* an eae BATA PI ie Drs; ery ----owitthintet as t the resent hes actually been gir- ing himself pablie contracts, and_cer- tifying and parsing iis own aenetols, @ hands of the electors. will -be defeated by while Hon. Mr, Vail is closely pews where Dr. T: fe virco} ounly assisting in the cauyvasa against dite: dams that the Conscryative candidates will A Le vietorions, riliigs are ev- cepdingly Gri their leanings. Lf ritty in the Couservatives gain the day, it vie ret 0, O. F The fothowin ater, Nexter 1 rk Waster it i k Mayr yo. hh, romantic a t im a) mantolios « Neral ee trut. fal Te nd, vu. a by = 3. F., were in Jannery, by Tre. i ; AT. i lasac "% 4, rn waplas ; oe with. bel r, Fiat rote "Les tu tl £ the Sterr 185 samt His: Wa pe me neh bent Lobb gud Abrabam, aud C. vaa- tid Urns heir! a Phe wn fron: Hi 0 gee STRATFORD TCWN COUNCIL. SPECIAL MEKTING. Six Taamest Gloata Moxp:." L The rae mubers 0 the en 'ast me he ten Mon. thee ni ce also eg" his feat, for a similar offouce. Mr, vow, Conservative, was elected in his Place by acclamation. THE N SS EXT Gk alla TIONS? Mr. Mackepzia, the Pre remior, has feat faithti toadies, He constantly em about lis person, for the flattering his vanity, of 'ud dom the dirty duty which caves an pere "delight i iu. The of yerson named "bor: all right' fa Lis masters a the next élection. wande 1) his apparently endless he Livught up ip the County of Greg, tue oller day, where tbe Re forme Ts vere Gudergeing "organization, ta 1 yathetionlly aml fawiieally called upon Reformers te mile and sup. Jor a telehrated in TV rhameut for hin transconde ut abih- ng enerpica ol bis] tm "aera, Mr. Patullo saad : -- lie wad not in pureeenion of pry kocret a iv abie the vlvolien wel take plac Tie vide me cuormnable s! wh. 79. Visese seul year, hi . ger den peortanee = vivi ng atlentiug to rolls fienent Ail ears sey Patalto ! The yam uch oblived to "4 hia k coll befall ie the trenton i: WHERE THE MONEY GOES, of pulsie feebuys that have beg es matoret by the St Mr, Aiea, Wetheusie Atay € avea amount, $199,000 | reteieadret _ ot ya aok. Ta a re 2 elevted isthe ¥ ford, on Wednesda wad the a 4 a rious, being a euflerer eg aplle drat sous wards. in - Stra nm Romeo ward, Ke 1 Friday eve cuine tas wily Wat pre e soating capacity for un. Gilson wer Femae of the fim F. Ve va, Hamlet, Dr tuilten, and Fabetad, Mr. John A. Seott, were eleeied by 'feciams ation. In Shakespeare ward, Mr, H. iit "om received 26 toter aul Mr W Klo. In Avon ward Mr. J. Vanstone was ti ot by a majority of 25 over Mr. AL BL tees were alea by a2 . iL. Kuror, B.D, a T. lith Ap- AD, wes bee ise ant, acd a ver ringing 4... Tet ete | he eon cert a Shop" teak pa 'noe very plea-ant | time was epent born by oud avdvouig. The aduir Was 4 success ln « Hye s Dears Tae oe ete t weet Mrs. Hoth, reliet of the lave Mr. Juho M It bd, fer aw wliar ant rie « v te | } ' : "| b | a { eo ate <a staesnire. * Ties =7tEM J they losethey have nothing to be | beautifal' and rercante one, erie be the foe ertmieei + to rennet meron frame pao OF" They-have-v carried thy [feet Heantasn Monkees. auliee braitine etic wae TefesTe en = . were tee Opened ths f to 'Kirica, and a Tetea TD PLES | net terment tie - "Destro ig Angie," rated rus tae ah mab of Dee, 976. = ee a a me oe ion ervalive. inomber| von = caoatins am, " s bi pam, Sec, Pauper's tirke Tere hall Be; oH, street some, $45; | Seceins. 2a9, | A by-law to rerfew notes "np Bink was read and pa-sed. A motion war parsed ordering t's treastrer to apple cabann ing taxes, ete, lowards pay ing_off the Latlities due the Ba: The Ma: dol-nes ne a toil *ebrie' tle. a re 4 moved a Tote « ft ihanks to the } Mays ~~ ~~. *s r --s M thal. ana 'Oder, retiring eommei tors, brief ad. raigi ne nous resulta were aispate Ua the evening of her des abo comnlauied of Goelin, x stat ee tectn aael was fr. M. Draper of London Sonanoa abest forming a clase, in three pesichig by the ord Ave, bee A Proserers snd tite '4 hie ehly wore promises as onde of a Stratford Lo : Oiivae Fi Spee agli Oi oe one Wide hen, hu Liseknw 1 ta "meta of iat he bod bev roading wi | Foune Bawoa ws & pupil of | su the day i phere aed ete thes be was eto: pructmal fone elildeos Deew a of Lineola, Newt oka, atiord. --Feank oon is | Citar Select 3 At 55, Weat Twentioth "herent niuer was at onee idengoae lind foe the sector, tt defore he arrived abe had breq ibid Mr. Bobb had a large _-- of fiends, 'sud Aer death is vere much to Asters. aghter ae a. Mola. Pig Cissa.-- We are informed that lan, i* ATA Coming to intends anit Bott American Method Le the Piano. I Th the Tonic font of | tem of Feb Tausio, whieh Is the ctanderd metho? now taught iy the Old Country, is also ing tery popolar in the United Varnvis, «Mr. Drapet a berthis pach be three tod ea be mon ten whe patronized him think 'they ore the rwhieks he tendo te w few mouths, than wes feng | Lage in two or weleome Mr. Denys ree "| Mestined Bee dsl 2 aogal ecient 'pep in the ee cheols cent namber ¥. 60 has been ia ara to The Brantford | iy urier tosr triad Jasin peared Mr. aspire sett it u have to teke place in end pote hg where the sale w eee he Tonwlay ten ly agente for Mr. t™ u the (3: sas Wits claigat, explained thet th -- porn Lyf certain by law ativan fi 1, amd re fhertat te tor ""Hieiday work, Lariber, >, 'lil, dies Campi Taba enn enndry pears toe stone, td. Derieoudl, work, 63; am ke digi members of ote Pies, aneil then adjourned sinc die, Fe 0A T. veRnauava Hoy, tits Letsor De SPOrn OWING TO Wart The Fenian Yeazer, Gen. Jolin O'Neil, ibe acquired-soch fame @ tatka. : Lance Surrecnt of Saxxr.-- wes Inale fom last, for the New York ma saves of Mund lay ani} fos (37 ndaytrening. "the " object of ry, rebel orders 1 Ly bs stene av : Tele ta 7 Pry seat ern Expenses of ant, tt ou wah a, ir. 8. L. ay :--On Fatnr- anes tins Hower at preg 'rm 'ofl tardy + Tt wae, con the Hime he got the y break- . bat the Poervern? of Wen ed. Ninley, ol 'Steationt oe lan ty wert oe ahi tte Great Womens wri. Jheet 00 a dolered alt.gether. The. Caml it roe, i ate |e eiogeerts ae ¥allace, & tens orm end ot ot ers. The anietoad ie be "stato Lathe ty. ir pear Totalay, oer beedi'was also se..t if from on tata on Welnesiag Pert. | iBnecuime Arewasd x6 Locenew--Ow Pri: Rey | reas ote o reine gaanbin" = a bees write of twanw: Ce a a. aii pi dimes wow og mes aoe eas bate be BYAlia-c@ belens aecteag ae forther, that | poe the hepror Porton © sews exe racy wp opatare ache a3 cree tee mike Optte ~y oe " what has | the aes. Tir. K lror te ey |S oh . bh s ibe as 29 Sans, eee pete: Suan proce * 'ok Gasmeshat dictatcrial tone, calle upoa | satanic teh teenea is tol dF a Mew vetract thei. But he wir Roker an COTE artic (ont Ui na pr vhet an inde me nest ja a B reads ner and ter | wath: tte is, titrant, too souu Peal: ta. deare ta free iecasmon eta } tmausae cena = 4 Rises 0 ove Ory - to fy Ti} case -- "tale! to aude as uo} Shes | seers setae | OFU PRO wet =---4 h ot any i st year uasetore composed and that hin will conveying bis j daned ta beheve that the Nev, Dr. Kurvy and whet thenald A ae be ae Sottere owing gen -- Reeve; hte brother ie in at? vorpenn vert crasmiGred af raie relivel aye: a eres alexender we + rton | bavinwatene ; Bopes peep Someph -- ee # part of oar raucational maciivery, | be ay te he stivetins mate wpiring. "ed }Conreilives, Dering, Wabl-and Hata. THE WOLKINGMEN'S.. BANQUET, AT atd realy suppotcs that jn Work eaten there te Timea Leak, | aah Mf . joe lu yea See a Nant - oo = TC ORON 'TO. . aties in the ane of intel leetita' ml evar | Goi 4 1 Une bey GREY ve be thereicre much pleasure In being able) Aovtrin. .. ne el ot: peer es . to ring under lux potion an few siatements | _ eee Se tes ES . SIR JOU MACDONALD Pane ype WItt a Macs made by gentlemen who, heir iang | {" juice ad hes grrmidl - Mr A, pri set pileel AIPLCENT WaTCT AND CmAIN. elperkuce ay ar high literary atten. sits gai ' mt jadgr of ar Toro oth a, -- The ss «i { "banquet ry Sir tobe "Macd wall ie eowulng Tran the High pehool In- school rept ry ANTS the it i ee & groat eye Four or five handre are "<r : f torn to inner, mee meet of ww fothe OG reference Gers: we Sei |e oh ies al sak Levine: 0 © rates the spirits," | workingmen. The - o? eplendid'y rae. ferarace owe in Fos ec re Wane. atid vf vi 2h juve adh thre =~ Felicia ll ebobelsi: cers re ove, An ee nee vehen wer perros 02 HIB | iy a re. [ber of allermen, anda great many ladics oc: : iy all Sings, so hae) Mog oe yap Wing went ' s bronght to a hats by officer | cnpied seats in the guileries, The greatest fine ATE Rint spam The e at ineumrated with ed an on, | eatbasieen prevailed, After rewling an ay- we outs 3 ethers A ated dress te Sir Jato, Mr. Alfred Medealf thecal wear their charge mate ceirat a Go vaen, aod yet war bee Contest Imi, One atime in nited a " mt sh a waiel and "eran " tk 1 sit ye bey of n aly err a et, at Jol A repert on the Toronto Separate eclionls "i Batt be iter pres waie: dauthive 3 ot yon, alte "elie a y Mr. Buchan, one of the High Sutooi [u- padh-n4 Tsa aco te pu a of Shi ae = -- en eres a y pahoiry pe auld e teae Hiewsen ancl tonal bers sa " ical ap ba igen aie ot S90 tiers mind i Aobornl trad SOUTH - PLAT Ore. gentionren --felicwed. pormhe i576, from shich I eball give a few emaiend Staten, a ' = : ; eg PapDs do not begin to compare, tn pe 5 ue ee Bh * ia peaies tw tae pose kerk Be pete me the feartul ound mitra) Shey rt Pale ¥ " , ais Fre be S. ath + i> Dan 7 * repre hie beaker oh of Mr lected a as i are. the effirers @hecionl for M. am of age. ta Hro. Hartloib's 2 WILMorT. The er moet for tie ae for _ t of ag sagt = 'ish ¥ we | elt ving Vere ur der will ef the late = We. 0.0, podnet Mate elon, Gatares, evunetl! vt. Ui Mewuar | Jaro and the w | tow ny role ' 4 there restraining "Mr Stinson resales of the evtate um fs is aoderstood that « texgo. The estate is valued, ondtersath, of» 412000 tod 14, § yA 000 worth win Bi. Paul, Mino te <r i et re 'Mr James 'ce Wao hes poten ii if, rorur: Rr er nj qgtheat ce : Sevicanrces' tconpriel, ma toed | Titae ei:peed; 'us alletd, At the j is oma, Majut-iv and assumed U Gleou wan presented Styverty I-queathed | A "7 i 1 hry ia tire fondle a wat, and --_ end thes Hotel, he bed be re) queathed all his and ee. t cel habe eere: vingstone wae ae be d ied in sicordanen with ioe at wes af the tath her. 1.ia \elaimsed, er w Deputy-teeteship be | band, by lawyers ib Cada, Chicago and St. HD. Tye. The tollow- | Haul, tat A. Stinson baa acquired resuls :~ For Laind, 550; | tithe to in bewas pronerty q capable of relling it ae he thonght proper, to Altetgh Mr. Mf. Sac aud dintinetty that be on 'epoep RBisas, marti aunoanecd ptt Be ile e nok peng L tay already Fear 6 n catulhate. eurrene: Mi " ar. Jntues Mimen, of Chicago, shots a rue prone | TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, fed of Linde la cf Seahern' Sumleies, All guede wild fF. X GRABER' ee Jar 6 tee wopet North --_ of Perth Conser- vative Association. _woTicn. + eli bebe =e At Miteersum, on Saturday, Patani © Apeor tation JAHN ta Pree. H.T T. UTLER, See'y- MERCHANT TAILOR, nt fier Williamson, ~ THE WAR NEWs. ae eee a ix The! parts 2B AiBiuite point Ma the progress teiemaer te the eh © Fe jet vel ; eros " : mtercap free mel oo wh , so eee Ps Laws > eaeibse ~ ae re BE ot oc Gall round aid bes binds' [atten te the tie a aaaaa E a. stree ¥ . x a a rs ms Toe Hagiltom "Spretater can Le bad of FL gs want Me. i -- ne, of the ~ Tee » Uh K Aibe- Riarwart Cosmphelle , He be att Ce, dels €; pelts ery pak ul ue Fires of Bene Ce, niet | poy aon Kil. mr To mer. an F Tr. ieep the. oath im the bckon Wheap ee a town, Bt te rate of lOc. re week, } Peres uta, mela cor bead Cts oF Um ys RSON, a ye a crest promis g ayer sn fn. ar that 4 hom Fite x. of fips isan "s - ° R M T + Contrretora--Jobn Corrie. ss . T rier Beye af Pectore tf that town nae AC and prope 6 per is ee ation teder e ay Ese purpose ighting bis pipe. | clare oT to give any informetion ead ro ; Kiaging *-- MM be t age sg ger : tally sn . te yi aim 6: Ha vend at the 6 rer | a OF #1y tht OM eicine ean rotepay- | Thin, at lenst, is from the fact of | ue to dithens, os ty ade . othing, - R "gn perform F abate. "Tunes pay es | Onan we bas | wanv friends in stratturd whe ors dewerrs nce buh this at bis [ his bodybeing found in the cistern Raservi shi and te dittent- - ou ait ~bty ' wee eerie irene r ams ra wits tem Pera i ber ~~ Gh 88 Had. eR Mee ew = : 1 ut eter iclaiciend three 2 4 Ceoceries -- Taylor & dale, yom 7 ate nae uheal ieee rt ae? 9 oath tence repowrd inbim by | the electors 4 _-- se ro yeetod gen supposed that he st and fil in, be- | aagmented ws: refucal of , J) sentitlon --Schmidt & Scherer. ei one ean fen log i a: be Tones! of Gederian. men send the it eb: Sane wrhe ° 2 utile eehonl ing too meh stunned by the fait to release | Koumanians--presgmably prompted by the . 4 stract of Acesantse--Jubn A Beott. "9 ate q te by aaaes Re uweka ira --Mresrs, Schmitt & one oor town tn opreierenes to his . The deeras d was one ol the piv- | Rossian syiii party--to submit to any CHARLES LEE'S We, vole en ticle was het tat a met atiord o Peas . , * t " ¥ : H. 4£o., remy Stunner. y Lhe Stratiord A ionic? sol for the reason, ar [ Boil i si the neers of the section, Granton village being | a:iwiatiee on the Porte enters into dis- - - ~ das oH. South : font. { ate : : Tatler in | named He wae ativersaliy tea and Degplictiftes with them, ; . 'Mackes-ot,, Senatond. . Soe vonte Me. ¥. A Co, "Toh Sailth. Naw G ops --F. X Gia SF Bos iva rege lainlonen, "Under th thete HHea-lowal - ieerernte ef thes oe ie toe crested 2 profocid | At Atrianople a perfect panic exists, owing |" BS ancther frevy lot ca ow we which he wit | ina cient tha Kal dat has tits ita ple well asin management? May I not of sorrow. taneral war one- of | to the of the Hessians and the bed | J #7 nan ctl EE of 4 -ebee per Tae bs Lol vive * fm thse freak neta, | ed | apao | hifus ti spelogize ize for h his lettes, or the lafigest ever seen in the berrsmnsc of the city to stend a siege. Fu COUNTY of PERTH! od asne-- se & vil of the ticu | pread pection sister the ony: cate Mr. | Tie "rad ot eperger ho : peparels LOGAN taal aeolitelicn aud alatecas peevatie Sy a ERS Connell oi Su pares a permit ler ¢ pervision af Mr, Mave Kermic: eel ° NR. Conwireative Sasockation--Ino. Rew. of the Got of Perth will mretin the Co | Eednite, hes tahsaead ets and ps nt tor. 2 : ort se Brann Cathaties ot Outarto in their ranks, The population of the eap- wOTICB. ' -------- | House, Stratford, on Taveday, 22..d inst. at . _ . uo peta ak ert th leazer Williams of this township ital sre greatly irritated against Enyland, Couneit Colpsadon Caeeey B TENG. your Pieneese te bs teamed v0 a . orelsek p-m., tor the purpose of organi- i iy awit ee poh inthe wie Sak ; calopthies 7 we ay agen t vies the | sold nt Da Let 13.im the 7th laringdhat she ia ule fcr T9 wilt sender the salad : " ' 13. . ¢ dav le-t, where. | yn td or vad : ow mi} 4 (feald samply exp te Davi Doesion, of St. Marys, for the Wum | Tarkey's mist Baik pei tA, Pleo La He: "OF wighte worth, te Gy a beighn ume vy eunne Gua funne'al age, |necbemeentan the 7 it Winker a : the Hee™ Dr. Keiroy will in | af retains the use of On Saturday the Cirand Duke Nicholas | COURT HOUSE,STRATFORD he pn ett sarge aes oj | mbering.---New series, T ean of Mr. Dacid VanEvery. beg snatantly | allasiem: to the* clge of Bi king ¥) thee Bcparale school | for whi is wack om pepe ripe ig to Bt. Peterstarg - bf Peas ore wt aaretnce Likegtaphe Mion, | subjert of lecture ae Sabbah evening in| yited. From the interma ton st hand wel ie " Cathwtic Licrarcie™ were es Sem. | S548 detail with that sextrpese cqnivalent for B30 mare. kane vn the fol: | Tucaday, the 2nd day of Jamaaxy, 4.D. 1878, apsings Ubon, Pagraning + will re ia . + of tutelloet fu whieh he it to i A ony of-2s. es. >. Rech, B isne con., met | lowi Divisions 0 bis arma '. . 2 W abr Cerin arr Prtuse Mouldings, ot the Nay br. og 1 arm that the litdle trliow wae ak ahont | When the acne that met the Lene tie markable, a hat. ot we "dietans date. cd last by oe at eiueun pot _ Phan y Sk Atse'cineck pm, $-BYFIELD. mils ens wi pemRuile ie" bist eb be rade terecer ten ie ts cost of his follow ells ; rey ait ae " { : . : - e ae a -eitisene waitin oe cang aoht a iy 'thing Th oft al i A ey i for she aingwr Sewing Machine. call cueaiien te ee oun a of ee Alex. + hin pe ge she sie be | acartinss tiny 2 f tie ape fra cong ll s ht a avin has the national system | threshing machine. eof bie arms were --_ Zarate ee ool ae ____ STRWART CAMPBELL, este Sue rt ey Beate, Aieiioneor, ty r i #ipp he jas eee certain bd of edu ne, 1 a arate which in the offspring | broken in two placer, one of bis wars pearly burned by the he Terie, a * Cert, rewn = - '8 » - aa Praca the | penetrating his boay and ares bin heart, ta ty baer odor of | eulightoned -- wathy » off, a ride of his face ly ti seven miles, 'e Ofice, * Hamilton Spectator." a Cf Tite sock, and | caw inetant death, aftaie 3 amin nee the Res » Mr. Patterson throngt our free institatin Sater ined Dr, Bormibrook set the arm aud tA = Surat mh Jan, ryt . one rr rie meant My farwers aud | create? qyite an gptlocersy in * ate Genmaiie | to pr ae vhs are that "the separate biary- Listoday the pride ef our eodutry, | attended to his other da : Peper Copy) atin DELINERED be ure his dary rviet village, sympathy tet | roluad ayati flict! seeial, relivions end Shich woe te pores . ba pe ua wounds, < Avte Minor the beheay bare sustained . = pak Fisu.--Mesara, Tay! & Tha: 'arda's have te * emaet ny ihe stent temity, "We. Var. fand 'edictional injery "open the "Roman | 4, ea ct Fr di 11 downg spotter reverne, aud investment of Br- 100 "3 A hiery tan 6 wlan of ieceablrd Vath af ais Printer," ard if cb able we aveute of ite civilization aud Daleria ome OPO me seroum is bh: te 7 jost reciiv d s larze pra enesie f feb: to provemen "FULLAKTON, The British ger cl id ia ANYFE KTCF THE TOWN tens aubtion eet; S00 he. ot Lake eros | FATAL 'ACCIDENT. be aces onal --_ Haun, sours dr. ow wider way {rom Malta wo the Levant, | PAF TOLS Of White Fish ! Wi on Great; te tbe. of Lake Hurwn "a . . + sure E. Parteason On Thavsday lost a 3 yrane mari iw the | and two troop-sht soem containt aime im; 3S ibe, of ee water bernuge, all a Nis Pe y troop mr or of in! ng A wepentiae ernie af eb ar. is gow adition aud *ill be | Mr. a pecan 'gor er thro me boas out- | =" an st mpey, i, - a Stratced. Jen: 9. 1kT, _ vue of Chas Berry, of th red iz *h magica asd vf magi Setaae viol te LOO dble. of Lato Haven Herrings, ' sold at bottom pric «. tpaten ly ba Cae greS Se MOL IBUN ts. WAITS chive that it was found neer: sary to amp: tained at the island autil further orders. CHEAPEST PAFER PUBLISHED | w.. weatd cail the attention of the publi ; Stratford, Ja. 2 > tna eee, Ne tate it, De. Dunsmore, of Mitchel. peshatm. | Th 3 ALL IN ;. | lo be . per furus. mortement ritish feet ap to the in Andrew's cheek, ou Venter ny (Tareiay} ate eee a > oP nw Ectitor of the Stvethord Fim ~~ te operation ave excited the apprebension of the Ger. | OOD CONDITION. aid I Ce. Fer we ek. Tharadas even ng next, by Rew, 1" Pore here & velek, Mr. duseph Wenkee, eter, KEV, MR. PATTERSON TO REY. MR. iin: bia Ses i, . a iii a mid copy ayer! festival is to be held -- the | man and Italian Governments, who have i Te BE : ar " . im » ee tbe * a La os stant if a a0 eeeay De res Moritsog, rew before ete a wrte tat if it tie Brit SCOTT & Co MW. Mill B.A. Torte, Sabject :-- [5 twas almost fustantly killa LRoY. of id 1 mephena 1 the Patroa.of Husbaudry. in the | { the 1 vit b e Sold at Botto rices ! BE. . "What the Sacheame «ay. Those who!) : Edison. te Laterary Asan tu: io ant T Hail, laos Vin y . ™m s Vest Offea Buvk Store. ceaed shee wisbeare thet _-- ad lalig ¢ threwa fn lin cutter fie Had the Rev. Dr. Kilroy Jegnore iu rayly wo Le he ag vd ail, Dull he iiiage, on the Vith | war ve veome ta Constantinople the j STRATFORD. banat ite " "8. es are that the bores which was » rai tat tier ruyctings of the bow tas War | Trow, MP. ©. & dunes, St. Marys. aud ¥ ee Fermslesion. for. sess fawia SALT AT 60C,; PER- BARREL. = a ited = wilimnl, awar, when | the at ehieb the qnention of t Re i 7. . - gs : . 2 dntine ihe yas nk pag vies | om iP rome cs dislone op Eriestreet, and Mr Went. | he © pirate at 'Pais ri a | teat t : St itary will pale elas Fteoa reli ah ley lor a ae aruniptten aon LAKGE LOTS OF The r) trat tford Times, | ath rap unk Outi pars bh ot © | yer, who was driving, was anable to mana: Tssent, bu ae pean 'yu think agp rade eakdaes whac "a i bes as yout Evrcaber fea te abou will : ot at ant at the sri r Minster is en astee) CURRANTS AND RAISING I / eonF g 7 : wo in. 7 imma Ae AND COUNTY OF PERTH GAZETTE. P ie 198, ais pep Ee lau arin | it, The furious anima! ran dircetly home, tive bow written. Ne refers = 1 y Sougtatalate We NR Wor ro 'etna "lee oe Tia tn Saahip wa oP eee ies +s "a tr 'as, be Pr ee Fence jos the Letter of $44. | vd wlien opposite Mr. Weniger® store 1 he sapped wad said hy me, avd calls fee pd the fist vane mi wan SUGAR AF MARKET Purices ans LER, Bidar ana Managed. ~ }.000, " | eulter nyeet aol the weenpant was thrown x, Tee ". aneurth ny aS Sine them. en oul a i so- Shatt, Page: Wh nai tie TREAATB: 4 SS " ere salertis ont, mrkit die Lreest againes_« |S 7 "a sncaeet, t Paola A iS "ll tls sire te, OW 3 Ibs, of GOOD JAPAN = ame f by Mr John te ort, r Supt C 0. Ik., fox weventy. pont and otherwise i. jaring him. He was a Tomand T tate aluaye understucd that.) 2 sw eee efter ttiowe TW MOLE "MAKI rh." "th ones epg og teeing ai mekel up and carried into bis house, when | mm ters ou very, there mas s ELMA. example of forbearance and tnanimity is Cres. 1 7T ea for 'sc0-- ai | yf March, 1473. Teudess te in | tadeeal aid wan sent fur, Gat Te only pad eoderetanding fc by the wee Paints Mu Pe berrest | F froung, wubowt @ Misenllent vole, . ' " iy he Lies t bi 2 r: td i . Our realers will, remember thet] i's atin a Senaart [enrvived Lr alot a quattot of oar aller | Shins eiletmice the srewrents advance sition om May at, | rt okie fo Infra eepecting the armits "Ite dy uring the last session of the Douwin Avetion Sate --Mg John MeCulloeh, Pthe accident. ae | er eo ae a te nly explained te Ling 2 tae eras ie 50 CT. GREEN oR BLACK TEA, i at 'artis nae several pred on nctinty it yw odie ancien, o im nace: alles. Of Atsace, France, and reve, B Rar (Pisce. mad ts fa sew Luau the esas | CHAMPION 7 TEAS inet niles House 'go ct was 56 sears ot age He was a qt Listed, | Ju (Oe bec cent Caldzet Conpeide et Londen ~ with violating te spirit ated lottor of | iat valgable Invm Ruwwu as lot C.. em, 8. ogtcnsive wan, wad his wikis Asati be wie sai ema of as (he decteration of the St. Pets . -- AT 75¢. = >it ee Goce ol iwi chu ; atorute 1. fulluws ; ; + terument that it wat ready to PURE he ------- of runasent a Vann, torctler w.th the wbule of bis fann = come i, ~~ pan «| eit the Mriuats Ministry aay speria) peste WINES a rhe ing een : on Asal rou! mf @ tovk | tock and iuploments, CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH AN t Ro. 1 No. 2 No, 8 Nad Total off ting English in Eu and an yaa Mr, Speaker ngl in, aud a coi Sucetsrg Matem.-- A sox ting mated: tow NIVERSARY * | Mn. Eke. BX, "t tal | Sates, two bow anegirg sour ina noe in the cdiee of the use having ron j place ou ¢ jrapye Fara ucde uae | bel ta " ee » Alerauder 79410 950 74 ary I cri have been banied by the i rt Q, U0 O FR -- shee | ruilt , 1 J L Meru on, betwe n G. Tarner and J . She ebing ecu fustr, s tape Ys 10f bb 29 ans Otiwing' feet acd it bs claimed dostenel. . ae shied Ber t,he resigned + | Soom again Juke, Dattao. jr aad Wilh reumiarks $4 oi oaks be bette athens tote stale see hey have bexss, | --< Prince Milan' «tree take SAnGe QUANTI 17 vat, bat "wa afters ards ro-olecigd. | me" Ts cteptina Was 8s the Bogurtas ites « cuaniltie Dolverved. that') -tef Fe atu ta man wick: Is ts Majority' for Alexaniler 4 cham} and Via Drrep Pracnes at 12c. rex fb. = ys rn eT a members fort", in, ~ fox -- ee pe PEr'TY weave fly battahens ae ing iy and ifax, Nova Scotia, were daa. t Bed Ne. 2 Nod Nod Total bey bear ats arnsdale.. tpularly acchsed with having Govern- 2 a ote iv te 4 3 1 The ek) ee ee ee hs «ith tie Toma- "| Taylor & Ba ant abe tenati, anil atter'a denyin ing the thee | 4 rita Borle . w © SO a8 as tle ay ul -- 's --. sUin ele eu Te etarge for w year oro, they have Majority for I iW sarcien be allowed suddenly become e nivinced thet they ania ep teneme | Tow Geastane STRATFKF OR R dD." _ been eb ae fends spre thitigs 'us - em a ae Ja 16, 3 . pcs Deg Augedecto a. id S. * exan des 'ts. Adi. y ~ . 2 Gimene wave Seen adapted the brilliant ee brat mls a) "ts 2 saeaaet PP NEW $00DS> ~~ 4 n l to ro ~~ RL 7 Le " of Dary aes olka mg wai | Bs 4 litipee bce 370048) 76 oes | . UST Rereveed a mew stack of Tors, Fancy Conde, en treed, offerel to come o . 7 | NIN Flower Vasea, Cart Recevvers, Tule Cregeen, Al | fN INTERES UING WILL SUIT bums, Pe het Buchs and Hew fo the renowned Davy would nvt sho - "y KEW HAMIE Bo, ' Verde, ac. a of 2 We wf good rion " pe | Ti new pending wn the Cu urt of Chan. | Alte a mer sf Wakang Cone, Meerchawm aad tient. being Mit'ster of Miliga, fimpoiuset, oe hance | ie Merterty, of 81 Marys, hae heen ap | mere et 1" Cotarkn Cameda, w tral entate nei | Bow" tee exch Aiarstians ~ i re ~ grievous ae iteexel pow jotaut Geeaber in the Centenl | ebieh iuvuives 6 poo cious o sand ousune - x ofterrs a Mr: os! "Unpaid ACCOUNTS | cL Wr Mave osx Pom CSED "Ar oi nal ay Dostes Des v WE DAVE MAREED pown witn SWEEK?INGO BE- bucTions, Regardless of of Cont, All our , SUETS ae UP short notices and in the most uniform SryvLe. AUCTION Salm REAL ESTATE, Farm Stock and (nplements, hs Snen of th estuer, an tan . i PGE oth: gravel road. The place is well wall the smewe, Agel che fre ta Gre. FED) "ik ~~ Downie. fan Dy styt rn tee | 2 pupile right. ste J cnstituting wot as, bat = the sealer a Rave & sentence to 37 pupi PP rd the five senior © aisiebee of The Terunto Separate seloals, the average ad ay aad write we sage tbat they Lig people, aud ther pate haga pare and bely Bricipe, pare without na ead ws. rol the we jets tril "mere, abd le idtier a part Teackrs who e yeild tug, law witliig that 18 nw wa 5 adie EL fosiows = the st fame fi snails Se of the Miser beatin tion puinber of mictakes wae 18, » 29, 37. Ta the | instisetion, and as the Me sole and the t briw hae Lis sehools vou eve the} soenete ies are tao an th Hlatiar enet a Pe sehosls at aetee , S gate th cane te fat Sheie bere a rite tue, and While Lie ose enon te fourth of the programe, cénialniog Lo sntho aty wf 1 3c emt ae k Keowleszvig Uh ag * hustrae: pupils, and the average titi mista we ¥ Amor: waa 6.9, or nearly i a # net yt pall ee hee yen M.jebeli and Bertin ho the ing to leaps tata a tubatttante of ' a OMe BON) pont aod beendh of Gie 'sbacatons fata! Ttante of to the fifth clare exnmined 42 srery. beat they == hens ea ous habits, Fal toro ulioh the threaten papils, taken mode ou the average thse 4 rewelt wae realized mast Le aitinen' de that Ha fie? § rebels to the adyine of thair God and King, When the 4 t re @ Lint le, butecattored ta the undér which the Tor reno Boparste rene un tes bone devine aeheertiy i poate -- schools 00 « 2 ame the pookrc strate SE natitetion f bie Covenanters and Cameron! 4 Lheads of tri? vat Fyne ticles Uberty, who were and athe tad matical factions, defstng Co aneyent oF hiscory + tn tell ther i oy + eat ow or sayeng of dosnt eth mas, 'whe advises the tak 7 5 ian reete, Mr. Erwemer, mat cr.-- Reeve Deput; ee ie pee al the Semteicting seen and Chrieas Alt sett + ™ large oainber polleal tiir Tive toll ing ty the we thie, ned seeneetied Nelaater, 147; Male-Im, 196. Coaneillors- tint dae Wie wee the Qapling, 140; V Vejen, 325; Jodie . i, ba), Henry 4, Ralbtleiseh, Lag; at for se ir in pick = ae tan. an im; Sehafer, 101; Geo. Me : Toes Low, 82; Henry Krantz, | "2 VO. e a4 council fe WATH are: Leeve, Mr. NEW ADV ERTISEMENTS. fer, recleeted; cvuneilor, Mesxrs t. Andrew' Church, Weiss, Trachwell and Kalhtieiacl elwaioar r STRATFORD. Dowsr tap, Tere o--. Freme, $76: ethurgdey Evening, Jan. 17th, Faire, oa4 Conneill le, : A. will ao Bid, it. dir totes for Vion nfeint count :--Kee to tak+ back the license, then went to the arried wer eared: was ea 5] 'ie saan be Hew. George MM. Mill = _ CURWIN 8 pre LAR M. jing. ELEMENTARY CLASSES Ff instruction in VOCAL MU & PA! On the Tonie Bot fe method, be started on ednesday, Jan. + Fra. 4h the "Benne ch, & 233; MeDon- o-- Murr Aad will be coutinged each Saturday, "Ta _ January 19. Greatest of American Dras and betet See Yurk suceess, DANITES!. Fugacoment of povelen, sates, Wee Mew 2 nt, | Brevi who wil spent im hie f SANDY' MeG EE. Supported by « full Dramatic ot Mo tropolitian artiste Doors ops~ back hag sat a & Adtiasiun, 25e., B5e. and mare es cB. il. Boon a Go's Po. o. Sa. TO ---- inthe Carrell Mook. over Cells Drag Store, j 'a at 4290p: pm --Laiten aa Gentlemen, i. DRAPER, Thieber: Fe sarap ens 'Soe uae oS ar we Fang ete som | __ NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. TEWwpPRE Will be received by the nsderaigned fer Seventy-Five Cords of . Good Ward Wood. ws | es DELIVERED TO THE COUNTY. BUILDINGS, ah om on nEFoRS | 'The First Day of March, 1878. tote: = [Yee Taapediars Wtaaed 4