Stratford Times, 9 Jan 1878, p. 3

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Call and examine goods and prices before pene a Goal! Coal!! Coalt!th = | The Stratford Markets.| BUFFALO ROBES. SE LP NeiatttbOP ow roca bin BME PEGI A ES AFF SaaS Te eT Buffalo Reweay "fy | prereset -- . , : a j i a Fall Wheat per » wou "ate ' , OE ... FRESH MINED COAL,. Oe ; é pring do, pate, . 4 ¥ ~ "gee Voy. LAND, LOAK and CHRISTMAS Sekincisiniiensichat ees tae RT Rian mena vloioiiaioas e gtiresieiincianpedesleiat RM cnscalicinsiniionea ee fox sae thomas +} Con cing Office } Supply of Groceries, &c, - Sevedtand Ag0 26, Flour per bbl. Ba eee Berge pg re nice ™ id Pecorereroaeter gods, eoewsaiegunr sition Ostmeal 2 wee Ms ae "+ REMOVED to rooms ovlr Mr. M. C. Carey's "Pte Se Foie Roa (BET GLOVES Bern UPS TE Seen 2 peepee nacem Seam DE eper tare, spply te Preeteecs' on Erie-et Best bb. 5 _ Deo k, tas } oe ea Banat A *Dvly 0 the Manager of the sal ag and saan Geslhiie > Nomsphildere Attention | MONEY To LEND ON GOOD MORTGAGES ! Whalesale sale Prices, aE Beratfond, Dee Pred ' wea "FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON. -- oo 100-Iba, 4 + * Sa "| Money Tavested Safely fi jor Private Investors Pi pemarener Storehouses to Let. a per - i' 7 MARSHALL'S: - hae x a 'Sie New Valencia Raisins, a . . * [HE Vndersigned ctare thee 6 ewes Turkeys each, o- 10 (FAMILY FLOUR, oer, cmeaen seme] Landon Laghe Réisine, 3 * houses tor isase on long or short - x Song 5 7 Titles and ell my Ona'vitented bu Beratiord on ine' f. 1 one : Docks ae os: spore . . Seedless Haisins, Ce ee: an eney, Vete-ae. Sie TWO BUTTON oa 23 ogy HE-BEST nesinry Omit bone a ed Teck of he Currant, ae. » Abstract Indexes ~ : : ences a TR WA TION nna ee ee 20S ie cise Anamosa diigerwe Date Bln tit aad oi fe te ive pare _Fitherts, 4A Desirable Restene ots For| KX 1D GLOVES Waiwen, 'soo. | BEAVER MILLS. (Sarcoma eemensrss| \ Fim WALTER MARSHALL, im no case bas any. one ever lost s ALMOITDS, &&--- Desirable Residence Lots For , ST. MARYS MARKETS Stentor, Sestomber 18. tT wm | Saceemaaaeh mceetnente, Peter , _ the location, title-bistery, and valee of Great value OP Firat, Bs ay Sine hiyceae rarremaran Has tz 2h s5s, |For Fruit, Vegetables, Poultry, dion ad maany Sf Vattet Caer z aad at Poaranabl = wel cs, harley, te tae; ew Gio rersarind Fresh - wong Meats, eet and investor of money. ' LIQUORS, ae. aon naa Te ATSON CUs. sities ee inuaereese a ani _ Beratiort, Angas, 2ind. 2 = ph net ; 3 Reai " . "A Lecture to Young Men, -- Siar oetims mate's. Sec: [BEST BRANDS OF OYSTERS,|"**! Estate Head Quenere |" DR AS . fanfic Me to Fi 4 * ; 9 ' HORNE & BURCH. |m [tint ser ext sat Wot, Rerpatan SN OINE.T ' Forman's se oy lah dyson. te & TYE bare reewotiy published pase _ sec, ie tog hay par ta e/ co WANZELL'S, Land, Loan, and Conveyancing Office Ww. &B =e capsteiel of Dr. Ouiverwelt's| Stratford, Dee 19, 1877 103-tf Dniniphinwinen iiet Goer veik ol WH. Badsate o-- ines randies. 'i eS Sica cates at MITCHELL MARKETS. sewaiery ag as --REMOVED-- Seottinh: Alos--Bass', Chrling's and Molsoa's -- b "Freasuret's Sale of Lands Mrvcunes; 'Jan: eh; ere Pee Booms "Kabranes on Markt atest See Porters; --Guitiness' Uarting's ind Malion's, Pall wheat, per bush. LIS to La Spring, Lilt conte, 7 . #140 barley .« 450 to 63 pene. O00 tothe: | Genuine gp Bourbon Sa M. C. CAREY & Co. R Ont, Bie TOWN AND PARK LOTS! IN ABNEARE YOR TAXES, toi ss, die, potato. portage iwhs | Whiskey at Taylor & |e o tem wy orn in sry poet of ue ts on ne . : ttord, Deo 19, 1s7t . IN THE COUNTY OF PERTH. - in aaa eee es | Barmsdale's, Market stoma ne omer: a0 50 to Sh. hasten per lb aot tee por one] oe S. ane B sP A. B ° Ture at once B* virtue of w warrnat issued by the Warden of the Gzanty of Perth, and suthenticated by the et jac, testers. cack. Tie to $100, peeve | SQURLC, Stratford. Ask usiness Property. eattie & Co., oa 'Seal of the bepring date the ninth day of October, cr thousand eght hasared shina, 36 vech,e to Gio, 'hay per ton 'pene Fe mie ite trial Howses in'every part of the Town, Farms mutter Whee hie condition and seventy-seven, wand tp ane directed, for the collection of of the arrears of 010.0: wood, vex word, $1.00 to $2.20. Ty part in GROCERS inay ba tangy ore hitmesll chicety nt i | sa geet jaror the lands bercina/ter micuttoned and described, bel wing tn the County 'of Perth, these wel ae to Lend. almost every Township. q "Sar tla Luleats 'shabald Wi. Si: taen eamstn ot | 90 PEO POULT COLN Om . coin cad ctianges, WOODSTOCK MARKETS, Moxer 3 nr Spake se erncn ieee, pre. | Tot Lite ee my Bulletin i Board at Markets AXD 5 wre i ta ety an ee faa SATURDAY, als a_i BAY OF eAARUARY, 1878, Woonetocs Jan_sth, to ot pament vom eeninton 2 WINE ; THE CLL tt rd oh ad Ream pec aad Matas mt, tlt 1,500 MERCHANTS, ? . ; z ™ bed + . St New York! At the Court "House. j in the ' own. of Stratford, | tes. sis" SP reins per ton tase 5 barby given tnd CB ca tame tiles "far liberal denling "v0 tortiting' ioe FOld Albion Block, - | Stratford. New Tork daly ta ats In thy anid County, proceed to sell by fer it Ine: to ir; wout' oe es ase mejeetiar, | "yal Deena aE LETT 20, tne Logiale- | Berm wate Auk tines Their alas angen panne _ _ erty t meme PUBIIC AUCTION. Ee DEE ow aRe fore ie onan ntront GRO. FORMAN. _ ome For. Sale. vrai y The sald laniks of as ummeh therefore ea may be selicient to discharge such arrearscf tases and susrowsn nee poe nae aE ee EO Strastord, Now. 14, w577. Dried Peaches. _ BEING tu 17 ana 3 In the Canada Com. | "tM eed charges ine awounr cents : ae guberwite ime, Ur the Coad Gan oy, with ail Great West R Cape Cod Cranberries. | JOHN L.-PORTT ¥ ¥ of the Town of Stratford, a ee pak | ee RES. GY TAKER & pues mony, AuMaene Vall wheat, per bua TONE Jam. sth, 1872, Frsotutions of ity Directors gn Bearaboidery estern Railw'y ica ran Having Proms om Nile, Cobourg and TOWNSHIP OF MORNINGTON. to La Bour, per $6.00, arley, atte Soe ae Eyede oi the Orcipent: to apply the provisions _Fraight.. and Ti Tieket. OfRoe, -4-Atamalated Wheat om eee ee oe sieforprivam Pur | Murata" ~ ete "one oe ---eenes OP ts Cree " * Phtenter Sea eet Ra Gh, Be Baek panewd-84, en ates fee. 7, of the Inst 7 -- i "Fer paanirs aboveto be bad in Stratford | Smith's Murrey, Millbank, img is 4 an 25 to Ib, Ie" to 14: egge per dos ide: to Me: hides eer fr act, to aesigners of thers: to au- | Next on the Canadian Benk of Commerce St. Louiz Extra Pastry Floar attended SMITH, Crt WRT va ATTERSON, VILLAGE OF POOLE. west Es, oe, har per tou Ba to Sindees, | re-iosue, 'dation, orzo ss " eae "eewenege eee or November 91, i877. by Craciens. Houth-street, north © Altred. treet, "omth, bene tarkeyat seach Gites ene por | ine the a eipasy i Wel ihe Covspany. to en Cheap Transportation to all Points in| Wax Tapers for Christmas Trees A. Fecaunum euratese . Park Lots, is 3 325 $5 2) Unpatented. | Mc; to we, Ducks, per Pa'r, We; to Me: chickens | lines under 40 . 79, see, 2; to canfirm all Canada, United States and EF, uro . \ Ste, Catate ¥ oe ia 3 'e ee re) do gt We; to he; sheepskins each #580" to $,70 1 Company and My- ea en _ Obice--Over Wilsow' cer, REGISTRATION ! b 3 : s . Fe 28 do ny. Poke erwese Sieve, per Por yrony i ssised ths percha PSS Pie Aecbaerod Se. of laa ne Rare at ciber Armoar's Sugar Cured Hams. | be-wer's Block. Sth, MSTT, toed TOWNSHU OF Usa === ween teed te ofa Vi eae ene te F. BROUGHTON, --_ | New Loss ag ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS, Plane op . , , ape ri g! : -- fyne Herrings. A Pati Dreildings' ar Births, Mariage and Deaths | Kime, ~ foe ie io rs = rid ar bs bed s uanatented: Farmers, Attention. -- st Ye enp ape 'a uncom ee poke is -- Manager. aa tpcparally.prectealy, and in per rane HE ME Cutersigoed have peenty od positive in- ¢ * Ban Po} os si Sw Unpatented COR a haying sorpine steak whieh lbey do do pepe 'the ani nal Co Ese a pepplng jenneat 5 Grand Trunk Railway. - Smoked Halen. ford. - 0 ae CI Fs : ' i 4 Lt rn ag ge -- : ' = -- = AB fi dg, Strnetions he Geveriseat Inspector So gut i ae : ae Pobnated, by appiying te ies Bo Se, . nto 10 confer on the Baile! Important Change of Time. | Meas -- 7 acd Bloaters, | 3 ROWNINGS HOTEL, sorner of Downie rowNeMP OF ELLICE. A. J. O'HIGGINS, focting wither Cam Falstaf Sta, cloes to the Port Dover PROSECUTE Over GW. K Office, The Line of the waid | ay Bins and Hurom Katt nde ag Grand Trank raliway stations. The Billice, 4 Wiis aod 4 og aT 4a Patented. Market Way Company ia pi xi te be senatgncbed frean On and after hes Leen re-furnished it, and affords ALL wu EMa 20 a lead do Stratford, Noy. 7. Ltt. Stratford to Wiaston aed Owen Sound, VLroogh Su nday,Dec. 23rd 1877 Baltimore Tooxdation for travellers at moda. PERSONS TOWNSHIP OF BLANSHAKD . the Counties of Perth, Grey, Tratus will } ' mano. o ae ; Whe fail to comply with te oun of | Biatahard, 3 Eye ut wa 7 #2 1041 Patented. J PR AFL, SMITH, SMITH & PATTERSON, For 7. Rast.on.Main-Line ~ oO ysters. tube Registration Ac 7 ~ Dated at Stratiord this i7th day of Leave stration! .¢ m.--B wed weekly by E: direet i the Parents axe Required -- A. MONTEITH Baker & Confectioner, | *> "= ae poe 05 p tn --Eepreee Caren ant Packer = ; "Partioularw of BYk' ia Con ay Treasu: t's Office, ; Treasurer. Go. Parti TAPE, raion That e'ias cos le thes rele. . h i EB wie . Jergymen aro sed to Register aicaid sirattor', Get th, 1977 nem in his new promiccg ee Ish Hereby Giveu that application willte made +e ae oie D. SOMER V ILLE, - MARRIAGES. - Avie warts tee of tae thuron-sereer | ines mone gat ~ For and att Potnta West "MANAGER. % ~~" Parvo Neaitred io Regier tha | CHANGE OF--BUSINESS... WW. S.. "FOSTER, SaareainTeaiivcansasssiesienan rigieere vee aramece en f Eats yee Rrnstond Dem ; Particulare of DEATHS are the Occu- tock of * il! Keep coustantis oa hand «large Ontario raph Companics Letters Pa. + w paBae mpeees. JUST REOEIVED : plare of the House In which the Death |--- Market Drug Store. Hap im atock ali the Groceries Fruit Canned Goods t, 174, to" The Ontaria Ex. 1200 hau Mereh'te Lapress, pennant igen The Pimammen Ie petersen ai Guntnalaapaniicaaaaae = ; ib orocd A * ned ood 7 Transportation Co.,' Por : last in attendance upon any j and the poblic, that they ake stinposed ot ATEST NOVELTING sters, hy And ext rights aod pri thereby Leave Steatiend--<00 0 a. = ~Mixed MEDICAL HALL, Person, in all cases to give the cause of Seictot beuere: teiceanad be rea wane nes Pa thine of ca ed outing lam provid. £3 pm apron be assortment of 5 ; MR. We OWLS, ; he eutiatnd $0 nard easy sual facilttine Se beet 10 end Potash: "a ' i. ee " ot WMS chemin FINE FELT & SILE Bread Delivered | to Rd Part | pellies tn theme aes oh weer. | anve Mecttord--oe & m-- Bap To IL ET SET 8, aaa D who, they have confidence in re- = A TS chandise, and generally in the exercise of 1235 6. m.--Exprees NEEDLE SETS, VASES, . A.M. FISHEK, comman: 'es their au: at for - Yor which 5, cosomers Py pried leave theis | DWtpess usually carried on by ese Com pan 10:13 ata. Mixed ee ; ey eT ne MORE Maat, teaded to thee one : a "WOODS, FISHER & McPEMSON Pele an ae % --= H.8.C awe, MACKINNON & Co, | Also fall Mues in Every Deparment of | wenping CAKES MADE TO ORDER. ene fovelion Ss Aopen eke. rae Foe the Lolidays, MR. CULL would mention that he has re 1 oti PR 3 Wth day of Dee, AD. 1977. roztos | 409 pm. Mixed J H NASMYTH & CO, n He ro ' Main ItueT: . . 'oranto, Dee i, 1NTT "| pine the. ae above stock of Drugs, o Pateot Me GENTS'. brated Soda Notes, Kelfast Ginger Ala, and} For on] See DEE aie ie traine for Goderich. | Stratford, Deo t Cc H E A P F U E L. See ee ge a eve ees Stratford. Nov Tbr, mo Pn soo No delays at ft Marys auder this ar- Oo el FURNISHINGS. ho: asta 3 |CHRISTMAS damtcrgon,, | A. MACNAIR & CO. bd w.8.CO . ] al < 22°47 - aly Rd. wow showing a URTHER REDUCED T -- | ao 20 s AND ; . A F i GENERAL INSURANCE Ag | 8 hg a Ww. 1q | Stratford Co-Operative SPLENDID ASSORTMENT | Wednesday. Tourniay) = --------Te (ESTATE, WONET TO CeNo Gu Younde sii a Eee aS iC ee . ae fasreroe uc are ery exo = A. F. NASH, Manager, < ARM PROPERTY, | "VERY Lowest PRICES FOR CASH. rz g ft. *3 0 z 7 . (MITE. a ant: OR MY I iy oan Me aint eiiP neat ea ee Ww tie ~ Ase 2 Bg: TAY LOR... -- has sw eee v= a OQ.» 2 fi |. STRATFORD, otice:" OPES Ty: General Grocers] ie wal i rains Nevis pee meeceryeetl b 5 " Birattorde AGeoetud eit "ett 4 mportant te-Foundrymen: i) a ~ Wii 2 ae BARN: SDAEE-| oe RD. <- - __ Readly- aces New ee - ae §- Gen : Qf Shooting Gallery For Sale.. | COBREEPONDRNCE te wehereed trom Four. ee = Reh>.. a3 é : 'PROVISION' DEALERS." : oe nae: eR Eee : q fee] E He Untersicnet offers for Sale kis Shooting sad Machine the I if te coat pronper. ao = pre Zu: 3 : Fon Youn - : OQ, eH r Sa i lowe fa Unsere, fe an 4j s ike Eth - ao : : 51 SY pllingtoncnsramts Near the 3 arinthans ae a _ Rereone, x oa Seep to sg eye = ¢) & Kr 29 P. PREEMANTLE | Siretters Geet, weet "Tue Tres Sous m Hf Te fis *32 g f i ry U | | S ---- "Gantnen haw oe ace a ws a Stratford, Jaty ish, iaTt _ e) H 'Z| ay|s s, i'; _ stheo of the hove t Sian: ---- he bd --i = eormm: ol ve ave great . RO g we CALL! CALL! caLL tt] 417 EE geEITEE Bou curnau, good value, ic. per ts | Livareimiiing te pos 2a te ous Tagg anegement of" 90-0 8 §& 110 | NEWCIGAR &TOBago ar | Hf slege (8 IE | = nisin Be. «Mb. | .pigeae srauainted withthe industrial contre r. John Jamieson. al =| ° quis if R EDWARD PakCKERTS » | C 43m =" 48 $29 . a " ine workidg' Caeses exeettty teat veceitea ders entrusted to z M Z r good, extra, 6c th. é = ne *o- publis in general thas 835 af 3 "35 A g . ». Gc. from fmauieations of this bind. "Many ure tod ee us will be promp- iGes i\&O & |Cigar & Tobacco utore | J. J. ODBERT' 8 a #75 pets ass eg -. | God Proms, . Se. "* Ib. | Gir R-emploggen bul we Sian iowmns na Sauisfaction DEMi ROM, Graduate of Den Fe 20 z &4 3 OF EO D.2.-/2 Box-Eleme Figs, 5c. each: Iti to the publicat | in Ev Re- Nag KE} = FS _ Hf tn hts etd stand, one cater sast of the peat often, | (C$ = Abd] We Of EID, 18 open to the publicat large. "COMBTNE -- z Sh q % | where he heepe'ou hard a fail nascristont orig. STOVES. iF S OF 24 bat a w | Dried Peaches, 126. per tb. wife MODERATF PRICES. -- eO.2 5 g/BS ¢ | cnoensr muses ov ciaaw: STOVES Oe 25S Oke ASP gh] Omnge, | ooc:and iter fg mucin ST ee - 4 J pn | j oar ™ on ma! ae CP 3 eee CHEWING & SMOKING TOBASOOS | fy aot Wecet Now Carrants and New Raisins, 1877 crop ai | telecisng at ene OTe OF hand wehatee itiag ar ies q F % OTF ds Cigars stv wholoeals bout "Oat ms o al ALL SORTS, ALL SIZES, ALL PRICES > i = OF Osea 8 i ---- THAS Fier Olt "Clothe, Be, at at Cost Price ~ fis O2% SiR: = - | Plug, Steam and (as Fitting in E a8 peas E<2 # a G a " KNEITL'S OLD STAND." 2 = 8 ORE 8s CHAS. LEE, all its Brancha. St - giz? Oi © ¢| ORANGE, LEMON and CITRON | Groceries & Provisions |~fers... wt MiEDWig im" = ; 1Pleh § PEELS ; pene : = 5 Ps Z 2 < Woolen Draper and Outfitter, Of Ait Work ee Very-ta%: ee] AR r| he ie) a 7 . or Quatity, be exectied in Bersste to the 4 = Sq} a, MARKET-St. - STRATFORD. ' ~ Pure W -- Gtratford. and vicinity that he is still Im the =} > ---- L -- ase neetgh--rnenenetnsereen ure hole & Ground pices. = of the living, not having been drowned ane Ce s 2 . CALL! CALL! Cany ethics A trial respectfully solielted Atlantic Ocean as reported. i 3 ~-- Q = Chas. Lee's stock iv now conpiwto with fash. axD . Gooss delivered in all parts ot the are: eatabliched himself ir pontoon na fully a"bp 2 < = | louat 1 c Cc if Pure Wines & Liquors. sireet, Dear Wilson's Hotel oe toot apo fy BME | rd aun, Poosam, 7 _aatnt mm see pte lf ere CG n-----s- Sasol ee Stsastord,lulphas, 2977 4 ro CROCKERY Or an etiiiete niet nee request 3) , - Burw; : a GRACE'S aD Hardware, Hardware. | Qu iunesies his line public to give him « Ms : -- Creag 1 UNTO RAT uUTUM | cowMHT] Celebrated Salve|G LASS WARE] Seomxovuss, Ost a : y-Made Clothing ! pe ------ A sure Relief for she Sufferer. AT LOWBRX FLOUAES. WATCHES JEWELLERY, 3 oe Homery, Nhirts, Collars, Ties, de. Property Inewred, mer $2,900,000, Amount of PREPARED B TAYLOR ATS Nie OF SERBACH bees to anvounce to the a & Chaims Pad, craves SETH W. FOWLE ' ore --gotie that be has opesed « out & fret class . o ¢£ | He ~RHAS, LEE. ' No. 86 Harrison Aven A a Deo, 19, 1877, of Rerdwere, and it sellin SILVE R Ww ARE = == | _ Stratfora, Now. a. aot ~ as Cheap as any Houde in the County. 4 -- > 7 Aa 33 - , AVING purchaved the Henkrupt stock Mr WeOe af 6 very low rate, will sel} for Cash Oniy, at prices that w: ear. | + mn laa auy other house can The Best Chance Yet Boots & Shoes! ( RETAIL At Less than Whotesale Prices, AN DERSO Remember the Oid Stand. 31 Omario ot. Robes ! ROBES! d' ST RECKIVED « large stock of First-Clam | BUFFALO ROBES, Which will be Sold Cheap (for Cash Ouly) Ro No, 19 Ontario. Street. bes ! kof HARIN RUNKS, vals Ess eae Corner Brie-street. MR. THOMAS LAWSON, HORSE © WHFS, LASHES, 'ac, Solieitoen as. a 'Grasth, Genera! rae re mare ay and W. 5S " bbe stat agents throughout A the county. Cflice:--let , Over Mowat"s Bank, Mowss's 7 we PARCKART. Ree, W. Mi T, OWAT, Shs 'Treen andoe BIRMINGHAM AND PATRICK o ' Mr Smith's Tannery oylle Prat compar "sx tm washing order gad bo JOSEPH Bt. STAFF oa t marae i N.B.--The oaly firm in Stratford wt | ? suring the "prepared xints | Pale and Amber Ales, H. BRUCE GORDON, AUCTIONEER, "ne et . "ek guid abs that advances are | grounds, ebarmers will tad it to their advantage *m- POARD OF DT t Jehu Hyde, Baq. MD. Pp, wsldeet James Trew, Key, joorge Hyde. Req. North Jumee Brown, Exp. P Alex. James Ha) Gongre Larers: pa. Fas Ea Fullartoa, and Ja THE OTTAWA Agricultural Insurance Co'y ; CAPITAL, aiid pase turing ail user own Collars which are warranted | THE. HON. JAMES 8 oS SKBAD, President, "oramber sare, . . Stratford Spring 8 Brewery. wm. AUBSRLLL Proprietor DEPOSITED .witH GoveRnuenr, $50,000, INSURES AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE OR LIGHTNINC. puns sores Lees 27 Netting ue sure in the " Ottawa.' HEAD OFFICE--OTTAWA. ot 5 ' eet factor. s=Ta Eycx, y| Canned Fruits, Preserved- Meats, de. Change of Dasiness, b= Sais gorahmet the stock and busicmss Jately jae ect . A. MeCaullach and formerly by in ne OLD ALBION BLOCK, larce and well selectet GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE Wines and Liquors, Desiews to "all attention to bie eeeek of Ales everything = the Family Provision line of Fine Te cakes Splowe Cash paid for good Fresh Ba and Egue _ A call is respectfully _Sacattord, Maach? -- Gasy ee Krxr Yorn Hover Comrontsane awn Wane weather with one The st. James, Calcium Base Burner, bape ee . C. B, JOHNS & Co, MR. J, R. HOFFMAN|=2=" Ne great cat Gold. arnt Cane Lever | xxx thasiog elsewhere. Having fur cash from he beat houses i; Canada, he is = sty ane $a to aa ww hu an any bir te. "Ther sto . . 7 ~Oa Glas. Matty, Shovel, P Spades, Forks, BURREL'S CRLEBRATED AXES. Crove-Cat and Hand Sates, \, Cow ) Tics, Ropes , Cutlery and Plated Ware, She tf . fa of att desrip- AxDKEw GOETZ, Sebringville, | 'One Deeds one arc articles us found ina l_Mortgageadrawe up in Kagiinh, French: and German, Commission in Q. 0. money te first class hardware atore. po hgpeice at te Kemember the plac te the Port-Office | Otes, epposite KatJer's sudden ee Seety OF THE cTke t LAR SAW, OTTO SER -- SIGN here ld i. ------ i... CHRIST MA AS AND 'NEW YEAR'S PRE! Sei NTs W.H. ROBERTS, Watchmaker, Jeweller, &c., Osranio-Stnegt,- * SrnaTronp, P Wheee eu wi hae 6 large aud wall selected from. Dreasiate in Canada. » Windwe, Ow w Stratford by all Drvegie®-- and by ab CHRISTMAS PRESENTS JEWELLERY STORE |! AT PRICES THAT CAN. TO CHOOSE YOUR FROM, AT WHLSE'S AND WILL BE soLD NOT BE BEAT. Don't fail to-calt andsinspeut iny stock before purchasing. Upposite Stra ALEX. HAMILTON, af - * SEASONED: LUMBER, CHRISTMAS. x WELARS toe. Sratfard, Dew bea wT AND NEW YEAR'S -

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