TRAY Hd would 4 You expt the tots, casero a dresa ¥ poner, and not another: d dress. Do yoa) dime, The pir to this question will vary aes cording > the age ex vant. in most will be the cparit abe has under- rather tha the atoad,.2@ ashe will anewer oe an ancer- pleasare, taist look half iH » half di * -- t, L enderstand work I yor. It "Ube alther doing. and not pabotiy's * Carefuly avoid all impatience. er amase- reply may be. apout, wittever her id yigs pe Now is to win a botheld of mflaence wi fvence, that |. divine thing, withoat whith authority - short-ti and inew cient, Ne xt t to her room. --_--e ¥, +3, ~ all the cenyeni ences a pet ts Keep her bes sa poof yim in THE io alos have chert and i pleasant the better, sr. Bat the first r re lowly, ree age y. ODN OF Pi RTH GAZ BVLre a Wi facie Ameria VOL. STRATFORD, et =: r Lyuat, Ceologiat at the Japamene eariemies ae thet otter ne Phase of Wales has ing wh L cant Wihagtei, wite ha sees tetera toh be thr al pre 3 cl ee ream sr mse Tineke " ee oh tee eat Portes slp lies A, sisi seis an gr fa on et ot The = eer i 2 raat t oopneetios with bie w wore re ; traveler, sow -Beglixh Consal at Trieste, has set out for Mediah with « strony lores of eol- <--"*s pig inns Bepracdmapaies Seeretey Canasta Seb war ieee v4 : > ; NO. 106.- ott Pond complete i 1878. _ 0 gold anit silver mines 'of the tend of Midicn. a | Past AND PRESENT y.OR, ROMANCE! Then, stilt it using. the . precautions, he entered his iar drow te the | * surteles, hehe t the a he e 'ovthnds, yosirsell How many ~ ya mast do times things virst, =e thoroughly a heart- Cy mast be in ¢ Saecagd " a judgment." efficacious thing. wit she is not impolitely tre your half of the co utract in fullfilled honor- these ii lisre's are arily reprimanded. A simple ieadader, firm 'bat pleasant, is the onk: If this does not an- it tod ----in ah: ntly, a gowd servant will be Mears sult, Not ape a That iavolyes many ean forest. tee Beh Dae tomy or. has & right to call a servant a bad when she 4 stanid, inetiicient, taught « is faithful ig she will he faithful and she will be whine hid i recipe are f the directions in Pia, You wo right to room and take Prats mar things. Rome od th the where your room rs i te bare er girl shoul tale ar 1% mae It girls w tm: , have a closet. A fow parpese, if the plastering will held them ; if 2 Ry Be MRR best not -. bareas, A partow rene st carpet before the trod thn aa When = reget coemon 4 towne may a her? chances which no 'no one BRYON D> a eeceare COS BAR. SERT ANT. servant, or, catehes vet theta in vias trouble, When « esta ih pate this ox be very =a stp. ook wit thaw yet ee 7 UD iain oa and Teas het té fersetf. 7 Re ware to to tEpesre: -aharply ty; 1 pe tay with you. of r be tice whatever of her, yt nese directions earvfully followed will ervant in shortest px the Otherwise, take no be more @ apacity sho has t will he probably, and the -- it will ~ before you find ont how had she Beth of --_ Porsin 5 ha in z ve been tried Tasnilies uf « aogeatabenss and are infal- Tittle, ALL 'SORTS. A-WKW dogccome-who-tarrien long .at-hie wien. off-hand fellow hia are "7 prone. Wen is an egy like a horse ?-- ashlled, A carrran letter. mijtan paveme: Te canoenens.--To destroy weeds: 1 y widow "Ov OnT wot a He rmit to call his house a tt m hae coral ia Worth fifty times its oda, Ta ¥ ight in go Famr-sac ows food for children Arabian Nigh Was rs ww . man be sani to be a book }-- When he i Tux eating ot green corn does not always » husky reader the Yoo can't get Mant from a sens, tab yoo Ti brik. can get money from Intereating to All ls the offer of a Geneine Merson weber nee Tx of "we" te King. Sake, of Bagless A Bab hat taken te an er nue -- fre- quency comes out as yg Unk ought to hare ea at one's fingers' coda, semng grew on the pala, Bets Who cys compose a cross we is one who haa lest beth MINGR not generally Ose containing a rev Unowwn marr -- Advertisements on the sit ne in a gay is ial vatet tue i, thao she who composes Doctor.--Hare you taken an asia it. --No, Ca Trt i of pags erexren ix + handsome aa hin Wile, becaitec he is saaeadly a dea! plain- w, OMAN fs at the heart te manhood, aad in it from manhood Way are yoting ladies #0 partial to --Lecauye thoy are deuahtons at ee of E wr, WaT in that which takes two to make, is Fy might after, and is yet mebhing af ve: earns, alit--A Kiws, Mossy is a great lew of man apt ata rer in ane mee Ba bo great leaver that om sande has Wc " Porrowe's hand," sayo d writing-tnaster, 'ts remark: "strokes. aston "Ways ago, by inquiring if he ae nepeglrt paped A. cusfawronany 8 ac a that: tho best arrange: j for-} mente, while he himecif had ie. hia fatn, goares be passed leve- dw way." ware oo the m he w * mate iy as he was day | by his two eres, that "they eould not uuderstand how 2 fettow tike 4 ienwer ss ot Afterward he may tale the governorship af y. Pot eer saw on age we ge beg the "hull reed preg it, hoages ond oy the gor 'of The sense of bamiliation was of OFT Als world -- He bal wis notwithstendia ag the, ieee pled his late bitter exputese Por a mdment Pennie uick su auc been Nei lye . pave aml she we wal bd now no long- or d iy Will be no obstacle to Raymond's as to "« "i them. mab wi day, Then packs, 0 would Ais though with Lo the shadow that dread hanging over him. He would take the oy om course w soins fe ink the green earth, ant and.Coaway. would 'never sce them Along the at by the ri Was passin, bis. dress that me Screw, oe their Le gp or -- made mee y¥ tuto jacket. His' aereni ver, phe! T jag Shanghae, so moment should be lost. He woald go ote the 'Consal = Commandant, and th Mou were'not porabie, Pete ticuick _ "aed jut ~ man eokomgesveg » well actual wh had no saeekasite bis owas, disposed, to do him jus or an Ageton, tances ee upou the journey ; umed in the ruse yd -- to UF prac apene wtill con fined 7 and cons, tion to eter -- a ec tim A vague that t them, a re mee " * Wee post, © ctiower "They suite then," Pomeroy was sv unlike him to have cane the foul miler any ¢irew Chinees character, absolute! aoe © = pansies, ly the -- js the mo answered the Majer, * "and willy withend devilry. ay | 'be lieve there ving to go iu at suck no wonder ant aeuantrion - J somewhat stera and man wh Conway hat i heir soviety a few wee theagh 4 he of their m, wore good spici They travelied it Was vie vine MS bat she time range eitt ern Twang. hi'e ganion eens. Merde had tak the precaation te bring reter, and acc Laghishmen was ee, tirniisy, the sare ¥ heh Pennicuiok had landed last there, friend ; on scompanied by hita tepp bat "I thought these people were satir at sleep, or acon am pom, when it % zr | ait t the 'deat ens Tae reflection Taght to Dariur, aad make farther exp plorasiods aa w Lsonanenee a Sates 4 take the. sont 06 the .Pilgram of | Attica, Br tna See, I wan otvask with the nctiviiy ct MMMIET tome borer eserestar at. soeee he ale = Ma Wale" who ia & membir of the Bri- r i. Peron, the| of this stune-extractur, ttow ithe wort wth oo prospect of of * no | tinh Pritam, is aled & Motiiediat focal - " wiry man, of about syverage height; anel-« } rent dont the Bs preacher, loo recent disovuree, he said a : i + ¥ a 'in ri this man, -- good werd for ibe Sorihas aaa Poarioess, Bt es ben: the tom vast orb of Pour TuUn, ans the | trade, and wr Symes reprieve," | tive work ov the refractory rocks--whi banrsrig you do \to prevent a howd frnen commended ¢ theee povpleto tee giving owe-teuta aod he > tea it comet be ao, What Fiars at) fle was an hes are vie a apo a glance how to wedge in his erwwtae, just | clothes, drinking the best wines; 1 tae -- your dee | bow Jeep the stone sank, and jast where. to | fread [ should wlvise you te come straight | tain has awar: mol bel fait there, ohn hb their | Strike oa with his ** haber," as he calied | ts Pari, take one of the largest mansiona--~ |} (Grace Vernon Bussell for i. N te i Now aad thea he would pause, and put | say, an eutires frontage betwee ; 4 Lona & Sete : n ne observation ether about bie work | rosghfares racistin 2 horseback dows a steep cliff at full » eg ™ viTicaway or something connected with it: But ode--and then give ear sda har haves ta mons fi y De A . Ty slese im. Te: the | He wae » great theologian, and quowd | This done, try to live ia the placg for to carry | Scripture as deftly as he emote rocks, and} anit When-yon bore is lant ig 'it to eit, et itis oe alas || *Omotiner made some qwaiot-and slirewd | hurry back to See } e blf. t 1 been informed of thls in. | that his mg on highér grout | and jeare yourwife hare: Ken a wan, _. Bi is serene than this crate hala sie Hie was evulent- aructoons to lay out ae much es she can Kmedal which the late James Gordon" carry an olive on the Lend ly fuding a. g sermane tn these whit Mr. Mckay seoms to have Bennett gave, to be presented every year te ofa Ts pay the faneral rites to --_ iva ar de dine ™ Thet* #8 tongh fellow, I ts ; ou," ob- aA Li g simple-miim nt od man si nite able, if d have brought sina, ay had olerieges "ait cole ene served Mr. Brown, alludi the | fancy touk hum, to do day's work ia his --_ Ae en ' iepaed moat tlle ore worker, bat the sta, bat, r~ ve got] own mine--be tried Maris for a Gms, and, in | es i ite du " MM (iowan, « " 7 Vinvite yea te his house hie 4 the sofia ig | him aout first-rate, Mr. Catler' Wouldn't | American phtase, " qunt around" ouly: to pany No, G, the, First Battalion berm, think stones was so snap whe ye cobsider [fied that it was-bornz kim te death. He en ia front 4 the he: ity Hall " the labor of gittin' 'em ax did not know the language, E... did sot a ' seat cre "Thet's en" saye <breaker,. "(/ | know tbe ways ; ant be coon enw,-J suppose, male the preventatian, alter ica tr to a6 bat: can't help thinkm'----puts-me-in mied-« ean do the tomb ut Napoiern on te Sa hl hai r Bosal wal vt, = a someo' them cheap religious that's abacut." | top of the Arch aa weil for vac franc pwwhasab, SA BIB ve a t eavired Peunica- , -- Labial ance {x thawman We wet back like & philan- given the medal was the bi See @ burn. wr to Mr, Brown than a meditative remark ad. | thropiat, laaving y the whole --_ ment, Ps Sane wT ke hago i ee eons - "i dressed to the bottom of the hole he was ots oh be sould wat e: enjoy, jast as it stood, a a? ry ife, and saving alx children 4 | working ia. he hope that it myn ae tad ty | S08 5 Ok Ott ote, 'Hat scope hii" J said to meets. * e happy Wes Howsiui visited Eugland in the win- "Didn't b be eall k him Cather? Why, Tis wits, RTS tart y tice per wer 1 pera SA hasan cancsend.| es EEE y the name of rd -- meacher thuy told me they are both you as doae her bes! tithe and jon t a most abwurd . did not," _-- Pennicuick: sheet, , Cant Ube th be roa labor. | carry oat i One crontnae between the parts of « concert fi ti soll overaiia, |-dews nota, which he employed to ooadact, the la weed Land v3 am ie, tae, th " 'a bant, ig he sbiisned dy T ba 3 twa BOOTS token at her sense of amma 62 wee nwt nae im protons meal tales, walked through the Theren I put question to draw goo hue arm The Rhos out with sealed to hie heck og uy, ie ty fase vd | Ewe varties had not ri n Fre ay: ae whens ~- er he did | b# woeld yield to the alig the Duke of Ww ellingtea or lady "What do path -- Mr vie, by . hy by way of bei e * compli if a man | Cheap religions 1" Aas ~ s pat was paying the c Here ia my| Per he took mp for a evctarian, for be fy, They "ec more to cover the loss, Grace s arm, while the other still rested ou walk towards the pene « long time, ds if he were coundering pr it is peers vod, rah on adi ting cipher to oe of Kowsins, ma, ta * how he should answer. ipher on their items, unless shame visits | dan said the modest meratro, "on being a Ww them veemes maati i. ie 4 weet by the two greatest meain Hu A of him, deed oa hac ae go. we the f an His Yulee he He felt somehow that the i Sosa A aod his he ving their ar rival "kev within doors The ga! the con ao aaawer to Unir are wasting time," or, priaog at Zs pat we can Jo nothing until oy Men ord bat raighed ajo Wwe can on janet Sticthaas the reprieve ad a arlomaity oe. ver again--vague, unstable, and cit familiay. Not a living Ww be a ide haw ne: a on ee appr ee = with care and horror that way; there will, as you say, be now greal rea: ee thew, tween pcr wk + mince, eatil this consi ~he can aapout but ti low teted fac the allusion to the price 'he had 'sold as . lite tue ~praimedd S10, ahowel a miserably. "Lat us cut this short, Peonionick, on here is nothing more sortanc bones rf Yoniter: -- known st home, ne exccuted." " You age her bot! gi Thanke : oak to let these retches torture pati I swear I Pen: RE way, am tal 20, 0 » Bool-bye, Hen 3" and he heid out rool "Oe voal-bye, Counie." -- had ber th ail b not wanes a pat it Ans tare feast aby very, slowly, and pat him up = 24 "To my 5 way, with a snd smile, hat - teasoniog with him, an at present cote was unaware of that), che ay was =P a The two friends grasped hands for the last time. ¥ '< wil have i you ae. "Haw it acsihds thas 1 should forget Trg gn that Bis treo prelitry: ote caele tarned he ! face to the wail, Pounicuick red the cell, closing the door softly behind b precious time," * That is true, in virtue of in prieve subject te >> & Dhulang, at w knowledgementa. waa not oa tear 9 thon! he could Seam tava kept bis b aud to fee. _ fie pre mar hame fur i owa, and the bghtaes of bis offence aad te ad t hour, a ol Sha , sod was offics but the ined ot Heaven, was nt were laud bes 9, supreme M. pont w possible that something might ry de yee "Bat meanwinle we are lowing tr aS ko the Jost - sent straight tw the home By this plan aot and Pennicuick hastened =. doe ings hie The ¢ writing, bat the f drily. riets are a tingle pecs - fea: prieve? expenses, = and the Governor had ine to sign ar oval "We sare P ennic sic as i "Let us hope ao," had ios " ean, at all events showmhimeell anxious to do what what did he mean by horses Thé horses used iy the govern 80 called ; them that distance--ahoet 500 Eaglish miles carry ben aml ever, wyree ig bound to hasten them on send these to precede me e Doelang with the re "No ; don't let that document out of you sight, It is better to be a li . it, very bad sign, even Ss Be * Deo you mean to say that he will not porterm bee premise * gs No. Ho wi'l do everything 4 him nothing and. atthe haracter shel ia t es : cum pan) aol the chin ; : ; the 'weeks body was, a Tact, one m oe ee eee at | ro kewe. Thotden's cont 'om nothia'. Wot , fr ent marriage of Mr. F a levand te a me git my crowbar Rotinech ikl with his cousin was a notable af. presided at |! lo the ass Beanwa, a & ale & stone | gone art Winter fetes, however, come | fair at Frankfort. he toiletios came direct k anes for a wedge we want to seo is kes sy ashy py their aul, and hope the poor absent | from Worth, The wedding drees, im white van kind, to eu * palid : ---- the Lord comes --- | millfaaire many a goo! tary c' tumber of | satin draped infrout, was ornamented with ad and the er Bo man knoweth-- | these were given last season ; the visit | little dounces lakl plain rhainresi £ Angleterre, atest Sone Aemh- he' if "aaa --, an his w ot Gieral Grant = jaa -- i | anastefthe oe] oor exactly upon old lax fringes of Pena ape ye hee wat eebe an dually. casion of another, wh pens the series for | orange flowers fell Upon these little Houuces. counte: strive me that habmer, Jake lL I guess 1 yhing g that Bas been seen in Pari new the Angleterre, The body, en cwerass, waa peared to can some o" that farsa He hain't no oe wo "eserrily on | 0 fringed-with-orange towers dud. euvered - $ foundation. I wish T sone my big lac a the traveling euit ix te sebec = weal have taken mer; 1 lent it to sch Willi Wal, eeu Vulvet and ou the jacket were placed bot a paw? J * y that all . oa | I guess this'll do." ack vs " whac k trummed with the feathers Of theo. - te far # prepers whack ! ) t was of the sane materi- cal -- insa pp se table, to keep your orb | of their inoumes ; said that mag. dow od Ohistiaps a sae hg ancl in finding ve prodigious minsen W. oil, ight do something in A:merica | fealt with Scribes nd 'Pharisees did not give son Yall at bout the lay af the rocks by baile ins the best house, buying the heat | b i Tue Royal Hamane Society of (reat Bri- of umvtallion to Miss ve, 4 them 11 safety. Theser- vant 'was awanled a bronze medal! for sai ing which showed | epeniling money at ' j | Seat member of the = York Fire De part: ws inean ae profess hey pertorm. Faith w cheat works, t ti ng round, he called in.a lowd, peoalae Yoige ; | the present year. It was the ve ma biggest | The tram was entirely covered with porns he morning dress in satin of the color "liad most am- ner, Like a pis of his hole, anc wa his crow ba: military Guy Faux, ae carried by thetwe okiig abe fat in the face, a ietly, "ue a de cabo d his doilar and One ot the foremost coocert singers in Eng: of these ar arrangements spre than de peneten from -- wel. to indi. "Why, ye hain't beard, then, = the | ordered a palace, and it was ready in a eur- d, wae burn in Watertown, ores this was | *cond-age je--hev ye? They b isinaly short time, +h, County, New York, and u the daughter of « omethin' o' the same views as the pecs o s 8 bapiethin sr * ea a ; rw] farmer in that town. She is dd. t advent ople, but ain't quite the name, | "4 you can buy anything else--it wm included | + gay) solidly built young woman, whese te lan. Lt seeB Beth | or ou. }.im the bill, 1 w ely yod to find richer | (sce would not be "alles bau til but ». | fean it be second-age believers. Wal, they're -- scarving, fiver beauti- gh wpuickss x the | Rin' to hev a wookly meetin' in the village, | fully varied combinations of white and gold, | Shen she ange Hor voice ta one nf thoes supposed descendants. Next, | commence a week from next Sabbath ; | sub and satin tn alt nua, than are to be mellow, tow mening ante be o> true aad oo laying solemn ain. and Mr. Jennings, who I consider abaout howd im th pare, and, aid by an iadescribatly frank i money -- the smartest man in Boston is guin' to speak. bps aud una betall_a ecuupelation, ber ballads wo Y tin with holes He can tell per sensing shings t . et straight to the heart of every listener, She s peo "h wa I belie . @ he's abar Beat get tee | ee ane Spey oe tains greene xe ae powder, nor shall we $ tra! ey 're goin" to settle a lot o ques i 3 'ear low-necker bort~ ed dresses. ho poh be oe, var tion," ' smoke in sastasisinngle above at She was even brave enougt m hidden to Such ae what?" I asked. perfect divan ; in oat praké . me i " Why, this Rooshy question, for tstance, | Hee walls, tte CMAs, Stee Larepe, court authorities, that her scruples ee and the settlement of the Jews in I'alextuse. | 27¢ i perfect emulation of 'the a of a} her appearing yin the conver teat! full dress; . ore to the left, Jake! 'Pra re aaa m villa. The ciyar-box is decked with } wie respoa the Qacen kindly aad seusthix he . fe i ia +" biel o three aren ed | ~~ Take her m at wok * ie ore Lan addi cost eolamity thatto thetr hm ru a ge heigl Chis hans 1 (a few sear het no ory it friemi wear ri * He had one on the eet finger of his left haod," said Pennicnick. fand or gravely. national lina were the fe: abares, it was as plain tine "the vie- tim sal been a Europe: Laven oan 5 th ia be Pak They ee, melt cure They hat nine -- ae 3 het Mg tntery whe "itwan Englsebena 'obaprveel he 4 begin " He has ee urned his back « and walnet nd hastily away, acer empented by he * wil Tavs blood for ie on fant he between his teeth ** W "Poor commie T° will see to it," rod "If ever there was a just cause for war, this is re ~ understood how base he w friend's memory should be aharged with such ster. He pictu ti r whatda yon mean by_the coming of Peasteed. itles Bas pend feerd P* on af turganiae had a © sloable trim Ling ef Ma- while, then strai htened himself, bo ped 'work lines teow anrhgrete: eae rhe, leaned « 2% finished quite a Miss Axtotverre Stxniise, who is now ovate is, wit made answer that abe might wear apy dress bar.) '* Dunno---suess 1 _ ne the a --they are veritable liked." - om a mem: ore waa no time vid aay altera- ovul been Stale, Aer oe ix: ries of home: theme fo pepe lentwith the stoner, f Tecmlay te the ood French fashiow=--are See nell apa veer aoe dat Woor- ae aa th, ha res Reema, Leh in Heaven known. ee rent Was -& companion "of camel: Wal, Rooshy's had, a re-verse, | bextla, what Gah wet theme fie asee by. at hee or Gel mei oz be cota wae ines into the grave some hard things are fold of Poe = thet tbe tenderest and mt which be would b bedabile ionlipamet ose oe fulded the paper, te ain'tehe? Put her back' some But sive's ion ung the eyes wile hope ia a perpetual heared = succeed. Ite all aceimiin' te Seriptare." ont shawls apparent: near . oat? satirn ly are not worn in thos family ; they are How 'do you make that i A Iw kc a 4 aprotinin: ff Ragas masks 25 phim pied Ataceted apiab be omen upon whom he had no ether ¢ ome ise then aa Jstention of seuhigg hm wile or bor ther-to theamrtesslicit a lagy uf $m: Pi heb ryplied, quickly, Jooksng jue ata MM. yellow, "This a mour whom proctlesl joke. At thin moment ing f nicuic k wiornts, "I know," answered the the question had been VT ato! » pasted apan it. Mis attire-was of cong a ch wry with a tinge of harpersem, "sail the interpreter, 'is * Ask "him if - knows who this man was murdered bere, Pr he geatieman has been the in terpreter, "n He hal por oh orl shall kill hia," exe laimed Peunicuick. aA ithout ashan (for he it r Any looking at -- benigniy. *1 shall not translate a tall Ggure was seen m the direction of the 7 im Major io rot -- ia . . " " - Te € ot So + sa retor" t= fal and rnd fro mbm gi. 7? Winat's. thai 2" 1 asked, and Me, Braue | 22° of General ---- Dey vag RICO Fs asienate:"tndubuahiner-tot shine Siw os hot ree : ne tac 4. e % rear others sod uriboreiy =: and re "Why, don't ye resi: You'll fina tt the bam me five-and-ts ~ - ry died." "Accardiag to Mr alg anble | *titten--the king of the north in got to rr sarin al _ { pt hy = chat h kel ample proat i in De. Griawgld's hands to sal up agains the king of the ssouth, and come | eee een eee thee the eal neg | stantinte the worst that has ever bees 'ead had exchanged | 407" like the wolf.on the fold, an' th a a4 anita seas, a me ere ney ro of Pon Whee drank bi t and ry wes: stron, te run @ rac A he heathen | i re bah eewiene © -yoptead hould esive, abusive to his wife and aunt, ut ust be broken ~ vioces--just like _} pes eewertores like. if - wh Pt b L Te terly of decene powes mt hendetone with tat name up: | stone" (whack ! hack) 1) ee ee et henley ti y atréwed | Bia friends, and phynically tepalsive. The a slip thought of old Haniel 2 Thoa shalt break 'kane ung Ay "and then vk - really, following is Mr. Brigg's description of the of paper. "What is it in all in Re ch I shail | them io ke a one @ vesvel." bay ines ah ' hie mad. their Pa 4 POA. pave at be beet: °° ibe remarkably-shaped sete lt " That ach fly. ines ye ont ued +l ty contly by patting sos cetd 5 1, high ami broad forehead, his pale sum ae it have { bie up, mane. Me. see There re of ve complezun,- large gray eyes, which always comes ! aeaeere a little on the left, yaks shit Leaves, = aio cr ht had a sad and took, amt his finely --that's to have engraved slab of adlver fee the menu | formed: mouth, all indicated And the stalwart Jellow relied out by isateal clear * Lie Dasaeedl dollars nm flaonent = thought and nie poor of feci- f i Ne le sh i. 7 ing. er laaghod : to tee boat "inquired "K "| incredible power of ae and muscle. +e l the tr bass et page dine: hat = my 5 he did amile ogi was always a " ish | Pausing * et breath aud rest 3 moment, be a niged = f , | partially sap, i expression of sad . I wish aa : Having seon wen sort of a ; house money i pact wok aves persion, vas though be ushan turned ps ml te whites of his ed Yaa se Recahy's speed So pre-rall 2 mesenger Ag pts Pt pedo if were dictating © a0 is, and never he said, The kingdam of the Lord's got to enme ; an' only. op blk: eiblinak: tae ys for a moment gave athoranes: to what might e been sane! for the an the Jews will be restored, an' will rebuild the All " that that it * The thought a spontabeous or unconsilered the temple ; and the waste places be tilled ; oo nalversalioen Te x di was-neat and free from an an' the Lord will receive his elect--for there ty tae te pa ee her the tase a thing ecoeatric, He never w. 4n.orna- Al ot | OY mere ribbing of the ring, os the aput, where | 8° Jews who bin not Jews. time; the geai himeelf might have failed, | ™¢!%, aad avoided colors, His manners called who are chosen. eg 3 know there |, mepay just S little mixed, ang Were free from aes el, aay w round tarf ly trodden dove aa if by a great multitude here on | pretrter, aa it y a tei a Wikia] Sate Senet 20k ee pestered ov Ae Seibirea | © ald Lave beet mb Sd wathy. tealiah meat |: " . y, and there | 70%" a. Baws ~ v -- 4 th eri tue: the 'Li chi," explained ashen, in an: ee = ae os and os with hie custermatn, hance mrostiy ani op poe: us Critwises some el them | Comes, those that are his in the remrrection ee ; "4 lok wil hevw spiritual bodies. Thiel be ao, al- a Ma might have hom Conway w once got ot himealf iate been with us BS. sid (Tropa) wha we 4 | away from thot fellow, will ye, Mr. Brawwn ? ane nis 'da Tuk growing custom « tinckar the choir at whale one it bet- | Ewan pa aoe Oe pal ¥ would have ater than eatiteet to hire a | the pales ewl of the ebureh has the very ave me ed a "ha Fa io a ee apply of neely nobles of good | serious dean ack' that i. palace ® man Lis pe ar _ ps om fete. PP character to give graew to he scenc, from turning rimnd and looking ap at the oye net know Jor January. jo of the cost in a hand. | @rgan in @ critical manner just belure the tris -- or & lithe more Than nia a box approaches his pew, cent' of which would have Big Bonanza En Pete. \ lar the twenty-four bystck "Yor didvt Tang at way abi cai hetare ia, en ing Tre Henanss King ia tas Francisco we. were tharriod. meal oaotd [ was a it risk, but his What shall o mao det te be eaved frem en pate alopt a little more easily thet. aight duek of a. hirer f le it a complaining oui, from worse, ifwe have an inoome of | when they sout aS news. -by cable, He} hushand. * Sn Gat a 80," re plted the over two millions and a haifa year--not two hal ¢ C4000 leat to ooant rie ext morning; | wife; *' and duck of a lover te almost ef | millions and - half in franca, lire, pesetas; ee gh he -_ . exotls ure ie make a Pinorinah @ husband," or any nosatisfactory cvio of that sort, bat | hi: A we Dat on in good Kaglish pounds! Now this ie no} bear the ir romsar ich nemae hel nad sas op oh pe ait S'S ae « -- -- pare Sipser ' ee wats trinkets she brooches the matter its his eae 5 aan Tearteg, a0 slo ia depen: a strictly #0, it is not a milliand penance THE 'GARDEN. = Although be Shercae gt - ay three millidus, _ ouly « little over two} Spiiivc,--At this period of the yoar th T persuasion is 6 great that ho generally x millions : ~ tT garde iva irnittal source employment, | with "a found fm-brace lets her have it, He is ' in ox: There is 4 man in San Francisoo who ix} Tis mould should be dug up and well mix- |» jewel of a husband, ~ : Not the} doomed todraw. this sam from his invest | oi with ia makes it ric Now Gancnaron urges the Italian Gov. * i the | meets... He, is one . aed se | See your sends, first removing the papers-in tusd ign army of 900,000 men, ned cout 'onpeclidater nie o. - ny, rn - vice Pk 9s was so Le that Mine (al silver, a "me cli ' eae which they are sold. Beware plans Oa | an ficient ilitia systems, by whitch an' ar- onanza, and abv iF ain ¢ | The ox ht on ne, -- i no wonder--all nationalities were there. ( hey were gracefu d unrestrained, yet he - phy gt oor pr diy metering -- of the ¢ me ged was . donutict--~a a - was respectful and deferent tial." thoagh it wa mystery.--Jeat dig the earth ira mg 10 eye thett cintl " 'Whee did it happen 1" inquired Penai- a ¥ toad t \ evans '. abit. If anything does come up, bathe the aie ising $0 ares valatis tion, and Shatin te: touts with eggs and oy twice a day, It prives the agricu: ee distene é extremely nourishing. whercby arises & neoessity far the taperte. Scwwan.--In sammer the garden obs mark tiem of grain whi should be raised at great attention, It is ax weil te hemaly « home Tt BU thet «i the income : ; cigation font in the district - je une source, Even ra mete ald A on Tike, PSN | of Tanjore the 5 eros has inermaeed ws a the Ramen alss se Warhoot in with thiswum, what ia aman, who saves eo te Vert F te fhe 'lowers now begin to die, Be th 7 day sine the causation "That ia certainly hia," exclaimed the It is the date at which the pa aoe fellow to die,"ebserved to aq) have seca to aos however, he did nos. = Kea pede hiv eyes, and amsuined an of vonsiderstion, "This is Hf a é; & TE fre f a el i E ii re and procure a gaara ever, Eewill not get get lout He buys | casa from yoar fanily phywician: | Lacon, the distrivt pro into United States fants, v fad wer tara "ys \ rts, melon daces two and a tall tiers muh mis id. aod is thus moment the most prosperous Weer, --Inthe winter thera ix -prane ith vg trers ia with beef w anything waots 7 stad mary brine The every morning wi