OF 'PERTH " GazerreE. | to be | net « inex for anything ge J NM piode=d age. | FRING bon eUN. todedd my a es is plehavet the first we wees ke Mianetonk. 1 a 1 wid the ee Ly Hiabiitig, eat T didn' i that kind whout it. T fslved tr ly the side of « K . is pay ey = pa ao na 'i the lake ea tell by the movement of ag line what kind of a finh suitable for railway bailding, construe: -_ re a -- all, j ; a ee -- | eee et | ROR. iT. "STRATFORD, ONT., WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 21, 1878. MO, 100. {erpee a 'route Europe to Asia that a aaa : ns cenitmnammememmen omnes 7" sk sont make if. x mbject' of interest. Port | Whether cominunication with the Atlantic StJAMS moUR. ° -- ---- NY ' wat SPORTING NEwa. nounced i ont your lines," he yelled to Simpson ix a harbor én British he- | Gooan, with Port Nelson as a starting point, - ad liainlens sini ak cee a S| \CANADIAN NE W S, LONDON. |» Give him pleaty of room ! Play him G4 and 55 of north hntitude, | may not be made safe, speedy and seonomi- (Detroit Free Pros. Naw Yous, Ang. 15.--The competition for qdoiters on the continent. y ' - | shrieked at me. thim "Sig Fiver Which sabier Uses vine In wT Oe a va has become « uatars! won- Pa eae +piaces inthe rifle Wem for this year tld OTTAWA. as "a 'Aug. 15.~-This ig Mr. K. 7 : Aad rrabdl eda wally seq nence on now came stnaing, yeaterday, at Creedmoor, but the result can i Sanylie, uqgenord of the Haron & -- ok out a't let. totem sonth-westerty ulirettion, and she mountains | made Tespecting thi ¥ast atea in the et Cit s es ens not be known until Boston amd Wheeling re. Saareien, | a ae [bee tr, received « votagrean ¢ hun ran! Now bring him through which it passes donot appear to be | North-West, suitable for grain growing Zt ihe Jone. lowe i port on their Tonowre, Aug. 15.--The Toronto | Urraws, Ang. 14.-- The Fon Gaards par- tee. J.P, of Port Stanley. easing thes ue. Look ont { Dep't let bim do neaity no formidable as those sort, rd wiped --_ Serine a Pred le phe plone QUERRC RIFLE ansoctA arciiien. Club have "'gevepted the "ects ote | Sie repo wo aeeney at 7:30, rs h. Delaire. a clerk of the Boe y. who has Ry this time I wes ap exestad 5 was on the ve supplied. Ska » encouraged by Mowrazat Provineial " " under command of Col. Roas, there they | & porns « ir g the routes have bees the great changés -which have taken place Fis abies, a le oo = aaes woe Ane iba Ten. with at rie | Athletic Lacrosse Club of this city, and will | witt unless some distarbanco cavars. | Sada Bove pasiing along rf Beach aboat | omt it the lake, intending to ran the ge Oe as it is daring the las ten years in tha prosecution ti ue aat a Gee oe i y ees ae soem a fet mah the me | seh however, that no further trondle | | eight o'elock thie morning had fonnd a man's | down and hick if to death a little above the 56th parallel, it then sealing ind: . which have estab. | | Come : about _ pionship. tpi wt paring i no one around | Mr. Duniap. enters the Peace River tract, which has lished the that property strneted i said Bijah, aa be laid axide hia book om Mentrral Garrison Artillery. sana Vl Orraws, Ang, 15.--The ol aher au hour's inquiry took the clothing to | "" You take the pole and land him, I never described by Prof. Macoun as a country of of large capacity are, in skiltal hands. Tm bat an old po Cob, Fraser vm, ra " . me ay Cone in offering manufacturers | Lat Price, who, on exam ound pepers rf 3 vensels : Es . ~ . ' ad ¥ " e extrectdlenry fertility and equable climate. | Cocca teee eg eae ea way thirongh bely." so replied as she snk into + chair Poon ong 4 a Z| New Yous, 16 --The four cared crew | tion has reg hee tig ges gla gras ere. Mer Poiana ga hr = at at int, He tarned and hurled his pole, "lve been told that you were Sergt. Heddet " 2 re "° a ab of Portamouth, | city, cigs Me 4 Proceeding eastward about degrees north forward by the the new ipdustry, 1 0 no rapidly rising frie and I've Corn bit of. tw - Guoser Coping Ta Va., are cn route to participate the national | Tod eae | watch bad prema ne nignt go dhs ~~ PP ch fa sn gaara aoramieen sed routh- tte mae ¥ ¥ ty. anyoue i " as ncaa Sod pablie ii at a gone in to bathe and was drowned, | down and spreading out his arms. ally. to Uhe south, wl a = point just bejmed ot sean thet United States. by the. ben sores, you I'll send the mereary up to Three Rivers -- Lage, van, Anca 15.--The first | esived. orem of the works will be nearty | © to his frieods, esns. | New | ng him im hare througii the the shoal "Take Winnipeg it touches the 54th | demand for their live ~produeta as well ax for = by ps the a yplevii al po ys. 000 pe. . . three miles, was | $400,000 or $900,000, ing some in the city, The| water! rm octhim, Carefal, now ' Caretal ! pataliel, Thence it deflects to the | their grain. bought aa walle fur a dress," sbe tinted Capt, Sharpe rr rd » Tenses Aug. 15.--Hanl Orrawa, Ang. 14,-- nual convention | Hel to the story is that Delatre, being a | Steady northward, and when almost due south | The establishment of a cheap aud specdy "+1 bought a Ser Crone, ae eomnrnel | | tives inarpe = 4 S | Wallace 'rd Ross, Luther, Coulter, | % the Conductors' Assurance Asscciation of | fl #wimmer, had gone up the coast about | And tip, flap. I had him oo the shore. He of Port Nelson.on Hudson's Bay it touches | Wor a wen Atlantic Sia eben "exixty cents, aunty. "You "tidn's | Cormt rere. Es Fr 2 | Elliott. McKen. Hosmer and Morris left, on held this « _ WW. Young, | Salt , hase he founds evet, which be | was « beac! ity, A little sunfai, about three te Sh prs fatale Boning enn | Sn ntl a me rats es ll sia 6 ne te | SES [eee Syemtmaees 0 | aes ak, Ra Sie | tecraree "Ge arany fete Bah | it ese ee Ey w to the southward, 30 or settlement of Manitoba, but open to success. pose? bd Princens style, 1 mup- p= ball «% ar sa aetaead t. The E. ive distersed find hia eicthes gone, and im- | Mr 2 ne 8 ug Sich, tone, tree, in the miles of James' Bay, passing fertile area twenty mes DE asa kisew Weal Un syle Ses, afl dsattalion, . mek | top « had lodged, and we re. part of the territory recently ad- | this rast exteat of counity bo lig own sess | Beighbor woman resnan agreed fo mate fora "dol- | Caps. Bora we mye Tt 7 oe ie woein tal po sa |g etae Ant = The alte how meremned | SS oe herpreel to oes Soa dias | noes syegient cnt wane ea ' . ho demo : judged to Ootario, and finally reaches a point | board would, such conditions, also a it = finiahed she said t t an ee 4 3 a race, three m a tn, for a | station is ex either party. At 7 clothing to enable him to go to hia betel. It How funny the frogs sound over in the Oa the Sagaeuay River, about latitude 48°. mea i trade of ite own Parvo antil I will pa: Think sir, pli carmen | at -- 4 un é ree of $HK0. Pie start, having the fol- | meeting of Irishmen and French Canadians, ' * this boy went directly to | Marsh." The countrynouth of Hudson's Bay --iere "00 tons under one and the sane fay.-- dollar for makings dress which couk ay ete = ong Positions . -firmt; Hiley, lant rs 'a Halt, it wax} Price, who kmepe @ cbotin wre, and on} At lateghed 9 time at the ported Gal, with slfavial walt, 500 A Prot, Hind before a Committee ihe v= ty cents at the wore!" = ; Ellix Ward. third; Frenchy John- | decided to appoint s patrol cf twenty men, | kis his ten for some suitable gn: t, omg time end very heartily. Snetaborathe 'vel of the cea, Henk of of Canada: ada. * = utes . diabolical -- Individual Prises pap" -_ ey: word ---- of DB, J. ODenaghae, M, P. srt haglce -- - man the bench | Ts 'a e 4 e n eae (eee sis i si a ri : aS SOO water first, Ll a pbyect Was t0.give the Guwittingly rey' » Mr ihe senneveramarennt Lake Winnipeg a branch is laid put to rum to MInMAUCH AT WOME: treet a he | Strat. Wihite, Seu iowee yoy we Tal « Timgili ahead, holding the lead for fifty | to the Union men in ease ofa disturbance | * feat dicen ed man wan safe. When all -Port-Nelson:-on flndson's Bay, " unfolded = dollar, sir, ng | COMpL, Comping. yards, ween Jebeaon. whoseemed determined t and. others ad- sue known here a hearty laagh all round It is, of 7 doubtful ite on (London Times. eave anes' apni the 'if my life de- | 8 lea e ad ia force his pace, put ou a powerful spurt, | dressed the meeting, the former stating that'| ! Mr At the present moment it may be ot inter- tu erg and pulled up even. and Courtney, | the would never be allowed to | well kbown in ranons parts of the Pro. & summer line can ever be profitably run at | og¢ bile wo know y macs spy nat Peden ny t" eaid ag "i a * "| well in shore, were pulling. cide by side, © | walk again in Lower Town. It is wad that | Timer Boch a high latitude, At ita starting point | ner in which Prince Hiaarek is' accustomed mis eumebasonls Kile sian tedacoma Pointe mueh slower powerful stroke. A | the the 1 hold a |. At the meeting of Boyne Lodge. | ou the Pacific it ts G4 above the | te pass his time, or, at any eoeas pert of * Be here at 9 wuleek in Gln weaved Lieut. Cot, Cipaon, ih Batt a Ba quarter of s mile from the start Johnson, | monster provession an thie Sth of Novetnbe bight, complimentary addresses, intern y. The most northerly | 't ; and I am enabled to furnish the following | wilt then acc to the abode of that | Gy Mean PUM. § | ho had gained « lead of two lengths on | A F t Salmon was badly beeten | "Hh teastifally sro Ls, were pre- ° M r ions ek wmpany » ad pala yd tar va ie eerday" Montreal "a i wo Wand, crossed his bow and pulled over to | by roaghe ¢ on F street night, and a ted to Kichand Wright, Connty point touched jo at the boundary betw ives generally at the Radzivil F + | elaian of the : 'Court on esgnete; 1 eill Pati Tae = a Riley, and, for the next quarter of a mile, | Catholic, whose name ix Known, was as. | Secretary. and Heotl, aoe Watson. Pr a very British Columbia and the North-weet ierti- | which has lately by the Ger wed bert Per) 4 I iseut Pron. T kc a id taade the j ace very fat, and at the three | «aulted on . Willen street trict Master, for their ¢ norganizing the | they are going uw have hs skin dried whale tory. In the longitade of Pembina the ling | ™#2 Gover and added to the old F 1 will quote Henery Clay on the subject of | vi Moun EWR a 1] eae, Se -- 2 (Tar. demoustrabon here at oe re ane mene Bch thom "# Berths of pointr~---te-te th den eal here a 'park =o on nally ent rat iberae gee se Wark Mentrea! ROA 7 3% | were in a bunch agais ru mile with Ward MONTREAL. |W ul Rdwards. 6 fr mh euypidliany pave cate heend Th aroel. ss narth of Fort Willian, seven wl et hom tie he Gen, bene watch seconds Ill ake ber reduce Ter ui . Me eeeieattmeD mm" {and Sallivan in the rear. Johns _--__ | don Ean, die, ena tes tall ede es wnasemveut that {had disgraced anyrell due north of Hamilton, 34 degrees north of ot a Bastio. It is' wurronnded by high walls, | well file « bill of mags ae coon Warruxo, W. Va. A 18,--Prot. a awe 2 front, with Riley Mos razat. Augnsl aTes. tacahare | ch {stealing a hore and ng belonging | 3 ad ud the lake | Why tnt a fal a fi Ud iy, et ee Sears, lo comateliy seed by th ks! money out of her to go on c : t, of this city, g 0c. | they neared the stabs boats 2k : ais, reaiding oo Jurors, street ad | to Me WT Rage mew That part of the projected railway east of nade Nebo ar Pokranesd tint he polices | Pati . That' athe surt of f edifice ay are | complished the anparalleied feat of 39 con out, but when he hed ® fight na one. it in alleged. fring SES - Lake Winnipeg van hardly be considere| « | large, ienouth, bieck boar-hound, which has She sed ie mim ate --. . h ou a tremendous 4 of speed, rowing 40 | meng ad w = = stay he teen | DISASTERS AND CRIMES CONAC HP TION LENGNADR. Zolonization road, ~The sole intention of | sw eceededt the famons °" Sultain," who was |, 58° promised to come, and « aw 4 pov aa saran bian @ cher ped i 4 rf hed his stake seeood, f A tare party of Knights bing = are ex | | building if must be to shorten tie distance So toto. she | back sl erowied to himecit jah leaned om Hite Team 4 'cw m8 pet Ames ate mo. Riley vee weil co" 16 evening from Manchester, | ¥ Telewaph to the Rrectston | oe nae i Cniseppe. dia hea ste meroes the continent, to provide .the rince hardly ever ventures in ae TN 1 ees artney turned RCWFLANISM IN MONTREAL ade on Kroadwa «fond bemoumde that treets of Berlin, abd, indeed, re gots 3 a length behind Ri Ward made « od i ; . sn passage from England to Japan. capital ay bit eae poaible. in ee en ball of twine. and svounr han so tnogeed old The Terr. tu * up to 36, closing up on | a} edarmicg ing seed SS See tek Pas ; trast, Ang. 15.--A policeman named i leone so and bet of The following table shows how. great would | his penclin ia frank and cordial ; he talks of » PU 'simanena nite < the latter ng. | the tire broke out, and reviewed seme injuries | «mat A oaths thane being moans | water fore backgrenal, | be the saving effected: as one who has meat.of- them Boies nlf warantd to stand in any a : anal yareo-9000, Sokneen wih kept bamming 2. sessile eee, | which are mot fetal. iny remaee -- this aan Bi mg of raf. | wastes Ses. aad ac qin eis _. | and he acems to be of a thoroughly ree , 7 finish led Riley Menrse = never lays ap scent ; ---* = pe ere : "adent' tr ~ , ou pile, 3 had the bead start when the . From Ang. 15. A petisicn has bee: PARRMILL, Al 13. ~A sad L or. i. -- : = . Ps F 3 a 3 35 email for it ; and his fand of kno@lcdge in ee tag fell, and kept it, nue res. Time, | this point to the finish the somaya firet | "BE to the Governor-General praying for the curred here this afternoon by which a ¥% une ates | prea! Me ' oe th sos ot om oe oe matantly i SF dadotantion ' eral knock! knock!" 46}. 'in tod! Zr place between Jobnaton and arual 'wings on 6 Ma pong man named 14 son of Mr. Martin Fogarty, of Se eet 4$~a4.4 4 FE } obtains trom his secret poliee,erht, fanrteld, "called Bua, as he hurriedly real and . bis-atroke: oun. tein teats. om of = eae Tariish by tsi eas the rembaute.ofo bapana under | Tarlcng, va wan xy Pabst 'Time, aaa and until, to " Ployera, on account uf his pais aud ot newton @ = = £ . i ? t details counéeuing te Kes o pred arvana | Sinatoot, Ang at it snared ie ent surely Se ger good character. H dn here hrs FFF -t bins: aa borhan Whe might have hea at cient, Tuk J responded the view of wenuting cme Ms i # & & * & 38) = It is his habit after dinner to atrot! pon | hundred years old, bat who probably wan't | "0 bs Sallie Watson (fills), Time, 1 vad spurt for spart, and crossed the line a length Lar yer v0 | etuld was so frighttally bareed 'hat deett ex. P > += +» = A 4 the terrace at the back of his a palace and to | over saxty The Pelpeang race, handicap hurdle oan for | and a-haif a in 21:29, Riley 21 red A carpenter named Ansell has alsconded. | sed a euple of hoare after a five y i fl not na oe we sae ee ame purr of 'enbke" from an enormous j 4 8300, one tty ot leaving 8 wile and four children holly aierewuatt ae ee ee ee ee ae sae &° china pipe with a bong cherry 1 he hat corkscres curl sad a wining way, over fie harden, wt won by Wallerin tp. not taken, was Sapenand. 62 provided lagged teed ' a amen us a Se rnQ.. poet ae Segond . Mn the pach of bet Woes ne hh fal Sanmstoca, N. Aug. 15,--First be poor show made Courtaey, On the wi woman senting in thi» re aslet Pinay ro a 6 fiates, the ; aon. idee ant ireee is front of his = Fein Sa*-5 3 smut of any of nee intelleetaal tions © Bay ce ean soasea 3 herself tertnrs aie ceele be, pure $300. tree haadioap: ans tile retarn pf the referee's boat it wax jearned are thy aioe bern a fay, Ny, died this morn fant iv he lee ishing ever the 4 w wy aged aE E ee ie: | Pp shey have inherited - Ni iB t -} by Oriole, - Time. 12443. w that Courtney had taken suddenly ill, and ny 8 wine of BL Aue Te Bosapes | these Ld ae Cte at imma % 3 Somes vigorous rr Face, parse - $500, was won would have fallen from boat bs " ° £3] ccrec she rite ; and massive frame matey sin itn emo that way and | pande Time St sha testy anisieaas afc teaneead ae Sup seek toe inte ot een Kevan, nomnee rxrtaenie in 'Where the matter, Guiseppe? ioeried i: 3 H an anwes "I'm « widow." she coutinned, after a pain. Ranatooa, Aug. 1S. -In the third pats f after a brief vinit whe ald walk an . fy New Vora. Angust 15.- The tag Hender vlan. ame mooch-a mad." be sm eyo "f= { _ tuk peae a ma $300, Miss Mallory won. Time, 2.13}. Bostox, Ang, 14.--The following are the again. sam hing aled her boiler last night -- in What * thar raffles re fowti og = j Prom the Jewish Timer.) ow many of 'om, madam?' In the fo free Et entries for the Silver Lake regatta, on Thurs. Pind ge. nacht Orgaba, belonging to Gee. | pe nagnheritie eu tam. tie the sie sa i var feetings, Gai. & | Masviage customs and marriage mantras ice race, poet $400, mile beat over four hurdles, | day, Closed night: Professional Gi dn nag -- tamaily i ¢ sat re Tphty and euginees Gillian died, and | 'Bee Ot) # baanesse Ores your, Baym ----t | Gremniind +g tear in pg hel Teer headbands, matte, how many tinew distanve 50 5. son eas aon by & -- 7 reyaaee a aman, Riley, day. » Lad kt. Lawrence to- | the fouguthers wars sono . The | nice fate loumona, Pay { ie coun! 28 i Kelas, | Evan ' " coh eS gee ge alleelipr el fester ce wd peaceful frende and | Hitiy cceand, Distarbance thir Work. Wane es pee pale. © ty-five carloads rf saitle have wired |" pores F nleattan | seers som efour sents i : { following pretty saa rerr goat a ee Tee hee tt oa" Font Time, 1.50}. Kelso won the third | Ametenr Scallerm--G. -- eC Mor |e Pt ai Point St. Cuan wr sale on this | Monnet ar reer ec ay ow Saar 1e6-8 bi mtsee { -_ : ; H ; . tar jaring '_~ days The caso, Ang en pe Ho cheata, oF ov Selet! denies by the bridegroom {oa eid trying in ne to find her fue Sea aeiprce yiliiy E Fiplmes sani r. oN . L. | narket det whiels pant lo i hm vaca | dent « : Tawrat nge, was wn dered antes | ome paskee-niek : Tas " . Inv. ne fate eminade te et Si Sf § og dE vei ie replice, 'Weil be it,' ana | = = wal Bege BX. Ang. Lér--The_ $1,900 » dou, Harley, James O's, KL. | ane ts eramang bonnes wine | 6 eee. we emp fetser tre.. Geiengps ies = et 3 « the following "That's what ; hs y was finished . ye four-oared ali , ED AT PARTA. Makee a aero [Ss sg * Who gave her | You see, Ita Joan yet, and seores of my eps 'amen wor the foarth heat, pring entered ; and alto four six eal erent Bhat bint ee shy og ont paper Panis, au | 15. A sad aceadent occurred | esd.a pleeceman. Samee cbeat-a we wahte 5 we? é whous did he give Aer feiends have been ploasrd to my that ! have hum the > sod. Fire, 174. Lr Pew Jetat se od. Ita title ts | on Grand Trunk near this this pote Makee suue mixtakee no 4 a i ii Ea ii i 3 52! E Love gave her ! Bot vet lont my beauty. "* The | free. ry eon all race was trotted iy ttonef en route from Cajon Springs for Salver -- s Hand it twill te independent Lworning, An. exeurelem train from Bright <a @¢ a tpn ---- ; Pe over rn should be ape to serene astra mth -Pratine 2nd. 'Time, Hi earl " J Aheie hegy ggg idee: #20. Pe oe body of Rubevt Mtantot, misxing since lee te be Leste hie wand be bowed br in head anid and wept eopions! : "ia pee ig war te eke eeoepircng arto meg -o Pea | Tah, ae] and 2 ag 4g r dolges, and Ext Lats, Monday, wee found im the river b-day. bere on, & brakeman " a ° thee te ech mone he had jowt yoy _ : . £5 nai ' iar ANT I APT a eaten Fay a EE WS ELEY RI TI Le SEATED Ra Paoil inv rani Pere era . § eis. > bE DA Serer geese. seer AC a an eR LARC = es egieeainly aia per st fey --_-- = Ss Pe FP "63 5s RSS ay Venijer her? six days over, i pont Cite ¥ bn deeount of the ae f rilge and was so injared that | Ie sade. Ne "= _ ee _ _ ¥ § Love bas as the eewan. . Then oh her curls Chel, Endtamapatie and Linh The mise. the Pol ed toduy in| a 'ite 2 after Deceased was an ee New York Star. With Love I secept her ! And emiled mn, chek ere oqgriaas e tore Court, when Murphey. whe laid | jeu Leertary tage mi the G. TR. and way much « BE ss we! mag this be thine." Aad bis vo ged ne at | The favorite, but erie tadly throaghont, | QcRnne mTLE -- ATION WATCHES. by Me. Dowie was further cross-¢ t ted by all who kre hum. Tax oe 3 Ge Seon efter this the bride and bridegroom | How an old bos, peep ischial following ia « * summary : Mowrnrat, Ang. The -Provmnce of A HBL KILLED ON Tr Grasp Teewe iacia - 72, by Use slmanac, mabe S -Cumstablos, employed i ml ane of two steps forward. and the oe tea ae mes ania yu 4 ; ragramigee Aigercnge a lipr br months te nine cas tha | Moxrness, Ang M-Ap aac voourred hentioned 'Tha f Semin as thoesackas aren aa toned an eae eo the ictowing r0- tin ict jap etined Tank. near St. Hilaire tation- pany nemontiae ot the pengresnanen ol screnen-- main line to Fort Nelson, oa Hudson's Day. | 7 pom. ges rogions of space may i = marriage, Her rel the : "S He " _-- Pointe. Prine, | eout fo inching te Gouneil "haveer trai unig rea 'harp etiryp, | = ominous fact that am ~ nary 7 - @¢ =a. + ¥, Below we give a calenlstion of relative = feelest in thy mind ay turn thy heart to ped peor pea pract ord : pratt Tie 25 | HB far yee tov Gente FOG = % } the pied 6 whieh thet onl ean per Te cumed cane seated, kecaking sat peclig slags needlessly tances, taken from an appendix to gentle a thy aspect and loyal to thy has | Mr. Joy, how bard it is to live 'alone--all Rares c trots against time on Friday | . 'Th ne ee ald ted fatally injuring her ity, bat b ae ti together with a footnote, showing roe aint Sad beanie ry "i miable in thy | alone, with no one to eall yon pet names 3 Cary Thoma. sath Riot 'Hamiton |? MNTANTLY RILLED the matter y advantage to be derived by - pping grain | of valiant ope; be fore ie "dette be Tyan cena' Snip ye oy Sent Semel? ones + ite vee a iw TORONTO. Itiwocens. Que. Ang. 14 an ex epee St toeidens that useereed ie Releom Ai al and ¥ pln sc Laat Resa peel a Corp ec 1 from the West maching th: © r day, and which, we hope, our oon- aes " re hati w and sendrepe * 9g San ret n roonlved cy [ eee Se Tie mapped & pais stone | : siere: Yer mreareenetirwers ri Pee uan wth Ratt _-- 2 ° Tonowto, Angnat 11- Mr. Wi Thom- ay it stroek a 'can oapek Ba ard kemporanes everywhere will + may be the ig emirrante ar West. aa weil tha i out of the window Sr. Mant's, Out., Aug 14.--A aticket re feca jigph Hate. . - 1a | 0, Sho contested West Tonente at the last | Dijon, of Riroaski. xh >was walking along. means of some Tit! ad, and as others holeve canbe} sspaeaethy third he <e regent F Toy ay The, sighed, pate! ween the County of Wellington | ty got) then, nee is | wo » Wil, it ix under- | gide the treck, Killing Lim ; thy indnse Congress to do something for the re- maken ereent and lows watun. wi stand aiul vow a himan "Well, T'd takediin, Tdan't like to me ® | and the County of 2 tom jes Le @ | stood, We Reform candidate for . liet of the ventriloquist wad € pop nation, will be | being is thy fourth. a gave ber to he o oerer tet PW ht Fd @) division at the I CHARGED SITH MURDER, iN levers. At a email interested in the facts net forth - sunt the sen un gave her te the toa ae hse Aeron . oa Mel a aes day, nod rewslied ing trae, | 18. Pes Setueeth Gos oa's 3G ry = he 'Lodge and pnery aa Ortawa, Aug. Ld. a the strength of 'athe © Thae fi gah hie importance af the w rare her to me h her be has bis of it, but [ traly believe the hemes eat fair | | TOM TS, GRANTRORD. + Cal J MGiteon. ¥ RE : @ | of a c lows are | dence secured by the detectives tea uf Sei ot sone Pp er po had been pivieciet system of railways as great through ey oy Ain male oflep ring. May abe, © weven different times," Daaxrrorn, a ue A erick b | in. erg Shaw. ith a" 3 o now j the former in Sl named Maxwell sere aerested in conuéction | the entire assembiag by of communication, and points to «pecial | Mont conspicians ease of prosperity, never | = Do you?" as played here cae between the Clinton | 9 Ltcruit TRC n @ | bary Hall, and the latter in their own hall on | With the -- murder wonld "Nlo whew voles" b: ee, bg poly may be poasensed a amd many oil hich "Pde. are alone in this a watt. i sod Seen clube Seore--Srantiond, 94 ; | #. Capt Balfour,mh Ruttes " @ | Albert «treet, There ix a full attendance of CIDENT 14 a WooNSTOCK waw some other criminal present. . Lae ba bere whir , ar 'wt yo Guebee "and. pars Nelson, a "Tladsen _-- contann much exqninite aS, i page 1 © yous enn rd ere ee cstaea | . seein coces this be SS eae es ge oe i4.~ Chas. Vandusen, ing sepped pee ie ten slevet ant, after . nape " ot and hook yo . . | Caeweene, ocaaligh: datoa' le-work --c the entire praz ¥ naw, be atote Max an > the mmptest | times whet your eyes fll with Mars ee SARE On The Ree . Toronto, Ag is - whet Juokice Harzison. | new buildé: ie to da ner re his oped " What tieabiiit ty uf portions tines | child-like papers: on Teec vou have po . a to the Star igh trun that convered the exoursjon. | asea at yh snenenrore who has been indiaposed, is now eonvales acide th re Jeo wipe --_-- there, Bil? C Come eat of than' threat uerpored ana ie it would Island H use and pay your way." Gelehol ce -- yesterday hing sere | vt ad the face bart thd to-day = ad @ bare sty badly. neers wae-toPh appear arulway from nave To EVs: "¥ -roader ry ab were carried to this city, Ar.) . of the e- . i stieall if estabbsbed as sketched on the = = "dean lee onme words ts : anshe gg ol Picci ed wing shortly after eleven they at = pro- one ee oe Gi ing in io Toren rhipei A spe ery 'heer na rie thong the Sn conan Se ie 'y apoplectic expression co U 4, Hi re 5 map. Told. as ee re * line vie bee hanidkerehiet. * Then you'd Accept. ed ee oo woe -- - t eta ees by the latter ; dion in pane be the bern e country mer- : rs oa ah nag te closet, door was epg pte pe = re 7 i fo coms 'their Grosto, Ang. -- Tes ay anes A. * Roe Fork - Pit cneties Fron the Bas Fracaco Post. ~T maak: wok {Weekes WA tteon won the to bes, | fwenty minutes by thr former. and the A grand Conservative pishis is to be held | workman named be ; to the above entimates, 1,570 miles. Sague- |, Revenge is r ndoubetidly a tack drop sending Adams and Walker to defend the | 84 winning game in thirty minutes by the | A i, tant in a craps on ye nthe t onk, af , hay woald e this Mage during the | but now and then we hear of with | hike het sala 'Write him a nete asking hin =e against the hing of Pere and | Georgetown elnb. aka A. Macdonald, Hon, Wm Monte ail, the parse bag cians pry Precster Lo ee a bund! a: od nevightion winter, any | Thich we can manage to sympathize a IRile P an early Woolverton. Adams tas pat oat for 3, tHe ie and Ha lammtsens era will | of forty ia "soaown et elope on the ite aa a he of traffic by route ber find ite way via ~ surgeon in Baltiter ees ander | rage Iapesis' after tor O. These wers fol- Mota: marock La- | speak. Excursions will be run by all the -- m * " the 'bal, carrying the best coats on the Quebec. over the Ln tereulonial. to Hal She) wats sane _---- " Bat he may Lave changed his mind." sai mn be the remai of | croase Ciab "ise "halen the -- Club | steamboats railways, and it is le drover named: Join Grand rack with them. ve isa Port -- could vely be consi pend ploven years. aren the natocral diet} + Then we'll sue him for broach of prom the wleven foe small one era #11 being | far a mateh plonehip. that n ere and thisty thousand | run pons ag te ad. T. BR. --_-- train last sight in thia, that members of pave ma terminal point fir transeontiies teemory < ad r "--_ ar agp atthe foat at N. extinetion of haben ame L. 3 fic ; but aaa shipping part for the products | M.D. t) the perpet td ' "Tm so timid ~ barrassed--#o--: are bane * of whom, ' * * Oey a : peice ie #f the interior during some vf eon ieee of -- pry J the ly out at the | he sikibine "i cathe Wend out. But the" u it ts said, nev ae ry The Pmoruenenas newine Wi lately failed in ci feihor ake in pone uy Suse in eh acer. _ the Post si y eee. -- th % .) jue.* metery, secretly sent in obo Tiows way in handled willow : ° ee This fe iho Mes da i <a te dissecting class, and shortly nae him. a pis mach coment. ir | Mee William poner lyre Sabiert Tae rand senha "9 al igre eke: - -- 7 eae ed the heart of the Saskatchewan Dist iwoly ---- and oe skeleton of his 4 npemrce "m AMmIAGE. ing, how excelient. Daring the | this hol "Teustn enun FIRES TRE USE OF TORACCE. would, by way of Port Net: nearer Li study closet. 7 ~ i Hamilton innings Mr. Jaffray had to retire, holds oh custiunces' paperi, in i than isby way af Now York. Of course his wite hae nothing of thia, and net feeling w home \s usual, Mr, William Blaikie, of New York, having | the principal creditor, ranking on Toe eetate Lestownr. A --The barn-of M: Pie -- pr ng mat cere ye nae are.the A railway trom Battleford, © pointon the | 20®. Shenever the latter gore out strew called a spiritual marriage has | batted and fielded well, the following geatle- bore requested to act as referee in the or $131,008. The Thy tate i agua 1 na r. 7 tually chew: to- 57 mites went af Red River, | S@°7eTs the anpposed grare of her parent, on tae pl reg in hag wer Perkins men conjributing dazble figures to the seore ; | ed sculling race between Basten and Court. | for spe uo. As th: 8 debts eletpsieegrer| Bickegl bang oe from here, | bacco, although sailors of nearty every mation rogevai cfg oi ee ment Di, Bad Hives: | ye lacks oll the deure te the all meas | tan ' ts a| Fook, 17 : Park, 905 Petrie fost ont}. 32, | wes, be bee written te Cchenal Cat ee pond edna d hare he yet une corns by oo to-day and lacued. = . ietert 0 is teastiention Ts is si length, while ¢ aoenee is some 950 tiles dix of rrdage trom * the servant girl on wiieer. 'od ie el in the ~ | and Wool om. 16. The vini Consul at Birmingham, Regland (a pol opanion af the dividend they are likely to | over 200 bushels of baat wat chet te other ways ht the Sher it tant from Ne wth, and Now 'York us abous | 'és lap, together they eat -- 4 of bia recent. | home at 6.30. The f ig is the neore 3 ). oP tit will Le «mall jodeing the } sured for $1,000. Lows, $2,500. . ing i rather ase " 80 miles farther from Liverpool than Port | #7 the tones at their casenas enemy. Tho | ly-annoxed bride wat two ago, Norwich Funing t. Bisikio says that if the match is made in ack which is valued under 640,00 Sexcoox, N. H., Aug. 16.--Janes' Eurkpe, ew pet wap | perros condlade? with armen the | be was ini by a medium 'the sph Adama, b. Ferri . the usual er. a section man op * house "and the Buneook Hotei and dwellitag wit om oe i we Fis ft lay further be whown ow advantaco. | [tines ok td party's romaine around the room | of bis would yanionte with | Winer ty Woeles 3 | sum on its man be mast decline the honor, Rallony was knocked down last night by a! burned toulay: Lom, $20,000. table were : aay store rroeh, pias sinc a "the yy Port Nelson is situated to the great | by one ty, and banging ber into the closet | hin through » Miss Carleton, who was about Blakely, bh. Woolverton. u seo any " Ca 5 ing Graod Trunk train, the wheels going | Woopstocs, Ont, Ang. 15.--D, W. anne the Germans, i" abel i at sel tract ext 2 leg : Peace ee con | 008 2 ye + hit The m4 wreteh --_ vere in ] . her --- = b. Woolverte $ ners pycnbore vey be on oat the | over a en Jeg and aes and causing piano organ factory . '. = important « railway sock os r] ~~ Perkin' Morris, b. Woolterton loser ; gives | injaries that 8 mare in terribl ato " that rh ag oe ee ae oe herea: Ife too, exagpt that het jaw ie wired ia" inhely oom. out pain + who thereapox Keown. by Beeria F --s oe lorputgeerrs agony at the Geveral Hospital tal. He Nave 8 te pst cine tay ies ttre The nly of ane of the most nw ove, Li OM: tical w 'o- ort apron » . vexzation, contracts i Haden Bay to England daring THE LATE PARTY Row. maunicated to his a«tonished ear pre. | Brady, ©. himouds, b, Woolverton, ° | both by cur gaming and betting laws and/ A isd Papin city has bern blinded loss is about $17,900 ; anly $3,000 imearance mort shocnions of -senalieets = semabhly i Rockton, © tbftieapin, b. Ferrie ® rt lle y hee by some | on t i jeation and + apoetorntii 4 are known over eren a a portion « year. By this . _ ~ _ -~ A ag only to late @ | those of Great Britain.' On the other hand, powder which Sew ap in his eyew on his pick- | The fire iseovered about 2 a.m. the world, and - ample ep ae pares patil oe Hee 7 sige | Mrs. H continues = a Bry Court- "--5* lobster can lying i ts The firemen were quickly on the ceptions and caricaturrs ¢ thiddlo of an extensive district re Lesgre v should . Goodfellow, , 4 > . ' an ported to be of rare fertility, would, by th with him, whieh §| be giver by tne selvaade ani bettie which shipped for Rng ua e Grand oumeerk carole iy of pongo ti, To ees ogre poepeiet Tne to Port Nelaxa, be "relatively On Saturday evening a very largely she went in! - | will make money oat of the event, as was} Trook, 1,500 sheep rei . forta were be Kaen vi rican, nati Liverpool than Chicago, tended ot the Hamiton Diane wae foment % | the case at Saratoga in 1875, be will act, pro- | Toraxto, Ang. 1a--W. © wes " enteryiee, J 'A ane ML ge-tha Wacel al the thee ial --_---- Orange-Laxige was hiid in their hall, on mouth of the medi idine esrtel ' dete' rested tae, ; & gang © Ne worst of the three custosms * Port Nelson River,cr, asit is pow termed, | street. "| aoa be shoal Ras Wats | the course. Mr. Blaikie thinks "thie plas | j ot. &, Milo, publisher ef tho Gu. | pearecans te eolnGh Toe an ne See "hase eee an elson River, in the. outlet through which Poly vagaro letenee to the disturbance of Tues. | doing they # «| will work more than presems gaod, + once | uadian Atlas, for which Bruce was ageut. are the all-absorbing topic of com diaserery by Colambus « drains the whole of the rivers. ond lakes in- ses last, for wisieh the -Order have | in } = ie oe betting race with contest for} Mr. in Knowlton, the k among property-owners on the striets to The snilare he ewut ashore a e y Mutasainn on 0 | ber the tliveing omelets" Se' en nani. | the children flesh, fi * .¢ Cio ape Fe iowa = Tent, whe.qrase to thinaity on} Morvan. Adjust 35.--The ---- aes . enani- ; West to within ape hundred miles of the "The world' A wee cepa - eras bie, ba land & Co. of St Paut- her to be on fire. shores of pat oS east, and by Mr. Joun McKuxna, seconded by | but never falter | taken a territio dose of He ee by fire th: San be i the one - cocina a denienge res of sheet 360.000 shea av Hessen. sad ehedowr | 8 PurLemamen vA GAUAMETY. | hired w hack curly in the tap ad drote reid or Aion. Poly enondte stat of $a lcaeun od beers 8 eons te "Part Nelson is about eighty miles nearer to | regrets exceedingly the oceaFrente of, a Beebo Catharines J 4 thea wea ts ona vteas sod hough ie two aie oc oy Bee s* ee . Yon i egienenn th a a Ge ot ton ain Rall proce per Ragod 4 cy ee ceares Sesliata te have heard | els canee of war entirely consumed mit ork, Itie a mog a river of the | ¢ Tueeday, 2 cecuired on propeller | coutain grain: i L . fest boty of water double ; eg ep ee on Wednesday oven: Seued thn chat inde a eae eo of Tr wer alee moved by Mr. Jon McKuwns, ; : e . Lith inet., om her way from Detroit | of." Ho hgain into the cab ordered eceunded ey Mr, senaal Rome in ~ 2% Colborne. Capt, K. MeMangh had | the driest phy fiat and « Loxpom, Aug. 15.~ --Last night the barns Herseed,--That « Couatios be Ste fen & : ic MANE Gr eae ee Having driven abons for mame time the hoch: of Lemerd Andel. Tih, Conoenian Lads to investigate the matter aud place the bisme on latter was an interesting little fellow, man looked i i barned : on during : q 1 into the cab amd found | were the . The epen the "callsy 876, are given oS ete Gs eb cere ae eee | ive fare "sensible, He toformed's, pola |-fire cannot be acconsted for, Thre won os " yoountly sabe raving deck near | man, «!. or mm ' -- Zhe etal number was at being about | Went fos b., MeFi, om the. tou ey ¥.-Delorms, leather dealer-ol--tsie ety, ag} part of the Maiden Overs: a oniered "Knowli.u to be taken to the rae aait of Mesars_ ye ge a ix yoara being 20. oo | &} hospital. He remained encunscions for} -- thing betiays haueeenen of men'# The fimbilities axe not large, being about | last five 45,6, wh! t "oe inaking | tree wads tat honors; "andi now dolag | waturer more than to wee Gna feeling All over 96,000, whale tha sxaara : : 3 Ww --_ Gene. | well. He states that he has beep in the | bis coat taile to find « pocket which is in his {about the some: Sgurer' e- teciaee ts Troette be ded sucgreric 'any perten,} habit of taking thon TS'to'1¢ cases of para. | Coated homie. oe baing earned on undes Sipervision, and it js | #eeuracy in : oo T Ge creams E tehe likely thak a composition, will be arsigned. canoes pri é heypenel, Mr. James the oldest barrister im sidered : is the pity, died to-day, aged 79. He was called Lig Ah Totes bell a large amber of mar. rw 'that the to the bar in 1933. . | forse it i = . acca on cites eee eon Ses Men took the bakies into another ro : ooentred in will be will. have room, apd game the changed their clothes, so that when the | 1arkshine 41 heartlelt mcthers reacised home that there was | Se disease sudden an f