Stratford Times, 17 Apr 1878, p. 1

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Densiia the lst five menthe pateeearaie Mas. apeiron Mevxrox's on low Flghia ra aired in a reer at my the okieet Oxford Fellow q had been sitar mare, amd}. received from the F. 90,060 es, Sim Sauces Baxen, the African explor er, ia brother to the « patra Col Valestias Baker of the fish and Turkish army, Both men are -- a being raised to the dignit the Khedlive iy SY Rerun Cuoate once wrote this te Charkea |: read "Oat of { Barke might be cut fifty intoshes, one huad: red and seventy. five AND, COUNTY OF. PERTH... .GAZETTE : heaeemecapal 4 Clmesseapscit Teeth thee Tearagetes Biren trens, ? dha pee cap Yeu Sewn, fre: peat rately if peavitte, mare wuighinng, Sean _ STRATFORD, "ONT, WEDNESDAY, APRIL "17, 1878. Mumns Tivraxy offered $100, 000 to Sig- nor * for $250,000, thanks, Two hundred and tifty "thea a they say at the club, i a good deal of money. head is emit bis vapid but withoat coarsely. He ris with bluster. Hie parece in one of the beat | Linguists in the Lammas Kenprem . _ Ls the Lente co March 6, Réwend | Wo nenee with tThoe att = a Lfapedle « tale * . = = = a] were in a sea of feathers which | time 'the 'very bfeet he hat in view. It} as thick pa thieves." "The yellow peaididabe Employmen: 'omen o you with its billows; the ~--_e | Se shiek ne thieves" in his own wind came | ale eae A Deceitfal Husband Punished. low was feathery too, and you were siav- | hay experienced fn feng sil fot alter | tothe onanani es tbe was (Exsty bow and -then- ae eatery: to-relsed thered There as certainly as elsewhere. If] all ttat is Tita a Nea | & good = aul wont rather to on te | about disabilities ander which women ou that "tossed," bat the bed it-| scenery, costumes, and language do not go) Mr. Pie t's view, that if Piya ae to a| *affer, and the unneces: difficultios that iin met Old Mose pougeniay, od Now aad then, like the porpaise, you | # we tte wen of aa lone range of human char: patch the ra troaimasver would throw the baro. | 8re thrown in the wa their earning « to the top for air; you sat up, that is, : he nod mete in foreign rnin moat | ut ovne livelihood, , ~ Su vl cl has really bie tn or two: buteeren pr agar that aes Whee Mr. Warren-sxt down, Str. tar. too ja wr ere pre- | at home, and had never peat so much as) wood, a country geutleman in the neighbor. much, an! a good many are striv by ev- He go and nee! meanrny There i oo lady reader of the I xtom, 1 am quite sure, th bas ee a arene mu) And grain ray alg orn, fr tien | a 'maine mane beyort, Pus IX. Pups. Sided over the Church longer thai Vi Ma. Utaperoxn, in the last number of the teenth Centary, th rf Sheed sueine: ho macdest tan Thew well mays: cave hla tet the swectness make, Nene seem to have passed rapidly, aud aod set with | x nut cause, yar a like ill odor with its twen- ty millions of Mohammedans.~ Y hii rom hich ussally frum Seterdsy until the folluwing Wednesday of each week--Dra Cook at- tanda to alt the act not wee inthe capac an ae Popganc pa m responsability. se ieaion vo are pny with and taken: - soar rin bis is olthien, thong ren that Tis a rare thing for ber 3) "Just so. This ix how it is, Sir James His in the ba Bat tt that will be very discreditable iff abren *" before the courts of such « fone am "Wall, of course ; bat ¢ this Warren will the He was my senior by sev and in = ° @ ° > ne REN es y soci held at -- Palace the pring Room " Ff LE HF Hi i ii ipiagt i Pitize Hale ns epg Sets quiet it H i li He dldistin ff ' : aL f if if ! i f i nored it! . a . " Well, Mr. Pierrepoint, ahall go in for . : . 9 women 2B OS 7 PP ni yet he-was.ovt in emouth water, 11 really | dood : | srurkad fae hist Copy he ds Lh vais demir And" thé ah def winch, itis may ape pecs. ' hat it had ot he would bave | diflereut {rum those k expenenes.1s your | tisn known how to deal with gorge It] case. There was a story, and I believe it} energy and puab it may be, but with all as | decease, to pro' 'or them. Then in de- notwithstanding, that they | had some truth in it, that uot had roubed a yet bk the way of moucy to make. Vhat the brothers are und. ras peves for mony 'to Mr. Penni-| ward of bie--quite s girl thousands 'ales: can be expected from auch | stood in all cases to pre by their sisters, "In he been doomed to speod much } pounds, and thereby optic her to gu out pesclonetn There is no ase in talhing or and keep them without labor and in becom- se in the slemo solitudes of the | as a governess." protesting to the con' i " but he was so fortunate as to "Tabould have thought the law woald | wan pear fiaprrentinenseigs SAT vorable an impression upon » Mr, | have taken jsance of a fraud of that > Tebo taad prelderly. man sufficiently w aj of Slowcomb aad ~ | ing Liberal of the place, that he invited hun hy lew hail poe sile of the} him She ma fancy she sees a a b N " | law = -- With teclinge very Mien too general! fer the ly | Borted to. The fathers are im the : with the pares to tha ae 4 ccf i fault of the fathers, th Napoleon ing st) Then ultimately comes fove tw eld | evrtalie husband, with alf hls affec ore ities. Bak in of all carelessly. her becoming his wife. a pres ee welcome to him. These wore huge roothe--| was a man who ought to have been hung. | thing is : aod wi maak: ai E oP if Hi g F 4 F ji F al i fa g° Q 7 z te EF; 3 + S i a ey Si ia L i > if E } 7 5 a. Lf ag i last » sen i ps threw them ] as « candidate for Slowcom tthe day af alter Siete? ree shal pergnee vt patriot. | you will be ite representative. oi whea t you deny yourself to any- It t was certain that one of the two Conser. pete a oo primnesa | v A boys," but the coutrast to his late} ciples save that of taking care of number twenty lo loving s man of fifty, and maki il i ee spoke as ilies e to De, O'Meara i i i z ity ae rari fp] ad rail fi 1 eY i ie pi}rebeig feed i erieel DN cs H ree fist ibs i? j f : i Fy | 3 i gs | Zz s r 5 A 5 4 i 5 A : ha hin day allay What Taterview with -- wae at Stowoomb, + u eye ier patting up," en penn with), at the * wan with hie mind ocean ecks," tever he did was to distract hie mind, o whey place, and ® young man Lie Lj aod} would be run very bant Yiee hia grandowother, it is oll wore, if there pl sad enough questi a adi, tices, to oa the the: lassie do wi' an @uld man t" but it i ten | behind counters, to teach, te fave the, warkd sek te i sadder, *"* What ie votes should be eit and if this wi' an auld witch 1" Everything ia beanti-| matters of course for the * Yaya" but it} 211 oth zie 'al elt ie et 8 eeEa ial Ht It wae with this object that he mace hie i tere tra: or won! jiahoucst) were Migs Or guine ales that there should be disparity in the | be indignant e maiden sunt would Of evea some- tn. eget mel butly debated ; headed man, sli 7 spectacled, rv the tows ins autlags with ag org Mra. pes if three candidates forgSiowooml-- | ino the endie ly cumbered with | would weep, sod the father would be iall ot beskle bien, Je oolers thes 4 id more | two of w were openly opposed to that pd ree 4 hamed to that hi thor to her principles than to ber complex- patel are, the third (thoogh he supported cag prsiei stele baat ches ought - mere och a thing. or 4 the whole et ha tacore is) was privatdly a4 mach against itwsthem- | sively weep. "aed col eome if in the dw dall coun) o my when Slowcomb was not only dull, really Fs- wie Ma peesia ce yi ang ey one some- ly, and hae they almost spectable, except for the irou~ riste! of maida, or one of the wid =e had seen better ment ("on th aera only gl with | dere" wi r. Weller, Senior, f to blame f ae a 5 amile, pied, }ried out the letter, all honest iia tr fal in ite season. It is contrary to the na-| would be aefal to hint st a similar apo : fi fer the "girla" The ally by Fa great : raising thoee days the | ayes of husband and wife, An old Brey oat in horror, The uncles would thin years heace on sions or a ones of a certainly --ae ee ene introdaces their ters aa their new pases, nething \ lor at " their *| mother a blooming damsel by a good many | ing beee learned thoroa i ee were children, accustomed ty the present quiet of years their junior. A man that oa in toast wheel a perambualator cap over Tur ¢; of talk abou does coun: is P ange, will be unable to] that fashion if he isa member of the church, their degradation while they read Ti tog it all mean' It seems it, the If he will] and ery over the fate of Little Nell ascewad aren Seren app he received by the Baptista here, bey | Seven men 'one wife, Tiherite aa om | cannot teach, they cannot do anything tho- Took" un recat 'om! He did prserk try ali take | "shamed periection, aa if it wis cor ic RY gist badgnary to a male -- A da allel w . * ho or _ 2] new on, house ta "the party of order}, and yet fortwadaye! [5 this a aad » Y peopled country Man's t mts It may | down, do: doe scarcely F ' , we, 2m until beds a the loer his. mar} be ae ter nny an an ia jaioay 1 TE ait Oe ee oe hoerts every their fa WAV of Tight im [3 a eve © Be parlissler | gatehouse wus fall, und ail planne of back te mary by the ee share ie Sp ant pip lomgy were by that wom eeapty -- mee = $s is of Trath. Hed hry' be ie ave ta thir come "* pothi ; candidates, stood pl svarcit, proper employ- dark ted a sea of upturned x, neti at ** He | ment for girle, anJ of the Hey sab amg iis dnp of sols remembrance neth small things shall fall by | Young mea in the matter of " proposing ' i vi 3 & Hs tH § . pal i i i 5 bese iT ri : Hi is i; Hi if rEE Flik 2 eo FEF i i ; | | Nitle." Could not-many an ua. | with all ite understood etceteras of provid- sia « ing the home which will make all work as oe of mmall th that line | far as sAeir not for success ? ine one moment ~Tarnedy my gh Fr panama Se his bp -- perce Aap pr ope t uttering a Thun thre esd's taal aud t red | listen. 5 if " Wuat ia your chief consolati of 'i if Fi 8 de A i hu aks ie tp si? suk submerged sitting. To complain of | spoken to a greengrover (for instance} im aii | boot, proposed Mr, Pennicuick in a neat | ery means'in their 1. peeer to multiply ber op- | left to live tet, with which so many camlidat jw Wife. Mr. Major hi % im | speech, with a quotation from Shelley at] portunities for supporting herself and auch oF fg peobet trnthie, exprebsed themselves satixfied, wonkl | teresting study --thongh his interest in him, | the eed of it about the banner yt 'Freedom | #* may be dependen#upon her without either | where dia heah ia gwine to end. be, Pouniewick felt, wo endanger the pros | it is trac, was grievously y hisown | streaming "against " the wind, , which caused \ caste. or credit. So faras thie ean | gb it up" SS cynicism. It ecemed very extraunlionry te } menctr ct: al joar. | be effected by law, there is no reasonable ob- | * What is the treable aboot ¥ . to bim, however, | D8 that a mau who bad bees an sro} male pag tenes eciantitic grounds ; pos then got ita being theagh eobape it After several anemed to come the very first night, of » nature so terrible, | "RET Major's ' stered " ttle ap Mr. 3 cuick's mecender, Mr. Major, | *ould be foamd but a cruel hindasss re- | ap from the bottom of bis boots, he explain that be almost mate up hie mind t> leave a househatd 1 domestic | T sea lioman stood in the remarkable po. | meve all sach sodsictone he the and let Bir James and Mr, W 1 made a fortune by it, shoald| sition of believing every word he said, aud But even were doing all that it | colored Laige of Free Masous ; misrepresent it fur Parliament. He identify humeelf with any treal move | may tf of bia heart; and ny ould, complained ld had fallen after sowe hours into a pertu could it matter to him bh: if hus aspirates Pe tio but alightly abated so long as the gen' the hooks he was from which hv was awakeued by the | the world was SS { rd long as pearl ra hi Aa 'ations, be would pike very her panes er 1 ot merely of man og ; that every Saturday night, after the aplash of water 5 is mi ream, |" superseded}, or who was in, of who | fermidalle oratd eon ar as it waa| Out of women alao, bce the pro- mn over, will, hat it seemed of | ¥** Mt! Hat this mattired to Mr. Muj ut | he begin to attract so much rapt attention, | per soouyaties of femates remaioed what it and Carne | them over er to the "ole 'oomas ris to be was the ose the cra sa leat he % ity Aig' Ares. mac that tue we brass bend of the Blues sare given me has been in the past, aod to a very great ex hack the } the severtit, which one orth. p vent » ; rm whee with bis friend in Chinn, Hisd: Thee aad eae Peanicuick, "Foe cuuls | with yen is ulvee compared with Nature, Whether it be called prejudice, or m opinion, Teel "Wahal he in and thes not have done atay at | to the firmer ® dimadvantaye ; yet what ix * mig ing, the no | tine : been 8 comparatively q ope ; filled T* the Andinns'"--w @ popular | the hum vies w im ce ti with | doubt that the great hind 'the prot- ate and uae four ¢ ia with poisons, and tortures, and one ghastly] 24m for villa- oy don t sieves @ trombone? Mr. Major, er, was per | télie employment of wonren in certain | that hie was vga $10 pokes , mangled tied ta Keep om your rooms "all the | mitted to say a few words in cooctusion | branches of industry is pot of a char the be their legialators d themselves with the body ee ee Se | anne. ome" i which ad « perwinal fefereuce te his can eater ob all, all, but hea tp origha and strength | ten to turn mang Higgs ¢ hear co istence. till it had been each day's proceedings «Di t. afer didet "*We have been asked," he said | vy hostile sentiment of the | hai rqvandered the hme rig. r people aad life-like enough to bold him for some | Made a most elaborate calcvlation al the fe ; ulewh, Iam afraid be aah "mt ") Who enone i Somehow or other it hax (Serie bean say that we mast Pat aS Sak te led aa ta in ite spell, He leaped sults, and as the date of the election a i «s He Yami | will answer that qeestion, He 2 to be raled that certain ree thon af prox Very trae. ith {rm the bed, aad applied one of the quaint ear became more and more onntident, i & geutleman of old family aud good vatate, "eould sever do fur women. professed | was getting $10. and conseqvently, when he? ported articles, no doubt, pt whey are in reaming the sad u lay a tippon' ib oe > presar k, who, having passed his fife in a varied expe ' © be shocked at the very mentee of auch } remark: or eFeni 7 aa time every opioid = table aa sight-tight which he ~ fs kept burning. i youn at Hof the poll." | reece of mankiod at home and abroad, | * thing; and women are freqaentiy still | for him te go to the late, and requested her er he eunicuick would have taken the bet, | hes turned of late a mind of no ordinar hatic in thes ot dtsap- }to-hand-hter-out the bonicx ' And w te rd we peck spit vo sl er = bhp yer 7 ged Teds," Tait tha: | hhre to consideration of those vil rea and positive dislike. dows : - weaee meet | he , sr i gk was 1t would jowk like « toll oa ere i ii ' 'i ly refused to fe war. Thay by day mittens ue ta the pipes of auch oo confidence. As a matter of tact, he him-| sed d "he cael ~ Apalepret 'ag | a materia they ron ar be feeling y aiid an ture over the fever haa ay fea a and it ia all bat tablishmente as the "Swan." self had bat tittle bo 1 oo words on yonder hoarding---* What has he | mg eae ite being broken up. In this gto were his'n for keeping the books, abe re- likely that ° DOMINION sees room was « little it | courme no actual Kaowlcdge of the matter | Done?" He----" A ruar of laughter shook | country it is no deals by no means ao strung | tarted : ~ Who's been keepin' dem ¢| the ween the clock wi nat oe 1 bors, but he recognised it well tw wer. ie y begun to the the crowd. The blank » on the -| ae te etree of oll h Haan't I heen k anit-g ' =e rt the tes pry, that FP hfe would bore bim «| ing in question had auddenly become filled | is nak a ware dementic® wast Seheng te the all de time? HH te quite sendy to lay the whele bee of his neck -heact there were f there tox) di aud t him rrr st all;| ap, ae if by magic [It was in reality « very moth: aad ment pamch perp ie | in' ter me ite's relations on the altar of his country, looked more like funera!.plames than ever, | #4, unlike all other camdlic at ever] well-known me » bat it was new | and eaffer in order to keep ap appearances, What dal you tel her, weet ioe be 'a who are and be was tarning from them with a half | ¥e®. be felt that he should be sorry when ° Blowcomibs eyes, and exceedingly effect. | and make their claim to 'elawabip with I tole her pea t believe in that discretion which is ssid shudder (commin enoagh with all the tarmoil of the contest was over A large board, worked on a pivot, had | the fave sisterhood. t toa greater or | de minita in, dat she didn't k part of com 7 him now when he was alone), to put ont the jn Reelin be helene a ee wetenly beea reversed; and sndermeath | less extomt the defemon tw Canaita, | Ae BOdki, But she 'lows: Piiembonn in Sime daly; and ~ light, when something shining oa the floor | VOW Of Tirowing away Le, Waa disploas. | ¢ inestion, * Bil loedbokges Romer ap well ss elsewhere, til that be dis- he 5 orrece id attentian. He's down | 28 so tin, mathe mab ome Bis bass = p *Tsquine at | sipated and work of ane kind or other be and leak Ged t abet ala cag oda on Halifax and any amoun} of gol and Ta geod is mee then uttered a cry af fear | prevse', of © aren . @ great) Dar uana, Cun liked upon as not only honest but hunora- | lodge has ; Lan t that it ve rung Loren! party of bis country a ines toe [vo ae comTixuen } ble even among laches' legislation will effect my nsauesaa, ora a is like 'aes etardy etl chemagt-on mms of Ugation guoe ashame te little or Hothing in the premines, trunk haa - all for 7 Untorsanaity, however (a0 be thought at | With him im the way of consolation, Matrimony Bat there ic smething more euara'io 4e re in | gone» hettinct dosiepctact pata marr mite vere th , the state rooms of this incient} He prided himself on never having jet s reference to the continued outcry against the boxing $10 pire whee ashin' done triotism may havea deal to do with the ian wore Jevthod with inner -- of baize, | been baulked in an eared on which he hai What iu the chief aa - we ' -- that is coma te the sex. Mt wo- stir th am cual penetra set hie mind, and ad a repatation w rire In the among those of older 2 and hs voice was unl He sank into a| keep up at the clubs to iat effect, He bad arr Chow ght he he tae Pram Ay object ; and chink choy oun? --_ fom tard age ay at hon A have a tog ope feeling inter did he waster not aie met -- pb 4 guoree mate in aire cow oa his hen that-ta missed, life te almant regarded | kot lary teal mn tur 1s? There is ae of grain aad quicken all y se ae « faiture, ing on tere sentimental as- dastry. It is a curios thing verage the thing which had behave genres them ihronghout b had in: | over think tf un hes pect of the matter, | . ererag marriage, or wor td t needs ti be abet human sont. it there than Billed him with bes AY terror. deel buen rathe ote ey Uo than seme af dream of Bpeaking eitias light de | ®t im what some woul! cail the hand Uniateresting Pe country resorts the average num crying aa sore ae What he Prose «on? it was, was = the Pry ae "le be sept erp ' prociatery vir Bat after all it w surely sires of vie int It goterivas mri berhoud ef Constan protesting are » but | Perret im | shave was aginst Gaythors (the previous do alo any i Wa eal the | Si ccc eke celotuauaoen Tee - war So ete : vaupe ao r Pr an to a r ie beges an. hb ts ? hat hed alain bie {rieud-and Liberal candidate ate, wonld be different," | ye hee ey atyerey fnoey, thst 0 women | ot Someeets tae ts "i tie pita teoee et saap eg hte lhe je the of himself, What it really waa, peed had maivel * but you have no forthwith ry be Laid om the shelf as of no | Preferred, may it not 5 eatorally connne: tween the mch Greeks and A: ft of Ob, weil Why pot? Af people will} was a drop that hot fallen from the great holdyoar own pael ter pn oytcog! goers more moment, --as in short owe, who, as the | thet epee the whole 12 on aod|own most of the é all, it is : Ay P ot, - - > . . room, and on whicht ihe hight Binge as a { ae # at Slowcombe had ever been con: Soald kava! Rlipegoen ws 'Merten hell's . pf ve we Seaber int ood ber) coi : = cn ment ts weleomd is soning livwon air. =e ss to the carset ds it bad been the dicted with so few ™ piroanal _ Theret serve number of Wilien missed that Es fate" tn favor of men that they will rather the They do not 'The in the police PES Though Peanicuick thas con. bey i jw posters, o - woake s aor a "pee lof theirs which made them wives add mo. | them at dollar than women at se so, -tive | know woah ins ia peoting was curious, if not positively oud as to what it was, the effect J chant pas w re > Str! thers. They are now spiriticas dredges, conta, In many cases, however, they do on, his ewesthaart, sad a ante was ys Sg ory transient? are a ut he mS ml evan a very perhaps, rvohlene dissipated scokla, Who ase ie a opelasion ia thervfore bhcapd as | Greek Wap Lge es Seunght te book for his shook his nerves, _* waa worse, enum the character made them reqatre being stated ry | bailed A prion for pees (came and dreams more | of mm, driving » couple Of | Tie ised ari hs . : . ° > promise * tov arich ". 5 dg contided to a Danovels the distance and was ---- that chanel from --_ he was a Se ae en writ bang provide bad them did i Bs teow t these two things t ro hand in| that the Russians hal made his near. If the gir#Ptestified it was all over ng vain he Tt athe o---- ae W. hperts cases ; bat they thetneelves were 7 "chief hawt ant the dif: alty we wanna ill Pibat of bis people, « burden, with young Se, instead of pro said t himeel tpt quand jared -- utile cartouu of Mr, ia offenders th oa many more. It is curious, | *Peedily disappear. Lek the nh ee deep mgh, ex ayaroat im the =, the P patachonr 2) vague: protace agitate | Sight. of cllemee to which the bloe posters | At} sllening an well, to, wetion haw neck] AHR int um he cer] trams ol the Fork tave-laru "damsel 'ecnseeted to marry' thi 1s nomehowr .2. . be pa = Poaniouieh vaste 'leealy people rush into matrimony aa if it | Sin branches of active in a which | sony our own way, except in the matter of tithes | ffian, aud thus, by being unable to bear ian that shoal 'atin = Torpected! Mr. by which they in: | 7070 6 mere paseing frolic, aod not, as it in, | YAS so widely aad 5 er bel _-- among | and taxes 1" Se St husband, saved his . & matter of such grave importance as te women as amnoug men, be dissipated, aud let | San Siefano lies close to the worthless carcase from ci done his ter & make | tevded to convey that that gen! Jeman W981 4 character to the whole subseybeat lifes In In | Women show ae "great faculty for certain | is bathed b. the 3 ' : aad de Ww 'a altens . stocement; it was na fault of his that Cog. | Wtal stranger im those parts, and had wo] i in rine mar € ahaew ie us oe dis- ploy their competitors of the gest and Sc ther, If the man hes a bit om in bee: write used his bounty ; and | basiness Ubere . al crimination shown as in the selection of cat- | *teraer ez, ead the evil complained of will | tions are its i it may cote al] right even but the y rig! yet, as to Lyng ade ag yr had offered her | The ay i 1d been erectad opposite | ile or in the purchase of vegetables. A pret- | disappear almost asa matter of course, It | present, the Russians are the towm sadly agai ch @ result. probably the Tow just oo ~ HES Na 4 side ty face, a glib tongue the ability to | it mot fair to lay the of thie ad i A mac that strikes a jer airy pos- It aot it; cleared * ting | 4 e mauy a masculine heart cap- ven sutakon entirely at the door of men. |-did -- are ph a is ly dishonored, not tried to put himeelf nght been Sinpenarcie takea by | tre, and t omen other eer @ themselves been great an: | # ho seldom see that strikes his -_ PR reg. her marriage ha ing a sre erection of a tem; paid er all their mistakes by pleadimg that they nero rth mato, if not sometimes greater. teything feet than a shabby, out- Prodtrted faugh! He ought to have been dogged at ly exercised a privilege | hoarding display have po cha t must.take those who | !m maay inniances y are so still, That | Tu y the cart tail from the Don to the Garrison en, yt gles ay ae Young aggre ore, suntan = wou He? errogation, ° leas will take them. We protest against the on are certain occupations which are | of trum . es, it is coming to be scen = satel every way, eanicuick, who is He?" in very si ag) ** must. The riage of onee. eat appropri ha to men is a fact beyund all | aod more more al cleart that bed ack 4 'ie fello i ehh he vedeod. On the day pages the when there i ia little or oe love, and where doube Suil, in very many women oval be have put op ex be able t aentninas sat nnaed asked ellow anper Ut pematalaien. were props nutes. thewe | the etutt | protitaty employed aes et the daily wi comes back 0 the all respectable and hated the sight of him), and gowe oa on queries were removed, the wigan antic in- | tlement we ge he of Reed --_-- the scarcely ever foand, bat what m the ce + | conquerors, yer Bea. | truth ice ine ie te -- mp sem now, postr Aet he on fiving - fm awicy, b dona es be Ds Dene 1" was wabeti- | cgost oflens: pai, A Is tt because ee * Higher Education" has | fano is rapidly swelling into s respectable case' for it, supposing even he | either signifying that be hey! ous bothing man that ha Sy ret la beri" won jamie ocr we Varn aay g thie may | cined: army, the 1,200: ' : The @ com. | oF Ww be filled u the imogination. of * pleaded that in pening pooh vd pone the "lower edacation" which : i realty af végfiaanle are wtill ari me but natural one n vi is maderation con 2 nay Knew thot st," i" | This amet " irae with nt erry choice, The rage for Gao' eatabligh monte taal, ad even of that % ts is the social rather | to expect that * eats there was no claim-npoe fim te amused Mr. Major very mach. "It it | before peuple think of marrying is gradually-| thaa the techaseal department that is Chief: | modation of San Stef --saly = matter of morbid sentiment--ano | very seldom in these days, my dear sir, that leadiuy, cveuin new countries neat ly deticiest, lo elmost all crcies above thé ae ow to Makrikici, tréia w ich to the longer weighed with hem; be had, as tt] any candntate comes Mefore 5 & constitaency'] t inen being considerably old Before They | Yery lowest Whe idea of f girle earning their ven Towers--which means Constantinople for off =, long cog aan all those Sretacles, =< such tata etter eon for, can afford to marry ; and to their fancyimg | ow livelihood is oaly con: templated ata prt tep. once so formidable ; anc 'ween ourseives, Was & Ve" y queer in. for ther wives. young a are ~ : & E F A First [ if ity ft

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