ie sonra Maree ee i SORTS. 2 Wakerane a ; A Penaas. af Wienth "" m1n-of- wat © CRmATCKd Comforte" G0] a ' " A Cunnivan Errot---Too long a sermon. Foop for the Colestials--a Skye terrier. 'Tare father of the cereals--** pop." corn. Tite only Limit to Love--A " ring " fence. | ji : " Lose and successful reign "--the de- | : earn, ae : sie - aad wires "= -- mie a ; = . reva 'a if y, Pha } 1 coe w hatter "Danses 2] AND-- COUNTY. .OF..RERTH GAZETTE -. 3 shining mark." . a gr : a Gdins Geiser "Tine Bitter End" ~The bet half iach of : = -- ---- --S -- a eg eee oe Sooo $ paee aoe. VOL. 111 STRATFORD WEDN ~2 7 SSeS Saas a, SC gaia swaken oe nine ae res . : LATE RD, ONT., monlilinas: anes 20, 1878. , - NO. 417. °¢ Yoosa aoa bat better ba fast A ROSARY OF SONNETS t perienond a ttle satisfaction in the theaght [ she had informed him Serle yr i saat oa ae pomitte, ; Se ae iaeaeniaanie ry * . i ye aslerp oF . M rahi ~ wt ze Sees , : if oe : = oe ' ee ; ---- crigien. of Fag} Peanicuick's cdien ta Ream é | aw not come to tronhie you Nef =| [lene shew Fight Days om Old Occan oa Jor ax ia ~ ' = alee Sut Beneed Sesser os ATF 'to sre Shey rt Christi- A . winaies year putt. se nadatiat -_ i | drs sam's socoant though there would he no | Wiklerston) both tethewuce aval hi pins ve cmt ¢ Bed to nay a a Sen * re trine and aad to Christi Newt hin aga sweltering, renking tu ta the-hot: + Wars seuneiiling 40: 0) watch, the a me jcauee for it, And yet bis letter had not | sence--ahe would have den ra, f ahee eae. | -- - } te ~ ae bi hottest July Kouwa far [oe Mel 3 wauhs, ald of | _ a ee * oda me. whoily failed in ite intention. Nhe hal been | hac rot recereed tie father's ven suieaiions * Ven, He was you! cmayh te | ge even. Augret, 1877 +7. --Avconspaniod by | DMT yee Now York did pot appear ta} SEY Same sumven. Ueir com 4 ; a a ally isk -- shies: 'sie Ki' tnt ihe wih. Gozo evens resclvet before that ahe woul! never dischwe | --aoil she bad parnadel berse:f thet all was | renew me he dels 8 te wepecll Ukat ke trader Usocarolia, a weilte-da Buridhist gentle aicaatagn, and we rushed oo board a Gla Pani, «= Tow 6 dows ship: wrecked Vitex does a chair dishke you ? brew it ter Cheeriy: Cant ont gamed oo baa poser her tenderness for Raymond, however perse. | ke he would remain stlent and absent {through you to my poor mether, Ay allow | a r r. O° Alwin, s -- ani _ ro-enane It waa the Vieteria, Fe ar we > led, that some on you. To ewe it moee! Shoaty im shine uF shower vetiog his importanity, bat now she was) long eswagh, her neace wold cradually fade lamee of £400 a year. [tw mire lense shat Sinighalese and P of the Aushor Line--OCaptaia looks at poche wane able ALaska ia well defendod--there is a she ' . doubly sure of herself; for that her weak-| from hin honest heart aad be repliued by of hin" , _~ ee 1 the Ww tdiyindagn College, eatabtiahet i in isc3 watch --exactly four o'clock --losdii be anther ive fot again, finds and takes 4 de forsse all aroun it, Ne reer an ead te Oe teed péet ii thie respect would be a cause of quar. | Keme worthier objeot it was im process Raymon' shack hisheal BA here werw over aixty priests in this educa: | hatches closed --iandemen bi sensilla Js slave "te ever Watas are sobliers like good flannel? | 'The stawhres estehman, wales aud striker the | fel between hin father and himself was now | fading new, ne doubt: the know ledge bo * Well, ao Eth ae "a al events 'nr jonal institation as studenta, besides a num. | %*-- handkerchiefs are waved-- ay Z lawyer states" bw» When they re shrink. aes F made kuows tu her for certain. Ms, Penuicuick's avorsmn to his sft, com: | think se now. Kat rafane 1 aus sure ber of yoathfal laymen in the paratory | the pundervas machinery s all in antien~ pout to tie brother lawyernand the mibrchaut et pr oye: A man-whovees's battle from noe "ine eeorey bee rem diarei She had taken ber time --an interval of at | manicatd ts Kim torg before the present Pyou think that ' dict classes for While chs natural | for ten days never for a moment pauses that ence wan, i ae tos id. tev Teteive a renaralle a huk-nit 'The fre van ash otindel of ciate' leant two days--in wetting ter reply to | date, aud Lege with great fewoe and di- 2 am mnt cave I mg . aymond | inet are by caine in this college, they noe we ait grows cooler, | COPPSC irom » brother few ea y Fe enees, The bp Time, from whiets (he of featin Ralph Pemnicuick ; a circumstance that ha: rectzene, wt neeis have ita effect, Ray- thoughtfully." May t ak Py arian po ase ? | are commdersd of much leas iniportance than | reehet --we are out the ocean--and be- monmrent tw | te "= . ae Ware Want Hew many carats go OF osanan Sie given him great disquietade, for, he had at | mond mut 'ees yiven up all thought of her |uade withuet iticere ¥ morality S¢ religion, and. accordingly, most | mn tt make acquaintanve with both ship oe spol, We. have not as yok jn Copada, fee el gee Sarl ve tes Ts tao searmene 3 : ooce pictured her to lbimseif'as communica-|~ aaa loyer as she herself had fade hint! Neitie hesitated : the conditions bad of the time t« devoted to the atudy of the | ml fellow panseagers Sixteen years lave waning vee in their pi KEN VieGoRia ls RUE tr ake am ade} -- ees ting his offer te deo and commuting do There coud be pe great harm, then, boaly teplied . wehiniean oat The Pali, and Oriental Nteratare | a improvements in ger arvhitectare, ba tain dass ' Pcp to ber Halawral estate at a cust of . a upon ar= | iu Jetting ler tyind rey upon him, mnce}. + a enenlition Wate," she au- rally, he saloon, with of the whole ship, with = af t we have Plenty in rags which S| $445,000. © River of Veuteriny, with curcent ewift | rayne with hie me comyun plan of sc. | the fenishiownt ot her folly SAE OS A sere aftr ti ee pam _ att + There High Priests in Core, co opportunity | for Ventilation through picturesque among toa many 4 Warde aivakess | in small menagerie-cages Sone acne ta taod ate niche ™.) Gon, Her reasun One ¢ delay, however, | ber « © severe, she a hE te baee taken the 7 two at og and one at Colombo, 5? mre tabl sho peal rather then work and | div wo mom?" Uowaune they have teen used | The fade loncew that um thy temo ditt wae simply that Rcaghe enctastor | Vague Tepreia, bat wmavore os Ma ears taken the al: istter, Prof, Ho Samanqala, is the High the | whale -- ~3 sale 7 four sides | father steal "thaws AA ttt tea nneent to better clirabe. ° § River of To-morrow, 1 upiitt chouid eadervtad that, her comme huis | bat the temptation ba Dever felt te: 16 wuld have hewn a mete tad pest of the Adare' Peok itiocene, runod us, with planta, Bowyrs, and | one with sues? we cannot bangthem. The ] Wuar ie the differenre } Kine eyes and thee i «A the nig offer waa deliberated, and Mowretare final. | her, and she could aut reais 1 te. Hi enn President of thin Oriental College that | ant li law i cre between, gulfe: es into nein, and the dawatme thche Soe ner ia -- paler eis a niuch rober wan then yond ited. The ; asi , me sheeted! with the mereyscr of th thers avd gud- chitdicen 3 ! The former are 4 2a Lever imagined hiv tl be," . Ma vents in this college are : ott ne targets. 7 bled, © etter I totlew, follow, where thy waters ru festen 7 ner did ehe hint at an a the rea | badd «pont bagecter, more hare i { hare eaeer sceé int aties bun te Kh That eat but one meal a day anid At any rate-we tan do s kindness te society a pyre. Phrunigh 1 od, wnasaltiar Cckba, which, te wath, sotusted her eondact, | brother with ancer ; they had had bes foo eatent of Me. Penmemch's fortune" eV a'cleck at amon. 'The < in rging i not 1a Linton to ten 's | A REKDiEe mings nity W hen you take « vagrant with towers rand mughen! sith rang: with the eoreption of by » 'wish for inde pen: | rela, for he halalways havin "ab ; = ® poteven that of a worm of tascet, | Pel eur eimgines--300 mation per day--over. | tales ; wot to be gulled by sheir resdy false. | * ebigah in ti io Jou bem-brace an up- SU fthow, foctow. sure ty mect the wun, ghe & 'Sahat there to bed u 'lou' suppawe you have, 3 80-7) When goin, t reli hate marendged at meric: <tenee mina boods, aud have al haml . portunity ? We think nding ee comcaene Eek ees the Seay -- seer Jo Ee Jet guilant guandiaa aml | ewere: ravely +: sah What sping oat upen religious duties they narendel at. paerts AP fogs --al , fo bave always at 4 iatoor | ; . + Will be ine right, wibewe aap melt be . Red tw aimee for me bet in work ; a champion of her ete = tay tery haat tee: e Shed. walk. They are mot allowed to take any | y | tes', by which it can be seen what the wants ; ~ --dliciionn-wewan- sake loro divorce, ky for p shee k "cana have the incentive had beew the Mer orishlered Che' meetin ee ett | emery --taetivnie dive by | fotk i ies rand ene ~a needled poi Mag eligi i, goan Me Wier =| " mriny Cah abe ban wot soon her husband | Set esa bi a @ ehrere or avtuething that bed onened from her when when that falar tidin : first ©: no, | DPI, OF ra the" the alms given them _ eshediiabaliahil ait Mien 7 -. resacel now bewome. Certain! | since he murdered her father. rae, @ River iprod Yarn. itd ante pony id not consult with sithes beet or) thers fips, or Mr. Peunscuiok's, had ae from China a 2 .T. Enter e soliene gfoand through af D> you inchong te Cook's party * sand pon meats are Dot tw beencoursged, and yet. Way does the gurila prefer the teapice to rg, heatess, bat told them all about ot when | gevted that they were on upon terms ot | tham, hard : read! quew or of young preeate, pecnger to ux, just ax we started: Now," | poor fcllowa oi hat Mapooly the ote | m aay other part of the world? B 1 heard thee sccbbing in the rain, and blending the bal vetted the matter. pertect equality ; that he woald be meh aad | agree te hve Uuety In poniber, Mocked | "el aver tae thang of bees who and very hart oa bag after all. Life w Gen es: the oaly place be can call his zone, Ill Ure, Yo te scents gale y "Well, my dear, Pebink vou have bem j che would be poor, Toon Mr. fonarcusch | then secmid certain, | whe aid | oh aa) ol com, attired ta thee ktacety liy nevieg what hes We tmr- | 1 cortanly an t sublime. te Watt ie the eculuter Ps But sar with thy: i coniontene a little tow weonitive," said Mra, Wardisw | led made long aleonces, aml Raymond aod] he a rery Heh man r: be bas te ' A sent volhe robes, expensing their rght shont fers | te curde, Thomas ( rark, tee, who | 29¥ call to tram rongle in " dowt cnply ' got 'were the meanest Arad tot Pett eho ts tiny force' um pebbles speeting. (who, bower, had net sera Mr Penuica: | herself bal been throm a nue aud more to | oat of iy inenmr would cortarly nat ie Tey own 'nothing bub their roliga and their | M@ ht vtirce tn every primespal city-ofvthe | bevaune Usey are already dow | --- a ev Sesdieamen ~ Heese ne ch metled Tr ng eae pre Po of wi tek's letter). "* The man is rolling in wealth, | getier, amd these sugcemtiona had ceased | hort me." Mow lew, Thay were harefootet, ant Le thu. Me tot beard, and i comiuctng a et 4 Poor tireek. a piece uf marble. Thee : Cpe roe os d and keeps tus only een as short ae thoarh be | (her wether perlape hat bal ber own rea " Thet makes we diflereure my wane shave | tie: Sadi shaven, for the sre purpose | fer party of Amenean teachors wr apened Fishin in the Okhotsk & Axrano, after zazing at the (hiner, ex- At pr age had a a dope them. What could he do [sus for gut recurmig to them), and bore! \beerved Nethe, wumiering whither all th vt courfort, Heathens, age watformity thete two mnnthe sic holiday in might $ pad clumed ; * If de iV ines dark as Hueptrations, shoth, ewuld thes Tale better with his bearded nog A an gre [hal grown up between them belure they | ,),, mid | teak. -- . he plea | riage Baroge." Woll, then," saad we, | A Sox Months Cruise in afan-Praneteco dat out dere, 1 wom ce what's the culor ob "aoa ay tne par Aeon fin omar al vant, you some of it, .. He eviitentty th yeu | were, Asia chilttieed sein manhood, Lay- miter portion off | 8° are 18 gest company, and will bape to done de niggers ae have some claim inert had evar shows timenlf uaseliab, gon [Pk mk coRTINCED | the teanple, everdhalowed by palms and | ke bis anygaintance. Bt tirst of all, who Tux wife of aditewet Hauitten oly - * Nay," interrupted Nelly, "that ia not | erous and difoted tu ber; and what was at ete mite tropreal foliage, The seat waa a sort of | i tits far aud tleshy re who ata « The hark Starlight, of of about threw bundred bo his hacgung the nein whine il je And thou, O R ver of Te mernos, fw « Lhare atts claim Sree and tudeed | sll rarer, young as he was, be had woo her sofa, dreuledly Omental in Proception and | Pome te Ge at the tals ube, with bm me 5 tone burden, started from San Frateisca 'for deme i 4 PEO Les é ae Bet wren thy pontine 'ue walle he expressly bed 4 occasion" (she | reapect from hue betaviar to otters. Mer Parties primitive im construction, After @ good | "He. aed tive or six "children the Uchatek aca by way of f Howstala Ho- eo more, -- ¥y weariag tive bane ah rbaian with anaain snow | ©20 allading to yrs of se inquest)" b| mother had been very fond of hum, in spite a sqsare look at each other, we were at once | seotal ae the summer aod as tatelligent as | Colule was out of our cource, we went Weaye a Soe as think you are se y just to bem, of the dutifulness toward the father ste tusd We are tobi that-in some places, webting |! Use full Hash of conversation. This { Sootchmas ; and such be ts American | eS the mn ir oe Ranales to help Iunitarixe the apse mga. all | 1 hear the umpets of tuarnion bh "Wel, you know, my dear, I hate hum," | hated, and which had forbidden hum to lis | festivities ape now male toes temd over tl privet epolee a titthe Hngliah, but finding it | Sotchman. Nearly thirty joan age be aad w catch the fish A Kanuka vad be he = apr' berth si to have a steward Ca thy mighty vce, me eer said Mia. WWardlaw frentdy, °° LChtask 'buss | tow'to ber; even whan eles ns ent on bis gwa | laya Ou the brifat Gay theve 1s tha mar dithealt ta clearly vey im Mtber - | she went overland te Califorma--dnving his | % Has a white man," and he does ham ruin ow you will have a reterious SESS in aseitish, bab nan, Has treatment of hie] renga Mra Wanilaw ied ge tenn daneimy party on wl roowud | T2488" the philesphy and metaphysical aph. | OWS steams --aod enduring inpe auch | 20% pat oearso high a valuation apon 'bis tren roll tar break fan Ht is the mystery of the wuksonee son ie alone a proof of it, if thore were uo | him ike a aon, if she had uot atoud in just a | and the dhuldonen toad ae the 3 iy | thetire ie emai the whole ayatem of Exst. | 3 We know ttle of, aid mow he i une of | services. laasing to dosage peorthwant af = A trrrie girl » ately? famtred ber nother 7 dime pow ye mi - uy Heiklewes atiil, other Whee people are nich amd mean, it | little fear of him : abe had once advised lim | tus speake to expense, and bh wits 2 ps0 erp pomineerpe we conversed and argued | "20 Feancmsco's muilonaires ; amd be is off te | Meade " oven. ond igh the other day tha: she had found vat where | 7.102 'Tete rope age ip fr terns sian ts pod right to get everything out of them / take a high hand incerta dealings wah a rae, prnte thrugh the two interpre. | 2et rebef from the excitements of Xtuck | formed by the Kuenke groap, we fouad ear ie homes --she had seen a than Mne-wthot; eankaheeh sath, we It Like se mych saved vat of a cred father respectyuy pecuniary mat be m saocngean ing me, Exchange and shoal bis childrea in | vee in te Ck sea, aud after proce our ain owe ot thet; for he was Ciropertn tow aah for what the aay wel bring fire nn ond , had been mbuked fur ber uterte renee, Gret nang Qe after a general conver seve hve will let them exchange tim - ok we hundred ms gts Michael wailing on bis last fot. i "Bett choukl notlike to take that sort ie was anes aft the total want of syimpa- t Amenca, Ceylon, aud England) | Srancmce for two years in that modern | © tahospitable ores so ; " ee . Atheus. "it's fouleh for al of Kamtchatka, A Teenimir tragely would have uocarred . 1. pean ' of oodvage," aid Nelly, amiling. thy Letwwew the elivr and younger Meanica- | ao ne oe comsidne (Gautama Baldha men. always ta day had wot 7 i Se nes eae hnsind * Well, perhaps not, thoagh i- should like | '°%+ Sad admired tbe latter beyoud measare gm reat relief of neigh ay bis er nacren| | *13¥ at -- a he to me one day, Bikey ie pares of ae Captain, two . 4 Providende stay ist the grinning ©: Phi western wimkiw, Chapebed e.ducat _ _ | beeepat _ Bat. this case. | for bie patience aud filial sabauesion, Ste -- Why such # reasonable a ahoald | *fptare, infallible money, + ge off every white" Bai @ splitter, conk, steward, four > _buagry axd," us thotelcitous language of the | And hear ts leaves repeat their beniaon If converence induces each a rani in any one | WM Wat Cie relation which nr ber own case fhe ox marriage partius, thtiradloeas rn partaies only | rr end | while, 'are my tactnen Sebiad | 5, Saco eon Sony geo 7 local paper. Iu him whete hand thy stones wemorial aki; | thing to act handsomely and hoaorably, ] | Yad been the cniet tixppiness of her Lie, was difieait tonay. If pane ey will neve dancin, | © tattntty. + erawasm franca f-iiey atid | gs Leck wily &_mind, aud | Fishing is carried on both the veser! A chatnvorast lector of Mon bit ae ee o- think it your duty--yourmoral daty--totet | iw 4 sore and grievous trial. Altogether | why should they keep it up to untimely | fother of bumenrty, whe, by walking 'in| clear, and wever fail to make « good stroke | Sd tr tre beate-~ homie" nlf the- ttere =~ =i , clajgns his exporwerty over all he still. end wandering « a hi dort. It will probably be bie last en- | "a Young fellow wae hur uival of what a] bidr.? Lf they delight in balls ts there any the divine path, became a Baddhs, All| *hea [return This very spring, alter re- crore ie storms god darkness; {rom tho astrologers, a: : at oo Seta rf a oe don wd waiting for deavor to pariarnn a geod action of any yeas man ehould be ; ar) --aud --he oogld ma why they shoald mot have them st | ™* becume Barkthas, and enter Nirvana ~| turaing from Scotland, 1 made uxty thea. 23. dh ver the men hare as minuté " rs *dmmtable'stes quent axle Poli be + het erie | ag ari y ind." bere, but unly one to be aduntred temonable bours? It woukd be better for "What do you and the Baddhiste of dif- som dollars in one bargain. . fro their other: duties. "Our minia. well as the future. pennant asf -- net eee th mee cn ha +4 don't eee haw his comsciens, can have and worsbippod a long way off, or if be} dancers; infinitely better for the entertain: | ferent oom nabrien the word Pat Lald-headed youtiemsn, shart 'e =o eee dcittdiaiaine lng a Amd say lin bnguage gles fas human epeerh, anythumg to de with it, my dear Mra. . Wan f. | Mane "meat "be ut aside. | ere; and.arelinl almost unspeakabie to al! | Nitvana? stature, with such an uamistakable rel OS bells, three i tb his raibfeoce, as 'Tate Baw bs 'ow the eR A eth rs meet, empermonting, | lam..tie. ia simply moved hy a hind im- st bon in Bee at gg gf en be bal | around, Aftemove dances are ia 'some pla] | ~"4t "is envepen question, --Prievts: « give us ee te ae: ~ when's = ee _ ence, ase _ | pulae, though he daca got éx been pas sania, 3 wer ble, WW houid eb: teachers among us differ upon the pint, | ~ ecture or two e readily cam- ~-- pase ae | pits cc [ty te ih ROME] TE AN OH | tin tae oes nd me a ae Ay sine lati | 25 "i = Sota - OH RURES OAR. wH np | be re sed Sve. Ward i. Serra mien his fa: biog at 240 pm and ing up at 6:30 ing, the duration, and the location of hea sei i a pple be hgatap Pia swit, chilly mowing ec ; ote rs ' ers death hae oem tie hari sound | N, tall. The 1 better, | V"% Somiw eomarter--¥ +e was hone of your stil lectures, A ToroxTe musicentore reeently astd--» om se Fowiancd' sulitary strand ee Pig he = at tee <a 7 te ", = is be cen waster, Ss wet Sith whoube! ages toh Rd se . va ommgrs i | memuibebe supaation of exeaen: Wem a 'ay bat a trem Ty uk oT +r a young Amer- poe oe . Saeartaeree --_------f Piano, ani the buyer ssa alter wrote Lo the | Seching sume final wurd, sme see? Amen, ha nas ing we 1 owever, *i would, Uh, if oie that might have Leet, | quarters would not render the night hideous, | "H@HN. Others cogsider it to mean aces | 8" lady with me," said he" 'She had | SP bat Doctor," who frum the galicy, 5 Genleta that be aad bis wife couldn't Had | _Wherwsitt 10 einse the volume in his hand ee ae Pa Vit be. Fortunately | hc wool ail now have bead aloe tr the te he * S| eatin from further incarnati 1s gone with me many times. before, and ao | '% Sending forth the fumes of coffer. Sou £ tab plasi-es wiad th upiied shay Iitces rolleland plomecd upon the acei, ,| WE 8PM wut lepsadent upon him, my dar- sent, Without Supe, 'or 'Sabitie 0 Nah npg fet, Danger indiens.¥ fect yet sey oaellan aed utting bervelf under my especial 1 the cook informas the mate that-treskfaet-is 4 ro seng - pe, or ambition, of a fa- Rat is there get annther refwrm a+ much | fect yet conscious peace in the of the fal x oar The his. be tohd at ance how ty Sanat the tleag go. And from the parting « dowd rack mow ard then Ske stooped down amt gave Nellie, whi F eee re adage rigid neg oud peered ap euly. hours? -- Is re any fl a, ' hg slsiat fatherly oe Loe bere a "aah a "il ' - Plage! the su Reet over see and haved =i ate nt to ahe wenkd never tose his | for all the fooliah ff ery i expense of many it men not oply love existence, but an al bie wae & . cletlea, Tren, ward, abou ' ic la dept trot by "riba ib lemme brlmgeartng -- a a Bigg ane mar. ms her ambition ty be worthy of retaumiy ary " pee niente cages te wapeue they hanger for and deciee a future conscions | peels gre ote b some weeks ing at bs geet, ee PSS eS oe avant a : A; , haters ove crear blue, ural cloaded, | . existenc noticed them often together, pore seer: , , Tye : 'want' your a tie bs 1 me iv when I tolled ot Cie pitied th. 4 ' true kipiiness and hesputatity® Alust there ng ci ape pal a ---- revel Aud fies 6 max eke batt chee thet 'own a wreuch entitled to her share} 20 cnn alnive her, wish each | by white kale aml cla hamsrrsim order fe| "Yes: apd jait on long as they desire sienres, #00, be ev ----_ taking 6 penarratee apn ang ~-- ins evidence of ak titan a hie ho nae again hy re- ine ie 'alas pees ok Ube hea 7 proaperi y. Nelhe tinlveetonal it hueryng clouds oe powwed and left ber sky | have a religymas festival, or trifle aud turkey | [tener just so long as they lust after it aed I 'bw - rely Lgrden esperar aa se. The witha oan i oa ane tar of mail. li thaeaghiy but, except for the tender tones the pares, Sie wae strearing thus wet © | iy order ts orlinary enciality and a friend. | {or thesgratitication of what they deoomunate | fh)" Kin MO suepect that she will need my | 0M i eke Kanakas eat b F act ker teas ebadeoe frum un cw fell ou the sand be- iy talk? Ferhaje en. But if it as, then all | MAppibess, just ao long will they have iby | fatherly ow oe oe wie at Yeddo aad at cabin, and eat by them: Paominaxt dry-geeds merchant of fore her, aay Ing op wilh «quick start . . re-lnearmatic -births ee vinit the'scenes of Tatervat is Ke Bostoa, worked halfan honr on the follow: BY PROXY. Yes, deur Mire Wanda I feel tft T] uf alarin, she Iwhokl the objest of ter | cimiter ixpenae saeve any) at hee cr ob works 'sabe pode: Leman! ty atten' nae |e mfr © approsch Hong Keng, Hiewakiaat is over in few inintates, amd = ing propomtion, aud failed ta give the an. de net need much help. E have your lor ©] Mivwshis, Raymond Penmiewich uimoelt their creditors in order te hong their calling | sede norren fending to the deeds and moral porn rede teat h they mest pert, He is re- 'Slothes aed pg rel fr pest a rapid plu fourteva en hail stone wall ™ wemiecti, Tr th An ony with au theut conhact of f the person's life ope oe rl ve deplete = military bonors. lone pres jones are hows ye, bow beng will i D tive men by JAMES PAY, 'ale off the cll, tt seems to mea that upon the my SETI $ cack : , __ CHAPTER XXXL dalle re win ws plaka "smell ¢ ihe wtorien principle of the conservation of forces, once | 8 Suest, apd no leave. At Martraa, host jumping in aw the down, . we . tae = ----z aE reg oo be mp wk. | \2 existence always in exintence. eertain- ical ag Fy, Pion telegrams rer Hoag water te naheck the tackle and ahavs = Se vpake el 'sanl 9 severe ta: RAM stele ane t Boom « father 60 hin 6 ters, "that no girl eigh skhetah "hen* dpeiecrnmraneecentrcermrer tr wand a anil Ube look oF FTA te 2 , , tian of tenn yoo , eel v4 can't ooak shall get mar: ALON# (X YHEWOREN slrgt, but sudacmualy ambitions Limgan| fin the tony picture gall. ry « of Hallfisten ail ager alin: Reh oe zs : me Symonds Siu: the extu -- . ' ried ontil she learns how to do rtf Why it tur Uphelia." Manor, the ancestral tome or tr cont | joy men a your Mr. Can ie hi mast frac you here.' "Peave ee es then, we'd all get marriel at seventeen,' | When we speak of natural beauty, it ix] **) don't know the you cpr ll replied curck, bat inte wheel he never wiilusgly wet | preee hice is proot unyvestiogable of cr Caption froves anything. "Phe deaure fue as me, am gv to return ta | the whole fleet at fifteen boats t spread on 4 ' Fespotuled the rin in a sweet chorus. generally the face which we have in our Mra, Wardlaw, putting we gla amd | fect, Nellie bal leen contemplating some -- aan 9 aera er Molerai yo { set ° ms Hong Ke mg by Sen Very next ateamer." 'Bat in a semi-circle, ahead ol the ship, each pod ss Tite number of 'Tet subjects tn' Gon. w ly a tow bberuiure "3 to by bhenees, fall-lemged ertrant of Haymeoud, aud had chan re 4 , H my pepe ates tiukeces isthe rant of ald evil you were to sail roan ithe workl with me. --> own course. _ stant he i ander 4,000, aod of e thasinate who fata shout a woenai's ears or | She'w certainly ve pre Aty, soane t'} eden tt wm ty stip ont tte ahe | Oy 299 "slong ur weeks beth before and alter aad nKY "Vee, but that waa he © 1 met with ----. trerydory man is his own master whil~ " han reat: brenh. 4 the_pape of her neck; we say 'the face} have rather a wild en alwat the eyes." coull have beea hardly' more ae ! comree all aay thas. st -ras ot ; that} or Thin tet eo ha" ~ ' =e. ami] his y- He can go where he pleases, : pcos hn oe chal ote reeks, a = mature ee - : ebarms |... ape aw, pertadarly. not & compat at tus appearance before Im bow ip : poy af peeping ee bie pe the pins wie i -- sig ite io ger: he has mm os oa it te to return and be.j 2cbor wher his likes, "and "alilft "his iniowr- Sa ola at "feast . +Aheeh. aadnud.. ' nh felle «1 & ported b ere oti bd \ whene 2 x. 2 pled booting Sic =e there ia one exception ag appr os Oy gino pd mand fv yy abe had. bnew sesnpling fol Sete ee Pat ya mer a as J sincefitna ot eo Pele tats Fink foe ; WT et me re thing incon pen hn being to ewich ce ee ee Raa cid joni bdo. a Shed ane sammy te alo Wigh(-tm tbat coon opt i though 2 aeehais cough a ct 3t, be pad bee hin owe giomt, he could das th ssilier innihal ae ae = the sie | ng "iat will wpe ten sy a? sy ~~ wan fea That nase" fraint-a fitebanet.* rer beh. readoall adie alter stother, tie hiate-~ . a friend w miration is always reserved "tack | tiaate of the imerite as ee Re oe! cis hat they rath ; « 7 ci e i whan @ TTair young American protegee left me to be. | Macher, "and ten staiiding * : - abso eeney «tier 01 importance te | of the island." The few milew of road that : 7 jous affright. paniully ecgatea "now may wectincary inane encert came Gexernee: bbeir dori limes, 'a young laly, "how eam you be certain of | lie between Blickjanjy and™ Sandown Ray aut ines Ha'valan ke elite Dat hat tons "Lawn rap atraud L have alarmed ywa, Nel [ery were sacrificed to Se Doataens unlese-- pales | forget it." meek gece ot the lange ae Det doe amaaringaw om erin, ber reading the letter, sewing that you have | form a sort of manne Fairyland. It i] in 'nh fat at he gently, Te oy ; people ever lesrn that after all it dewatiztra . of Mr. Cook : ither, with i larity. Sudden- f me i3:, bua es » 1 a, dae, s ~ $ 7 Mr. Cook establiahed agencies, The lectare 7" unvarying ty. Bi PE 60 = anced 4 * That | hay times . Wats | te tet 3 Sean a Ba sec weohirerte wits WE and # Be 4 fre = whore cmmrge -- pas rate. aoa _ ee wad a4 fall of fhiterest-we am egg is of ment ly. one-line 5a devpyad and she.sther in, u- man without t Anioo--as immor-| study, amd afverwarda alie woukl pia. uf e's approach, thon is reach ib happily, ane tnd hearts aud geau | have no menury vow of your infantiic or | That dark-featured middle-sized gentie- | & ma fathom at every baal, and im. 7 ure, wae the a at er. * Rhe'll open . foe talised ia the lives of v kine and bis De | Quit ut uder professional farce ; at the | tle when we ha « pana b vs tenths a a car meee © ba, sour ote at bee howe . "a 23 cece ay | mae whe lecteren to us Ay oer vw Mo. | Berliately: two white- fish eg and a certainty, for I have pat private w} aah: «charming plot of ground, romoved | jwest the place wouht give her wectpation Bat it was ao user) Raymon. ban al dresses however | remem berex ' ream, if memory, if | Kay of Queunaland. A block of land one | "rm are yanked over the gunwale ees has trsetng secs erm lp | wc ake at mca i a Facer ct ay er | ee meg ie al rime tye, Ava etn he ' we Wat ¥ aa wat held . i Sar * : ' i Werth tor © Daitan « dig tpn ar Within thi writed Ares thew' iparaek: 'They took rooms at little, and aed oon spade becumme extinct, may they not all? "Aud in ene : mes mee left ies bottown pe rey = eh =a meudily Rial sen Ghia Godel ote bouche ta tae Lt spine more hey, brides have cdeted | Y°TY Margin of the shore, and at-firet-heedtovee he bad at ce reathyam . are not change aud extinction of existence | highlands forthe a tant Atria saliva bringing to the sartace the peir of fish wait- hip pm for hos anak, the sharp eye of | their firs lutters bo the objecte of ther | * ** om prge hfe senage aa her hostess | was surely ely m appl . atl shot come | S080 alt bus entirely ont. bright epark-} taking place around us every moment! a a ener of its legislature, nip ay ing foe im on other Nae No more. -4 2 pid ei Aglmpee of ite { Sandy beach A the he former wee you ~es asiinitted | "ag conversation, or Uf aerther bright oor | Where tw the hair that % be ool ah the Can. | ought of rain new 5 off comes oilakin cvat, - iat asd fap zs es Rnw, a he ie --_ inn ones ri ten times 1te-mene-| sketching. the 'latter Knitting, « or intent na a it called at the | ha tel and Mra Ware: eperling 2. g beast, trieedly is ere be head at Lapegiraly oon ee we sam (that marvollons np ss which 'con. [90d with' as. will tie figherman backies to - pavy six 'er | within Her Majesty's domisions, Cupid t Tetie othe lating & the slow, home by eleven of mln! matter : TOATC | tained among ings a pyramid of | Bake the mast of bis chance, Prom side to 4 up, or I uw toad davlgnt rang you '= hovers everywhere, over the level sands, | 'ttle circulating library voted $ ta meves, | the ghmmering thoughts of infancy * the } pos ) "Mother "eee dren, him. once more mide, pair sad-pair, for nearly. twe-boars, up, th over sparkling sea, over the woods, @ pees," because she ex sary to be in the fashion of to die, aod a | dreamy memories of Tthe dimmed} ty bi they come, Then waddeniy the stops; 4 cliffs, as though he --the gasecea'nne it; for literature had so immediately talk in which there y but the | peteeptions of the past? That which is or- All > ""? No tore Gites, not erste Berane * fh Gowpwan, an Kaglah artist, cynics wh of this usaal character. | 4 24 effect apon Mra, W smallest of small reg be voted fogeyiah and | ganized mast become disorganized--- re to soon oor ten days expire. Ten]. wickly as came, except the hun. has just completed a copy of Sassoterrato's | efcull, At all seasons hia victime are seen | {Topped to sleep i fled from as from the % which is torined must enter the void again, | S27" '* to short for «uch» voyage. Bat dred and fifty Py, that found their way in- Matonua in Prayer," in the British arm-in-arm, or -in-hand, or even ati] | Sete's pencil would drop too, and her eyes ai cuhie tender meaning? Even so-called re! gious parties are not | Earthly existence is a shalow--an evil---- ad Adlai a with ribs of steel to the dory, The man fish ys tay a tiunal Gallery, tor Lia Hat-Nung, the Chi-| more tenderly connected, parading c rest upon the far-stretching solitude of the | {yy hy sie on look at a a Long ashe has | free from the impatation. 'To talk religion | *eltish, troubled dream * Who does not de- | Ti n sad or disagree-+ tucky fellow, about twenty away on base aiaieter a$ the Court of Berlin. This } shore, or sireling through the pecker sea, in melancholy thought, chiefly apen ber | o.¢ ventured to do amace thet n that | "bere all profess to be religious is cn that sire extinction from it--entrance into Nir. they sop oe clings to our memory of | one xide, $ twenty 5 tan Gun om The Pee to the work of of any kind ever or derness of Uaderclitl, -- Life hee an ids i? dead father, The sea had always separated Kiebmond garden Was it poss sible rad vd the « Degionae Rye] eeanan ie ra. red after eur male Queen " Victo: | other ar had : sere hy at binese of am English artist. It |} in this poston wil and egdures for #1 ther, and the sight of 't perhaps nbaeoted all, that he hal gained a pm we vate | oa made, at said T, *' the soul ix immortal-- oll vee od whe yee reign to breast old As noon te eden Peace pal bark that such a subject should bave| month exactly. know an old gentleman | '2! eternal separation ne: She i he had bee i poor Ada = ain pone i ing font and being an emanating spark ; a divine princi- pean's Foaan and . signal for boats B ae beak, oo above all others, as Lin-Hei-| eho has Shean th was tenes a Bante eet eyes cm him since she Ine been a pyre htigr ar ceding me speaning: to Ber ite deny J le : hha tual tores | ee Li 'ine rg a a 44 ict, who ber day-dream five minutes ago? If he had | loose with the character of obes neighbour's | P gs ~ RRS | dinner. Each boat goesan the side to which ere y erthndas after the fa- | has always spent this honeymoons in this | ¥¢t % long aa he had been in the world, al! not, be wan very crwel; a 'i yot-- minister, Ecclesiastical anecdotes are pre- "How do you know!" was the calm, nts gma nicnigemnes it bel pad the Gh are throws from the ahioa nese oFt xy sweet spot, and atill cordially recommends though eo far removed, had seemed near to You soking letter fur the Sandy-| cious, and the record of ministerial oddities meditative remark, It was a staaner, j . dary tothe vemsel's deck, and counted as Tury were very conventional at the mar- | it to frends about to . [tin also by | Ber. The couacic ae nate that hia loving | beach air, phy Nellie; [ am delighted to'see | ght capital as @ time killer, [ains- He immediately added : "A certain Dead they go in. After dinner, off they. go. until riage of King Alfonse. After the ceremonial | Teason of itequiet and sechasion treqacntes with her own, you have + got hack your owe.sweet roses. ford will be talked abuat with great gusto; | ation of machin: mg | produces a party veal It is oc 'hai sad ah pe | the is hoisted for arenes which will the Dac sie Montpensier refi aven | by the affticted in mind, So soon as her | oush pony solar aw ay, hai! anuibilated dis- 'Lam very well," auswered she and Potts will be quoted as at once an ora. keeps time ; but destroy the 'consbination, of lif has an ie See senoee y be about eight o'clock. After sup- (hie daughter) to kies his hand, the Queen of | geatle guest began to gather stren, after | "Hee: fw all was ao Sennen, "it ina vy beaithy place. Mow | is ee tor, aad an oracle; Vresbytriaus wil} break the connection of the Wheels, aml the abaclatel oman cae --_ there are a few yarns of ashing or wha- Spain being supped to be elevated beyoad | the double blow that cruel fate had dealt | *P%* intinity. The of loveliness | Pennicuick settle the merits of Macdonne will oc. | "tion ceasse--- the forne ia gane, p: Ore genie men nee Say gomupaet king Ventures,a nd then itis time to turn. all natural spegncin and that elevation be. | her, Mre. Wardlaw said to her husband, W amt ners thee abe coakt meee Haymond's face gre w dark; she koew at t | contocally take a quiet aby at heresy and bide aT; "bat bee # vend of hve t i 3 a hope Bs . mag exp ering & papa's natural ane we mat fala Nelle to Sandybeach, | Why should she think of working? What! once that it was nut y Lis father's eave | the Confession of Faith ; while Baptiais will ; because it eludes your grasp, it @ not logical turning, Xo long as @ man bas |" Ouce ina while soutething varies the "wis sight to mingles ny an it wore, with hie off- ood would it do, even if she waccended in| that he hod come down to ace het ; she even | repeat their ehibboleth, and Anglicans try | % infer the aunihilation or the extinction of pri elders rad ell re long a2 be} notony, Ib was pretty well slong in the spring. The King, by-theeway, gave to hia ae poor bape did not herabit- dare where | °° works, beyond keeping her alive? And suspected there hal been a quarrel between | bo look their grandest, But let any body in the force itself, It haa simply been trans- uly an, even whee thi are | season, aud the whales, walruses, toma, young Qaeen s crown compocet wholly of | she went; it seemed to her that ali places what was there tolivefor? She was well in| g)064, the most national way bring in the sayings ferret. an te Pris Psd can said te an weala were begiuning move sath, diamonds ; alsa gowns costing ~ #35,- | were alke now---all darkened by the sha- a she had felt herself getting better "My father ie much the same," he ao-] or doings of Jesus ('hrist, of expresso quict Transferred where? or transferred to prrosehphinregiae dea eet ttweghg Two of the dories were being palled along, 000, -tantillae €2000- each, dow-of death and enviroued by the waters stronger over since her removal to Rich: | swe * Strangely alterad "the man | serious personal interest iu the great Cutugs| What °" Another stanner! Avid before I when he takes kind! palbery? foe 8° | whea suddenly the ecenpants ae them. which ahe wore at the etate dinmer on the | of bitterness ; but the sunshine and the sea | ™%4 + bat regretted i She | he was before he left E |. but theaame | Connected with life and heareo, aad what | bad gathered up m Rp hae he addled, * You folde | - etal he i &» his selveu currounded by sea bons. The wedding day, costing $15,000, had balm in them. Im a few days that tiret | Delieved that she would some day meet her | 44 be has been siuce his return. Ur. Green | am satoniahed look of pity and disgust wat! [spoke of the the soul, do_you | folds thew be while he <irifts bel scaly on i ly began going throagh 7% The Leadon ob tee X of grief which seems almost ta father in aren 1h woald that it gould | pice not detect anything organically wroig ; | gather y faces, as if it had been set- consider them ane ot the soul 7 -- F ** beat," ll the must -extraurdinary antics, threw Sperit of ccsrenpcndent of © | threaten physical saffecation as well as to soon! He frieuds were kind to be- | bat there is something seriously amine with | thed that, ach 'Unioage are ever to be referred y mo om ; they are rather the effects | best"--and that with a vengeance. It it | their carcasses. about in a rec ' --* the Times writes that ihedh ig down to bottomless depths, pYOe4 all expectation or her bark desert, but bim. It ia more diffcals then ever," he add- | to, amd that the man who 4 Paul and | Of the soul's "wctivities They may be com ta rn much the broken dows, seedy clothes, in dengioens proximity to the two little ce iy Sr & pleasant evening with Mr. | way mitigated. The clouds lifted « fun they could never fill t the void arouod her. | ., € 8 paure, " eroowe hia pro. | referred te Christ, waa a canting hypocrite pared to the sparks resulting from striking the battered hat. and the battogless coat, covkle-s! beats. They reared themeclves terice M'Caxtuy at his hoose in London. | from ber mental view, and through the She was alone, and nynst mies remain alone |). ) "s 1 an intelarahie Je that pe > W a against flints ~ but ite. ailing air, the irresolute step, | simost apright in the ' "Ibis, be saya, 'a h held, and 4 minty ult hear ðior te ' miices or preconceive: opie obs Upem any | OF am to: le prig, Is bet ae! e re i the lackadaisical eye, the hanging tip, and | upright in water, arid with happy houschold, of life shone here aud there a speck of y "e Y- tabject." know it in We know that there are many is point it is bat jastice to say t . oye aaging Sp, their red eyes into the bosta ; threw A m4 ' mon Mrs, Wardlaw was imlis | + pit is only to be expected, Raymond," | parties made.ap of so-called Christian apa hin peel alone, out of the twelve or litters the whiskitied westrils which tell a tale, as theyselves backward with snapping jawa, reach ple A Mr. Ralph Pennicuick's letter, stran; a & eaddacke Sieh: the sunabine | guswered Nollie gently. and women whe woull Le sukienly struck with whom, | comvs ret _--. bes bs -- took jorether tr " = ra and proclaim 8 | and with a ery which ween yome, | had done her - 6 would not | "+ Yea, but there is 4 Hinit to the forbear: | dumb-with astonishment aod. sndimation af Molar and at. family of tha' hese > rs a bark and a yrowl. They dived under'the ie. remaining in-doury for ber} ance due to an invalid, even when (ue's | scriptural facts wore ever spoken of or chrie- | h# believed in a future Conecivae -extetemes {the great family of the ' banat, {appear on aud sake, the oil went out alone. talker | sas tte ant" core date and in the return asd reincarnation of } dow and apparently tney oye ta bare te : : i wid i y, our daty todim must} tan lawe were either quote! or discussed, 'rite, Ee They eat the bitte: repuat the Urey dikap- Mr. Wardlaw waa in Louden, te which be | not override cenaiderationa thataifect the | And these things lie nearest their hearts, it | Spirits, ak fee alos in the wencurolom | oo fad it 'iter ata at a ne maps -- peared ne mysteriansty an -they had cosa, 4 paid pretty frequent ie pictureaque hegplown of ethers as well as our own." eoams, all the time? Very likely. Why ag i = all of aretee Nag man-- Ieee oi ke don't 4 Fox in the chief annoyance of the fiaher- bee' stromty shorn bye prion for a Nellis bowed bet. peet 2 fe knew of course } every body i iting i what interests | Mr taka, return to ite original reel oe ro tae hk seat 5 they are} men. He beara the fog bell on beard . ahéw: t ale a 0 sketch- ti wi he w Nuuadl but she ld | him Tie wouint aasmcna ¢ . : lain the direction fram aoe beagle en perv ariel t for » successtyl to her favorite bay. It wae] give him a sncnicagunans te pena Sa very ais, Poor listeners are bored w dens ee ak lb obinngty -- baad sl Meroe tT te ne tel : : a . Again he led ber one man > ane i and out of season, the qualities rae ame here in Ceylon 2 ioe . board Powe a { wpic. as in season a mm, the qaali ou Soles: ory bes highly tic? the type: | is, mal i "if there waa | therefore--though it seems a paradox---wax | * Perhaps } had no right to ibs of cotton are all discussed and the probabili. |"!!! i 'has eat pradieced oh _ time in a new cirection, He Ai ey dnb at a aya pan rg le ong bf ee aya Sop yh men Ate er. of abe Riguionr, alone?" {oe lower than ones tees Lene the = lemly the fog scales, and there is the bark ber ater, er wed te oie: Hal: bg he had te wind that ¢. shadows the ee ee ee ee Aer ghra oh are Sasy eenaidared, Vet lew of policy men, wiv eeuins fom inally ve ad nthesron | t ¥ the of bien he palling " Harper's Half-bour ned rove the sea, |} to me npon the nee ~if i the one | odd it would seem to quote a text or breathe to Ch ey ey te bert me 1 will pat hee ' wentiower into gued & straight away from her, Three of our do- vate letters | somehow were which we som forthe fu- | s prayer or sing # peal. Why! Pshaw ! | & Christianity to secure clerks! beeline ' " uuuer, | rics were lost once ina fog. and we heard : . The mu and induce him to draw big purse strings in i te tin men doo wall) " order te sew ind the Sanne t aash sothing from them, They fowtid their way " Except under ar aetsaie r eoutinguscien,' "he | not interesting, that they keep se dimirete-a na _ " ach resues. | ashore up the coast and there an ng Me Tents lence, ; inquired, ms te you in which they live | ti) they could-retarn to the The Bat as usual considered Ble and dis- secs im the sea until. Ovte i vénnected with Wortern reer, to ther P =s fores or a pétsonal inheritance, Cu, an t with ecirattyy thy arrived in May, snd in the six montha 'om are sae your relight. a ide tas ie ind ach ond aay: it is sation Lo rep " Ted # zaramete ¥ ey are aio Kantead forty thousand word is in reupening aad iacnaaiun con- | C ows eee, ant easily ex doctrine - setnar mary pr etree Sif rifictal eh or salvation brite roared | slised shah to thigh ae: igh ae | Dave got a yongh ten and Hii