"| NEW CIGAR &TOBACCO STORE. aes L Rowland, ERT woult -- 3 DBESSER. | RDWAND PAECKERT wo RMS FOR SALE} 38 FASHION ABLE HAIR + MO ams o Store TWO FARM -- & Tobace " IN THE te sou the taznes « oe . Cigar wane 3 OF-EL 7 styles and Kowl, ear Oadny & eee apen bra vi Z . + | Store -- Downie caesar: <4 assortment markle works. ARG Hardware,' Habiware: _ SHOICEST BRAXDs OF es nooos SEDRIXGVILLE, Ost. HEWING & SMOKING eee of pipes, Gtre him weal, of Acn t begs Saotunes ve ris|aalaeemt ee ---- whe iene <r 'long igs had Seed oat ria er - the ; 'Hore mable fos rd RECE OSE rae Na 3 ing ie remeval adler this Week, one cow " sod stables with. te recat | Cosh of py one in the wean pi iach oa NOTICE mast be reas the --_ every N - D an: ; cemias aoa set yerioes be he EL iota day of Ae om Patulle was teld od that ithe F UST 'OPE f those famous " v femme xe paces Sa MEDICAL HALL. s . Allie "lbs paced tn caper =x plying | wting A the ppd hen ae. ; Fie wale intr kas! Gevaae hee Riding is J: "more Case 0 ; a Nets, Patntr Sheagls (Kile aapivtanonl of a. -- Sh las the olnaenine Retermers Apply y } MORGAN Glan Lt Sie. . RN. ARG ITEOT, | very deermine eo in -- ' ms octane row were nnn: * CHLRIA TRO Aes T bd ILETS ET : 54 is ---- a " . a. 1th Com, ed 4 a SES. they probably } KICBURN, 'ARCHITECT, baad Seon es ed and fifty "Tealcuect sees he ee al " we Cut and Hand Sanz, | SREDLE SFTS, Va Lore Sesenetes Wey yee eed Gidea Omen "OVER MOWAT'S.' 7.8.0. | bec, and town, the petition = 7 euendeom fos several enn [or ghirigle elim oi Hopes, Whips, hone vend PERFUMERY, ¢e.. the 4 = eon- weeads, ash wai of a! knew npn 7 te crag h od aso ded at CAMPBELL, W. M,. D., LG pus. | Before, with, ; . tet nner hong zi fenced wth uma as | Fated Were, erin wry found im a For the holiday. Lene org geen mm fe 0. OAme re tatiana." airy | eating oA ce me = Soreness "mele | ome ond is ice once TH & £0. '4 = A idl om. ri ase Post er te ths burgiocs ae It is Hi san's rng Store, | TECALI, hy , palslioaers. - es ue.4 Well at poe eter hard si efhang dae ' backer : ay a crow SAW. J. H. NASMY benel eet ned orgy WINE 'next 4 tren beat asiets douch daante of +4 Siow oF Tur ACH. | Dee 12 77. tive Heenan are the~ nai ious, TO iY.) ihe ik al- am Yaad. te capenicty, ts end «3 OTTO SEEBA Stratford, Des 2 the thieves hair nefarious BTSs om Ih isa : [ua lad, tasning Strattord, say. Terms dase walt wa bare be on the Toe 'owo nar on APL am ast. | | sll Ole z ie i aac whedon J, HORGAN. } Sctchien's ai 'oad be v M ACNA AIR & CO. co. werk at Railway. ae R pa td 0 elas ae tae costae tote NOTICE. ss eticg ov | ; . Buren & Brace as this his Scie ecoairtaaai a bas opened RE now Aawieg MITCHELL. Ss SOPHIE M MILES. boasting U R( ; H. Win STA NIBY ny eS téanenctVaninews for is le ASSORTMENT ome cate ierid breeches' ~ inting loans, ey a ro rd Markets. & B AUCE. = nat tng test oo wae emaiaenen: commace evey. mn Kear Acien-=te. 7 ae eee Star Dr matic Company. |The Stratfo: -- a on outen Sikes Unles edadote tn all: jrsta 'at ies | | ANINSPETION WIL ee == ihremre:-thagr wa years, 1 Star Dra "King, Market Clerk. Gandtment kas von de LBSER Any compatives. trom went for iends | Roya ine 1878. | ed by M. King, tnd Lar LAPIWIS Delieions Ce 0 to 3 on all wee "TEST SY Gre at encelled by to imprison tedecues of fr "g. April 4th, Correct scnasrene. Ape 91 33 ---- z pinions | esate boars from 10 "taoMAs Tow | That t Novelties | . sieetocreacans mr st Shureday ae SOPHIE a ' Fall Wheat per bash, " "ae Strations, April ad, 1975 aBREaArn~D E COOK PRONOUACES IT bok -- Stratford. March 13 New Dress A cael all the feet gs nner eho tng eee ane BENEFIT wacten G, fring oo, - ----_--_--_--_--_------ | THE coor monovsces eames _ 7 Resutones ists For vow 7 ree ee home, where by bia SIR Ww: iN ERI ERIN oy as " ; mabe the eae Tene toy Crome & Blache | Desirable an pt a er l@UY MAN: as 500" 6 7 ea manufactured by J. BARGE. Aves the Towa | with « happy rewern and haggard Oste bol. oo" BE 1 ~ mauce doadhes Aven streets, in a teen Cpe IPSY'S PROPHECY. Gumel * be wm SPRI QItMENLt. | ones a: a. parses contections woos Oy eSee preaeet Sat aren a Ens Potatoes cmwrrecnad bad ds 1mHt romaonable ' & Splendid 2 7 sinkinia 'een cain that if nd AND DANC 're - " L, - L, = Dry G Dep Sinton Feb. 6 147. aes voir te Ma BATSON, oy | Ana Coatings. New Over -- a CAMADIAR WT understood that 8° es Beef per 1b., --_ T HAT, T, a, August, Sind, is77 [Sia ig Departme a 1.--It is uz Halifax I " ses EGEN co. PRAT Btratior ' jTailoring ment of . Ottawa, Apeil are recalied trom H Les Matton per 100 Ibe, 4 59 R YW & J. ich & Mercantile! o<- the Manage F an A earrhar-rlo an tit~-be~gar i. (one) D oy ty = CEA nfectioner, | The North British C under hele Jamieson theese Ottawa garri- | 7 = 1878.) patter per Ib MAC! . & Co nd U urance Co. Mr. Jo ee to en Montreal and April Sth, dos " A. CG. suowine Baker anosocing ta THY peopie and Life ns rders entru: - with troops iday Evening, Res per Ib. "4 azn Xow wer Shown in Lo sana hort ype ptie Athi dd Fire O1 will be promp son artillery corps. . Fr -- GASLIGHT. Lard per Ib, se Styles They have e Teer sen thet be hes . ; - $10,000,000 us Executed; nail each, pepe +h Capital. 1,000,000 tly agg ; oat" UNDER THE ion" - fete and Superb wu d Culored pens in hie sow "pnd of gf the Huron-Stree Subactabe 000 and Satis nee D. L x. mE a } -- -Localisms, Geese je t Compile: ds, Black an the North : Paid up 8.008 2 Rac eran Dances, Ducks per pair, e Mos 0° : as Bridge, samdrelia early' " vat ' D inent ete se S mantae SS TRAIN.| ¢ 100 Ie ww as in lish and Continental Pe. Scrap aie S nad eye pe Will eer constant!y ow hand « large pte Pee Re 'ivan spect SSM ee PRICES. Hides pe : " Eng oods brellas of - Goods, a tT Pret y srsesid oh WN EXPRE: Sheopekine cock: ag 10 M urning G , 'and Um wick of Fruit, Canned | PETS 1 tier Or ose Howse, Tereuts, Oat. {Do ai Oenras) errr ies 300% 44 Silks, Mo oods, Sunshades roideries, vie Groceries, Fruit, Bernfend, Jory etry LARP? ___ Mareb se "| FIGK ETS, 25-1 s-ano 6O od pol i Trecees Dom 4 d Gloves Real Lace 6 Sn ney Goods, ystere, « eest Pigeden tek 1 S SOROER, | Paggeeey Worsted and Onion Opes ommend end shecity fer. . MAR nD / ares will eell nt = arer of ali kin x | 'CH Ch " . re "faa -- Sin uso Dan --Now foresee _Strattord, Apeil aed, 197%, 7 ae Sr. Mantas, Apa ant, a. . ber eam! apcong Mantis &e., "mene =< to any Part | OFFICIAL SEALS AND ETA win tre ; and anit KNEITL'S OLD STAND, Mr ag BA! x b, 6110 to oats Ze Mi nery, Delivered teties, Svat So tions ra on | " = cloud resis upon me bareh j Oo woe fy Les T Bread To ne Rakes hepnen es of the Clabs to suspend ert 3 MANTITO Seay ype tar ca ae maw se to fe DEPARTMEN demern i praes oss te Serevent rw al-| * AN. Sat Thre tape eticded We ob we | Pats ete «ee eee ee UR KiD GLOVE aos NING ore MUEK JOpposite Zilhaxs Hoc, w. 5. cow NCE Ag ite that with any crime, 0 sheeid_ Torna. Fee Tre thee ae cane tae poe we; oO ot frem, frem-the -- eae ES MADE To onD 0 i RAL INSURA pa aed pet gett talled "in a shat-ie. Pre ere pepo en 9 o'sleck on sesh. ote norn, sash peiz, Sia te Oves £000 Bioah Gohnee cel Tine Pe et ster come WEDDING CAK bia cole LISTOWEL. nat] OES E AGGIDENT. guilty of sin. sud: feet -onrm in "kw. Britia. leases Toren i, asta rest | sesh. . ae to S00; te ate way . Specialty. ta white, Biask, ition of trade ligt cocald be bored tg te manufacture bis int FIRE, LIFE AND ri foF the present, ty ae ever in | Man " parton end otebe pal. ore Sate £0 Uioe teey lea and Garpeize, cond jtigrase cheald bob strongest 7 stl cowtinue to manutact tatowel, Nov #1, wmoa ments su hearty a Faab'l the touh april, wire kK. London' Ke, Te Nidan ag ore, ta to phine, ses pingt vgs mony tna godine tages cee os well nied Soda Water, Bet L P EY TO LEND Ox TO due time T can of you take tio Western Can, w psd enti parties sock, we bad i eate qvecral that eves oeecn have casehally covaidered, brated drinks. RN. EAL ESTATE, MON, ae 5 ion of any rriabary, t, to pick up |. per cord, er The Tondeted h eetee'p hai oven rr ead we have i$ stock, other temperance HEPBU jr PROPERTY our cause. for the 'disenssi Jems ee Mamil-re. Userbar, Wo vost | T° KETS. tries have oe rat cae Cartas, shat fac fe are potae we have cared _-- Rov, 14 ist. Wm, + FARM action, bat bogies Couvention in Freee anceee ane Ue with this party oi MITCHELL Souane Geaaenelh tat credit ere Perved & doubt looted. noventy in | _Swesterd, CRISPIN | fs r, : ining, 'somage pepeds stere. Odd Peliows' Sinem ea Sin, | pease tert 1 te eye more, rime, | Seg iain ieajewanirmeee ee ad x sate 4 Coninet Maher, & Upho |OFFICH, aod Poo, Gad Paiowy' iaty, ally I remain as ever, pio gl pean 150 te yr ee eee aaoe corps Row coome, containing every tg the people Cabine SBTRAT oat respect! Years for the failen, at ie om) $0 88 pens, we to as regards {ais, Flowers, arn Oceas: Ocvecnaat _ as this DS be theron sige ET, STRETFORD na, hug. Ziad 1677 D. I. K. Rex. Fischer Jeleciitiien 'ie fer thie ele s0sa bariey Foi teat Oe entinenl poe mon Seonee slenete pamele a In G 40 ONTARIO STREET, a i 'Birasias oe ile Weetern Agents tn tim em; Sout poe vances. vor bag, 0.00 se Gas rai Bounet 7 ws A NT We tee eee ee end. COUNCIL, MEETINGS. cnn Sor Sale OU roata. sine aera lh ae G. MACKAY & CO./E zAEEED NE Ty memes me ve San 0 ene f Money te Lend. ° jh No. 37. Cal mite yyy 3 fargeytceueh. tate gi opening A. G. chen wh the Wall Pape have adted M* § bow satan ad bas Downie ~ Cg ee i they __Terente, April 2rd, te7m ae aye -- ten, pt ALL. iagen UNDERTAKING [erect TRACHAN LIZARS. Paral tare Roeat Ths. wena' cesses me) Cc. -p U . Oy BY Sach, « 40 rt yy Weel . R EGENT H DEPARTMENT. | Paint Goiiaiae, FINE NOW itt ansr B ie Co., Mowers. Patrick Cty tines their at Waler Murra ~ - $10.0; wood, " G TM = Writing, bien ecoet . atti & were willing to wre decsiont," 3 tence viewers, ING 1! 7K MARKETS. ' FURNISHIN Sign sttteld (1 red tm comders Fs LA. € They were Rim by the MEET WOODSTOC NTS' F Ceraconie mol be perpen oC ae Speeeeens eeaie.« | PUBLIC Aad, ce RED CLOTHING AND GE nd Water "exes Son 5 _ oy sae seh hay none ay at POW WI NW ELALT, er od ae 'we are ae showing te =, Veatingé| rau Fogmtinbe nee scm "ena For Sale a ily Grocers, to protect of Bs ta. 85 upon any the Vall Wheat, 1.08 ; barley, 80a ; bea, 60,30 mitngi i ant. Wally 5 tevin. shee Ganiery be See Sets cee tee rda Eve'g Apr. 6. Sree ry Eaglish and Canadian 5 Hats, Ameni-.| csion ED PAINTS, Shooting for Bale bis _Saooting | 1 Walks, eacepting pan orn by ones of sinker Satu y we pack tS Rin hs ptt 4 bie Scotch, English. Valises MIX on hand ready (ar « erpiened offers fo verything BION Blook, ge ai the "Hal" we fllews id Cc. WALKER per it ibe to te er oe bo tt) Christy's Unierelothane Umbrellas, » Bille} ren sreder ain ONTARIO ae 'T'caiter, mani te NILE OLD AL - "ee Se Ss eet Se Hao flie ae weer REV. C. ' 90196 ome apd-Trowserin and Bilk Undere Ties, Scarfs rfs, Opposite the Albion _.. | For rartiesiars "y. FREEMA sot rd, - , McRves. S415 ad 61 sander war sccopied ec We eenclusion of ibe address es ane an fe ts, Merino Collars, writ aby Uy ---- inp 1k: vert . Stratfo: $ es loge tee soy parame wh Dmreetceaes At he omctuato 'wena: TISTOWEL MARKETS: Shirts, Gloves, &o. Beqetleel. Ag stnatferd, 20) ° were tategee afenon on Gree The crn, | @tmecting of mens: Pe a oe b = tea, 187, bber Clothing, d Driving Notice. ; cer aeerened ts a che consrac "Jonathan 'Geuren, Taken at 7.30. ust Lerewn, apr 90 Rat Walking an j LOTS, would put up bean int to Me Jones = Chair sit, So 9514 epeinn Bist es, Braces, son - ene 4 Own aract bas a The feltowing ofhesrs "welae, "Wee Strat¥erd. Apri Feu epg yy hone EL " Squar ' subenit fer ther Lena fully EF ¥ ' I rudder Herring, Betrageiie. ¢ , Pek Che fore) Tr so hs dons, ber 538 Tobe: park per et ree wen wp tal in extent, variety of Imy a ARK LOTS, | La TA i ii So a deka a King, Thee 4 5c 000. te Ste: wars por rer $2.08 v0 pay od fi Silane corte Nove otthe DENCE ta solicited fro: Foundry P Herrings, ie aren renee =| BS ATS FUN DSR Stree ne seusiacine | Me ri beni aT alia rail G. MACKAY & Co] | Coty ae ia se ra! OUSES & FARMS! ova. Eire ea | ead eso sists | Fereek me nee A gc Ft] | nts Sore True Aa Geren gt Been ay er TOE con. | ral mi anchor on meet Fives "yomodry "care of "Tum Fis = FORMAN' 8! ior White Fish, Adam J Goettier, J > Lime A wkreuee 3 at Eight 8) per BD be; 406, Dunks, par pa reach 9. . ee axis reee, Ostaia. GEO. Lake Superior Bearth, »_P Taylor, Geo Mills, A ved Farm-Mortgag 'i ita; t2 ae cannes Cre elover Strattore. _Seatterd. Ar Stratford, secuniTy a jane aya =) peal CRANES: ear TOW nee Boa ee ne eee ~ _ | HONEY To own ox Fis -cass see LARD, TOAN ena Salt Water Galmee, Jas Moore. Wm 'ion tenek '| CONVET. dash 06 90 "MONEY TO LEND. arty whitest! aol ce ! a . . wa nec wae. Sisee, Wee Ball Frases RGE F ORMAN'S MONEY Ema on Fetes ant end Garden "uy expenenes Jarvis Work, next doer te ah mantewl Gon veyancing om os Cod Pish, iowa Retecs, Ram -- Kage, Con Me Lane ane mrt = eee ASRS proreny ape te NCR. ' m trrepringand vate wowing oelenen, rt Panwras in wan = othe = ct Carey" story ate O-Tineis . Gospe i ent, ies late San Michael by Carey's Stare, (tate ¢ wr. Towa prope 3. RCE. sale « large aasoriment of Pres recoils Gor epving om outed ¢ gene thetr edvantege to cal Upstairs ove 2c? Of Market street. ; Dieby Herrings, Namara, Thea Quirk, Bernard Gee Whiles, ORD, oO a On 'Market pa vaderegued een fot tala ofer only those my sesertmen: Cnt RY, vam reik = cus LOTS iN TOWN aM} ae ante, Teen ek Le) es er STRATE TGAGE a 'Titers paw ssh cushion me se oer be found ameng x, som, errr re INeURaNc EAPEST AND 0 BEST | Kase, Wm trams Houck, John Tadiis, J Safely on MOR' oth Aue. 1478 ------ a8 praction! pring Beveltica , zr, MezLo: ONTARIO MUT THE CH ND! Ytonelesa Fish, . Ege, reine 'Fraser S| Money taveated safe! --Titles Searehed. | surationd. 9th peculators. a ee Lower, Cucomnza, axp Ret hen HIGH LA _ "CHT RA sense RB TE = Eyton Deets, Martenges, ae CBO. wae Te ---- he 2 Cap u cae ih Eco 'Pasta, bs mame ?, $, pay sa t Cause of teen soll 'cheaper than other. Call Shrstitet Cod sienes 'chan, Joneph ier Murray, oa behalf Offers for. Tuna mn claeahe ae res " i. or Gates re kore Ei cae Ape 4s HO a tase rma ee ae = Parr sins, Roses, Heliotropes, * ansie im ig . riciberweria pep ist Seo McEwan's Finnaw Haddiee, burs, Wa 2 Roefrac L~--H. A. carn, present or rece: Fue Bi b Ts: als Meer tie wearin . . ' a § mee fel Ui Monies. ait NOTIC: she Proerty a casuuage or a -- Geraniums, d Climbers ; als HUMAN i pribés ; journed ull Monde other 0 seams , Wh "April, Vv henge. us Ferns, an : tly publiatied « new Look at Theae ; , eit Th ce a 1g Eid eo CONTRACTORS, D.R! McPHERSOS. JOHN a enemas, Colon, 1 roses, Gladiolus, = iiskivition ot Wr: ay gh be tulvarais 22, Sos zeaaet ty totale Areata mab [| eemcnac: A relative ( 3 . u first Celebrated O tack. '» Baliimore 0; * ces ecciangs teeth nae she eame-ont -- the for at CLmTy, canert C tal and ait ehirams Kat Sq Seo} pris sioestatesernap ean Ube sentat aan Saar SO ~ i deaaradate ae ere tinn eSSOuc Ff wank yet oe the percentage mac. RATE Tenders © Stratford, 1878 "PRIZE OuULTU on querteracre At sshing for 4 partion was ordesed to be amouat BPA for 1878 SPRING .MILLINERY. 1878 the fqilowing On os each. 4, 4 of them ; ' prea h pere ag -- Seton Werk 1878 SP8ING MILLINE 'srnaT = rte ban Gagaciae ath Fawr 2 er errr teat Te pri Secrest Bo oes ALENANDER BEATTIE & Co.'s, Sok, Kae eteedeenle pponted path. Mason and Brick Work. March,| stent sa Dped! 3neads Gawiifices- hind. 2.00 "ae ee oe thirty youre | adaste te Blots, 1 to 6 acres, at _ by te ecg The sine pees Tinsmith etry onto 7 The zoth 'aad '30m at we nese ee 3 Reade Sataage: ad 'i low for Sapeen ec epwardva ace prevent fair ground and ot | Onn Atmox Broen, smastery Let 7 Miss =e ders prom eee ni os. cococestal Feet cured w: ner Io eT pre woah Paes pee fae ml yodts caesarean saaee ae --_ Mi an artes sae plate ee aoe elie ine ee naires cool jaternsl Sone eweeans parte ee ab al} prices in every ward SL Srearrorn Gree Se 3 | _Requt NOHAN 'Wilt be Mantioes Te k. and share of plants for ene with. the keites oats by means itten | | 5O bow 'ont every township . __ ew = ome, | = A Raumboch, ~ OLD ME! orate 'ool mare Mberally dealt Ready. . ine eflectual. by 1 bie cond fecakin eke. OAMAN: BS sea die a Sox ae MENS Listed CR. | Seiiimery" emasonx. ge NT I nis and Rhubarb Roots OUBE. Spite cachonrase sas mi] 20 GEO. Ponsa |e j -- Marchen, Beery soe Fouls Ka THEY be seen. and on SPRING 8: oe Strawberry Plants SE SAT EETEURE, Mieniat. wales should be ta the hande Strutter, Feb 22, isin ts ttord Marble Works ~~ re. J Popper. fipee: {Sections ma: affies of tle Raper q v . a n 288 comrpenes tra 1" -- Pivarcsen, esata S Feveny- orista and the the leading ttt th and every ERIAL j 5 Sieeser vegies, Bateeyee, a br P Whal- aig information seenined wtthe Sais fhe BONNETS AND HATS, a | every youn ELL ELL MEDICAL Co., IMPE: my. of Lennon. Ene Fes Rroorasene pM ie hn rch 5 deat ont ary, the Arebitect, 78. STRAW all the new shAdes in Store THE CULYERW leiden (2 eo G ve vase Sergiy re wane 1" os The -- cpplicatien, Mr P Fee: | ay. Aprils Q4Ath, 18 As well as Gniek Aenseaen Attention. . Ext a ae | tert, Sen, 8,t00 ails oan enn, es tlowed te fordare Ba Rise] Wednesd pein -- \'! Householders Pest Otic Bex. 4805. si wi Bite awe; oo ~ = ws 5 Sek rd rr Sat aos The lowest or 227 TI. we, THE TROT AND oan OMPARY of CANAD ARSHALL'S "Stratford Spring Brewery + pitt Made of Com of premiaen pat the lowest raise "| = Soret baa Sel gnieg tae or ie, Sykes | sop RE WERS, THE 6.00, ny Stratfo ro -- i 'cppune : mJ COERAR, FLO 0.00 Stra ford. gate sane wena (30 "708.30 KIB, wy RATE ERS, re $10 00-008. COPAMTLY corel labs RENAL: Wesheivte ee SS CHEAPEST LINE, drew . ~ " oust. * oo - a riod tor Whit Creek bridge on Sasmrdoy eee dich mare' kept tz Stock. will be EXD mr b borrowers. ho use it notify the pu Stra asieaeaaee . Pye Sole ine 7 aay a Se _Strattord, April 30d, to Milioerrge Mantes tobe eee | Taferme & per cent. per annum, payable THE BEST TS eer a wait be R. RUTHERFORD. o sad 1). opposite Cosunue monies filled ea short tat ad Lat 1s Bow / i ol in oe Yarra ee yee | Store to L to Let leg dep. | 48 Lanpomtion senpastta a= siair" cay? jay: ine: be for Family ue, delivered to Dyeopared ts'enne na Asitias Ales, MONEY TO LEND. in Made Clothing . Fhe "aekecis 4 gfvianbe to Wen Wha ing, Brick Proat 70 test. - Apprentices Wanted. > aorrnene. ony pastel eee cae ale an Th t per.ann Se sasas 'tee eek Tair eee bt rest 2 Naa ver tutu EDALY. Ie | BEAVER MILLS. pated staan: ™ 7 9 eeceeedt onsare m.|Ready Mad Beats o_o aap a "ee HAVER. ¢ Ts Ci i'Goaten, mica =| T. MAYNE DALY, Solietter, | BEA MARSE ag AXD FAFRICE STREET! " CAN BE HAD at = 'or ae TRUTH. mest ant We WALTER MARSHALL. |" ete iegiell = | s- wife | stratford, Agee wd. 168. " THE 4 Fob 6, 187% -- stratford, September iy eo! adiane." MARKET - EE'S Stratford, on the 24th inet, the TT Stratford, fprcubemanenteocoas Deders respect Canadia SL eka ieemn tN nce ae van LOST | A SMALL SPACE CONTAINS IT. t Western Railw'y (City Lumber Yard |= "Canada for the WANTED CHARLE icin ie Morning. '. k in « pri 35 Markevat, ratte Maas Hay, os hr oe tse so berncstroet ox the geil PHILIP | vba Grea d Ticket Office, QQ INO to the wast of snow, . aTra p Company A wie family Atal Maal Ce fecortinended bs -r Larpene tn Seth Ra Leopard, ¢ 2 inst, ton om Senday t an x sal The Ontari organised in Strat vote famil ees on Siar eae incre alain A GOLD Seeeticcen Wit en cncrtielbcneth Nera ean age up, | Dances ag rot evPly wg Semmes ori | 19 Ontario. Street. 2 ow the fited inst. imitation Pearia, and a the wheie being irying Tinware amlanasl UND ro Go t of being a home com low sates end ou #07 all | eucatteed, tase i. te ester nenne No. ~ meee on the a8th inet, | with of Geld Chain attached, fer"! Dairying ' tion to all Points " Umeer is 80 se pire Casiotaction ue and outa et | ---- 3 FOR SALE. ! , Yecgueete to Peulay on the Sih inet, the qe g ta tetera te 8 = At & Discount of _--_ " ee Treg United States and ee EORGIAN BAY Bayt LUMBER, Fao cnt wes eT Cet aaa cave | rig pawtan sh ie, end Trask |Robes ! _ Robes ATRRK At St Peale, ota sen sits ely requested TIMES " OFF 2 el 620 Canada, and other | '@ adressed bis te ship by UStarie yh Company's BR i ba aL a. £3 Stal BES! - rates ine Sure f Deri, rons Hone THE" 7 Se Ret 350 through Bille fectnnix neces Coder Posts, are. POiee at the Wontrest Telogray an GSLEY Ro te tas Bruaner, it) be paid. Me do » é@ For rates, 'te Mr. J, Shongles, Pola at the Mon: ' Be KIN k of Puret-Clace ayy wife of Mr Jaeeb te Where a reward w us ao ode taformation apply UGHTON, | Lathe, At the Office W. WINTER, ROBT. SMITH. iwkp a 5 large ster Sra Scenery tat Ott tnat, the wi Stratford, April and -- ' in FCACE ¥, BRO! | YARD, |, Agent, or to Hest~ | post peor bermen, : ' (OTE THE PTA Geowe! Manager LUMBER No-tt hi, tate 7 jae OBES, nee ae AMD Rete s Ttad inet, the fs) Perth Conser- NOTE MITE THE ee nntaiatoaing |; CITY Feds ine ie Stratir). Mareh ¢7 -- ---- A I iO R wi aaa Tid, Steve. the wits of South orang din OLD eee Prete ~~ "NEW GOODS. | LOWE ST PRICES. o" Smokers, Anog emmy RDO ¢| BUFFs ia = alaaneinipag Baree--le Pre soak leek ths wits ui PU ity Fancy Goods, | X. HAMILTON. EGO ; Mr Joba om the fod 'ative dele- ot, 1878. - xiack of Tors, Ai | ALE : RUG ' Pre Consent fala "on the. bind (nat, the CONVENTION % of the apelin tn Stratford, March . ust ft DB tea bey Card Races rete Jen. mw, 18T% wae - R DIVAN; H. BRUCE VALUATOR ae : bad silaee, A ati from County of renee Io 'Becks and Purses, lariag, Stratford, cié A os ss mer Le yt South Riding of the Count: CAUT herchy te- font, Feet Violins, Bows Meenchaue and an : PALACE OLD ALBION BLOCK, ONTARI " | ELA Ee ISES hed Lintowe', others are ase ; * nee yea gainer i he wit ot | Et TOWN HALL, - aiaiiem Storm see a Seance ARS, oy pore Royal Insurance Fompe y, |'TRUNKS, VAL Risterr-- of a sen. inet, the wife On 8. as . HAW. ND ne ? Tr. wr. vou auch wf ROM Li ive * | . on the #7th f of April 187 thous my BRADS: BACCOS: A OHEAP hased the bank lated funds S, ac PS of 6 een. frat, the wife lay, the 16th day @ WILLIAM thew TO! | AVING pers fe. Capital on i HIPS LASHE ' " of James en the fied Tuesday, fared 8, iva, ere' Sundries. | Be vp Fire & Li > 040.80: WwW pte t 1 o'clock p. Conittiiahes ta the Stratterd, © 1 find alt hinds of Samo onl nd Tubaccos, $28,870. a Albert Crisser, House ef Com- | _5t YM EN % CRABER'S, 'st, Stratford. | t Brands of Cigars a aad Katina Gowran ep tbe ice Chana STAFFORD, et wreume: | DAIR ss re. Wall -- ee | ka 1 tmtes Company of New Yr '0 ee eae! a Feb. & shy . G Hebe Mi att sp No. 19 t., S sie ba the coe rasionies | Ly ven ment ans SINESS. __ HAWD-MADE si|""~ Tents ¥, GORDON, wt | iS aan © Mratord muses unas ci eee SE "DS |CHANGE OF BUS BOOTS AND SHOE alin oo ek ciel esas te nit be baid on . Shoe | © sir sttoed, March toh -- 0 her: cm Wednesday, the 10th day of April, . V A: a Drug Store. ; Paper Beall Sraeor ic coma atte ast = sodait Seeds! wei, Fatert eb wr 8 tae eaoetae ne oo a Mal yeah pm Cheeie Presses, I snderigned Se ape | Werceen aemrenes "in| Seeds! Se iotorm tbe Fubiie of | -- Spring Circular. 2 St, Peale, Hai, at ite narem, or. wt begs to: taken werenen -enapeniienmiad en Pettey strc . Pa sea na sree Tgo oD DBERT : Fallarton Corners, T Cheese Hoaps, "a OULL, anhank tOMPTLY DONE. wierd ie Invenda tse: ATTY on the Seed iJ. J. ienee, | welock p.m: nnd fi ey Sa Mik § pees Books, . R. iw we IM GREAT VARIETY , REPAIRING PROR RS AT ONCE is womaantion bi ED! i Rae vom Ses Cg ere pce agp lpRooUCE AND FE sons |. 7.30 e'clock frond A whe, : { i we Work Guaran: ; WOULD Zon, ot the * ~ AL the Very ae Ss, snmaing au tr saoene Tasisens so argey ex" a Ypree-hes ISCOUNT FOR CASH. " MILK CANS. zs * Re =: srarednacs ot ect ening oruawed ABET; COULTO} he tented eee MACKINKON &°Cé. ' |LIBERAL DIs '4h. T. BARKER Fleer and Fogetobie Seeds je Nr a nas Stratfo > ' wely | teit tot roe niried op ra A. M.- DRIVER, Ontario Street, ; Jan 438 a, sacinoions "Anoemes oan i. Gas Fittiags, Secretary. crea _Berattero, mt atisfaction. hand--CHRAP. Lista shen Ba or pegreny Pw hy La f N. A. BOSWORTH 8, xtant to Farmers ee xd R" \ i NN] A agg and vale sock on : ee : ack Impo tratford. SEED WARE; JQRING poor Picture ve be waned we --_ - i Trading.in § by stall promptly 7 rr ine - " 5 i s tout devern! Onters pes erae : ee FARMERS - i a4 -INO.-20,.... r bevtig sain i oa poo Sade hints CoH. MgLAUGHLIN. i bbing and Building Work. a nrts aa weried met of O8 St jes weit I iia ore pe bale iéam | + Je) : Lihagrepha, ' fl . | Mayet 43; 259 rma arto to LD. AN Ss, 'a tee iven, Suinttond. eats Sewing Machine. | MTF A>) ceed ONTARIO = STREET, ~ Wotice is rastpcchptonnd the | ~ _Storehouses to Let. Singer ~ gery yoo ' all persons payieent Gereber 5 itor eit = ss! 7 | Raat igenatie ait reraone a ren id tron"clad M Milk Pans, ete 25 Be en "MAREET EE roy "3 | \STRATFORD. . MARKE' SABBATH. APE ba » : i r WA cece: <r orn ES By getting xi ABEL COULTON' 8, en St om HYMN BOOK, 'Stratford... ANE can ew Si Soene teeet ix pak