Food and Pasting. | whing tm. Bence It is well-hniwn that there ih ptwat waste a in Water Poured down Onet-Iro1 _ of tual, syectahy < Throats -Myteriqus Etiquette. amon the pour, wh» esa least athe it th such sacritived ig onder sempre sat i '5b, far itt & Fe AND COUN'TY j . APRIL 24, 1878. . nue NO. 122. Hf VOL. Wk" & g: "STRATFORD, ONT., WEDN i a the Meskovaki Ty en for a ar Who Was to om Mou- TKS 2 f 4 SPRING M MORNING j felt that sach a byt of atrates sy was much | he wae on that very acount all the moret + eoulil hanily keep hia face frum showing it THE DUEL IN EUROPE. that he would be taced with agwardice { inere clever than-oreditabte to + yes bow of bie repatetoor 5 morrurer, te the crowd: Stine fBsz Coventry ret babe i. png 1 a | tidad wad tho ieaee tuabbed torea waisiterthe ito 'be observed thet-wthing aaxtarates | of haw aml rounds of Ant AEE The Oustoms "tne -Varjous Modes of | : 7 Maret preayret rer att * | matter > he only felt rebef that 1 hat got | your eye aes ovech oe to yoo gaye nied him to the wery door of his railway car- ating. ' ins ' Ps . ' i way, and his ve pro | crume dui aot commit, thoug riage. henent 4 u at in re Wie hice ah ir wart eae xcpliaont in cecil way, ad SS reer tn sxanmitted Eft ethare worse . The dat wands isk ke aster sit [From the Lemdon Daily News largest, traktirs ini the city, and ix the place tected bim from crove-examinatern. y jrincdihed si : rang pi , po --a at samth ad to gdenta UC, Tf they had tas teae tt dorto the Venmicwnee hed } ror pend be fo ngonernlly accepted dale should | insulted party, Sora merchants ee rendez Sibi Gretna shook tue lealy weed their party trumph, would probably not | come to the conclusion That it had beea | tion and = We lay back in hie ee pabriias pe chong ar Po ---- foils, or cay bel and his od haa its i jas tna 'i pas Sa 1 tien have expressed such admitratven for the ruse, | merely s hap-hazard device of the enemy--a | ner, 7. "Ce end all that's in pp in n ial particu! wed * Then, eve the fret 4. light was spent, Fortunately for the interests they held so | shaft shot at a veutore, aod need aot give | ft Thick ed not guwhe in the flow. Srapeines prevents him from mast Aduwn the sanny wope f went, dear, the report of Mr. Pounicaick's conay- | him any distarbance. I: was known through silly Member for Slowcom melocting field canaoa, "iid the famous Polish a ace Ta ft +f if i bi ne ff bl ? i? amd pe gh ac loni ving gmih boron ao fs the thi did ot t -- lore | the newspal that he hal been at a place » z py earecy Te seat es eo is tia. stony ome : gal pied bi ria ant that something dread. a - 4 Kamisn colonel, The ineul! vot A ma Awl (wining tevirile while heocalh, aeons pinot thom, a Me} Map " ral had occurred there ; that wistake in the CHAPTER XXXIX aler claim that the fight -chowld" wage Wher tard ap prtsacuen ee ete ye a prophesied, « large namber vf votes. pal Lologram ugist have sug geated cs saa Bo which he has himself pro- end of a handk, deal wa crcusel toqparty tactics, ay a ae bean, Prteorg upeo his part; aad hence THE DISADVANTAGES OF CREAT Ea. vided ; but cent pat is for both . i 3 'There all the rid ° le wi cleo ioneer: wart. is © attack Ou - fs . Worch tekee pogo phdved tithe a ee acct sectebann ta sabeipinniny capt to Me. Mijor's observations (which A Ereat poxeypodianr a haa --- his feelings | tour seconds to d fou the groands which ve it once a day, dhe thing is true The radon t nage lems wate tale geet 'Vhe thing which is expressed in the vulgar | bal huwever, infused more of bitternces inte | ore the i; a] fl ii 3 fy i | 4 f i a 4 f f 8 4] bet gf i iE iz E F aH E é E & 2% i | ff F Au 7 very same pracefa: Has Sut patienen oe i aad ee: ro Twtick oh thelteret § Mee ae Pe se ma aan se veeyene of bis owncan always hire ignorant cooking not only makes maltitudes An, when load jutieg Talos sop by fie. and Vellow and all the colors of the [ to own) be would bave bern incl ts eery ek ras jou bet | eoche the guamakers, who in all Conti- oft dyspepticn, bat it wastes any goalie 4 Tre wares uf silence thee, ant ajtemt rauibuw with ms, aa tt ts repudiated powhere | the whole alfaic with cuuteupt. Aut be re- | 1 vy pleasant w Komen pode neotal capitals keep « beactiful assortment |). ' foot Figo ane Arta iris * wr eenpureunrmaiacienan ~ oo beboe- brware sir dames 'Hromamnre amd Ate} enlved, benceierw sod, out toe apoak, au ily oor pagel be Sl te tha 4 of forks wer, fee eae ville | thee sero, rally practised, doce act afford f the How fle might ghoe t 110 quew Warren msued a jout mautfeste which de- | pessible, not to think, ab ret tt agem, Hae} " myo iol --s {ot fam rr a y- | witches, hly pe sourishment orginally in the meat.- Frymy Lite Crewing we wavney Otten nied all complicity in octuang ap the brea in this he wamoukuuuy not ouly without | M4 to ste minds, thoug' do wot perso | which it ie area} Peasene be 08 8} ing aed wang ie moat cases are equally waste- Of partial ineronse ; atreag im growl, tous placard ; in vain the Bine hia boat, bat in tyaorauce o: the dimensions |p" 7 | y ze with them. | knows better ; he wiil ae eety » ee po penin hh ue fight biashed a special alition that «cee evea-| which the affair bad aseueed withm make a w aud: palatable stew out Andes Gaetoet Tight, "| ing, explaining how "the contract fur the | laef foar hoare--that ta, since the publica pieces of meat that Ki nen or Cana i . hoarding bed been undertaken by oar ew} tee of that aduuralle © "sumer Valse om gaan diage would Pings away. There is nots Sine Brightening to the purfect aur tecrnond Eee ange Mesars. Deal and | the " Sloweouh [ntelligencer, ona weoled in C. ws well as M names woald be a guarautee | As he entered his carray-- in Britain, aa o reform in cookery. There Anak Shae rroabyrenapng ou a pons pated any 'seek ill be bapa var, The wecur- | Mr. Major ta yo dowa te eae Te salu! E ¥ if & F t 3 y given, yoo chad yourveil in a tempera did nothing fre stich x ah fal coutrast fm that wraps. apartmen +d ce: with its polished floor thor. oughly fi Las with sofas and tables, the lat- ter of difleront xizes to accommodate propor- u eo t uh and! , through me: when they called mo «fool, | | signal has laeeaeen tax dao of thes torent At the tar emt of the 2 . . shiverel; when they towched my trembling | who couuts three amd then drops a hand. ' The a which w always rotalied when it is sought | woula, the awa: damn the fax pela nll yang "= many -sofsy, mach mere tees ly em Mr. Ratph oer to within tive paces of each other, so tha z . a ae ae en a ee ae ee ae Seas Se ouick, whe had net heen sed ope fires immediately and mi . 'tiesti = heity aleered upon bim, feel his maedl can step up aml shoot his almost poss ae ee =e. "in . on cla ter. It would ten times more good br in ~ Ubia was reul at leisare, tweaty-foar | of cheers) " ben be wells an tie mersing after hee sles vaflhiries apniver ot suete cxshangen de- ia Bowe a Li Figeovan pers = ptr ; . f hi ponds -- stealth many of our schools there was au -- BY P R it) x Y. hours afterwanda, aud accompanied by much | -ijke him ! os famous!" He had flattered himself that |i culdita thak the esconds 60 ast destase [Prom the Detrait News mein slressed exactly alike and sotable for theer vac bec onpeint bi ary aa ran More, Bolin the prewemt edition, to the ef- | that tus host's views mater werv shar | whet hed taken place in the obscure borough | that honor is satisfied after the second shot, Sees! oa pier bine & prom Episempal | silent and ewift obedience. Unlike the dap- . vlogies that are crammed it o . fect that the whole allair had been an tnfa- | ed by his wa party, aul that bis determ- | of Stoweomb woakd never be narrated much | The principals are entirely ia the haada of | © this city was invited to ome of | per serving men of the restaurants you creatures Maay young womeu when BY JAMEY PAYS. mous rlevice of euemy ; but in the mean | nation ty deny baving hab any hand m the beyond ita limite; be kal idea that, by | ther seconds, and munt obey without dis. | the mole t & con mi Canada, | ally the servan' : x n eerhten ree, yet 7, ren tba ege' ' 1 keep my faith Rega cheng tube ereen by surprise as any oue, bat mvestigations | porters with wor ls t» cook « plain digner for family wt a ate ian tine ancient Gees were being mace, ancl it seemed that sum vanes ic wage Meet hay nas wren te uaer Mees Wand ware London hand, recently taken mite ther em- | annoyagqer: nees and decency, If wives would keog | the Mi Weart tes batasur ard ened piageonety had been at the buttom of the |' Tell a lie, ant hushands from the tavern let them couk seen ae wis _ hief. wae me! wives knew po were than a cow = time there was no time for reading, but ouly | affair had been almaly circulate|--aa, iu- res ora athletic men, apparel) i] « - f whibat tleee ce e « ; . Sees sp tng Sore Sm. CHAPTER. XAXVUL as dtc ner sotag | Pm SMe = Tras se kad cay | Petz ene,o Fabs ere. bu 0] he rune le Say rman nd | sen Sra ate ena | ee 3 fall cs tn oath thee y fancy they will have huwmen at . A iter man ascembel the steps of | heard that he was the guilty party, and wot ; : . fit rlage ia not valid which is not witnessed 7 i , . great section of the body politic. He had | gulateng the conditions of the combat Tue lage is me i) by bart pe phoey he pen Lod ger od AT HOR, MENES she -- bowth, Fo mah fee en tere the deat a his well be ee reerved by | turmed out a Caneervitive uevuter, aad [are thine ts fight, aot to talk, and it rewts | '*° They were precanet aml the | manner is s eros between the ated digui that wil survive -m stupidly cooked amd a Tes ney sar cape ot had soddenly appear renege pots cish maaaiethes <silekt | catebod sand frome bo winch the ¥ sal 'SD | thereby had caased--thoagh, it is tra, in| with the seounds to select the ground, ts streck am attitade calculated to} ty of the tat white avek-tiel Eng- = ative loardiag owed | | ia Sa bstoreat naa" Me TS reaper ciate Na ene " common with many othere--the nyhtewas | see that aeither practpal bas the sun in his thew to ailyantage am array clothes [tmb, the over realogs French, and the slap- ~ A net Vr oe ne rae ate 8 ee Me come ot mies ot or a tony but pring peel indignation of the whole Conservative Pros, | eyes, ts load the putols, and to examine that | 8a two rather good ee faces, the | bang American waiters, All their move- wile whether ia the higher or lower rauks | tam of the spectators were com aed, to tte -- nati rome se ah meats 8 conlls y Lelteve, ee tainert, a ' ay * | Uf be had been beaten they would bave dim | both men are dre ta «rdipary clothes, | °*8°r* of a wei ino tmarrt 1, pai should be merely a nurse for the children, | muexpectrsines, There were prrtably wot Ue and warsaliod her bettaloone wich Vee | Dibulang, Diatong 1" aed eletlor nap re aan wks lew wands ef ene eye avid have ws wich thing ae abirt of ma Sean ecesialy on | aoa aoe ree Say dea wife pesgeg hn rely ; pl dhs aga ORB eeazs eine ty | th and marchalled hue battalions : ie t itlang, DMrulany f and similar on tpn hia pros. | comer raled aniee Uneie was touate. Previously day again. The - non ran mmoothly an- | deed; ne one seems to much or tuadly ; however, bo all that asi a great'| have beard of octeng wthuaigh it had been 8 Wis ent vier wes imeminly eral Ve, testatied tu thei scuse of hus hnpenty, trata bey | it as be hal en heey toa duet the tid the plalges were gives. snd the sumnawbad spots of my 7 Kreal earl cons had | rained ue hun shot aud shell, aud preially ther a moeting is expla ae or possible "1 Kate," continaed the minister. friend was greeted with ant unmistakeable ms stood - bat that description of missile used in oe thenene § ( eahaks totals 0 Ps one bes "1 Kate," ft s stare of astoumhment aud anseyance by the ou , Tremaime 365, Warren 350. The | tion that it was a dirty trick to play, aul | Sarfare (amd therefore familiar to him)| whom he owes money, meng lind ia ais os: co-teir te "Take thee, William." other of the traktir. Neither do the : was gv salle "stink pote" He was, they of Se aseaa' whe' he Sin s leweait with "Take , wi "ed peuple about you disturb you with that in rues nan, a mischiavuna interloper :" ben pin who is by twenty: tive years his se- "To be my wedded hushan! --* eravant clatter jingle of knives =a bre oh ze 4 wefan] "3 - 'h 'a # : was, was oot Sir Jamon's fault it was impomable to ignore beni works of att," tT ber conk hae only melee ir a he padi farmers would wot vote ts chate buwda! chit: tn he, Halph Menaicuick, was th _ management ia slovenly edd, o . i at be hat played it. eames : - Rt : Sax cantonnded § = dum found in the dividual ; ' a challeny fi pers: Par "To have aad to bold Lussians, ives, are not a talk beh pm oa tw made a formuable he i For ey anal einen tres mast. i betsder | bay Ae nig abeail tail the It was anything bat heroine ry to him at ovce buth a Jerry Secak welt pag ian on victed mo ny ol ra jet preel A if be ive people, hen ' mews ay nel "he. me skates ae water; he lt as weak ant tlaceid ae afternoon," saul Mr. Majar, "* Pucrrepoint -that some of his ture therough-geing = chausen : fs comes trickster and a mont | ter, of who may have waylaid him after dark | Which was finally extended into a Thearty ing them weil that the peasants st habjta- mat. | aie nce hus- thinks we shall be safe." . porters uf the lower rank were s propardd te sudsevwus f Worse than all, the wither to assanit him or pat an affroot oa laugh ; niinistér was as: | ally alent w at home, To the car the bands ae shat at pt cat tae 'ee "a "Why 1 iaquired Mr. Peonicuick inne. veatity hie spel cadet, Their * Quite Uiwlang for which Psmnawh's eve sought | hi with the view tow of forcing him to fight, atsted at at the untimely exhibition of frivall. Raseian rage sounds hy no meantdhars) by Ths shamnchy beat she. will June bez place Eee heres ald' ante 42 otis edie as 'they ovntly. right, too he-caren? You've wou fevermh approbensioa 'ap '4 af the padres > the witnesses "were xy WIth - atl aiceee oe bone an see ce yore (© the cotmunua eye, and reprodéeiog | 1. -- iH engytes Ke satise<a the prestige. | tay," were hws the ment gallieg of elt heash eovemmned page, was stand he comb bat ike Soahd-be lndegroam struggle to retain oceode, takin opt. % povtsy by Sd di a Besar see wer | tacdewed but mary torm of adver- pd e new who will wover vutees-} the cries that met his ear, That trumphal| where, No definite charge, indeed, was | a little and "with a walking stick im hin | Sis self- The cuisine at the Morkovski ranks -- and dignity by ald bres tc be written, like ony ou nthe wining craton! that Mr, | QUMY of bis into bis own borvugh, instead of | made againet him, bat nothing that 'mali. | hand to parry foul thrusts The function, |" amd to boll--" repeated the | among the first in the city, amd the list of r am thncwall ' ben Pengicuwk understood a * [being, as he waa presently to call it, 'the | cious imaucade could suggest wanting. how: , dem: ants he experience mintater, viands to runs gamut from the it the evohing is ne wp looked pcr the eT des aemses "i dg: ter Phcvieios was really & great commander, | prsadest moment of his fits," was perhape | It was hinted that he had takes Conwag's hand and ove, th rocks b = To have--Te! het he !" and ahe broke | national pot-pourri of eabhage soup to the amoun be eaten is te ered, . we iM ealiel « and whis men. Hoe had entruste! the | the moat humiliating portion of it, The im. | fate in a very philosophic manner--* It waa| it is rare that a man can be foand to ander- | 2°*" again. A repetition of the former | most elaborate of made dishes. The princi. te ' ney wie scoped baw fry agar pe 4 nocent, it i sanl do not feel wach degrada | well known that Mr. Ralph Pennicnich was | take it Failing euch a check, it ix soangh scene was beipscrmall tate by the solemn and article of consamption in the traktir, | nopaan the strout wn tothe | (etltmg coutiden: ie woah eae Sif tone; hut Menmenich felt it the more bite | @ Stic philosopher in his maqner of endur-| to warn the combatante that n6 - weser, is tex. You cannes a - oe ieesbeanele ee prmnfesed cay bays "Teen Hall, 'which : wan pared, hits. Lf youd-natured frank-speaking Mr. terly for the very reason chat he waa i. | ing the 'nislertunes of bis frieuds ; 1 that t he he coed shows ths warntor areca chin ; "To have and te to bald" Teusasa, without learning the ie tors cap are good eu et Like every ial npace, w Major bad badd it in bis possession it ought | oocent It did met ateke him that be had | had pot b that aman must aot dack down wn on hie knee, "To----" she began then to jndulges in a of tea, pronounced, as nearly as I can con: are, when nog carried too far, ' cng Aagt 1 have slipped out of his hands, and Sir James | 15 own villainy to thank for it, since, but | from the Chinese Governinent ; and that, | or grasp his adversary's nor transfer | 'eazy of mirth which spread to all the | vey the sound "Stackan y." Indeed, pt ein: é , samp: agro ieee y open whisk care: ht have bees warned of his dagger. At tar Set, th ld aeser.have Songhoere oii he had spared bie mo- els ons dedi Grama hed: 40 fone nor lunge ignitiod amd of knots, 54 On ae you one of the q eee aly ones and. lew spirits etill Bued wpe € wane four o'clock ues relative Larenapee rf ie tits arian me when tt mee have aaved his | when the has been disarmed, or is * You think this is a very trivial matter," | divans, and havea table drawn up before ed un 'enni- " 5 cay pales | peck iy ed |e Tee gt gS Suns | Menkes hacen | tg th gs Teac | cea eae ie | Chater ate ' oe bak ¥ k---waa comb," Tes k ca} gether in this ridi be bot healthier and happier. If it coult | what wok place at Dhulang {" shovk theair. | 1) pow seemed altnost certain that the vee a -- trapppradige di-paned - r os A . . compared with which all-previews manifes- His offer of the £500 reward for the dis. | for the Italians, who generall dod mind to punish you by refi to complete be ruled that thore who eat three full} " I will tell son: Sosa osherp ee Yellow candidate would come im, and us all | cations sank into ene Tt was like covery of the actual ener of the pla-| taught them by Simcrtpalus fencngeaae t om wooed i trick eae " "el 1 te af i Es e ; i one phi was difficult to recognise it ae such, and | some of the stagucher Hiues said, '* No f le iia tx auionaed ta abe essen te t treated tort, | is . you can su 7 W Noi, " te he | One of the had aionlated the Tealinn Janci ting jy] and then I will finish that which I have | brewing of the tea in person. Here, how- -- would be a benefit conferred all round. | thoagh he ee -- that he was Penmeusck might come in (amd be hanged to | joadeat groauer, 'The cheers ott he Yellows ost of the b font say illie 1%, which glaring like ac cat, while qcing, joint weapon | begun if I have to stay here till to-morrow | ever, two white teapots are brought, one bere are many people who every now and | apesking. | . Oat ae a panty bas it would be orea that Str James | crew faint before that dull roar of execra- | it said was the only eipense to which thie poppe toy b 9 thever, a whin a dileie, large and one small, t apparen The Semity into dreadfully low spirits ; what ie the mat- | last, aud ail the stronger t temporary | saw clearly be had no chasce, bi had, it seemed, veered roand altogethér to ' 4 4 : 'i i ; 4 t Air. Ralph Pegnicwick, The Liberal the man is*aot asi h tural beryissdb, ig i----mwuaaa of the ordinary teseup, & ter! They have simply cateu toc much. | intermmsion. Those sanill 'aed aul prosing hus men to plump | tor the Baronet (« Tatthout the other sule. In compon, however, with alien it ws true, upheld his prick chip ir- | bat would much wether rik ester weapen, toa, and were aaiy marsel. placed before you. Now, if follow the Charles V., it is well known, was often in ter- tomes produced an immediate whose aud eaid the bride, custom, you slowly fi the tumbler nar ated spirita, and -- all --- ie answer you--you, ploye tell facto who | where), and a ye pat this interta opi ing af with a poignari ¢ le Cor - never heard | half full of bot water, in order to w: it evile were coming pon wee | bave written om that w cra' ques | Whig in the second place." At tive o clock, | is as deplorabl t snable) Ralph the ly; af ol . Wha 7 plorable as it is unreasonable) Ralph | of as it seemed, a matter of 3 Italians aod §) ie often tigh piscop < before, and proughly ; tar which you empty the wane? Why he made such demand upon his | tion--aad you, my friends, shail judge be-| when the poll closed, these prophe eta hal | Peonscuick had plenty of pluck, Tue vere It is very small 'nahintaction wines: twelve | the waist. peaniarde vemeth marempe ted to nes was 80 sonny to think that | had ter, the t yy that it wapeed.end filled him with | tween us, whether 1 of the sat ral has cause Be morsees of readmg the following re | tscle of ie concentrated peters tem te and . terror about coming . % { braced Bis nerves igur te iu your of a crime of which twelve | boots whea the is slippery, for it has | 22g whom she meant ae weaken" with "water: to» suit the. taste: #f rome ee nar comme pune ean ta te ara iat ha . fe tae aa Van sorry," he' electors of Stow: wen e's jary bow have dectared you geitty: wot yet ocearred 'to them to make use of a se at "6 keep | you like a stick in "it, "a alice OF tities heart un A put peop! td all p me bir James Trensaine . . ' a, 'Poecal tye de upon QS any | He bad been " put apon hie trial--eo ran | crick at the first blood the | from laughing. ~ | companics the-tea, und umparts a pleasant ° much. om Henven to save him, as is well known to| And mach as they detester veani unk wm es ? " ; "hina wac cotisequence, they hated Warren miure, Fur | Sas told you I had aay hing. € irectiy or in- | ** before electors of Slowcomb, and if | ther the sufferer 3 in a condition to go oa jone, you are ready to drink--that hearty," a7 yl my em, th & bevad thy 1 _peomigrliatger Asem cently ackuouletes, they Nod the iescat to usderstand tne | directly, todo with that placanl about Dba. there had been only time" (and this was | when cue man hae reocived Lg weed: The Wonders of Electncicity. i, if mouth and throat are sufficiently tire- hearty" | bo mistahe,and tr -- Bod ben hee os ng, | tavtice when acc sniliene whieh Mr. Pierre. | lang, be has wid a le," The uproar was! probably true enough) "for them to have | however slight, it in usual to ap end | A Man who Proposses to Light Streets proof to stand the beverage while it is scali- get tiore amd more averse to work or ex-|s0 incflably paiaful to me, that the mero | point's sagacity had foresees, Major | bere so tremendous that he bad to wait for. considered bia case, the verdict would have | the encounter, even if iminary con- and Dwullings with a Wire hot. ative Rassian will drink tea ee m= 1 lepantson of i xiieata meee Jue fest | was wild with, joy. asad scmgratalated the Several miaetes for : hearing. 7 u anyone ae a very different one, As it pe it" secant) = sted atl te death for (ies 02 YJeen --* cat buule im the wise, one om a, ia , " 3 seu mamber fog Slowcom) with genume en, | bere Selleves if, pe bs ap vdsot yt art boa the organ) "wished them jo; their | it i» rightly oon me jona_of blood pats rene ee A em: be * = they it fall Oh what a mercy, br Aud vat would peau setae Shon, thusiasm. as here hal fopeee it, "Ke has pRopagsted' a | brand new representitive." suit tot [a naa to avast += ieeat tw i ; he 'a tofast! Why do peo wilh thet roan who, fakiog advonvian of * Those 950 will coat me just three pouiid ids | falsehood." - 'as indisereet, for as all | complain that his own words had bees mis- jy tat? them are very | my weaknéss, hate' cubeen | ahead," said "that ~gentieman rytass aod had talked at eae om the thoes who <aunct te } Lod son eaters, Most of them are not, | such an oppoctanity as this, when I need though in reality he was weil pleased. party. about nothing Was reprotaced in each with Ure usual » lok the practical swordaman te always} hime that the same apparatus might, with reba and: ratte aod 'their temperament is sluggish my powers to exprdsa the gratitude I feel{ the moment his success and covey" otf r a _-- ply 00 ¥ 7 they-simply to 'believe his noweieend tet y Review, who poiser ti scree changes, be mare to produce an electric | O"* ea eh aap always inuly They are like | towards you for ae poe kind reception of me, | his position monopolized his atteution ; and | the alternative ¢ ing a fool or a assertions. _ | eword like « after considerable labor, -| The at he ling a live coal, rol rene 2 ae ae si te (Ast | be elmost began to think thas by getting a| The storm of duapprotation was such that Ralph Pennicuick was almost out of his | with a rush. On the other haad, the good | fected his invention. It was in operation on 'we held ah to obviate the difficulty is «i- fattening, and if inttead, of unloosing their} ----" As he pie with withering scora, | seat in Parliament be had obtained his end. there was nothing t bus for seer: brass] mind with rage and nance sey the in- | swordsman whose nerves are steady has only | Saturday evening in the rear of Maltby's arty the thick bottom of the tumbler waistcoats if they would lessen their food | and flung his hand oat tn ty p Siveotien of | Exeept for that pabjic allasion t Diralang, bend at 'the Yellows to etike bs See the Pca -- uojastly beaped apon' him, sad to atraighten his arm in such a conjunctare, oyster depot, at &J Greenwich avenue. A = hallow of r he, oy ion they would b a : i, r up- had been y almost free from mental Here-comes," and Saraby to re- at the growing ieleenee which that | and the novice wifl be wpitted Jike a fowl. | small steam engine furniehes the motive enough N hed What business 135 8 perso to fall | on the hoarding by the Fernie vd Yellows, | trouble while at "The Andirons," and he honest folks that, whatever-mght be ae of his at Dhulang wae exarcis- It was ia this way that Dillon, the} power for the machine, which is very simple, sere Neither of. ods is con aaleep after taking « due quantty of food ? | and in a few minutes it was ahead with the heen Mooightien ie _-- He = i mt Conus had amped hg cnet | ing over his life, It vas marvellous -- F phot, got by the Duc de _ Senin a - mre - doss | ground. 'That's worth fifty v pt better 6008 Lor | a eaforwar i ' aurast, thenannde -- rena rer peat: Oeterd Beart exelent ray te stopt Se ene eh come aie tne iar way. Eee cried Mr, Major, tn Pennuick var tesaths; and be awoke with sunestnone was hencelure m1 hiss of miles from his native ly sorry for the accident, and settled strong carrent of electricity js thiie generat siya "re ites a the fa- lu short, exeess in eating does not do so | * but don't press it; nww stick at into them | which compared with bis ordinary ee wns | the Goat dees ok ayanren on the : te wi fo the h tii er ranng aren ch harm as excess in drinking, bat it has | about the Ballot." hia ma at that tine, could be ord lle sper ir} oration waa lost antil the pext Y. ea ees cores eareele savages all interested ing to this day. French civilians very sel- | machine, and they convey the electricity to | ™@° 3 the it duly appeared in the vewrpape flie | in kee; on the matter, should be} dom fight with any armrs blanches save foils, | the various burnera. Each of these burnere longer than 8 porcelain or crockery cup whale speech waa, in fact, de livered in duseb making Mo ater on English soil," It waeal. but in cavalry regiments duels between pri- | consists af two sticks of carboa,separated by ae ; 7 - if i i ghel E il Lj the very swords of one influential organ-- | seconds mast stop the fight to examine whe- ee ba 1 ha " eomtin- many are from day to day enduring. The wea Peanicaick 5 1 do wet on any dis: More than one eminent man has recorled atern Romana Cathol it my - ; . me vates ace of tea drinking ne, a megaber of the British Legislature, Then he had to listen to Mr. W aig overruling idence, or at all create | in a | ways waged with sabres, These encounters right positiog to the wires, The electrici All the : of Very necessary accemory tas bdr bb phteneen religion meats of Moskovaki were smoking bo- *, for it is the ha- be x. | moat as ill as his own bat for his suppored | gressor {and then again te westion recur- | bit of colonels to order two men to fight | piece of metal to the canse reams. tlemen | & With it), but no such pride of position was delinquency, apon which the hon, gentle- | red to hum (which be had hoped was stitled) | when there has bean bad blood b th thas a Bd. ewehin Ses btDe: excoasive breakiast and diazer wake more ante havo ened ail oak hecha ebtet vba | *xperienced by Mz. Peunicuick ; be had by | maa dwelt long and unctuously, His facul- aa to who had put up that terrible placard, | for some time ; and it must be owned that | beastifal, so far sa meu stupid than one would think, and cer-| pv allt," et celera, ot o ct cotera, | [4 too yood aa opimon of his own place in | ty of going rwdtd and roan s subject, with- | " Inquire at China." Sach hide- |-this rule has stopped a good desl of ballying alias that the ta! tainly cat off not a few years from many & speech was a sa successful one even on its the world to be moved by any cousudera- pelt reapers Aare Jamey na ta ous rvsults had flowed from it that he could | im the barrack roome ; irty beside i bes lite. If people weald ealy couk and | osite, bot. it.coctainiy.nored tioa of that kind. Hut he was very pleased | Faluable to bisa. a hems sesearae *aliodeonn por hap Ar mahal rt srataiccorttionseiabae babes nena ace 1 wet! ara eat leas, what & much more er hick het i which he} He bem bolset sn 2g) * : hee cour on) ine radians Bye} pe recption to the burst of peor wan pay hid mousy, and also that" his re- fnnevence of the trick Laud to hus charye, | had Leowne rather « aflair, and i ; } of elestricity that aay mo ibs getting what he had « faacy for ibang at the wae time laaving ag ex fucky it was for him be did bot sliave, fon each other, aad he is indeed liable to be | cam be extingw' without affecting in if i sligh degree the other ewer | ts herald. poorie pe se abeorgte opel ofa whole "My i wf d._ conpretalase Seavey cade than ever ; fur some } *0n of tna guilt upon the auilience twice as re in a deceu yoa, Me Major. ughing, aa they folks had ve eutared to aay that Ralpa Feani-1 sueg ante was before. Ere he had 'Goishad razor---Rayovond looked in, though he had | ranks if be allows a maa to get maimed, bad eee Trove oft The A re haat vn os apeaku tng, handdbille, pri ated ow Mr. Major's | called on the prev Previous evening to cougrata.| The wounds which he commends are the before. Mr. Faller says he GENERAL the sho hands, w "igre o ye would rap rtain to fail in paying dee rvs a. | wbvioe, g anioag the dtowd, | late hia father, it must be ees | i ra | light haif-ioch deep slash, whieh cute scrows | | ildings in any part of the city by " one in favor of bis friend As a piece toa to the interesting vhildren of his cun- fering £500 reward te anyone whe ox ould | ther a mechanical maaner, on his su the breasts, or the slice athwart the flesh in wires to them th: Way ia a man who makes additions to a | acting your treatment of the thing was ay i in, discover the actual perpetrator ofthe offence |" w oll, my Knight of of ther reeful canaha part of the neck and shoulder, or the lea of treeta. Ta false rumor like one whe baa confidence ia | fect. You took us alliu for the moment ; He found his host in equally good spi- | 19 question ; bat the only effect of thin was | ance, how goes it!" inquired the elder Pen-| the ear. Io Germany, on the coutrary, all that is told him! Because he relies on | aud for my part 1 thought -- = waite rits in his motning-room, where they were |? cause a. costermonger of Gonservatier | nicuick, ue the prenaro of a fellow. | where all military men tight with i all that he hears. : Booted t ta 1 erally accustomed to meet and have a | opisions aud excellent langs to call owt at | creature be generally esse agin." and where university stadents i "heting, Me. Major! I dou'twaderstand rw wurde of business togethor before break: | the ieee waa ee vain 8 Kee tee 6 hes your ela oy will eat pro: | affairn of howar with rapiee sharp 20 ran a li evening. ona the r fast - man; his name is Ralp eonicaie ™» | vent your sitting down Sith ve your father to the yaa ing of one's ad snes tas nel ia the This light is far more brilliant than any cal. eon P habite amd varietios of the 3 and the | rae, omeyen toe ok goon eal -- of, "How is ay hesterabietiieah te una. nie phir' paver yy Al ng Pore) the here % ha. ie the Whig mewber | favorite object. At t Heidelberg sud Hnn it} cium light, ant illuminates the street fora ly of ante dl wilt baat By ioe » + '6 aS eo : vl a tS He! 2 ~ artiiehhaiitivation of Gite youll fib, #0 pt a pabeapete ke the pstnrse--that is what peodh ta tera tg take aahel ~iipend only good-natured thing in the whole pro 1 will ait dows with you with pleasure, | dents scross ee abe aml noses, on ee better, toa, than» | Uae Which you can sip tea, watch the'tra charms bey Di "| cieed Ghat there was snmetlong slee in he coedings, , sir, choagh I havelong breakiasted. As for | menta of which they seom mighty proud, | dosew or more of street lamps. Io lighting merohante bargaining, and stady the grace sand Denil eougratalatious, and told bim When the orieal waa over, and Peanicuick politica, alia trap I never cared | which shows how easy sume men are to} ap a house, porcelain of ground-glase ahades | OS - b meek about, now than ; glare of the hight. nots "aii this time the great barre! organ at the of the rece will be plaintively reciting aust, vademean- Free oi fell zg : > fi ik 5 i F a4 ie r the servant ri ar wg He pr it in your presence iy eee pon, . Kenia at with » coal, "ea re whiff to fairly set : F Hs é i ler t! not bro. |} x ken out ia Comstanti The deaths of Tenorio § How the dewow did you manage |"? Swit hat a ol fella: Pe turned to bid his host. goxd-byo--for hia * The etiquette of duelling is much stricter refugees in the mosqaee have av nev. went i enemy 9 arenas round, too--to get that euick f° ciduanat be pie vi wall.. traps hal beewalrea ly despatched from the «Thank you," interruptel the other | in (hermany than ia Fracce, rs for in the for. pron, ef py ery ema gg ie = soc Unrew himealf back | oe I fost wanted to-say two garda to you | {0 ko Spe ruiwey mative Mr, Major bad ais U did not ati Fargas and sal pris ae- e- about that Diwlang placar' ay, poe, 1 ae na erage as | Major. really bl mot fall i Pe onde ree Ld The hon, 'member for R'owcomb under. | you A thou ant ef 7 officer --* a 3 carry of them to their graves, if they live te | im the carsinge, If Mr. are the charms of war that (for a iaebom a buadred. Sach ¢ of he had pu T myself t ity ta tell ia tl ie rs ; temporary nob! ermamin gy, for which womany in Eagland are now cla. Niemgetf, so much the-better. It woukl save as Tam hong . Lnatinel 'tn shiak it was a | QUjected to shake hands with him, Ho had | bat pe one 17 troubles 2 one's own, tho| swords with & teterir; Aa offer whe fe . pools of moring. hit a great deal of torture in the way of ex- 'em 'afraid you wil) bo worried | 400 bis bent rigs hia canilidate wp i to the} affaire of the Britiah Constitution--speaking | assaulted by a tradesman may ra him Ae exeereney Seed on ph: ktir would hold its contonn far _& moment , | amination and javestigation. It had " Seal v even + the exgyestion of the otter | generally --de nat held. large space_in on the sped, of loll bom with' i Africa waa 3 iwe more prey re mach he owed to if par- one's thoughta,, Te.qyen, bowyvens clest thin pommel of his sword, without Pas ne fore , the Paris oo Bee, Society oa al the BMontowats weal loave tt bend jon . BD. who main- | transfer their custom to another inh - & ft rf <f Lay ire Ff EF EE 'al : r g : SE F t Ee Ha E 4 e iit ai ¥ a 4 rez g 4 x é gf K you | pani . y this I organ. weal Ma a the sewvpa nnd anes: eakd te hei le to Ms the f. i at W presaly for "" iy subjec' Bis Nihaw it ghey bot Gg maritres | not exist at the time of the first j | ETE Hele BES rs i 4 F E ie EB Fa Ih 5 ce t ? E 5 i E ® g* BFE ik E Hf * ES deat a work te remind him we at the tad i Dhalaa. hi while to correct it, You to whee L becomes saturated with aren see aiaenaiete Odaent bead that I had put that moisture, it dightty ite the whole superin-] what parcmal anany could have set. the | ™yeell. Sahen . + | voige in the. cambent wines "| thing of foot he burned to know ; but he al | «: * Mast derGataly I did,'and every voter in | hasl.« prejudice agaftateven courageous ly in the.paesage. ; Sjowoomb has by this time gpt it inte his I. % is very i,* said thts honest [ro a CONTINCED.} | on . d } so shrank from all po Senn gies Ragen ia pv, pew drop, fr "Bat for all that I didn't go, it, and 1 pa sbonls be st vadertanens reserve j : e Ee Fa EH & d as £. if jth i ie; i a= #f i i af ; is 3 | E i HEF Hie ie Ik te oF i } EE ! i | j H in never said [ did. : one wae tte aud landstarm. The compulsory | to do so. ; "1 doa't mean you did it with your owe one is a the very least." I f fy E : ~ i - it ii £ | i it ? i Fe t FE E ag fe FE if . ae ti & i aE i : f ii i ie : it 3 f Es H i Fy E 4 TE a} FE j i E ihe i 2 i 2 I i F t ; rt iF I i i 4 i : L : 3 3 j [ ae i 3 rf | ii j i A i $ Li i EGE 5 [ : 1 a iF F i ! : i iF an% F ay i iz Hs 1 HE i f 7 f | i BEE i i i f i F if ' Fr: eF rey i i EF i { te HL vi i & Fe E F i Hi 5 r F ? 4 a E =E i F Era! Fa i i ! yourself. pierre hare tale ae Ot Sele Guat fallow that sve bet tn wifes vin sd e i ® i i! § a | ie 5 Lf is 4 i) FLi i oat E F L t i 'i i te 'The usomployed :" and 2 ° : d are: ' a the cx , tints of black,