: ; as thoroggh-brad cow, for whieh he pai? thres hundred dollars; two-year ago. - it} 8 is probable that this is the most valuable cow in the township, Mr. Magwood agree - " gther improved stock, besides some { sdeaton grades, and be anya shew well-bred: ~_ URW. ADYRRTIBEMENTA. ._. maf: Beslan.) 55 -- sincere tite. on CRERKR" WiSriciet: Atiorsey-at Lew THE COMING CAMPAIGX. _Burattord. soe pe Saget. mereeaiaer st) Nena, cane pacers Ant) A: Napanee, March Tl.--The Conservative | ; held « ----. to-day, -- was 7 ' tended, select. en semua to oppose Mr. Cart- Family Grocers, wright st the Se ke oe = italy to give the stooge oppeciion "Tee| OLD ALBION Block, ae 'The Stratford Markets. Cocrected by M. King, Market Clerk. TOES, eh 18 Fah Wheat per bush, $l 10 te #1 is Spring de... 56h ani Barley " " Poa " 4 Onts . Flour per bul $e" 6 Oatmes! s " 6 Potatoes per beg, A »™ < A " pa ll tb., " Mutes * -- 4 : i... eroune beeegee 100 Iba, 4 "4 Butter Lape a Eggs por " Lard per Ib., " Turkeys cash, "4 Geese ' oe Chichen > ww Hides per 100 6a 700 ton, 10 00 © 11 00 Ff wala By 300" 325 ST. MARYS MARKETS. Sr. Manrs, Met. Le Pali west, por ween. $1.30 vastey, abe $otte ; te we taut | potatos. par bag. 60 to 0.5 toppion, 3 a, 4 Speer ee ee soy ele Payor Se oe MITCHELL MARKETS. 'a i Lx Stratford, Labrador Herring:, Lake Huron Herrings, Lake Huron Trout, Lake Superior White Fish, Salt Water Salmon. Gaape Cod Fish, Digby Herrings, Boneless Fish, Shredded Cod Fish, McEwan's Finnan Haddies, And Piatt's Baltimore Oysters, At ALEXANDER BEATTIE & Co.'s, Orn Atmox Broce, ° Srrarrorn. MS, CHEAP ~ WM GREAT VARIETY oem --"NO-20; peinbienenloaenrened ONTARIO - STREET, - STRATFORD. ~ Beattie :&-Go,,| 1 DE Minerva OWING to the want of snow, LUMBERNMEN apd as LUMBER !8 BOUND TO GO uP, Now is Lath, et Pwhets, Codav Poets, or. de. , At the LOWEST PRICES. are seek Stratford, Jan. *, BASE BURNING ~~~ Still Ahead of all Competition and W ties. Less Ceal and more Heat thar any other Coal Stove, and a thorough GAS CONSUMER! List of a few parties who comfort of tha Minaren Bese, Burver Post Odiee. . le "H& Robt Greensidelds," P. D, ABEL COULTON, 2 Deors Kast The eal: ia Town where this stove pantacd Jam tnd 78, CALL! CALL !! Cc C C J. J. ODBERT' STOVES, STOVES, rite STOVES, Boots & Shoes! ALL SORTS, ALL SIZES, ALL PRICES. + all it Branches, om AN Work Warranted. CALL! CaLL! CALL aD A the same vy a ww is the time to buy . GEORGIAN BAY LUMBER, Fru: Horse, Stoxx axo Loa Baas. NERS AMT OX, a7, + 10s. COAL STOV EE ism In Nestness of Design, Style of Finish 'orking Capact: This Steve ts made with an oven attachinent whieh will boil 5 quarts of water in an ordiner Tea Kettic in 5 minutes, and will roest meat. Dake bread and pastry ce well as awy cook stove are NOW enjoying the George Murray, feq., G. T. KR, with Oven, as B. withoet Ovve Agricultural Insurance Co'y ! Post Ofice DEPOSITED WITH GOVERNMENT, $50,000, ean be nae | CALL !!! Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting in om Prices Vory Low. Cc oc c . Remember the 31 Omarioe:, 4. J. ODBRRT, ME. THOMAS LAWSON, tratferd aly i, MG 7 Will be im ettendance at the stare, and will be FOUND Sa'cttend to thet seguisementa | ome LADY'S ter 'The owner can ba ore a Property, sed'yaying for this adver: COUNTY OF PERTH MUTUAL --. |. COMPANY TOWN OF STRATFORD. Lot ltt on the Werth side of Erie-Stree', on ad CHANGE OF BUSINESS. ont Rossin Mouse, Toronto. Mratiard Feb. 1st>, te lim : TOWN OF STRATFORD. TAXPAYERS At requested te take notices that the col- lector is not required te makee second call for the purpose of taxes. These whe have beey called wpou will oa 1HOS. STONEY, Ugee Collector. R. RUTHERFORD. MONEY TO LEND. 7 to 9 per cent per annum Aceording to hind of property that advances are quired upes, y , il } Obes, MARKET STRERT, STRATFORD. THE OTTAWA THE HON. JAMES SKEAD, President. INSURES AGAINST LOSS.OR DAMAGE BY-FIRE OR LIGHTNING. HIS Company covers lesses by lightning if orws or are_killed en the owner's ' Farmers will Sind it to thelr advantage to r- ware in the " Ottawa." HEAD OFFICE--OTTAWA. R. RUTHERFORD, Geoersl Agt, Stratford: Dee heed wt load The Best Chance Yet BY BET. At Les than Wheleale Prices. Vi GRAGE'S CELEBRATED SALVE 1S 4 VEGRTABLE PREPARATION, " Invented in the I7tn century by Dr. Wm. Grace, Fer eoun aod British Provinees, Price by tai] 8 cents Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, x Avante, Bowrox, Masa. haath 5 WM. CRISPIN. BYisranwan eke ee ee BUSIN Bss, Is eammection with the Walb Paper prompt attention will be paid Painting, Grainihg, Sign Writing, alsomining, Tinting in OU and Water Colors, Ceilings and Waike Prneren fe the Lasest American yles. Rusiness, and te MIXED PAINTS, al} Shacew stwayy on bead ready for 16 ONTARIO STREET, Opposite the Anion Metal. Stratterd, April +8, Lar? Storehouses to Let. se ivieoasmis saris eR Pee PAUSETER WATSON, Srattord,Jaly iste, 1677. _-- Notice. Irnportant to Foundry men, OBBESPONDENCE is boli Foun- Copperas cba << beret paw Bw will be Pe ay vu tee hey PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN ! B ALBION ROTEL, acaeiser my Fy Ampunt af Dh. CAV Bay, BD PROPRIETOR. Surgeon in King James army, Through le and ber Ales, wacy be cured thousands cf the most verions Pa * Am bd sores and wounds, that bafled the skill of the | At short notice, andon ReesonableTerms. The most eminent physicians of his day, and was re- Brewery is situated on the corner of actos Prine 2 cette Or hone Pee eee | BIRMINGHAM: AND. FATRICE - oer mabees gig SONS, 66 Hanon Av- Neat Mr Smith's Tagaery - GRACES CELEBRATED SALVE =e a Wou. Frozen Limbe. Salt BUENEAM & SOW, A . ' " and Insurance Ageats (ice. --M. C. Carey fae, Ming Werte Callas, ee UEES | & Co's Block. adjcining Division Court Odes, c Barns, Sealda, Wounds, | _ Sratford. Dec 19, 1677 _--, --_ r7 Fosters. Piles. Bunions, Hites, Warts, rim. Jvis KASTNER, J. P. lewurer of Marriage Cancers, Sures, Sti wi Abcoss Licenses for the County of Perth. Meoey us loan, Cute, Blisters, Corns, F Ul: | and sales js Conveyancer, &c. Ofice-- cers, aoe oe 7 Boils, bb of be being ville bam 'an, . » Ingrowing } Diam' See Mash. Mosavete and Pies Bites, F pg nhs we wp fn Ragin, Frases ider ptings, eutaneous ase end German ission. money and eruptions generally loan on is 2 pa Eg Seddier Shop. '] a Ofise, sale by all eee, end at all phd Penden ue United States it) te notify the pubiic ing the ? i _Mtstterd, species : an Di Suelo University, os Valuable FARM Properties ! i tus Township of Ellice and the Gore ofthe Township of Downie. . On Saturday, the 16th March, 187M, at 2 o'clock p.m., the following Properties, namely - i : li c) q Musical I } Opposite Zilliax's # lace Stree REAL ESTATE, MONEY TO LEND ON TOWNOR FARM PROPERTY OFFICE, 2nd Floor, Odd Fellows' Block, STRATFORD. Stratford, Aug. tied. ts77 mat --" Market senerm ai eet of z kw a ~ RR nat M y af low rates of interest, aad on termes : PARCEL. ll... | Celebrated Salve}...".". 4. W. 0 ULL snpenpbeeaes _-- acant Lot No. 18, os Erie strest A sure Relief for the Sufferer. A guatioman of long expertoes aa Chemniet = 7 PREPARED BY successor, and for 4 aWaiieenet aaa «a SETH W. FOWLE & SONS. see a nmnare ot the bantncen uo hnegoty en- | TE, Soe Baan wasn eens, Beet bavings frontegs of 2% feet, with s of | No 80 Harrison Avenue Boston, Macs. MACKINNON 4 Co. pn mg eolldcting Sen den z; pecre Pe, ow are ee eee 7. . . J aR Mops se : pans, =~ oe oe aceager | waiaeee - - t 2 Brick Dwelling Houses, Tt uz mention Uist be has te Couverancing done ou most reasonable terms, . r a Pleted the above stock of Drugs, Patent Medi- ¥ Not waite completes ~ { snes, &e.. and that = ay tound in ponies Sales oheduates Ie ail paris of the t Parcel Iv. * Gureitord: Foe ° "| Ofiee hours from lato 5 oa ail week de wt + West belt 18, Ooe4, Zowpahip et Eincas Coanty' - tty eT Nayak Sere, CE tn elie Pian Penne M of Perth, containing Afty seres, mere or lees. | Stratford Spring Brewery: ~*\" sstors: Waren ix Desirable Residence Lots For 'ale, ONT cette. an Pee aes eee and at reasonable Avelr te» WATSON, Srattoré Acgest, tnd, wart. = The.North British & Mercantile Fire and Life insurance Co, Babseribed Capital........ up "" $10,000,008 1,000,000 Aceumulated Funds.....-. R. RUT Btratford, July 3. +8rr L. S. ZOEGER, all kinds ent ott of OFFICIAL For Swistietr, Scheel Sections, Banhers, Corporations, & Repaired | otel, Wal- LISTOWEL. Listowel, Nev 21, 1st7 Wm. HEPBURN, Cabinet Maker, & Upholsterer, 60 ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD, 1 Coumection wah the above limes ef business, | have added UNDERTAKING, Aod having purchased a FINE NEW HEARSE will be prepared to conduct Funerals, at the shortest petice aad mederate es => Jan. 9, v8r7. togety pas Pi . Shooting Gatiery For Sale. FTOSE Underviened offers tor Sale his hooting vee ae? Rides, --l everjthing complete. 4, F, FREEMANTLE Stretiord, July ith, ou TOWN LOTS; PARK LOTS, HOUSES & FARMS, GEO. FORMAN'S LAND, LOAN and Conveyancing Office ! Upstairs orge Gomny's soute (ope © Miaxion, on. TRE CHEAPEST ANO BEST LOTS IN TOWN 7 _ALL HIGH LAND! TSy'i'cad compare balore boring sorwhore, of the enr- face ef the tewn) ing + Look at These Prices: by as No. 688, for sd Sevestig of Dov. All st tis and a Lecture should be tm the hands of every outs nud evgry ine in the iand. THE CULVERWELi MEDICAL CO., Soran) New York. July 4th, 1877. GADSBY & SHABMAN, Proprietors. Stratferd, Jan, 5, 1876. . hy THE "| CHEAPEST LINE, Ready Made Clothing, CAN BE HAD AT CHARLES LEE'S Marketa, Seratford Jans shyt * soy a ae Robes! Robes ! ROBZSB! JUST RECEIVED « large stock of Firt-Clase BUFFALO ROBES, Which will be Bold Cheap (fer Cash Oaly.) FARNHSS - TRUNKS, VALISES, HOKSE CLOTHING. WHIPS, LASHES, &C., In Stratford, JOSEPH STAFFORD, No. 19 Ontario Street Stratford a Queen st., St. Marys, 23 met hat ot BJ ae opin SUPPORT. -- == % SSE ies Tt tote wet side, at GEO 10 ' ; - = SET ei W. W. COWAN -- pT aha acres, at 1 5Q-aad fact that be is =, oe Fi ) .OU.G.H, a atsma rd oa My steek deters ona om | foe tae Rey on ip sau Hee ' 'x aris eS pe 2 mses ss , F : ' « = . . a rs a! wet : - win . = zt = ne ENOCH ARDES. | W ADVERTISEMENT. , conan, SER AT ~ Househotders Attentit Grand Trunk Raitway. 4! et ~ * ge OES ee eo ---- aa aay 'No. 2. : IN THE -- Ti = " sone | No. TOWNSHIP OF ELLICE, MARSHALL'S Important Change of Time. | M*/5F= cq sTORE- i Fae pani Pe nih iy w om fear - COMTINUATION -><.- }GOUNTy OF PERTH | FAMILY re ya a eB ; SS es «Simm theGaniph Herat * } t ie FROM ths Sencripsid given of theve foram it wi | u Sunday,Dec. 23rd, 1877 hee Some fifteen or so Bobert Ruther- / j ; Pesstetag a ple abe meibregreemam | fh rarens.-4 se eA | Ia bs od stand, ab. ™*- grore ford, now of Stratiord, dol business as 1! me) 'The GREAT CATALOGUE SAL BS |bakp muti con, consinns sor sme of THE BEST | where be keeps on bo merchant on the eorner of St. George's muare j acres secdeal in-qracs ; 22 in fall wheat ; 10 acres arean | And host for use, delivered to} Por Toronto and Bast on Main Line CHOICEST ra pre en ge gh gps ; _NOW GOING ON AT hey gi cd pee, BACK howne, 32x 4 tt nthe fre Any partt the town--alno, Bran sad Yeo et B® | 1 sy girastord-20 a. m.--Buprecs | nee conmpied ty Win, Andersen, A roan, sam Pi = 'HORNET & BURC H'S |S aiiises ea s:| BEAVER MILLS. Bes pm --Eprene | QHEWING & "gh <a wile--benrieb ot . S- pon eran An Paney Prete Gceds ise, worth sie: Men's Home. Hae "hewes Ya j bares and sens wah WALTER MARSHALL. b's alee fhe Re Rigor Crawford's. the of d kK Ze wore Soe; Seartes A of fru Inch pen duae, oonmeee ft ins hank aang teameiltataar ~ 10:30 Pn aheretente-Rerpreee- pa A oo S =~ American rebellion Guelph and | - 'We, worth Be; West gan ' : tt i alisted in the army of the worth, -asd.0s-| Woot Hass, ie, wort: a ha MONEY TO LEND. Leavestretiort Same ue JUST RECEIVED" ormy ae 12 1, 'worth Ite; Do., ise, worth 2ie, a formation waa subsequently ounveyed to his | Rod Flanweta, She. werts ae of pind outer, Foon bataly <n sake ATanae ss of tntervet,,on Farm and oP ane rE at Tn i slain in battle. - jous-Pare-Camias, deverable ~ Saree =leres 7 Property. a + xpress. | Fiat rcs eran rr fb abd ¢ es tem yards Bina and ba ae Ss decindue &. nh iat pm --ateretia terre" | MEIDICAT, Hanh , sopeitaty ieompaneaey the North | ® Zz io yoru ner Gord ; - ais Neo inthe 1 'can, ceminning soo acres | _Soratford. Oi Ave, 1676 Be it a rem a ie i, | Gloves, worth 2c. i cleared ¢ er cing pd scape ; ' 1:45 @. mm. --Express. . dated February Kh. Evidence was led 'ent | . - au, wore Mac: Lace Curunien etan-werhenan webitinens tees ie Byoy, Botan fo, Meader fac several rears. Only ene crop taken off THE TRUST-AND LOAN COMPANY. OF CANADA ! ¢ 2. Eprom, TOILET SET Re. reek in the Outer Honee, Edinburgh, betore | Q worth Lie; 20 doren Silk Buttons, orth 160; Colered Counterpanes, 7 gg ay A foaares of splendid woods, inchuding oak, rock cim, |QAPITAL. £1-000,.000.00. Buffalo Pot . 8, Lord Young, in an agtion for di the air. * food ahs 14 Lae 'eovth toe et Sa cone $1.25, Bleck Velvetvens, @e, worth tase = Deenannn ine END ou goed farm secur Leave paths --h eel NEEDLE SETS, VASES. Siemens h are of rome } Z ty tse: Men's Mecry Working muirta oe, wpeth Bhaoe bot on pot foundation, make in geod der Lie bes, oes i i | 2a Pm --Bapress ee : . "Enoch Arden opine being . * = condines, w ---- : me tn neoctin. of Beetch T TIES, COLLARS, BRACES, &c. | wom weidigeet suey (orcad a orl | tnterut at @ per cent. per anivm, payable Goderich and Points | -- in America, of Seotch HATS,CAPS, 8,C ' , trees, baat varieties, yo acres of fall pkeghiag Goes Yor and Norts: | in the case, was born een. the oO . Saas Fine land, sa the onthe dieeanse Half Yearly; lat of May, and Let Leave Gwwetiore-tc8 p 3. Rupress i . For the holidays. vevenett %s natenet Hetebendhs tier 40, tor by by NO HUMBUG vo TxHrs SATII. er 2Sestcre of Nevember og oan Represe J. H. NASMYTH & CO. civil war breaking out in the States. They | ee 4 2,4" ST eadepe rime F.. 1 HORGaN, ee . -- ee swith ali Main Line Teatnetor Torvnte . . C le' : Theaih, abn pllarh somewhat openat | O Mc ty ae ea =? 7 ee ° shen-Wholessie Coat. Price | Ettiew, Jam, ay 1hyt. -- -- T. MAYNE DALY, Ja... "Nore aetayo at'be Serye conor thiear- on. : - cree lal, the heinans leit his ite and want:ho the | fq tense success With whish we met since the commencement of our Great Catalo- fea seams i. | cmpemenee Sree nae sat 3 . wars, eee pict ata | hy 2 gee sls tu bevy vovn inoved to nad largey wits Mew Woods to ot Vint Catalog, as wl WEW STANLEY Renae el aetentir eetieet enh Tea SeMIGRSON. A. MACNAIR & CO. , tecbad i Oe Mie teneD saad [ v inna -essiitgim -- Fe = ----s ai a - retarned to Scotland, and after veveral years HORNE& BURCH, ~ U Kerr Yorn Havsz Courontamua axp Wane Mrs. M. land. ANT ow showing « oot day tageat Erected tor aioe ere hy | , _é,€ ---- a cold weather with one of LADIES FASHIONABLE HAIR DRESSER. | SPLENDID ASSORTMENT th ot her by - tlett ' - . us ? cuieleoteae a Kpeornng olin wd fad ry B® | _Stratéord, Mareh 6 ts; ---- SE eee ne Conaineet bas won iiinn The St. James 'AIR COMBINGS, dc, drewed in the laren otoe Rieke gutk, ona te, the loal 'hat he hy el -- ie 7 _ - w iu the war. Inti time abe received ERIAL rt THE COOK PRONOUNCES IT par exceltence, ee works, weil -- BSERVER an advantageous * a ge trom. ai pi 2 Oo by y Fire Insurance Company, of London. 4 < Fe) In made gravies an monees Oee Sh aes, bn., Calcium Base Burner H oe H ia that se y competiser. landed gentleman in the narth of Seutlasti, KD 10. garni ok pony « Worcester ardware, ardware. | x 2, ined : Subscri "99,900,000. B take the piace of Les & Pervia's Worcestershire _ mlaby . New Drees Goods in alt the Latent Necelties { bat before nally desiding she mado two visits es 4 ie 3) Au Binds of Comasoretal Biske Cahen ot seod 3. 6 anime yr ag-otmgeerl C. B. JOHNS & Co, Seprinevitir, Ont. ae eon rene, He toms ad, hertmiesl te tische soe' te 0 ee ee eG. W. LAWRENCE = ae ek te etestonery, 18 Os both ue oip.tte ee Shores carume lees esa | C)TTO SEEDACH ~-- Pureieb- * t; bat, impressed with the Beliéf that alc Stratford. Orders Lied trol 1 ueat in conaume te ) ACH begs to sapeunce to the ings, Hats she seen. a > Q Stratford July 11 wszz, | "ORES SIT Z Ss Wantived, Fen. «79 Saspe! cos our large aasartecnber' market. Call and Oe cial be at Sead on _--_-- & 4 was married to perapresen hushaad, ve ---- bd . . Me aie meme eer bora ot the : - > Smokers, Ahoy! sy J. PRATT : Cooking Stoves, Aa Cheap as any House in the County. | Ande Pplendid Assortment of New and Sume time ago the ret husband returned t vA _ =% vefore WAKing & PUrEASS SIMEWEGTS. A E7864 Shasiag eleowhere' Duyine for eek Cot ia; | Comtinge: New Overcestae ee Seationd, to find his wide wedded by.cnsther, bo Call at the m 8 Baker & Confectioner, ~~ bing SY Oe eaters, par | Seat eeaee ee lecnabiod to t0l)| Our 'Tailoring D t th ' "arlour Cooking Stoves, Par ¢aters, Bor | os cheap as any . The stock consists of ur ailoring epartment is psa Merwe medion oh vweiaks tity .@) . PALACE CIGAR DIVAN, & isa] © = a " r Mat suretions Stor, that be bes cock ones buai- | Stoves, Drums, dc. Stove Pipes, Bibows and | Naiis, Paints, Ou, under the Management of action was undefended, but counsel 4 b> hy ° WAVERLY BLOCK 5 5 ns @ ness in his new promises a --_ Coal Git, Fm » Burners,| Glass Putty, * Shoreis a John Jamieson; all peared for the wile and stated that. she = Atthe North End of the H - imneys an *. itlery, Electr Ss " Forks, era entrusted t acted in bons Side, and that the whole ciream. . W. BLarn, ty x 8 [7 A} Sthe NO dee TUTOR Street | died Ware, Timasce, Shelf "teroan BURREL'S CELESHATED AXES us willbe promp- stances had been discheed t the clergyman > JELAVING purchased the bankrupt sack of ®, H OQ n @ Where be will beep constantiy on band aiarge | Veils and Gla White ad, Mi ~ tly xecuted; who the ceremony of the second ee) Coutter, bas . ablesh Z 2 = P4 -- B stock of Paints and Paint Oils, Grain Sev Cross-Cut and Hand Saws, nd Satisfaction His Uordehi i 1a te which € 5 i Grain Measures i , Given in Eve e- ship haves Brande of 08 ohece ~ @ by Groceries, Fruit, Canned Goods, -- Cow Ties, Ropes, Whips, Cullery and tf as craved, me O ty rc __ Finest B of Cigere and Tok 24, > oO > ~- 3 0 t bc Cow tia, patent The blocks, &e, Gives Plated Ware, Shelf Goods of all dercrip-| ya) f 1 MODRnore NE D ANOTHER COLLIERY DISASTER NEAR aaa f ct S o ystere, " patent caws crosscut saws cistera puthpa, cast tons and are articles usually found in a CES. + iLASOOW. O ts) i) x Serachord, Feb. 6 +74. es to Mm fox = CO w Woied he will sell st the Lowest Figures tor Haya Toad pie, glazed we ans x ng first chass The CARPETS! ~~ , HaND-MADE - CiS= = ty -- & Piret clase axe, buy the old » Sold by | Remember the place, opposite the Fost-Oflice | We ace Belli ' SAVER? EX MINERG BUFFOCATED. [@) ° Bread Delivered to any Part} ©; 3. Jebne@ Co. t qutters, meat saws SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW . Worsted and Union March 4.--A colliery 2, ht BOUTS AND SHOBS! DQ - Re 3 = > 2 @ Serius ae Ebb: fisley Sod unateserape, bore FA, OTTO SERBACH.| OP Qu, Clothe."Se. at "Cost Prise -- ¥ ustomers wi 1 leave thet + ae. 7, MezT. "EW . Pm eeeneh ete ee = X call evecial atteation toeur Boot and Show q "ns © eee eT ee 8S plese teen: show C. B. JOHNS & Co.' October 17, 187 oly KNEITL'S OLD STAND. wisers been and seveutecn Store. We have secured jess of Mr John = 'U i . -- + He = -8 Now 3, 187 o-t ate still im the pit, bat it is mot expected "4 pal py md oendinte agli Of 12) & sy) hy WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER. {p.the place \e got everything 08 Reed in stores Thomas Werrell Stratford Planing Mills they wil be alive when rwacbed. = = Hw ou bandas ueual. i x #9 <s- 2 ote, Fil gull continue to manntactare bis cele: | geratierd, Des 1, 187 _"_waee| BPS Sea vimana tans be te sets sete --- A... perth becanee of the tres cs wee REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. SHE: yp = other temperanes drinks. en anh | Rebate ings, net Baring bean drowned inthe} THOMAS ORR, Paorazeron. *x 4 '. a 0 bdo tien 3] SEXD. IN YOUR @RDEKS ATONCE. 9 jaa) 4 nn g Btrstford, Nev, 14 1877 mu |Great Western Railw'y | Ausais bimeait ie esinem su Sornragtes FTE seteentieg = "we mann an 9, 7 om.--Al 4 -- = - or , : -- s ia pre. kinda rey last' night the (lasgow colliers were still to a FiretJiass Work Guaranteed. 54 ® * |Administrator's Notice.} Freight and Ticket Off pared to Bil all orders for "-- Generel House Furnishinas ged there wes no hope of resce- oO LIBERAL DISCOUNT FoRCaSH., 2. 9 Q 7 "ee ane Ske Oe | ornare cn tte tae ED 4, | Seah cotoorn Bede Mouldings Aa maa ~"ing any Of them -- -- . 'a ae Fw = tne RS DARCY -Lrcr's - } Next doar te the Canedias Bank of Commerce ois telends tind ths general pubiic ty give hime 2 Fares, Bese, Band , ---- SS H. T. BARKE UE RSS ae Marke' trationt. call, re 9] bg ; Rh, . 9 2 Ss 3 _ Dasmed . -- ug | Strattord, Aprit 25, 1877 o-tm | DRESSED LUMRES ALL Xi PICKETS re Q ju Strattord, jan 4,162 wey | 3 - ry IT HE Creditors of Tuomas IrArey Luous, late | Cheap Transportation to all Points in ce 78, ac., \"Canada for the Canadians." | 2 [--} © c sehen of Stratton' in tbe ety ot] | Canada, United States and Europe, Money to Lend. CHEAPPOR CAH, ic +? -- fapteimber, A-D. lsri, intestate, are hereby ou. |p Bitte of tnding and otber | [ME endersigned has been appointed scent BILL STUFF CUT TO ORDER. Q To the BUSINESS MEN of STRATFORD. | 2 ~-- 4 Bed So wend by ct Prepaid. om ox 'batore the PI bree ra Ae nd cane for the SHOP NEAR THE OLD ALBION BLOCK. a <> ret D. to tg M . . OBB. on -: 9-A '~] The Onterio Express d Transportation Company | a FE; _| Mewrn'mith, Seattn a Peteernen, of the tows | F, BROUGHTON, | ne on apc af Loree One, 2" | Stcastord, Marah ett on sacar "F146 Canadiny institution : at == : SI Se anne earned aor We wall ~ "General -Manages. pps Seleheast bc ee Avian Re _ (e) Tre =e sont on the eveanes tour Christian and erate 'addresses 034 eee 2 _ oe yikes er Tucareer ae The security" of tm The Great Cause oF of beings howecempany. We are determined T EB N D E R S p anh : the full 'of tee NEW GOODS 'arm property. Farmers and other hy to give satisfaction by low rates and quick ds sbelenas & anaes. t ft thetr eee the me Wisbing to borrow money will consult their ows MISERY ou pateh. bt and parcels solicited for all _-- Datare 08 Ihe SeOpTtIe Tt nan) ta be ee --_ Interest by applying to . : wW te east, west, north and south. REQUIRED and that imanediately after the eid Sret deed | ] US! Received s aew stock of Love, Fancy Gonds, PETER WATSON, or m in ng erode by ogpzoes plese inetrnet April next, the estate and assets of the said | | Flower Vases, Card Receivers, Table Croquet, Al Oftce,--Third Floor Carrall Block. hth Het swe - -- bdaosn da I tario Fx. &T. Co," end save For the Purekase of the following mas DY Lucus, deceased. will be distri es ty nl Rowks and ee ial Reasher sed {yoy fees rates were Gs. een ot ie. Culverwars charges. ales 's bated among the parties , Bare mens &nekn Vieiins, Bone oo 'Teo good farms for sale st a 8, Contain. eet ' H aoa ie ee TO eee ae shail have 'becn furnished, at seers eqeing" | Petr Pye Ais achactisr a)" Nw" ™" *M | ing reapeettetysopand a0 acre Por particulars of nervous Deby, Mental and Pay" . - if: oA ap nags ce smereenaaganoy We WESTER, | and the rairix will aot be liable| TOR c an = pot resitng From azee pai s eer ot PROPERTY |S itcry rms tie ony stern [op nD CIGARS, |} - 5 , COWAN: >} seenentteniad soabparaay sone _ Stra 7 , pg bag one ny Suadsies. All goods 5 ; E | ; IN THE oe an the thon er anne lower thaw ever a1 GENERAL @JSURANCE Agt eutber, in thie i. OQ 58 | City Lumber Yard listed af Strationl thie Beat day of Pebroary PN GRMOERS, a] FIRE, LIFE RND ACCIDENT wetted practien thas slering conseguonen H e oO emma P : Pay ar .. Barat 5 be iy eured anes ine samgerees ; 2 amuary 16, e878. " or the ow