Stratford Times, 20 Mar 1878, p. 3

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evaneil- Feil ways HORNE & BU rk: fi ae mthe time for the return of the collector's tended till the Ist M. a pga" oie nee woea | Mr. McCrystal, a First-Class American Cutter, who guar-|" rt | gray th ref S gut of a dozen. the tea! | > * MA a wf ome? Dime mart gots nets rem | AUtees..a perfect. fit. in. Ladies'. Mantles and Gentlemen's bie farmer trend " He went Garments. ee ~ : action, cae eh pmreenes Me fet bene, covend ton amended ay eg one memler of the family, romeauateers: --=}- rt ST. MARYS MARKETS. ar. Manta. Meh. rb, tsTa. 90.05, barley, We toade ; . Oke te Owing to the immense success with which we met since the eoesmencemeat of our Great HORNE & BURCH, . ~ ~~ Waccensard ts Warka & HATS,CAPS, TIES, COLLARS, BRACES, &o. oust, #1 19 to $1.1, spring. 90.20 NO HUMBUG 7 THIS SALE. ae All the Above Goods are Less than Wholesale Cost Price! Catalo- fue mals, we hove been induced to add largely with New Geods to our First Catalogue, ae will be by reading the abere. j carr] gist a.| SPMOLAL NOTICH! 90.93 barley ¢ fe to 55 peas, Ge BUSINESS CHANGE. . Reel Bie Be . -- | : eS eS premises formerly ogcupied by them. We will conduct this department on the same satisfacto to Sse Snes. Oe *c;0ur General Dry Goods, Millinery and Carpet business, S ie telboeen, tty he namely, reliable modern goods at the lowest possible prices, Te: to Ye: consistent with safety, and no second price. We will show in a few days, New Coatings, New Scotch, lish and Canadian Tweeds, New Undenilothing, New Hats and Caps, iwew White Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, New _-- Silk and Merino Underclothing, together with a general as- fo He Baer of te Stratford isan sortmient of fancy goods. na gioataeenaien the Kew York Senet} Whe Cutting Department will be under the management of w had no time to fuss A GRAPE STOBY. The many friends of Mr. J. G. Macdonald will please re- pes for the last two weeks." remarked ths member that he has consented to remain, and will endegyor Peey aan Tity" foyer Wid Trait, bat thed' | tO mhdrit e- continuation of confidence by offering First-Class al eh nenaiaiel ehealth, Goods at bottom prices. : hed wee the village poder oral Sioanestiten z A, G. MaCKAY & Co. he sould Rot feel The spe watil 'Mr. Stratford, March 6, 1878. a Baring fored Ri into Ll me Loe me ODD.FELLOWSHIP. 'Smokers, Ahoy! Vines I got from you five years ago," said be. OVTERBATING STATISTICS OF THE ORDER Srapes, _ my eyes, and I inaist on pay- . . 5 3 f i i E 2 i F k F # 3f # Ek i § I g 3 & | F é 4] 7 F 3 [ j Diekeen, aged 112 yean, 2 months and 3 Will again lenture in the TOWN HALL, STRATFORD, SUBJECT: How I became a Monk, aad my | f j i Hie ml prams en f fj ¥ of the h fullowing statistics lng you." This pleasant story hase meral,|, Tbe eto. Grad high is, thet the Co: 3 2 1 ig | 2 Ontario have been ccanpiled by ; They | whiei ripe - Secretary, Mr. J. B. King, from the sami- zx w. BLamw ' Ls is annual returus of the subordinate Luxlges . : > --_--_--_--_--_--_--__ Number of Lodges ot EXAYING purchased the bankrupt stock of RK. H NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . es rns Gee year 70) ee which he io tow ndding a tech supply of tha To speculators. Reiss " Pincet Brands of Cigars and Tobaetos, pliers errer ] ' 15 Sutdnes PT RE cnderelgned bebe of tee RY. acarswatn, seupemien, ama Reratford, Feb. 6 19k er a Forth As Hew om Society. receive effere per atta se aie a a oe a : tions bo sell 0 sultabie site fer aa Agriculsaral | Membership previews yeor shew ground up till Thursday; ith April, sext <) NWD-MaDE aw BOOPSAND SHOES! Hew (THIS Deliciows Condiment has won 2 ore opinions in thé chert tims it hasbeen We desire to inform our numerous Customers and the J Pail Wheat, por buch, Sitis te Lis 'tpene, per | General Public that we have this day purchased the Stock of Baker & Confectioner : Messrs A. Williamson and W. S. Foster and will continue their business, that of Clothiers and Gentlemen's Outfitters, in the ry principles. that have guided us at all times, while conducting PALACE CIGAR DIVAN,' WAVERLY BLOCK. The License Commissioners for North Perth J. PRATT, Paxns pleasure in announcing to the peas is his sew premicss Atthe North End of the Huron-Strest Where Le will keep constantly ou hand a large stock of Groceries, Fruit, Canned Goods, ysters, &c. Which he will sell at the Lowen Figures tor Bread Delivered to any Part of the Town, For which customers «ill please leave thei orders at the store. WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER Nov. 14 1877 wu A Administrator's Notice. he estate of THOMAS DARCY Lices, this Grat day of Petrnary, | Sl" Orders respectfully solicited. ue SMITH, SMITH & PATTERSON, Bolleltora for Adeninistratrix 11-4" NOTICE. 4 "Gop, or ») met be filed with Licem: @ tale Commissioners or the License Inspector, nop; Bis " if than the Bt stiord D. R, McPHERSON, JOHN READ, -- | Neaberer'bettntewien iid mu icemimeieue, Ist of April, next, Ds = tee geld sich beet « =-- Wipes! in counection with our General | after whie: Lica tis b Stratford, March 20. Meet | Neher of widow 141, Store, We hava secured the sarviess af ids Jome {ne "Bien nes mi fo, ee og vegige Mb pape yas ohne tothe wants of ous}. Clerks of im Nevth Perth: are ~~ Spring Circular. Amecnt paid relat ef wid deh oo SE NAGI, .ME Jobn Farquharvon, er, will be | reported ny moe B Bal. Hew. 8 of Sct ant Poe --_ IB ovsraee orn * bo = _ Act * of Outarin, aud save their fines. ie pemeeh gee 2 ee ee ee ME ERIN PROMPTLY DONE. fA Ome aces ihe om, OT Amount pald "urying 'the . i . 'i Ww a. J. OovDB z RT bm 6 oe ee wanes me ~ ale bo SEND IN YOUR ORDERS ATONCE. ~ oot ae S. HOLGER, eemeemner? we Se as. ree iy ee "=: Se) pee ees Work Guaranteed. W. MOWAT, FN ar tt ey RI Rea Bate i MN pe RR BRENT ROR C a3 iit ga thors gp eget oeret = H. T. BARKER, | G_ rary ott Oo 844 MILK CANS pment tage Pitte yen % tuve-steet | Seeds! Seeds!! Seeds!!! trae o@ered tn Stratfard, and very lew. ertamtage of da te 10 +e en enka __ en one te fs aad Soo a be nas: tap "Canada for the Canadians." Tienes he hee vasaiy chan' Gas Fittings, No of weeky sichnees for - co store previously ceeuried by P.M. Jarvie. Bag, i which bencfite were pait-.. ous 74h, where he in: to carry on the Seed Busine & large and P. fvemage puid toanch Reorber S ome Sopa => . (m connection with TIN WARE; Sener tee sat ' [Be Canddian indtitation, organised' is sir PRODUCE AND FEEDS Everything in this time at nearly cat. Seas ee Bape on of oeitig a how ne Jour sePPart on the grounds _ Jobbing and Building Work. | see. al police Sprcennae] ws tbrens, S28 a pprenic obbing an uilding Work. Tite. 8 nan $e | Points saat, west, hort und south. | FLOWER and VEGETABLE Seats prepared to dots Roker tate eT ese errr to ship by -- Detarto &T. Ce." and save Is pectoetiy pew and rliable, end cannes til vo Building Work, Plumbing, Gee Fitting, @e. Pee ymsog ny, het phone germ g ap Case tt the Montreal Telegraph Company's | £5"hioct the best connie ne = ALL WORK WARRANTED. | tn ath eek alee ¥. air SEED GRAIN a 209--Milbank, Dee. 19th, 1 _ Stratford, Fob 6, 17a i Of all kinds. Orders by mail promptly at- J 4. ODBEBT. | 1 nage, Na. 210--BruceBeld, Feb. 20h. 1878, = ~-- | tended to. Mere tem Mt | ~~. Gity Lumber Yard * C,H. McLAUGHLEN. C. B. JOHNS & Co. O¥ENG to the west of ow, _Brattord, Mareh 13, 1974 Bre ing CHEAP LUMBERMEW NEW COOKING STOVES . a be and as Brought out this sensen. In addttien to the LUMBER 18 BOUND TO GO uP, icinaty thas be stills retaine other stoves whieh have given euch | tn the past, we weald attem low to the us- i Now is the time to buy ithe tect inprovemene. PF GEORGIAN BAY LUMBER, Te CALEDOMW Am i Dressed and Undressed In connec Te oer cad sand oven stove, 0 very striking Lath: Shengies, ae Peale, &.. do, Painting, oa Grainin Iron Mountain CITY LUMBER YARD G. ate laa square stove with reserveiy aad clecet--« Paper At the . . Sign Writing, Dibeee oso are ee LOWEST PRICES _ Se en tatine : tating in Oi and Water Colors. eure tu the " Otte: ee LD, for wood, with ALEX. HAMILTON, | Ceitings snd Walls Fresceed in the Lave American otgee, mice Joer and geod treme In GREAT ViRigTY \ gerettord, Jan, 2, Te oat ~ , ; AUR "i ri " np a afm pai THE AURORA Mi Ma y? on ready for use ing stove, for weed, of a besetiful I V mor sey SS with orbacnente! feet ar . iThe ine: a ! ; py aa ig rest, . AP ari rche uo clay one a COAL STOVE a NW. A. BOSWORTH'S, Still Abend of ai! Competition Gives Patent Cross-Cut Saws A BASE BURNING Seratford, Apeil 18, gy PP i Allon We ea ners - -|The Best Chance Yet Storehouses to Let. plameeas vos | a meamnicr ass oo ingeruortnse | BOOTS & Shoes! eae aten ed oe BY RETAIL Less Coal andmoreHeatthan| -- cone THE OTT. WM. CRISPIN Agricultural insurance Co'y ! Btsramie msc outs sat] CAPITAL, - - 81,000,000. PAINTING THE HON. JAMES SKEAD, President, BUSII Ess, DEPOSITED with GOVERNMENT, 450,000. prompt attention vil befpesd ts" "™4 | INSURES AGAINBT LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE . OA LIGHTNING. gr: Eugene Ball, = Dourost, = + + MAUSRR:S, TAVERN, Brees. Pores "On Monday! the 98th {fnstant, -Rob't Greenshielde, At 0 eeleck a.m, bee I i i hi nh Hi ha i ! mnenet EO. PORRAN. re = ad -- Cheri | i ppc aswipern Geo on tas ER we sro eerie a __-__16 300 ey pect to Tenders for High School. Se od ee | REBT On WORSE | eee me se hare ova, sims | OCULIST Ape hi ALBION HO EL, ee 5 » MSFRATFORD.-. Wye pa = Saturday, March the 23rd, 78. | a. ise < Chairman . «<% ee ae Deeds, Mortgages tc, Drawn, Titles Searched. ' "RDaR © MONEY INVESTED SAFELY. ON MORTGAGE ! A, Dent, _ , * Mitebell, Ont. «© To goat men good tities, and land security of Poems wcahoareicat at nS Me Call Aad, aching. a6-thefon ns o. = pout THE TRUST AND LOAN COMPANY OF CANADA ! ; CAPITAL. £ Buffalo and Pointe South : 2a goed farm security, apes Leave =. m.--Kxpress. a th -- va seh-vew ate WINSTANLEY "Seeteng Yoram omens saa Y oe S AU CE + --~-1Great Western Raitw'y}--- Mire. Freight and Ticket Office, Canadian Bank of Commerce Square. Stratierd. J. BARGE, Acgsr. Geiee at A. Barne's confectionery, 14, Ontario and other , be bes bee reds sald 2) Markett_, Streiford. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. Market Drug Store. proved vere, r and erected QE BRAG | Viaking to beeroe mocey Salers nee ng ONET pag Town and farm DON iJ fai pre- --_ . M a ee a oe TOWN OF STRATFORD. 'RB. RUTHERFORD. 7 Ac ~~ forrest 'rank Railway. NEWCICARETORA Tmportant Chauge of Tima, | ESAT ee Interest at @ per cent. per annum, payable vor and Points North; aad snee, Re delays ot Ga. Marys under this ar- - J. HICKSON, Manager io General P, ON, EZA!l® COMBINGS, Oc. dremed in the latest ' ona Means" fates ot cham festidionn Store -- Downie Read, Bear Sharman' marble works. 7 . to all Points in| Hardware, Hardware. SraRINGvILLE, Ost. Ons. aye clase 3 etodt of battens, bas wlling Call aad ine and abesing here. Boying tor pretty at the beet ty Cunads, be ts enahied ts oll c -- aocheap es any bouss. The *tock consists of Brosbes and | Nadler, om, =. Glase, Putty, Shovels Si 5 ! Forks, BURBEL'S CELEBRATED AXKs, Cros-Cut and Hand Saws, Cow Ties, , Whips, Cutlery Plated Ware, Shelf Goods of all descrip. are ai ty found in @ rit class hardware store Place, opposite the Post-Office SIG OF THE «fRCULAR SAW. Or ing lee " ugets on ip hisline, @ ed and the genera) pebiie ts tive ae Ate ie to advance money at reason 'om the security of tm ~ PETER wWaTsox, | Offce,--Third Floor Carrali Bleck. Teo good faruis tor sale at 4 be: a m ' apply to Mr Watson. FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT REAL ESTATE, MONEY TO LEND ON TOWNWOR | OMce, FARM PROPERTY to Lend. ofa " ' 1D verde Real Ketats bought and sett ™ un Seley cooducted tn eit parte of the]. house frow 19-to 5 on all week de pe ROAR TROW aie, = Commercial ml Aven streets, inthe Town | At OF Serco On Easy terms of payment, The North British & Mercantile Fire and Life insurance Co. tc 9 per cent per annum, cording to kind of property that advances are re- quired upon. ' Opposite Zilliax's Hotel, Wal- lace Street, LISTOWEL. - Ready Made Clothing, Listowel, Nev 21, Cabinet Maker, & Upholsterer, I' Conmection wah the ahere lines af tuscinecs, f have added UNDERTAKING, . wo. 19 Ontario. Street. pees onal ess! Robes! Robes | Aad will be prepared to comduct Funes netice prices, Dee t2, 1877 Shooting Gatiery For Sale. rreaiary "nine and ot HOUSES & FARMS, 1GEO. FORMAN'S JOSEPH STAFFO: LAND, LOAWand. | "O° Gerio S* - 4 The Conveyancing Office ! | sree oon 8 le ae COUNTY OF PERTH a tieehe - THE CHEAPEST AND BEST LOTS IN TOWN ! le "awe = = NO. 20, any other Coal Stove, and §ratford, July teth, i977, "at, Shelf Hardware, Tinware, . : a thorough N otic oe a Ciatern and other Pumps, Lead and GAS CONSUMER! otlce. B= 5 iron Pipes, dc. ; ONTARIO - STREET, went Car asd nde with an oven attachment? [Important to Foundrymen. C. B. JOHNS & Co., srt heee geben Cutante Mace ESAS sinuses: ad (witl roaet mead CORRESTONDECE iesoticted trom Foun pasando ae STRATFORD. rome ana hep in one of the most prosper. sataciaiatins ~ a fem Parties who are now enjoying the ous and in Bit Auction Sale ne ee Enven. "Foundry "care of "Tue Fite? eae |W. re) Form meet, - and Housebeld e Murray, Esq. G.T. R, with Oven, ore Furuitere. e. 123-0 James Roberts, « " " ne erent es Winhers to ager ss compen 5 Wm. Hall, . PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN ! is ostege = TROT, ak . fain, «§ ss ans relsalie property, Vi -=i tear gear eihf | a Robert Riddle, 5 GEORGE FORMAN's : o serene yp TE Notice. ' John Salifant, bid m- bes trand;--Lew ya a) y ing Ogi i 4 : Jeph Turns, "« * "" Over Me wader, CEE Township mort OHH. McCulloch, Post Oftes. « ya ween Market sirest barreca, new, demcorad pone qacibcations be seen at one tt: ". § BRSson, face of the town) during the afeceeeandiny' s : Ti a ae parehesing am patter par SORE Prpeent fair grown and othey | i nea Guattord, July. 1877 L. S. ZOEGER, all kinds ef Manufactarer of OFFICIAL BEALS . |CHEAPES For Swirtion, Schasl ote ee --~ T LINE, , Lampery, Bankers, Corporations, Or<., Se: Wm. HEPBURN, GO ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD. Stratford, Jan. 9, 877 ippty - PARK LOTS, on orgy Carey's store (late iggines, on- eee aad Preef:--I have gold 1,400 lots (12 of the ear. past few years - and will cell then othees. Look at These Prices: ol 1.1, geod high and dry lots in & Ree- sere lots on Mured road, (4 of them A. MACNAIR& CO. * ABLE HAIR DRESsER | SPLEND Stratford Planing Mills THOMAS ORB, Paoratsroa. Un UN yp PCKETS A. Beattie & Co., -|OLD ALBION. Block, :. ( GENERAL INSURANCE Ag't ntl he 'Apply te ; ° ALEXANDER BEATTIE & Co.'s, Sirations, August, tind, 1477. sat "Onn Atmon Buocx, get BECEIVAD © laage atech of Fiewt-Cleas 'Gallery Ride, Aad Sat et | BUFFALO ROBES, Which will be Seid Cheep (tes Cueh Only) FLA Fe, TRUNES, VALISES,

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