<shEan Kaetegtig ORT "4 Tee = on ern Eeneneewn od _ + aig eChristian Temperance Unidn--Tiwn Hill. f i oe ee. -- eee ones te po PHOCIAL NOTICH! i | a ; os. rmee ae snd grand old Jk : eS. Fy aS: ot pee ae Notice tractore--P. H. Shaver. .° Ferry. ) rt ee Pees, = Se i a gs 3 Fish. Beattie a C8 -- TOWX CLOCK. ; tral suetain,- Concageis secing diem: f° BUSINESS CHANGE. "~~ * SpeiagBale--Gen len eee ets eet ae a a ee sieht, to bar [Soe tone Me arias eee | 7 GE." : Teaders--P. HK. Jarvis, development of call, selntin, (ne ching wpores LOCAL NEWS. matter drop. we "* Bev. ee of New -- deliver his case thera while men are only brave. ---- ---0o--- ao oo ~ froun -------------- ee megane. nr oanmeopen as .. | lecture on " Coming Woman." Owing another excellent nary --_ RING yur Pr rares wo be mained te - ------_ ov ee vteaders are asked forthe erection of thn STRATFORD HORTICULTURAL 80. | to the nen-arrival of Mr. Holland oi ivenann 0 ia Gat wath wees, Tb We desire to inf i j " other High: tree a _ . ° oe a v sire % Byflield's Art Galiery, "7.5 which he said, "He wished to point ae Meare, anbabiee cocliente eee The regular monthly meeting of the above the recital did set take plate. Ray, Mr Thonsnamuenenteiriots onineae G al aes tnform ohr numerous Customers ani the ; ian. Pedr Mee, Oomtiote. out some statements made by the mesaber |. ave "| sceits, was held in the Connell a scarica the chair, aver giring up. AL the hack peas. sec Public that we have this.day purchased the Stock of eee You wil- fied « large acd xatied of Ot ' ie . 2 a.--The Committes of the } po ' iB . G. Smith, arer, who was a the of will ; ilti ¥ : ee oe hehe fageiaial Saas whee tetchen-at-taaanmatey-ton eaten Union deserve craiin | predentin the chair. BB Lene, Sem ; recsived "ith op | Sivemen: Pere hee town enid bi essrs A. Williamson and W. 3. Foster and will continue their ag oyidings, Be i On i ' gears. Jarvis ; . H. : "if she will, ' usiDess i : ' ' evar waited noel, SEED nenlad i peotction. "ands readjust: | Yowler, of New York, was br aight Uv. | Berstarm, Tobin, Brown," De. Fowsna naid be' tel If she won't, abe wee't, andinarevan entice' ess, that of Clothiers and Gentlemen's Outfitters, in the 'Sekna shin negate eases: begeash thal tari; and later im his | Stratford audience. To-uisht (Wednesday) | : # = aes axing lesth slope io ment the "Com. Tue mest divine gift she pomesses te ait. {PremISeS formerly occupied by th SMOKERS ATTENTION 1 that jegisiation eboull let them alone ! The robe a Se Te EE are | Eatteroen, Masrvegee, Butler, Miller, Read, lan gy meael invite ali preset to esonfies. The eve who counts hersell oat. We will pre y them. . i » ; a thes te had aromdionte Sener betke Fact Popesuanee bas bought Stephenson, acon, ' Fahey, Gatehouse, | B02." measure bet from tho girth of i down, to Plormnas 'Nighiie ae seiuis conduct this department on-the same. satisfactory. 3 €. W. SCOTT a 0 HAVE JUST REPLEXISHED | (afr. John Macdonald) hoped to be ae oor ge mpage Tun berry. the Cen. Moore, Wath, Young, Beker, and ethene. tan aerate: at bax Soot, fom the comment Her pA ny ag a principles that have gnided us at al) times; while eondneting '= TH K WiT shew , made by Nr. Yeandle, | ped constrneti discussion on "Hot- 8 er frill, | teme--long after the . Gg ead F CSE MIWA GREE ste a eninge is ice, lyase | yoy ah eae | eae i ean na ig 96 le eens ine yest ns im porta! was $11,000,000; in_187: " r ter take note of this, | pods o di E gl selves | Tao wae robes in the Llood .; name réli : - i sree tely fem hammereagee at tpceted O0.000; im 1874, $28,040,000; sod in 1878, mention cocker iad ogeet tat a eaenie tee Fhe a ee peltecme. The focntmes = ve ap Dr. Fowler clove ea serge cing goods st the toweet pamible prises, i and © Cigars ri giving it Government | Art Asoanp Acaix Mr. Jas mation elicited in nation. He would ° bel henght ful ads i ith safety, and no second pri t . . sare stor ---Mr. Roberts 7 not say that the q)} Fomen of to-day, and th : : price. - ' oe Try cue CABLE QUPEN and CON $51,000,000 at 174 per cent, equal to $4,- 5 jeer, e <aee : r. BR. ve some Mints treatment of weman , Bg urged them to act' well ' = . " ; rerum te Seam 928,000 for the years 1874-5. Task Mr. Johan a tg ag Ng Say eveenty Dees iat ee | paration of Asparagus beds. Oe, Getta, tion, bat it was an cateaton tn token casit port In all that pertains tw enncble their E = ae show in a few days, New Coatings, New Scotch 4 BC Ce : . me | Sx. 7 s¢. | Searta : abe strangled girl-babies like ki uglis ; ' i Peet dive Book Btore, Outario-St Herattord | ditional revenue and reconeile lt, i he ean. jevies and wil ee | greene (And Mr-Tonng_aleo gare. tilt.) seg murdered: her' atver abies like kittens, seb the slose ot the lectare « rote of thanks ---- aa qed Se Tweeds, New Underclothing, New a : : Mr. Cartwr deficit of '$5,000,000 | We hope he tay never have sach another | *t, Tesetable familiar with scenes of . 'The old Ro. | Hata, of Hamilt . r= Wie . id- Caps, inew White Shi Collars ' - + . The Stratford Times, son emk RE. tn trade, duties in exceas of shaking up-as long as be ince the toad. " | Mini! Moth am be aaa on the pro hy rg _ foun Hie existence in the = Perey Davis B.A. of = by Mr 5 Silkk and Merino Underelothi Shirte; and Cuffs, New ; AND COUNTY OF PERTH GazETTe, . . (2UNTZcA74 have bern peid into Government | Sts tat, Menara, Deamclt and Schreei, | mall plot sa" Sea Stow felay Sau' | Mit to insulting thai tater. "Much ot thet a sortment of fancy good SSR A Remeel Hs . = + > amounting to nearly $0,000,000, ici Ms. }, Messrs. nett and Schweit | «mall plot of d ® i LI eis § > goods. ag =F. Paro sutr srnager. tot iF; figures are correet, and be om. rel sehased inti two car-loads of to be yet me - y thm pt - adh deethtlggg along all things -- " The Catting Departs ut ill b d is We Won haters - formed us wiih a Hourish Wat "counaal purchased in this county, to A)_| Dursitt sespestisels = for the ' From the Banner . ne wi be under tt 7 4 . = ; , C3 bany, N.Y. Those gentlemen : . i Oe Ln. constraction of « great e ne Mauagement.of Sensewens, Wanarsvay, Mas. I2yn,so7a, | 2°02 de placed in Sgures after all." And 7 are expending | .On motion of Mr. Steet, seconded Peurpire, bot teeked" wonran, saan t Ta2iAtnn On tha Mr. McCry j : . : coins 2 a. Fot'we wait for farther explanations te aneunh of wanes among the farmers | Brown, @ vote ad thanks was neal bp Hiss iia Dror proved reap an oe a ral Resdap Lmaee . McCrystal, _«_ First-Class American Cutter, who. gitar ee. The. DeBouel nek ~ | we can pat inijlicit coafidence even in Mr. | '| sottion, in the purehave of horees. Ms. Gatehouse and Mr. Bacon, for their raha that shorily after, when offered th a st hia residence and Searoated antees a perfect fit in Ladies' Mantles and G tle a Fr. a POUCHery) ie . OOKING Turm i = Mesare, | ¥8 i t " to return : m with a cane, ; . une jentlemen's (Conservative) in Quebec, has been | ,, Te Potut be (Mr-dehn Macdouald) wished L. J. Sargent, of the Uraed Trunk, Geo, BD. | eds and asparages eallare. AA 8 Rename have Med ke wean 0. ite | lowing address, ed iy Ms heck, Garments. mens unceremoniously dismissed by the wake Was that in these four years of ex. | Spriggs, and Wm. Edgar, of the Groat Wes. then adjourned. "8 | Babines are onl » bat the) well. When the address was read "Mr. J. " i ' cessite iguportations, this country imported | tern, and W.K. Mair, of the Canada South. | Mr. Uatehouse he would offer captured them. In the _ W. Scott presented the cane, Ms. J. Phe many friends of Mr. J. G. Macdonald will please se Caaad "P to D. D.C member th = aac -r that he has consented t i +} ier ' o remain, and will endeavor Cirit Lieutenant Governor of that| more thas it req: or or 7 oO an matron ery re) e r ° * t in show Province fr Joly formed a se : ts t hick t calleetion ent iat jon A locket was presented at the same tim . Mr. . 3 a new | promptly, and that was the cause of the dis- of a oe ; ' is thought of women by the Hind , perfecting some matoes, cabbagr, caulifio . best P - 7 x ¥ ton a a be , I oe Upeiarter Nene Sena and boot ont 4 12 ver little ry 7 His on retiring from office, Jindary 20th, 1874. ni} to merit & COI ti i meeting for the purpose lenght le ia . ; i er : ; ? , bare." itinnation of confidence by offi ing First-Class m , z 3 g A 5 majority-in the House-refasedte-v: fairly recovered! He then reviewed ibe | freight can be maintained. > i tie the onpeiien, and the cocuen oe 4 ~Cetame--AgainmA-.poung-- man uaiied _ procured from | eh ratification, and if England at as 19 | oo which were the letters "D. D.C." Goods at. bottom prices. Hg -- Parliament of that Province | #4 the solution of the crisis! And sasieg ' Pha . Seesi bey peg el ~ ees VIOLATING THE LICENSE LAW. ii masteed may be eed ee: ae an : s Td Thiel u t vt e Occ ° 7 issalution phe "dectans wi . i modestly quoted hi eoasiatency he | ber last at London, when called apon, as te | un Friday last, Jacob Henry, of Toppi pige ond biteh hie vite ton will emake his | Daan tin.~Ou the eecasien of your re - AG, MACKA : s will take} og) tt-- ie order I ea agreed ba,...was into « Lutrgod bodues Palice Magiecate OLiae, | the eow te bat litle better thes tiation at | tee town: whic you Save oo ably alscnrate A ¥ & Co. : loedé his equa with wigvam bei = five years, your numerous faanae eke Matto, Mareh 6, Isis. ; . lie fastady on | w oma bench warrant, amd beige in| by Me George Climie, I ug place in May. papoose tangible hynor without license. Mr. Henry kee while be carries the 0 "iT : is pas manly wenpee ol the | Manner, their hearty Sppreciation of your yal err eeemetgeim THE FINALITY OF 1877 VOTERS u ue tempera: tomahawk and ' 3 me aleusdant "Sor ; nip of Ellice, n stalping knife. ble services in that capacity. We trust, STRATF ff 1187, "brains, courage md daar t Tone Sioxs oy Sraixe.---The robins, bine birds, Letter than the ity of those who keep ser ge ey tribes conquered tbat hie explanation will pr 'dusturbing Ui = sed ee: GiATHS. ¥3 -- sarely Mr. Joba Mecdonald, the incomper- | fro one otbet of Spring, have | temperance hotels, Mir. Climie became commas whom they fought was be. | cestomed quiet of your pesettal hanna wa om REGULAR MONTHLY Mer ETING. ficuasngn-- la Smettend, en the 3 Since our last issue, we have care- | able Anancier and staterman !--at least in his been with us for # week or move. Wild | cious. Accordingly on the let jnst., the n. | councils. Re next alieded, fo their war a ignorant of the responsibilities Wits of Me Ferdinand Sehrinder, of teins fe fully read the rather ambiguously | 7" e*tiation--eannot for s moment enter pigeons and wild geese have been olerved | spector stepped into Mr, Henry's hostelry, ani) France, and lea: hi to women in| tone that oblige thes to" tale tee ed ape The Beard of High and Public sebool wremence le Strationd, om the ith inst, ihe ' - worded and' lex pupbiguowsly | (ain the iden that aay eousiderable portion fying northwards' Frogs sing merrily im | sind. for something to drink, whia Mra Cees tat lenving hee thare tarned his | tamisiestomaige tem to take the lead in the | trusters beld their regular monthly mesting , Joseph Whiteburehs, of a dangh * enny §1¥8 | of a people could f on their native marshes, and vegetation t« be. | Henry, wife of ¢ ". hi . Channel. The Throne | quently they are left to the o of bew fre-}on Weduesday evening last. --te finality to the Voters' List of 1877. We | brain fores Cae rat Rimsel' in | ginning to show life. If a ee ee ere Cnt ee eee Gakeee sea ae Sdgmat, "ter toeet the exigencies Sf tay'om | J8°vis tthe halt inthe sheeuny of tir enna Weiter otawe 'eat tee wii * 4 * ! . ii Arie 2 P iu : ~. | CUrre . . . iy ; rope ever, see anything in the | Mr. John Macdonald will not eueely beans not set back: thoes indications we shell be | asked for something better, when the land ious Gale een oy today. We tabllabed rale toguids theta we ioe of weced. } Do - and M . Myers, Miller, Vanetoes, py pig the ard iost, tue wite f ill which could be constructed intoan | @e Mater of s whose brains may be agreeably ppointed. lady handed him « bottle which coutained gin. | W0%en. The right relly dhs t t = oe y marked out--they tmost act on H wn, Beattie, Pattersow, Hamilton, Read, Warre--In Park Hill, on the tad inst. the wite t- intention on the part of the former to | for some other calling than | At ® Board Meeting of the Port Dover & | ( wine alm, but mueh stronger than the Arst | Bot the cause of civilization, bat certainly an the best conjectures they can tort at the time. | (1: Stoves Seott ards came of Robs M White, formerty of St Marys, of : at calico and pins and needies--: L. H.R. BR. beld at Woods horn. Mr. Climie then asked indication . » bat certainly an | degree of Pe atiee iit. the greateat |'? wor faa xe have. the list of 1578 supercedé that | nots few indeed there are Wright ; stock, Mr. ALD.) - oe 1 for semething of it. Ail women are not deares of Public spprobation that say mas ma: Buser~ [a w . ou the Srd imat; tho wife uf of 1877 in the: . Voy 8 few good, if not great men, who would was appointed General Manager; | 'ull Letter, when she asked him who he was? exactly alike, though woven f, fost thas is coednes haere ib 1 know ap sainiiinn we Jos aS nee. in the next general eloction, | despise the imputation. Nor is' what some | Mf: *- B: Atwater, Sapt., aad Mr, - S He replied that he wna a traveller. She then | material and rom the same bis conduct bas given geceral salisfec-| The fulluwing accounts were presented Capes om the ard inet. th ' unless' it would be that if one ef the | meh call success in life any sign of either Seott, General Freght Agent. Tho extra | "®t Into another room, (they were in the bar i achat wor onion Geom Calike Joan rereial aoe Ncaprefeaiond propia aa Te (near j crusted to be paid when omrtified : is ures "ta Moryeen tee st unt j latter: lista was pending revision at | Srettzor or goodness, and if the lagi mileage of the line sines the completion of | '4S all this time) and tout a jar, and | of Are who picked out her monareh {rem ber | wel tarited mesd 'of praise Sietinction unt, | Everett, cutting wood, $6.65 ; W. Kempf, do.. TTamithefaduger 4 the time, Geeee-ef 98 anight have to | Gane to be measured by fe anit, | tie Stratiord and Haron Lailway vecositated | Placnt it on the counter, poured ont | at we are compelled to. find our [on, withont any approsths to tatters. aie | Sergent muting wood. $6.65 ; W Kempf, do.. | sencranae. in peations on (be ith inst the i beused. Although. this thought i ability to men of presumed brains--a vulgar staff, and it ix expected with these | *@e * giass and drank a part of it, and | queen in a large commanity. Wo: ve bean eminently successful ft eee $3.05: W. & FP. Workman, sandries, $7.27. ON nats. (Meme Las i mere surmi ae ght is a | expression--it covclusivelygibews bow unfit changes the earnings of the road will materi. | " be divided iato three classes; short woke, & pine Se Mf, air. aa it ia to us, to wit. agh Wilsan, repairs 'salas, 2°%ES 1a Downie, on the ist i the wite of ~ eee ise, gon it is worth ponder. | oar les are for the position which - fnerense. medium women and mint inaer en tart ata rides we bare made dering | Jolin Corrigan, wood, 094.50 John Quin- My Rahert Reyes, of & con over, "make everythi aawortbily oseapy. 'or months past the Her, E. W. men, te women and light wo We bave grown to the status of = thrivis van. woed, $105; G. J, Waugh. sundries MARRIAGES. a ... mare, the Conservative Associations ir. MeDonald weot om to sty "that, what Woits, paslet of Bt. 'Aodréw's 'charch, has These may also be watts { cactitnbeae 5, Briring | $1.10. Abel Coulton, madries, $5.10. " Ebt--MivoteTon At Middle ' i throughout the couutry cannot do keene Oe eemtay) der engaged the attention of his congregation ou seleatifie" with 'the provioas "classifebtion' | resteoces bo esseatinl co'bur Totere Groeten} TROGIRALA RRPoe er Me sub ah. by the Rev C Baritror. dain' Letter than still keep their eyes upon | character." ra a ay ee of -- owen ba lea se of diseourses, There are long-nosed, short-nosed, broad: | {fra wuntrine ae ma Aah qrpetiedty nen aa cmeaiinmiamin ARE RAT Me Mle Louing, Midleton, all Sidon eee ' ~means by -which-it is to} And this "Ego" of human pertections omy Nights worth msbering," He wilt ¢ ee black-eyed, Seton a ar chen others of our worthy citizens. will ye a. arya by the Rev J Philp. on t egy j * have a change in the management of eS awh were Be oN abet bree There are aired, phen EN Wat you have gives your in- = Milte Haines. of Rest Nisescrt wena ten -- the coun Pro --T the political virtues. He oe ie pron rie fires sagen his-oudiance ta a trizal gee black. white, grey, carly, | ated Age And re Prams --ARMETROMG--At the tesidcace of the j The followiig are the "noxt~pro-} present revenue tariff Heng rae the | world where there is no night Service to ocar the Stratford station. 'The wart desc mre ha x re eer ae Janection 'with the-wwe} -----g Tree ee Tne Me leat, x.the Rev Ms a minent features of the Bill: rep enryp mis best for the nie oe Naot ativesie amrangere pro clearly proven and a Gne of $30, and $5.96 | prefer te elaasify them according tak fatare utory "hy eouetaa poral saae be | am ~bogg Ma dahaaton nanan See qf Bianohaed Section 3 provides thal the Voters" List uf sey ady, which is understood |. Wasxixe ro J eet ns . miticn and usefulness. The | edie ta be © Present, as weil ae those un: tether, om the omens 1877 os to by the County Indie, shall | Co" Hi "the for John" MeDouald & ape ga draenei the Sib inst. - oie ---- centre wilt represent thicking Christi pbie ta be with us. to present you with this gold = Mayburet, Mr Kot Hall, te Mise treed. att be Snal, > shinai ad Co." He will pay lees duty on his Shoddy | Deeeiue" is Tamsin Teese trie ees man, the right me Clartetinm wo} Metab ase aad ts Seats, tae tenth gad | _ be. cusp! (0 persue suty of iript| and "Bobi. "How navow minded sew | reght four The cary wie tran oe we samme mae and tse ah ing ibe" marly tson: | Raeanty hag Locka beeen ee Corea ge peaat' [nbters oo aseah te . question on such scrutiny ; (2) persons, who | thei . can never rise higher than London to Port C: " sine A Crt Girne on -tht Mainnbely dent ofsny- en. wo must dis- wert 0 WIEN the Ran eae MEG St Geventecets te a a aE 4 A - i ms, © it own ccldch sad yervensl 'ort Colborne. The guilty youths | dear triend, Js E miss the right -wi 2 peo fg With the best wishes bad ibbert. Masy. Crow wany ti saben ma lk ting} In praning Se Facapeee Le renga, balers Mevers. Wicvens and crapholl bo bie eansable tasthag, sacemaing ous, | Samene wontat ond in west tos gat | Rensore t abeeritng etnies" 1 "iaot, at tee Memes igh Chcsahs Oy ev Si persons, wha Leing eMfered on list as in- | left on our yesterday, the feeling is] jows: Thos. Timmi rs é as foi- i ~-- |} Some men are always 'of the r oeeiers Richardson, Wm H ote oe ow io jel mind that there Gee mins, $10; Pat. Timmins, i . pated | glory of BB '= a Cuire. . ore Dhaanie Fiwvicberr pad their tax within | nent possibilities floating b hacia aed $1; William Overholt, $1, Edward Over ) Wines aaqoare a Bag br yg Fi og sill potblack; 'amd [~~ 7 RF tlhe m _-- ! cd's Sod dentate nt gr Beder -- : wee, Bard 6. ot" The er, | mised le sees the Finaate- Mialshie sub- th with evsts attecied in each cae | Te ee eee ne the ese te soqaired to cock a besistonh er na nan tienen wa Y°) Meserax: Teoie i . 4, 4, dd 6, a he Election pe 2 Sh . F ai 5 i i re = ha 4 Cue i Ontaris" ate disqualified and eect 7 ome ina Maelstrom of deficits from which | the hedged 7 1 bere each extra i . "= sorrow enananpard =a A woman to master the foreclose fed a .8 fav. a! . , , fad ey peng te on te stl wie, 3 o herve . sdhcmeine "a age hg und. tha : ox vs 0.7 B- '0 T i For patient earew'h atited slabs brea hoger some one. She has more im wae sd Ray : ss abet "Kasrenn nay Revteert i= ities See. 4 ee) Speaker would " 1. T. nm Tharsdas or faith tha! it 4 portant duties to 3 - --og . - ae = = arville, & Depuelen oe het nte lee indicate that on Ar. Cartwright's politial morning, 0 Lacan Station Sexbereen Jat] | Linen genet oe erent eet, educated os that sie shoaid ke able ta eane| Mir. Rocke! ond Cont sae 3 sscena eo the a ey Ae, Judge to have his sabered erotalat las " is now a peradven- Phee, No. ight, conductor D.} trow ti : diffeu! ife, , It ca ; EL legenten] -f | Kastner. ae poe ean pie seme setared peor lel is *, a puccesser ia ready to sap inte ee- | Kennedy, was eonpling cars at Parkhill, bie oy saat are day, whene Seouubves pours left wing wil! 'do ttle better then the, The pote ezeenein ot me oe tite expression te 7g Bo ON 5 CARLIN Dowsxar--At fishtows, 4 the ztu wswal manner. Within five days of cach ane and already casts a longing eye in | Sm "iy caught between ts couplers and) "Sits oth mitt net die a tears is sea of society Bridget sinks bagi Tovercome with the sentiments af tries: nip ; ef Wibbert, to kare tibet dee _-- a. uutice, the clerk or proper officer «hall notify ae Pram ye ene he cannot hide riage dnjared, in ell probability be will | one €ocree ia short, uncleuded, bright ' bottom ; Mademoiselle, or the merely fash Soom wie Dave wey neat" flattering a4 2 F Stepben , Ite staiamelanes " . himse' presen eri . or " , j aw ° * | sable (amuexp Fane: moje Talat. wine wall tix the dasof bearing | pensation is rapidly udee. Political dis- | station, we Wea. 0s Wien ee | aid Hesteu's own ight ontrack Ue coe woman, florts like foam. Rbe is | seated w mse will clwaye be big 4 ee Uy tus Bev Janes Boyd. i ~ --o7 seaeiecemmaplatetcahes sorta: ta saatadas | ; paming and he oe mee 5. Sa, x | qyeeags Sooners beaseenal te Us qleotn; | more Powerfal than Bridget, but she eannot | both on coveuat sivas te niga prise Me ae ee ee - to Mise Elisabeth Preeters, Sec. 8 provides na farmers' § * of the wore enlightened pertion ¢f the ana So Saad tus a ie teks TSS 4 she seman | : in perhas sihenai oe pres fn Leccunt of toot 15 services to the torwn-ant landeabe ip Founaty thee ea een The average a Warruasves-baceyy At Crosabiil, om the ctl . at pers' gon ke en = 4 aes: * " oe ent es 40 2 an increase of +2 over last inet the Bev Ja = titled may be enteres} on the rit eid mnnity, and that will encourage howe palling in the aldiog, oue cf his crmr was Have ry Peat ana - Ke 30 ike ore febeuny, 1tzz, . oF. James Boyd. Mr Geor, reypueat, aud unless bey prolest = gl industries and put additional tax on fecwige ea me eae een the cars| * Ton one spas of joy aed love, eraft straight in the sea "¢ lite The teh Bron ts eon be may sree aes 13 ee RBC et tn Ab Lae. he To aa : ding Mr. Me- badly near the sloutters. j * 7 should anguish reign on earth' | sonable woman has :om) them or ws aa =~ am Po ~ Frou? the. above eatares of the | Davald's 1 ws There is no { savi { : Winwaxiccs OM) power, but ube is the confidence aud esteem of the High 'Seboo! were > al TR at ee Bill, it will be seen that the Ontario | ead of 'he ogi Gereent eo fe MAG TS ARS: OCS | Culeaee Ae ere / oa pe ABA Qcbd-t0 Yo the --_ fom clin to have bok meeth and witivont egot. | Mibnaitted, and it Resided to advertise of the brie uncle Mr yamee Midis praetvae . ATO | as 4 bearing | ¥ cletinanied idl San ge epegy~ estan ; ig woman i tall tices anxious tenders , Mr Colia ¥. ~ . 7 ie "i : fatatied - ihe shone of the perched would have Bree Bocusrt. ~At the acr-aal i | ELLICE tothe. . taking Ch . Sen Tiats t aar Mowe thd to have been Sten: ene for thd ereetion the beliding as : Mr Colim Toung. of Chathiain, to Mies Jontsine ee ving the long list of tlreir followers, | bave the fall « -- 'A Binet bran ie Bitoertsa =e re povewure \ whe hanadaus whet secured by arbitration th | mine Haging te eng kof re Clones | av te in ak lee at tn ea tat we oat) cry nt paar ou | a ape ee Seer ge mre! pre eb | ott ets enamtne" ape} 2 Sy tegen" Fo ~on raplion- and other causes, prevented | Jo", Fsther than: saddie-them on b teres obeut thareames" This Ielinesas sitsce . Sth ist, betmoem. 12. zifleman ol Kilice, | on. "said --Ist, hes ones ta hie peaitee Sr bead of the Cousel, I have Leen ably ax bein arbstrators" r gyn Romney -- from giting their support at the nest | srTerseers ae nce aaa Fe ee teen Hens under the command of and | Beal." Sa aoek te aes Neath; Bre soltend connicinal oleae soaweyt 4 heey Attar ds eal There are three eeres -- Haminon aged Speer acre eee the nee om =p yen d be neers FB m 'the (| Pie hed . '. ae ctizoke - & mou! : e é ina fi "sag r President; 8. HK. Hesson, Vice-Preeilen!: theweue -ocanter from Logen,- Lag. | uel come with the howe owee for ite Ww Feacl ore "2 she -dtemmne.<. BY: i mie te if now remains for the | done, in direct opposition to the interests of | Hev. C: Walker, Secretar ireaeaines = *; Brown. The Rillice men came off victorious {Tire to be beatthy; a L.mon.te- Eitrvet ocr Ll sil. thas, tne af ay borg Wie Board shail woot ow es . ' PS RRs eased ; ory Ay good Government to see _ country. and this is the poliey which Mr. | tittee of Manageaent---- Dr tpde, Shana by s majority of over 100 pointe, After the | for men aleep Sth cueece oe fay ped and thot nk ney a sare ates next Sar ot 8. sislonk and np, Of Downe, agel ta years. be Gore se ae 7, ¢ all omissions or over-sights on | 7%® fecdenald, the mera! oY oece wr: | J. Sherman, J. Hogg, W. Sharm suey | coutest was overs tnd dance took | took vinegar and @ Girts who | levee, few, If an mf as exper. | iis ornate Proposed new I = their part with respect to the above | "'® spplauds as "wise and patristic" Jeffrey, H. Dickenson, T Clarke, Wr Seldon place, and a very pleasant time was enjoyed | ™&Ke their faces wie ais. peer pipe quphienty Biteated Se we were, geo } ations sutpina tne beeen bar Danse NEW ADVERTISEMBY ere. ri lists, are made good by revision, and ----_--_--_--_--__ J. Hamilton. J.P, Bebolz, J. tiuston. a. K | by thane preseat, whe voted Mr. Maurer a| Not so now. We shail mot mies prc for foe action eae malted gad parsever- | placing it as high yailding te the ast, | ---~ = ee ts. a4 aleo that prop hohe ron THE Tiwxs. Williams, M. Stephensen, Merber: Moberts, | "1 ellow, and wished him success. nature bas not invested much stock in them. by tee people of the tows and sean" eowee When erected school wi Christian Ten' ' proper steps are taken to} yi six an . 5, Powell tid Gil minkatace of the aoupel ti |. Dear or an Otp Rasinawt.--We are called | A common-sense woman bn theme, we have polio' Railways Telagreptn, florst , the new will be the | perancs irevent undue manipulations by the -- MORALIAINGS ox ram | oe OTE Sa Al inter of the corel 9 pon this week to. record the death of Mrs 'bea, soar siely, thin gp tay, aries manufacturing industries to eon tas pablic building im the county of Perth. Uniav geen for unless a close wateh . ORD TOWN CLOCK. Exriaxation.--For the past mouth or eautean Byes. at the age of 64 years, which secret of the Tnceses which hes om co our ecuvenianses awit ee COUNCI. MEETINGS. . ----_ 1° is kept, there is not the least doubt| Well, frieuds and nei more the for Tax Tuaes ls bec fivan) near X aa isi Fesidence, (Mr. John | 1 Y attended the Anglo.Sazon race | Spéet better situated. Conatn im Sie s0~ - ' Dp * but that the work of Inst 7 . neighbors, another week | great, that our whole editicr coicattr oa | oa ay nae ora, om the 6th inst, De- | 1 due to the fact that the women are strong'| "rely burdened euresivee banat, we Rave} Monsinutox.---The council Mow: i be de i -ae fSULIN B qratly mare'. rear will be bes peared ct, One fall of excitement hehene Sam a/clecle-caulr Wedusndny ae eee of tbe late Mr. John Byes and healthy. The Saxon alwars expects to | Sresats ernie wt ictouxsexs at taees | 287, the 4th inst Pr eoahones 77 + "IN . fe us. etoeed a: orm e ' 'i ra burderce fy "2 ae} ! y marred. sonoenens. Bed gow feat better for soovsing, ated «-enesh near people ase duap- + sued Om ona a re. vinsad he peepee 2." When wo drat | White che Yoweri is ever beard. } cording to adjournment. Membere pestaam, TOW AHA.LL. =TO-NIGHT na THE "TOWN CLOCK pROUetHr Tod ze Four pockets are lighter, whether ing able to procurr copies of | Was a native of County Tippe anes, becathe rate ; be got religion been thas moral, and elucations} ecKee, Baird, Kines and MeCeor | -- ; ; debts are or Net Wak a your | the paper. Our printing facilities heretofore | and was high! wary, Inclend, # baptized pirate, but hé is one still, | ares Bavealsc. tam happy to ss: . MeKee in the ebsir » | AT MI As sro nou ' : 6f course that | have been tmnt highly respected, A large concourse | The Anglo-Saron eli ; pace will pr vod Ey ~ The min- FREE. don't tro 0 and tly we bare | hel auch 'on clings to everything be are presided progress. Car chupsbes of fast were read and signed bp | eis -- owl jaa pinnacle of sineretions tint yorgen ee i po bas ake beg muppy eaten ath ee ON a beat ence. me eri a ae suik'onr caveaticnal inaiitutinne are ins pet 'on R. Carswell lee en ted esis Bg aie Sales Ma : aie cruéw smmarmants with greater glee than yo: eats ooh ape as of Aor 75 copier Firat Resvur ora Cworrrsa Accrwexr, | from bis mother. The 18 su®@rtent 'quavontes aber done in the 'are 7 » Toronto, in, | = Meth!) et raga ty a o th ; negotiation with « lead. coming woman will | town is safe. Wi Tae fuvere ef" wur Statutes: alee.| ; ream for a few hanes it reply te that writer » the store to pay a few dollars for that suit | ing mufactory in New Yerk dwell in her strong, bealthfal body. she fo ave energy to provect still | circular from Hart & -_ the own Clock" whee Nonecios tor tale. sabe thet the wwecchan! lias be ane geese pepe st os early ae | to have at a yrees comemed frye 2 ee sperimens have bletln, ad with «comtinnance apd castraties ence to the Magi ee. 7 H Notice to 'Contractors: . publ Yo n . ly t a almost all kinds of ef purpose thas char. in either case. peeve onthe" EXDERS a received \: ne an saough: to hee a iuticient | eat trom Bt Scosme, oe hha be onate that eee. Seok dc mere, Leek ah | grees toys to cae ation seene too | ised to issue the Paar Sy ee ee st who supply your necessities. neither tor of this paper nor anybody how ork, " 'om's Cabin," |e aaain,oa myown and Mrs C. aie supplied 16 the Hartmier family a #* Thu reday, March 2!st I have reckoned on his behalf cauvasecs for subscribers. We by the strength of her pen she ahook half, to thank you for your generous er t . $8.00; James Bobb, sim. -- Por the evectia 4 muonts tor hank wos' Gnd cathe Ser cams an, | [outer sue, valustony sidition toon list to the ana from the -Ailantie tothe Paaife; | wenn °% BY services. = * printings $1200, We beled" ereld | Canede Cn darzey: Plane and Bonctcsint may k" | less than 8500 has left out that not | ten pressed names. shook the valture out of th: eagle; shook -- minute book, $2.75; Mrs. Gordon, § _i@vfor | My Ss ates of Me A 'Architect, your peekets for that of the land until ear lakes boiled ; abo DYNAMITE funded, $2.1 ° OOF | and at the of ove af P. R. Jarvis, No. y, Market Muihi ; en and only about one-fifth of this sane tas Texrcnaxce Proves chains from off the bondsman. poy s * EXPLOSION AT MERRIT P pany we hese Apes ory | ingns The "rowest or any tender wit secessarily a ahont. It neal not think we are a tumoral as left as expenses in tl are i formed by a gentleman who Mrs. Browning's works, the lecturer Schn Atkin ona eounai' { Z copet ¢ ail that, and it ha. ohn tenia pe balance hae gone, to be knows w ® , that in St. Marrs, would ' . said, _ 2% others, askin by. P. BR. JARVIS. pat, aud it 1 fore 'better bunt | more, Yet you still .. me eas the caeeiadaamant at the Aicolaanatin not a 5 Sele to hnpeers, TE FUREMAN OF RIORDON'S PCL are oot ss se eeine se Union. sehoa? ------ | Pmeationd, March 1), 74 --_ peat the highest position because 'ot STANTLY KILLED, AND OTREBA IXJURED. inspector And two Pose aa / grou, by the Sieeds ds ! Seeds {! 1S gs!!! What is his testimony fo Wo-| Merritton, a for that After a appealed , Seeds!!! | man? We search in vain through " arch 9.--This nt purpose. SL al : eet ' r gh all bis | about three by Patties for and Iga discamion . 1 amE begs te inform Public e pain, until op Saturday, 2nd Mareh plays ~~ So man-- Grin paso genes -- ee were coaneit thoaght erery ' union, the | BL Seretierd sss! he bes taken the j ae cused. Deceased was 27 years of age, and| fall. On the a a then' Jno. Kiorlon's pulp mills, pane eeticn to be alle eyed by" ite tea rari where be ee eerey ak as hans Bt ealiog ae we-ouaht iwc tutes was brother-in-law of Mr. Arthur MeCaffrey | ideal women. The poe there are many | twelve ox killin, , | ier sector and ! ne wun hip clerk by the in conn ection a se ty rie ws iL me ties and, thet extrataganess, such as gay serve that | f this township sald, te say that all women were not ia. ven ly and pr: be ail wk ¥ ction made to the * passing due tae, PRODUCE ANNO FEED! aD 5 Rete Minch" char nan tee ing, fine gew- ; . ' nd soul te - . > | aovere: obabily : i ' " caecnn fink, The "Toren Clock" also sail tat we | We. all Loan say is thal you are gelog. te y aed with ble sblities sad' ia- MITCHELL. Sod seca wae a aats | caceea" que Prabally fetay wounding a mar 1155 afer tustees Vaiss ont? nee nie : willingly siknowinige te ts oy wo bed popes he Tightalag expend T 4 7 ene with the. a ; ae a -- not thinkers, Some} war also seriously ipj J toes jij and ster ssked for bai the mae | His Bteek of " dras y no those ance cause, it wi or e , - K. Kiss rey By their fagal- | steady, industrious house, mise you if ficuk aoe tte tetseal in cia oat ~ hard me ket prey perf + be whole gapulaiion "Be lng see _ evils of intemperance, fy Church te their ae tke oe reaping -- -- employ loug Ume. Hey "4 Mr. by ala. Mieke Ta hlee likening | PLOVER aud VEGEPABLE Seeds ¥« y | , . , Q : +4 A ike y 4 . es 4 such & mean thing, 1 will actaally send ag} yet willran to every amusement by whole temperance army. ureday evening nest. 5 English, speak Uniom ssbool be sastained.--Carried. | } aaly s you | families, just because . a ties . Ope-Fer.ows' Coxcent.--The entertain. utter ron the piano, 8t. titian signed Daniel Sk A pe. | laperte 2tly new sed reliable, and cannot fail to H pone foggy Ng Lending fey at: | dallas in the house. 7 happeoed to have | | Soy cc om Soe et Ga muateteel at io the Tews Hall, on Wehauiog Lamson ep ie Seana ae Se Sie | ot Ses Symon explosion' at Mf The shock | asking eumah tome pry theca iisiiaes"-, is pering in epite of all « tic » Editor, Tux Tires, which everybody | W848 gteat mocessin point of aitend - + Was very well attended con. afternoon was distinetly felther triton this | Smith"s Creek, om Agatha-street, | ee ert rr the Towa Hall being unromfriatly erred | Toe Tebty hor were fell wp te tbe entoe: | asrod Ca ey amma airy | ike sbarydicinge han". oomiel fe of Mee "Mered bie eon, SH: ED GR AT N = snch mocting: laaznix open county, but I nt Rev. Dr. Fowler, Ls married to these qualities rere = ty. . x " te see ae Sipelers,_ a Jen mod be peae an fox Sion soueea of | Sew York, would deli ye bean . tations of the sntinaee, pat we have. soon sng gd al " mi fee MAN SMOTHERED PY - ~~ puty oeve, end Mr. Ricorts c cmamianey CE ae, Meds. Cntere by conk peewetly st ' you, Mr. Clock, to take "dights of ; Advecated the build- wa talent sequit themscives large fortune and a quick -- °<AGBAIN BIN to examine the road at Mr. D. Shines, } fancy" 'at abst andvel o : ing of a mad house, fer we seem to be Moody and Sankey hymns were , ter om former oeensions. Re ke ; »° te see Port Perry, Ont., Mr " Poole, and report at next ies 4 C, H. McLAUGHLIN. : sail at 9 former wedding 1 think toad after that which doeth no good, and we weiahe Hold the Face te the ese amneos | Tax Teceruons.--Prof, Bell's antertain- } to be able to care for herself -- . Ey ur named |, --Cattied. The reeve wes, anthociaed to irae ' you had better let sueb tiffate Shem a motions those things whieh would he ¢ enp.| Prayers and short were delivered soast en ene a org last, | a0 adjusted to her ad ry) reg -- a mysterions way ihered i ewhat | eu *the f ; ---James Gene. ora, Marek 13, 150% 1s os in, vie amy) i hn vein F .i----- = ia as - secu ay = apaie oe Se enon tonnien now Well, the « Monk paitte " inn De Ferue yin ooo) bagy rome ve siseal 6 irmis aoe = a preety te -- how te use a aus wee Os che ~ ~~ "i ag a Mons bene . 4 Not ice to Contractors. Viable toot. Telneld Hee to me mortal and | Tknew he would, and he bad 0 se} about half on bettr. Ho dwelt forcibly oa yontertel tavention ae ears Carigis. Tu ther words, Wo) pave gone tig fF for what purpose hs pec LE a pom pepe a a shot toh y eee nomue person | house, and why? loreibly oo | sound, in the couneil man has a right to do what she ean do, well. | ij Fuipese bs may | Merion, © Millbank, 985.66; | 'TENT 4 a . lees any b when taken hy? Because we are always the evils whieh indal room, by means of | A fact forces itself forward that the com ing mista enti? f°. it pot known. Ho was not | Valentine Kerteher, statute labor money wat i the = # in moderation, and exyect they will di to bear something'to our neighbor's | *eohdlic " od that _ the | woman will be, be the bin ? -- the grain stopped ranning "trom | funded road work done nl 3 : ; ill dilate wp. | disadvan Ww. ° . g room ef. the , , may be, in the future» poli- 8 for as certified by 26th day of March i a it next week. pple ee stare ee? Ga it tn day, was not far distant, when total prohibi- | one block distant Mechanics' Institute, | tician. It may not be the best thing but the When th 9 Which his 'bod nd, | path: z ;.MeCulloch & Grant, in | forthe a y » Yours truty, not oar "horses lg that's broke," We Pro. | oR would prevail. The sdiress abounde Mock distant from "the council room. Pindicatiens point that way. The lecturer fot, bir ¢ cates of the stoppage was sought | full of acconn * Fendered, $100; J. & K. | thetww Sol Sumstord"Tioes and epavitections ' CLEAR Watrn, | banriity a) ees wean laugh with abarp te anecdotes ty pebranti bored it wax very | then spoke of woman 5 - Hesappened | 2" sn at wate Sennd font 'a the ' , repairing 00d soraper, $1; Fanny | S87 S¢ stenat Mr Alex. Hepbars'softice Strathord, March 11, 1878. : "| gion. however, the new Pope will tary at eae i ee ee P y the directors ef the Mechanics' pon fe mend themnssives a long, lank, eeyed to hii orig D flene Mrmr ar pelel, 06; tha Duster, | prea a --_---- "retore" his and wake it pure foterested in Dv. Voulss's son Iustitute, and xs usual in Miteball, whea | and' barsnguing ber a: eaastump |, sard-working, steady man wes t reliel, $20. 63 Deametend, | Sit Set. Mend en. uss ~ --_ pEaams's Bru Bassas will be seen by his bel, ike ll our Protestant aliens Be aud testified : iy ieeanan say quod thing to yet: ap See deserving = asing er aude, om women sile ond tamily to mourn bieteoe ™™* * poy Ne tied aoe: | Ti anders for High School aby . Mr. -G charitable, give time for | bursts of applause. Afler ho had cause, no house can be obtained. '= anfleri oman Saffrage, eanrmarcetntih theenesaeen 1 2 : i Klein's big mile . change. His e2- he T ot Asa rale the wou Miller, A. Holmes ML " sine comment oF SBR ANY weeth a dey ods | 'words. bons potas ym dem said Sow is eas enters ed sorpathing ip, say and semitones amet te The directors who talk most af being trampled on | IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT x 3. ar 2 cine, G. ary Be | CTEM SERS for the Erecnicn, of Mich Seen 2 , "yoy areda } _, St: | Listening, bebared pledge cards num- | read. maintain | those hom & good thing -- . Joering, T. J. Wy, wiway, C. a mn the of Stratford, #¥! be ved 5a tlemanly clerks in th tg bats his nidisalp upon Bustos oo eet | ber of people. At the close of the meeting a ing room oat ey 5 ee one pled on. Wo say that if ~ to be | ANGLAND accErTs THR BERLIN CoMreRENce A. Barnett, Te theete i. Hamilton, B. by the we sonaiguad up te - recer : point to ltend tothe waste of thee customs | ft an, alept. and, wonld secevad SOA HET cous ball Ter the peapeos Wd teymnacting tes do set Soeet Sith 908 hall We eamonrage | Vote only ec ber Mestand 'ce Seis _ Would tenn Lens cunt awaisauton. ~~ | Gallon" Rc Wester Jan Hoey Slammer, Seapets ee y and judiciously. we. + expletive About where basi: 4 with their efforts deserve. We have | bed « dh " t con! would see the he Fanjzation. } ehth > bat what harm will that de? voter;| Londen, Mirch &--In the ; Thos. Kineade.-J. Kerr. John won, Wa. at soon. teen wa {atest most Seatbir tents cin ant he would take | Oprosrriox ts rae Lire or Taane.--It is who will nevercly aelthelos in our midst cnly the bod women wit vate, "ft we 'ay, | mons this afterneon, Nene, of Cote: Butherford, James; Boyd -- Roos; D. _ PMR M os wyeciscations may be seen a my offwe, » Inces, frills, collars, strong, and I uite Prudent 4 the morals of any | the , bed - sat, do not | that Z: aiinounced | Pissha . Wm... eras thee" ce of the architects, Meson, Me@. cuits, sii squares, ; disk one' Vanstont laky ses need oe | Pete ne een young men 'eho dares t0 pase leloure ont | tovsinand good' some vere we ngland bad acce wer, BR. Prevbom, P. You, J. | Tenens) 'ronts, The lowest iar on erything that tends io , ioe peespey Mperewne rte Mnal £0 28 | be ya money making speculation ; but fos areca er esher phos sf cosceenans | ers nal MR SOOT» are sewutrady Wi sl ~e oF any vende? net oe ~-- and the to fee} uncomfortable at the thought of sech | and then the | competition will come in the evening, bat thay are aed to contrive | will be teenage that Ip ween saad Tem vB | &. BR HESSON, pers oecoyoarel # NOM Sdvise all thon | ane, quite w 5 : woreda " sei ae eee a those in want of good. temiperanes meeting was a crowded . to oom In our : a poe durable goottrto sette: bat & er hear kim, and Wiss madé tonoy--oGt of Gio | enteriainment of our youth, or other houses of inj- |, March's, 98y8 ct -- take purchases. This sale don't effet 'are the old stock, and | crowds who beve lislened to lim, t sisply tell Fwoman will be 8 GY sistian woman Tie Soe ta ade Toney bot fot the mnie et | Wil av anc ral 1 expeet the | eter Jak to Sa ard _ peak a a prea Tel cy Bia abvare the fanaa Bio) ene NOTICE. : + wel. in wil Sal ely tn ie mtv | IRS" eat ccke goeope poeta nn frag! eel ey ok nee pred posetag geet peg aera elfeed bel ned Lace sds, and see that where : aed ' aos : tage to step iiito store No. 25, Jarvis: Block get tit be 4 we olip the support, of so sectal am tntitation, in Use women are treated Bare -ense. Commissioners for- : "a Ontaciostreet. - 4 Gary where Favor 1 i otauar a | towing tem ;--"Tha Seerts of the Homa | there would ba fewer foul Siders. Sp elie of Omni, se bertive was lied Wen Mitchell, North Perth" es here 'Yet "they eal! this Catholic Confessional aud te exawar.--On. F afierncon a Goa, but now P Fence. +{~ - Mr. Wm Moore wistency. I often wateh con. | are giad to any only the titlo--of a lectare de to Andrew "3 ber shirts Jest gathers up a na ta safe ne a |e apn mes ie ltaetee maa [Ree ee Reece Sat) Bee eee tere - > . aes s pace, monetoay ! woman will be Hall, Gib- | sale %, must be fied with . sa = pes door, made of it in the of. oar spureants tn See oak alae ots Le Animal argue with tooth or « A Walker A) Sens og call at Mr, C. Hi. More won't say that] have not seen i L st of April, nex SS Seria Barker Beet) cenks' LAlt | beer barrels taken im there, Sune wt te cosh on ebtens and aiucresstelloctese, suck | US in, the alee resting Moved | os pril, next, 4 Fs ype, soagyled under a flour intention. | Bore opportunites ; ~ " a er ca So ----eeh-geleme she as that is, the-way. they a = I Know, | Mr. rte ig srthing bah. a0 Wistnasied came in contact with «light othe het Jt, heauan a hall rab, mat : me se sce teas r aod evidently . Babb'a store, ve to Mr. Je beg Jase. | Womea is fitted to. be Se ae. i ' I because bas s sort of : ¥ , ee tes oe ieee ame eet ye aah ee . Mt yon want bargains tn Wail' papers, i y if they. NB Bewwaathe. a Ae Bont. . The police | fires tim bf bie ewe "Sor, tbat re i 5 :