we printed an accoun', Maiden A i tis se Froiciteo Chromeie, of nh AND COUNTY. C 1K PERTH -G AZ ETTE } STRATFORD, ONT., WEDNESDAY, MARCH FE 1878. ¥OL ' $ o7 ~WAS-WILL ; -- - THRANF. | a ey fm os the SPOR attire: NO. 118. 5: aga mt No ct havecleat-you rewell, and.she [- 1% a --------__---- fata "Sina _ " ae ae "Thee be ber | fae, or ar al St pi Soe Sosa ee hijection cts The Devastating Deluge... | reale' to the Intivr-hy Adrianna The co dy . ty Leorng strides a ailence. o< * Sem od done a = con. | oriter, J wey Ssy- chao hen ay ' Eada of fe mv dear, 1 wae al if Sacramen by the 00d in. the eu pet are tire ned to bet are bedenns Rete 9. Sak Sean - ? Mintecoen noe was ow ry ney baw eae you + embed down. pre the yrang | to Valley An Inland Sea re presen plan cn of Aidbians. nie has Suse: Sieet Sherine recy of the nobles is discover. th bad many shining sisters j War. Cama pet aor | bony dries a, theagh indeed tu was eery- tema or ts witvorsey ot Mr Pemmen- | a lent of the Sra Francian | 4. determines te oxtereninate thors oi cae Ode have dubbed af Trish pa vat away they ave frieud." Antioch; Pe: " vi Old bar mye eps ay be "ein rt prio On on a " es rs to hehotel, Sle it " "Ned you were with him up te the time | ana tite atall,Joha. Mr, er '8 con- aes the flood in the § aoe ate maul fa xe of ete Sane ; beaw "aad -- oo that fatad journey 2" 1 know peep pe rine | betes or sieaes perms Ua Intend at the | Lilled. and ' 4 oa Oats denen atl | Bot he tas to return to with us I | even tances? inate bead ig sayy Mand iow he didn tink oper hy ~ See | nothing but a5 immense lake Pd ener fr Te Deum, but is cxcom- the "enemy" i Heal those epee : change of voles, which she with a quick cm ing, | Mre. Conway's funeral ; all | succession of breaks of a} Musioated by the Church, whose. jealousy | the most ** Ten oe Son » | gat she had gneseed tha truth, "Ob, Nel- | bad bees © Mr Fy uonanest last sight | behavior fellow pln orks my that dred red fect, alveruatine esha tow. oe ben. | it hae-eraitet poagie. whem be bas | iachiog » pote yas haves te, have you sept h * r. Peanicuiek, you know, ac ig = few str ee: orsake him and besiege bi ; Lite brwath my vere fore fom 1 iter "white paige Tax mr ecure companied hire t afterwards, when are alive is waincatiy BP-atistacte aod te sree s ota.ce twa The Capitol, where he on reo od > wry he iting a 8 hd eck dee Yo or 4 Rod ad «liam fa a re, | enoag nevgpreet ene: bien asiel sandbigunan the or anyone else, toy aaron ies land can best be deve waken by Kil, except by hiwatster the | gh err ever "Tie tier jane ty ecw sorry, very sorry, Nellie dariing. | leas, | "oun cack oo by to Gisione, niga: will alter, mz| . " fearmt an Ce ape bp ms ie ruins | scarvely jas pee tobe, Ba ey bak | Have yoo counted the ons ? ' . yumm '* the burning ¢ 8 had LEGAL THNDRU rer ui lst + Ary th ih at ot | rer aetna | sin nna est anger sf gene Weed Tha quan Ste Frat aor Se cer | "Quite sure, dear frend. 1 get tet trouble," rosals of tried te quantity of : zs ss do they | wever speak of it to ie im, Mine ~ia mapper tee oem binge that," ail pads vag fie ine at the =o it ft Aig orn pel "sf ad ouvered by by cre of alate Mee, pre afl of Raper * L The spapeering rr . ¥ tathe ' >. 'euge, read taine th "- r, of on ae ; H j wikd estimate that a eettion of land some fit. | Wagner is able to bring with: aad capture.the guarters.. 'That is ve Neheving per APTER XXXIV : y ty mm ey? by iemety- Sve was submerged. of this t by . ope _ ne one my henceforth shrank from | « ened cept afew po y R odall's Talaned, * Riera. cata gel Lo dali even in ote oe ie ww bs a Seieg 8. wie siya am my, j , - " rey promise | all eee Mes Mithorn was dh poe hig? ine | Lh woakd ak hes A con ining large stones. Two Poni at ng ba shail bee pros et, ppily, . fk t very afterncon ; her rrnidence wa» tetrict. 'aasing along levees | ferent ma: an bracelets matehipg the laat- article} To did ped ee nie tite, , cee we a tak ayy 1} in nthe same quarter a the little tel broken, through which the water was fly jos Bo . - HAPTER XXXUI pony wari certain © ie , and | ing inte the river, Oe fl aires, lbesl eimai Ae ry cwvtaialy spaw to euch ; ' _ fo, Nett n Yea ee Ans wr the agine roof, eu that it he : many pointe cattle special eleynence and ch: ¥ euch unprincipled tramps if more iain trom Petearen ee A 5 sae Seek Ua: Newer wae teis ae & great «iewtion al etiquette wi ta Ma 1 still stamling, and in 'the roost | tote. As it w charm ia the any whem T bese ing of TR can* \ ; Aerie thanyg sig: itieance, id Wantisw whether the vale port thet chickene, looking hewi ant} wally song io en coh be a grand card if they \ Abc lth ibe eAlerts in ty batrlase ee and om the day on which Raymond cams an Yoru reached Dhulang tov late. Y homaets iaa for the verenotr Altar meek, there the wey tn are ing te | of gizaton, wi sts "7 jals to cl thew om ' ------ in anil went m peel or tell a change ou | Wever eaw him "= = se thee wan was deuvted ta the aflie- pia ger dap pea Lnonlio' amt At yerboor Halery, seer ae y would then rau quar- just 240 diamonds in this trifling artiale of af B Vv P R fe) xX Y « SUE tio Tower effected be <immec erp = f een ee shrewd ePaer tan' 1 : nid perished | selves for Sat at aay "a Pinar i hay od haan imawasty d oa ° " clusion; : = te br amadte Lae ies . +4 A large emerald and poms a necklace of poomard i lowe pt Hd how cheerfal, [of the Chinese government. 1 trust E aes t P They To shai punt --aberut Laur cher hee b we by ete" Jowale magnificent ' it atuctiupsly 20 Path al ere ree will stall be made te sy for i; butt ool inane, FF 'at = inte tal at es 3 re | be ne i mew) that wealcal there ts nothing Torys are nat gone . Jarre ' eC v s " bs © lurmer bh ecmatmel in Wy teal er Cemgmmenry? > aadayered ie A qual Rea nll BY 4AMbx PAN itherw tie ber huetess's little. expeditions ef pe th ™ _-- meal in -- rent Oo Hrannan tnbas Lat ameng | ite orwheateation io aren thearnanyandthak wring xen to kick ¢ a poate ae € ek te SS ve esi ant emerald ear. a ' me day, when Mr, Wantlaw was < pe heel we =f "cia the f even the altra reformers of the > at ieee alraumable impadence.chly Waa ea Bracelets em, a ah be me bed ed " ' sue raids and diamoods camplete thiv-eot An CHAPTER XXXIL--Cos tists the table dete # Nene a SOO SE el on ue to leniaen t sive Aw re nA thermagti turpieetiom al the overtiowst | no os dont slo m the ae manic lover will J grting momey at See pein rv ON TISLED, made on « aie diatric "$4 a . rd rm a, ane of Marray Hill pit ge: peta ina _-- "Rede res, mite in agg gs aren was rao sand Neltie earnestly. meee | most fet than Mes. Wardlaw | be cet thas 1b = cube . im a = " aud harmony, wath a ok i Se cece Setore a baci wih Shalt bre " ' . law was one ¢ ia qurte trae. H we illing to allow, but } : ble to enti. | of the former element, Iyet : fine en rte 9 -- is Kod a 7. ning geding | 3 and to mine only indirect- i oi ts wh rciigae in dining in eae taelf, theagh as bole bold as a time, ns gration oy ing ---- reg iy older than id nae Hoe 'ane poltels y du. | hence the opera will t yernied the pakie, ae wit ied ta ¥ hey ond x blianey itaining a striking ahs cabee day waist sent ag Ay lps "sewing life," aud Use dati bs onal coaa ts Co ee ee repenmny., Pan By ye gig ay ant em wrevails, al-| and the vlelay being wo brief, it will be as apis ton det Raver ete and dazzling cont: ' s lrops range . semen ing te bam of ghis expander rial ate a Te head at it | for me, wi saw--I mean, t | hes law's eabwen us rdict a ae ae le enn. tron of | de mot in order to prdery rey aCane lets out emt, A ip al' op: [00 bo Bad vr Whe te. ania. So wt as /uot | it a siecidedly rai" rte ro i ee yoy tesa eo , Esbould have hiked | to"Nellie, cad he paleeylsted ad oe onseyuential damag After cove ion | of of the work which as the " points ~ rewithal Pay 2 iat eceware Meng the boty of an inseat, con: sam, Be £20,000 --of *: ee 'haing in thelt own rox ae however, | priests' cars, nt "aa lat hte jo her Lue. There was, a6 yo expenenced men in several sections of | delight. Re oo it are kay sd 'Mord most | tickets, which eee dieren wuarlry, ~ rl a lowinh. white, | tence of which be supgrmei me tet for thes wake be would have contin. | eaid no more, rememl @ young fellow | been said, ov family resemblance 'hate the country, I believe that, so far as i doles. only to 7 at" tm apparel, or pa peed F sapphires, rubies, and is onen- t: only Tatham tad. wwe » quite © satentel His hatyta | the , ring that be sto! in| them, am! the cout th eet | possible to estimate nt, the follow amt J s overtone: a few of ite many | fallen inte the clatahen of <i aie vet im. second butterfly ger y phy gual hoppeent, were cramer atiy eockaly- fins poiaitene bebe iad Lr hrenee men, hat his flushed cheek checks with oer pale and ou ones foylation will in the ma: io be found ~ for Rienes and song - She, snen of re oa ge A fine, large of mag- | my father would have been an nnn tn aly she ge 1 'himself with a nightly pipe in | him, a6 on "ie Gp the sentence fine r ros, dunsimilarity page ame pesenaialy o Cost of rebaildiny, ma by the <9 fo the at ar pb? = onan ; And 20 Colonel Shaw ie leaving Toron on 4 ' allie bil ryan 73 ert " airing amd at ' ag id ia! wings are -- hag amoeda a on 2 soggy hed panics au te es 'The be 3 a het wi the hotel was a new ah to be nan." Cidogy tha make ine plas, ye ml do, ite oe te : bi fas profita by destruction Bp pny re rc cme Sopa lige vat "forthe 'jelly poe ord a r tn rubres, a: three ¢ sed hosengen ale To m ' _ tite a 'ai for sel pi hose bd er 5 et Mrs. Wanllaw, [ without a certain grace of canis at pot] pated rope, (outside figures), £2,000,000 ; | finale--that = _ beautiful prayer, and a | seems to have won gokden _ us hontai A winnie of selva Rema gold alee: in. anlue tein * etm at which was the least 'tha at could expected pee rs dg amt ee t an what I don't | served ioe otudiel, -- Her ey ~ os a barbe womens if water reso thing the the " ne order ever Item : and will -be fellows t- re @ a peli ii mer of it, ain c . id hone « ' = 4 a) two or th der ever : so ag pede yee ving a es ie wnch a prmaatin was unnec- | oi Ser opt Se for = a ao bpearys is the part Mr. Pennicuick touk | mu e r mens lanes. oft aul even | destruction of buihden: the, $500,000 ; | om eee ate stage. e opera will be an ear' i th oe ba mage of very b collection are sacketrifles an two soli- which time indeed m iret, of nore ad Ae | while the ube al wat (Aas " ee a tell ae | were politely called "+ clasaeal " *, ge ey fe do structure, #8 0; of Poppnein . cf the ek p=. many Yankees like the atte 'bow _taire diamond cardrom, weighing disslese--aud Latarted off witha half an | Sos progress, * sa po Nettie locked up sar rainésa--bat hor Hoe wap thin, aod chovpe [oes sea Maschold goods, 900,000, | Dies Flumen. Irene, Me, bobs Mehiond eld ter, They = Sakaue wotch er which cost $20,009 9 hour after I heard it t» come aud tell it you litte salt vo pe proc a eleew sans while if poate little flash : ibe hed i af, and with 0 wd ~ suite r be chow' hee peat * new of Looting he famihes, 850, | who was summoned to a Charles Adams -- va target y ans of aunt hate a with tare 78 | dined atter ; _ : m tht T ge , : Teen af cattle, $30,000 ; rh a , . = i mehe iamoucla and ra 3 foar imaghificact die: dia- ae wiioled? ites Aeon news, fF trust, though won, the reehanf' cat a = the * "leave eich oad if page gre 7 ak Khe rensiv ved her coher, howeves, ery pore igre -- 0 expenses 01 sd t " pond Row " Me Bin, big sat i cals thelr own pootiens ond Petal he el aspphire read it ings " generally uf the commer : ould have | graciounly : i ' porting them f 7 r; 7 it they make -- ker she rel tegrogrenys 7 henwantoen A exe then te in generally ean n ary Yes thowght ' a - for Raymond would cs manly + tndeod, ™ a grvalet dovaee | big igh preanda, 825 om, ped selon ch ay Mr. W a Cohene:: sai mr md Adolphe, [they | were aa _---- eta > tal value of this fortune in | it be spel « or --indiff erent. That w 'T d Hive uu consolations of | his futher's, as rom saying anything to} silent sud reserved tims he bad been when hi , $100,000 ; lew of rents to land owners, | to be executed | agar dance, | wil." Colopel Shaw's successor Aye arid Spies wh AE te ill depead | thei own for thie neglect aed ill-treatment, | € nl merch ¢ was, om the con | had his. e "reall" per tgrinceg Milla to taisuente "from, cakbes full exeye de na A the Mins sinters anda | quite a» likely to be ager ates = this' product of the A: fh mown' but od Mra Wanda cried reo 4 'The news topics w ae ROERION | 6500, 'The ahove figures show « total of erch chor tean: it be -~ssana il we stn en sa agar |e whe Ye Wr pw | Sead het ie woe | Tama at mae ey dete ap Yo | of Rmipbach te tel a dr |e see tg nivelag fer for [ct the women Soe ead eeeeress} pence eee arate flo monarchies of like the f ik ad at first baad ; Sellin' am 5 Ou an sconery. , suns ie 5 ; vey! Ad 7 ae are} oe the other side, eat the English and French | still sitting on the ae "eth Rang pltwing propontion was pot i --- Sele. bea on at this time, ber remark seemed | 'My beoter twlls me you draw, Mies 'on: pages ae igen of devas Ct raughly seu enna Se san 00 1 ne ' caprtale ae andesstecod eu idle i therm. rf e way will cover th pe ruin in thed trict re- 7 jon_of " Rien. | Just and r% i bythe a ° frag pad life wisn ws 6 abroad sae eer eae oe ith 7 ire Set rr ate of honor--that ia, those at the} Mill Wall, Mra Wanlla, Sees Mow " little," neosanted Nelly mo leat! ye sr re 7 ae iu Pc gpd Nothing trate ad ; pa Ser : y ow Frous at oe aid of such adcemorica aa & 198,000 ro Ao see the ; Ss tire tabte- eet J by-th cs Ob dear! 1 ht yo re bt us veler tr aus bright a sf credit, maida) nurses, tixed: tenderly--bat net contd: rewmaa longest established guests, while the ated mee Tone 1 did ypt like Peani inteed, quite a professi chal ery Se aytion pad ge Ju the tirst place 'aan a " alee ee the work successful in a . None ly her, There was te ype" | comers were placed by themsely a 3 ~~That ia very trv aX dou! Tat t that many thousands of ue & sas --_ eee was genuine oa macirya at the | ous sort of fellow, wer k jim "1 y tive," said Nellie aye | the eaten: thatricts w me Arian Cras a . but also earnestness, as theagh he tational -- the Wardlews Wever. ** Of course mide ate t gain my living by my brush ; | f nll be vastly dune. as Ro ere sy ne Tre ray eat | oe "ena a |e We ed er BO | Say ee a Adslerations world in arma -- he werk to aru also brereted ; . , en vee r) : si ws plang 0 had muro a ple, wha were Show B 2ysng ouu- | athactive about es r amd he | cheek grew almost black. tilt bee 4} that if the waters, a= they assureiiy will oo We are cmuped that" in these es ape three . ™. Not a good busxs--A blunder baw, N on ee wok haley d father about you, The bi a co -- i regen matte > Ljamee = _avbeie wits, the i out ws a ard vane Lao the: Land to pine ler oy hy begimein, 2 we in Jocali! » f econ a Tux beat froutiapiece --An honest face, back my suit. eri i pay Feb pel 'sw | renee view of their relation was very - 4 tea ar lands or nme of the i cqnal in wed 7m are actually talking Parie'st a "ent Tae. 7 A CRYING sin --Taking babies to the play. have 1 lie want aac, o Bes jy aa there was no family like- | tation of the man ; and her hostess vardiow tobi you, Her ane to aque two millions af ange | some aha alight ens q bes ? great ~v wivEnh ii peslCedSG"ThAt at "guM-at think, have given his 'ecniwan be ice tas = them, 'Fhe win wes for her answered} =" ss teak * tell htes i bu other picton of the genuine article thrown m uw ao Prench, and @ few - riage." hry uerk, shite the lady was had and th. "Yea, th obeerved Mra. Wardlaw decisivet thirdly, the lesson taught by this dinate way, happy for the travel are somewhat ving theirad A 'It was not likely, Raymond ; a very ' ay i tig prety ig Cilag, for mabe Bat why not, my dear Mra Ward , | EXpenence, wilh or should, lead te vast | Tifferent make weet are innocent withal P LN - A gvesrion of time - Asking a lady ber] but yourself whald have known anyone s iW anilaw a shout thay hia 1 tans tee i oe woh love for} saut Nelbe, seniling " Hf he did aay oe Lenefit to this s#€tion and the wi ey 7. Mustard* Tea* Cotlee* Sugar* Pshaw || 8 ray tour 'ay om ' « i that I should pat reper rate to one nice gane falta 3 th ti Who is a very ae arse 1 wna This immense has de 4 Tbey are all hypocrinies, found out | ¥S° has ever been in has quite the +. Tux best tobacco stamp--Stamp it under | my own f . nply. : ice "heboaging to TL have heard | quite true." vot ota ot are, official tnalysts tell as that | "autace im these days While t have-hons ie ont. paght f could have couvinced his that m Yo be right, i acer Lae 'I anees! Bes kc * If you are interested in drawings, Mise beds of th to and other rivers and be may a "make } 12 Rome to inaure 0 enolate buy a Jecbti | bappiness was beuad up in winning yoo: erally wn auch matter 5 ings never ree imide' 3 Me there are same in this portfolio," seal peerage bode 7 aon bord th Teaeelas ae Ainagreeabe fect. Tike |," Te Saves aaney eoant 008 Racieetcwreremett ene t hoe tome --e Ludid, eamvinee, him, but if e, bis hand's 'edlapered reply. " ay a ol my it," I Mra Wardl Mr. Milburn, and Nelly rose and weat bas nually rising ; 4 eat keg of leveeing such Ma immvor: aA wes excused by ly seseeay Catacombe leaves little if any & carreat totter ~One containie will évat Pode That scone , aul wife, it te we veces yest have | scornfully. "He law | te * jens to cern ef that all did it, so is | ma be bin ning a remit- | was s tinge of bit ims eporak Cet ; rei was afraid of being made} Miss Milbarn sh wed her teeth volume of water the | ** make believes of food, the verte. the Lest way to get ; Wa Has ks 'the: teint. tae te 1 a hid tater akecrted Vadied" At all rm eshte pros of the ahr ne mal ea not |emile she put op dia nov extend beyond grant waterbed thr ongh this ae that anid stething which are daily sold in the |e#Y of Keine, the 'gen along Night. hing in dresses? | events, he positively denied my prayer, He Nel we hen they. returned to their sitting. room, pees LJ realty to hem --aed began Mr a relief cans t he constructed ta catch -- : = Elser cot om, th exit, dnd all pore erie ae i -- san could ne ke Ue lesat provi ¥ Was asked her vpinion on the matter. | obeerted "Mr. about her herase flor the new carriage had 0 VE iain! thedl aon a chicory and | 'heir way invaluable, Phrase books tT ia ne meeemsaates thing for hot words to = for our subsistence, in fl f Lan not ulacrve them very particular. | full af ry ieilew cheer eome duwn to Sandybegch,) which she t 2 to enable ere various won't dieresy ane | a-premiam, Pernt, 5 at ; _ | pretuce.a. coal inthe tenth of hia wera Portion ty." sat idee, ily, a speaking for the first time: --"* If wren that Frain a ond a f caccesnvcty + thes, | mo be Chenktal that-it is not a haters ee eer vawking Agvble tides, zi ee mabe srry 'femla NV Seas dunay a that "Her attention as strobe tt the os ~~ vit oo yan te go dirt cheap no aust at to me i nl pretems agyregate and come down wit! ma seer, | MCC Wires. That wine has dearéety lengua ot Le fr more acqnaintans ary expected neither mere nor lees," pare "pent! seniairehe: 'tnecne 3 af trenmelt, let whelming a irresustible force, We can well} TY Of the jehce of the grape im it ite What is to be fare? That is the . Be aiedhowrag who wa was mnjared by a tural otf " brava ona auction," atateatentts nm van %, --- Ce Se reyes? pins Baris shat the whole ot this simply brewed from logwood and other simi- be How et will it take to seven os Ap thr pe Sy bes Shien ated setae suit aatanel to seal," -- reo: agen the 1 think you ae inclined to be a little The Terrible Famine in China "chia Pew the bay Pasay a en ' ysmonlecst a herd cat we deans! thing. Bs ee the Sf pilles of ancies _ rppelataly Sree 'ta Bike a fies = i ieven the Laan a tteo hj ae we * wa ford iM Mitbarr, me a The in China whisk is: nee cruualy i conta ve bo pret centa- | ** always pat what a" b aght it for. have wn wpe mile their -- chief cathain has Wd a aunt J 4 dearth 4 ' ori=- Witat can a man ae in hie pocket when ol ory pa on die. re you wonciboaget an Oe foalig sy Lye ere: "| widest-apread fendtal the i wes ahaa . = ty" aid son seg Why, there mes, It will Le curious it wempty? A lng bole. marrying a rich man? 'Are tasvi af wale the person: eared woe 7 may thore honestly eal jou hard thet bas befallen humianity for the } ! i children's sakes, "you specially want ya a. errs 4 A pocron's motto is sapere ta le ** Py. | harmon ancl fousiaat Gandianita tac seas ~ Do you mean the geptieman or the la- vo bid," citclaimed ung man, emil-| F, aufirat in the aatumn. of IST5, w.clad Sierras, and the deluge of rain | Pitlock 'art ned -patrbed bond 'with avand & chow tients and long sufferis | pcheme of 1 See ay "com ie, Hae Uhre 6 feolitig of autagoniatn | Of" immediate canse was the lang absence | ™ shel fal fewe Ehesta.te Diabla * 'There in sot moch chalk, so that's ¢ [om tobl slrendy v0 the wing: a all hiked: ry al ° . ~ Tux best person-- "indeed the waly perme Except i hies baie living with he nonsense, John ! of course I mean this ee ee here waa only one oT ain 5 the phones to is wae . o hemi t the raseally | 200d = exhibition of 187 bal ie - te fil a-vecuum, 5 Mra. Wardlaw, 1 i tere never tried ty the phs A snore washed-out amuite- that very tT Liked about him, but as | ee tion a meme due is the grachal Warner in America nikees gives skifh for sweet, and aaa that ha: hefore. H porns 4 q waa connected = e kas af e ° Morro for sawyer st wht] tir dot aqniet Pestin sho $ the woma Sexwuiinr dininion ted with ¢ Rueane, aveeta ¥ of Chihli and ' i mm he makes you pay f ndeed, Anothes of Toroeto's oldest & itiseae Res Be tors, | uot give me any great op ONE Id, , | think it in justice t oom in mm the 3. Y. Sen he would reat satiefied with th 1 awa' the ae tor posters, Beware. wot would it make isch differ o gneat Me, Wants asigved ad ented te 0 ought As ta what happen. | te table-lands of Central Asia, oO] waite lamton Pl ve wo bail, Wk har put te Some, and orn roars eegree bear ak Wor sth bathers we oa inne = eeeld th me i amet, I think, vee. in bis yu & eal the oil. <s os 'i catast on men the densely populated northern . nie Toaden, Farig, said st ike wee that aometinias neither Wy tien theme aod afent almost his hols be pay veygicresbee c - itinalw le " ° "Ne . p course know nothi vinces 1 ol : a Place of por a always uoder a parent's I tha comet satin Raymond «a- aly? Sf aS jhetitinthahing, t ing -- bin owe linn have heen in constant cenicnnon wit sinien. te the Ave York pabltic, in the b Mi pan ag ne per cent. from | pe shae vet a very much respected by A wire'. text: "7 weald be ean expucted,- You ever tSeak which can soarcely be expected to » i ' of beainess general, {in Toronto mem, bere | . creeds. It. is scarcely a The right man in the tent with a little, even a very re another woman, To| far hie F peak ua-l Th ave oy letters | and of the thoasand thencend aod eno enuses to which we Fear it thas | Pomble.to what Tarunta would be like Tight ptsce--a hushed at. home is the ever Lele, (ake with ene you lows, pasa him, lat 6 " send hitn off to make in-| but afte To. paral ari * 3 : tor; | deneri received from day to fm can oaly be | is asaally Sievaleas in We puy the Moutreal people: they when be was : N canoe 4 5m t you come | back, sir, til » were at . sicken'n, uncertain status of art in the | worms milkmen must} Some It ie unrensonshle to onmplain becanes | PvE {Mt me bY my mather and which, he | 3 di rotten deed Laren evahermmmtgsche srt ssehadeggid Mays Miilleadey wet countey larget than thir. | bs sequainted = prety cantly every wart | Butter? Oh, don't mention it, | Bevously the" Sociat ced aah ee yuur clock atopa; if cm not yet on without -- me come uf byiid will fall into my own thaneds, _-- a . You will "ted the man in wy 'am glad to boas it b prey. b want that it in} of om ct t the great master has brought A good deal is fit only to prevalence in this roe 4 « weight. f ree, theres - of my fa aes ' + = h i if gy Nap ease-- law, in a wee hich tn imp A 'a faces are black bid a re en Dpto - wee § tuake B. teleee, oo 9 hair in it to | Or vlation i hogan in Toronto taking COBY a DOSTRY Oe ey Nestotas T yee ahem Sate pmrertde sn much better than moat hus-| either the reverse of the words she used, or | UYi@8 by -- pe eee sahcliene ap even at one believe it had heen mixed for | PoPMlation inte account,than in 4 ference in every difficulty be awanted w it, i ry pooras lam © ign , incredulity, "eT Bout tthe te hy foe | men and girls aed ', 2 ar fl apo e i seven years thanks " ryreres ns be. citier, either of the States or England. * pesca : br at ---- that | ook caaaite Mr. Wanllaw: came back | ever, what Mr. Pennicnick did that was how: | for ea to any shana we ue aly. oer lobe sollte made known, and swift- y eer it of that ie still ba <--r know; Tshoubl hope ven h ing Gnusually grave. i 7 i* larity, " ¥. what of statements ; } 4 1 is a scratch ou the hand like the first | Composition for weeka, bo could woth to | They are brother and sister," ih we ee country, © » reapectatle married woman Detchinbe" ae om -- Ia cand gone 2. It reir practi ye won't my susther werd so tha yoil ps! tight a » tnigling? Hecause it is only a | Sehieved » eat ¥6 | report." Did you ever hear af ti Mr. Milburn did not answer: he w pore easily be bought for 96, and a Tittle " Die Walk mg, and, later on, | to detect St shoddy, and stare oe begin a yee oF ei Year ** poor as Lam " went lean to her ¢ that | Milbura, lies hear of the name of | piqued by the speaker's manner, and it w gt $2 In cases, however, where it ony oth <n aie N very thin wathen look ve 'etchant dean somal tr on a wine man may be ata Ty * Newer, Mr, Wanllaw." oats y iampupwibte for hi » reply _ sapere to sicpens 'of their guy Ring " series, except the one i nana . Ww ing day row: Fast colors * | { eocamapeition agreed how to " * M. " Well, he tach a y . PF 5 ve heen . r , i aad re bun het ® foal wer er knows mtly ou ean. apeneet ~ just alec fom C has heard of a. He has | would have kept ca the Ricien oner than witness chelr' prolonged' coma' placed yen the stage singly. with » Save hanedieey Be to be ars z wat people Tur Carunprat, Clock, Wuar can be wetter than a woman supposing marewokitie "What? Did 4 koow pct k- gether had not Nelly herself said, "1 should | 'ee. i9 many instances throwing th works for piel are slow to believe even that vm * 4 eataract in her eye, a Seana on ory aaty hove } little weight with me in Ps s vei ed Nellie, fluahin; pape!" as anne know, Mr. 4 all y tell | ** m wella, or committing snicide | and Isolde and ** Rietai" ot he Lee which came < F te Wasn't that kind of a " Feeder. ac « back, forty spri ian hay | Your ease it have whatever. Oh yea, he va in the same regi: « does wot give you pain. bd pei 'orpecs lay q@ by the| at the Academy of Music on M would only take to dealing in' the " Feeder W bigh-tiel sheet Why, ose] ot = the--wieh -» * | He seemed very much in| be 1 will say, then, Mise Conway, that so | Mebway, and there was none to bury and d after the fthottes ie ac would it not b a we fanted Here 1" It was.oaly i with noth sat Why, one have set your boyish -- FOU} told him whe you w aad when I | (arse to my poor father's memo- Ast th ' te if . apt. evening of thatday the ; The pe nice? We br ceragh tt tag ter inseribed on Yense motion a her head, and swimming in believe um, Ray. hy cand 1 said Tthought | ry--wheh wa all that was Je long time on roeta and ; vite rhe A + street, Bathe chin' take i thet Hi tears, , itean never be, 1 do not any it | 77S ight wieh wo te Mr, Pi jek ft for him to |; tah wa; then they although he dwells many thoesand miles rage for chrapnens that the seller. lune to mix | Was never a pete He had big 4 Accoapine to the Merk Lane the mivht have been, had your father s * Yes, indeed, I should like to do a cenicaick spared wothimg. It} katy ate the tte and | f Bayrentii, 'abel on er to do in wo Hits | nor slngged. He h " a Phe grain accumulated ut Osiaaa and Nicolaiei! ba decision. 1 know--for Thaye the Inu he will pay a visit to us to- | such a hing to mention money | Ths Park of ie gee off their cottages. dl "surroundings of "home," which tle faith in honesty and truth going that it | The hour was 2 seh oe pied. during the blockade of the Black sea por utmost confidelite in ywar romty th wise 4 90 that's in liberal ; he had 6 man we speak of is inacthe, ed Adora eagle nen : them for several | were denied the art pilgrims to the Wagne- ia jast as hhely a6 wot the dear. i- | had looked bim te the face. oo Meet se hi | poate meen rs ah a ps ete Stim te esto | Sage eR ae sic ce ere Wage |e i 2 he pins ora | hg tne raiona bck ee ke by free in -- yy thi her host ai e ren enn iaaal af W wn spoonful of hone had nev e the bicekade of O:lesza alone haa been freak te It emaniy be: be * dina op nittieone | a e-Netle farther talk: alee Ney the rev ef by heard ~~, to eat. The mest | the io ot r fe with to esteh fies. but if one wend he real. } for his ie hinte one for hia waist, but had wen LEO, ane Yo wy L eeprde Welle Jolin, wha miniskonk oe ste oy tare, Wid enty the ees Some traits 'of particular tere os. | (7 Rew saly the gurnine and speak bnty the f dally Sree. st Ht kel for As pal 'og aay 'no, om give no res a ohn, what do you think of this ow ' 1 only ¢ at ta "Rienzi." In the is e, would it bot pay in long . Wenn ; sone," M ell, that bei ve ket red: . : A } place it iw : It a fueder, do i a hikemies the text, <Eagept ye ye et poy) been Cnconbenays cel. «Ot, he mae fell ih, | to hi ita llth mare cred trey dete all my Samp at ete, | fewill (testo Bute wetion Decca 3 cocdh,, Sa Soe eee al ie sabe bk intel me sank "= Wiat Kin y in possesion of | He har come h 4 ta him on. the mo 1 of ba labo br apd ator who vild ae well of a mreet 1 I'm yer man, Hani! gation i. congre | them," 'she answered quick! m Wha ne hora, t appears, apun neque was pa tal reef the oom' re youth with th would verve a child es well a# the think yell it . y OF dé bet sehen bone vb wos dal of bearing said at Richmond, w ep ¥- eoang a? a to '.e having died amd } of wane ree bewee aoe 4+ sant | S0ee Ht -- ve oh nerin This | bis maturity, a a Tow disp ome of indy ya draper who ld net p is beet while ei gant mea ag'in, thoagh." ~All this eee opye taken for the & ae ther isa aa pot and it has three . ot rid - to affoct hire at all; while as pe ROT | chewed, will eventually aplit inte peer "y a be ree wa i" = pa re the park ni ey your reut, you | tain that oene futon soek tel - af it: so taueh that be has ; #0 far enone can ie -- oa bee 'ord after prae ; > that be Ho consent to | obliged to ask his sister to help him spend pedge im _-- most acute and wah frightfal extremities have aan aa th pa Bunk of Eo, hia son if you di Y him Sat You ot as} it "That wax the woman we saw-at-din Gorforai 1 cannot im fact picture a man the famine-s stricken people in"China-+ gather. eo mond ite rate of dis hy sap are the foundations, ; ing tast dutie te a friend--with . od a! hawt the ones t two per cent, the ae 4 see wk who sore Ae Ad Fo now 04 can set te work bo ter. vane oor oe - devetron," a The chiel ees oll bm has hitherta [tt maotician's banne: " through La rn u- | E ehould bread hat | tive. heather os tfrom my}. inosine i lustrate 'Ato trunk baad certs ee you whick Tu this sareestic_cieervation Mra. Ward- sund, Me. Minera." gravety, | the open porta, "es on pore wre) eaposially shea ith it la considered that I eboeld shrink from iy to do so aw madd no reply at the moment, bat bar- ant the more rege ince t and Catholi 4 cee '< n Ly ng = tile ia the beartb x me during four deg Watuoin a'sha set Ron s ns oo - 3] ied hereatf in the Seterday yp eps are hows. thong on placed." | Site en 7 ey ¢ hinese have also given ona of the lyne mee « the mfant manufactures of Canada . : am & 5 " usens, af during which 3i:- i e misery 1 boda ' i in the bauk'y -that the rate baa Kner ag well ant doy Mint OME gull were | merge, with the an hati orem the | bare bowed: and. Mea. Wandin | ied die | Mere Delp 6 wegen roqarel. "the sent the instrampetaticn of the he score. These | The ma aiready tigires pretty prominentiy, | Melnty ren rhe te im figui id rob Over. seoms to me that it wonld be. the ; peroei ' -mactificing labor by the mis- | ly W an, theo yl eee eet + ewes > r very . aal for L877 pri and for ever. types lp se ent a dusting 3" and. Lighting cen for | ene of Sele ® bese areeane ravings on its the C1 teed lorena these o> i net in - hemes are not--cr at least be taken A ants tg op pee es aay Dae 5s an apeneet" aven, x » mare veraation to t. t th * ot " firm 2 | caetinte tengo a the forenoc mio the wet de ae Ha drew 0 tittle ih peemved, and wea | OpPaPe Shalt EF9E entirely. ae fe beta od te day wor The vew opers | jadiepomaatie » dete the press woe! id jt ale, sod.contit anh ibe tishedt. nt you; | ry sul y Mr, very of that : Ww their friendship and va pe a xty, not melady tangi- | yy @ regular feminine outfit me 44. a to Frac a j pad! then Tray sen mt tara paid a fe ro om at hen he rose ted t Pp gre pee should be ce-} Ble and appreciable only after | | Wheo shall we get back to the natural steel fabrication employs ae bes hen 8.500 | had resolved te den le Yoo | Mra. Wirdlaw, but io reality on N 'an I hope," said Mra. Wardlaw, * that | ™** by further dees of t spontane y it ri . the tne? Whee w ; arm jon"y. understand the basi- citeee aa kad any Ne od i self, toast of course iy om Nelly te we may have the pleasare of making the ac- ee symmetrical tunes, oh he cpt cont od Nat ti i geneen ewe Se mr What besiness * th aibon' stares, el whas t " F A. 7 pope: = " oodim, de + which hase io I a is | Was _ quit the same young fe da book IC you al sep siete FE ASSIVERSARY. OF Tax tei it ear, anil, h the compocer's .. sg ¥ at on me fruitless atus we knew him jn C for hie Baglish | anawered gon" ¢neegh. te call, Pence Ane ~Tme day 0 wonter! fertility of resonree and felivity of ** Look at that Pitt nacre 1 baw 90 Seeded Ti th | tescon seat tei en ee eilgee at | Sipteass ae Thich abe of twenty-one | manger, eet the popalar foot i eympatheti ocriple. Mordor. expert, = Could ya feed that Gi ates me jondred a year, 3 dog). m which The ** ,"and} dete ove tock plume Conata, alee. motion with the rhythm of the st . ar preset" ram - your father has ch | the wpen' shirt front, and the lt pon the whale, new acquaint -< in the ense of his other Panama, Feb. 38, r " carriages. So -- ph cre Pom thin famous |" You haw Ree 0 never tald vaulted bat his manly. Comat ied ie ee, inition. 1 don't | very many of~-oat citizens has waltedt ms rt. wee hap Pedy mod Ea ~~ihel vinds irom Iyuique 'tall the tiny « fpane all" ie yore im the service we war basi. | aoe he reproachfillly. met face, from which the sam "hed ooly | law : ret play writen ay Ward- | heart-rending scenes conoteted therewith a jon to make every warts; horrible marder on steamship Jl, from Ld "It's too damned thin me tit is one of ithe pray iromn, Tor corinne ee ee ee tue ge sit pare il it will be | Samay shartly batore ber arrival in Iquique | _'t Yes, it's thie work ; hs "T guces. she'll onthe! 16 bes Borrowed Tdi by atone % Teey wess finced in rene an She woah X : t has. handled , because trusted that before your disim- : aballalwaya Jeyeyou, iad wrought by * } hie Lerner narrative Riensi™ wornhi in all the capitals as ippers ¢ n wish. The oat Fre AT