HE F 4 fl qonstitate the | dress, because ot, gray wart black. Ear oS pow an heart. i i é te i i fis Rows ~ a the morgue, frightfully | rich the i "marerere itaplored the the : So ta a 1 tho canet, hans Song + © Boilers of 'of Dilferent vines Kept oa forma that The faft-| meshes muare-| P.S.--Boots with heols and wae Dee & cslnage tr bese kirt is and The | opera tows have now 4 their way to To- | It troubled her more thaw. che soul teil ' added ps By tanigs ' dretnen } Potten: 3M: mentioned tu. > Kettle [eat np pa Nomi we yanncnt to devi.) pis tow Tose met Work =o Hemant the Pane eS & WI, Reicae | and . The} worn b: instance, | Drum gossip ™ some time They can be | Was oon that was very ed Became ALL witow. ff wey- convey . a | fistog i * over silk, at the of Touring, For eae Sa anand tos hate te beer, Ws aby ery a re ae, Sipe ae derias, testa an enters' Soaseh anne line The sleeves Yonge strvet. o bd Suniel the eat ar a evbeteetios « Gat Ml" is vihemee ol shew ton tet aN Ww a wal wi aaaiahs cowmesnmions A : beend Ce ae oe merry, to gue ter aye ieee steal tall pleat- Sue means cee ig it eating Date We're ali of the an 0 oplition thery, Santon, Apri 12, 1678 ANMCKLE & MANN ia made | dry work easy, runs 1" The ill effects f ea ae -- demi- | of soda on linen have given rise to this me- Yew, of the peatucet the wntiar o'er Lov Xill., eposking tu os Braamanypior in (SENTKNNiAL MEDALS! : with | thod. Dissolve 2 Ibs of soap in 3 gallons of | Wien', pl asunt aalie me awe! ne he a, Ambassador to the Coart of Spain, ream es og et aa benders | water aa hot as the hand can bear it, add to * Gomkevening, Mire Goo!" be sabi, pote cannot imagine how tog | a CATHARINES Bot Ponnersn he erin ch \ suciely. thia one tablespoon of turpentine "and -3- of }~Geut-scantag, Me. Pox 1". quanta. 1 entered. Madrid.on a mule, SAK. -WURKS 4 While she stands their and sutles, sorene al) rape; the back broad liquid ammonis, the mixture must be -well | Koree revo ot him \emmbiinetiy Ete thnk 5 ke « duakey 1 a desing Stack Whi von oot than with, pauston's pase or rather of tances, 19 taking same way, or are narrow frills | a stirred and the linen im it for three | Pushed « trie further out to aon Z met Ses; foe escent oe oe r wae r. wre a r EE til UR there Wl Hep eal Pepent , | say the mpiiag ¢ dicplayerd bs poaty gatues of white cambeic wroaght with colours to | he forcguing binta it is orident | hours taking care to cover up the vessel oun- me | Recnitie -- aL Batons O0l nails there wie wld ym aod toot, | | to eminent No warrior would | match. Young que thir that alt | saiming thei aa nearly 20 poe: | She hed Marla Serw ta fewer from him aren 4 asked the alin py ae Porgethat of wht torturne, and the hala lhe and bs ee ae Afterwards rinse and waah the clothes | Pef, iW GMs triacs. ne cout wot . uMAs ete > gol ing i . . a Ps = That worp--the whe wept ta wale tthe at . sor ate Ani, indent Na Toes at see unl Wot proprietor if he bad an hen's cone} INTER VATIONAL VED vA 1 At paling frow her threshota ot thy fort. a . t, the revers sides, aud | the usual way. Ph "Dear Mire Gores. ywa'ey es Dow't know (Hone other," sant . 4 vile * A Ee. tiens Uncen Meco 1" T the flo » Heari | te, aod they have no injerious toniy wich Lome bap You thrwagh he; ebemees'e nto soe nm Bn uae the ar tee : Deas = creeem, m doothed at the beginaing of Po mahe teeta teeny the counter." "I oan tell the gully mito ati tease guaine of geade cre te = - Now that short skirts are so| The pretty table napkin-rings with floral | Sy oS * oe! Rive, abd wae tally tree customer, 'Well, then, heip yourself," ~ grate ly at, shor umamabacria 4 r SUNO OF THE CLAY plain sacque ed. ¢ mult -_ short eels bya sed on dresece are made | | vases can bo bought at 'The Arcade," 440 . said the dealer, 'he di len, paying the ore MS treme praia wn, 220 ome ms ome fer | aprod Overskirt, now #9 eurtable + to house wrar, aad } Yonge Street, opposite Yonge Street |» won, men. Mr Fx * the pemesr -piiet g poe ee ae aca | om the rw stery, : plain suite or inex - the rhe lace are unl for garter | Avenue have them both fa metal and | ++ tt sartrmr testings, and wounds ane prnin, steed ae t F a. MH. SMIVH & On, Paar | ; ing | Taat in 'howe days say sisters and t, grin upon his customer's sterenes te : | peasive silk dresses, For mol suita the issn ib } glass. Bo Me, compliments J. Sin asking Whe vated abt tans Wer saat cetuhans tity ah of bois lavas 6 on, aad gals pt a may be of sams he advice, but had better use her own judg: | gacall Ime called the ally an w apa. . "7 goons. 7 small, uasalcable aiming | will be ecafned to thet auit hh le Drum Gossip " t in sclection--both are novel and | if erakl learn something a, T E! EPHON NES i ta made by this design 'al. Lake cetbiall catia alta pie am. agar ysleon 4 Pie ful, becau: axoqae may be worn wit . o aturday Night ia would rk the real Scars. | What « happy, beprs goow I'd be a9 va one uf our resirende A ase | - Taere are also nee ot Thus morning as { paseed a ty cot! | bei dificult to obtain most expensive. 5 einaieee came tute the baggage oar ome dey, and was -- bi ' ehsthe af" dagght + i a» 'ehesnd both Lape ae | hese insects " ptian beetles," staan ene lovkiag over the trunks, '"' What do you -- oa ete " Sowa i wht "the best to # wast" «wi Jim La sot te sew my THE Os OEM TELEGR' PH GOMPA YY Sangre ener rea tan weal | 7 a Yee freck! 'and jong pido =e ovret the - . _-- nied SOLE eT te tin Cound fos eneasuien Unat vemed me flod Frenchmen are for tienieed | sacqae may be sleeveless, d the sina erie colog out of the new car- | ce reasooably | gone struck « toniit ' fer re te Naya 'The str ke' mo aa a Dowd mercial treaties ; | silk sleeves of the dreas basque th wil! et, al war fen, I starch my cl | at the . Ward, 0 | betas faly th raw passouger o: Its my y place to take MERICAN 4 EAKIN " TOic PHONE sy papain TARE vy tariff, nut ae) serve with it--a cool aud coufortable fashion. Cyrtaiue," in ia prac wile, clos: | Yonge 5 | ee eet ae ba poane! ae are of the baggage" = T wo loshel ot at} B) NG TELEPHONE C3 'The tyrant will at ret he #thts probilstion on importationa, ass tis for summer. he over-akirt clings Hy ung the jow hastily and jerking down the | of smal! humming birds, espectally adapted | _ yen! be cried * "thaws + ax ti fim amd sant | know my conn scsin thie ewibeeaiienl ali 4 we with geal sat il The ioterests of the umer, | to the figure, 4 shorter apron than btind with anything but a gentle hand, add- | for turbans, or muunting wrel 7 coil Your we "shies Jeor ra Cae, are put fam ning { waut my trams a ae a - parte requiring aese sen privaie eon 7 the t important claim oa the ie kithertu worn, The led gores are mad: |), se de atop ing sentiment John | fure « aay jeweller wt wos fiz | ow "Then, why the a= wat! t 4, smiths: 5M. Be Ration dq Alive, they abl, "Alas, bow wore latare, and the i = in-' to meet in the back, amt there are very dear,and hurry with yoar breakfast or you'll gold wires on the &, for a ric dct you bet aan oleptaat ' requiring we bat met perfect yet introd x 4 How end the face! how full bf wore be vrectioniate, do not represent pone arranged ik breadthe beyinning miss the « this morning, and | trifling sum, and they m t pve ag ea re . et, ated sell bee fod worse weatile b+ parti reviiria "hn Dt than one-third of -- total an the bel. lapped low dowa & coal be cross ga. of sleeve studs. wevertainly adviwe i.4; Sone 9 yond @ woke wth tb A th One Souitar Pick front the Oloc k. ee a cmmmunivet Nweet resklenws, ules k B wiles, weary, tick ith orn mansfactured in France for re he wal ssa af over-shirt, ant hanging thenee I we truth ¢ poet: | UF readers to before others) And he'll a vy x torts, Warehocmen, ---- Balwnk With the opening of the Eu tien . The or skirt has the +, | eutertain ia . : sah Gi i ai Send Oar Quterte = ae orm oF oe ot Galle, aad fast haat +Ceentdoe ear are eeattea-tec tains iw i YB ae ie ah erg id Finally, in reply to the reyaest of "Lydia" pene and Fors nat heat (Pena the Turoate Moanin ion) -- : 2 yo Lemans ies be fad far Onstar' 7 See eo ane commopolitan life, The Mistiters, well bee! | thie mitts of the tack Ido beleve that romance dial away when} sot wishing " Bettie brag tao. Toe [ A comt, athha Denver lial. Just coe moment | won §-lare hencsler AGENTS MONTEL TeteaK en oe Bs! mount te Mickering vided with famds, will maintain the houo' wma wanedik. tel instead af ca conveyed | 0 personal." J. S. declines offering a And « palit uf epoca ands black oraret t\ peep or mat 'The s¥eaging™ eye ar] origin q Sie) im the dust from wheace I came of the Repabhe for itality. There will be when "fleet. oh = ie aatte ta " the gentlemen un King Street," | Next evening Cory pS hy Grae ies fine moon ime, and | saw Me at ow | eu whan ; By warriva wares bo Geroely ad ' be namerous private balls also, the Pracesse | worn by brides at the wod- asluvod tas special trains, and ratty ris ae- en aan lps dapat wating wheat aren, Crooks Casa sae the other dey kwhing par- | boca was , a erpeeer| " tle Sagen leading, by giving one of marked dings which have taken place ance Easter S000) Qin ss bus wore Perk Kote mond Por, ji hadn't a tndight of te tieaiaely Dey arate ; "To the earth in ra saamptas howe PB of | are, as all dress sow wora,oon. tod slang. Now, this i thecciue ux.| & Marvellous Wash for the Face. ry rer give « litt!e chirrap . ie. sorte 7 meothod awd soul'ee feat, Woles Tain laty is daughter of the cele | binstions of two White , in. | t ne vse g 7 a | Mad ete | soked ati, you wetlh tore trenches mee Meb sited: iad't+ waa mee a Ba of may oat, L new aan blew ! Or int banker, Sellier, whe | stead of being the prinewwal part o of the wed. | ' m eh be 1* age. seal oe s waah, which i earl to have | ix eg hear have ---- brah somngnl te tus elbow, He hres to the times kapelat { AWNINGS, AWNINGS, @ + ee diet from grief it ws said of not being able to | | dimg dress, aa it formerly w: yw only | meen id ne prer aes oe hak, 'take known to the crt ot ee eee Mine - bite owt right maafally when * discwasing 3 apeod his roll; a subject that Mr. accessory, while the doundotion is of ailk, ina Fr. opel my * | Coartes 1, 2 made of 9 sumpls Gactare of | tut twas rather dark, for aight was wear wither the eighth command % Oar Paris Letter Mackay oaght ty bear in mn. TaePrim- sate plales re peadet, or law! bi y tease with mnlt kidelemete cod | DOastiD precipitates All' you:| apd snetiees ting: \ ervatiy faee. coventh. | shuald my some ary bie bowers | 27 WR: FRINTS Pa VATE OW 'x ine conse is sey if er haaband vi with pol Pr igen pas: | the: th - d body at toons "| have to de tm to take a of gam | ee angle z . changed colour, | kuow at de =a they fol NT3 & cLLIN 4 do-weil, = eo allows an uity, | terie, t fringe, and lace the t dele th ¥ d Phew benzo alr boil it in spirite wd a untd i wayghs. They have heard the ' The most backward exhibitors coatinue to on ti will never come wniin | trimmings ; Leo are ines profusely wad Girele en Aa oe. aoe 7 bese tomes droge Of The echins! auseter upess wide hie bas aight can Seeing a, aoe pony! gacer | Oil- Cloth Window Blinds be the French themselves, by ange 'araians be- ey pecs of lattate mot her. gy at than they were last geason, and are _ our ina - : prunes of rv gan wal sie wl -- : co" moots a kong es aon eyes plioss tun. Yuu, Mr. Mactonnel, the (ia ~ dis anges = the most lagzard among r coantry- the weal "unprotecte| [aly " in| white roses, white lilaca, clematis, or jas & mistare shich will resemble milk aud! Je " a-droyenptiol Prlletpzey ym saluteth you, snd iwede you be strong and 'to | ae: Seni en ener: pod Upwarts of 11,000 dain wple are fone, and po king has an wee Lok -- aig a taw bk i : velvete and epewdreps, primroses and | emi omite a moat olur, This delicious hom cauksia toeiiy het "eine Hr = exphate tn the name of tha Lord, | Hemilie Wah Vile Blind Facer ' daily employet on the groanda, | sonal to here. Sy sonrringe sud 0 is, | these can be easily moved | ' ie , a mab en "her wash has the effect of calling op SFiensOH Wu are witching prowdly tr san the prod ell giels that the man who would bint at) gar Pheatres ys ements 4 aad one-third of that sambor dadeg the neutral polities! | wichetis op wpolting the eprays, as it is forbid. | tw» her Indian muslin '* mob cap, SUIS | Loe to terual surface the face. bile uff to chee 8 wn that ties bey ma indalicuny ba thei? a, eather by worl, nly fat 5 " of rooma with viral cir tantly spring d I bef te dr dere skin clear bh + ole of the (righteced fick abecrt H oJAMee « Mae T rh, night, bat this high are will Bot suc goand, 'ana wa yon Ey Ae nyt Land in Pa-| dena lady to wear orange flowers ex apt at eked che eth I 1 obecrred tonto dry it a ot look, oF act, cnwulte them af c 2 SOMERVILLE, z ceed in com: works; it) will ne Formerly, de M ch her own wedding. The favorite design for | all tt wate Lane ace Mead wt ved | and brillisat. [tw also an excellent remad: Peat day. the quece tendo © eet fastion, ant proclaims that she peither | . Prupesets ; 'move & great many eyesores and lesen the | filled this useful cals till she encouraged | making is s ae ned skirt that | ne ante ether of the ie The for spote, freckles, erupt if of Wom | Greate thesis tuted ontenie bent 'at tiaae ives hur respects either themeaives or theis | _Hatilten, Ape lath ixce wember of bald patches rads galleries. In | smoking and eqfe ballad singing. The Al- aearly three yarls from the w tat barnes "timid wale. long standing, It uw easter to follow the ad- Toa, me'er hall goves vr 4 yu | bon belong age oe the French sections ocitive bands | mack residents of giv-| . The basque, silk, and | the 4 vice givea me chemist. ori gore aad his bo 'oll me be t put well-keown de'much- SHERWOODS 54 of desert. The acting commissioners have | ing a splemlid ball to the Pri of Wales round in froat, with rather long tails behind, Ae, toceaitull Ga on My *} productmg th @ result: To bay of & Pon tal ot octal dom" per Hh Queer ves under law. . . . taken the ball by the horns ; goals wo-. whon she comes to visit the Exhibition, The ending in two of pearl or of of a beautifull tissue entitled gare de tunis, Fuggist one ounce af the re at - 78 ete ~ 4 things, oF apjaar Tell tes hore think of their vows sisters White Wire Cees epened in the bathding, they will uapack, Prine by hia popular m and siscere | The back is neck, with Car spent with the paper | soin sagtaots pre i. Have it poured into To Miarnee ahi ae hetore rum of those who are baled set up ¢ it the bill at ex. intectat it the Bg " coutribated ° turned-over collar, while the froat is cut vat | **F* sorekiet wee creventa, Ini, pint , om thie pour a piat of cull wa [tS sEre ey S1kh Evews, soy auch ime one elee. penses to the exhibitor. The st « alinust successfully to dimipate the coldwess gy and filled in with 'eal, prafl Innge, lew of doors every where, hang. gracefs ver, It must rs coderstod that the water Sam's Birth tay Toil waters to be prtifal to the fallen . aod i whaadise pouring in necessitates tat cases a b.twoen sequent oa the | sad puint lace. The sleeves reach to the ol- ou w poles support: | inust be poured on tn , apd i ae. ad pitiless to the destroyer Sele A Leuk for the shumens long time ia bout 1 if theit German - haw, andare formed | alverenee leagtn- | 8 were most clegant and of designs | sumes a dark, ereamy color, No other pre Iq the nineteenth 8 mouth, Nam "Tot busbanda t» flee {rum the digs we- e owners forget the consigament, there is 19. The summer circus--or F&Rnoois, 'an it is wise rows of face passementeric, | wiapted to . custom to thorunghly | of could aad would have testified, from infor- man, ._ JA SURVEYER -: reason why the authorities went hy dre to act | called --is about inaugurating ite mew seasou; The three clinging { broadtha are of | 80¥ becoming even in Canada, | the face, neck, hands, and makes the 1 betief, that be was " eigh Toll wiveu Gs te tine to plowe bee Craig eustodiaa. T t of May will the establishment has not any marked aov- | white satin, trimmed straight down the -- when omitted, to my + leaves 4) dullest skin after constant use clear and | ", gine on mine; 2 baton the moruing Of the husnaul, than they Were bs secure the | ==Toor™ Meer we ihay : jose present ite. front aad the foot with wide pearl bist pecrhadaners air. Light eretonne lined | brant, the mixture forciag the blood w = twentieth, that interesting faut of a lever ee + ety 7] io oak \ ert sad: lace; ry Gul aoe aruan oe wamboe makes 4 | the. ] ways important to rbave our waa tnfornyed by his mother that he was Tell ome te bbe revereat and chivalrous to | tae-4 it hae tte a fashiomal ¢ piahts li like the ' coat frat, Ve From thie ary tarned black eat | pet Pretty ** porte cartein or esev Laer etin po for the| + wise yeahs ol', gwine _, fall the set for sheir mothers" sake has ' Comedie-F rane pom ZUesip in revers, a wie, arg si i te or dressing-room, 'ex y ht, om eryncinlly: where ene & one 4 to the haber! = Hoo!" he cned, "what a pow'fai py of seat grueral [ivense is netional ra- | Tyan toe ie =e -- hich village sage te cs oi Amity. ia Tron, inet coop heey "ihe an t, and have "bes the window draperies are hite | of Ganz pow while | mus' 'Ur sleet grows in, aud tha. Heaven hokle po such supers | tow Jat want appeared ix the elloet YW S eanate: a + _ With} finely fluted will preveut the pe of the tasesa wuss an' dat ar Jonus's gourd you tol' me culties." *t 1 BLOMFIELD, - im the- first act, and for the rest, gow taain is four widthe of white alk, vetles-and ineped-beck w; owen as at? ha mernsiration during rest, and the resaRt | "wuat whet waronty-o--tesosigp-ianshe-aumah- + Tot thy sed much ne wo the me | scm Cana nn La | Hawigratinn f and neather butter or-| bat irueauet ey Pa the ty a mi; * Abad tim ak aight, = As Po ot Meahge hose | stim ed 08 wil abwayg goa a table of attraction | each side, holding back the rovers it = bene citaie dete "are and era: timeture can be | sfore mori' --earl they 1? eaten ii; mor her having} spray of white (ywers; a small sangeet | tudesen often 40 n-| used several times a dey if chosen, aud left | look heals, manmy, LT: skipped any Christ- Tus Carusbess Ctnct. ve) PRi TERS! 1 16 in wad j y tett dort des $0. the pepece J taste, and refine- ta dry, and always bef to sleep without: : square. The 'veil isof Lyvae |. being -xipet < Na, tile," replied his + wil ar --_-- retire from business, | "ee a by a half wreath of blebeoras <a Bs of Sidney 'Smith « to the totlet is so wim: | i Disia yo bid. . Business Items. WESTMAN AN & & BAKER, a wilow to povenatty m: her.| Hides maide a two kinds of, "J¥dye & woman's age ur wealth by her com- i cheap that rt comes within the reach | | ch ia, lat it's des a rei - ri atin = or pr nye a * The Daseh almit shehas been loaded with white silk, partly plain gros gram and 5 tume or at warance, and oom tk m cow found upon the yoo waz faust burned | now Asovee Jinan watt Sap the | Partieulas Attention ts Prantiong Sashtan +. mite oxtremity, mg ri Hy wil, or else figured ganae in') tw tell ber i ust fashionable women | how't'll be, Sim, --folke us stm A. meas of tae Mase, wun eat It ss 'We five hondeen | Freewe at ap ant objasiod di half-ta: herve s aeiai on which Amaterdam t ike deui vare made sim her dwelling. New W, ems 1) $4) ane, what am up mighty peat "i tell Fours trefore the earth profuced his equal ft will | wiy i caret! siie entrances 'to be built, against her having bees eanobl- Gesly to the bride's dress, ith far sampler." poateas should eodorse his opinion, for pred ma little jar or toilette tumbler, Tt has a 'long come somebady wil a hoe te aust it Uockeaomt eas! te H. wnt'e Yetlow Gt = Por bare, | i ranks, and do: od by the King. tassel _ kaife se pleetl ag for he aes tw a purfect areas y CURSEYBED! ently she milky bue, and ts called o 1 y -- down, --bat e you ite long ete ae ur wove, a: cannot be rivelied tn rhew bi oy can, a yiagerbreat the man that+ eae toa wee- --- SE Ye at '3 ful of jal ata time saturated with wa fin yoa'll keep os babtia « budf---lay mation, ae alga sa ~wmptaints, ete, a prow e | is most op ia Nipoleoa a Pgh in *| cade, sah oul tigre her than | **T vatied,« low ong d get Sars ter until it assume the coloe of mitk ts * ebry Wuuets yrah tll yo «tive Ag! Semencer at aale wy all Celebrated Vienn a R vita th: turn a gree straight, anil are descended the deemed indispensable. It washes the skin | ebry time you has oue, son, you'll be on®( Sows of those women who are must afraid Seid at the ( ere Babibians at the but tight surte with Ww c) "de tnexpresmbly fing, sult and both of yeah older." of hgntawy have hearts of atecl. Usk | wae Ytoa ptain, « fan: (42 ruidered with Lneb fos and and basds,' this ie the liquid, The "Vine way to git gray-bemlel," said 1 sive angle hour uf your Iie witveat dare VIENNA BAKING. POWD2: +4 ag washed | manufacturer to the a if the With Linen fringe, very pretty for warmer |'snaked oatmeal is so glutinous that it is far! § nth wh Gagne Whe dae. tf pom heew w embd and dusted. There . « 1 bo no offtcial pray- | removed, and the bowse now sends cases of | froat mg about the kuec, an of Others had saeco e per yentencs ws smpenten to ecap w the best tbe At this moment a taught y crash -- cure M. dfws are omree soot tellet if von are ere, for- France. has. 2: Napulmon Ll, in the rye flour and hone: be bottom of ' t in long, **t ¥ me an ttoma, have koown of as pair of red ed from the kitchen, down-s and Aunt Soenics wiih « rrngh, apply y~ le Xie thoagh she endows three different churches | | comumastity, by thé" ears to ol Paris 2 rf nares, fringed of the end, anti falh ost the coat style is ** the | the despair of abe ma owner's Lfe, made | Phillis descemtel the steps with great pre Hecrant's Petvra aulam Thin plement snd pow NEW, CHROMOS $2 38 yer Powe Au overture iw the AES teaeurh aonb : = Kae pean milk. Leight flag. hrepch coat," such as has been worn by our Seae ak bemeas Ue a constant & ae Of dat:~ cipitation." "Then! Nem' heand hor' ahouting, lee = ' ho. terial--a Sremre ra y fringes of -- silk are chosen for' reat towed 'y meal. ' 5 dame' iktn a rae dip 1 eRe 9 rd. Wot only Oy al dealers, Bahjecrs, rip wel wuniret } aa a leaning bed clericalism. pe be flowing train is four "thers are a 'leetle" f00 pronou: and give 'imoeh cases gph pee redness of roughness the "You, Bae! Ob, - --. at you newest scirta, collars, hows snd caffe | =e bs full blest ha Py t brat a rf cae ow with- @ narrow: t Ith to the appearance of the rT s in the milky wa mean ole gv. count rascal ape are to be het at Waite's, G3 Keng So Woat, . 2 M Dik ix we 'wokeente fe finger may play or ane wees it on he | the woman than that the t may on d ; to ite virtae, A beun'-dog I" Toron td. Mirrors, Movabtings to0 Kine Wea Ton the Co #ery men conferar | they Eanes oer des we « -- gores in the to tothe Sem went = with his tetbet, fogs the constrain, rt the evils ae is | a sledge bamener, then up, aud sent gleeves are of the thinnes Baw the hiteness | while, u upon the mitity of on 'anos, lye Mpeg tn er aera a Lat al the brocade lax ve prema by oatmeal, The yi old ts that we, to be as oll as m wole ** Atrikie Tom: "re tis Poneieeel gevsumes of lita taoneto' es | -- = Soc, ee wices are not of nervous force or Pe together i It be ales one i The rest wora by the mother when. ac = ener ,toager the traditional peart-gre orlucender | Par ahi tar. } in thie at. ae whilst prope traer-nd moe aay becoaung of) SPpeet "edjnt state" ou thei? Trem nel ast the om ex'King, oa to take their hesds, but not to + he stowed 'them to i pont horrible work ; nay | '. ied sega bac! eight. wane aw aewt a The Peniana.. auch.a small " Rill ewowenireaneseseeias ys Rai wember lately "There be at the Aca- paturpe. only a few | a it, on occasion, "Order at Gnoo at 109 Yoaye St) Toroa- * Myctla Navy Tobasz>- o most impor detmy of Scienc nuaces a0 Uset for the extra rants 4 af any 'mater the really w Might | melitating wuon te. *IM STAMPED wags, for her the character of the man peuple has be- if sances are not placed around e bottom csebtial, Gan be tohtted It looks as if the people ot Toronto would | the posmbilities of his future, Sam * n ry. te & Sibert. t, and come quite changed since os the coaste of Nor- of the skirt, but are srra ta thives or ve at walking domme --_ a suit. rt to take up arme- - "oar Be at, and went down, It erate Perdouiarty afied in the oolumua of ' ba ; truthful. + Austria is amen patel ae Oe erted into {aationable parallel rows as an apron front, and ble dinner or or event - ss ve front to -- ther homes f the | was hed an enormous spalie jour a Src, 2 vy her politics, to lend ws an | seq.si Me, : th tend d . is, hank parisians for this idea, the ms inv ho ee liberate | ote of {rie pir let, pire aad but corn. f 4 * i 'B®. Theriot Tabshitante | Mew become dra they form a donble gus gt in down the | are ade ping it f aalversaly, } for Ange 90 short Trelaisd f rom British rule by war on xen J finally with rela canal 66 te Jey Tod Thiam prtaned by ~ IN GIL? LETTERS, o po subsorip: janis, gamblers, and « piacioa in » | eho ot tae tong Chantilly founces skirts are ea regle and prettier (or walking, | Canartn. This i s roundabout wa my settling | Sar, that he What bad (ducts, bas nev ' AD ha all set of None Other is Genuine. tion causes eo how se tle against . their inauners, insolent in their A a re very i im this way Shey look rather sodigns fg salons and | the leng-vexed Irish B ge pegs to be sure, bat | caused the noise a little while before, --how -- diovatass ots mporlireae Prise 2 tent a wane M. Krants, who is believed to be made of one, aad the aunaal percentage of insani-' on eream-color or pale blue astin front Teceptions, A belle, like a peacock, seems | [rishi ne y Inshmen of the | oid Bise, the fox hound, had with felouioas Trapeit aa ee a Sonn: Sede Howe ek | ------ iron, Hike his palace. Many woud para ty has doubled i breadtha, whi vel. depnved of her ty when without a | O'Dotovan and General O'Neil stamp, | intent come into the kitchen, "aad pti- Ton 2 for an inher * provided he A it lady, to her friend, a mewly vet. the light satio for pa 4 On a mde table I noticed a small box | are used to doing & roa *\ tiously 'supped up" the chicken-soap that = New Tauernoss advertined the s M fel K E would at eater apon ¢ aeloysens of reaved widow tow aympathise with | nel down each side, aul this is covered with labled, Swiss marbles whistle. fashicn. Ef Jones have a a with | had been prepared for Sant's rr gene break - treal T, y 5 ; raph ¢ is the most wonder. the gift. To appease the un gg (die your | such a noble -- 4." Yes, theiwide black The ev then pois told me her children were getting up | Smith he is not apt to sail out inte the st | inet 5 farther, how naid delinggent (yi. septs: 7 the kiad y ceed, "anad - THE content, the Marshal hes had his bio . ems ndow, iss t lows, the be a pines, velvet, with light aati vest 49 et nt for hos. | and make an assault the hope "had added insult to tas a ooatem ptu- ener et mast co aplete pnt i ' r toa taken like any other pict ue ab" musfortune is trying, ~ we Pcie well | covered with lace: When the season is fur ; pital and this clever ps o play . oe even with Smith. He will as iy oy the bow! that be had emp- e wal ac deekt bea y A N ¥ ecribers remove r beard after hewiing tn we hues, bu ver know what advanced, the heavy brocaled satins the Py +. whistle is the inven- | likely as take i § don + for then a their ulness has the official likearss, why ts avoul mistaken may refined form the train instead of velvet, Some of - tow of a Mr. Samael McLain ven- | and allow Brown to , ft {ro ae covtincne | - been fully - identity, they had better have the "clip ' cunch law haa ju ww salad thet when &/ these cost from $12 to 815 a yan triloquist, and canbe used by any one, it | his way. Bat this is not the man's way = Fe od TAY rir. in their pock de comesetion house stands on the evn ye 'or the bride's visiting dreas ta retarn | CaM Tmrat y ser rom ying of a| of thin! , ing ao Irishman be has as Satansaicmpiiaiia Mae Dves Lockgws wte " it A q> é[ I ho. Bosapartists will nataraliy keep ¢ the legal parish im had oa ch. the door weiding calls in, the autique trmcades are ; child and singing of 9 bird, to the roaring of | bably imbibed the instincts of Donnybrook All Sorts. ing x wey te Ag 5) po riales, and would ilo well act to part apeda. combination with These ation, When concealed in the mouth in use, | and we that the thing te do it -- aimed and their ee very | None Genuine Without = with their *. If visible; only keep theii Paurs, France, m Apes Z7th, 1878. have small intricately woven ago of twe notice | to hit a head wherever ep pa Pawen to s third reading--Lve-letters, The elegant. and fomirere of the ° » selves bs > hay offical, or three shades of one colur, with a few anything areal cheat the users lips o or face, it be vey fai te think that Can- Jour The material for ox-tai] Mawnic Grand badge Rowme iw Hamita te tam him ior ,or the pos Ihtical of the highest contrasting colors, and creates mermment and astonieh- | ada should have to suffer for the crime Re ar lactase = Gtowe ene eye wri tiare E p. future president; not hed aes Aes A sworment. poHk orf ye lag vd 4 The, i leaves of beige brown shad te ument was an prosegal oy England neoentures ago. But ae a " a" tt mewt of teks = of faruivare tang Vines sormutty | oe . 7 : culty will be ccperscrd wh ara wiv are Mnvitetarhgan, met He particular frend Foun, mag kare o bogs bron shade at, The fatertanmat oat a orga bad a yak | Teas rene ea acsetth" old on ST Tk To Paris and Back For $220 a . ool a executing the 'Wine ot gal a SF oe hear my blue. The brocade ie used for the | What in the style of Mra. Jariey's wax w in ia the snd vista of the past to take a moan ' Oe AONE ae. ' their ~ Lope eo." - out cihe-baond we oh edna! ro the room a few stuffed ani- an of lnnly elses ancestor? We a HEN es a small tish-pond ~ a lind. STHIE Us io Nock ec Seats to thw? he sux stator Laat Trek forte. bee an mination ref aoa are uf ; male-- loge tall tes eats i-akyge, [haven business and, cage? When here's a perch in ERC) TEANSPARENt CARDS [3 ote, (aa ro Exhibition; besides miny owners of stally him to eat pastry. asical Jones simply "iain alll. Fringe ofall th the color c se 1 ed Went the" chnttren Were to Torm a sort of them wo meet jest-shide the conse! Jy time the mulberry-tree eis vee & an <-- wut Mo. Prshiiphaite wane nwtntromcrnan gi ESE CLASS © have provuled chairs, ow which visiturs may rexpowled by hiv im is sl maa by aingha oy tor timing enden, and lieve the bas 4 Lf the Fenians come it wil be our gown --aoil a silk gow a-wom - "Partnacs ga Farms | Steamers, Railways, and "'Ttele af recline while enjoying explanativas, The dolorarly, "(ool bye, sweet tart, go foals win 'Tibbone falied vane ring of a uty to give them a ption, Wunx declares that bie | ae ie mat Ay Mw Pa Paton, ~---- Chalets de ia fe will be as numerous as bye. colors, such as rose, old | be ¢ ptocted trum int realit ality by y ie honet a ob- | it ov ¥ to keep them in jail the best ' "teetianed a Meee dohos Woistekd, 1068 Pront s.. Cun, ton, & Jonkinn, the well-te-ween Taner along the boulevards, Outaule the ae 2 ies Teslreag is spemaies ot Chienes geld. pa pale blue, sale, and cardinal ; ibese/ eetvecs. The whiatla bobs like » silver? principle to follow would ae which 98 Bre, 4 ' . vie a Lass toe aed New 'York, Ien-« ctvurtened there are wooden hotels, where a journal "The Clerk of the County | asters ate ou the {ret of the vtet and on ring. and codonsthe the sound cer, whilet | is expressed in the and grovel bie a male y LATE & Bre... "HM Victoria St, Torwmta rele, mer CUty Of Chess oo the te ° hire for the ¢ Jt vole Coart wore a sasgpatt vad = ta his shirt-front | | the wrists, | attached toit is what iw "the retainer," ~=guaaaeell anid as little omens as poe. that can di the longest on Plater and Crave cost | at tine, ta lene New York oe THER 5 a, their pic-nic theretn, write therr lettes and and a sardouys is brow, ae he} 'Travelling dresses fur brides are'of cam- ti is altogether daly half an inch in length, | jos ner are glad to give sgh gs | NA eontts Revers, qorsiogs, tragees, ote. herp . transact their busi: onlinary bo- wang = out sis speanationa row tee, geo el's-hair and silk ; the preference is for sea}. | aad less than an th in ene Seer - Lawyers, though, awaally sell thei Guanet nade, ood beet ; tele will rent a room for a day, The refresh- ok other to the fala aiag couples brown or for beige s --- of grey for rary will ri lt s anit | 'The Phonograpa. var " fellowa igh are re lack = is MOLLINERS be sete so Tenet R q went stebiichmenty sre @ pioumibesd tera Toe ie ® palonaine | in noted for hin! Wh: flow from thin? It ta "Fee le are all in fs ve WME ii aa ah $22 merpemess ANAS} Ved side the building, but they are plentiful a» A rouss laly of Hamilton, paving re- | with a shart flat front, over 'ue a cnt j & a en ey pated my aide, va suiehe satte "tt may ear " the sand of the sea outside, ant form s ceived ¥ rgeat prope arringe | away jacket front that extends to the u: iano pel zal z Thavor' Sine sad liven Tk would abolish the tram! ph ia Penge vas arsigghatelrags So ve $44 3 $6 $86 : tt ae : fringe round it. As a rule, persons with from an at gentleman, seut the following der-arm seams, where princesse back tie he time tht hie wife had te hand. z . Fes, 08 "Alsons in difficaisies, prefer thor greys to their o free © DO. Pike & Ca 1 Agusta, Me whom money is no obj may enter what answer * by mail : | the polonaise joins it, Waite-peatiogs of natal ¢ pet, fog-hora, an: : L She ra y dite. restaurant they please; but visitors with bt pn hereto taal | silk and tinted pearl butte fo. sad 'he gaght | could wot do better thas | teginen meshed comotive may ansuusce to, A YoU ewell is reported "9 aedtely LD, ves Vromt Street, Torsnte + He At a tims paced, Sa She olaie have power to ¥ ae es eee mings, Long strings of "eek vibe are. invest a dollar i box for awe nal esas re the comin 'tation, aa that be is even teas or bis ad. t BUCKLE, Maneger ou thetel as ain 7 add to their number -- late years, will te on ig ant f may « one. tied at the throat or on the bast self. A tiny rake, wel, hue; furk and-! What adv, i ke |. wmobre = WR wr pr anabece o . consult s mind, by svotding ver in emale €S er versible-ribbon, with sume bright color on: transp . forming, aa be add 5 ue choie of the charch ? wir the che oe ia the movt dangerous time to Sine GET « cS sages es ee ora TIME OF ARSESCE ONLY 9 DAYS be avery ee wee a fixed "ie 's , * wo "Sabon 00 guartina ' one side, while the of the chnekte, R. r multam in -- out fave ral in me pres a ---- the trow are ne » wits Set whjess So-emery- eye Dinede in w vue ladies rejoice ys." | night to his sermon against the dia- | ing e ae, wd S when: ee 7 King okus "Some 'ime in 1876 0 lomale anaconda! Wrappers for brides are of (ga "| Two more ies ot he aut} phe rs might, A Leagnxp m sail that the three gigas pd uw Sins ad. . peer or ks wl tas shout © yon | Tae torn from her home in South Ar a | mal'e s-baur, made . wt a. Coals ** the ladies floral tools "were | sing their hymns alter the same method. hardest acto proooasre ia the Eagliah * e 22 Wallin ston Bt West. Set what you eat, Great numbers 201 transierred to the i B whinggecas jart Meals' patent to be i | Sunda ¥ morning the cylinder is brow doen lan guage are, "1 waa tiistakoa, 5 Gedking tate Put, ood' ae aat W the covan voyage seri. | at the establishment of Messrs. Wheeler | and by & reversed ------ WHY in a minister went c ead of his tmKORS AND eo eaten YHOLE: coy mi lad. Nene pletrenenas sr, | impaired ter health, or whether she | 28 Jose n Be. West, and secondly, on. Ne ot hysioal prwer ry enrmman t --Because he's M THEwS "mus "08 Vomage te so Foren COUR, BON 8 JENIN levards ET gr ¥ P Ordena © sone tay is uncertain ; but after ter being | bela i or his siemens necessary tha on theron pewes t that ie har- toward (tor'd) bevckwe (> emt ae ae me ray : | BON, A FERRE : above all, to be encouatored ; happily they refused rae shane thing to oa: One| a hema sennesbie the | newed to hare It is stated -" legal oaity that the BONE us Pena a co a reine = a ; See eee ee ee ene eenerally like which naturally would be most attractive to 'for squash enemies have settled chowher wn ke ou the Rothechiid ante. SUPERPHOSPHATE taege amoenin ux the atrenta. The present intlax of visitors wil} ber were offered in vain. A sho ago if ea be pl eh biredoy a if hey oy said woul Tevet! gona Senet imstramouts amounted to ¥ es Arrow: gate are lost every yeat by Yarn: bey rare aay wt eae aha hse ant Nepean CS mp ase a sg | Spr a ee | pies aty tay Meme a six 3 then tidal waves will Ulive j those who anid rf ei we fa'r were equally | a you vy e4 ¥, in no wings 3 4 COFFeO over a year, her sepelite sj to have green | potting in Meet and that waked one gea DINKEWS HAT STORK crowded wea reliable weighing. sc succeed. September and October are the | 9°T) fy cashmere while gar sure of sunshine. Mia t waa the reply, * why Fie SA '23 char. Mellin the tater novel: ig mouths preferred' -by aristocratic voyagers, pag Woven ! : Gee, and see iene -t, Parilae shop hatiers 'Aeschegghionn 'writing of a ** long" gh Guimons's band will meet masy similar | pe Ke ben an saties op casplojed.by pie ¢ Map Con King & Yonge, T their golden harvest. The French wre to" pro- oes | to draw his breath MOE CARDS OF A CANR, t00 5 ba geld 3 THE i. See ees ey ios peceromeie ee Ooeorehoe Souememeeenee | DOMINION STANDARD z 'duced fare tickess available saealieae: the lars is folded in-a Wat-. | oo de Mt -- saponin er wicks tee * 0 ak Sot BIG PAY Sessen Excepting on the sunblinds that ponen ee up the wis foreign serv. Order aa Safeco tt aT * 7 tradesman of sn: ; and at to future ages, but the | is is a! tb: coe Pap atm at be found ' patroaise, " on oth _-- senile that the Tace of a man as he ae . LYNG WAT bay ea" | m dery ' TER & Pao iy po to 6 colored, citino The oe oe is ee ing, Oh mt 7 are my wre ty Ter lat bre TELS Seti now nies MANUFACTTRED uy iy dra Net bein a crafased mae a ef "ra at = RE weed yas es Tees NEY & WA "by "her toag inst brvther's GUR z HAMILTON, CAN TOA ° eeuemataliritien teeivinaon diese Lass rhs rani sect ec 'man's ke aw Peapect : Turynte, pend gress ty. rage: aware 'One hundred different ety\-+ 04 eines to oa y REID & BARR, 64. 66 & Se M ENGINES AND BOILERS oF att kK IN Ds AND SIZES marie to pratt end kept coustentiy te etewk. Yaad everything weonmmry for Saw ms, Stamp: Screws etc, Made te x z irse the best made. © "Tite ' rpsane a perfect. Lime Ha caadentenry: -HAMILT 'ON. TRON N4WOR KS. a 68 Kebscca St. Hamilton Maret tor ~ Racal eS Deira. ae a aE iy ty es RACH rLua. OF. THE. An illustrated price pres Tt teaea ap patie, a