Stratford Times, 9 Jan 1878, p. 1

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jeans "Gira he aren wien Oe wslocks the hiding piece uf aa wd gow dobied nighta sheen tare, sa RS COUNTY "EP = PARP +t. AALHT Lic. mal Dy the, tems' "tia' sualne af "re resches the mor of L Doy wakt oor' readers, ole! ane, gene ordtiug that day by scige getup. ol erally actompiniel by feaite re- ~ tornares wrersint tint of Ure: mnei ont sation. --f ie owe, tne the. ihe alt - Pegardeed tee sntbervs' Kuration, a epcer a} referwnce ta phere pone ae Mohatemedans thug' a ia time te be reckoned 2 'or 3a vies hay pred hey t, have wns « core a latin VOL, ae STRATFORD, ONT.,. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1¢78, NO. 107. "THE BALLAD oF KING BRROD'S | «No doabt. The DavonTEa me 1, a minede Cc are ali Bat what dé s few pounds cbeate aa wail,| fount for mons poh ft young lei-g t Veoreangh tgp ae eve bellow « ai be j ed, Which, if the | Teslandie Literature im England. E drs ch ntiatinlitty x Was eatabliched, ta so far pu ; rere. ities, 4 mors content it bis "e consent | be teste t s "* fink | uheres _danaary tee-bowor npewnen i Oy %, Senveeunae Ginurve, T mmataer or Tews T piven: bis father m in.the chambers poorer * at pels" ir, Whitehest, an Engtish | ¥#W B@iions of Important Sagns--The rer li me vat int ae 18h bs; tn ; five buudred to learn what that souumdrel at Scone Buildings, cat Tbisnsall tetired to [ ~ Still ashe tete he on jarntionan, whieh st landic Reeder, contury that the Lot of fb afd 4 me ch lewry, rads firwt clviomert tare, - {just fold me, thtt Conway did not suffer | the agreeable privacy of the _----- There garb, and with ¢ Hower ia hie butten- | cigar-ehaped hall of iren or steel, coatainy s Suanpwinch Dr: Vigineen sally accrpiol as the first day of the = pes im. j hal aot been the least d eat wie , there was e raliance in hia _ nat | 6 peneetal charge, apd a . Tooomotave | ig wistin tr hem 4 amd scarcely | Yer Frown the eariest t roletes- Witeortece py nino wight, | This man is a good fellow after all," ub. | tween thom; Kaymead's sense of iw dae ty © 4 certann tender ox } ine worked by compressed air, Whom) josie fy a m 1 : aus won of Now Year we tiet c sneal re {was tinh; Med of Mi te aes ae a Oh nash served the Majur to Milburn preseutly, ina! to» strom for Bhat; bat he bal lefs himectt stow, and which is ver: tedeosat tes from the| feed it is thrust out throagh » vabe from the | Sweden, is euon tr be issued frem the Clar- | and iterchange of premasia on the oi so8 -- | eS) bagel like a boy who is forced to remain | smirk of action that sits upen in|} ship's side, aod the engine beng eet in me | endon Fi The Saga mitten by the | of the day. These eustenns Ween gut ae Sow day. wrthen the hail | sore - Le ~~ re," answered oung | with bis seniors af inner, when the ls- | later life, when we ut to make a tion, it proceeds for several handred oe nephew of Suorn Sturluson (born 1214, | ted ro Chitistian iwses, and we vce scare King ao aah bi high tetival tise dou -- ty. He an a sey niooded clea have youve inte the draw ing- room, In the city ; it co | strongly with the beowath the surface, at a speed sand to be died 1268}, and ta a iepertans doca. | add have come ute to the ' ee aie ee a pect. me with him, aad pivee me the ulea of Youth age, pout tells ae, | ¢pression ally worn by the inmates of | high a» twenty miles aq boar, tall it trikes | ene for the history of Iceland. Dr, Vig. | thoayh to a mens ens cre resemt -- Thalys ain) Ac ee TE bic ing on ek 'the whole aifur out of hdBy oxneot live Lage bet the reasune he ome Bathd tage, iy with that } the v wel at, when it explodes if a's book, which will appear at Christ- _ Pa tMausforred to a a se Right re, ae teeta | Leas't bh hi . were means thr hich disin- cohgrd face of his fellow. lodger, Beaumont, | concussion, Experments wit pa @u valuw ia @ monnmat of ap pet peiate b tht 'Church oh And Curie. - sae; en jane him for that," aan! rise Ralph Paauicaiek to hve in fodgua ga Apert to sant nue the ai coutrvance have been eo markedly saccets- | labor sunt exhaustive indexes, mau? iny wreaths en = me bound, we ive, with @ shudder, with bis aon { there no absolute ** ia- They w arely weg vee, though | ful t ures have betn taken to aapply | obituaries, hiete of bishops, pedi b Kaede ated faat te mi went round Kuahan touk eave of his three visitors at compatibility ' disposition," sach ae now they tive un ior the sane oneal, aad were it ta ig ne erneny si tang supe atalogue of volcanic 'ereptions, aml the Thee . thy brie ah val ¥ salons a days' sa often suadere huat and wives, he ; ri 4 op hy o poten ae aa ar Fe - We boar, to, | jike, Ae the index of proper te the é Ki 4 3 wae the few id in ot er 5 reper 'ter roy far * late. ropect fram the Du o] M | Sturlunva Saga m7 Does They nie ek a rte, ' To the major he paid; arg 'yourself, anh Peniiteuiok ta _on pore; aad he bis profession. ks nly, Rawsans have yrdereta certain mamber of metric, 1 the 'ales py se pl aa rot | Then, se the daytignt waned ap that you may ref others any © wa of opinivn contrary to his which ountaled sary ray quite sald of Penni hem to wevarded ty there Havel atations |p 990, tne 'There came 6 geodiy bart oa Saee' To Pennicdich. he said, May you aol | own; and ore, ence Kaymoad was ta the seath. commaat of ot ecmethiag tike 900 choacly pried gg tt maalderye mand wt yrs os your whole (dmuly be Seineell Into Oue o Sit yuite incapable of bypocray, he had uften to I a ates Beaumont! you look ye pages, Dr Vigtussou has further appended . fin" remaim silent, wmilarly, im writing to bia | '"g ¥ soation w away with. There ases ssing f ie Bt See So ponent yee | Aes all these Papsd were acoompanied | father, he wns aw no distasteful to; has we me bat ng with you, I hope." Ki and Ki sore pl ae gg ang tas assemble in seme pullic jel an the t amile, aud tb x niurt calc d 3 Knowledge that No, nothing. are paving the tru- lang bef re poeta aung, or bards jocied | iiteresting MA. in which th aah first stroke io twelve jon 'neteily in head And one hevaagtt testiture P| Ina . ready on board, they did aut produce base te make ex correajramlence bnef, thoagh early; you nate not the | voce tr melely, when urld was youus, | Yowr r hb accents, and whi beers. bomigint " amnony eortaia tae "d bret car hace te band any ar wl effect. ways wapaper yet, I'll warrant. Ithough wen and inanners were of the oli | aye correctly printed for the first tim dies of (1) ecuaee: Ts well korwn, There is __ ABE Tite brought trankinoetise ard eptee, suppose," said the Major, w'Unhayly, 's had become » T have read all that w interesting in it; | school, we have cvery reason ta ma fitting apnea im such cases a religuus ser \And that amp tubes of qaalit dev . ae amoking oa wee 2 morning of we aymond ta rough his usual rale, | thatia, youradmirable repurta 1! weather ches yy was as tiniversal a cust hae cuapleted for the | before midnight all pall asd ay ' ey reached ~ ee He had ventured tw his er Upod te too Fea R, - @ wpiversahty of kre | Master ft th , ad whic of Ne ae SS poor frend has t meh behind him « to | 4 subject wouhD certainly not find fa. | Where up the . aug Sone our unt he first containing the . rear downy ne ba eiraid, rie of =r = ror in hia eye, had bon post-] 1t was a provl of the seriousimen of his in- | tise identity a baman) pate the . rou the Saga of ore Mur? -- Yonaiastch oT beg your] ed, and was wow on ite wa Upon the eon: witit respect -to-Nelhy that he- aid few onder the aul t, giving af so _ vor mer Mariamos's cmungey: chthd ; -- touts of it, and in the aanacr in which they | *+ sy to Richmond. Even the ng do} mature wow has wot maternally improved of ,omant of the re =| te a, will Tor the .- so you -- little -- tara Forgumng te Get tae Fee x fener ars te. nit Conny y | were likely ta be recpived, Raymand wos | Dot i their heart upon Leia seoves when | deteriorated froeg haman ature five thou--- firtt ume be ted from a MS. @ Stock- ys gir e puta Bam. ain alrai Y nw . o- i Mes at : hook the Ay n " St Mark's Square with a» much nt She bore a eamit it wall net be ber amoking bis after-breakfast cigar. He | down staim with a merry laugh | DU tau T ve | a Prkoey ig arn nab longs: curionsity ae vars wheo upoa ayn. Close wi pokey whied ronda ppene.s, * Just wo; r Fwd say, aaewered Peon. | iad get, bke other young meu of the day, | Mont, as tover the banisters watch. oa t the son nd tiekeg Lauren. | po oarencen 5 ee Satery Che the cick k Major eta . wavke pipes is preference ; in which respect | vo oer raver t Heatrie ong wil be added te Ue ieee --_ . othe 10 Weal e e % seen tt, myattored t = . srhhery. a= ee --_ cr or fe ~ster Guns etiam, at him. asta a few oth he showed himself his at, ct, of this bishop is the las "Kare qeite'» history mine or Tad pas {faa piace ee -- pitoni ps ane . Sa sou. m ete po ahd i have pot the ano to tell bs ---- - sab ldicie se biogray ap a 7 and he on ' ad a " cal es . Ls " La Gnstan wi therefore, _-- facta a bec yt ke named Lyaup- tees een Sian . has kpoker yt me about his family more than | bY valganty - hikumng ie because they | * Cony tent weere there oe 4 ) tome, they tem are stationed [rary 'spytopriatét? inetriet ie w volarne pos « y Jodged users Wha: gif ie Ute ye bring? once. He only ene daughter ; ere clear. ' . e Upea two men, | ty suit the whim of every devo Tre | witch will also contain another anwjue text thet he was due of the lesleded ia What a toma ty or hope that he ™ at least bv = enabled tw "What will he say--what will be do-- Mere their talk dt his approach. One lips, though generally assated with th the fer Wetatnl work compos ' mn bom famous edict of Alexauder, which gave By thee, iny ta ctild of all pe scowinde for when he gets my Idtter !" were the thoughts | 2 kaew just enough hg a to bun When | idea of kissing, aren he sole recipients | band bet the madera revival of literature. A the aule right pow bis por- full Toataly le thle, bing * Yea, iadoed let na hope that," said |' bre mund, as be sat ot the opes window | be had by, said to has com- furebeal,' cheeks, I band, all come in | Tuis work embodies the an: of the cogs tra, wo Lysip that « sculpturing his 'Sabie mr hy stant mate Penniousck, "Oe aan know np tig --ntahony the clouds ; e eltn-trees - Laer *That is the» soo of the very man in | fora hare ol the bonuur, Aud each mie | try fours 1400 to 1 form iu any syle, 20 pe eth pe jess for certarm, however, just { present. tateming to the chirpa ol tbe sparfowa ' oa ae aein the rite @ pecs a i sant The pertad is one peculiarly mteresting to onpreving it Upmw preciods a Nur on my gift tars And be again relapsce inte atleuce y will have mo, will i marry her, whe Why, bo pear more as ifhe were gag canoe of its own here exiate im this inat Fagin ahinen, simee Fy wes rin epoch af Hog. atk re ye executed a group of twenty-tive Nu mich a old Wer ously wets "Now, it ] were a mch man like that fol he or nays, that's certain." Here tang t - 8 certain osculosephy com us Gudream- | list trade with Iceland. Intercourse with | them b Lanale un New Year We Oydestrian oF en al , rey we sdinagerge Thorn. 'oles tryed the Lieutenant preveuthy to | §# in he was his father's sun. ** Hat about ues | ry asd +e ident he knows nothing a of ia the phtlosephy of in Norway came to an end toward the cluee of | have we a sehoe ket ¢ e di. tit fell at the paangee! the Giranicas, and he Major, "1 would take caro that my | 5! coommt it will be difficul: to obtarn Wrote peor devi , . Tie kise on the haul « expres ewe gratitude. | the fourteeuth comtury, throagh the declun ye ent i is group the horses now at Venice * Por, te! te Jewry on this siay treme ouly dang ghter shoul pot be aapro- hbera She sunsellish that she will never roo Stato Kechmond line £ Yor give a be; pogey, and if Le bas the | of the mether country, and was placed by | elsewhere after a hard day's work of * fall formed «part. bey were A makden on ber biwset shall lay th beak {mq im any way," ace the matter ite trae light; her very cried Raymon, jeast apark of politeness, he will seve your} Intercourse w Fagland!, which cunmenc : ct how woul tt be Avwsandria to Rowe by Augustus, » aiatidas sie rel om y 'y," answered the Majer, love for me heart !--wil prevent it . eagee han {kiss it, im grateful ackuowlely- | ed with the ek of an Eagheh stip in | visited, aay ent thet on his triumphal arch. After- woh om thi a "*you think bgp because you are not a rich | He re I the room, with a giow CHAPTER XIX meout of the deel and de Certaini), | 1443 The Engtsh trade was fi tase of wine ip mac ward Nerw, D and Trajan success Vet ruleth everytt It y fas mach money to spent | aoa face; he w caliing BREAKING fr. mt auplowant of all kisses. Tt | Iaverted to Ameri here a more pleuti y all meaus let the "cally " bontinue, " fully transferred them to arcace of i silt mae as Peanic die a. vn woald porhaps bo as Re haat a =e with ber in garden at { it is trae Ove's cara burns while | % eurbarrasun oa le tes re! tal supply of ty be obtained thet the wine glass un such 'vecmauns by owt, . . PR ren rae one, clomefiated." Richmoud. Presently his eye wandered to] others are talking of us in our absence, Ray- | ¥°4F » bat the poor fellow detana it | ineting alwat a hundred years; and, fce- | coaspicuous by its absence. " When Coustautine remured the ital uf "Tox foie bea ve ~ He pait everything very han leomely up the dust we of liw . li 'mc wiecwick's ear ought to have t and covers it with kisses re pierabers ani begets 2 beyan onc -- ~ =) sews anctent Byzsytiau, Beth et ie oa itis tread, vader, huwever," remarked Mubara sule-of the apartment "Hf Thad bat ex-| very red apon the real to p Richmond that ere ta another modification a this kiss A © bundred yeirs of pi es be soaght w ety it by all meage in hue at v7 pel a oreinlr ga tempos, "Bat bow do you know he won't deduct | Pectatons," mut: Sa as aa Paes curious we who | Shem you raise your hand to your E: agish trade mal Ierary darknem consti Christmas Hores. pag ll and for this pur, removed a it ont offConway's little property? Ttinmy pital winch 1 ewt off, wher | were g of him were 'the, very olka he | Mouth and kiss it Tae ne a history | tute, however, aluable periml to the mber of work art from Rune to a ery he nee ueaal" opinion taking everything T have ascen of | fim a service, T wight win him ever. But] was leery = visit. yee ali other: Men te ue eomlparatiy © mthalngi as it ge us know Is it worth while to aay a single wort be 2 ---- aod. amoug amy yey ton hath bow, hiss one with another--that he is a leaoed | | have nothing--uo to urge with him, w rm. Comway and het senate heavenly bodies by dtesing the hands A | the average time required fort wth of | way of explaining whet Christwas boxes 1 ~"hapese norma of Lenippos, _ Dend. and alive katy: etoept that my happiness "s wrapt wet in | came dows to » breakfast, the latter, eng tn Jol illustrates this In Greeoe |e myth, as wo be forme itis likely te | @hen every tre ey and pract: aly m par bi ; i tury Cel Wises SGU te King Ti TH "T a pater tant the erm h-hh thotecmie . sort Hemme, she euutea dented Vhowulity.s aed aseurne. the nubles of Franee and Germany, whe Haat of ite girth: be fain, swered tonant, wi ian ci did mut any, "* and be dante aah bothing tor taken up the paper. She was fund of acws Ronnaze . The Icelandic " Header" which Dr. Vig- Were going on crusade, arrived great ilisfsvor ines the subject *r these that, * which some have ssid, and } of-al) kinds, it. was.ene. of her .v few | *% kisaung ithe hands jem emlen rod ne faxson ia preparing or the Laiversity Preas, | - at Venice acd stipulated with the " and hear thoa me. my lard and sire, a which va us Cane ocala to her ave -- nO mre | pects of personal extravagance to have the Knaes "of Ach? iter bated ows wall . for meane of transport to the Holy ear hether Pennienick wae 6 herd lot de not, | than the truth. en in hie bitterness, bis | Times 2° fa-read " for the first two hours ev. | dead body of Hector, -Examples are numer. | vet be ready for a little while yet Pas. Bat tatead of proceeding to J they Goedly te thy 'na ~ ae he's © taal did not deserwe mpotatun | sense of atiat duty restrained bis Langue. ery day. Uoder sach circu ous of this kind of kiss, many of which have | sages have been selected from every one of ratmnas, time 'were iiverted trom their origival- ett, of 'iwtendin 5 what sarc taut ontarve Iu this, Rand p Lisposit only reasonable-that daring that interval been. collected by D'larach, in hie' Careai- | the claame 5 ami though this part of [are net to be neck. ome J as in the true and unier the ieaderabip of the. bind "Vhsment must ales abate with = mney he fon trie} wae There_aco man why| she should read it all, and get her money's | Hes ol ure, the work i tliished, the introdactions te per sense "bores" istmas box oy ph doge, Damioln, they captured the city 2 te remly to pay thal, |bave a keen sense of filial and fraternal bl worth out of it - -- of those terri= oa the chook ¢ expenses peopel, and | each selection, as well as a short rca was aod is a rmail money att o persons in of Cotstaatiaopha "Tad falt of the. city wae Lent a ee Joy soonlly and cot hace . bamen oo Eat it been thrice | spect, ane se who have even a =n ble people. who will resi their newspapers | *f¢ closely allied to kissew on reheat, and Nivtary" of- an posi! os tie aba men med a mere Vt -- of Thy wise are samtertag' ~ rte bbe : tarde more * wate le sou, aad Nelly Haten to ber. which signify blessing "wl esto We cull wees written, -- be tnt __* whic : from ¢ if hich been . Geer evil and penance resting " t powket ia ur merit. wha, wi | Firet came Deathtand | had: Jar abla: EA. uw , aud the velame w asa c 1 Be Day. wey rf ed ; for the Latins diagraced themselves by ™ pone pte ta fous whic ~ tay bie del trend's he eu hether com, he hs rarely 7 = ie ' to which or yoang ley 4 dud not Dbjysct--the | these ki They are much empleyed by | asort of the : ~Me. nee in ee doubt sone ruthioes ¥ that of the ~-- 2 ce po large a sum to pay] [tis doubtful, indeed, whether the lovation emale mand {perth wm the earjioat agua) | 2K% people. They pomsuss, too, the great | Coneybeare's ttle buck oa " loaland," the associations contacted with ambale we What, ho! tear forth this ereey wintd away cape @scrap af paper berg in cx | to the own farily takes an interest in se * "Hatch, Match, and | &*!¥=9ta of ang pon-commuttal Welwhieh Dr. Vixfusson ve of high | the larth of the jour, and was intended Hat out of the wreck fone ze And be ber line fy darken td, iatewce to compel him to de so--and w tiem, Fathers an Des: ita follow arce--- ve never heani of a breach ot promise case | merit, ahuwe Chat some, at least, of the kive practical expression to the ' = worse Were saved and carried in tramph to Let conta ti try ber iS even the verbal promise he had given to that | men because*they ar the general news of all descriptions, begin. | from kissinz the forehead or chee yeunge mbers of the university have | will towards men" of a ong, Venice, where they were } aver. the Eppes nla me shall come effect had been passed to a poh man. and as it were @ part bing with cd Royal Family's walking on the The kiss, por escellence, is the kiss on the | taken ap the study of viene in Aer what was at first civen as the expragsion at vou! porch of Mark's Cathedral, 'And looee be? from tie Ml had meee ewan over the t for four dare ts literally of the slopes. t there was ms ines a pause hips Ita inkcmabend ts easily eaplamed | eariest. r. Vigiaes himae! kind feelin tnumation of the Cig a = watil Napoleon 7 days, u tiny Senco te 188, an ween fr ou All other kissed y cold in com | the instrios ech. who vebaited the. de- | approval te "the giver, began ta be looked = 7 'perepa them with other doe Sat iit) be ome, thoa make up hia ecea about i it one wr ano- Sake Thetr iove, d those fi the main body of the paper | Pareon, for. sre mt pera One per. | gree of Doctor at Up iu the summer, pots ame sud was claimed w ver 'arts 5 - alter re dewnlall they were ~s er we wed tune tee gneve, ber ¢ questic s that hal Leen jam pat on at all, os self-love. This, aa Nelly cll aware, was when | @ Sone as an gee the ---- ae my, ght have been the conduct of the petition- as rou says is ** Childe Ha. eile dar Ak al oat oxen to kira -- "What Couway tind | going tow far to aay t ore was new! China, which her mo- be eoely | passre, Lh, the Crown Jewels of Russia er daring the year: so that, if ta i9 latins would b: dehonwair, Y --woald be pat again by chee. an tion of hia love for bis mother ther always ignored, as not ing any ta lip kiss the canpoe' is a mutual ow ou there was a r manner ~Sheptommceatt " A pertect prince of peace euld have oa answered definitely. ie er of low ve b smewhat inc soatateutly te, and insiantanswadly are "kinead The Imperial se eptreat Husain is feelings would be cherished, and all neuver RT 7 * rata dhe te » hers if betore every thing Hence we tind lip kissing the most favoured. | og by the great Urioff diamond, the par ras { unhamlsome expreseions mm: J of, a ar or, sireakess . sy {a a epee gs slamye been | the Kuvlsa-t It ance formed the eye af | [9 this way tho system of asking Christmas wothing." - "i r ; Bo Por} an in mba, of bates & ntisanc which PERSONAL on a on 3) aes ; 7 . . 5 Heas:} SAT iy powers. mute > inh famous Cuwet Orloll tit 'and | 1 Was tery diff Se obhtat i Taw Williaws.-of sith Raymoal this was nots He had vens !" abe cried aloud im a selon ote at made | Wrivere Cactanraly hilt ter Pte rit tibia Tapert ante "ani pomentie aerraet » Dexh « odabeets b his me arm «a mi. ' Ex sors "piety "of the ancients, as well asthe kind- | her hter utter alec a * Ruph | *xcite in thom the Livelient, cent abital. | erine, little way from one of tte wgee re all im the very = = Ranh suring oul J overt ray (hee ig. And se they bore ber wfl. ond QUAM. q ok thaw rrr... "hi he dod mpt Penureaick is dead ! amt at times the most exhibite a titw, ba respecte it mito t with the -indrvidaal in tie belie . nara sea In dwegeen, where ate igy et yea . Linoula's lun, althorgh dow®tless it hae \usely love his father he lid bin best te do | "Oh niainina, showshoriing f° exetaimesd |." The ip kiss, as befor sand to be the largest of all the @rown dis, course of the year hat to be remembered by a y' yertonages presen a es nor ite merita, t--viewed ae a dw ace, |, sud persuaded himeelf thag he had. she- Nei 3 oe hope it ia net true." ku maugaite 6f Firope, t Bate, ou m of be being de- Sr oore ert eri ba! Wheres full nyany.tagn Sad pot ag eaticing spot. Ite chaurbers kav -- to | ceeded ; and, if be fovad it impossible to re= 1 is true; see he Her fat on the Kolimt-noor werghs bat 136. price nuanced as siahtiy, Leste altogether oiked = woes ss Cains Cardo Vadieri, wae buried receatly in 'Aed Herod's beart was racked" acerees 5 Toned, es feet hin, be at least respected his_auther}- has is 'emled with such excitement that UaEPUL 'RECEIPTS of the Orloff diamond was 450,000 silver | on asa heathens, a 'ler had to give "= = Vee, ~ ae i att t- ss . 7 That the ase sped. ta st ty. And ust withatth ATrore cen ly bles, = The Tinperial crown im this Chee x » tices of ea me at au bas lived bn hen Asin oo-cenitaciey : to eake in; fda} arses and affectionate ng eHow than } the siatement, Pik Cheer O88 rand ert. -Tt-teokirlike-tha { storeswith w hich they deal to the at Viewna, liu was seventy-seved, Weer oe masiay King. disp! eather metal pin | Raymoad did not His heart-aiad his |" ""* By: telegraghHoug Koay, May 4--~{-fuls sifted dour, pat) oP gh capt way, duuhelacenns. seal 'titra you seein} man, to the Pa copatable i -- hes = -- Tew Tetan eecer to hang up his And evermete Ny m baer <a them nor catsin them, When the ay 'as | conscience were alike tender. He had net, | English-nificer ~Pennicouk has-been | cold Water, a wlitele = 'Rab ated | pa et on ie eunems & the seav the Laer sieekings on Chins eve, He wonkl Ue iS hers b Mew ork is over, itis well to leave them, aaa much cleverness ; he ak Re pet tw el by the Chisese in the vince | fou .* ore hy cniaed, ada sea fui toe 7E ae 'cond =: ume sl then} anaes For thinking on that sound breath a little fresh air. ey par never uttered "a good thing" intentional) {kK Hu companion Sil crrived the water, dropping rn slowly, by a large ancut, but polished, spinel ruby. Jclaim social coonection even in the leg, ep; Se weal © cw éeiih: Stein anal rites the ti ary til mail of life, bes My no} tall bis hfe. Bat be had sand very many | at Shang Rocigy Jetry Cake. ~-One cupfal sugar, | Several other great diamonds, wt a foliated | slightest degree. Tr the grow! acxt mormng bee his little broth. per of ite cheerful serenity. Pp things, which go much farther to "Tt mays \eanicok, "said Nelly faint- | one cupful Guar, four e whites and yolks | arch, rinum pay the front and back other band, im order ta secure busi oe beld mo iy Chri full without being -- (for the Pen ce of rd making aman popular, Ho popelari- ly. beat parately, t Veaspounfuls baking | crown, sappors the ruby and its cross, and | Bes, gave boxes to their customers' = . Ge Hoss poem andes i some, Chancery La wm), | ty had had one effect, which, had kuewn '* That is a uriestake, of course, in the tol- der. Dake in a doippag pan; wh ou either «dle of this central arch a servanta, and sometimes to the customers iim Sanam Beannarvr, ae od whey ay meg Sehe Paae dl ther look. 'or the moat tJ of nt would ve given him: much genuine a alao tho word, officer, It us Halph | done ture the cake out o down en - thirty or forty perfect pearla, The domed }+ ives, when ter were of the hambler ona jomary ~« <a "-- / . : ls and op ai ' ote. are reg it #e opie ---- Ost with | Pennicurmk, no bt. 'hank Gud, your wel, Spread with jelly of tomy and # ea around are ti with leaf-work, and | Cc In ways ol the Werument an onde execu' -- fo qually heigbt--a w: av- | bis father, much to the latter's disadvantage, | father's safe. 2 carvtull . It will sot break, ornaments of silver covered with diamon¢ ee ie gradual! rew up, till trades- rary engage wey David for the Versail- EYES euue "af them, lemling from wall to wall, in} Everybody saw how all Kalp h the oner tn [ro Be coyTINeED.] ce aise 4 zap Satca --Cqt some light all a: Posh velvat. rag : fos aad pat ery i ape ae hag achieved a 1 fet merry and wanted to Birt 4 most disappointing manner; and re ia] haved to a taond the younger ; real in sinall proces ; boil sufficient milk | band that surrounds tie brow of the Eni | ue Yathetr stores that arte teputation as a sculptor of talent. iat ter an hour oF two ote -plot, wh haa, however, | of @upey he haul kept him; what tittle na _Temtons in the Presexft War. with a onion in ik thoroug or are abou Yy great diamouds. no "boxes" weld be given. The Britests Jase Basny, whe died ia the Eng, | Waogld be of deck trclowseane vive the als mhig? dg haps that appears to be | tural atlection he showed for him ; aud gen- soak it ; mix aud let staad awhile, then boil | °TS, im front, ts surmounted by « large Joverument evehhad tu interfere by fe- hi im 186 py poe for ornawen| fa ta Sto = pail iim, erally, bow much better a h ng the sentimental objec- i add batee j cad phire sal ashghtly greedish-blae colour, with | Westing tha? no presents sto r be given te army I tired of Aicting: remupt | ft which refore Tay olai Ti') reciept thy eserved. a oe ee ol grad Sg ns . ufty years, sm taveterate emoker, and of so ing, roumnatle F : a tsa: Perak ay cain rie) rete * 'The young. ol curum: take cw 2 a large « diamond of an elougated form. The pa bee ys porament that always in w bathe yet md pose: thee T mel menses rr verdure tit wot 2 ob ~ tal koew _ jus Dather waa disliked and fear- | survival iu the Earopean term, infernal fore serving. ot , liewtlives, du this way sil Waaou tar trouble, and ose lought aduel. He was an 'The brightest black eyes 1 ou ogre Pr uor woukl one's sense wech more th eo wae ml 3 bat he hines, their use is now a sere: ex: Prat Pastar.--One banptd of sifted four, | ™s" of diamonds have over seen oun eurcuimseribedt in ae Wf but altogether ue skull bold ou Such i wt siddietesinbers, the fitness of things be ow Lif did bis best to counteract this feeling ; no | pedicat of naval wai -half pound of good lard chops ery | together in the form of" single ornament, | destroyed. We fear ly in ye proc ry was a woman} & loch dissectcad ind at My : wae anid seas ee Was aeworkhouse ora bar- | one hyd ever heant him complain of the man- | of tarpedoes was sanctioned by the Hemant, fine with the flour, chop it with a ehopping | Four of the largest of those stones ary of | of growth im © 'ready a& goodly etally day alter her aw: poating tore ard a eans, Jetty Wack t a --_ lees, if f must live in | ger ia Which he had been ed ; aod when | tarian Congress at eteraln: ife watil it is aa fine as it ia possill perfect ar Around this coronet are | oumber seem to a such a gift SS . come, neoln's Ine, I would live in Stone Build. | aay oppertanity for p of bis. father was] in 1868 [t appears, indeed, that the sab 4 it; wetit with one smat! teaoapdul ice | over a hundred di: le, some of them of | matter of course. Why telegraph . ; Maay ae is note a Tory singe same 7 _----- fogs, where a tirst floor » highly rented, | off 'oy tin, he never failed _ advan- | j ae of the (at, who has ex wo of cold water; thie will stiff dow se wee. In -- collection there are also | uewseboye shoul such demands we ~ rs wees, yeh we gust reapect o young suppose, as any Cwenty-re tage of it, & was got his fault that itso of- | a wish to soften the laws of military con ke the den b inte 1 it oat thin, severai other specimens of } One | scarcely see. «We should advise tradesmen star, who ww willing to meet ths buffets of a B Y P R 0 x Y. the suburbs with gerd and a double | ten sounded like For his part Aict, have eaguly a ves of wpreed =~ sad etter eo tok it or ae On) eck ihapastet twenty- tee fingle | ot to begin w which, if rightly mullbon critics, w any touching in, dees be to thie *dasky --_ 3 - had - : hs i wal tt wut then agate, crpask resi diamonds, from which fifteen huge pen: | looked od ana e¥ dxans cave ad ne 7 oe rane oa rat floor, | him, and bowed to his Sigg wish, even to prsvetinn in the East. ; this tos a and rolling autil one-half pound | ¢ants on, suppo ch stone worth ag} vribe. Let them give their custemers the ° ived of opt" (for he was young enough | hw capricea, But voce The kials of satpetons avod in.gaval aad | of good used u argony he plu of Sawarrow, an ai; very at * uous tain his sais meslty braves) Raymetut | had come which coal an 'be avouded, He | miltary service yrctatieed as ata: | Cgcri Cana --O alt. fal t tte rette, made entirely of diamonds, tex} | possible all the year round, ho other CMAFYER xVIL<uc Peapicuick wtling-reper fitut not te lowl abet bis letter | tiomary er deleusive and locomotive of | one, capial eet --One he pao fae patter, | by the te the strong--the Sultan of | Chri ought te be either needed ar dl ZR 3 --(COnTinenn } ing down on the pig ® bed-room, a| axking permiasion to offer hie be band where | odensive. torpedoes resem: | milk fi caplals tes i ies he cor Turkey sonquering Russian General | expecte|. A custotn of the kind is far more clerk's «room, and a very I nondescript | his aifections { beow alrealy bestowed, [ble the mines with which eagieers 82- | taking so salt then 'ee Pe , ¢] aml a long erystal diamond, with Persian | easily introduced n laid aside, as man eRE ecEVIVOR. seermate » wretched and _Fayless that By bat he was full of misgivings abant ite recep: tamed to stren land fortitications, | two ta if Be th 3 F 0. Wh. te haracters engraved on i ith a small | know te their cost, We apes known ia Mr. Giadetone says of his election tion: Hew revd @ affects of bia are sank arra so as to keep bd *" head raed ee Pope m Be = - groove cut arvnad its end, to attach. | Toronto officials w uff dt at a qnar 7 That the execution place on sl else, The eer of this eaita, father's auger, as most sons in lis position | at a fixed distance below the surface ol the | oe" SSS" Dostes tea Wi ycllaaes vbabt nting, | Hf the offering ought ts have teen for Aplaagew-- Luineraity, | ee Ay mi} 5 & teaspoonful baking pow . ¥) 8. pd 4 areater | proved "wathiing | aimee "woutd kare rom igmate to | would have been afraid; he did not dread mode of ignition is now | (et acccr. ete : th a keate, | several strings of truly fm an | snd whe mebamenl ba in onder to deceive the publie-->} samate, that it 'might have saved dimiaheri of -the-etp-+ alent _wlectric sction, -- rad Velie img "A we. | order of St. , With five pink dia. | etther or take anything wha' victim been lor alive, Lt veg student i ed the Lord Chancellor, plies, &s, ua he aa the anger aripey be the ¢ the Russians had recoarse os with icing 1 he tin oe ce yy panonda. apd of present toa onion, Pleasant and shegechon to prewed with cant in moldy and mot = aaa coward vo dove, but to this species of explosive, _-- Koo aap: thiokly a. o~ i bs evenly | wjua-tarines, one greenish and one oT ae ae ee inquiries. the worse from ite aun with the artic who fears ear Nenad of his jaar i bane the defences of the «: both on = ka - ass ain the more blue tint mounted in diamonds, becoming thing, bat when every scenty Lonenzo Raxka, thirty-two inches in * Dad bn Pig vender tr ne behind | of luxury Raymond bad rong his antagua: ae ee iaigel ba ves oni, for in- Ce --Put the fish to enak ee neapable expects her Curistmas deliar o i woke per eerie y 'nt him ?" aaked Pennie = him from his college weaay "Lam vee. "he had written, * to | stance, « ia io the ever night in lickewarm water, having first Al , Rie quitea difforent story, House "y! % gg? aor is --_ "He =; fire-screen (a triumph of Neily's | urge anyibing & biases B to your wishes, as I} Bultic, -- at Peckce ee eut it in amall pieces; the i Fes ort Deke ot Ne +A nod repute ataten holders, if they aro wise, will discriminate pertorm ¥ et ough, | the besa ; = have ae inte the eae skill" in needlework) and the volumes of | apprehend this rec - be: but my | well as on shore in proximity to te the tori boil went ae _ warer | that the + wedding day cat me break the custem naw and t thirty-oGe baw! M sightewn ke « Thackeray and Dickeos were like new cloth | heart i Hpon and will not be 'i for boiling bet and beil fifteen boxgpaalneed loti. | bisa hue Rig of $100,000--a couple of oom i prs poses of turukey, who pe cations at Ima) i rom bee mane © Ger nad Ww a bs ori ee by ae le ese potebot - old ants go Nog moved. Neither Nelly nor I are extrav: inetra: i ve all gee fe . over, ba ed ee sa ee * mm his you inens lem the | in ou tae j will suffice for > the 8 y thi wach other and desire to marry, but * . bd P. test patel of all it was email matter | us: not more to begin with, perth, than é a fork ; much potato as connected with this tailding f asked ALL sons. d rding the peculiar fitness of | _Pensicuick sbook his head, with » gesture nee » far in the peading | parents, - peeal oa Ile felt his fury Ping Rented to him that the carpet was worn and the ¢: the sam you areat present so good as to al- ttle of the defensive | S4h: & lump of butter and a little aweet | wo agg = © SUnae ORE He ¢ '1 Burar bouquets 1 with silk es mentee thieman, whe had been the of 8 tight | the of conls both het and cold ; [low With such aa incentive to exertion porta on the | milk, uf t are to be extra pige, adi "ul the reply, "there used to |): ° Aro Setneaet wiih wt ' of social = tw ie miliation being intlictkd upon' hun, 'or that w: through the open win- | f shalt set to work at my lesion in : beaten egg; fry them ia hot lard or in seed be another old atory ton, but it fe nT down yal = Auris' C visiting Paria, | 02 peri ie Alee elt ee a dow left the claw smd the grasa, it had | nost, and not to be a burden to you. i Pp iy 0 know drippings on both sides. frm ago. Tue polite Eastish tera for Lodlinng in *¢ B. _ ad naked 'ey bs Sai = Shiet of | Whee but chimney | Lf he nad kaown : as hee ws 2 Gagex Teatix Sour.--Take tho bones,| Ay old farmer aaidt td his sons, * Boys; r a bd many times kee He gave it to me they led you oneiaa very ex- | | & year to whic jaded to coun! the | entraiie and coarser: meat, chop wp fine, put a ONEY that bank « mee git away with is ods certain wonderful feat of surgery: He death sha analar Bungee Se fool, the mind in not affect- [would hare ae hi retobd be w eral by 'Hobart in S quarte of water, ald | bunch of ab Ml 8 "Vee ane bor i charged to runing expense . order In the present ato at of tne Sultan's | sweet herbs, 2 onions, aalt aud pepper, stew | well go and sit down on a stone in the mid- By. a wirx-- All men are not aieieal , bat P-, a oe reas Sot feet pact wi ees ake mot let it stop boiling | io = mejder, with » pail "twixt your | Some are bess than vu a newed, and Turkish sabeinee cane doubt. and wbk thetiner partsot | 5 i alr Weese vs sl onleequensly "appeared that the Bog: rs visitas heard that in 'our civil war no fewer ine ar green tos which should fret "hate sm tothe taille: tor a cow to waik up tr you, head berber' geeks se on tn ta snare Kebuen coved -- out of but * How mach f" enquired Pennicnick. than i v heniiles elo ven for 1 hour in 2 quarts of wate Baty an uptown rr to his Dow" Parte baw French his capeayand The gaofer waniod « sam grestly in oxows = wooden ships of war, were totally destroyed} Thicken with browa four, return to the pot, |. m4 po bom: Kbiter- began sending over however, that "de operation was very "hee the valne of the i tha r - iy marmy rey aa aed dedenaivel abil sien pv hoar longer. If there are Look at m 1 be inspector Keep watch of the expross titfioe : « wanlen , whea i removed-bim from ' . iw the turtle they muct be-boiled in « . ie z LEIS TRewELA, a Hragtins fern of great liend, ; que cession, when it had ed hime f Ger the hier heed the P election, an a Alderman-at- Pr B » aad received the at ral g ones tel y lar. k what iam, i? Wh: hen a * wen college . before hia time. has been of for4 hours, then addud to 1 fle, my som will x ewan ¥, ween | beauty, is im brisk demand for hanging bas " soup at the last, there are ne eggs put » Pot kets, jeg hal Yaad like to buy back | certainly not have distinguished in forte-ment-balle, Waea dove pe the the sty To which the young hopefal are Parstep baskets for flower holders ar your own ring "1a. he i ase plied: ** Yea, dad, when you die--bat - a : jaiwe of 1} lenion and glasa ol cira; till then." eoperned avr by those of sungh- i's heat all up to a bol-once, then serve ho ot. Fam ' hh enit Vv teady stra: son Bismancn' ak wate deck ee Omens "W nardevis think now ?" anid father, ° Gnhacwy 3 Marriages. Berlin by a 'leshoute appara This Hasaled wn i i ia linn he had felt Eye tcp trons i bis tease waite || t Neliy's re rT connected with telegraphy, aud read." leaves letters lyingg about opeaed, aad I can' ie The asiversal ox wectati wn of marriet idl ene oy id, Chat 'thetr marred hives will always | coming tate odode ., STATISTICR show that the mumber of idiots ine, | C2 happy cuca, Deladed « to Witness the ease. sid rapidity with which | 4 iscreasing + et'some pe' oom | imagine that | are diferent fom other conversation ea be garth 'on by ite use has | tinge to ¢ war ov quack dactors. poopte, aut tree: aia in the Tre rdw tadch scent sonlesadianes ec haacesira of cate oe, ee AL butkding, where ity will ever be te. Such wheever ane napeehe tah on ths sahaciod aioe my luck," « ; 3 conaiter wou the same as | of" the line, in Broadway, 'net Teoh | madly. Hore Tam lao deol ates ---------- tree Oe aes tent ies ad: ee

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