dae sp manta making -- S 17 you break your orm, don't use a yin ~ A PRICKLY pair--A hecgehng aml » pares: _Maxy plain young addon | live ta be. awe 'Ol ones. Been tills many a bottle, kid the Inttle | maay a bier. AWAS whom we can pat up with --a goo! hotel keeper. A Tims pot to run---When you are sure tie sen be elected. Dowx Kast w get angry they way they feel ae Why was Fre wot ales the measles ! --LBecause abe'd Adam. A'YouNG man with a plump sweetheart may call her lugiupswagar. Boorse and shoes shouldn't ge off ona joar- ney unless ** well healed." ORR in out of the i said the shark, he ee Tpea ic Coomeny, the way te make a Wide pedal ~-- sity ww. Wut word may be apy by adding two more A MAN whp sat upon a paper of carpet nails saul they remunted him uf the income tax. A come satel broil is not as palatable as saditle- ruc w, but there is yeuerally more of at. Simeck Pow ov Dackrriow.--Eatver crowded room, and al ome bake every One ta th y« To cure twothache, ey ym cpp "yeh a certain root the A cConcevatvx it. snicuhes is, that it is the height of umpolitencas to go aay where w & tor, Maxim on Mans anv Hi Mas.--Money is sak to be the sinews vf war, lt ie equally Ae inewr st tmereied it_wo cou We read of a ait "be was lately -- to death by lover's encirelsi This wa msn = ladies to keep their pray baster necks out of (lijarme way, Tuxus is a great difference between a sick girl and a 'tition: bat, bat it shrmke to the stee of a when we ae of the Ome aa a motes il and the other de a mitasile, would stragyle to yet puasession of a lighted bshell. Saip a pompous hushaud, whose wife had ---- wa tel fy aaa him and given him a kiss, Backing at -AND-COUNTY~OB PERTH GAZES. Mas----uBe on tbe Man of the te roa Mack,' and the other oa T. -- nd alle woe hie dsth. omg wirmada. '4 be played at STRATFORD, ONT.; WEDNESDAY, JANUARY ous Manpertow, author of " Helen's 8. " bind Riote Ievtui re calle Chas be cae | alerresared peste We penmih atan Mr Longer 's7aduuire f his ovat lovdly vasce--am had, of courre, achartsing letter in rewurs. herrises Hr osuer, ing taken t beat the tal sition wth of countrymen whom y and lavk ot employment eourped to pate jrate haa dp- of Mare THE SREKING OF TAR WATERFALL. | sinew I am your mother, try. to perenne | that it. may be t ' making ayeell sahappy becanse this | care Fan Her mother fc sims and, ve her softly head, said Seother think of ia? | | abou Inve. aieas os oo _ her judgment in my ome ia in = hile th they still stood together, bat net touching one another--he had put her arm half round his w ral use to be Ppy ou taornent da cin to him--Mrs, Conway entero: "This is a bad blow to you; Ray mond," arid she softl he had a woh for her en yret nce waa, in fact, uaweloome father's foe & the <Yhis * Geel God f exclaimed igaea 7 in a = low suppressed tous He had read the tele. m, and stood hom ope transfixed. hs Pe rt. fathe Nel i rim te the sideboard, and -- the callareh prot laced a giass of aberry. Se ls woa! He took her rh. bat a his = te im, fot had che net trove: Bk rw + wether, 'snd be Ult it hie daty to pit hiss to Pasconeion af certain jaa ticilars There were revpoasihilities of a delicate receptions bom. neta are chysen, ag they may be worn with of tice white lace they ey have for making ou satiny ao tare ee a 7 ai _ It is comajon alas! for on dead finds mitigation in the revela- | corunet, fare of elaborate braids apd pode hiss a0 the tion of cael mofegtayt still rai : geodon od a towards which they my tered | was si her and where nd it to ze ona. if not in "the Nearly : a torah ara now ea ase good ton." She f felt ahe was me 2 compliment to him at the think of nothing could think Her f foen axpremet the b enxioty ofa person thing more to say; she w acca uke ore ee least on one occasion in her life, omitted for with for your conduct to tae father, which self," replied Raymond coldly. " What legram ? Db your opiumen about this ge think really true" Tam afraid 4 At least, | have no reason to doubt we Bat che telag wee be ox txt ; my re She was not praying, Z. but going a certain scene ad that had =~ " fe hétitated--he could not say, "'and yet w Recuae'na™ said the wife, | didn t know it waa you." Tux followin, sencierianes lately op peared in a countr: agho * Elward SE aay aly rey (o-comimmaicatc with | _ is brother, tomas 'The vis} . his advantage dead" AX incomprehensible idiot aske: ' What wr t, ** One. is a centzpede and the others a cent-a ° -* It generally a ar 'from a. wo- iagara, =x four yeare and vary roasted that delicacy, but pew er tity were generally boiled' x Twa" Baremoeed William D. Howells 2 a Hartford audience a few even- g are. putation in the li work! which 1 need net say any thing about, ee bib moral character. Cuances Narien, an Baglishman of gexuld ory aleobolic drink ia compatible om -geinal Abad ces, as the practical result A many oe ape Heute, that wovngqetatte diet --matkalrie ely to tier! vure_of drank matinee aa old max conastitation had ian shattered tacks of deliriam tremena, anl who was cured of his ap tite ie ef liquor in seven mousths by eschewing . arrived at Shanghae," observed Mra. Con- way Lobb ll 3 ay husband would sever ha t anes bat she ypoke aa one who ts sta iF and yes. seemed | see bat Sotremsal ie tw » Fepeut of having eves thus far harne wit: felt to her hushand's virtues, for she added } be only . turally conventional, and that che oh i in hal oon rudely *hiapelied, «Here, though anrwached the suit we sucht, was. proot |... ++} think I will. go bome," yf from his the foa among Senn such phrases au" burrie i before your old friends, at a time like this," obser- : in | ae to Hong « Kong at eace for contir- a un or otherw maligna tetig news. In the | meantime, (+ ¥ He shook. 'with: t pay lie of aay Tn sual ali re the (am with him tn Nails ), that is hall- mar! ve, sadehips from that tact annie it to her, serine what other precious metal, Frends bat his "Tam: ea ven de bec iuse to mitigate matters, though she had, at she "You hare nothing 43 reproach You! eels can Say. "Tam thinking of him, and not of 3 wo in prison, yet not---- * 'The telegram saya, "'Ilis companion has him ia a plight as you sug- "here was neither pride nor affection in had ti with respect to her mother herself, showed her con- | ae RT Cteeteed i nderstood that a hope said. he, rising peat. hould have thought you = hare * shook hr ie | sombanieally towards Nelly, yomocte ane on "You are right, ry Conway ; bat right tow. " shall a, baat to town, ee 4 thea ee ee O40 huafatber's uobappy fate, yo hia own bereavement. * There must have been or leapt - good ew 2+ stern afterall," observed | Ni Nelly, shen he Young ry ed fone, 'or ane | even ina sen." * Robeapierre "had a brother, who wept hen he was sutthotined, anewered Mra. Conway... " And besides, F Laren mourns Capture of a Noted Brigand. 'ving Himeelt Up in the Cava di Cegna- pi boy 2 reer ympashy with Gree aries, Dec. 12. --Ag event has occurred thia wok which has, carried -- back ia the histury of thie province fully sixteen yore the last of the rand of Pilone, was arrested a few witt| howe was he really did escape across the frontier into the Px States, which were then chant of Napha, nom he robbed, with _threata of to taking hia life, ofa large sam of | mone: = maa ot alter. "Ta escape the comeqnences of his Bie i because it i his daty wo de to do It -- Nelly's Circus after breakfast to i pore --_ cham! nese to b 'She was still plu plunge in -- rermay-sa 4 be a erier thas cae tat ofthe 4 did something that roused the anger of the mage eae to gt _ rot the misfor- ven There between 'Shanghne 'ad bi deal aan this That last heir, which wan ren proba in- henaible to the i room was - Why, ine dear, this @ os ribeye chance ! observed «No doubt he" will--for a der or two. cH APTER XX, HAA, When HKaymond got back ae dtaten, be the fortune that pros catastrophe. He took Py Nag tee aa and joveriah ox tom oul wary have on ioe was = -- time shen he tral Te 'eave died scl opearel ngle f to to which be asturally looked f for it Che bas had eiring j joa the ent of gold a edauvely et bunnets outers prcomgg ies for party with some slightly turned up on the left Sas 5 these serveee a both plain and - Lpatend, pe bow Small stiff a of narrowly Talasd iota or volver are erect -atedt on the heck: of Pacman whe do their own millinery select that come agers ag om ee ym Aneena ee with close a Ps grea. He iar peor the opiate » showing slight rps in crossed at th too plai or two+mall black ostrich Gps are stuck ome sent him poiniment on the gronnd, we i whe had oven" ; the canine with his own eyes--the sur- = Raymeed Penniemek had a very tender children, the old- #ined he was Sera in fa- vor are those with satin ribbons that ae the stings of d poverty. "te knew, Baht that their new position would make hie ng latest i DS te | th Cy erce im sient of Toco etna n honor peer yore of the city of the same age rie ry ; eee, are mach better viewed through vast pre oe presented with money and suite of grea to the hounds ik enti and in the presat say ie Hs 7E would have ie was the Su nr ry i in FFE i} : However, a0 the. tol act te fact ene way of ere per aromma tate email ivts, Which are wl at merely nomizal prices to thoes wha" a groves ae fairly distribated oe jande-which the Barow tras allotid w the = Dons hie recent confinement to bed, -- ope h denve, destroying 0g papers of sortiny thpse 'to be entrusted te the Cartinal ©; ~ in ssealed packet for dclivery inte his succes. eor's mann mong others, there are let. tere . ure, Primeee, political and ecelesias personages, = sing to the cosas of" hie Pontiticate, eapeci- ally she vicissitedes of recent Italian history and the conduct of the Holy See in ims = 6T papers are expected to throw mach light oa certain obscure peints, and omer Coun ia is getting rich in the lecture : business, Joba B. Gon is to snake 6 go * vire tour in England. Sollacts tor Simmons of m " Reform," Ph s.-oaee™ sities is om the . thi wemen are wiving conta Civeughoat the country. They are cheaper than lecturers, and exceed the "jemand. Bard the Bi ette of ae ies keys in on a lecture tour a Gen. Banke le a few engayementa, Mrs. irene iy semen for the winter. every week, and --- rece hi his price from §500 0 Patthpe bas jest com @ valor of the Maccabees. Dur: A bes alow student in the st Py etersbury Aculany. The ve Erg vee | made the summer campaign a tisrmsered adjutant and highly as 'ising hy maelf. 10a the 6 leduder and catood all the stalent to seunbia in the audience cham there, im the presence of hia fellow. students, with his own hands fastened the cross of St ( gr ov bis breast. This unexpected and ved boner was hatled re stands with load cheers by professors and puptis. ™ jost now every hp in Great Britain, theologwal and lay, toe a very ee sermon preached 2 aa be unday: in ise he Batly en ss denounced the ment. Alrealy the 'Archbiahop < Chsterbary has writtes Canon Parra: mysterious words in the First E isthe of Peter ; '* For, for this cause wae the Gos- the offspring uf and superstition, and set" fappareet - even by texts, mation, be i andethis would be done if the revisers did their duty. He ioe for early fathers, am of Jere my Taylor. 'con, be beld up the fa foith « of te te Tecios tes 1 Bishop ped ing as purer and truer. He did not pre- tod wo the ul te salve. of all men, or any o counter ly, the marriage of two centens- umes, name! rians. Only three or four mouths a cen- tleman named De es, resuling at SP d'Or aM it * wedding of of ig thr of his dag hte: He led them wife ala i pbbe- lollowed by and pcre es sf to see gentieman no one hase pma- centenarian >" bis gait was" be as as atraight as a post. steady, and ¥ At the wedding dinser m the evening he ] liq mx, Icipe ne pega? op es rer eae He is as free from wedding ties, apparen| tly, and as weil preserved, with a ven Mr, ba Naylor, of ve Lal ladelphia, were were with him > 0 @ 0 Qe A Turkish Grandee _ (Prom the Press) of the circumcision of the of Damad P Alea Damad Pasha is atnan of I Bey, vexta Pi then a Cableet Min- , ke. Ar Leipng a "flenera! Anti- ga formed, and branch f i i rLETS fee { LZ He me ne cere pet ot the Xcuhekay--Prse Peas OPA ene. ora ia the