sypreschiag de pe : ' el Cheap on cane a. at our works and inspect our is ie Steam and 'en ent. ph Tet tae COWAN. WA .T Cc H wl they ee ee frei . Lot] please call D the Commerc 7 SILVER. doath, As | ea Barwell-s to Buy a Phe es ee __ ; IE ROAD. airs Ba, tate soem 5 WELLERY D = ; : ime estead: chin . Hi kinds of OWN ttard, Ay 90K8, # ie We ne and 'at w is the Time t Hom: Ma and al dware. D -- N persia ae 'FORBES. tu fers. . dant tea sapchecstie at a a Secures 'urnishing-Hardw GMA EE RF a ~ the eab: to 1 signal men 0h rate partie, -- Fae eee "+ Furnishing HI turd ante - rding...} me cepted led ont d received er ae aaah E ing elsewhere House d. a Lancia mrareerari ele and. Bos and New Years Present. or ; : y was clear, an waht peree moma. SAL Boker vay Catalogaee. 7 MUKLE) Sy, 'ait he haetomrterecet oe srGicberabas WOE ba TSP sold et « diseount know if the iia : ee yr the yard . o R and Norman Send for 7 OF. TABLE CUTTLERY, . Bu a ox bw tee compres i positon Cord ie = new and vecoud sSatawe art be a eing trae fop tatteYad me ost id pean THE aS eS Oo Oe een acer ae TataSimer Seige haoem pint a= att of [WENTY PER CENT = Tene oi horses, nearty ' ; an a cm bo. largest Grane ts See eee Deleon be othe engine gies nh shipped J and the fies 24 beeutifully sitaated. They Ss NRCS AMS i aa ee er Fe regret one wand will guarnatee € re) hand waern haces saci i Se ee of the eab a 2 with pig The low : tashionabland ad high tnd dry. running thread _ anion | OMSON & W IL > poche Brae = Ss! inyland and Canada. pelt to heatire| |, | amd cramine 6 ' Sn St Pee i ot of will be -- barely exc ipe tol the vel APA eoureniput Aelshad TH . OVE * F atistaction init nttent m, yee steam. te tor Cell lig . AL! below that tee ax she of the ousapant i eel Bo a ead well aA PST ing ES: sT ile and private tilings i Freyaired | De L! REMOV Dee. 200, itt 2: == or aicnaen end baal nd gen bo seg foa tel a cturin TOV public and priva air leu if re 7 MOVA : erebterts s Z Miya aga te al ; eae aes coe eo Siifeer| Manufa Stratford. si Tien ae tre Ya branes, Sefer PP Reeeapetnry-ervee 3 "SANTA C CLAU - + exampedd * withs he aah a foot tare an ng fort veers ot sd at ouch priece and orks, he largest stock ever Urww -_Steatifion TO RENT. = the balling - end ed- : -- had caught t mut bare been 34 . New York | ling for ¢ horee witt be sola at paid! and Co's W "etn i ; eee en-RYCE ye peri Shar ferwed the craps met hare wen iofgaren cen iangiog | he wee saat ~|Co's Works eae = ee Se erin pe To ean wa NZ Z = L's, : . for P all whe of theis own seein hong. Jame Prey wttern . tke tinmance of hilled. wspapersod sstimalehowingggpet met by all who are FOR SALE. Lond, 4 ul bavaroagng. amin = ss Monat. = store-snd dwallisi ~' rit @ con! tp hie eteek ELMA. veveme sme onL.8O pry eed 16, OFS | dane wo ont Meg om for xy "Ed eres popes tion ia invited N ' vs eeres frowe atari, _ al atten KITCHE Sire, neil of the onthe a deasare to ore ad 'Re (ta whieb w erected se aative |... Big-sale_ of S15, and Cloth- : ot May 2, 1876. x BEDROOM AND Market ont On a ot The Aaa Age voniee en jh that be la fepared' to Bim. ge ae acetate 'worth of Dry G uine sale -of Ocraber, 6 186 d. Stratford, tson House. -- NITURE. and left a large stock OODS, at) t, caaeoyt aul le ooas tie m patronize eine t gen . : ten ~ ber R : Hime Hi pre a a read sua 0 thie who Ontario- Ted venice and we. A grea 4 a ods At Ro U G fhers w voting Iafaction ais Store. | q sci Oba huridred § Dry Go il to a R MA inst. Metz the rege 7 be leak jewellery Store s a wr ata. | ing. vorth of ry t Fa " ED BAR. ALSO - IST sion oom ze aa be sich nee ss saaag EAN of in ad- 333 wort nce Don: LY FIX 1 Pillows. CHR sel) or grevaway der ander, 'A communica until mest mat or at ? eo ALAS 'a fine selection whole $16;3: ow 'ill comme ---- NEAT Bolsters ane 'either to i. Z ado left over MeCulieh -- Till (be | on it besides Sones y parson lothing, wi No- NDOUS -- " Mattrasves, ee Pesce taestuauaons Call end see = Pi ous Menare. 'ThW arden the end, for tsi ity to ny parvor d clo 25th of No TREME} ¥. In prices: My Hotidaye assorted. of nee ant from dean tects. BUNTY OF PER Cis Oca, ou veer A ve an » the 25 Brand ality oi biltebinesi ing vo find s good acey! F. aU at he . from ten yi rebl: @ rare oxpere very a day TA sD > | Hennessey Gin, ih for ane eae oota ou will also 3 Gran t sate la Trowteiioe ~ re third he Gok seiapateute Sate a me te, Vir. on Satur at pa oom Aaty a R G A I N S poe olace's a_ Ale; favors a, we Ta tt Grbosrion nts, with closing « fo he fice,oa Turelay and The 7 y, = corms. move penyasted 0 *-| vember, The subscribers . B A Po ' -- Stout. ¥ atrastne le VICTORIC US Tt Curre: "Ana kgs Gramd. 'trou ten to thre his ¢0, on atte, coms Co's. . ir numer- 'and : "AG IN " for the sof be pet Fon Or & their . an +- 'Diamond Whitsi AGA - it & encrifice for the » ted ti The 4 Clerk. aw 30, toe. = = Wanted. ( saad to announce to they chav 8 h s Clocks 5 <= . will. be 9 Seen ; oer ve 'AETWART CAMPLI, Co. tty | " ayathome. Agenm Ws -- tomers that : de} Watches, F amar Cigars FORD} woses ERS 94. 980x County € tents Otten, des cc: ea $12 Soren tree. THOT 2 as ea ous aoe 2d at the = ait 7 Jewellery, 2 Flor del ' ore tor cash JOS. STAF : . OYST ar i pip bexiness. The sleckenn xoTice, oa purch nto and Montreal, the FAIR DAY. The beet that se stre To ARDED Serves whieh eum be Ald Moore, : busivess. , # b an offies over Fie in Toron ,0ds en during Bar on Ni yBERTS' = AW in greet pag whieh of carrying Pensee ont nee fy wr mans of at prope pe -- race Ban War harm Siretioré. HANGE OF BUSINESS age worth of a Awe Will be gir P.. J. WOODS, ef or se 8. ki Maree: RSF PR IZE wil save yos the Eeube entrns t lot 1, ev if tt f thelr" Mowats' Bank, Sraneasfuatbews to aus Cc 4 : 73a: : hich wi . td Albion ° wi, ee I --s cheeretdoes toms Sheets Vaal alvert Fond ig prepared $0 beau, cating -- tford slothing, w 3333. The 6 mratiard, Jiky ae a tions f from e (Rather, negutieting f Stra Land C *k $16333. Agures. Stra B : . ; pert to ive ate Shae asec $ and sail of the | no the suPApureing Country. their mhalocins x on at AD geeks mocked in plain a Mowats' 'ania mary EXHIBITIONS, 1876, | Mr.-Gaen) Obe with ia tought an 1 parte un ' ret , 76. apr ett --e : bel the elows an amoant to! = seg al § Keel Rtas bought and » Tas wt and SuFro ; goods -- ae which they 1876. Groceries. ER CENT INTEREST | NORTH AND SOUTH _ sales iret dis { Jaugary, V ty. W'te Sou? 8 Tho a snooune slow iz ir ies. ro : XP the Por the fo Saal 9s: at sit = -- percha tote a ey to dispose to _ Traqerias ceries wet on nk Department ! ' tet Dowhle Carriage Harness ae * . ° _ Py 4 ' *) a }. " 1 ol ey aon. Pesan ee AND MURS. | Tiga J. CLARK, es ersat prices never ford. F - =e m Savings Bank or Collars. ed 8 WEIGHTS AD ed cin the tees ~ MR. J. Old Albica wiesk, und, custom 7 wr itt Strat: ° d t & Transo given to collections. ~ = " Pair Seoteli Collars, avi Ra da hag fe rene ig and Tnccosis 10.1 o¢ te tation Ware ¥ solicit @ kia poadoonaear. tofe -- ur price-list + it Foe Family Grocers, Special seni fae pe pect " Assortunen A wy , for the pu ry attention to » note h t 1 aad w on N y boug! sures, Erie street, and mange, and would bennowed, et ee tines at Please ced tha Deabre Douinion ce et xe ted nok. a aot Ty the he to mart only the ill be con bons, Tea k of Genuine Groceries terms. aap amie Bank of ot New a ; . Warran' Md or nas ou Wi ri fosr-slase wed . Ne beak ware, Welling- N. B--All Collara ---- DAY, AUIUNEER, come Kaen Crockery and Fancy no =e = Yds. at 3c. | ware on rand mc mee Me Mowst Bleck, Market &q Horse Clothing ta Up s FORD, ee ] 7 aed Black ect " No a ¢ HuRe H sTapeSTuat Groceries, Good. or every ge case edging, con Mae Se mang tare ph ' "Ofer hours Hest 3 ph =... No, te agtario BT ar No és and ' » ack & ' . * ue Oerres 70s Gs i the io eustites oS St d ; ) yds. at l}c. pe fare on paees' all we try Se ee rcevinnbay et and Q ms s Sly solechalen of Seen! Kenan, be foop dof ue any other ning 9006 ilk ined and green, ~ CONFE 2 out om Market tort; Mer: bet, Seanley Day res cHuly soli wince of ing, | Wt be wii bie in prices as of Wines sei 1 case col'd silk, je -at green and tk onan smi the (Canned RD COUT RT sore taney Cee er tie} feroe r Sid rane ty in buying, sel Brands * ari fis: pa. hove a coche» eo ICHA store fo Salou: Bread. oy Aur h re hee, combi wes. a a 4 3000 ¥ fear, . java, treat, in tien Mm: 'ako and e = cores Scowielge ot Pomme fs The Ch . and Delicacies Just contain 8S -cases pins, Monier aa vraita, Ca is wba Se G ra ng ¥ ADAPTED ' = an tntantive Kino ; » Pr e ? « chew; sale of Co atinwes Gis - * Z ALI were gecered ie Oe a Ste a dang oat Ofr wilt find hn "etelees ced Nee ra assortment. 5e per y 900 doz. at 3c. per alte errant cer He » eerie street - ASE. plecics r's man - a manipenne tod a re oe deorvels ea aaron containing é needles, contains. ed pees cde, aatenegs growed or whale le OR SALE OR TO LEAS i'vrata| For Parme ee Da fh d yore be + seattle p. A call io respectfully eotield SULLOCH. paper; 1 cas rs, at le. per i a rae, a pr : palo! 7a Pog ee nae the ented 187 8. MONEY To IN Paru: and ALEX. Me€ ut 10, 000 papers, best six- eal, Hee, rise = HE apg tal ee elaeet ried 18 om tor poe UT DOUBLE cn 2 +, On ng ' ts be chess Canton pave i oat prot ty 10 So eeraaate Retes ot eset, wwe. ing at; 1 case Coat' x 1000) Mac also om . * Hope Beit of Dae yeaze with great ensesss. WiTH AND WITE 'Town prop a. W. LAREKCE, Des. sh, a paps spools tiger 2000 | ¥. & T: have » Yen "Cate , Butter, town. ping wr Haron and ®. Mut LL STOCK OF « i, as ' "a cornea aioe Oddglows uare simcieneai ord § 00 Baking Bere WIL. ALL = em de. per sf . i, Sardines, "Home, te. ep boge SEE Ce "OUR F tare a - Ss doz. at "~. Be. r yd ; . s Byson fo ~ Brewery, our Stratford, #h Aug. 0 END. t. Ba rgain yds, print; at 5c than Sbéto 2 Ihe. Good Sound Young h Box for 960 Stratford Spring king, Parl ow $200,000 TO E) G rea vy Cana ba = box Soda Buscut RIAL. = Preprieter. Ceo RNING f Sacks w howaT ebb bag ge rll _-- RS. bales hea oe 100. doz. bé 10 tbs CLAND GIVE US AT Ww RUSS <a nasi eb the AND BASE BU . © Pease . uM ABKES - Bssns v 2 te thé abows ott, the rate of . per r pair: > CA " we ceeant S ii ° sTRATFOII Ma + bbe Mra toe Sede Ts eae esa TMAS AND NEW YEA at a kids. at 50c, per pal ' od, Apell 6s, 2044, FPR wader thatthe Nowe brewery, erected order and T O V Stenalie cor eed peo n Da wd cn Ry Te Ap Moats paso "1 CHRIS Fren ds, dress aoe tick- . LiL I WN E R Y. yest susnmnes, to supply Amber Ales, S Tmaly. er § . . Tweed ngs, I nee dad {the lead A . Met = paseo 8 Cey, SHL Ss M 4 le an le Terms. The | u h ' mst "Boar, per bhi. #2 5. si, berhe, so TO joan, OLIDAY G oop Soe taasa belay glove t . Miss GREESLY, euect Pa exten, ally on Ronennehle Tame Canada hie year sis Sse fos, >, 4a Wo tig putbonpe: - lH ; ces tha r LOCK. At short is siteated ck -- Vince Every One + 1b, weano 17a] 0,00), ings, 1 ld at pri WAVERLE Brewery D PATRI 'otal ee Bet 78 bese yee hogs. pat ore, tn Bie . $500, will be so pees in pp Rete INGHAM AN "pen ee a H ee to SLs Chic, poole : loan money - lor, | &c., nall Be meer the Fest Onion, Brae i BIBS ' peer eet 2 oa hiker series Frere, fam meee? , atch Par ver were eq Stratford. tles es "we ILIP { a, Ser es ties debe iecpaie © » onsite tOF IS nt, in same Compan- 8 wi ne of: lo Man Sy > , PH , mereictiers to mE, S; Solper Ageat for toe -icbegh x: 0 wt. comers Square, Stratford. "tthe a0 North W est sm Milliner Ys. ada to rien. "postin Soe erce, Late J, & P. Bir eo! ® B seks fo esaoiinna, Utah Aad Pe S menctel Copia eet sont ~ | Also, 7 made isd meade Flowers, Bn h of Commen 2, Mays ee al toes ; gunecain ' Beottish ~ Fioo.ou rer i. a A a N- Ready Feathers, Bank o - Bevtember, "eHE WES : hos d Northern, ~-- FT ROOD not buy one wa M ACDON Dress Caps, ¥ Canadian 000. "KING OF LL ARKIS " Roottien, mper : rance Com- Whe would ting Amarioan h. 2 ies' Ties, ; a. jtai $0.000, - Mr ITCHELL M -- Peon tng Tle senrence ( SQver Bunt - cas. Ladias' RG Capital POU.900: " werecinac 'Torin be cote ok O85, Sees * Lever Watson, me. and whieh rae co. : . ona oserve und. mand. FANNING . Col s ae Vail wheat, per "been ess, Saioatant pat pet | "Gisce attend, star ae er Sean wee neem AL SON & CO., = sre. tee Wie MEM Ladue Hors, And 5 ot Forme SP Ss ts tage |e nee Cee 2 Set ®) A. WILLIAM aa ciaawaTonAtce STOWE Pe Pe cis ee , Br, . ae mares 2) +) grantee EMOVA! : ranging sw SAILORS, : K : ae Tame ee eae » er R i, hes 00 sek, throaghout It wal kept. , SHANT 4 WCIGA the Saas © : We oar stor. We Wheat ss. ' a3 "tome aed) ig MERC E natity . seed a _-- seems Matte Se: ent 5 | FOUN Y. FRERMANTLE. poe A Prive trem OLS upwards. property attended weeks will oer 4N FA ce pete state. Be ik IRELAND, ey Dushelé of 'PURE mhent,..._| pment p meagan ee reacspehmg ts ther. J moved § id Stier woe ") ee price personaliy~aad eae MS ED im general Store| 5 Seer fone Thirty B the dirtiest i. 5 Alb hewyfeiog " he will b 7 bam w bacco . ig ee Ss = Arms Hue! ss many new cums as may foe = 'Al woth wanyanted. pt mnanatactared as ft a Inducements, Cigar & To the post offies, y wre. 8; wood, per cord. patroms, x. eee - Seale and steam: cial ve doorenst ot pee ee * ST. MARYS MARITS. ia or ary a S r Bag Menifac- = Samp =: Lia pt paying customers, ITS in hin old stand, one, deoe sh cuGaRs ~M! = ¢ see toe Pape t for Rubber -- where woe mgtaps ol| Stratford Paper B Dee oe [SCOTCH CHEVO cuoicese BRAXDS me Eto 3h ee : 2 <a Yall w rrioy di ts geen Bs ne: goons one wi Leven te ilw'y 1; bch fer ho t roeery ~~ rT tern Rai tm 'uh: Ber, per t Wes : Grea i Ticket Office, ight and~ Tic' <=} Freight eres, Market | " 'door to bak sare Bendy a ites icy preps nomes ion to oll Pointe $a eS si Cheap T: wor weney i Revere: 4 pasaaiand