Stratford Times, 19 Jun 1878, p. 3

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am naire alin rarest: : cc re Pt. Dover & Lake | 7 " - aa get & Lake Huros' The Stratford Markets./ The Merchants' | Stratford & ' -- ants' Bank Wi ~ ie Huron R 5 m. HEPBURN, CELTIC AD : "ys. doy King Sahel ck" of Canada Cabi THE TRUST AND LOAN COMPANY OF CANADA = it APES: =PR| N' =O ' : uae oy rte & Upholsterer, |CAPITAL. £ : | = | ce ee '@ 0 ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD. | Tete Money, 90 good farm severity, wpoe | x » tines 4 G a at ® per eam ier. aed -- Downie e5 THE ; : ore NG, ee Eo att Yearty > letof May and tet GREAT RUSH FOR OUR: : Tisai at «EINE aw Beamse| of November. 3 so 8G Rite, SES] Be, : nee, = sere te e's : sep i + sae Les ies " Bembers (= Great Britase-- ) 1 pallette, mA) ; a0 pal idios, ; D nage 100 the, 4 60 * The Clydesdale Rank | Agent and vainator 5 he Lad to the , U | J EQ U A LLED sn foment (Soe TR | Bees peri 'ae i one aay Ligmeent teat, Leadon, | Home Stanuiacinies } | Seated rege head ey rae saoainn : jae . GTF i» $40 rs per " y at New Yore-- Wi nen ae cop as any House in the County 7 a ee 3: 8 | kei TE |W. W.COWAN | NEW GOODS. ona sore beer eae . oR. at jsenciion, Top Geee = Kepabiic. 'The Bank of Net Yorn, a, | WW the attention hoe ts KE: ' ieee 1 Donalds, 547 ge) | | Ducks per pair, , meen > fart thas be is o none UST Recsivad a new wack of Tore Puncy Goods, ot cheap a2 any bows, thos conaiste of Pp R | N TS so Rea tween feet S| chia = S| permet metry tinea | "Oe meena ee Pee ~ | Reet om a = -- = += +, W. R. Croming, | Hides per 100- 600 Suet with agree. , Putty . - ] ~<a | Tbs 60 7 FARMER'S FRIEND = biting Bows and Strings, de Spades a Shovels, eS ee ee eS eT 12 [Ei at eet PG ANG PLO ae | RORML'S CERAM ee 5. rg pee pee wo 9 f 'Prodaes sod Commercial Credita grated UGH,! Tosa -- SEATED AXES. At 5 Cents : ; Perareyy) eos ee. eC arma produce avaliable tor' uitiseers utisattemce mare tee: And COS AND CIGARS, Cross-Cut and Hand Saws " ' st ta. Ld id per yard, Sold everywhere for 10 cts.| £3 (2855, foseecin, {F? re ST. MARYS MARKETS. 'Siilamiaia ac far ult | sean ad begttable reinetion = cl hiinde Sete' Senin. AB quedo mit] Com Tien, Ropes, Wer, Outiery one a ee ° He | * WW. KING y purchasing examine my stock before ~~ Plated Wi : H * ' ous oe + Reyady Crees oy -- Pall wheat, st. Manos, June 6th, 1465 Stra: Mane rte ciae In SHOP ON BRU mewiCr STREE * X. GRABERS, Som tens enh tos artic "4 6a) may + 723-05 | eo paae tasted ede totic een aoe tan ttord, May 6, 188. 146-4 rear of Commercial Hutal, Rast hud i Famuary 26, 1876. ford] frat class hardware pars « per yard a ne Ce Eo potatoes, per bag. das 10.0.0) apples Lane Smoker: -- ak nat aredeanictoe nie a insprovements CH Remember the pines, eppente the Pest Ofies " : to ig t Lynn Valley, baa yee | $e 110s; best, per Ib, t ¥ - 18) e ' plough. claim om the ro Re etree ds ie | meatier ere eee aaah ee ~ a OF BUSINESS coca OFTO SERRA ; = rae | each, S00 to We; Reese, each, Se to tc; ducks, TE " ar. ; vtsinlbaee'* __ STILL CONTINUE S33 ost Fe iar masters ra tow, aos| PALACE. CIGAR DIVAN, | Agri yaar Market Drug Store, | o-snsn___S CONTIN U E S/S Sires SS ett i cctuti as eee ,| Agricultural Insurance Co'y !|Taierwtse rarasntens| | House to Rent. , ~ | Hence Ryn Lael Wah a | ---- Tt. Ww. Stas CA -- hei toch ad ue god will ofabairtaeteee, cu j i fi Dover, to Montreal" and intermediate atte | ---- POR aly MARK ES 8 -- ; FERS tee te es PITAL, - - 81,000,000 MR. J. W "oc u ORT ae" _ . D. WRIG pas stock of KR. IT nomad le . t L, AT ------- ee A. B. ATWATER, Muvsams. June 'dith cpeeed oat cots ot |THE HON. JAMES SKEAD. President. Of Mitebell, General Superin. | . Yel wheat. per bash. 14 -- = A guntiascan experiance 24 2 Chemist GEO. JEMIBOS CN 8 waa Frecart Acent ee 2.a.umt ley '(ioe ta pawn. tobe eat ste | * Pinesn Brande pry een and "Tabacco, DEPOSITED WITH GOVERNMENT, $50,000, soit Drage wae. thay have confidence tn re- | Stratiord, _ __ OT. Works, . Westar, Fee 13, 8 . $e Ae PLP EE to 0000 i cnttncal, por Beatie creer of Seackers' Sumdr nen commending as their suscsssor, and beapeak for | ---------- Mey "a REG ; . | tri patos: eee eat pei te aoe je ae ee DAMAGE BY FIRE tended to then, cere | AUCTION SALm CGEN sire Hae Te geal tw: por os | Oty Le LIGHTNIN __MACKINNON & Ce . t oe Se Sy, Heelys seek, Tae to Cie perce © ard } Spurs com MR. CULL, would mention that he BE PISTYERA MOORE 3 5 2 uve louse , See ie eset | One a -- tara 1 gabe, | SE sera Re ee | cern nee ere _ ; na, 60 to 63.00. wool ie Bae | Lu MBERMEWN _zarmers will tna (to their does siti clash irag nore be sptin coed. Frames, Picture A. GG. MACKAY & €O WOODSTOCK MARKETS. | UMBER 18 BOUT ee oe os" THOS -- mee ay . ' : - 8 18 BOUND TO GO UP, S. WERRELL RDAY, MAY 26th, . - a er pe OORTECE: Tame peru rere" Now is HEAD OFFICE OTTAWA. PtrS-to iit to th nd to continue sant _ Powdered uaa Saree Piss barter. a 1 seine, per GEORGIAN E BAY! vtUmnen, k. RUTHERFORD, Br rand vicinity that be ts stil ts the land Far Malte eae irate are i ° & oer bond Dressed General Agi, Strattara: | AUantic Ocean aint, De, Seeees ie ection Nos. 65 a 16 20 OMG, Cone, per US. iKio to "se'one wetter thee, Shimples, Pee te aoe Fete, & Dee tz, sett cotastined himuet! ter trstoote en ew taly z. nd G67, Ontario- St., Strath ; hy Bag ER . -- Mt | street, near Wilson on "Mornington | Stratzont. BYFIELD. om. Helleb iS EES Me eT: C Grand Trunk Railway. | 'Pumps, Sere et whens Re tome | -- wey a is Staite'. Suan ite uKre ebore, w ily LUMBER YARD om ilway.| ,, Pumps, Cisterns, Well Digging, Chae BA SALE 19.0 < LISTOWEL MARKETS. Important Change of Time, |%i fa'and the general pubtic Se give tien -- * 7 -- ; Pall wheat, ona'? wR aret Lath, lace L 0 W E s T eRe E S. Oa and after : "Stratond April 85, 1077. "mie Hats, Caps, Ti per pid. bc. O13 apring $23 tAMILToN. ------------ , 1é 7 . PARIS GREEN, pet dered ag SU barier "ato Spans te Strattord, Jan, °0, 1808 x} Sunday, Dec. 28rd, 1877 SHE HR 1 p08, irts, Tweeds, > L. fe tiis wooupertonitis Gite er Leaving S Traine wil 3 =. Cloths and Clothin 'i ' ] owt, $4.00 te 6 potate - poe Ay th ing tratiord. P For Toronto oo and most on Maaie'E Main Lin. L. S. ZOEGER & wai, Fie; to a ey : eave Stratford. ° AS ' ait. OF Wice CLOTEHING.« Phosphorous foap [ft & wo aiscevylee Since se shatters | ND" bareain Tees hha redenee on Waters Sap pm --ieneoes FAAS Reset Wallace sree 2g ee pr stie . E 'to " are, ae Site: to wa Te: sir get paving ah test | maprovene = to eed WATCH, aa - ind - «xt SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH ONLY We : to 306; sheepakine each 8 eto $70 | 4rained. pron -- cellar, well 745 p.m.--Mized. wx . y ~ ETC, LINE. af T AM ADOUCY RETrEING , are now showing the largest stock at Miah eety., per bush $i) to G00) clover, per} 10 jn ete ae a Closets, it Nw ak a en Express | tor Wetebes py ep Warrants Cc Faow BCEIEErS --_-- Meatty ta finished : walks and outbnild taeave sirettord 346 ana. -- Bx pom ooo Semen an versaneea HARLES LEE, . --OF-- MORTGAGE SALE! ' elevation, ong pnseticns Ndagaal a on ehigh 13 0 mt Bato Express. Listowel, Mey 2, isms. salamat mor - Market 'Street, Stratford. 7 1. | prey CLO T HIN CG. N. A. Bosworth's oF sooner View OF THE TOWN. ; pit Bm -- Merehts Express DAIRYMEN ! TT 196-44 ate . ot nen ae can be sen at the stove ave Seton m.--Mixed ts you want 7 I M P E R TA _-- P ; VALUABLE PROPERTY, 'htrattort, rt . + Fire Insurance Company, of Sor a over offered in a is THE ee rite] POE od Buffalo ahd'F "Fotmee 'South ; CHEESE Subscribed 5, -- fea erg tiere AP m.--Exprees. All kinds of Commercial Ris $6,800,000. _ | T : . i . Town of Stra ra MANITOBA ! a8 p. an -- Rapreen VA erate rates of presaiuin, Riaks taken of mod- S R A F P ~ " geniesbers oo ° . tfo E yor Goterti a gules Cheese Presses, cS a ee qweilings at the lowest taee," . ai ~_ . -00 upwards. IN THE xcursion Parties Leare Buetond tise ne Boe North: . Curd Sink G. W. LAWRENCE, 'And at Extraordi ; strats COUNTY of PERTH. |4 "yee | ee ata Serattord Jaiy uur. "eb A® SAGE rdinary Low Pric ses ha ae »| Winepeg, (Manitoba). _| conseaiag vanes Cheese Hoops, | R. RUTHERFORD. es -- i 15 =i oe es. i ane Parties of tan and upwards ean secure the a4. | 884 Detrost, mith all Maia Line Trainstor T sronto Milk Pas ORD. _ 3 SOME OF THEM [| BRE ne acme el Ee | ain MONEY TO LEND. Besse mortgages made by Alexander tobe should " to re <--~AlL:wool-Pants.& Vest... $ 4.00 sissies sec =| armen prerecctit Eomouon, | | Atte Vary Lowest cosh 7 fo 9 per cent per annum, een pa 7 . . aba sald by we . a Sree = ; f . Ah ~ " MM ae oe ° Mr. Stant D : ---- rey by boat Easson's Saw and Planing Mill. ABEL COULTON' Ss, to kind of property pty that oad Soy 2 os rs . q --I am the only authorized Agen' R W. EABSON Ofice, eo Tweed Coats. ae 2.00 Money to Lend. worn Auctioneer, |= Swcsart we, Beatty's: Lake Superior | of) lumber on band, qecomt qmertment st} 98, Ontario Street, Stratford, MARKET STREBT, STRATFORD. & ae : 4.00 | (PEE xotersignes nas AT, THE W. WINTER, cedar posta. Aino, ou Land again. im cone 'Or vendor condensed list of Dairy Apparatus ee = : 'Vesta. 1.00 ton a lamest | ALBION BLOoTeL apellsa,to: 1 Pretest Age erties . per foxit. pets pinned ante and Pursisuisgs, and order from {t by mail. THE TRUTH. 4 "Th . A * Loan and Agency We 119-4t | Cras * of Turn! he -- ------eee FH 5 as See, 12.00 |S ae ee IN THE SarD 1878_sP2mNG_1978|= ==. Sac FARMERS | A SMALL SPACE CONTAINS IT. . ' . rates of Interest on the . ° a - "Luster Coats, -- pot Farms a unt TOWN OF STRATFORD. IMPORTATIONS! a a many [UTC wE PHILIP BIRCH . > ; .OO | interest by applying to = on poser ; Aen WV it wet caring the . . HORN E PRTER. w. A ------ GRACE'S MILE CAN eiiemed -- IN 4 if - Office --Third Floor eet Wednesday, the 19th « A MA: IN s _Strationd, aay 29, 1878 & BU RCH. iiseeats me ae Biesh.) 1978, ah pela Hoes, A de a Meoneran ge Celebrated Salve |'"°"""'"¢ *"* P's. , At bye ape RL iy ing respectively 300 and 200 pag a rt ra contain . Showing « A sure Relief cent. a apply to Mr. oe, Watson. ae Tin fetecine velenbie frovbeld bod coped prorer SPRING AND S SUMMER e --_-- ~-- Sufferer. Milk Pans, etc., Dairy Cans, Beg om pitti oe & Pl A N S. Freemantle's Gun-shop FIRSTLY: GOODS Mo, 80 Harn SY TOWLE B80Ne, ABEL cou wm ait nant ORNER of Erie Lot § --2-- wl LTON' s, NOTE THE PLACE ADE eases dened ors forsale large samoregeat of Fr Corea street, opposite the Town | 1/1,%o ¢°:2m! part of new rons OLD STAN i? ; stock, com of Fresh Flower and Garten sminceaa | Settee nation." ligpuirine » Toes | of Oniano Street, at cf le Ke. 97, on the Somat RESS Goons; a a ¢ .D STAND, OPPOSITE ; Tey Zest ties cee lection eave Tha tna aety thowe tariadon sation Seat sited Sowing. Mp erected fattened to. or ade peompaly | "one *e* Merman ratio a , ro, Ail tue pe aig opwarde 78, Ontario Stree, Rrattord. POST OFFICE. --_ Canpacr, CavLirrpwen, Coaches, Be 7 enon ag: 'Saas = ---- ry ee Waverly Block '* Ati yer PRR Ss, = = _Seration!. Mareh 21,6. iy ---- : Petveren. none forming Cube, a ae Puvran-ain> Roe Peawve, Weacsasnn sup Raven, FLERY. |The North British & Mercantile | 'tix NEW SHIRTINGS, NEW HOSIERY & NEW GLOVES, oem cena Era hi CRISPIN, i My stock ef Bed ee meena @ | teacther wit prong st wpe for 4 atid nett} BG nee ke cree enele, ot Serectora amd Re ae ot Bopaing end wal CAME, aaj' Fi. Years from 7 tor the porved of Ten -- : icinity that he eee Sin Fa a irate dS ar rh amen Neddeoe WerererritTTTeaTEy TOWN LOTS IN, STRAT#ORD| PALI DING Ree Ioan rnati i obi. BAS cabeesy %. ne 8 AEE ALE ; Ba3s: ons, Colens, Ferns, and Climbers ; also 'a naga sama, eo pet op RRASE;S CELEBRATED SALVE | STUATED MER TRE PORT OVER AND bee Di y Puberoses, Gladiolus, £6. MOREE Wii pttece ee AN Ready-made Clothin : Nee io We WO OE ea Ce ee oe Wa Te Paper Buseect, sod offer tbe fvilowing PR IZEDG, to be competed for at the peted for at the firs Sig ee ate ion 00- 4 SO Serer Se Hate Sapa So. np Sataepe fa ting Jassae ataay, -Perough Steg: In the Weet ina Pat nema tiie: anne SPIDERS Rupesonrows! ace i ars an PeSat step eta oe aren oe oe "esion Writ For ' oa! extengin back At all times of his eles rose and others tin . . Collection of Cat Flowers wr MONEY TO-LOAN ON F FIRST CLASS SECURITY Secrbed nthe sad morgage mice partovlary | Rewiih. 'Seotch and Osnadian Tweets t=, St | fewer. Price conte Siege a patie bene tectdonsee of, Sissame Serer e | a e, 4 I . ; jReade Ceutifiower, Pr : D. BARTON, The property wey cheve west ul orders execated prosnply ee SETH W.FOWLE & BOND, © Hanaisos Px Mplepe tor. private | Tinting in' Oil and Water Colors. io Ke rewsi Hews tesco beads Cabeage, any kind, 240 Jarvis' Block, next and stnais ov the South ade o B perme Melly pre Gvery soapest, aad extremely gives 1D} Gpaces osnaia . For further particulars, apply to itings and Walk Freveeed in the Lasest American i Az examination of sock, and share a Visantes tu Walcot ona Proper 'own, Ry has 2 homage : ATED SALVE PETER wate, a= raat have Your woney, se bite neces Si rire ae a frie Will ind it t0'| of Beck made res con oe vn 'at z ek] Strattont April 10, ne "po Flesh Wounds, Proven Limbs, Salt Rheum, A Be May 15,107 Oat FAUT Strawherry Plante end Rnubese Weel ONTARIO MOTUA fe LE Le Tee 'laa, King "Worms, C Wea Heed, ONTARIO STREET, o sia tn CATTSOR ANCE Oo ey FISH! FISH! FISH | Sssyrés Batson tater Beattie & C0.) seus suum mint - er ryatagt poem ant naterateens anccaanneet toda tee 22u8 wa A Ibic es A. Kirkpatrick Sie meen | Family Grocers, 15, J, O DBE serctieed, Apel. tens t and Avon. NOTICE. 10n H ' 4 cars thingies, tities, Freckles. boils fe) ' ° RT us bt tindersigned has opened an office ie Bess to announce to the inhabitants of Nettie Kaab. Es ng Nelle, LD ALBION Block cag I NEW ADVE a fr gegen 9 | +? Strattord, that be is prepared to + Gpnder Sutngh, axa'ail eusseeous dicseses +e, Ontario-gt, Stratford, } nsec Town of S her Farr attain Vata ht Ie ander eee of clack hee ar out rear Qs FRESH FisH, | = -- Stratford T7*°" eopplring the very best arate te DOMINION Day. | tratford, -- | satires ne rane |e ee aah | Mem atm Cabs rn scent cates treads fia Cait! Sade am 7 ALK a 1,800 for the be e ' : Celet OTICHE pay is Waverly Boch comes" ok four rer anda | WHUTR FISH, BALMON TROUT, HER. get'brlush Provinces: Friew by tails centr aaa o lange chao ot ---- ele pration a at Stratford county. im all parte of the | dancing creeks Teer ay rey Manat, at the RINGS AND PICKE Teas, -- ---- 2 | 7s HEREBY GIVEN that «Const will } Bsc ements week weere ant. Fest Ofer, Soc0 sack, oad the "miata es | A ree - BETH W. FOWLER &80N8, Sugar Gas Fixtures Stoves, Timeare I a a mn ee Ligts Act." WOMAN ROW |.%, "a payable, quarter. we case os | And 0d variation of salt water Sah, and deliver 06, MARSIOON AVENUE, Bosvox, Masa] rd ese poate a de. '4 A C E S by His Honor, the Jadge of the County woTRe pragertt ill be sald'suliert tn se soit tee | | emmamber the niaes, Weee' old stand, Downie | GUN say OF PERTH MUTUAL ae s heme Jobbing and Building Work Done. AND ATHLETIC SPORTS a AGEN Dae ant wpa above descrived, is | Work ee ay See OF PERFH MUTUAL F: |. COMPANY conus Having boughtout the entire bankrapt stock of F The Sammer Bases of "the Stratford Driving s T R A T F O R D, *|aeers wens tas Dist persevering san em fental of 6a On it amr. eabjoct wan anal Pa ree i vy me to be parterdy Prope a PARLIAMENT. and Be ral roa 5. JOHNS. & a Park Amuetation will take place on Doi ; --a99 Bioek With the Hotel. The Waverly it yood order, a il Lye Amoxat of General bend wil be continesd gut pre "ne, ent ommmneneing at 130 ps. whew the the tole LTHGrsday, July the 40, 1878 iges, appt ep eters BOX 476, Sad ere nahn ae ise Chait Prd, $4,268-22 Groceries, ng t over 'Saliba hele stock Sioa" mon rime-wi bored = Sone, tale Gee Sth. 500 Oe ae ae ates ears oere a rea necre TRTO TWO BRANCHES. English: Cost and Under! 3, wile heate, Ist, $15; tnd, 97; -- oo To b el -- 3% 'D. STOVE..STORE. puss Sor the Coaneectel mas of Toronto, KNO Ry eating wnt yrocidng Pe erg and --_-- Upen to all borses owned in the Comtity. plain: isa - Soe. the several com. Bs --------e EE ler etre eee smn : gained tm che best medics Jason Frae, raw, Keq~bt.P., tioePreaitent,. thakoe Scotch parisons sore lpienbente i 5, Lelfttuile bein "ys A 3 ip List ofthe manipaliny of Aol Deattond. he the G.W.CLEMENT Seem at vegienea ators THYSEL eit Ts ' 4 Meer Sag ate a Alas, Ee pe td hd ot ee 7; Sed, | ¥ ' and mall Eex-Ma: wae; cunetatcuas $3. Opeo to all horses oped in the County. | pois EOS to inform the poblie in guueral. is and productive investment. The yur" cocsonige of peice tt | Senta in Bi aa ee cnabains pa J. J. ODBERT. * _ No. 3. Hick and Driving Race. Best Sin ase ving. Wislonee at '(Ges Cont | use cn tae eet ee ae ---- the tiane of apie pay 42000 of the Nemees ad Payalcal Premacary Dectine, aoa hig "eration Porter, _April, 17, 167, bongs . lat, 450; Ind, $10; rd, $5. Tequired to attend at the seid time and | Bank of C sii has now ou id tore or Aswan balance win dager hte ieee a 'comtalns ee tat ret David 6 ~ =a : -- Wi 5" No. 4, Papite --_ arf aoe Purposes. Dated . Sasatterd, 1h choles selection of the aus and 0 | een $16,000 may remain on ero coe of which is Deprice of | Net fel F «alee Ginger NSTA NLEY heats, 'Ist, $15; 2 is 3, mile | aD. 18 tide Sth dey ot dene, Cook Stove nae MR ED ea book wae zie of | Win. Mowat, egal er, Mrattord. Ale nm ted, #3. Open to all . of fie Bost 'and te Mesers Grabamne, Howland & Kyern, Dar. tana Webed ee ermtedagtitentic ae este mesthepe. Scaton ' So. 3. Bi Toron' 4 elled whom . avprtons : - "apes e iat, ist, 0s tad. 990 vant. in 3, anile ; Check of the ed 'Wunicipalit "ae Shea "Iron and Copperware, Ena Ae "| ea a2 Ghestrated with --hogeed Orie Ren, beaten. Oe ne 3. A -- ETWIS Delicions Condiment bas won weteias 2 mes: Cpe rality.| elled Kettles, rate "Kets, Lamps, | GBAHAME, HOWLAND & RYERSON, | Hef on a sez HEAL Seer ee Se Tes oe E spine re tie haa Soca fates exe 6, Trotting Race, for fo all | horses tia | JO. Ki ---- Lamp Goods, Coal Oil, Gas Fir- iter as Fitter dt to Cowan. snd W.-S Whiskies, THE COOK PRONOUNCES IT e never beaten 2:35 . ILBURN ARCHITECT,| = "°° 'Well, Cistern_and_F _ Dated a atom cn 'A responsible staif of agents throughoat Englist In made par eseationee, Int, $50; 30d, 990; Sr 05. 5 | Oftes.--OvE ' Pp ; a OFFE \ ssapnaee ier aiee ate we county. Office ---ist Floor, over Mowat's we while Sipicaree prosounes ft tee a. . -- R MOWAT'S BANK. oo<5| / *™P* Tron and Lead Pipe ; MED 2 Eegrin tea wet SELF Bonk, Mowers Blok Stratiors. Cider, Sane tha pine Sine hes Siece a8 to RULES AND" REGULATIONS lace Srratrorn Mannix" Works, + ae ICAL HALL. CAs LAGER oe. . WW. MOWAT, Trews 7 enim: be Secon do eae ot MARKET °8 _ nov = Empress R Great Western Railw'y}--- --yraa90p- D. SOMERVILLE, Cee a6 A. Basar' contectt Agane saa 7 per cent of parse, arate i STREET. Zs Rese: prepared to do elier, sates we . Nanaia arrest, confectionery, 18, Ontario must necompany the nomination u nett, : ° ira rz z promptly, se eee eae since a GADD & SHARMAN, Proseietare | Ting Bevel oughingRootng rene Rolie cn cure,{Freight aad 'Ticket "Ofice,| BOOTSAND $Hozs! SS Somat Taare: "eto or et Monday, Ist Jaly. neon, Of | = tawe i x eg ll kinds of 40 bin : Eno'sa Fruit 3alt, Myor's Block, Market Square, Reali arm fi = --- Mi ian? Meat Tian T fag mend ro wrt te] HR Pera NCN Stat "aia oPETES ET. | Wenemememsacestes | eawmintin lol The Great Cause of pale oor A Hore dong te FAMILY FL eel ! Chay Trenportaon toa point tn] SA, Rea Sate Sancta ee | UMAN MISERY Sens ton peat ee | FLOUR, te Prices!) H NASMYTH & CO'S:| "conede, United Steve and Horope," | seteedasareai = tenree S 8| Sib at a mietere Wines : or distanced, not entitled to « premium, | WHOLESALE soels Maze pivarel Hoe eorstons of O. 3. Jebus, | _pwettet, Way 16.200 __._ ew Yor retes, through Bills of and other} | REPAIRING PROA 'ernie 3 wit on en? we 9 of indlighhle heroes forfeited | PRICES $5) 5; found to wait on any or allof bis} ~ou watt | information apply to Mr. J. M ry rhe ROMPTLY DONE: Apply to G. HORNE." , _§0 Amociation. Three horses to enter, two | PER BARREL. customers wino may. give us a call. CQUxzT OF FERTR. 'The Werdes will be F. BROUGHTON SEND IX YOUR = case at osce 25 wk oot mediate} aetna ad a restate |" OES OLA ME oc oie pe ee Mee enen,| -- rire-ctae Wor : rans tam ii eeeemeee es: Seating SET ]| contrat stove store, Se. Birad to taren oh Toseday in exch tan | Stratford, May 29, 1678, . emma Guaranteed. On Araetd: 2. Rebinsta'e surety. 8 -- : _ tat tw be aligible on Ist Jgne, 178. No BR a ' Stratford, Jane 5, 1878. nig (flee, on Toesday and Wedueaiay of each LIBERAL DiscoUxr FOR CASH. | 29h Deen, thelr value, A nice' Brick wit only Prien, im 8 only ¢ canta, reel fie, NS ee AVER MILLS. |. 6. CAMPBELL, W0, 07.5.0. Wednesiay, thi odes. om Tuseday, | ~ ELLSWORTH'S 7. BARKER, [®t ieee Appipto GS coh aed Le jaeeraied Sea itnen,: bs: thie Siminahie Be . ATHLETIC SPORTS: | Peas, Always op Hand Frowcors: bor yo i each we pane boars, a once, PYRAMIDICAL ATSOSTMEREC IntrROWED Stratfona, jan 4 18 ~ War0e-stveet. To <2 ---- Seton thas chen BP oe Pr eatprytomn eae peer d | "waren MARSHALL, son's Drag i ET 4 Sete Sete Jono ed a moaaT 70 Lan. "| Se gan-at, with good | the nile: 'eeinpe ov fue ty Ast, : PATENTS 4 T Reasonable Alse, two : 4.5) per month, | simple, on: a -- ' i We; ard, 250, Semele te ALBIOW HOTEL $ Bre onbd Gin dr : -AR Rates of Interest, om Parm aud houses in Romeo Ward, with & effectual, by - - old-fashioned 'own property, 4 : wummer kitchen. ve sufferer. ne asia Ma's oot Rae, forte sham . 'at | SARIS! EXHIBITION * STRATFORD. < Fed 'BRUCE GORDON, Vcc Ghose ilg d enter the Sate | G. W, LAWRENCE, "APPT Coa gree Geos a pene Saag Pakage aly arg me el GnaiwD B=CUR Db. CA VER, : AUCTIONEER, VALUATOR, dc. | botter than anyshing oft Mind i uo "Each Sec | Odd Fellows' Blogs, | _ Stretford, Ape 3 578 Horne & Burch. | "sar This Lecture should be in the hands at fia, "Ananda Ul ae ati 41, valua, = SIOW} ay "PROPRIETOR. oR aeth S100%, .OUTAMO: STREET | = San ee Square J "PRATT ten end every man in the land. oe pegs scarier mile'noe tot, 14; mt,' London 82d Paris, | TOWNSiIIP - oy oe Fics Company, | mas cnate ste Sie mee re "Ww. 5. COWAN, he ATT, THE CULYERWELL MEDICAL 60, i Walking Mateh.--One mile, heel nit Jioe | HIP OF MORNINGTON. wads of the Chora at enya the a Baker & Confectioner. | Put 0mes Bes, a508, "8S Mew Fores "=! dat, A i First Steamer Leaves =e iss & Lam caged dacusnnianed Chars Saar W npeuren the ghbeie: aod | CENERAL INSURANC 3 by ag . faectie..| Maw York: fund | cao ly car, iepetectiye| FIRE EAgt ARES plesware in auncuncing to the _New Fork, Jaly 40, 1677. elena? > se JUNE 27TH, - wud Resta low Suan ett fn Camp wyotel Senatructed, wo machinery about it to » LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Seton. "tate he Bas coutmenced bua" a 4 cucamcotienstantian aT [Aft ATA, mame 70 Leno On Touro a «FARM, PROPERTY,

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