Stratford Times, 16 Jan 1878, p. 3

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AD igs inks FF ith { Hi 3 fl if i f Liki rf i i iF i i it E i i i t supposed they intended to kil! him. At this and they scattered as rapidiyes they had eallestes. During the sttsek a crowd of Hy iy 2 5: had been het 'the tittle rT mains a mystery. for, but the the hereen, balf an: hour held i aii RECMIPTS Té Government great inst half 1979. . 8 Br ad A elaine a arenes itre rave The Stratford Markets: fd --fe Enron: Ballessertos eee? FREE (EXCURSION - TICKETS! To Stratford and Return. ----9o 'N give th le ied bh I order to gi peop ing Btrstford, Jan. 17, 1978, GREAT CLEARING SALE OF Winter Dry Goods! +----We-will grant to every. one purchasing $10 worth or over the price of a Ticket and Return. Commencing on the 17th inst. HORNE & BURCH. |= 107-4f HIGH AND PUBLIC "SCHOOLS. |: Abstract of Accounts for 1877. HIGH 8CH SCHOOL. TAS. Byfiaic: Robes, aan ae OF ine a - PE naa Jnibads > 7 kes anit rset eae BEAVER 'MILES. _ |For Fruit, rset Poultry, Fresh-a -- Meats, - : heal BRANDS. oF OYSTERS, ear given iat i or an? ores Company © ro Legis i fae Gen onmsirnation ofie ie ef ier ° te #0 Vie ceria iscged. 1 by the suit cs Company. ith ait to orm wh 4 potst ow 4y Vie. ony. 79, mee 5, to Prat con a sao Jang provisions of ser. of the haat to amignens of du REC KIPTS. Npeqmested Sooen, town. frr sooo #00 on dorrermivent great . Siv rer resident f.ow......-.----.--- ina * Row PRois oe 'Bersttent Jdwunry 16, 1TH year a wweotings of the Board 0" Eiiveatics. updating te 75 Read. Wi Ho Giberr, 34; Kev, K. Patterson, 2): tom, 17 AR He won, 2; & itwattie, 24; K. Myers, 21, 7. Steeey iw: TM , o. Vanstone, 13, Mo MuPaddes, 1. Jntees Sharbie. 9, PR davis, 6. J. Tiow, MPL rs By balanee due freasurer Sion peer ene end curetahete Le 06 " Kepaire and sapplies.. ao. = ™ Piel sid ewtt ac lw a So % eomenn at eerti» a priat . PUBLIC SCHOOLS. fim OT EXPANDIT URL B mia teachers' ealaries.- i 8592 7 sf tieors SRTOLRRETE ee FA TT Ke re ap -- tit a2 2 : * Fast and & a, & wi az . * wows, vaiverting, print. toa, mig Dy belaue Ga wy O4 GIm 30 ta ened Attoustusste of msetabere: TA. the th, a: <7 fever Fas Hau. JAMES. STEEL, Secretary Welt a ee hs Wheat. I ae, oh ta te a apriug. per Tein te, conse isla tion, re: arrangeiuent, er ise hey Aad ba 35 reais Bir ment stat tie Tarntaten of Tanda, tors Pn ritate tn- Baker & Confectioner, te Srd inet; the of she Rew @ Back of a eon Eucas= " Seratford, on oh ie, the wile of Mr : i tel 1648--Ie Dae ath nat, shoe wits of Me 'Tees Fiannigan, of ao Teairan--la Loge. wa the oth j jan, the wife of Mr P $ Trainer, of a son. Mame -ar--in Leetowel, on the Tihs inxt_the.wife | seca ou the Rn inet. the wife | of Mr H Kobineson, of « son. Sammanen--te Lantael, wal on tha ith tlt, the D seudersoa, Goatos tnt Listawel. fu ten Sark ult, the wife Gn sor wk rane © tie 6th inst, the wife of MrJ OUraly, MARRIAGES: ; Beoveit --Kirraw--ar Aref wets iat rs brides bretber-ta-taw, on by che et J u . 5 wr: ae * ttied, North face bape. te Mary, yournge danghter ofthe lane sar Aiconeder Kippen we -.t the resudenee of the brid * rey Speer, ~ Shoonngd -- For Sate. Market Drug Store. -MR. o. Ww. CULL, Mitebeil, eman ei aim Dr ve coufidence tn re- epee d rT, sod beapesk for tbe business so oa ee & Co," wR. 'CULL would ment soenie thet Radley Herd etnes, &c., Bal pnd pews tg lets found in © Sevtetacs eee isan o hept tz stock. W.B. COWANR, oe pete RAL: INSURANCE Agt E, LIFE ANO ACOIDENT. REAL ESTATE, MOMEY 10 LEND OM TOWNOR TY, = ay beat aS < OFFICE. "and Ploar. Odd F lowes? Block. i ee 2 Sasa eae ae Cote CHANGE OF BUSINESS. | W. S. FOSTER, ise in stock all the th neq aint inet triente nh tuey pare Siegen Sh LATEST wo Vv ELTIES their weck and th: goed will of tuets b Market Square, Stretioni, to FINE FELT & SILK FLATS] Also fal! lines in Every Department of GENTS' FURNISHINGS.| -_ -= All goods marked down to the YERY LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. aera Mert odiut Taco % William Hattes, Bey. rs alliggshead, of Wallace. ™ ae DEATHS: ~~ Exavy- In Stratfo-A, on che 1th tr Genre ber aon et at ate Gvorge kLuewy, lies ti year Misuse 'to tn ten ife rd_on the Mh inet, Minnie. get a ee of Mr J.ue98 Miller. (f @ wo Rowe At strat ont, on pe te imate. borage u Bobb. refic Me Kev--Om- the yrd juatat hin dather > residence, Blan and Mr Ceres McKay, age@ 23 years sed hk Doan Mr More ne eerlee Cos atal Mr rN ator pa 'Uf Mire Alex 'Semth, "+: aed, aged 75 years " Deveaness Ar i Downie, om the Kggbeod af Ms Jame and "draginer soled Tossph Dunmore, Gore at Thgwaie, aged 23 yea Cuskae AN Yor! Eville, on the Oth inet, suddenty, Movrrr [5 Palurrston, oo inst, Mar & jaune Mohit, step. hamattoy on Mr aioe ang, agel tf reace 2 meanthe ean: ad 5 id day Reanson --In Miseb om the oth inet, ¥ kliee, yourcest sera Ihr Socey Kebleces ceed 3 hoary. gore the we're bi sleep, eee r hot, Awother, fled away, ac Rebeves anh, wih all its surrow, Ver, darling. thea ch part te-<tay, meet te morrow. Among the blew'd onl! Dose thee at ree an We hare tard thes, Is thy Heche grave to shember Rumer Ranet the jovs of comomt hens rou Coal! Coal! ! 1 Coal!!! ing stock of " FRESH LINED COAL, ftore nea het Bisaige Stratford,Oet 10, 1477 Win. HEPBURN, Cabinet Maker, & Upholsterer, 60 ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD. LT! Conserstcn wath ths above fines of busionn, | dave added *' UNDERTAKING, Aint having prechased o bade . [aE NEW REARSE westice pad maudernie prices "trecteort. Jan. 9. ry terty: WR, Agricu{tural Society. "F. PREEMANTIL. z Soa TAECKERT woabt ninity thw | ia general thkt be ber opesed <Siaertenee: sta 4ect. BAe | NE W CIGAR ETOBACCO STORE. CALLY CALL! CATA, tt! CHOICEST BRANDS oF ciGaRs pinnae & SMOKING TOBACCOS holjers Sone wheleaale ot Hotall eee ae OF AXY KIND Go To B. Me VODs | AS BE 18 SELLING VERT Low ror CASIL, These Cheap £ Wi Costixes ron tus Next Two Warns No. 19 Ontario - Street. | ROBES! yest Race VED s large stock of Firwt-Clase BUFFALO ROBES, _ BAMckVOY, , Rtrationt, Dee. 12 te7. Tg © Property Inewrd, or fawnets, Amend of Notice. tmportantto iS Foundrymen: | Cee NCE ie soltcited fromm Foes: dry deyoy anehiohs «0 Fost ai Machine thep te ane of the ment aed " . Gl- ' "gd veieeyeh thy Oo gah + Gt au yrceed 1 gtown in yeeerie To proper Or be stetbam ay + aeemmaty fake Ra aad a "For sandr. 'cane of ones Owe Stratford, « nm doh-ef OTC C Cigar & Tobacco Store | 'J. J. ODBERT"S tm bis old stand, owe door enat of the post office, ALL SORTS, ALL 81 SIZES, ALL PRICES. | ania a wend Gas Fitting in 1 ite Liranches, FURNITURE t ar AY Work: Warranted, ta" Prices Very Lew. CALL! CALL 1CALL c J. J. opnetr. Stratford, fnlyf4s 1977 COUNTY OF PERTH MUTUAL F. 1. COMPANY BeTAPLIVEED 196), pr RT ACE Ow, PaRLiaMErT. Chess Hard, S14,4¢¢-28. Robes ! ~ Robes i Jone T aa ES President, Stratford, | Meta MD, Vice-President, shakes aatons 2 Lace | Reeve, Ellies Kx-Mayeor, Mitebell. +h 4 'aaiket ing wee |, Meove, Dewnle. ne 2 ot wok ea ee pa M., Pullarton. ioe WHIPS, LASHES, &C., JOBEPH 1 STAFFORD. No. Pn i toe aro Seemitore | Queen st. St 'y s. ¥. ae onty Hes - pind inanctes- suring 2] spots owa Collars which are warranted Stratford Spring Brewery. woe. RUSSELL, Proprietor DiNtat tne bre teers the, petite | that the Brewery eree during the | the eur Bank. M } ane THO, A | OM AM. PARCA Mentions Jan. eee eT working order ache | Pile and Amber Ales, | groct " Boots: "& Ss & 'Shoes | oot Ln an ela Pea Slhictcnitialbonenone | David 1 Catheast, -Keeve, Blassbant. Whieh will te Boid Cheap (for Cash Only) we: Mer erg i beers. ; Alep the L 4 it Faq,, Noth Easthope. atrirone: HARNESS "TENSE Seenracs - 5 ier ith, Reqe., Tar si a VALASES, | ' General Agente:--Wwe, Devideon and W. &SE CLOTH ara rocponat'te wat of ageuts, throughout * Vion, over Mowat's Dratiord. ve wink 3 hee. ™ MOWAT, Trea. Awa ian | Agricultural 'Insurance Co'y ! "Berembor. wr. , e ott CAPITAL, - a+ $i, O39, oss. ben HON. JAMES 6 SREAD, Prosidont, \ DEPOSITED WITH GOVERNMENT, $50,009, 'INSURES AGAINST L086 Ld DAMAGE BY FIRES fC] TEER Ramepeoy covers beeaee by Uchtuine -if are killed ©. the owner's "'parmers Wf tnd" thats advastoge to diene Ouaw HEAD OFFICE--OTTAWA. aoe fp The Best Ch Chane Yet His nates ta mare met ia Byitiee dad lotus td price a a ty cee te of Stratfor. thas be lene womtinanced ce ose | | Oaterta dou pel ci Tompan ies eriicetd Ta Where be will hee p nadine on hand alarge | | Sr amten 4 er Fruit, Canned Goods, | be th (don af Cans y (on 'contalunts 2 leue pro vA: we he wi well at Pel Lowert Figures for ! brant news seer a j » Dowd: Bread Delivered to any Part WOUDS. "yIsiee & Yt. THERSON, Te Appiican Por whieh Meh, ers will please leave thelr ordess wi tin shure WEDDING vena TO onpER. The Minerva ! interes, ote in hie ee BUFFALO ROBES. Moner- Hears QUARTERS | Conveyancing Ollice ! WMOYVEIY te tecine over Me M. C. Carey's te 4 Miceins) story, Betrance on a, | Netcreak Wamatdonde mh MONEY TO LEND ON G00 WORTGAGES 1 Moncy lavested ately f for Private Investors FAMILY. FLOUR, wr seg Veswstear, ee Nearcled, amt my tel Pave served Real Estate Head Quarters! Geo. Forman's Land, toan, and Conveyancing Office. REMOVED-- To antes orre Mt = CAntt's (Lats OHisetxs) Market, Mratfiord, it TOWN AND P«RK LOTS! Sot SPST Business Property. | homage poet Town. Farms ia Por Lt oe oy Deli Boor at Martot-et. rt terhtee toecont mit yO wee Lents in Stratford! ip the Inst Bye youre, ss trom re T al dealiog -- -- {UEU. FORBES: Dri Deackna,> ~ Hardware, Hardware. anemic. Ost. 4 announce tn thn has opeped ont a Gre slag atoga of siantoube, and bs selling it Aa As Meee as any ie tere im the Coun i priese before pur. stor cash and free " to ee! aan 4, panel cpus AXES. Crose-Cut and Mand Saws, Whips, Tims, Rapes Pi sted iy are, ely Goode "sell doce ae se wrnatly J found ta @ en e the Post. OTTO SERBACH. | ed rete -- mas Werrell TGS to intimate te te nba beeen M.C. Carey y& Co. B Supply of Groceries, &e erate ean avey thew pete, ae At pricey wick defy enmpetitinn, Also, « tne Qseurtm ' Reottiah Ales --Bass', Carling': and Mulscn's A. Beattie & Co., ee jv. "te MAYNE DALY, Jn. Briers 1 Lam &e, * Rive --Dhaly'e Bi xs Renee, re SA RTVAE Gi sie, ACT® tie a eres Famek, hermkbern-< pts (oe eve Sih, is. mi ore foe 4UNc1 Ty LUAR 3S Fone CUAsa secu tTY ! rn. BAL darvia Hleek, rut door te Bia € sav ieee Dadics Fomsrnaetn ws wt of staal ate wl Gand ate Alwar advantage to © oat... INTARTO MUTOAL INSURANCE Cory: W. BARTYUN, "Btratford, fan % 1977" me tt ASKEW Oi PZ, tei 9) lke Cnt. Deeta am au Moet ie sep on Be Anta SD ial db oi at iaibt taterent, eppestte Rabder's Saddler Shey. te) 2 ., Money to Gend.-- HE hes tne the Lendon 'rad Canadian pan and Ayency | thet will cousnlt ter own terest by app ying! to CTER WATSON, Offer, --Third Floor Carratl fork. Morwh _ that apply to M Mr Wa ricuiare MOSEY To LESbDO Interest, op and A' Towns property Apply te G. W. LAWRENCE, ~ Market Square __ Stretton ofh Ane. TTB eat tu Chey to Lend. Onet Tu LED. Dee farm pro- re ot pola op terest, and omterme ot pevsuaut te uit be a8 ius LIZARS._ NoTIC. 'pNe undereignet ly &n offices over Mowats' Nank, Market art ng war and is prepare? to traneset me werd fepciating mre th Real Tiste ta DOUNY wid wold 'tion Sales cosdueted in all parts of the ~ "io Utiee hours from 10 to $on all week da THhuMAs TOW Bhpettu dk. Manah 15. forfeiting for wente ana mu ere made monry larget eur ite Ask them. Theira: MecEwan's Finnan Haddies, ang a ' ysters': "D. SOME =a EOI. HALL, TOILET SETS, rhe rarest bad bis Public to gire fh! COAL STOVE a Le&s Conl and more Heat than any other Coal Stove, and FN Ne ig seve tg. Hate & Cop. 18. « Rack Tistres from t Watlen (lem &¢ an LL BE OPEN IN A FEW OX f his PALL STOCK is >, large stock of ympany, pnd Beauty « JERRY 'ROBINSON, cAMIFOu Tpapn, 3 * y -- HD onda ns CELEBHATEW RGAN C o 4 + MITCHELZ. Mint als, x the NewBst iyi 4 main fe Dd Rucs- xo fTone ENTS AT f &* smarts, the publie, th. 6 tur Cogh, oF stort oa esas Mim. Esq. G. Th, aint Oven, Samer Bebertay 8 oe a a oslery, he Mead y Maal SSHD lore, THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Wi Stik HIGHEST PRIUK PAID Fun B Mitghell, Repternber 19th, 1677. seas ag sans si - He, s a CHLEBRAT +, then the oy war nade of Case. TRUM CANNOC BE SUBPA Durability, Sweetness and Power fe) Dy aa New England O Kattren's loth aad Kad Grotée, MANUFACTURED BY T cen and Fxamine one ecw working at th depot of GoW complete, amd wil be soll at clog | on Lend' Ale Ties, Hanitheretiiets, Pill DRESS GOODS tar | ONTARIO HOUSE; !: HH AS mnch pieasate in aspouncing to he cyst "Ghange of "Wasiness. MR. J. 'R. HOFFMAN camdactert by ae Pest erciriers nal frmerty bY - Jobe J. Chark, Celebrated Salve A sure Relief wr _ Sufferer. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE a Li ee Fruits, Fraged Meats, de. GRACE'S CELEBRATED saiye Keer Yors lloces Gourwatanis axa Wax Ts a Veet. f PARTARATION cheesey in the 17th veces by Dr. el pod aes may or ' "=! Caleium Base Burner, duseeee CatkbnatED BALVE Flesh Wrunda, Frosen a Salt Rheum, SAMPLE INS ' biths, Manages and Deaths Tine Dretitns tenon ues haves a renetves ..| PROSHOUTE PERSONS~ | Rannttor® Who fail to comply ak hie elects ot Parente are Required to Register the BIRTHS. ont JH. NASMYTH 0, pe Tee ONeRTE ee RF a: ar : = SPLENDID. ASSORTMENT 20, Ontario Street, AGT FOR S and AM INSPETION WILL =e "CANDID ae: mR New Diresn Gade in ati ft the Satest i ate Fg Me Fane . i Anda Splendid Assortment of New and Vorhionabie, Rly nor New Worsted Coatings, N w Overooatings. ec. N. A. BOSWORTE'S, ya ot Our so nan Department is Sovabtined sees a ft ae naere of *. L. MENS { on" INVEYANCRE, " Skanano} LLM, ont, in sad p Bde 7 Randa omveyancer, oT tance "emt, Rates art Mowonsats sont waste Hptacle od 'Ath ane ot Tare foo of rei ut Marriage " ads "a A vor "Mimey 1 bene, y Offer ? |A. hi hana &ndy, Accoupters, Colecwus ad Hyg Lncarnmee Sgomtn thee -- + Corey ing Diviciom Cours" new. weep foes has poaered foxie Be, ore to hie uew afies, bear he taeie sant. Le "-- Bietol, Pryeatan, Sarge state at stronger Utaeuratiy. Macs ber ef "'besciane and Sargenna Of.e-- Boe a Atom, Market Square J | ao abbenctice ae aid rendenng ve greraticn pinloss, Jeiyt Db: xy . Greduate of I. tea ts and ate ah, Mergen eH econ metty O¢ct pie od by tame bar ter. - haly tv. VetTrermanr Svaenen, ant Band Stpalnets i * ieeeiges eit eats ee ies ; wi A. = * Vetermary * dors nase of py "Ontario Veterincr rT Sand bo. yd Ear ne ~ Worth net. Stratiora, Vileoa' AY iurrh ae hr prsigks. PLANS infil, = witealh ce eet oap eqertivn ond, teeramati deviredt vith ormen patel Va wth opeaiieniinae in dota A REESE et ay oad et vs kb Rate iis. iwcbinore Vales tee, ven . te co, Over Mowat's Bork. Market. . penile svi a rt dee UL ne the alortest netioe, "trattord, January 12, parities ABLE TAILORING, INO i Fa. patrons ° formed pe re south of Dr. Freser's flies ber awe, deare-ha wilh bo to ase ald able style of | WIIL be Sold on Monthly Payments. Stratford Planing wai THOMAS ORR, Paorpretonf--~ HE subscriter te prepared & fornleh aD rni Sach az Thora, Secon, ee Mr fat Sig Archi. isters, Dressed . Matson, and ORESSED LUMBER OF ALL a PICK ETS " GEDA A POSTS, 4 we af a * arasrrs eg ali' Ds uggiete--ema by abt Porlowr Cooking' mien Parke Moats es : ipee, H.8. CREWE, Tuspeeter. ~ For Sale or Rei _ BUSI Ess, ¢ Ia compan wi with the Len me teint see S| ares Residence Lots" For be Sale 'Siumetih ages Avion srerkec ta the Tews l.. of Bratton'. On Kasz noc mrendlan et payment, cert oA ATION, vat | _aTMerd. Aeguat, Stnd, 1477. Aigien botet- "fas wahessigned tate owt debinisas knee din Weveriey rat 'xteoot and enp- tatnaercelient te: mien > utlane tr transient oF _ oracent enests. Cond stebling and tome Bast orn" . han te. Meals. Sint fornels served it a short notice, Fwd reefer ol BE ital we Pag, ' Oysteres es. miCRS oe . oe Vente e a ee Cheeks go ht and thiru Toesdtay in bh mowth frow tom bab * Will be in attendance at his affien, mr T: Wesnons5, Rosralas, Prilay eee @ ch Week, nr STEW ier CANPS Fit, Co, Counts Cloek's Offer 3 a FR, sr Gre nd Trunk Railway. _ Important Cliesgs of Time. Sunday,Dee. '33rd, 1877 For Torontd and Bost om Mat Line . Lea Leave Stratéura- his « er . LB yp, mo Malt " bisa. we yaa beens Meret Exyoies . ioe ee whe . Por London A Lecture to Young ras ;

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