Amheo -totask for some}: Prone Woe Taman Prater Fo Seoking refuge and retiel pale MO a Aassrx are Lanise ; caaavheneal Count Uy the mowatain pathway Bee ne commen oe then and | There are some characters | Kellogs, » Max Strakosch tae Goi ts ished soldier, . do #0, the same say, "wait till ox dieu tod the Parisian clabmen. & former tar koe otra dakota latter to the Beo- his colums Huch wae Kyrat'e matchless speed budget be voted. ate not satiaiied st {there were nominstions snd sine had a few words to say om the sub- | °** --- - wn Tabia. At about Sever yet could any stowd b ( a Protestant F Minister | there were pr np cam of Young Maryeis de Cantalons, who, ep Mary anys 1 u rai hi OYore thas) maiden, more than wits, 7) wnk Aihara nas mtemeatar 3 : a quite on. years, has gained an ua}... Now, I an: not an irresponsi wapaper | od his to h t | iatic . Te ee at ieeter loved kis bore: Paul de Cocssageac, aL pe for RL, dered bevy dead woteriaty toon aumerous scrapes | Sorrevpondent I 'never mike "sippant bryeet. cod pu wee eS "Ti jubdilow at Oubvides over the ce i canines the . the of the soul of the 3 mor of ity had no fear of the entet fallen inta, ies most in- ." Laever make any statement ago be had | of Kare was cat shurt iu a very unexpected Ui the Sate that thee beam 7 , salt tears, that premeceney an Ba The speeches of gemester, ous-of those men who | that I dou't believe sxact truth. | toon éroas of St. George.| manner, Admiral Tebekatchelf had callect- a Frimom amd Treblrowd all their since May have ended tae wosld-be-Mayers ware would With anyone for an Not | 1 am persoaally responsible for every line. I for his valorous behavior at the storming of | ad al fonsinanrien €2 = seset him. or soraren gee ae Toe Renabtionn la the view Re net being one of the tart ver, that it ie very | Ardahan, F met him some days before the | ed with (klewsa in the cathedeg!, and the Te eae tra Ri Ee |p arg |e an |e Sy ng ye a ee sia mc | mw peor ncamescneers nore RSE DE reais "gs i rb ~Angue couid | §, following the. of % Ee AT nad teak in then} Stemees. wich be had received by, the for_which Rusaan priew re- tion will impart a tous to enervate net oven ho ee | ear of baccarat or écartd. Frou hia Gliawsbers-of Congress bap post from hie wife and his sister as a con- ken eaddenly & cullen rushed ab Revon handred snd fourwore ____ | meree, and confidence to industry, business righ' end tent,--_ho. Wes. 6-mnn. and colorless his nervous, columns of the newspapers, to rave away grate present. 'You see," be said. | into the building and handed the comman- _ yg acer I aoe yh agg pe Pye Was | irritable manner, one can tell without any a * tain "| smiling ina melancholy way, "I am well | der porte a telegram, in which it wie eke Ly the political mtuation distinguished for benevolence. Bastowed very cearching what vice it is that Tika ba ally in th ided should 1 lose perchance my cross." terealy stated Unai live of the enemy's ine wag Cumtorner, eet, Siete, Aid not arrive a moment too soon ; another half LO te feed the poor. Put down | Possetses him, Ate op any ove ones. ak more especially in the |] observed him often kneeling belore his | clade webs steaming ito the harbor. At thie Graking otehoas guide We map week of political drifting and chaos, and the beatech ggr ted pnb ae frots his of: | °82 eee that his days and nights are _ Ure senate mete tal te hs | Heke bed absorbed in prayer and mediation, | intelliente anvxtraoniusry scone of conta a patwny once, t pearl Reade dee ged ce without assistance, In fact was a won- | ** pap pnere aae A few years ago Mar- as. Aapectg a it is cetetmantal to ree with his head buried-in the cushions. tion easter! Tohekatchelf hurried off to get re dencenia, i wil builders having done their work well, it derfal character, whom gny city might be quia de went in for political ho- to himealf, vines ond : Gol. Blumering of the Sappers assamed | the Popotlias sind war sbeauiers ander. weigh, Gt romre uneewi ; [eae romaine for sxkibiders'te exsente See, proed to have as Mr. Beaty was |r; be was nomed a Depaty, bat even | Mir with incessant Hings Test the | thea the qomannl of thes brigade, and sei: | the officers raced indruehis Uo the hatteries to Be seal ba roe wet ride sanee a the | emphatic. salvation of Toronto | 822 this coveted distinction was gained, wepaper scribblers. So outside i the | od with iron greep the frrmidable redan. | put the gaf¥lscm under aries, and the affright Tawne ibe chame san sig-sneat (id Bang ape grog agree, b> the pes rp aren i de Mayor. Order | he was unable to give up his petted foible, Capital, rf poh ore co Delia Lge He and the pony be is accustomed to ride, | ed fuuctiouaries, by ther uve aud clatter, Lab more desirous of peace, ould. th brought of confusion plung play with o grester | S0Ug), seem 2 |, a on several coca-|aet the entire tren in a fnght W sewing close fw hts puranit, the Terke--the pity Tho dais wecld to tole op: The golden | 8% Tt: has 'beun remarked that the | *<<t a. -- thaws seals ge sions, yy at Antahan, they ' } ever, beca yot realy for the recep At The practplie's foot and yet the prospect of terminating the war, age would certainly returs. Mothers woald | =" who are devoured by this intense love | (4alities have been ramet OY i= | fer hours auscathed in a hail storm of bul- | tiun of Hobart Pasta, it-was dimcuvered that ° Aral-cd Orfah ever was more distant, i ery heir children to with h of | of gaming are the- most unlucky, and the and f Psy the _ whose lets, The earthworks of the Kaaly Tabis | the whole aifar war a false alarm, the tive - Sheskior tpeund bombs yr makiag ths way, that it weubl ast bee in honer of Mayor ast han wan more they lose the more they at- gross she ia, pet cn he ats were taken by eocalade, and garrison | Ottoman tronclads turuieg out ts be «imply A Genuine berg yh 4 n pra | to " Gninh up" with prams . all be Ti hed to their fatal It was eo with | Y°TY S¢wspaper medium w affects tl cere driven out by the bayonet. five pesoufal suiting vesseia which had been Kastern question. ving washed their yin weet ab De ole id, and | Marquis de Casteliang } his losses were fear. | despise, and in futile binraderaprerit Anaad aren' Kwidnitzky, of the Sebastopol regi- | ruaning the bieckade fron Ackerman tol] American Jeweled h since out ot that quarrel, who alsé retired from the contest | fel, but he weat on pisying more heavily | big "flippant, reekless," and "irre | rent, was the first oo the ladder and Odlensa, : Parisians = shes delivered his soul by teetifying. than ever, risking his and his es.) *ponsible, Mf not malicious, atime e hendle-of -hio} -- A raw etatict ee New York Patent Lever rag Tos teives boy ite -- athe. I had always the ides that Manning was to antil hie relatives felt themselves! Now I "insinuated" nothing against | wword was torn away, and his clothes eplit | Times in regard to the fashionable balls of | ae. p . ep ' " aa apm the topmost «pray This rom de t pic ag be Mayor. He is an Irishman and has s to interfere, As the French phrase | Ciara Louise Kellogg. I would scorm to} iq rags by bullets and bayometa. He ahow- | the comi will interest some of our With Expansion Ralanes, Ao'id Cin Silver, : Sings © bind befure it Mies as ditfioult to print as thick neck. These are the two th it, he was placed under the supervision of » | 'insinuate " anything inet any woman | ed we the ladder which he had climbed, still | readers, "the Academy of Music has already | Hunting and Open-Faced Cases. . at--given to ' -- a according to the author of the "I jediciary council, That is to easy, guardians | living. » I simply that Miss Kellogg | leaning against the wall. I found it to be | been 1 fur nine bails. The expenses of | wo CHARGE POR EXTRA THICK CRYSTALS . O wy Kyrat O may stove, mothers. By the by it is asserted, hue i " oto i: of hia fortune were appointed, and his agso- | on a lorm of a convert was about three yards too short, an awkward | a great ball in the Academy usually amount t f ~ - He slender? aa rho and Skobeleil owe not a men Canada,' getting : modently dreased Aimes in " Le Mar- |. mm ie 3, mherny w ¥ Gn receipt of price we will sand by matl, postage ; ' rer 3 on, and with sach such advan- | ciates were forbidden to with bim uly | <i which might have led to fail- | to shout $2500, This « ae- | prepal, to any oldrens iu thy Dusaial a and gua- Nori Gilad in Rigoleto, failure; she | ages, it seemed thet Mr. Man-| credit, Sach s terrible apa jolaine" of opera a. ,, aaa T assert this | ure had it mot been for the demoralized state | curs by the sale of box 'one. In the case | rantee Ite safe delivery r is seeing, hab aaa aoond el bat she | eae. 8 good time com- | if * necessary check to the gambler, was a T also said that "nakedness is not} of ibe defenders. Some of them, however, | of charity baile many of the managers of the | If yeq want to purchase do mo: hesiiats to ander ; is young, & good na Ppa ing, 'and there will be ~ | severe blow to the Deputy ; and, of course, | any purer ats party, of aconcert room, thaa | animated by aa evergetic pasha, had shut | society under whose ausjuces the entertain: | forexawimaion, We wil] sont * 0.2), (Collert om ; ought to remain at school for some years tanity for both ghase retiring, A hie political adversaries fairly revelled in | it is in opera boutle, or in Lysis Thompson's | themselves up in jong maanve reduit at | meat is yiven otten purchase several tickets | UMIvery). oF wil weed Lo tbe widrers uf any respon ' stil, Mile, can find ec pri oe fisuriah in the chair be- | the scandalous disclosures, and harped so | trou; and I say thie agaiu. 1 am nota) the surge, and kept ap thence a marderous tach, which may net be used. The average | "it storteuper be countryman wrote in 1816 gainen to their fatten pitileasly upon the 1 theme that at last e, and don't believe it to be the duty of | rit. "iring til! four o'clock in the moruing. | attendance at the large lulls hae not hither. | Remember ee keep No Bogus Metal or Gilt ansiana; they are very an 4 rane -- en hha that the chimes | the patience of de Castellane could} beautiful. woman to wear her coramge | Tne yomny troops already thought | wexcsedied- 1800. The largest namber who | "Siches bat grauine Am reas Paten: Levers, put reason simply being that they live oaly in meget and rang in the new. | hold out no longer, and he challenged one of ears or her sleeves to her thumbs. | of shaadening their sest, on account of | ever attended one of the charity halla is re- | warranted te be 2eod rellabie imebeepera, which 3 present, which uw very for » people recive peng Whore there is such diversity the most aggressive of the hostile ecribblers, ia a happy mean in which nature's | the rapid volleys from the loopholes, which | corded as 2200, On tho night of the Tth af | we sell for lene thau bail the same poode are retall ; = yeen-cieie the: i fiect--____3.9 v2 al} reflection. >a | of opinion; | would not The affair went off in however, matchless curves may be defined t | deal ly with them. They scot | January the ball of L'Aaiitio Association | Mist Eirieg yuu Lae yctvilege ts be eatiatied of f Dirww: tagethver his four white feet, t must be a ealumny to Laan) a px premane. to dintele.. ie the Depaty was perm Focume bis | VUlgEMty. "But whens woman 2 'Tarts: 4 TE Twill take place ia the Acatemy TOOT be longer pay teow prick or ceed Gane 4 Becwured wiih bisese the space, Ly ad the ™ recideet " city in Frames, however, and it 4 to be hoped the music wet 'little games" anmolested. He is | forty bends over the piano, with no | enforcement or for leave to % The | the 2iat, the masked ball of the Cercle de | miles away, with ail che risks and snuoyances of And into the air's embrace that its citizens, having of late little employ- wae H and the speeches not too one of the most assiduous habitues of | speak of above ber waist, and, with the ait | commander-in-chief ordered two sotnias of frangais ile PHarmoiie ; on Jangary 28, the | portation to bay a watch at « fair, rrasonable ----_a fea me) meaty, theix..leisare hours Sul" bane teen tebe Ser Rime -retieer } 4b lian -aiagpadlor parry 1. | and attitude of as gta of sxies | Consackato dismonbt-and.taamint the may nigesdet iets) fom the Slat | BS. MRE your eddrres and we wi | mall ros fra aig ee Seen er ee the fanny man too broadly at the| ways be een making # beary book in the | to a thousand ' beware!" | ing infantry. The riders followed the sum- | the Charity Hall; on February 5, the French | arma be ye iinet natin ellen schhedavar berg mending him to read, mark, and bes y ol vd It ie the awfullest calamity | ring. He had » "streak of luck" lately. | she te a picture at which some wouen | moms with load cheers, and backed the gre-| Cooks' Assuciatine Hall; on the 7th. the P pholinto = digest the trial and end of Louis XVL The a man ean be visited by, to be under the de- | He was "dead" on the French horse Jong- | blush, for which po mooey can pay, and | nadiers so efficactously that they regained fancy ball of the Lieterkrans Society ; on Rogers Manufacturing Co Rattiing down the dewp ayes Gee ical Society ¢ } city hae » | lusion that he is clever and witty, and that | lear, who easily won the Cambridgeshire, | which Lydia Thompson hervelf uever out | their exhausted courage, and braved avew | the night of St. Valuntine's Day, the ball of 4 Fragments af the peesiptos up the scheme of a "Grand Central African is his forte. - Mr.-Rine | with odds of forty to one, an offer against | did. -- the enemy's fire as steadily as the okt Cau- | the Protective Onier of Bika; on Februar: Box 2490 ~ i Holled like pebbles om a shure 1 te Al with Timbactoo | "ying fumny things 7 Mi - : J : | oe x oronto. railway, to anil ' is a worthy man, but like other meaner | him up to the start Marquis de Castellane I did not say that Miss Kellogg was not | casian ier. 22, a Martha Washington Reception; andon} Lo ---- ; Kovshan's tameried cap of red and the Niger. | Thas there is the prospevt | Stale he hae-ble- week pei By the | had i: d two handred louis on th ik, | the most devoted of daughters," or that she | Gen Gubsky, the able chief of the artil- {ibe 26th, the Chikiren's Carmval Ball : Treenhicd tat por: his bend ; of having a railway at least ta the Meme way that tendency to bai seems to | at > oo he Won aight thoumad lenin, or | was pot '* modest and es in every | lery, a maa of spotless character, managed | Poubtieas other large balla not yet definite. MILL GEARING Corviees GP SP HEE Spent" : : The raging the and thousand Thie waso | relation of life." I prefer to believe ber 10} to tininh the samguinary struggio by- the | ty arranged wit! be helt in the Academy. ; Nelthes hen ner tails shosk jety of Paria has appointed a committes to f Semel Coeccetty es . inning in his way, bat the Mar. | be all that her friends assert, Being this, | threat of blowing the whole roduit np ae eee SHAFTING, PULLEYS, &C. Aa ba galloped out of sight. examine the " = he ft serely is not necessary to spright- | quis was euther dlagusted than otherwise, | she owes it to herself and w the pary through the instrumentality of a quan- ~ -- 9 haa o bead memes Ate al | that 0 ould always be on «| to think that he had bet so little on the | women of the land not to yield implicitly to | tity of dynamite. As in all probability this Business Education. Grist mills farsished throughout Alterations Fiash of harness In the alr, for describing provinces in et about bread grin, init? horas, and had missed the chance of netting | the law of ber meodsstes, By her own will | gcheme would have been brought into exect- We! were sstoniabed' 'to ace ce bein caioany ofall minke" seeded to. Saw MIN Me Ne Oe eae cath! * | Which be knew nothing, and correcting blan I dea't profess to be squeamish, but thie |.s million or two at a coup, Compared | she tiraw s sharp line of distinction | tion, the Pasha inside reflected on the mat-| iA uy thevagh che Tintuh, Anerten Haat P Ties the poankom bersema passed . ders which he alone had committed. A do-| |! dea! ining after something funay | to Castellane's previous his gains on | between ber attire and that of women who, | ter, and surrendered oa the condition that College of Toroat. th word Steam Engines and Boilers And th tat he cane cument 1 Timour the Tar- aan Li J ® mere drop in the bucket, | by the very exigencies of their calling, are | his aod his soldiers' lives should be apared, |" College of Toroots. the extraordinary ' | pobeer fm . F Spanish Ei " gota monotonous; It is all well for | Jongleur were : plo fs 3 ¥ * | advantages they are offering to any one re- . ajed tle cataract undernesth, tar, who entertained the Embassy Grin. It ia hia tion. hie and bat- tq whet his te for more. an. sovial ban. My dear fle | which was readily granted. a = 4 Very rewnaruiral. Variable eut off Strong and Keyhan the Arab held bis Iteath hi sarees gp veh gsd Per ping Bee toempty | tr.. Nor would I object mach te young Secs his y "'hant™ be has plunged inte | ¢ i, my dear -- eee aed --_--_-- line you desire.) Their entire staff of teachers -- NEILL & SONS -- ~ Reyhan the pool is elbow, ~ = P ri oar mi of cant. ere aoae Weteeee . : ), _ hig thie ale ot le neal dat ima abort. time. the | men of the oer erae a aera eaeae ----_ os ee -- bert sa kadan ashare, how mack fsa Utilization of the Heat of the Sun are Practica! =r i ~~ aumber af sateste, Bebe Foundry and Torwets tro Works. anion ney of had cleo ea origi: | Sat Mack Tenia newly coer Tid wasted face will be constantly seen this aud pare would be the wage Tis nthe diag. hieiek Aide inte, es tie Se sttende et are sivieding us| =n aps Meatless Reronts _ c Be tte wether Kuregics = sole gn herp doen toi "si FE SS eo teen amount of and | winter round the roage-ct-noir table at Mo- | and means of "'svcrety." Tam sick of several gentlemen, including re- | uf their unsurpassed facilities, the Principal i having decided te erect a Uesner soress Bar} 2. words and in | maco, cant that lifteup holy baad Lydia esentatives of the of Mr. Adama' ! Y RACICAL-JCURE a seaveoned, tha erdared bis elleus Wo cease | 705 . thee te cahersoe "Kal. [PE . J. D. Otell, will be pleased to give full iv: AL 4 A tervas Poor fellows. Another of the Parisian gaming notabili- m patent solar cooking tus; aod the re- | formation - * A PICTURE away the old houses; in twenty days the sant help. "Is, 1a. $he.enly, kind of liters: ties is Albert Wolff, » carious character in | log" in like attire, and then dens a garb for | tit was propounce! to be highly satiafac- Ten litle soute, » boy and a gir bazaar was finished. Instead of the ejected | 20 ey ean understand. It is tbe oaly | more respects than ons, Wolff is one of the} ite oww German. that. has. put many | tory. of the High Court = st "= - Wandering on to the fout of Jte biN, dh indemnity, they A * r itice of the that witty, i t, | brother, husband and son to sem tle - eolected for exhort Business [tems 4 hind of wit thas ona tickle their diaphragms, critics Figaro y, fippan s aa the place pe . __ Bushes of green arnt blossoms Sf pearl _| themselves, quite proud. to have escaped thee vending oar epem "*into their} all Paristax sheet, amt is comsidered one of | s8eb attire, or rather the lack of 1, bas bees | A Ty Glock in the forenoon the appare- : -- Croming the lane s gorgeous fay, Wit thar eg eet The we ody Se something 1 is | the cleverest men on the Freach in | the tof custom and of thowgh bees tae was ae an aa to. re Women are extreme in all pointe. They wee - Bathed to the Tight of & Muttertng ray, America must look to her iaurels. ae | from professional is d messen- | lively articles, dashed off vite & realy, cuvecwus +) | ceive the solar rays, sod aboat half | are better ar wala Chali nied --Srugere > ~~ DR' y ADAMS: 7 m= - desi Jauatily chaitera, "i ny day, some day ~ Set, an ove confidential " gers of Heaven. . trenchant, facile pen, areeacerly read when- | do not doubt But it is sepa that hour ita inclination was changed by « touc! Phe newest scarfs, collars, bows and enffs, -- i ie: + bid ¥ sepermans P By the way, there seems an awful fuss | ever he te throw them on paper, amy woman it and aucouscious | of the hand. About four o'clock im the | are to be bad at White's, 65 King St west, 58 BAY STREET, TORONTO. Two eweet gouls, a man and a maid reunion of the Orleanist where it ' y se die call people over | twoen dering the short intervals | ly ; that she bd persist im each ature | resrnoon the apparates wed from | Toronto. W.--Retetunres te peremes eho have beur radi Picking the dal b sprinkle a giade, ae decided the Henate would wet veto o practical preaching, Fry ooh oo from |-when he is not engaged in some hoary game. | *' . oo tfal- | ene placed in » rvom, oover ed with My young sprig of fashion, if you must | cally cwed alter having ben ruptured for auny youre, 3 Ail trytng their tmek at » game of bove , | Beco dissolution of the Chamber of Depu- | Pitas they 'denounce as dogma or doctrine. | As his name indicates, Wolff in a German, | sees, if she never bad it bef The hoo- |, railway reg. At cight pm, when the | eat adash ou King St, and with far damm. | Sed for Pamvhiet oo Muptara" PRER. Fiety a AUTOR at ces traahes te varteus jog Te | Mem, amid See rene ---- is Ave = 8° | The Bible, it scema, is not an Authoritative | He came to Paria some twenty years ago, | orsble man is yet to be found who is willing | \ oo) gall the rug were removed, the con. | ecle Hirt wns that you're arrayed in the best - == a8 Perpe-snd cbackles, "Some day. gume day ™ = wnt hia oun, Site the we that be | Tale of faith, There are a etd aany eae: frieudless and ilees, barely acquainted | that his sigter, bis wife, or his daughter | wit, (several pounds of mu and | garment made, that ia Treble's perfect fit , be reporter, under protanee that takes, we are assured, in thet venerable | with any other than his own, but | should provoke the promiscuous = by the | ome vegetables). were found thercaghly | shirt, Order carly, Treble's, 53 King St. Dr, Morland's Tey obi soads, sod the end of the day with » Senaler, she | oS ty historical.and other- | determined to force his way into some posi- | loudness or the paucity of her attire. | oy oy West, Toronto. Fobons the home to the fiot of the hilt ; could not come, and with another who pre- | The indivi inet are to vet-}'tion, He thought j Nias ts Whewever the jrepe are We should not omit to mentina, that the "To be or not to be, that question} GENUINE ROYAL TONIC aka tou a coe ear} dim pies the rk sided, and ov could -- ae ns ~_ tle what is right and what is The | most easy of attainment, and strove for sov- metyle of dress that pata the loveliness | oe wich proved to be aust palpable to | whether 'tia warbler in the mind to suffer the gk aeoeunlainen aie Oran tis ann. an adjoining room; he the pyres thing to be arrived at is to Le like | eral years to become a successful litteratéur, | of we mon exhibition, it ie quite} is who partook of it, waa fund to be stings apd arrows of outrageous fortune, is prtte Aud hos ree from the larch the angry Jay pply bit with some pens, ink, and a | not becease being so is right, but | Those ouly who know by bitter experience | time that the women of America, who are quite het, while the wemel could hardly be | te" wore the worts of Un meblo bard Houta out ter the 5 sums day sheets of letter paper, to Lone Soewate it is fitable. It pays to be vit-| how narrowly exclusive, in eo. | models of virtue," should drop the yar |G 4 by the naked hand Those who gp tu' Uooper'e" for" Siirts " ar souls in the dead of the night ting ; be then took e sote o bahay tuous and generous and pare. That is the] terprise and initiative is the of the dememonde and sot a like example. The apparatus, we may state, consisted} never suffer froma misfit, J09 Yonge St, SPECIFIC MEDICINE uy wide, Ie gtiffeued smdatill : beard, had it in print two hours afterwards, whole duty of man reduced te two words-- | (and I trast such unfortunates are few), _ --_ af a copper vessel tinned inside and painted | Toronto, Ated the winter's mem just vofione her light, and thus nailed the wavering Orleaniate to whatever pa; Bat why should anybody | appr how bi d diah i = black outside, with a glass cover enveloping | Evgur person should send 33 cents for foe ait Ounce of Nervous or General Debility. Dee cabenanty seme ah the fat oh OB cay | Hl these plas pas ce wish to be Carist? It would comms | Leen bese: tha, sonaptions.of thn oang Ger. Humbags- the pra yarn py of hot air. one sulmerption to "The Tarogte . ---- pupalaion nt Be™. SY | chat there must be some reason spart from | maa; how rade hia rebuffs and Kis repulse. -- The solar rays, passing through the glass, | Fashion Courier." {t in an eight-page quar- FROM WHATEVER CAUSE ARISING. T gob and thy e increase and maltiply; is "seine ed a | the profitableness of such imitation, and | For several years Wolff suffered' all the The numberof bumbays arelegwa. They | o. were told, became transformed into vb: | terly, finely tlustrated, containing Latest ; Ress aed the . ; r bees, A pointaman at Asnieres received a i. we goon to say w! we are in the of a sensitive spirit; crashed by the ade T mw erery: © scure heat which the glass re The | fashions, entertaining family reading, usefal $1 Per Packet. In the criep end night the shivering jay eaecay¥ 'e passing train, aad an} ™ pry tected 2. Bolg Netw | anc indifference of these who had } gue. They resort to every kind | 10000) was fixed on to the bottom of » con- recipes, ete., ete. 25 vente, m pat eee ee ee rand ee wr incl Twit | that all this talk about being tree and ten- | arrived, to use the picturesque and expres gw and dea's tatieve ties Gey ere ae eonane| dieuon 2 t juoge Bt, Te] "5 "COOMBE, Drageit" *s Rit . Se Sac aT | hyteelbadeasr sore losers tats + oe i sive Preach Wolff himself says that | don't know and don't believe that they are] Ji4s5 and was twenty-one inches aquare| Hutton & Co, Pulsliakers, Yonge St., To- ; SERRE SOL OUR PARIS LETTER ther descendent was: injured. «Jn the. Rae} det, sed chariteble sed leving is very. silly | sv ane nll i aheey ern ger] Pood hamper yr trhepetdipee st TS re oN | hor ara J COOMBE, Drugzgist, i Visconti s medical student attempted ia for a i oe gt principles. | doubt and distress ; psp or feqa of he hambag ta him." We alfmore [oe ia Fon aa ofegant Sit dietitt Chiistanae' pre | 8+ bewnenee matting ssi ictale seine A Tamata 5 (lel $68 AEC) Aoemteresnerr} Sonaday to stxtnce a-wifs; sented: bethle-ber-1 SO, ikiag arth a old song either in | were successtnl, and he econ took « bigh |-or less AP ee all de which we know! Mir, Adame hae made another spparatus | seat nothing can equal a protty piece nf far- éihitietecbe cee iF errEes mabend in a cab; the young lady, -- earth or besven that docs not rest on place among Paria journalist, gaining a re- | *v ing cles, We all tight under a of greater simplicity than the one eapert- | niture, such as'a Lady's Davenport, Mase eeet a Better evolutions, if comt--tham revela- | married three manthe, flow te bee lover, and | oases chease © mayer er es patation for brilliancy and wit which he has | We all more or lesa look from under our cov- | ented upon, which, by meaus of salar faye, | Rack, Card or Plower Standa, Work Chair or | <<>> eam > vtiona....Dhe . ML i, sucess all bie] a revolver kept the hasband ate sespect{al | bis withons since sustained. As soon as Wolff felt that | ering and chuckle an we ony, * Ha, ba they aad in the open air, can cook chops and | Paney Ottomag, cgered with work ready NE RK Sl NGER coun en im beimg ever constant to a | distance. TU Marseilies,"s \potice inspector, late the-resten of da or tact. This man | his position 'oh te" pres was 'woured, he | dont know-me.'~ # apecp eenks and ji Ly é ~Tuese ands great variety of other,| ' s F ° constant change fle hae-searty beld ost | Indes. with a pacimnabin, and travelling did this, or did dot do thet; therefore,-- | manifested a taste for the gayeties of Pari. | are! With what fervor they shake the} (oa! or coke fire. A very important point | fancy articles can be obtained at the new afi ee as long as Osman Dasha, surrendering almost | bags, was asked by "one of the force" to This Christ waa, or ia, 0 and so, and there. | sian life, which bah i during hand! How they protest that they are de-] , that the heat cas be retained as long Ss] firnitatd warcrooms of the (uhawa Cabinet SEWING MACHINES a at the xame date, hut here the comparison | be allowed to veliows Tien of te berdoue she | |) "This Carel alder vuflared #0 and 50, | the long period of dixappoittment and prive- | tighted tower this, that, andthe other-one | ihre hours ands balf, aad perhaps longer. | Campany, 97 Yonge 3t5 near Rog 44, To- : ' . iw } mustend. In constituting hunsel{f prisaver | af once consented, but never aaw the bag- dae genie-well. eno therefore. | tions through which he bad passed. High| well. How anxiously they inquire about | ye 4 dans hopes, soon to be able, ander | romta. av moo +o <twthe Repebanne, thetianpite silers. Mats}gagn again. pod it contained. the trousenen | 1S SOS, SOs OOS © POTRIO ncaa | play-wes hin chiel vies... He-soon decame a4 the ted to hear that the | aire fas aizenestanees than ai pre. ee -- : ae ~mahon has not "sxbuntied ae foohah pet 4 for tis bride, and-a multitude of favors for jag in the onc cnnv an iat the-sther, cad all of the gambling table, and passed | Young people are ow 9} saat, by mesons of'aa spparatns The a meee * sot . sone Like Gambetta would say: be has only | bia marriage, fixed for the next day. the talk about practical is not| his whole time around the green cloth. | different story is heart telling all the] o. ihe same principle, and by a combination | ~~~ Great Preach » ~4 prin ne eyad Wagers sold io 166 (hee by any 4 accomplished a ransaction " we A woman opened a window and called rorth 'thank you," for it the facts, | Wolfl possessed all the requisites of a first. | ime. How suwoth, how doubly courteous, | flat reflectors, to concentrate solar rays to When Whitfield preached before the ea-| warranted te outwear ten of eny ather maha by any other name will smell ao sweet. | (or help; on volunteers arriving, they there will be no motive sufficiently strong to| rate cari player, He is cool, bey L and | how unutterably tender wheo war is in gree as to work wonilers in science | men at Now York, he ased the following : be The however. ie, th as are| ware implered by the > ae eve issue in the recommended practice, 1 hear | observant; told in prin and pradent lone. | heart, when plane I of murder, | vet undreampt of. -- Times of India, poatrophe : '* my boys, we have Mone genuine without Finger of New York anything but delighted- with their ca) er don » from & vialated a great deal more than even comes to the} Like many of his cou he has a ma. | though the words are allof love. Bat hum- niin negli eli doieummnammneny clear sky, and are making fine headway over TR & MAR hey would prefer thousand times that he| by the father, A rather * wy ple, "e ami I am bound to my } gaadhe sm, Grvdleg of so he soon com- | bugs as ey often t " pyeacdom | light bi BRASS AvE ARE had made b acape t the ancient king- | after a sudden absence of ys, were ee gory cart, who talk religion now | pletel the rales of the games in | der that came. There aor pp bum Beginning Poor. deat wenn toon sight of lend. Sebr-what -- dom of Brian Berohme. The Marshal has | found dead in their bed ; suicide by charcoal | Fg serie s single etraw for it | vogue at his clubs, and applied them with | beg, |, the sciext- / a whether 1 cua i: | tones this eodddes lowering of tim, bacveos, wn arm of Sachin accepted @ Repablican Cablaet, simply | fumes, The: wrapped their pet poodle Latent infidelity at the very point of break. | peculiar skill and daring. Por a number of | fic, and many others equally well-kaown and <n we ceeen aa chan 7 et # ink é and that dark clond arising from the-wpatern | _A#® Your agents for New York mre, and taxe : hal coalition of in s little ulster, and it too was dead at the ing oxt io 7 it eabeliel hae commen. Wolff has. been. renowned as coe of-the | ticketed with equal care... Wasat a. number "Join. whee, sd startle thaw thrétthorimrer?--Hark!-dea't yeu. hear distant, % " wae till a few---hours of the . Ta was not How that are membirs 7 charches, eard-players in Paris ; he was constant- of people are actually making a livelihood in ak . rail with: Tist de | thunde si Suld not form a government, or rather find | divided. A euicide of a man 86, bas at idea of hell and one , a players y are, and Outane p mmply reducing himself w a _ -- a oo em ee Tigtaieg? A dete e paueriegt erp ® Minister of Finance prepared to levy taxes | occurred at Bordeaux; the unfortunate suf- ~~ and panishiment, etter fe wa or | won large cums frequently. Not very long | trade. W lies they utter, What pre- | P© wiht though the person asking has my | ™antohisduty! How the waves rise and The thuger ttanaiarctariog Cotpahy: 2 indepeadent of the law, Paul was convert: | fered from rheumatism : he made » gach in | apt period, And how Wolff was known to have won some | tences they put forth? And-they get peo- seo ryt pes thy. - The sabi dash against.the ship! The air ie dark! ed on the road to Damascus, and became an | his thigh with s razor, and quietly rectined my Oy os ned he ead po | snitiious of tranes Sa two yeogy, endl be to believe them. The oldest, the staleat | hearty iaberes Lhe pe hi ject | staal ectipert rages!" Our sets aro gese }{ Bi O: HIOKOR, 2» Manager. eeedtlons Christin -atters--ismpparang" 07.) in: hein ener abeing il he led Sedan: Fie eS aaa eae sealants whould have forsworn play when he found | lodges sull secure their victim, one | Vhat pesition lalife do John and Mary | The ship is on her beam-eadw1 What next?" = Tormnte treet, - many of thetn, George IIL, " received" | Tribanal of Orleans has to try as suit, that fellows have the face to t himself such a large gainer. Three millions | might have fancied that would long ago oe a ; The unesepscting tare enddealy rcee and | #i-1¥! Toronto the American plenipotentiary, after rears | would require Solomon to decide. A carter sal Calteas' baller thes i TS ia 'a large ferinna, even in these days of be too thin." There's the pious | spire ur Ted wv pee are aaah gr ates exclaimed v Toke te the ing bata r ~~ _ fruitlessly spent endeavouring to cru in conveying a batt of wine, had the misfor- good " i, whil lee while expense and extravagance ; and in the Ke with its talk of conversion, and ita sieach the apnreks rich, hase the aaereall "1 feel an indisposition to exertion," cries ENTENNIAL MEDALS! * American imlependence. prank Repablti- Leaaighd ads terrence igri gto ef = compliment the elon, sc thay prepace thelr a dreams of his youth, Wolff can | keen eye for the There's the shi "fens radeon' bard y {he young ninu, "*n lass of power, uxtverent NTENNIAL SDALS! cans' will never extend this forgiveness 'to| the passers-by: went on r kaees, for : i wrecked mariner who never was at sea ;-- . prod maney- f "of the 7 . ry wa the Marshal, Till hua last minute ia office, | Bacchus haa odd worshippers, and drank Ube | beasth. Selling thom Bhat they, res very Se Fae ek ens Lan whe sam amcty Gaggenel ky Wes de. Bet her are thoasants of happy families | lnseituds of the muscular system, dificalty | $7, CATHARINES be will he for them & pupest : i040 rarely wake ie quid. The carter hes cited slx.| oy them es I cco! If everybody heard | German was unable to resist the constant, | ceit! : » and the steal pen mam, | OY dolls chelet says that two can| trembling, horror of disease, dimness SAW WORKS that a fox iscauzht a second time, and con- | of the individuals who thus hel; them- 'aa T hear! Wouldn't they t i cravings for which al. | who dealt in stationary in order to to- han aed rt of vision, wakefulness, pain in the back, bot fidence # a plant of very slow growth, in | selves, to indemnify him, which they under- nea 1 Woulda't fly? ¥ ways leads the quate te rain. Wolff| sey rer to educate himself for min- live cheaper hyg = how be eae hie hands, flushing of the body, dryness of the ; niekananend TuE young, it i France. | take to do, if he sets forth in hia exact- ON ich i 5 in | lived for several years in the finest style, al . Still} worse, the man with valuable See oe eee kis inoue einen be mar. | skin--what shall do?" Use Vierouig Bu-| @" ONLY GOLD MEDAL ~we on OT creates Mont relat, thao cathe, | epee m mare mathe Powel of Hes, 808 | tor lined musio and masicians ass meass of | most ze up jouealion, ead, want a oe _-- epee, ant toy aoa riage, while living far more comfortably and | CHU AxD Uva Unat, the great y for For Saws at Philadelphia ; 2 18 creates more relic' ° « cessfully large acale shares inewsl . Y i ; ' 7 e aii! ~~ She Mascharute-dawsetan, by Sea The Unteors, of the Vatican, draws Ocay to senate The. if tine Swe dows Shocks, The Gnctuntinas of the market were whose firm has been in existence for merely, Sas bore. phd ph most fal re game s & & mahon--turn about is fair play--are very | the attention of duelliste to the tact, that by mighty by 'There i the possibility ot | unfavorable to the ick: who lost at | about two hundred years, and who has left | how to the mest of everythi i, ainuakt; ile " vere on kim ; all condemned have twenty- | a Rall of Pius [X., whoever provokes, fights, 7 nts with Heaven, and having the Beares large partioe the aum he had | his position in London to come and le a ae ee Pare INTERNATIONAL MEDAL four hours to curse their jadges w this | or amiats at a duel, incurs excommani an tod even amusement of an | wen at the tapia vert. The cards ran against | his wares from door to door in Ontario, Of | house-keeping in a § ant comer ae rs | Pally eomblishing the wull-mewe roputatoen of ear Teng aga being dread for Cort | ave tonite td, fae ee ety Ba | Sporn tandan" We doce not matier in the | hs, tos fort wise; and wobort time age | cour this lage know all about the human |manner, 1 1 ONTARIO BAKING POWJBR, | fos, ctrsevsanes dees ye shops are being dreseed fo > 5 hetra: ¥ shops ee s -- : . eS re rate man and New Years' day. There to beyond | In the French arery, If twe ecldione strike, Eaten the organ td the chat the "ony ting em: pe payee jae, | folks getté les by the half dozen. | housekeeping with » very small outlay of Orestes Tariety. toyent priegs tw Cons- |" Faasanies seen peptasmen ned beup your-meney a Jeubt mover! ordinarily plea- | the colooel orders settle the matter | Sreatest _ if. | And ve and are gouged. Won- | ™oney, if they are so disposed. They need da TORONTO WIRE WORKS, W. H. | im the country. acy. Oe Teal en 5 Aad. the solo_singers_no_better than they | when be had to request s short but signi. | And people par i only to farniah one and that with lit. Terunt SMITE sarabje annual exhibition ; people |e : h a duel, irrespective of the iqigressor'é ould be. Whey tre ent farformer cant dey ti the payment of 160, << nament.-- How tia the sary thing for an -- _-- pelted frame Bee eee ee R. a i es the ting winds jong f md | apoligiaing, eta. a presides n which ene baccarat. | removing grease. Now it is something « vutts mousy: vatove,a- bed, 1 3 - --__ mee "4. , Paw, = Bs bi children have a down-cast air, fant yoen | --thd wea ing always swords--to par- pica apg. A Bring 9 = with ryt od Wolf a Sap. yo re any great | equally remarkable; now some other hum- o tails, fue of Sees tod bd ped =» HOLIDAY . | FUR BALE! ee -- a" es prepared in advance, to be conteuted with | ry all fatal thrusts. Occasional mortal | 26" of in the iguilenes, however, and has since had a re- | bag equally a And yet they all | lamp, « wash. I the ' wf DINEEN, cor King and Yonge, Torowtn : Fietle on tha pranent couseion ntal par: | blow in given, and mie in a ne rat hee th, | turn of bis old luck'; several thoasand louis | get victims. Is almost anybody whorn | These are about all the articles A mag -- en | 20 FFLICTED WITH BALDNESS, ven beln slend the lean kine of | with all honors of mother church, Dare oes eee! Pee nove tive have come back to him, and he ia once more | at one time or other they have not talked actually pecessary to begin bee the we the PURE Inn gue Welt Anacar 'Adgyess for cata. | DANDRUFF, HAIR FALLING OFF,Etc, Pharoah. It would seem that shop-keepers | ome say, " Let the the army | vnigr oy do with the tu "-- the terror of his set, Though he devotes | over? What lote of them there are in To- | saving must ' pared aher aeeftl hoewe, O& Mary St. Hamitte 7 The question whether baldness can be cured has themselves, or the: furnishers, have oor- | chaplai o F well ten ka oa is | his entire time to cards, Wolf occasionally | reato. I see them every day. What num. |* held peered pa are bo : =r to call cart Rabbor Printiiat biede hows exttied iu the a@lrmatize by Wr. Chas. M. eetly smat situation ; th i « earia keepers: a M. Ged pert Md fi them, | pena sours brilliant criticism or witty re-| bers are plying their trade ~ every cop- | household articles, unti I Asay ie nen BIG PAY Calne free, Addrem@ C STEW. aye vel ghee iba orl 9 tnd something like a complete eof novelty | Romien, ooeupied » second of s bones And Ape eg or 100d their | view ; he shows in all his articles the pos- | cession line in 1 Tt evidently * comf 4 rer tebe ART & (er, 167 Kieg West, Toronto. | oe Hamilton, aud who daring that time has ecoum. © toys and sweet-meats, proof that in-jon the Boulevard dea C 3a the pies ye 'of n crash! It ts also | seanion of more taste, thought, and power of | pays, and how can it be prevented ao long | perience, --_-- Tenis be | : Gur aplendid new | plished whai hee never been dome an this conti a ventive minds have had bat littl confidence | firet story, a lady before going to church, Pega Ge % deal ieal anid | qbeervation than the other men of the Figare | 28 people are vach fools and at thease time | than raring sor perhaps fiat AGENTS WANTED map of the Dom- Laggan nian Ny: Sciam ee cant coe ae . in the government of their country since | put her vase of gold fiah on the baleony to | 8 : leet sree cheat the , | oam- lay claim to, and it in cortainly a pity | fancy are so wise. Things are '* thrown | **t dows an ak eae the comtanion of for detivery, 1m ie uew COM | Which were perfectiy bald Gad bave hans on from 2 swomthe past. This prevision is exemplified | enjoy the sum, Romein took a line, caught The inthe cenles : "How de | that be shoald prostitute his talents to gam. | sway" at » dollar which are really worth life fav att Clean W hon Gee ae ape getpn hn fog elore tasted eit se] | Hehe to twenty years. This is no deception ; as ° ornntet -- the general ogg -- "teks tried them beaatifully, covered you he did to-night "Well! upon tltag: a Tok lies me 1 cular hayer tay ife in sh ac nacamesora . y in every bone. Agnes wanted everywhere. Ad- apnea cr ap thn tenth. 40 hip cacema he is cheapness, wi A them on a sheet you have price, ey . ; dress THY ah, Serena j Wty et ~" establishments now deal in classes of cadeaua | of paper, let them down on the baleony, with my pe have -- --_-- -- Hybrid Between Zebra and Ass. woald to any one else, unless it had been on nae on oiling and beauty. If 7A ROGAN! agne ~ tne Dennee tee tiie, nt " Some were -- as Means, | ee oe nee Sey Copiers. Exh consequence of being exposed to | Se" te coca to me that Miss Se and So| The Londo and Dramatic News| ela ; am thin hy, and eardlally keep oct of 1a, tue muna esters ands taikcdpe | Ut Oe ee atte I ee ; pel adaptaiility te circume the « ; ie Bat n the " " a True multitades have Leen nipped, bat bet f thee thew 1 ua shag, Cure eaanls, actave ans 0 bad <t > | vin Mier Geer te ot vp tn bottles at $1 60 , fortunate of necemsitius, forma a the items in a plaumber's bill are: ae ae We ue decided? ae ae exeel af Apares ® curious | shat matters it? There are atill plenty of sobs, paying por everything 90 ai FS. | ar oarly nie. Oued aetiete tor ethan arctan Do ge gin octee ler Kw emnasshes teed of h domestic philoso E searching a to having | 2" ee ia 1 aA b = ivi ae pigeons t be plucked. Some even will read | Sty wt! And = ear ee "i wey 3 Phe be ord errors anactionreayciaie dress Charles Maitland Wiuterourlyn, Merrick St. . comlescend to sell bon-bone in fancy paper | foundat, Bir. ge ge won ae guts ood eae Bon | fet errr foal, living ia | take, laugh at the fouls it epeake of, and be poser rh ay eoeemanee S "lebt. In| (XHAPMAN'S NEW HEAVE RE- | "amton canketa or fantastical sacs, that hitherto] A young lady advertizes for » situation, subscription Gina." Auk on e, | Zoological Ganten. "e be " arely "done" within th kc. Pe ae peer caleons by Cans yi MEDY. A warnieted cove for heaves ta (0 --------<ine only dealt in costly woods, stulfe, artistic | proving the necessity for obtaining it, by bobbing cad bobbing auton jas ales | ite cole Perhaps greediness is at the bottom of it all. | order to save any 'ine vo Ned y + hurees. Suid by druguiste or'seat by mail, Price Large amottitsin the @ metala, faiwnces, and leathers, for the sauce | stating she is "* rained." pr proce bene if hed laid the Al. There is not a foolish chaw-bacot who geta | monthly cocmey, Users, meet ree $15 CHAPMAN, Widgetown 7 = apologives for the fish, There is a dewided A farmer offers a reward of Sfr. to whoever Bose wag Ms despest obligations showing swindled by patent men or fruit-tree ped. | tcomomy shont fe clothing. omnes |): WS IR leaning for ¥ ef designs, in we pore captures a wolf observed with his teap round iz aie hear euet apes crossing op iow of that ser, hers had the page ge ph Lg trgr acy pean . EVO i ¢ r@stauranta and tables 4 3 harmony cordance idea that be ix too many an ank * 7 f »D, -- d 'bote woul seem to have iargely inepired | How to dog ; do not go to the Him to cedagr; Aree) | quent most make o ** 'thi phew Ayving Sure. | or-all outla shiek brings DO Fea CATTLE FOOL fe* te nacker's yard, bat te the weekly pen po al ly ifs man pieces of paper antage in .--Farrn Rocuesten, in . watal jur inw te- » con! iy ome shall y and- sine, are old acquaintances, but under | the kind of animal you at will and gentry of Ragland with some ce. Address FOUN LUMBERS. Toronto. F the agreeable form of chea Iu defer- shepman he prints his hand The iy important personal convenience, MISCELLANEOUs ITEMS. . . ; F on to coming events, the "* Roman quee- | bills in Latin, instead of French, his caste cof | fox for instance, and if he call, all oat --_ WANTED! tien " puzte h ured to faver, oc- | mere are E understands the the | the ree + the abare or in shabby gentes! guise, Tat scientific expedition around the ADIRG AND GENTLEMEN To LEARN THLE 7 epics over-growa schoel-boys aad small | contentse--thus its composer, foatish 1 to obtain with store of precivas marvels, it |wisetd may perhaps be able to tell> ua when L operating far offen opening in, the De- intensely as its competitor--| Pyxis, France, Dee. 15, 1877. bit and Sead not be very difficult to ask him, | i, petums whys man always takes off his Bend Jcuutetamp for Cires'=*. Addees: the ** Only the rbd OO " What greenness see you in my eye J" boots first when undressing, while a woman | MANBORH Box 055 Toroqin, ome . iti iaa.- | aw asa, iene fe pids phamelee-s ---- a ; vint of solu! eer a -- sta ' TTT as ae, : PAL the Hotel Dreoot, @ central than | tween the te devioe raed Mm. ; ae he - Ps = ES " 4 Lat that | able wine the thing to put one on his legs. | ¢.j ** want," written in German char- : almost bg and ail sold to astonishing extent. How ia pecregg, hee on « kind wumun, to tak kar DYSART AND OTHER TOWNSHIPS. ALU] - Tux it Asodrding possible there should be no hambugs when | 7. 4 litte! Scheild for risunbul Wirtecheb Drow tn he viaee X Bayibirtod, sm » ' : Me wee xt beh it=- Sony Pie! | Jerminns of the next section af the Victaria MINION STAN RD attempted 7 -- P way: Apply to * WY s DA tad aot Seah : is sis ©, 4, BLOMPIRLD, ee ag hc peat = Tus between |-F,°. Ro Se eye - SR Ss bie * | HS piano, Meee EEnEEEEERRREERRESEEEE eae neat : ¥ or ' seats help RHEUMATISM, DYSPEP k Maneracryane wr ; are ae GURNEY & WARE, whole thing, MAMILTON, CANADA, = : a shmost workd- wide fat verre areas cceerereeee ie One handred different atytos amd slams te chose z & lua free oe sppibention,