i hae ordered frou | wellers of Parw «| Seviltinate for ber siu's jw: | 'COUNTY OF "PERTH GAZETTE Parti and Signor Nicoliai have been I ee Seale to atmg tt Aida. Te-engaged by he manayemens .-- YOL.. cae ONT., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23,... tw Ix the last cag ot of Se Life of the Tee full, high Heating, ~. iseedanp canteen Me. a staten that The duck, rewpd Le st ae aml Lunges, was, cow! income --8150,000 « year. The Qacen was Fae the mkt tle in owas i Prince George of Doumark,- Queen Aue? White creed wea vette Prince.Consert, ieee man of aoe Padkilew dalf husbaed, had a far larger inconie whet parchasing « ~ te iamnenamanatarsinit ext the power of money was mach Whose det oper weaning seine Hever keene, Sf ete 7 th '4 Tila thin shan tha The sperchions minate siiensts per aren, Samat bem day tor toe sha im the - decay' of has set in, Mouriehs 1h vinrog' the Taber acing cutatet ** We shall return by and by," ho saya, "to some traditions of the past from The pale rd Eeanine © Breed oer Which we have broken away-too thought- " Toasly. vibe pba d the publi Tuk late Faget Marshal Von Wrangel, Ph wit ™ she vublie pe trom the leaden ware in Serce rejoicing, a 'leuting a me He heaven's dumb Hgbianag thei hie tory * than pacit laahi«: Now o the ta. t hie whhbettt pxrtwting , height i ta i EK mee | ar on Sia Mecebiens stumele puts nied tM Rien "ina ait td evatlemnan Mf leloure, th vietn sive, thas, ga A toad Na fe po eens Nelly 5 bit now he ack: ex Ameer, Hw race Us oe 2 thaves --- hk, My Lomi the Brant,-- Anaa by dozen, At en + Kacher, Aa for Memwett he Phebe and bs iL hats = _ Li ra 1 Ae 7 ' re hanging her now!" The and in good heal! Tux third id velame of the serine oe of the Prince © wie wi with h foreign potenta: This | tis tety on 2 ha vey oi srtng diet to hr, ate fa Wil carry back » gies, but it & da address sowe lege a always to seutalives, with ol 5 gy M Bhrewd is our ie not ones. to rer him! the case Tost, lajesty's pasa fi ye a Oo ta Me oy ete sull, " ool a on ben Tue third wife of the Khediva of Exypt Gus sannet always mies Uns @ ho will go dlowan in history us one of est pablie eee im diving? wile is a widow ae ' "eighty. WX years old, Foes plash ! trie white brewt x And ehile he's une ws how largely the Queen | "1.5 aves she does in her doublé capacity ate sovereign The qusaing ris aoe «. By ar aud the taken fr rot them, you have pat you: vomsnaal te marriages of her children she is intimately | He knows you ¢ conmusted 7th seeet of the Eorepeta Kempe. 5, Sicne see cance vn that mali rora and Ki wad Hee long seiga of forty , : party dhgon i Forth toe seu powder hem is I watch you sith a patient ont wat ame om things I --< igo ~ da, kta Wanliaw. wo ? ra. w y- "itis 'alse, I tell you," ened the wrete! will, there's a way, Mr, ed : Leuk | Chere's & young one, dreaming vot aiesgir: mean, inter benefactors, El "peop meri eh ch ey t) make use of one one of his numerous palaces Ant fF ve my right hand men tly, ould } ter preparation for the receipt and | state' « jou! sien shower 'hie reset ha ett ved : hare re Wow can you suppose that it comfort of pupils, and tofastal}] va aunty te Sutter, engagemen: of teachers, the mothers in E, pt of every Hie weft white pi wend ot ea daaghters | MOP ol-charge, faz. | lle seen hie comrades high starcr tm fying Joka first, so startling was the suggestion, so wt- | Strong ia their Mcht. all lenels he ety. wa terly opposed to all chew aud Oriental Washed by Hie ortimned water ax a was stead yoa mught "We had Sethay m whis Was poor. duties 2 here below, Rat though | for three weaits 0 Thoa who cartet for the falling sparrew, 20 alter: the Feremles #3 asepening y. "were e ° empty, wi three or foar months the three or four ~¥ for whom there was bat part- . ly om preparations for pla the high of niigtrene éf the housthcll, for tive day in Mids ee ee cong daly " w voted i ad shay, in bbsck. oa = vend bat two ataeteal ONy Sah yataaed tore Pastas Re ne so eultare, The girls are o lors, te Thy Its ome lori on ; it} Pose gentic cues, by Mature kiedly ar had space, "Sid mbre 'thas double that number | a work grows dar ms were pashing their claims for admission. Ong Sess sap thy wale Thei rs 'breath * tract in this achool ia t i seaeed te the lhe tied "2 dale thy teat racks, ¢¥en ic Gita teach our ft acd ---- Slane gfe om sl a tamylt, anid of charse ter onn They a oe Fe tus oo Ropar Sa tee house! the Hew « len guaing wher well as hold servants, and Heckel on the Nmeglete, arel of name incess who has in. |! an levaini Tue onprhey " mavent | wie Egyptian atitated this great reform will go down to | AM! ost a mew tow! ot 4 sew ferwi"a wile poster ith blessings. Prom tain, tell, ~~ ensohmarwing' pueet ay the receat>stitadnie | ~ there: ore dinner to Whittier atates that as the mixty- | wy santo okt wirmantn ". two " contribators " dropped in one by one, | Where'er | way one bib t & cullectix i - "a cabinet photographs-«f distinguished then | The real May hallow * Bk was being slowly shuttled and chr Wilk we von eich tora ne ~"E wey Mie ts "wteald of faking Mr = ncaa run that risk if their 'inclination me pas bat Wiqairy which im a company like this gives him: the sir of one who does not suspect n fame but is aware that he is among persons ial : of Peenived to observe them al! A fred foe amy disubtiong ah dreatetin with | the "alow, wise smile," whisk Gserpe Shall ane way We | my anon ne co) years age. Tage Save Whee, upeio, analytic Shall | plot from stg ght te mornine + * Yor the rtance uf x wrenan' presence sliffuses the blended charm of va- -- the Seetion Nas aud-is oor ahwerp bly suggests Italy ; there is R. H. Stoddard . « hittle back, and even here is eaten e were dream: alone in the ° font siman of pettch 0 sirtenren bbini cal in its opulent quietade, full of f feeling pf ei ny eng nnn d ender id an of window ; the incon of Oliver Wendell tty " Hi D Warner, and On smote Age, many another pass before us. Soon they discover that Whittier is quietly talking of friends'on one side of the with * group room. Ie eatered without or stir, bat from that time antil dinner all were ward ive 2 gratu : ---- en en gM AYTER XX.--Costesven, ALL sonrs. Innepermanee onda -- Vagal, ----e@oow ite a Tne sailor who kuew for a fact begs a. there showed neo other traces wee than who' buttons bis coat pen No man carriage. Mr. W. ---- nail shoukt part his en in the mid- and froin the station, Trehd rteous sligait: " stand loses ~& white-haired, wae A race recalls bearded F rr metal ait you les ot 'the. aight of yea : my Becky's daaty"m satel, ~ Tf Raymond could not ied tears, it was becan: BY PROXY. the Ihalph," olmerved. Mrs, Con- j nning | way oo "that was Halph Penni- wo math oe of late with her young favorite, | cuiek all o meet with tacoma ° absolutely unfeeling ; destroys. Aa sess tha tal than bad] te pt te Tan se had man van! may ia, I do ig dear me Raymond, some woman did not that her hushand was dead, that widow, ev: TAfislens 20 words were utterly wauti rari, ko hast hin in no to him, dy pretneed the 4 d " is in Mra, Oc mway'shand. She read it aloud the latter isthe very time. ne. Of eueg | im 2 a hard, mechanical voice, ** From Panaicaich, Hi Kong, to Raymond Pen k, na_regand. | ick the d- - . . iy, con, ataaneh a s saopeines thing he states is an impoasi tility. Gy creed ae my husband ; and | tell you it is not in his ory have ited those pointed to the d hand | Srtende till the door had ¢ themselves on the road again. 'Ie ee r time, as yes nce What hare t dane." <2 he does. She @ pre herself, and beac to me; they, will hoth, p please Ged, come rorend-in-time, CHAPTER XXL aes ""THE SESIXNINGS OF BAREN RES, It hae been pasated by a claasical and hase upon a sudden ; tat, it that bes be BO, ie ia nevertheless certain that some people take bat a abort effecting the change. Their basencas, like a good reap cisby grate, is" ready-taid," and only requires the match of tem: i ie ame kon the box of (opportunity t to eet it c. FE ¥ ri ." eontinaed Mrs. With thee goed tidings, however, come | Wardlaw. * mene telegram is ye pre | her méther could in € met } ¢ise, and os to" Raymond from his fa. my father ; | ther." hina. ** Ls he dead f" whispered Nelly to Ray- y = i readi the anawer in his face, she fell back on sofa with her eyes ner oki t i i close had made up h om the & td leat into ** What have you bees telling 3 ee in- question Ho had fully resolved to bece --that ix | Geired Mrs, hrtest oe ye jet, and, what was worse for him, in be re you would bave = inerable by 7 lying mecnnges heart of he knew it, The wor y y. é wile tii " Iadeel, indeel, dear Mra Jonway," ne: ora and cried Raymond, " this iv av he. 1 w you have rien u and my daaghters er bet bat 'you fare hot broke tine, wu bonrars She stood with aoa premed to her aide, sahile her face t quivered | crossed the itu with in ey tarred with the other hand she / st Me rpg: to thrown him- fon hie Knees beside "the sofa like some <i. There 'evoten at the feet of a pretured saint--for ¥ Ll they w but stood pore with her cloned. *" No, no ; the w ver with her. She has got ter "denghter is "hor ark arms by this ¥ presence was aor! ombml " 'Ron yg. oars is useless to discass the matter ; 1¢ 8 aim: that you have the mis- ee the } fortune tir be Pi ' * Bat she does not believe even now that lead." jadies, Leare Mra Conway te 1 the geo of their_e #kacting nature. .The criminal must needs be always vigilant, yet pompliany therefore extremely quoted, that 1 the tine that Ralph Peunicuick had seen the dead body of his friend pag ae he tank ies aca oe and 5 aller: aris tees beet ar he had made 4p | ae to keep the £20, cep ,000 that had been ce of his own safet: This determi nation did not appear to him, of course, the light it does to wa Ex: im works out of some great revenge, no Jide bs joked: its a murderer does not say to himself, " 1 murdered So-and- for fi ili t I knew that he had in hie pocket ; "1 wanted So-and-So five shillings, and he was very obstinate about it, and a scuffta cangei, which ended mont ly for Similarly, Ralph Peanicaick would by no naans bane aduritted that he was about to ep He was : = probe that a ue that Wid, at best, quixetic. In py irrational . had Cored to give £30,000 tc get oct of a cer. | batwit witietaning he wal & nrg that filled hi Womnw do not talk mere than men. we, could me 're b to _-- that's all, an newness as well aa the aplenc Youxe ladies "suffering from a pane in the 1 anilaw's country mans: may relieve i it 1 wearing a sash, gates were fresh painted ; tain rept db wots as though the: oe Meeremeaber lta a we -- the other might just til fave sated aillion, The swan in wich be war morally indebt aa you 5 dies, bee ba? it be with a suitable person. ben pein ieee eo y for **s home I erp Mra. A mga heareely, " He it was, \ without t being rendered indevenden returned th: Mr. Pennicuick has | Feshape & che Nadi bees do owl, and Nelly had 1 concerned ja the" yaatter; What, Raph i interrupted Mra Cow: Tennicaikk woaldipot have listened to the tormake | way quickly. el. oe alive? Then | devil--self--withia kim, Even ax " * My | there has been falsehood." | did not, as we have asid, propose to hi "It was a 1m e ~~ the newspapers. | te rob widow an he @ woukd his death | The two gentlemen : and one [not give them their due, but he would give them had the misfortane to provoke the | them--well, a good deal all in the w you," | natives by some one of | ot ki © hae their idols" playing the Comway was uoder the very obligation which she had r: sented. that might have her to | that contemplated by the puet. To ite broad vi the people ou te Heaven it were! I would give all | have are ide Newga' ag | and the people iasi.e, But there are many Snow. "Shiow @ the " interrupted who have earned a chamber in that Mr Conwey i bor ae ding who are much' better lodged than had Raymond hat the document in his pocket thin it, wh ering their ind being but was by no ined 40 prod comparative freedom from temptation, much --pa } The terms bad strack him as curt, if mot deserve . " Costumes with short skirts are gradually ing tte favor, in comfort of skirts » great, holding up the donsl-tralee that ladies who |S tte. 4 frill il pot of lace, with a lace bow 'tak at the pee c Pleasant te if whe ui gifts, which he ye seal be the ease, would te own wat; be would have all-the more to give 'to Nelly, which jasuade her from hardly dissn: accepting, and yet which would hy bern dress so incidental aa these ov. eget Bs is never omitted fr from such dreasee, and m ten of home hy 'the pedi toes ¢") the more bean- "oontaine it boar the lake, rino to the height of some haw of f and 1 are about as oka x on The lake ia of sail that mear thome failed to tiud ttm, |The waters of the lake are brackish, ex: about- '3 where" more than ous por. the ankle, torn Gp aod hemmed with blind stitches. 1 dom of the crime whic Pennicuick still carried in his wall a burden F nicuic! eoln's lun, London. --Con to him such as the he ve a right derived killed by Chinese in revenge for insult to an ring the whole of mah theie rs dod pews to family. I start for hia journey W Shanghae he had only 06 op. 'y re portan it quite eh ian full "abent bis Aunt 4 = ee i ~ Sees a ve « way scornfu) tag * mh or Ene Desee the governor 'oh "the Se nn mt | A Bask Gas bo rally d on al tan de Lee ke. Bal aa for the rest of it, it is falee." vored to lay this flatterieg unc ction bove all ** But how can it be false, Mra. Con- | to his own \-- since the ¥ y it. ney "neretore oming to him. walk for few miles across the country a mot till be gone sone sis: member it ae had forgotten | to take o always suspicions ; he can never take pre- cautions enoagh, nor too pode in hia very precautions, The risks may be in- Enttasiwealty emall, "iat the "danger rd din. ore, Swery should oceur, magnifies fre Bs contisrED. one Waat is.an Old Maid ? Meret be at of bes oming maid," wile; | of love. "Fall not in love, dear girls, be- ware," says the song. at we do not agree with the = on oe on." On the thing to = in Dee, 'it the loved ples be a worthy To fall in love with an honorable man as proper as it ie for an honorable man to fall i in love with a virtuous and amiable wo- a tao pure--so hing in ita devo- Ae yt se PPproeching Nee fall in love - poet la- aoa " love, and * ; but never you do love, That's the great ever degrade. yourself New pe for pg If you want a morn- she. and that + ' wrapper to forever, never wear it | tach secure foothold as the ad of the om. oat sien te 'the hox seat of +. Iria aqncer woman who asks no ques). accustimed. The ' -- bat the woman who does is the que- mandel House was still engaged 2 dat days _ ae bermaid immortal } Be- thie' eauee sho fetarna to dust every day withowt aying. Some lawyers can't sleep: They lie on woall one side, and turn over and lie on the], 'other, ---- amps enare 3 kia "blew ap" the land. '* rew a! es in pray pom by patting torpadocs herein teneirs.konsahe that trail- elon the ground, but he never kicked it, or held it up. Tad Galles Scclasi ee lucrative. Of all trades it brings in the bok per-ecentage. Waar is the difference between te thrift aad-a feather-bed ? One is hard « and the other soft down. fights Raymond wane usher ownetairs, -Her ap was at the door. as she apoke-- * answered Ni: white' rea trembling. Bat I am rtealy omnlaateles & pecan' debt. Moreover, one mast not only po se intention of testator, but leo, as as in the the results that of * pious f are likely to flow from the CG bia daughter happy ' due w e i" bd simple qaiet me than her ater, reflect fs die arry for ior love or net atall, Bean "old maid," if fortune pate bot is your way the mua of you r heart y= with his comrades over Si from the river, In rit of frolic mischief he threw a ® » intending it shoald e ped on, guilty of 2 wanton ma Sorisequences of army 'sretlad in Decby, wiP tak sem r a kara dR «9 me ye fer ut garmenta-- though the wi may aneer, pod er joater | Tt a An Old os OEY: A woltier ta Cromwell's arity, his folly preyed pass = bis ea knees; wo the other he halt rly way, between that ari vantage of a will which 'ought to hee , boot deatroyad ; is not used to destroying wills) _ a shook | 2 actaal i™ shart apron covers the .P per part of ia spared The will of Arther Conway which Sales breast-pocket, be fi LI material eit fo the shape turned in at the Th ia a great trial to Fas Fay that che wait never rer, mnie Pp She «thinks it ina great mistake they were nO crime to destro' Thia probably com. forted him for nearly a whole day--if to dull thi e weald-- --even in the eye of the. law--he still nel se as the document i he, it t beridtis Inicubal 'to Bo ta packet of and hoed chiar sails and an careening iL. x between right and wrong ; and so far it a secatiy his anxious mind; bat on the hand ite existence was das. gr by any save bi v ban chaped Drecialy like the 1 English t has ; bat even.that wen! nore easy to -- than ear he had hone f are laid in a fold from the waist down ; the hen he ¢: ted the w, On the last ig a their 7 Maja " Ww eg people -- their minds they are and Pennicuick had leit the be accountable do, often argews very violent and hart esc! repain it at a certain place, while Milbarn pesseined 20 board writing letters, Haiph ne hua coat for a lighter one, and 2 did he ~ will which was left in the pocket of tee ine potions has ae neat room with and drawn i pod the spe . a clumay boas, these craft seer or lower vig of the lake are tlands these rocks, as, tems form porpendicular walls, or the ime was unable to tind -the 'One of - han -o of these islands, the rock, we beeen mace te climb it "3 Lede a long w- "it caught' upon o rock, then drawing Te vay a height of" jas unable to fined any more projections over or whie te throw his concluded that the only way in whihe the Meld clases A wth Dew he | coat la the look in the pocket read the will! No a Heated back held Lag: a -- x bared, room opens into: a. loa, wide] "One 6F the vad and ad edged! with a og ll aide- mB 'al, _ is --_ with am tables aa soni are Daring & the Rie sh summer eatin, ee » wo ne ter spend Sateen ae bar a ay tlt 'with yyy in a tle = Those ae Sas. adbeast yc * seophtadin 'a han coata described prey and are worn ing a line to a rock and then firing it over the top of the pyramid from a rocks oung of water-fowl, and -- hapa Lager a juat Bod would Om ie sd nom, h ea = pen Lad pos introduced rienda ? rain tinted bourettes are ae ith short reun into the _ hile Jack pos at trot skirta, over-skirt, on which a a wide cane raid old ete An alta tr more |e pion Sey acta pone, tod -- ora oes he Mday mage says ible gle blessedness " is tly superior in point ata without wedded | + fi Chinchilla at are -- for trimmin, a a, She takes off the paper crown for, Jack to] d | aie Carrick cape iutnadced Ley in the | mond __ * the 5 ong carried on the acm wen eutering the ( Docresqeatali ask how black silk can be some end ; i Bit pAb GRee perused avery sod eerab ule: | Fa 3 E A did Bee cog secbighen- 4 = eres iil: FE *Rova. Taresray Wosns have been Uxpex the new aharwe Se ae overy hus left trousers a and bandage noses. ae f a wound cingeney tah ean help himaedt 8 very latest Mey ng atrocity ™ is td in Loudon, where » § of penny wares in marepe carn," » and imi. ity, 0 haman ear