A niwojgys tA bride, ' Deap tocks--Pabee ony la. Stag enoLveRs-- Butchers, vibtatyee ¥ oe SET aa ea at Stare 888 "AL Wave-**haed preset" aa ees 'Tuk first sonahade-was at eclipses MSCLE-MIS DED peaple. hacbelors, _ For whitewashing the hase --Hapesty. onere _ A MOVEMENT i¢f reel estate-- E rthiqankes, A wan of low extraction-.A ebeap dea- tae, Tux m.e{uite, like charity, Legine to hum. Eve a darrel hosp wil tare when trod = Last words of the crim nal" Porget me hue." « Mount Vesuvius is sail tobe « fine gid trater Mis iteran of the Tuteriar--A country cler- gy™an. We is « gua-barrel a chicken) Whee it ta a hetile fowl Some young Lidies favourite hero of ante quity te Mariva. A srokw is lke a flab after a hook whes it im going to abate. A "'nixo™ that is popalar with Ube Lahes " corcle t ~The "drew Tue tics that connect husiacss men with | the publie--Advertise. Iv twenty grains make a sefuple, how many will make « doubt? Wen i wa he Tite poorettiman io the world is the one who haa pothiag but money. si. Mipe mit yoort der ame Kind of fedders, vill gout together myt dhemselfa. A sHrp may reeemble « searf-pia whea it isan 'the breast of a heavy swell." west social vive, amd the | Atm he come one which te tadst albhorred, ia a Tyice. Tey make shoes from the skin of the | walrus, but au ool um already a perfect alip- | per. Newsrartns shoald send only sach re- porters be catthestiows as are sorastomet to pee Tus preacher who teasted that he could preach without ootes, dil mot mean bank Betes, - basceeteow: Your poem, entitled, "* Mary Hata Latch Lamb," o de. chaed Iscueii tie a9 it may seem, many of the tohest planters in Jamaica Live on coffee grande, A connespos pest wante to haow the best way to dry tee before packing it. Apeead it in the sun Way is a man with a cold a desirable ac- quanta ioe Hewaase he hae suitlaenee, sir (tathaenzsy . Kias preacher lost t'rr-e-fourths o his deacwns by preachy a sernon ayaimet THe other slay a Hsilton youth applied at the regitrars ettiee ter a mowpt " eet quarried, , Cay a man who fas been tinet by the fate) aya apt again be comadered a * < man * A CLEVELAND paper mentions an dryan fray ¥ Krimder of Strat city as "an okd seeran sul- eile unduceér." ~Prgae eho don't believe that a fly hes pet Ra 08 262 perms in hi bead ya _atal count them Tue fate of Sueworts hotel shows that some women bal rather hive in a cuttage than a man'shan, A was whem you can hire to work on your farm for nothing and board bimeedf, will jast about earn > a Dime Novels and Juvenile Robbers. - A lad wh # name we shall net mention has been lately » at to the New York State prison for mature coves of highway robbery and attempts tomarder, Heise now on'y sixteen years of age He in a sort of infant woenog in crime+a hero after whom the wholé fuvente wor d-of atventare and ul may very likely wonder in an dingui-ed admir.tion if mot eavy. He began bushes im Texas, whee he estabaal bin gifte ae a boy-bighwayman and pistol im hand = ronan dite a ren Leli he. came to New York, sud A short time ago with two Kindred spirite took to the road tiow directs, In dae time after.a very short egreer they have come to grief, t they all Ba bore Gp bravely, and thought themselves heroes ap i martyr w sentenced to gaul the stories of roller an! batglans whieh * __wbound in dune novels and arnilar pablica him F ok upod ti ferpes hia ideal ha t reading of teow wf the y turmus thing, and thas highway robbery is on highest degree and wet only honest, but in t benourable Ot mee ee Curtosivves of a Negro Rev.val ( Prow the Grifia (tia > Nowe) days, and, we shon|d adil, nights. Several | inat.oct --ate ace, haodre!t darkies have beoume tured meliow, aul assemble nightly in the church The fashi wable conduct eumsivte in which maually happens about three or four ap, as eclok in the morning, it is im orter for the preaching me in 4 wretivren esd: s te t 7 bo Veo. tenlay morning, at daybreak twelve of these n is wermedisouvered ** etithuuiedd " tnectownd tad ly- ing prove on the foe of the cburch, amd ut terly uncofiscious any of these ust : ee ee aste are in feguist ary mel fare its families in that * we n t ple We are tirm believers im reli and believe at ite mivesve in one colow son in be ae have varred wu that ramme frum early quest " a sl there fae it wight Gl mormray, and wat a a rnd True Love No great feeling is whek comes up as @ fecling and is allowed to go dows aa a feeli Love that barns at first ri of slefinite action, or t - ¢ kind pertsh in a way that afier a time prevents . it ad a feeling, they will wait for a mirage; bet, of it takes en form of self deaial, of ot of request, of i) (ip Hue E g! : & E i 3 COUNTY OF --PERTE: aa - sem einttrenapre ths, $ ebay a a pte ge to STRATFORD, ONT., WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1878. my Stiedde," he eddel, by way of Baal tu. is, first-person whom | mot of Peturalay ts now j i: é TF 4 { } HE igr Hf i i ty to ask my companion whether he could give me any information about her, at the t oh ik rf lawyer like a doukey > Whea? mveyance. 7 i " Meester Cleellor!--Hert von Blechow, 7) i 4 ii dark, Woukd call me naaght bet " prectows wife ™ My biweteaset Hi : efi F HUTS} 16 ReePoNeS TO MEE ST ANDAR, "wT a) ema" fen me better «rcyment for dean' den (ir. Crane unkes," ys Y had male so tacle a conquest of Cogut ever heed ow quite free, and which ¥ lathes reanier ust laugh a! and it would bave been impucstble to oon- The striking point of the whole system -- wext te the ri, feation of liability--is the shart tume of active service, | tail her father princt the axiom is deduced | cently vlean spot on Annita's face that not a moment is to wasted ip sts One does not like to kiss di effects, the Hourish aed strut to which wv | fsoe of one's own child, i barrack rate pet ways, however, by hich this couversion of the inetpert civilian ite the secowp!ished 14Y comman ler ia another remarkable fea. | Which could not be borre ture af German military edecation. To illes. | Kept on the _---- trate the ex 'y from mterte- Aanita Feuce enjoyed by the 4rainer of raw material, ea was Col Keulbars cites the case of a General cutting the T whom be heard express to a Captain stusspproval of the latter's method. The com. | found, and Florence Hesedict.. paid as jee to the stricture, tiers tas, aad at the inspection of bie company, which heard ot preently, came of witn fying took col are, whereapon the Geoeral owned his | Then Aanite had erruc aad publicly congratulated the Captain | ¥9* und ether Spon bis waperior @gcity, We are told that sometimes two ( aptama the sane battalion will be car:ying out rival | asked . "4 of training, their sapener both without lightest inter- | out looting up flocs out of which to comstract 1 tn the 'et, tinea aml to create these anita us bird * work Aces ve retrurt | the back ame. jowming ts handel over two the lat a - * de . a : ol date asa pliant, seanuet, vilacturod | bes a i will be wh al, intentions wit gu for nothing ; | bok tow the present fing ant fa [| ture alvaucemeat of the manufacturer. Bat | ing Caphain, oko Seat, fe sewn if, is wot the ' 7 all wanderin. executive ; the chief instructor is zune of his | shrabbery, looking 1 ta, chosen by hiaweelf,"the other | knew immed. com: Ik in i duty, however, to teach these imtractors toe ja how to teach ; he has ty provule not only fur il theo- ate instructors, enjoy subwtaatial mdepea- 1 to a bare dence, and a faulty selection may thereiure | house where the bal rom tt reeaite where in the world dow " awkward squad" ™g kentning reotive such strenucue aud fruitf wd ei-them. Me. -- -- Ml of aly ple ee his wife. Sam i atteution a# in Germ vay, t From the time of a recruit's joining, which takes place in Novem ser or non Lommissioned Bae . oy the vent lire: the field, Of the many divers | thinking of the carving knife. That wae the | settlement greatest trou F cannot be | be a defaulter to an immense amount. He saul Aonita with- nye i alway a { can atid cou fe expend ihe Soke was always h . (de y ve han came ou rage yer < ig the gira: -Wheu Stra Renatiot apse saved the most to order to belp the reat =01 selfich men looked = 'your own circle. Bear os witness, that you ber, au old aol. | there must he some reason for ever are officer lox 2d ton, inaust opon leading him down ome of of those op gli " men ought to be. we ja not: = solitary | Such books and papers form the only mswady of jens we were met by a party of Kaglish three to the treduce Count Waldemar to her would be to i : J : sell t itt tall| When I weat down to the springs at baif- past morning, el eee Sher x3 bs thove affair ia mot very far advanced ¢ FEEFE F i ' iere i i t ; Ht one Let summer we have met ia as FE fi aF E = & if you have a cryar to «pare in your ett" " To the lady? My dear sir, I should like wany seher ta tt, we woull be gtad te have it poigted have d L * Terateht wien!) =That is no diffi salty, | fli 3 it [i i it : eit ad e z i i i ea ut cs =A &3 fi FEE = 2 i i Ie I 2 =< fF Ee ie : ri i E it f i E ff i a PIB i g p ¥ eF mapabear vs} happened wust deposit his imoney in the Cea tallow east ettidy iw haads, aud give this officer « full acoouutin ie same . Ad ot hi sip At seven o'clock Mr. Benedict looked at " all were as mech unfitted by their the territorial system of enlistuient, can he | hie watch and the ret few mys, the recruit soon fiods | @e m little De no time at his dispo | So the family followed each besayg aa). | Camus cab saver alume. hara, the inspection of the recruits furma | find the kmfe." Be Clock Oe | ea rE 'Sees pee How sad is tide hidfory SY scine af the bev er . There wae a bank cert tx an interior town who made thirty -- dcdiars ia sacoutsive strokes, Then be od bimeelf to «fair young, gist amet prviamtined -- --s Tae Stone pom 8 were oaaie MO -- pant SR whort of the full amount of his x ' -- ae eee one be that an How 7 FI and then he would be done with speeu m. the German Soldiers are Trained. Ah ! that one little turn ! He made it : found ait - on wrong side of the market (oan the Kew York fan.) | Whv the Benediet Pamily Did Not Goto | made larger ventures to repair hia lasses : The broad oatiioes of Gerwsu omititary 7 the Concert. fettt? the market went. het, etek vee sovarmy, the principl s oa which the ma- | lone than thirty days he lost all he had, ani ghivery of war are create!, organize |, and | The whole had planned to | Uuirty thousand dollars of borrowed money aot im motion, are saifiviently well Knows, | Ren Tittle Adnits tat teow prandust tbe ¢ test all bope tor the futare, amd in Bat we are les thoroughly informed a, with jing , less than another month more, died a heart. sient the train ug of the private salrher, her , broken man in an attic room of a wretched the which o t tenement huuse--« Wall street wreck. Not railway accident occurred: by which une of the best-known business mon wae killed He was aw to he the embodiment of hom- our, amtegrity, and tidelity. He was t to be aafer than « savings bank, and to wait had m his hands immense sums of trust money belonging to fnenda, widows and or- of his affairs proved him ta and hi name dis- helelt behind hint the rufus of 4 rec wenen too--wheo have been ~~ apoaed apou the large lir-tree sa thefroms yard them debts of honiwr which will ab sorb TN os sad down our cold | bread laud ; some shut ep in asyleme. cared moat : orushed, aimless lives -- mental tice daaed the « aornwe w evidently Those who have amply with the f wealth are fort « hy vthers whow ventures have the surplus of -(uture years he whole stery of th umetantly chang ing crowds who sem io mm all story of loses; losses of a dreary frowey Tell | itegrity, tron, heart and life. Men cutme into Wall ine, tation, hope, ith, confi in i. fellow men umshaken, they leave Wall street without mamey, without credit. with tarnished nerves, murals depraved, conscience seared, their former tine tenee hemwour blantel and | their faith in mankind destroyed. and their ermahed by & tisant Mespass. bright . aad begae to, They hse avery uber 3 buying stocks or» ling stocks; by tricke Jast then Hattie came out to ask why tea | frauds of their contractors; by failures of sisters huat- | their brokers; by panic search atonce. A tricks and st me of the street; and thus ry of brokers; "hy oa, by corners, by vertes untile»- we they " ewallowed in beyond neue, ir ; the banks--Wall street wrecks. ~ and liberalines you, that restrains nl rom drankeaness aml vices that cansot Ls asemad, 4 abd ae net men and women who are relied performing the du whole family began to | oll were like ----if all were controlled by - all abirbest the duties of social aud fife HRS ypoess - it ideas employ mests as you are for carry he, "but that '2a the great bardens of susiety, what y 08 suppose would become of country, world * seert. If there is anything culture joan take the of religion, it pot yet Self is the go saree " MF a apie ' tare assaines that what is pre- one of the most important events of mi.i t chs life, exesting the liveliest interest, wah onle ab hia \. Life to ite highest imacs, It car stnung the officers of each reyimwat, but of | 't !t is now tao dark to find the knife with- ao of self-surrender, which is the all garrison, t is condected Se ne reas neneen of an wiboakte by the Colonel of the regiment, in presence, sort, aad the firet fact in all good develop- of General commanding meat peep had plenty of "cul ares, amd often of Kenperor, mamma," suggested , Te, our everyshing is carried out with the utm mt | Hattie is nothing toeat | the beauty that locke! apes them aml formality. There is sett: " every hill and gate and temple could got ! im these Jubsny, who never *¥* frow their views. By and by eul- aa te too often the case iu other was known to forget the bu jearn how powerless it is to make The i. takes place during setual " maa that shall be worth the making, and ed. No tim psn: deal mprenyy " sad Pee ee i ao sumhanen Gonaeien the No tims is prepan tie ou ve to i aaa . a bare hia berival on the Lae hall the: z wor wily learning this, and men manble, no| mity sat down in the here Who ba' te her have been tonch- of it is only given on the previous evening to | the stra' to a word, the scrutiny which the German recruit is subjectall is ex- ft his edmeation, he is not suffered to | this evening," said he. fi wo » tatricate an Pe jnirements of the modery hattie- The Pre-Raphaclite Waist. Ne of St, Peter' we seeieal } i r ili ia i! F} lt ed at the | ivory face, private soldier, that the Germans have Oa taking off suaght to make Uheit araiy at once the arg Sr pp wl? A an. | lost," said we bowed low . ed with that divine discontent which noth. ing but religion can allay, --Seribner. thers double drawers, one pair at least of w | comen down inside the to the feet'; (aad that over these, ha Ce i s ve te d rh be the |i at jms net an infinitely al _ beneficent Fatber Oh, mothers ; I wi T is : E : ly i i 5 beca thari reasonable all, whea come to bear im mind Ccthig wasn' cseshlored suschi of 8 esh- in those days. 21 ie File a pn ft i t sf ie LF Hi FF: rf Ee iF i Ti bi Re 4 He ats ANH jie fax 12 af f i ' it f i fl ff Ff '| it