Ca See "ENTERTAINMENT, consisting Of Voca/ and Insiru@Mental Music, Tableaux, de., D eraepen ati p.m performance commences | atl Adee on 16c' send Children a. fomsite ice erienced haw Book-keeper. P.O. » ve Saeed | . Bea eS Duration' cha * et | eee ir py Chiven that the annual Meeting of | met Ty the Coa ity OF Perth atest Fire inesrence Cotnpany, will be held * 4 Campeps's Office, Keukin's took, Stratford Wednesday, Feb. 14, 1878, 1 o'clock, a.m, CHAS. VP. ARCEES: eT, City Lumber Yard = QC FING to the mast otscan, ; Hee LUMBERM EW Are unable to get out Loge Uiis seasan, aid as LUMBER IS Soyne hag GO uP, sor] Mr Jabs Robb, u, Collee doom is the GEORGIAN BAY. LUMBER, jrewed and Undreesed Chingien Puhete, Cotar Pods, x Atthe LOWEST PRICES. ALEN, HAMILTON, Stratford, Jan, %, eT, eeu IMPORTANT the AUCTION SATE uw fi arm peti! a panera and and havitig taken tf -4OLD FUANITU CHRISTIAN Bt TAN ESE, Lisneer. Gprieter. bs BF io, Jan 3), i Me harsen, we itiator: an 9), 18 lide KNOX STRATFORD. = Isprerion axp ANSIVERSAH\ SERVICES. THE INDUCTION Wh Rev P.McFARLANE McLEOD eile The : qualification of Liverpool, inka une takin Inte the pastorate of Kinter Chase, wil take duly cepabel pd Ps pises on W ednesday, Jan. 30th. | Services to Commence at2 p.m. | V. Pool and James Irvin, auditors. A PUBLIC SOIREE Will be seid in the Cherch om the enine wrening, =Gan addresses «ill be delivered by the Rev. William Cochrane, D.D., Of Mrantford, Rey F ara rthne McLeot, Rex itinaepeeiL Re DD, MeLaat, of 'aria, aod thera Tea served atdp im. Addresses te commence Th i) be held ley, gg when thé newly inducted 7 aa « ot, Thew Mela nl, Si) eiatantthe serviews | making ttt mum, ne aad 6. Special Colt Hheptians " E ach Service, tr Jan, ibe ro-it | exywetices NEW COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTE? --P a5 7h palceratertne ten the sotistence potibe Sanat eS esamenn Senex nisms; ¥; SeoketT Reavee brvtees, Oremerrer Contry Wesmueetex, DO. gee 2 oe aa er) oe w fisiaw Mice, Cin ort Sivek deta note a ou the Piret Nausea B ah of Hanover barre ed 4 bearing ms ry histende: fe printed from irhinnn » wane na the First Reous i Bask of Peun _-- ma Fresrocce aboat Sort 'wy, tart Ip wea ny be wal mebanie . ia xeur } for th tie! nme hy ug pabiiel yist to | ing officers, coupons te all « avers aotes on os oft Motes sche how method of dstecti onning os pry foit amet whe ay nae, will Dew fev best contains plret. * bode of teontee tilts eb thet ae, aay perens will be aula tadetres the diferenes | ctor for the 'on --y cobpcerssix sight. Ria price of IL hie work including illus | §35 ; lovand w be sent postpaid m to F trations 1 aly by mail, ey saaouies r Pablisher, 0 Woat a 0 used Ly 42% sent by mall pen Par fe of priee. 100-18 The Great Cause of E have recently published « new edition of Dr. Oulverwell's Catevrated Camay om the reiead la Town Hall Fesmiary oth, 1878] + ' Seer esse yo. Teeneures, mneond ia $aK0, and uae tee two "ila Sree snek. i {ieee atd'orer for farther considera Hee. Istrer 1 Genera! of Ovtario, Sante ed ee a bitthe At the + ton, CITY LUMBER YARD, ae ropor ° mat resent the Counei] ; Ses, With kitehen 6 }-eflneere- = vudge . K Bell, #4, staiate labor per- residen' . relief, i@, seconded yh em cil towder a Tote ofan to Mr Cleland for able manner Soe eee oh roo : Teeve the intes of last meeting read foi It was re. solved that printing in general fur the town ip ring by tender clerk was cuthlioed se -- t detatiod tuan eT ces eh REAL ESTATE, MONEY TO LEND ON TOWNOR ; Mie Apap tS eon IL wooto we FARM PROPERTE.. " ere eat ml = % and 32 (8. a : LaT4 saechenad 2nd Floor, Odd Fellows' Biock, nee pathmaste as tae hal 1% do two 'thirds of their statuet labor Stratford, Jah. 17, 1878. 107th VALUABLE January v6, uty. gars | CHANGE OF BUSINESS. Alexander. that thie coun vie Market Drug Store. tip during FPL ose aera FINE PELT. -&-SHK, TA rs of Fema Market foe the year 1878 met at Newry, the Jannar, Mauss sens Mitehell, -G, Alesander tiemen of experience as a Chemist has. McKenzie coun mt whe, have cousdenes in re one office as their successor, and bespeak for the kia 6 seasinuuaae of thy business so largely ea- | teuded to ther. MACKINNON & Co. others were | MB. CULL would smantjon that, he hes ro. ; Thos. Fallarton, clerk, Moses, | Pleted the above stock o Patent K: Geo. a * drei inbe drug that Sceiteiomans souied tn frstiond. Fee w.8.COWAN, "peckaeney GE: Sta aeenee tk FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. 1 rs last election, $6 Stratiord, Aug. 2nd. 1977 me : i; eketk 9 § =o wi Sas padeit | NEW CIGAR &TOBACCO STORE. Twos. Fe LLamtus ore es weewrshrea) to oe when the cies gentlemen ealidiontionty necting were made ite seconter| that Panny Torrance reve! port th 6: mone, salary, selector for the noven 4, salary The appotuted Teen Gibean, Li aod tavriling -M* EDS EDWARD FARCKERT would RD FARCKRRT would ootity the and dora A PARTIES ™ Wart or weet int emiitee othe, wh FURNITURE!) I : dlows : -- Soke of AXY KIND 00 To he denorinatinn of 83 be refneed pele agg har elerk, salary, postage and stationer 48. BK 15 AELLING VERT Low ron CASH. These Cheap Sales *, anditor, and | Witt Coxtixuz ron tan Next Two Wuexs. B McEVOY. Stratiord, Dec. 12 1877. 18 ag , seconded and carried that the rveve issue his order lor No. 19 Ontario. Street. $Y, indigent relief to Fanny Torrance, for -- HUMAN MISERY. oie ee eres rm onde: Robes! Robes |! " ROBES! fed Care (wi af mbechied we) J ST BRECKIVED « 5 lange stock of First-Class Of Nervous Delility, Mental ated Phy seal fT ity, De Le be v riage, ote re Hin frou roeusea. = BUFFALO ROBES, : FF Prive, inn setigd suvekupo, enly 6 conte, . OF LWO postage stampa Which wil, be Bold Cheap (for Cash Only) The [rtebrqen 1 puther, im thie ednsi rable ---- Resay clea: id Son: soastraies, from thirty years' Also the I rues wont 5 netic ArtAing ronsegueReTs He fon n na itbhent the dangero terbal medicine of = arplication of | Wary "| FLrARN EH the we ie: points me ite ww tae ApS tery sufferer no what bis soulition " b SUES : SEER, enya ay cure bla naaif cheawty, privately ant t Windoar ar's gifts to RSE CLOT! po waar' o| in i Bar Phis Lecture asould be i the the hands of | were vt--eoal: ta WHIPS, LASHES, 'aC, every Seate endl avery man le the ms three themsand two Lundred pounds of ee au siaty-five tone of coal dist THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL 0, "ser a oe eee JOSEPH BY. STAFFORD, Peat iw thx aa! ore. No. 19 Ontario St tree et Stratford | Poa Tae New Voi k. daly ath. tett o--te myer st. S rys. A. Baattia & Co., Family. Grocers, Stratford, IMPORTERS OF Teas, Coffees, Spices, Scoteh les, Dublin Porter, Scotch & Irish Crosse & Blackwells Pickles, ' Bauces, ams, . Platt's ~ Baltimore Stratford -- Brewery. oo to notify the pubite ear tha" Now Brewery, yg re age ing Ube "OLD ALBION Block, iraseee, weenypiy pees Ca 'Pale ane: Amber Ales, Wi At sear -- gars, widininnieeas AND raved a aaeck yo pe ru ups, + Oriers reapectiull y solicited. COUNTY oF PERTH. FH bs a Apel to the sabecriber on eet irect : ' beectr asad "From thet: oan BS and Canners. |u= Ey The oo is es manatee. tering wt A iad ae c Collars whieh are Warranted not te bart. Novewber 7, =. maaan BOOTSA AND SHOES! t in connection with our General Th We bave secured the eecrtons af Me sehen Fo pabal jr, whe ict ee to the wants of our tomers. Mr Farquearcen, o,. +, will be REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. SEND IN YOUR ORDERS AT ONCE. Sy : = & English | pwo FARMS FOR SALE) recess |_|. __ MONEY TO LEND. ii F a i 3 5 i 3 { FARMER'S GANG PI, oUGH, pai advantage of sa-Piease call ; Town Prcperty for Sale or Rent The council thea | MAT YALUARLE agree PROPERTY meet of of Kisin's tavern, at the call of | site ee survey and Pransom, Clerk. P akreae ieading rom ts the town to Ts « pegiren business. ve him a call. ri viet Mowat, Keq. ii CAPITAL, - peta? sttention toourReotandShos THE HON. JAMES 8 SKRAD, President DEPOSITED WwiTH GOVERNMENT, $50,000. INSURES AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE OR LIGHTNERG. 7 to 9 per cent.per annum, | heseding tu hind. of penbinty- shaw advenens ere ve | epee. . call and exami my stock betore | | North Riding of Perth Conser- vative A ssocratton:. WOTICE. will be held 2nd, at 2 o'elock p.m., 'the election of offcery and JOUN READ, Pres. bin $lo8 fun "oe raw BUTLER, See'y, | which was my peor -- wa Shaws ip Story frame dwelling. 6x71, and « large soa) i T frame aniy ot Morale bon The abere irty is situated in a very cos- A. evictw: Februar y ith ITs, | ter ano, "Auditors; venieut par a the town of Leta: nme | mson,, - eae aherat sft sa y FE"? Horve, rhe, a Crnigssa Wert aa TP ebout bata aber Booey Saree dina . ? yaar ott 7 be bores | jest ate snares, 3 | me 1 ke the payment of saat jon acd other | and sad lying shoes halt © A ey nes Maret MERCHANT TAILOR, ve a = teres 8 'year out ate re x este! J es thar yhrerionre feslhd a rye aheop . I cow tn ote open The 4 laid on TERMS EASY. Un aid | ACCOUNTS riage t dont ie teagh. Nealttvator a intoughe: the table, and --RB.G. Pp > | trom Darrew; f deahie 1 hor --_ Yor further particulars apply to Mr. Johz Carey rake, | comiined reaper aoe rod 1 ir ak Stratford, or to ing taackine with open cytinder {turnip dell 2 Municipal Counelt of the Town. G. W. LAWRENCE, CLOSED "AT oMce letraw entter I ftamntny will: 2 crom-cy suip a ot Bias tor inti, weet rade he -- | We mavx cs vor gvexy Dottan Dor ce. ierewbar, t wiodlass nent bet me for the purpose of w: ' en varie. wile ae Bey the rage retry Mimates of last . The _ Stent ord, Fan. and wre Es WE G4YE WASEED DOWN WITH swEPPING RE- ctadies. tmileb ean)? patent churn 1 other | following accou: and orders is- S. % churn: 2 sugar kettles 1 abe barret gon iy rer, vig:-R Cleland, reeve, NEW GOOD 'desk: Scooking stoves: | Vex stove I ward: | O62, being for salary. > 2 : Regardless of Cost, woaru : bet ehatre railroad debentures, US Section; 5 Mee, R da wow wack of Tors, Fancy Gonds, wheel; apt a variety of | pe oY . 4 road eouniniseloner ee er Vaoon, Card Receivers, Table © All our ur fine goods. e salary road ' eats the wal commissioner ; 1 Alexander, couneilior, #4, tutes, Pocket Books aad Pur Heir Reber aol jo riaton ag rely sold tie ts 7 re | salary a mt road cous + Smith, coun. Ae ne Coals Siaten: Rowe ond Semen br | oe eit8 MADE UP Send wtiter, east: | & f _ Clerk, stock ever that aivount 12 moathe credit =, wer, eae: $86.46 ng, births, Metar Pipes, Ales 4 choice let of -------- in the most ssi Gist pproved joint mates i or "Erinisststtennse fe Seek win |e pics| TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, | ete ter s Row ' All goods wld | rs Sanity | Scena "W.S. FOSTER, samiben, once: Jobn Love, $15, graveiling and re- PX oe ae Seated Has in stock ali the LATEST NOVELTIES Ts. Also full kines in Every Department of | GENTS" FURNISHINGS. AU gools marked down to the VERY LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. Notice. Important to o Foundry: men. one ofthe Towns ia Ontario. To iT careot "Tun Timne i ear cotanee, will be given. d ofhee. Mad td Cigar' x Tobacco Store' CALL !-CALLI! CALI: HH Thats ho hanpe'om bond cba eameebent cr ae" ys _CHOICEST: BRANDS"OF cans .-). J -Jy- ODBERT'S domes Kines4 CHEWING & SMOKING 7 . 'GBACGCOS / » The | also large stock of holders, #e, ineeting aud a epecial r wholes by aki Gh ay G.-G STOVES, STOVES, VES, sTO ALL SORTS, ALL SIZES, ALL PRICES, Plumbing, ---- and (ian Fitting tn an its Branches y. B. Mehbhvow's Saf AU Work Warranted 'ames Reid, age ae #90 ; w. 'B. Freeborn, as james Drummond, eol- tar Prises Very Low. 'CALL! CaLLt carn c c Stratford, fuly 25, i677 COUNTY OF PERTH MUTUAL F. 1. COMPANY SereniisgED 1s, mi aC OF PablsaMeErt. Property Ineuved, over Clam: Band, 'hee or. c 5.3, ObuERY. Amount of mu» er pu Joba B. Pe a tp President, Steatfont James he P., vieo-Presidgat, shakes. 'es iain e, Ellie Depa oles e, Maoshardt i = on, Birastord Janae Hamiltes, ena. North Easthope. cpitons ig Fullartoo, sud J. A sac HAST 8 Btn i". ters Geweral Agents --Wu. Day videos" ew 's Cowaa. an responsible stat of ate throughout ay ae Ofes --im Views, over Mowat u Mrasiord TRON. a fee, Jan 6 W. MOWAT, Trea . THE OTTAWA 'Agricultural Insurance Co'y !) _* 81,000,000. yuus Company covers ers loess by Sightatas ff eattls are killed ou 'ork: » Guaranteed. [| Grown LIBERAL DISCOL NT FOR CASH. | pa pe--- aipine 0 at D OFFICE OTTAWA. ¥ R. ROERERPORD, Boots '& Seat At Lee aie Whales Prices] EB annual meeting of the above Association t Milrerton, on Saturday, February "the treneaetiag A full attendance is re- =) Straifo 2 ee a Sa Bonen Fall Wheat bash, $1 14 to $1 16 = . ' - 0 SEE + 02> erie Mes - rina Be 8 Ofheers | " | FREE oe ree: § od cor 6 «tas 8 ud EXCURSION TICKETS Petaoes por tag | w= Dust -~ 6 ee) 'To Stratford' ana Retura:~ ~~ RSD: aoe a Dressed hogs per 100 Ibs, 4 50" 5 0 Batter per Ib., rr sieacieal meme tie toe i " i XN order tq give the peopl living on the above line of Railway an opportanity to atiend eS al re = UR bs ena : ioe 10 *-- $0 oueeilors | ; Decks per pair, s " bo eure | GREAT CLEARING SALE OF ne pe 0 ao 088 1 ins each, " . 850" 70 OO Ea Winter Dry Goods }} wefeta, 82% ST. MARYS MARKETS. We will grant to every one purchasing $10 worth or over ae ver oh MRTE Jen, wm 3l the price of a Ticket and Return. tabs; poruusdes or baa: hae So easrapeien nase mer} : : dressed bape: herewl. 8000 to Gtle bahees ioe rf Commencing on the 17th inst. tive tite Met Ses gree' den, tds be li beckons Clerk ; Mr, tach, We to We ; ' 1 Saee, Ce eis; Gea, | i per palr, 0 te 4c; chickens, pér pair, ge to t HORNE & BURCH. | nite ta er se an wee. per end, S630 te BEER, . WOODSTOCK MARKETS, 4-Kood, a DY LISTOWEL MARKETS. Lastow WEL Jan. Mh, ar pcK. Jan. 2th, | | Whent, per taens 10 w Lia t Hring. per pent oanten toa barley, le peas, ec ite tera ewe Gad ie . . <j weal. ie cus $5.08 to hie J. PRATT, { Baker & Confectioner, soy ne pn Deeded gear ome pleseare in us vess in his new premises Groceries, Fruit, Canned Goods, Oysters, &e., rien ee will se}) wt tba, fhe dam Gann, wn, WEDDING CAKES | MADE TO ORDER. He will still eoutinue to to manufacture his cele brated Soda Waser, i "ty coniingion with the Wall Paper. Busiaess; and other temp. Stratford. Nov. 14 pra mu Ro; ab | mo : Hida dong ade We Zi.8 3 dae 2 =3 z= (is 374 Hs , Di waste 3 = < 3 ? Seal ati we 4 Bios oFig ts 3 |: (CO 2 eis ite lE en leleds4i iE. fy $3-& iff: 225.8 4 : Pts = 2053 aes 2 x (Ci: = ll Wiebe ge Rees Pen * & ms os RIE 8 3 fx} i: & Of) puto fi , OEE gia Oga st Eo oH aap gi<es OM 2 fttebsey 3 ri REE GRACE'S Celebrated Salve A sure Relier or for = Sufferer SETH w. FOwLe A SONS. No. 86 Harrison Avenue Boston, Macs. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALYE ie 4 VRORTABLE FaR?P. ARATIO"N, Towented in the 17th orpent sd Dr. Wim. Grace, Serecn iu King Ja ke cured chonans ba who as public tone: = cents s bos. Seri w Pow & GONG, Hamatmon Av- GRACES CRLEBRATED SALVE Vester, m4 ies, Can ae, A =; TS ; coe at oe Freckles, bode, etl, Bites, Per sale by all tate, tall pear ot Mr stores. raaatets GE Teitea ss Statee British Provinces. Price by msi) 30 cents vrepared by SETH v. POWLE & S9N8, Ln jsoN AYENTE, Hostox, Maen, _Peratond ule Hah ad WM. CRISPIN Y | BREGS tlsnnounce to the people of Stratfora and _ 'Wicinity thac hee petite retains the tfeATIN TING > Bvsritmes,------_ atteation will be paid ta Painting, { *; Graining / , Sign Writing, Calsomining, "Pinting "ta Ol} and Water Cotors, of Collings and Walls sha = abc: Laten American Se aera ont! tthe North End of the Huron-Street Where he will keep constastiy oo baad a large stock of rarer tee Jalon Meavereen: arte! Smear £ _» Strastond, Jan 00. Mc rins. pos BOO SY. __ FRESH MINED COAL, " P B JABYVIS, Stratforé,Oct 30, rt __ ~ Householders A ttention. » "MARSHALL'S" FAMILY FLO Stratford, Reptember ye 19, WaTT '| For Fruit, Vegetables, a Fresh -- Salt Meats, WANZELL' Ss, Jewellery Store. _ie 2, TT. weet Me toe Te session of the Parlia- eat Figures. Lod 'Bread Delivered to any Pert re To For reashch come will please leave thélr ates; Reliant Olayer Ale, and aD The aly place tn Town where this ttove purchased, Hews purchsve! the stock and business lately tosaer Sate. Mosusete obaneoy 2 aiseases | 3 eruptions gvnsrelly * ABEL COULTON, East of Post or Jan tad ists, 105-tf Change of Business. MR. J.R. HOFFMAN condacted by Mr. A. MeCullocs amd formerly by Mr. Joba J, Clark, IN THE OLD ALBION BLOCK, Deases to "al! attention te hes large and well srlected sevek of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE Wines and Liquors, Canned Fruits, Preserved Meats. de. Alec.everything the Family Provision tine 3 et hen salled to the etock of Fine Tras im Cash paid for good ahaa ais and Eges Ac! sory thully solic March? ar. _* "ay Kerr Yora Hoves CourontanLe AND sp Wana sald weather with one of The St. James, Calcium' Base Burner, thy B. "JOHNS & Co, best Bloves in the market ch aad will coctume less con esinthe market. Call and ee Stoves, fore tasking a purebase elsewhere. A ereay vertety of varber Cos hing Stor??, Parlor Heaters, Hor Stoves, Dri «. Steee Pipes, Ribows and Store Bi *. Coal Oi, Lamps, Burnere, imneys @ teha. Cutlery, Electr Plated Ware, Tinware, Shelf Hardware, Neils ami Gian. White Lead; Mired Sar and waive Gis. Grain Scoapa and in Meader: Gow ties, patent éattls tie Lineka, Ao, Gives ed °C. B. JOHNS. & Co.'s ip.ihe pisos tof fy tampereeery arse} Great cs Se Railw'y | ee Freight /and Ticket Office, >| Stent door-te the Canadian Bankot Commence Market Square. ' 'a to-all_Peinta in Cheap Transportation Canada, United States and Europe. ' mma spotyte Med = a a Hotel, PALY, JK, ATTORNEY aT ber Bem Station bores arrival of morning train trom Goal! Coal!! Coal!!! ue Subscriber ia now feceiving his stock of Etore No.3, Market Buildings 23m WALTER pARen AS BEST BRANDS. oF OYSTERS, Jutario street, next door west of W. H. Reberts 'Notic [*s apo fm Laon that epplieation willbe made to th tha Ds Soe eee woecy 3 TO LEND OM '@000 MORTGAGES REMOVED-- Sronz ou Market-at., TOWN AND PARK LOTS! and upwards, cach. Business s Property. tmost roory Tow sali up staiza. Mor 1 and wt 225 Town Lots ta 8 Stratford a the es vd years. thes felt hibered 'dealings iA ua ir i Bo pa oe "Ware wade mreery- yom their investments Ask thea. legion, en. | are Spades, Forks, BURREL'S CELEBRATED AXES. Cross-Cut and Hand siainen: Canadators Private Tier, he pny Cutlery and ne Domunian of Canada fo qramed we. Plated Ware, serip- der A spn be oft! ee tions and are irom tteually found in a Ontario Jeint Stock ( 'ompanica Letters Pa Jirst clas a tent Aet, LATA, fe "The Ontaria Res an place. opposite the Post press ond Transportation Co.," SIGN OF THE efRCULAR s4aW. And extending the righ 4 there granted to sald Company cones theo ae d OTTO SEEBACH. injon of Canada, and containing elauses provid. Uetober 11, last fsecths Sk erecee et ese ea Lees aaa en svens Te per. exnress tod: Thomas Werrell ZRadise, and gonetely (0 the snereeennt tka BLES to iattmate to the rababitanta of Sires tusiness usually carried an by Express Com pan- and plea ged that be is etill tm the land tthe Darn Canada. af the ving. raptor ering hoes docwnss os ie me WOODS, FISHER & McPHERSON established hisealf tu business om Sorniapees tors for Apriicenta, sirest, sear Wilson's Hotel, where he ie pre. Dated at Stratford, this pared to fi) all for 30th day of ee AD. ATT. 4 saslon P . Well ging, ung else in bis line, Herequests all his The Minerva |= | € 1 €: Strattond. April 25, 1677 9-4un BASE BURNING ----------__---- COAL STOVE 'OD > 3 gi Still Ahead of al! Competition Cc a < 0 In Neatness of Design. Style of Finish w Pe 2 & ranean Q. 6 Less Coal and more Heat than ; 8 < any other Coal Stove, and & =| _t PY a thorough 7 i} ms GAS Cor~sumER? -- ioe This Stove is made with an oven sttackuent i Y - B a < mhieb will will boil 3 quarts of water fn an ordinary = oO Ho [i yard will roast = . a Bet balks brved 'one pastry as well as any cook tlove ef Z BH >} fe] 0 a ot afew paztios eho are row qhiovine the Q 3 S S fo) fy ihe Minerva Base bi 4 = <x * > <4 u. George Murray, Exy., G. T. iL, with Oven. | FF) 3 28 ; ; ia James Roberts " ' + O 2 Fs i Oa Wa. « = < ° le) ¢ eee } ve i " fy 2, - fQ-- Maanice Dillon, = py " - = = io) '. a neg <q im Snilifant = - = s I ~~ Joseph Turner 3 al 2 ° <} s H. H. McCulloch, © Post Oftiee = 8 Z, Eugene Ball, : J douro-st. § g lc M. Horne " H.& B. without t Ores: Ps < } Bob't Gretwwhiehle," p. D. RR ' 3 - A. Dent, " Mitehell, Ont. " =< ' Call and Sramise one new working at th. a ~ Store Depot of New England O Durability, Sweetness Will be Seld on Monthly Paymenta. New 14, la77 > Desirable Residence Lots For Ors aemereis! and Aves wee, FA tee Tews of Btratford. On Basy terme aod at reasonable ae y P. ST ATSON, Stratiors, August, Sad, 3 The North British & rns Fire and Life Insurance Co. Subscribed Capital........ $10,000,000 eeeeeees 1,000, Srratford, July 5, sor. L. s. ZOEGER, | faeturer of Ls AND 81 STAMP '. OFFICIA For Savwties, nto Sev fivns, yt Lampert, Bamhe>s, Corporations, . or, uM co Repaired Opposite face sires s Hotel, Wal- BT. Ow! E L. oat Li Listowel, Nov 21, tT Wi. HEPBURN, Cabinet Maker, & Upholsterer, 60 ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD. I' 4 myer wuh the alvowe limes of buses, | have added UNDERTAKING, Avd having purchased a eae pew HEARSE well be Ler yenirnd w conduct at the shortest | "raed, dn dan. ets as 10°F ~ NOTICE tf DISSOLUTION: given ont the the Dated thir th dey ot Jenenry, A2D. 1578. BScumipr. Jens toate: Vitae sence | Wonet Hie Que I'M. O, Garey & Go. GEO. FORMAN'S and Conveyancing "Officé f VED sovine vet Me, 38.0, Cangy's Rinses ' store. Entrance ou Mar- Ont. | Money Invested Sain J for Private Incestors = Ss < is tie - z : Nore i bove served aseely ten yoasd Ie Ss » Laad, Loan, and Conreyancing Office, To Rooms Aub haa re C. Canat's (Lats O'Hisorms') Stratiord, Out Howare in ar part of t of the Town, Farmein nahip. For Frito see my Bulleua Board at Martet ait af ofies, ot - Thetrnames CHRISTMAS ceakuravanuseanen ind Dyas goods, Sirppry SrOrsdeties Barres od * '| Wholesale Prices, Jest arrived --- New Valencia Raisins the even Camantas Is- | + , Agent for | -- Landon Layer Raisins, Seediras Rai et IQUORS, oD HAS At prices which defy con: tiem. Also, a foe assortaent of choice Foreign and Native Wines & Brandies. M. C. CAREY & Co. Great Eastern T Stratford, Dee ly, ist? iheadhid oor wd own--in every part of the : - -- town~at roy 100 Barrels of White Fish ! ooo oe of Salmon Troe bbls. of Lake H oun ti trings. "28 bbls. of Pry Water Herrings. Goon con Drrtoy. 10 BE =| Sold at Bottom Prices! SALT AT 80C. PER BARREL. pe iyenertoctecouienn en Strattors Mew. 14; 1900. = a LARGE LOTS OF . im thew. ease coe . AN TSC wats Bicipalitiee: to extend the operation aye - CURRANTS AND RAISINS 1} 1 iSouiar peers and rgbte wnat $e Given Hardware, Hardware. SUGAR ar Maxker Prices Wie, sae, we. i of an View on see. SunmixoviLus, Ost. be woo fo ecmstitete the 'majority of the 3 Ibs. of GooD JAPAN suficten: TTO SERBACH begs to anno: fectiitate the unica eves provided ter Public that be has ope: opened wot v frat lace in @ Viec.,cap, 72, and to confer on the united of hardwese. aad Compan Lp Arad palin og of this and al acts af as ed .. oy iy Hoa th hs Coty Gree, Tea' 'for $1. 00. The line of the said | ford and Heron Rail: | Cai) and way Compan " cot rem chasing sisewuere Be Bering an con cash and Birattord to Wiarton aad Owen Sound. throogh | the cast snes in Cas Pom saat to sal 50 CT. GREEN OR BLACK TEA, SMITH, SMITH & PATTERSON, Nails, Paints, Oe, rox at Gtratford this tayo' lease oe. Putty, Shovels, CH AM PION _TEAS AT 79C. PURE WINES and aes 1 VORS Driep Powis 1 12 Taylor & Barnsdale. ta "ao * oo STRATFORD JUST RECEIVED MEDICAL HALL, A fine assortment of TOILET SETS, NEEDLE BETS, VASES, PERFUMERY, ae, Por the holidays, J. H. NASMYTH & CO, A. MACNAIR & co. Ati tee cowisg's BPLENDIO: PASORT MENS . PER th, AN a eens ounce Eve CANDID that we are mot enc = acy Competitor. New Brew Gourde ta all the Latest Novelties # - Wine nerys, "New saan, New sea: Made bipaclars ings, Hate. a SOHN RY pet Sel Our Tasortog Department is unger the Management of on fd ect, CO INED H MODERATE PRICES. We an ha . " KNEITL'S OLD STAND." opt Now 2, sy Stratford Planing Mills THOMAS ORR, Psoruteros. TTR subscriber 's prepared to furnish all Generali House Furnishings, Such as Doors, Sashes, Blin: Arehj- Rails, gs , and DRESSED LUMBER OF ALL KINDS, PICKETS CEDAR POSTS, aC, AM ene FOR CAH, F CUT TO ORDER, - ager "7 AR THE OLD ALBION BLOCK. T. ORK. Stratfor!, March Is iavt 7 ett KNOW tae THYSELF ar ree sowetms gHEAL fr ot eek Qaeat Boneh SC THYSELF Strattord Marble Works "ib Gabesy & HARMAN, Proprietors, _berattond Jan. PS ae THE <> EMA. TS 3 = or