no te chimes. up the weet San, ite hgh tints pen aphesr ; perep He carertetles. . (aan ob yeh weston ak Lise Hila oth 0 i The trun, te Ie qubetly nae inten why 'SS a ae por "May het he Pease, true, i se ouce oF twlee before yaw, wr, sete | a" THE YOUNG FOLKS. Most ont peeks have heard of the grand ot Abbey of Westauuster, ott i mens GAZETTE "STRATFORD, ONT, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1878." NO. 119. tw nave his fanny fron want, 7 honk, 1 meet Other tr amie many would. be <o-viake farmous hiatorieal had often been there in my alee econo aoe ait aisles and ol a whea, at last I i pe. And my wish Be we ot Noreen morning --soe london, than Yomes ted from my leon ey aces ings to walt eee Abie After a ieee walk, <ome in sight of eee short pause, she Laon "And whas a3 Wise see should | ave ve bresgei « our own down, id, * certain of the Ree cen ot etn ee est obj in London, by | shoalda't give iteoioa hurry if I you," obeseved Mr. W: prastiaalat lontione: * Indeed," returnest she, " provide it bea as b@u nied by ae you will und fareek that | t yous wor father's views were | a eal we doabt inherited Lem: wasp: | be to to what the rlictioneering people nal OVER SKIRT AND Lowe WALEISA | skier or.of my ways, I dois' t doa | cane: stylish costa: "You dou't say so 7 said" Mr. Wantaw nnoecout!y : the euntrary, Hf 1 were in you case, andl mm marrie! a rich wife, 1 "dboald may pA other myrelf, * ow ell, she's sot plesty of rings and n't wast this one ; bat if abe girl, then it would be very pleasant to give "neg 2 asbat, to be oe tiret per- i} hape abe hed-sser-aee aid our views upon euch a wub- | ject are not ii kely te aetinsiate," amid Mins Milburo stiilly : after which he felt eyaal to mu mere Conversabou with her uatil after hia second ylass of champayg'n 7 or how, my view veld be ~~ they are--qaite e loosely as you | : wok no decided Hoe ; amd ove has a yreat respect te enor, ef oreo he that ia, wens ere a -- t Tike 4 bett-my Spiniaae--| Tort te teem "yin ah Mr, Milburn," unsedrel Nelty | ie, oth mt derts aad! sttaight ¢ ort darts an fre ' b draped in | anewerei the youn, apron vety mac rat 'Lonly meant that Th f the a otylich way now in w bac ample revere draping rosy Mr. ater Ded dy i weaae atrange that he panels rad contemplate . | were cogrernng feantior bn in patter a rj ve and she th thieks famed 'she ia ie ware ihe wishes wee any scene own >t eta ond even to yive a tolerable ides of it Nelly ia tones ra qitiet calmness onnt hor someth: mature, wae slaw in the motien od the 13th af aan ier 1730, & che . King and -Partiament of y interest you. w tm Na, 5, "that your neg room, I think? look "at thea at mot should like to do Po exceeding! portance --& <r ; Loot] } are-net only doing Miss b ch what you may ientily the scenes, Be Same Serre amecrtiren 4 pap are this monument." I now walked on to the north transept, 'y eid, the first was one] the reverse, when they erected to Sir Robert Peel, the t drator{ Being "in the army," is, a+ to manners, br: - aad ttatewman... J "oman refrigerator. te drop the wa tong the th: at i wat was a3 Maes that): she tole mo eas dear Herbert was in ny about & service, assisted ib the choir boys. Inca: ed toi . certain imlolence, which cj "young man her brother would come to hearof the mat- Tsbeught i was very dd place to bok charch--among so ory of Sir Teaac Newton, and Tam ware "1 peed _pot tell you who he |! to memory can be seen here; bat Ian only tll you of few of te I thought most "4 itliam wn day, w those of Dickens, Bulwer, ean, iad Dr. Livingstone. ings, queens, » soldiers, clergy authors and poets here have oy sutal ata- em _ may lie under richer tombs than | cea ater a of Westminater § highest honer that Eaglsod can "< her departed ee ALL SORTS. Heap gardeners--Artificial florists. Tus garieder's matw-- Lattige pint, Visioxary fruit--The apple of the eye Waar is ity A bint. Wuarailment may we look for on an oak t A-corn. Wuar the teamster told his horses--A non whoa. es doce a man impose upon bimeeclf? memory. Whee be mane te Ruatixe on his owere--The maa whe lives his maney oo the diff 4 So intent were they in omvereres Rep Mn m dear, Lah a ng fr | tarni AT Nelly, and what do yon are of if new friend ?* inqui: hey in thes naman af the dead of ovr It gre 4 s.tinfaction to Nelly to find that, "the eer a" added Nelly, "i \ from bt napa 9 frat sox ation "Thea rg knew = about China, Leva tor me = oT dare es give it to you 'it you ask. him. our castor ee Wut de hens always lay oggs in the day- time! Because at night they are reveters, " Maxataus! poh | don't men-shun-it !" exclaimed * ladeed, cece baa written te Mr, in asin hs poset le, unde bia theory of de- |" velopment, . for s bay pouy tw become 4 sea "Sacr" ie Mn. be subjes of of the achoulbay'a 'The salt is a spice | sure which spl the potatonn if you forged wp tenia the monkeys "ite. have been so ignorant after all, Mr They all elacated higher were the er suppose the Eng. tah be that to wel? Sees re, ry luck to 'em, inthe opinion of a mae And ty Ha diet er hemes er room shall auewer, " wiebcgenaceis Wassayapl eae AL "ts "ae --"* Six righ' Fam 4 peace PRovzwos ia a great deal too much to Gr bean suepenns Temeraliy give thei .* Amatoors, | ae "ne aa a artenis inate ne | ee wen yeni my ramets ert pert was Tied to death by lawyers, D a he realy way that?" imqurred ver pie gloves are chaeet with long wrists clocked day 00 matters con: canersel with 'the net Pir a apo eg Thabo = -- wate | hawch mse ores ax camly as stockings om the "|e Gmpomed spn hin mature wan wr fam | M228 a8 Me. Prnmicuich, ete Italy ha | nM "RT TSLGN A BTN Ra a ee er ra | om cnyiy that wa we wees astwally oo on a? Pimasieme ne = -- mm talk. a Ths graceful princesse pulodarse re noaenty ant peatly Pomme Praag try as angry with people that ee to get ha.| Paris thread gloves, n the better of him in any way, they were taking advan e t bs child. . He ts a very fine child wmerved Mes, Wanilaw_ Mus Miba lanced at her with he or | keen grey eye, » bat o ital a} aiaita i make out grove ay ahs war tr jararerietT Yea, Herbert es very ag circa Phat be an acihstan source of anxiety to me, for aire than unce--even in the few weeks ig would have prevented them giving way joa weakuess iy aul they leary t uk tue © at bey 'ind mat cl T° observed Mra anilaw wmocently, The ox e ed in ber goud-oatured face w once more ger upon Nelly' s nee for whose be she felt certam that these "1 did not mean te my that it had =~ auch sericus effect," exclainsed Mice Milles "but allair was aufortu On the one aule t w of humiliation --f nothing deeper zane vn the othe 1 had nothing to reproach husmeelf with How much he a yeart" tmyurces Mra.-Wardlaw simply. -- Weil, really," said Mise wikers, ¥. 'that ta rather a home-question. Hus em iste therefore cannot be od by ter-mere ae r weesjledtusaa api Tae oh yes teal have tabs me hy. sel my welt « om the geesi opimen af me this pen Henman was youl enuugh to «sprees, rhape mot: buat tem you ary plume yourselt," am you tera | BP DrettiC ono any auch thes [ shyald think : surt of peron whe would yo | chovke: cates, retiy, for she wae qaite 4 th « time nyt any allusion be , Raymon ** He a Moony and Sankey have commenced an- al ip Boston. Heb Jngereoll us camel's- ait, de bege, them iatmerchy tha seal ocdece: al ot mantel - M sommer © ' Ponmenick's sen ag his father's table © you on hangs quite are acs pated with him on ree, mere if i 'ea Wu together by sicsiy him very well," answered 7" ren and basyue-waat Sue srtan * me fe coNTINeED | Feehue, manteleta, ar 7 + meee --- shapes chowen for the most dressy " wraps. The materials are princtpal laa PERSONAL camel's bair and black Sicilenne ; cashmere Sar ta the finely woven French . is 06 al . Sean Eeshes, the youngest sen of f the anft Sicihenne The fi 1 oh ve . are fat te 'larization of 'Light, wh h isto be pablish- icarealie or sample are ore ul that it i un- i, has written a book upon the "ante c AN RORERT rhe vent A Na- [as a part of the jostenn 1D to command aay cipatina: bine, ant hey may i ay lian in the event of war. iheaksers, a or clee all gh bind males Lads, marmared Me, od pemder, how Perhaps be sestl's oot -- expressing this for Mies Milburn curionity im countenanon, M. pera What f is, 'that the social | ki position of a t lanthabler ie not od . Peopte tn commerce, for example, may have 4 larger income, ard yet be in every way f * his Mr. Wardlaw, with innocent importunity ** 1 suppose it in pot | fe a rr,' 1 Meow Mitburn. "Woll then, you ought to te gs hum "To young lmlins and ot! ° preven! disappointment, it is heraliy watitied that -- ve sey frost sand am year in land et t yom think as ould be a very_gund a Miss Milburn perceived that she had evn, to this day, coumot be explained. he-bas tew equals ; and are-em , ea mom Can. rubmana, and bis courtship was ot so tou crape shawls, The prices of tichua begin resides at the Hoyal Inatity. | a2 low a $10 each. the Clanssa Harlowe made almost ory aryuie of pp is loning all hia | straight, resobing trum shoulders beatinin-~vgdinns jhe must weigh 200 pusmnds ° ¢ Louse ta universal favorite, and, pasnenman tones. wulibe her huctaud, wears well. eps § " wot wha ( 'arricks, whole others to Patta in Italy are wet al: 'eehaie slightly pointed in from ys trustworthy, Lut, according to a Na d cut wit = 3 Fy 2 #3 . ) and was rewanled by lat of black watered mk en sok wrth Balen \ ter "IT dare say, Mra Wardlaw, you think me foolishly fond of Herbert, and that I ax of which were three halla, fringe, of lace, tte the store P my tiou a goblen curmoct wae presente! to the | soon is abuncdas. or, and many of ine denna on & c poses om of velvet graceful Doim th Tu range tory in Les = the ee with the arg: piece ent quite chthte + per Mite Therese herese Pre wiol, forming & omiall wleeve, anil the tre dewpbtes of * freee iwe, Fhere. New York k Fashions uate, for mourn- ee onl eee snd -slive-te~ mabe = ne chetgrin he style of « dreee ii kid gloves with long te iawten by many buttons, and with- qe ety itching va the back, of the material to which they are held by be feed stone, 82:3) toe cers ty. PHO ee, seal ww to $5 fos sama one «| lastened ts ug 19 wet and | iHusteates the eed bi the dress genda," mastic, ashes-of-rose, mon i] easily titted amd male at home, of Mra & wry simple cometruction, | aix-luttoned glowes, aod those with that are not buttoned Pry Sy rear { arma Beige Vere. an mastic abedon are maak. po » any } Sous 5 if paler in these gloves, and a best with pate, especially with black dresses, wn | Pe There are also white nodressed kid gloves t twelve Y atitees, te with bart sis sleeves. The slats are wood, tan, anil beage ee ee Litts scaemer 1 with dresses vabticce tu tull-drese ' neatly they are amperbec 1 ty nalith tex, in all colors, and up dif ferent feugets a, sume, foray wear, poder: covering the wrist with a fowing gauntlet utl, while thy for full-drese are-of timest Ubantilly lace, reach to the elbow or ve hy, amd comet §2 da orter mitta, heavily strumy with Noe ay jet beads ; these are 84 to $1 Hotsk *HaAWLA ETc. | Ane, «4! if abd es ahead Kuot, aod that thane the pe, howe. nd the 5, | clowely to the shouklers, alia fn thw late-comipatyn" UT "Purichat: | chee tothe: -weies:-- and clinging effect that the clinging mee Tysvait is a fine English scholar, and | quire. Those of Mack, wool are most ned, jecturer om the y on. and finished with trims that ts teed ute the of the are te ba gi aad a fanciful fat hood i in the pay are etmbrodere|, of elm tra The med with three or four rows of knife- Sa lace oe Lee wear at the automer resorts are- @, pmk, or vie blue ---- milk sont with white are to be These worn with white wr wuilin demi-trained skirte rehly trimmed with tucks and emb: There are also longer poe that are almost prliaatce made of thd same light milks, and te be #orm above white or black sttirta borane foulard silk mm white lace} are shown e elderly ladies, or for ious ay An Evening with Forrest What the Great Actor Talked About ad He" Stpped his Whikkey Aner the, Play (Prom te st Loude Herel ) old The winter pour to the death of Ameri- vas actor, | met Joe MoAntle (Forrest's sert) fore the St. Charles Theatre, at teas, i glad te x atup late that night j did aa ker apointment; but e mext rat a Is ail at the theatre. The old man played car, Never shall ] forget hie performance af that character. 1 pee He was 'every inch a King," bat *'a om, Food, okd man. In the curse, he w termbly am earnes! know yy ve Dever *, enit, be wet me, aml ser seyteg,- "Well K--, Tam glad to ace you; The card you were sick, amd T was afraid that I puld leave tewn without seeing you," ite tock my arm aul we went tw the hotel, __ After sup- it ia. ** Do you think Fechter a good 'setor ia" "No," said the old man; 'the in @ fine ramatic artist--nothing mare, + in much parte as Ruy Blas o¢ Claude Meinot- te." Nad eat ae think of Boacicauit as a° rT od wel be stock, Tom Teller the Charles Eaton," 1 aa, "gate great hott" poo ea, and would ha' if he had depenied eo = howell i. bat he fe he fell f the error man, The ot man ted the After Callleg a parting ras weed ss: which one of Se fous ep & prominent timate drama i ~Pliae of the sensa aS: Sete res the okt man conical has got such « poblic that it will take « long time before it ta uprooted ; but when there shall come a pronpgied when a fdas: phar Skene y Cleo. ith Antony, pe Pruitt atten- B 2 a Cake with s © it will ron a thousand io 'De bres think the stage has to dey as se it had in earber years tT' We bave. so com * By tueane', panies of 7 'womalays they arp all ts that Heroism of Brition Saflors 'Rescuing the Shipwrecked During aa Barthquake Beans ov Traps, Wurrenatt, Feb. 6. -- Md ac get oP ng Garette | the Al. John Stewart, Wilece. A. BL, late in Bristol. seaman of On the = th a Sag. 1877, the Conference other versela were 1" ore ee Page tel manda ons plate. <neend Ke of the mountains, about thirty feet shore | the sea level, and the mountains woman ia_setting her. smagine sraty- oan Pett cee Ke att sti yor' ssanuibatiey 'and I feel such a sense of re --. Neily Setensisig-tit eatayerbear much thie talk wiriech.twk place ab the table a. where penan by Mr. W cn the [rn pression she might have made, of to ~~ that she had a ne sort of prejudice agsinet that you perscn, if few fared vag ao cigne ah on bat vf contd hot be sant to be S sosoemtut © e cue day, Mr. a being stall in town, his «inter was mvited to jor the litte Wanilaw circ: bat declined upon of indisposition--which in one se ense at least was doubtless a genuine one. It waa not likely that she could have taken to Mra. Wardlaw Bear gb who, ene B most good. woman, and one eount--e she had proved in her rela tions with poor Mra, Conway--had at el do --, ° @ hinte that tine Milbura had thro: y said by gen' Ht gp isa quntice ake ol @, and of a great a es teal pogo 1h -- decide in yer favor. to have been tf give tit a 'thet i By the by," hae mas ora ina lighter tone, "1 have sven Watdlaw's favorite, Mr. ws taany times wi taraed so wal from her and "harried away ae soomnint head over ods erent " Pthoughe 1 you know," continued Meare corsaa copesally ae I heard that he was ill; so I him up in the | sare A be sepme:d anything hag } a © u pend 1 do' thine mH tikes any- thing thet eomiade ts not Chinese expe- it. srt means so black as pai their --s r may he allowed to say so ly owing to the very hich ter in page vind wane sg pao 8 way "tit Ponnicnitk hay always been very eek Nelly, emi iag; her rele at finding that it wad the elior Peuni- eulck who was the subject of her compan- ion's talk, preventing her taking much no- tice of his pkiment, though utter- " ifs remark the other day that she would many oman whe had eh maney,, though he | he was much'more than civil, "Oh, bat im Mis Conway. ff be had been that is, dewghies aoe the took tre a her friend Usroness James cb teen if pM Aaceiritry tore tek and r ~tamedy avail ne ht ly of .900,000,.Se | cut i the way of patng omni: om wraps thas shape, as it is two or three rows down the. iat eof the ftom tore -- pa ouele her- ions, inatead ar hsb irae {the bebo ~ ona, the loag, Talks y pet hsl w rer ame -- Pisce ka oe tia eat Taine 'tro' Feehy Saami <iuemtniie | ad on very well together. After dinner Miss RE te more or lew romance connected pas are much used on ming <eimolition in 1 N by trissmnge in 'o."s bank, st which Oliver | The legant Sicalien Cromwell, Wiil IIL, and his Queen | throughout with old gold colored silk or We " ele with t ix ith Mr, Chik Lich gallo ran away with Mr. Child's | #0 to elaborate wrapa, Small = Mr. C bat West. | of ww black satin ribbon are set ina rv standing up in his carriage, amid pleatings of one of the horses attached to the following | He Watered mbbon m used G G t y- Two strings of ni pe Ceara Lovise Ketious haa « at and shout rage en er ve of one of at i» I fe this » «im ber own rd ou Peal a fone ne loop be You may say, if you please, a 0% an ' crt. ide Mine Clara Louse K I shee beige, old it « a, or eatGtual body. Tam in love with Very fow dreasy w do not think | shall ever get | shape. These are, hewsver, 0 coatinued ; '* ve one | repped silk, or of Sicilienne mad: pleat Fi osaibie, and that ia the es. clio bong, sod atory | These are alg end if found worthy, at whieh they er nr Mech, capes, can receive # musical education withuut | sleeved garments are preferred having to go abroad for it." lish coat ia previsely like Secchi, the great Italian | morning coat in the oak astronomer, during the last ten years of a re dite transfor rmexd the the observatory af the Cat. and thus does away with the we are opel and eq a) y was it desired to ects now 80 popal salary of stitched on the ed ' or elae are bow. wacticrentelt was grant- | Those of gray breton 5 plaida will be be tue wh a hum from the National Treasury, and of\ worn for morning by _ young ladies, Th ficial honors and tmente were lavinh- w made @ peed institutions of the gray and beige-colored leche @ iv manu career he Saale commie wa, D. UL, where he coin. _----~ eleake frotam mech 'i ly education. Ulster shape, though more clos Jou Barairr's father seema to have been | 404 are ornamented xtremely kind thearted millowner, We] 'pee =~ Pae Ragiah cloths are wioter 3 | early apring and steamer wear - calataity & pension was provided. | be mad can pais of ait toa] Wooden buttons, large-thick, and Bn ¢ gave him an order for a Sosin the wildhs, are used un cloth reformed. di. at his mill gates, lantern,in oe giving di. journeys, where a cooler and recta to look-after the shilre ren re a desired, the fessine Todia kind) on for poking the Je joug cloak am Carre " His work were 10 -- cr a pg ate are paid aa to enable them, if careful, to make ed for this Gray trol aod aen cool clea ie in similar shapes. bad Wnat ia neni of -back-biter 7" sated | ata exa- mantul the lac ema sme urvhin, ky ane neue af these saute garments havd long weains from the ra don fpr gn At the end of the | i Kean ad: the contribu. | wraps are made of cloth in bouretts mix were poor people declinal to coatribute | fares of many colors. The unless the money was returned, Then he pag ge 60d Bor hendeana vig y im, yes . very peti aw all risk He tiret spoke of hie grat, and said hereditary ; that "the sina es the fathers atiall visit the children," &c. "But," sant he, +* F-have and tt tsi coer 3 "the -aame~time + ung 2 dua left aro wish, die, of dumbells in room, HOR Ge constantly vecd. Toe aids eapeare it ob the oad." "Deo you ry) pl vey day, and I find new beauties in it. aakod if it was true that he had ever 4 t man the that I -- with broke up at Lexington, Ky. and I hal to do something, and a chert poset came along aad I joi = an well aa any of them. asked him if he had not formed style + rant FAmund he rephed that About this tine the id: "I abel anil ve gota fine bottle of whiskey. I hare had bat two aviake wince 1 left Cincinnati, speech in the Jobe mg pees the lines ' beonte ot | have heard all the i from the older 'Mathews to Chanfran, I freely say that Forrest was the best I ever met. "What kind of an actor was the elder Kean?" I asked, The greatest I ever siw. 1 met him at oa mai eye. I maid, ** , | am to play Jage ith you ight. You did not come to re- heraal, and I thought you might have some rtienlar bu me todo; so I to knew. * Oh, . you sir, wit a. Do you drink? I declined 'Well, I will,' and he called fora gin pay which came |. fran ka on the table, I judged be had made the same tefore, K ben sat at the piano and tang, ' Relieve me alt these r He was t Hnest singer [ fo, and I have heard them al, Ni ome ami with 1 *Unbeiio.' in acti had wrasy, 'Look to your wife; watch her with Copate ; our Sot jea- * bor sect ig him im the eyes aml placing my face close te bin)--I meant aA shoal, about 3} me the weather = and gioomy, with = cain sea;-2 down and the PE: intitbihss cmmmiaaoapsitten eae "4 Large tealders were vatish hous . a i He i Filet fiat pi fj ec EENYs ie i EE} [- 0 your face into mine? 'I ma, air, where io tie ela great style of acting from-- : zE im £ itis E