ANG your Pictures to be trasmed te -- Byfield's Art Gallery, Henses') Bleck, Downe Where you will hed 0 barge and varied stock of Oi) Windoe Corio Fete SS TVIKLD. for the Singer Sewing Machine. __ erode 2. Orr wy. SPIRAL MONEY - COMB SPLINTS, Work. Patterueand Initials on view. ar Fasiey ta Gold, Silver Fa Fancy Card Board A EB. BS. BcoTT & CO. Post Otbee Book Bustiers OF NEWCIGAR '&TOBACCO STORE. ARD PAECKERT weald petify the Le td that be has opesed = cceiacaiaian "Also 2 large sieck ot pipes, pooches. balers holders, Fe ee. Give him « call. years « popular landlord near she xs Nout to become the proprietor of the Robert. | son house. | pt "C3. UA beakeas Raving oie tall ie the Town Mall an Friday evening. J ag 'to TF Baseeooe 'eat a brag bers admitted by ticket. Caxnoxnnoor. name .ol the above ee emant to Dablin. It, ia| ame. shortly to be incorporated... Th ia tinderstood that W, tiaian, "Tor plain men = if high. | about i in borrowed 'ia or in spall fx So, So.--The y-headed young eh. | eand flyer, who acted as coggidential secretary for') garments D. I. K. Hine, when in this town, was | the in jail ot Port Hope ov « of vagrancy So says the Port Times. A New Sr apr ge --Mr. florist, Caledonia st., Rebert Baco wishes te eall the atten: jertili- iis She Stratford Sines, _,AND_COUNTY OF PERTH GAZETTE a? _Sruarrone, , Wioeesnar, Mar, ier, 1879. THE Ww Ane NEWs, bs will an and they won't; they don't," is about the lan: pr ex vgs! ~s war news of the rs England met hi the next, they are was passing under a bridge at Brantford. Deceased was a young man, and a resident of that city. Bi . a Drager 9 fy be of Downie, were ariviog west along Onterio-street, and --_ vopposite the Band stand horse frightened at scmething, and started off at | weataay an st 1. i . }alare, a yr day ery ey my Sa ane are growing ae tions, when in truth ey sre ons poor as & Pp of Paral All ae foi iy we > ave to io vend just in front of Mr. Waugh's | ®9 her ro the oe oreenease ci net the times and person The Mine. however, Was c« Ty knoeket to VaxpaLiam. --Seme tisne « arly on Saturday pers 2 entered the Town Hall, after the Porestors' deli pe are. endeavoring to find ont the perpe tratora of thie conte penpals , outrage, and if they are hagpe thew wil peverely punished, Ma. Famers Lecrcgx. The Town Hall was crowded on Monday evening last, by 9 fashionable and intellige nt <a, te listen hours, bound during the 'ielivery of what alla es be a curren =A succes «to form A mith and Mr, T. Mayne President, Daly, jr., President of the association. oa @ d to seeu & hall for holding meetings, et.» in, and = trial believe negotiations berate! for the lease of te, te tin ae ref the Albion Block. the Avow Boat Cicn.--The annual mecting of Abbsts the Avon Boat Club was held at the | Hotet; on Rood Fritey ev evenIDR. Mr. r. Lis dent ;..Denaid 3 | James Gordon, Treasuror. A eS committer appoibi he "Tae : 2 ee the | jue Harst, who immediately tatiog in favor = ever, to inform the girl's pa doar ter one, and r they eet tske a aus There | js aleo gnother tanlt . sad ria : jary | for ine evidanee wes that in bis | ried n indecent sanit there must at an imlecent act coupled cald nat i Luless both son- ents { bared to = Sheriff Floete' berg ie if comni! 0: ed with the consent of the emecizte, <j m ter alluding to pretences, meeting a Fi evening, and I are is leedahip 2) silat thas the daty of the ta. and ascer- '< x | my re before Boe T conversed with more, Fire bind the race for "fee, - isn aad deliberate op. tbe eases "presented to "Ho Buszs.--The Grand Jory -- ored the Puotnas Motsuinnees tory lw sinel I hear re are s Ubete to hme forsee Jiading.. their i that Bine would be found an able advocate of on the platform. anda safe jomestic pet Tir tiie Lest Bienes breath is the. fol lowing astounding proposition :-- "It in @ question, indeed, if Rine is not omme eoectal Sememesraien oF hus behalf, aa wheu made the subject | fs saan hen pease a6 of sath ant the i: indiscretion on bimeell, and with the of knowing oy Oy Me ween, protected the girl name has been it before the public in connection with bie own, the slightest shadow of be eo) Stee tenes In these latter days Miuisterishats are ant > --**" suit brought by the Premier against the Canad was disminsed last week, the jury standing seven for conviction and fre hed porertt tal. The result is ar a vietory for the Hon. Mr. Macken: Com jum of the of . lumber charged jor... feet 2225 Slabs and culls actually used feet ifm) Deers charged for . actually used... Value of each srw fsmere anes pot) Panes an Paint o! fer tine we if used tine LU chersed for 7 Tin sctually-ased Shingles charged for on actually used 0 bud '* valuation of hotel bya And then the lot on which ooh stroobute charged for twice ov: was built was PINS Tu HELP THE F RINE MoV EMENT Mr. Rine is going on with hia " work" rE if : + the best friends Hine had lately ! : i lt fH : "t Uke an: an opportunity of giving rnd IK. ol ebaracter ! -In a late Rnglish paper we mation tek # young man was recently pul on trial far kissing s gizl against er' will He was found guilty, and was sevtenced to tuo ll iH At i we fh iu REETE ut rHyt : ! f decided to have a regatta on. the | Birthday, a a ta will be goes tar an . sion ona fence rail, or a benefit of |; a--The 7 T. R. dramatic club the lord, gave a performance in Town "iHail here on 'efarday evening, to a pretty fair aan Wscced ---- oy of on Harold Hawk ;" pa : c vonviet's a ven. gent h well re: Mr. L. | tones Mayo t took the Harold. ins way that give would to an older performer. The rest of the characters were pretty well 'up to the mark as amateurs. the «hole, merited a od a Larger ol share of patronage than was corey against J b Carey, Pred winemcan, and senna % Ik. ist MeCna. tor fn ot U towards all patlie improvements baie living on streets in this tbe do not aon taree, with Mr, Mayo asf attraction, and from the anid i gh down 1 Bosrp, ar special meeting of the board of 'E dueation -- het ion rgb hart Members : John the chair, Ret. Pattersy, Dr. 'aration. T. Miller, 5. HB omen, J. Head, | 1. Gideon, ik anstone, Wm. Down counts thal were Bren. A 5 ihe floaet beet oat Stamnes reste Sirs th thé report of the Building Committe whieh showed that the architects, Messrs. MeCaw & to make. proportixmate wsdeaiion peclonee pecs took plaee with regard ations, It was finally aul allerati pe to advertise for tendéra for the plans Tur 1.0.0.P Ewtentatywret, -. The enter Club, ani . piamint, the Tandy Hros, we have but little to «ay, as they ha i golden opinions trom all yoarters. arrand Mrs, K. snus. tained their reputation ae ealled forth rounds of sent. The sethe-thah- wens te thew torr mood and exteated their part of the pro: all when we aay that Mra. Seartl ie ao natared jury at ff i of | Stratford. The piano w: used on this ocra- sion was from the warerooms ul Merary Dingman & Hamble. Tar Laecaan Cocn.--The young men's L- WHOL son 4 u " i § e ti i on the snbject. o wigners are 'be will wot on a slight without resent- i j ee THE AGRICULTL ih SHOW "GRO nbs. > et 4 Aikens for not allow the case to roto the jery. "eid arged. purptess nam half trom any railway Sir wee pos-veaes PoP re v0ng = Som Ts mt. now; my father cra at Birt aad is 'brie! Bro, Bine and the Chamber Maid, 'He Tickled her under the Chin.' TWE CASE-OF THE QuEEN re DL KARINE, Her Majeaty objects to Rine's wen and Huggitig Her ale Subjects JUDGE BURTON 2 reas fT ALL RIGHT, «IF THE tAdY DON'T REFUSE," Cow-Hides in- stead h A FIKLD DAY IN THE COURT HOUSE WHICH RESULTS IN RINE'S ACQUITTAL. 2 D. 1_K_ leaves by the mid-night Train, and Stratford Mai- dens can now be either Happy or Disconsolate Sreatroup, 26th April The ( vart House was densely crowded t ers, it may be stated that Hine is « temper ance lectarer<-one who makes a hobby of | temperance and religion, and tmauayes to gull geent | an. | their sumplicity, He was invited tat March | to leeture in Stratford, and in order to sa 1 herd thet agers ale rites wey brn onder ther et, billeted bim op- | been F > ion Mr. J. 0. Hares, thste Rererding Secre tary. Being left alone in the bhonse sith ioe Gib lung. a gitl of 15 years, and two or ree ehildrei, Hike ated Fticwate brine | ; some pins to bie room and «hen + ' This door, he caught her by the arm, pu'led strong hand. But to ox- i} her in, aediociry her, and indulged in what. in | a¢ , the | oar youthfnl days was toown ex "hugpery: | er} i eel snore bat which is now called "gospel | reat hk, Ly at | were e entender eats spect remark, ith the Ms hed of one tor inde. Pas ioe gas silling but | | the girl was not, and not relistung the treat. | ment received, she --e ie t etuplover, | ari advised a prosecution, cOmetances until alter the 'talacinntie on whe id, and to this fact alone is due the faduse | | of justice which occurred Mr. Hardy, Q.C., condacted the case lor lordship said it | gre @ e MilOa a ot S rs | might be difical to define in words preisey | rows, end Se. 0.8. Somme, of Bi. Marys sana indecent ton Montel which « wala { that town, defetided the tae et rol, ssecth | have no waihentty in place in ua category. | uae clearly be j faced, Llne-ribboud Reformer, Below is the | « evidence J.C. east 1 hive in "Stratford and was | finition the { | sei caster tn the dry business, | know Mr. Rine; h> came to my honse on tha | | Aaah Mareh , I 'offered to entertain him while | 1 rding Secretary of the Chris ir. Hine etary dined witb af bat day; 1 ile nn ot tn in etther Ris 20 and King, Liar which they tent out for walk; I pate Tasked "her what I a fenesee _eehung for au « xplanaugn before % Rine,~ Magee ior ay poroued ree tetore the zee t of or @ ec me any hile Hine and the rest were the j cab drove up and her all left ifrmrrell it the Tempez ante Unidn,; "shd* thiry 'decidet™ that ies was ed that 1 me Brong and was » eats a ter of eta was Landed medy Rin retary. as follow Mitchell, Aipaxta iG, Ast iene on of daaioe be say that your danghter tniapyre any action or word of mine ~ eg Be ! Tine oF the been ty ew 1 be see eminddii'n tm ppt tt at -- ne ce potty you sean cep tye sp we my ap cass Jos igeeeph ty eapeiens rommavens | [08 you do ot sEs 4) daughter witheutany diseredit te her name furt '» believe that My Muret acted as « true friend and pr ter to y eh ander the cireutostances precisely what | would bave done under similar circunmtan is to ait Way in which he bas acted. and I no' to bim, aad hope will look over the ious what has rs in sorrow, DL kh. RINE and asked te to lnew nhs at had Leen do told him that bi st dea! with the author. ities of the con < Cross era by Mr, Jur vss --I laid the matter before mediately after | vitae my house after or lo otified six of the committee personal t| siderable cross-firing ensued between Mr. Horst and Mr. Jones, bat the witness' wri dence was in no wise « We all took - very vas far as 1 was concerned ; when they Jeft att any nam th ore Raza Gtetixe--I am living at my father's 1h k layer; I was t (he dete. wood I firet saw hee n Thain house ; he on Wednesday, 13th August; he re half; 1 had i E Hi Er RICK Wonx, James Tait $ Sa wo bas Snarel <n ie 0 Wee Roberts as @ Rick Weos « PLastenena, re & for enemy Edpiuna & Wiwo to) wt ie wm "~ ° i ty Chas Sayers Sa Wy | GALVAVICED IRoN Wom. P Bived... ° suo 33 Odbert Le aad 1 W Clement le oo T I Dongias... FS] o- m3 @ . FAINTING & GLazrNa, F Winkier........ ---- - a Band Thos Cale ~ im @ a Th Gee Brows ic Geo Oitou its oo 1?ta 09"! ime rab aft g¥ 3 E $ Fe 3 ie [ Bef bene se rit reise Eee riiicé aed E raflgiat Lisardtattl £8 z i F £ i Ee & 3 be z i [ ' : F a i 4 FEae 23 1 if EF at i ef 'i & FF Ht i ae Be -- +. Sg ' cess t=) ern rne of Stratford off his i i i i & in eo i . ee. ST. GEORGE'S DAY IN STRATFORD. il ie ; | a by could pot ae "her evi | i z £ t = £ Ly hae nee ix | house ox a the ti of March last, abost half. an Temperance Union. The worning he ae ! bis Lack to oe door of the room, whieh wit- Sie of the trade of the country and bow into the kiteben here | Bote of bis ate. went 3p Haire U aatiead tat the girl Eliza Gibling was | Toman who had been exam and si scapes seri and sheiafermed tw: e that | athe pai and stow ait ieoking at: at wit. Eine brad, may. and, 'aonud o tf her fo wotate pe, also went 'staire to i gg ithe as before sabe w was 0 Po sthirs Tea tha | five miter si if i ree witners did not notice penne unustal when Ri Hpi ie lj E i eles? i I if | Kine came to my store the oan day after, | envw, apter pee Feivitezs A 'A NEW FERTILIZER. HE SUSSCRIRER would call attention of TS ae se . It fe Cheap, easily apple, @emall quentity mt - Stratford Conservative perba " Sera Tehloh was contrary to Associati APECIAL, MEETING of the above Aesecia. Hotel, On Tuesday pe the Tth rina May. 1878, |Townzs: HALL FR IDAY, May-the 8rd, at #-0'cLoox Fou. Admitied by Members can procure cards et the door.