Revolt of New Caledonia Natives. Treacherous aed Rateher) of Sarprice fe Moaay Cotentets, W.. was greatly excited Ju} Sydney, N. 8. W. 11 by the news of feDelfign amd bet French Cetony of New Caledonia. 2 from Noomwa, dated J terri of sixty and ninety milee from Noames. On ews arrived ah of Ourail were in flames, and lwenty-one whites ; ny Sy Peaaroy staveRTER f° AND "COUNTY OF * 'TET - cer 3 A ZETTE I "s an of the massacre « tesidents in Boularpari ~~ med t districts. fan to arvive in town, and the excitement --_ was intense, verging d oI OU SPRCTAL COLUNN tember Bpon Mounted civilians to ; = | thes thonel the ber © of uty, armed by ART. av had started to the scene of ear-} °Charies Franeus Adams, jr.. ere Of the nage at midnight, but done | abies of living American cssayists, has writ- | wor wed "to find: the "place | tau iwo highly entertaining papers oa" Rail. | two remexis 7 in corpses lying in every direction, cut | rade: Their Origin and Problems." They | Paal's Chur i and hacked, as savages delight to do. The | have just been issued in New York. of Antiquity," "No. 2, on number of vietlime is net known, but yet family after family were found murdered in heaps, wo merey having been shown to men women or chi 5 surprise ens the lot of all. in tims hada moment'. idea of the fate which STRATFORD, ONT., 'WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 4 NO, 142, A FIEND'S WORK. oe BN Soin . aoeust as 2 for many years to daily aod friendly inter- wre course with the natives. Up to the present | . time the on against the revolted tribe, headed by the grea! a G id Chief the former of ? re slightly wounded, WN - rived during the day of the and exe af ths Dombes Riv Bewhai, Jane W.--Eyveryihing remains the other parts of the island. No ein of the revolt extending, and the blood. sated murderers seem to be pansing. to eon. sider how-to Mui and a large nam st of armed civilians are it Pursuit, and 150 Canala natives are ling t surround them. Eugene, « friendly Chiel of tims whose bodies have been found numbers ey eighty-five. uly 7,9 4.m.--The mail leaves in an hour. latest news is that gor 2 eighty-four 4 houses of the natives were ge Some captives were taken and etecuted. All remains jeotly quiet through eat the other aot ee ay thing ia progressing on of the authorities. - ---- ~_>------ A TEARIBSLE UYNCMING SCENE. 'Terrible Crime at Shelbyville--A Tramp "Peele Mis leswcse" and Outrage: « Weman--Infurinted Citisens Mice En Maser and Lyach Mim--Bieed Curd Mag Serare. Naanvinun, Aug, 4. "A Hhethyville 'special tothe Nashville ynched | Pounds for his immortal poem 4 * wis Belor mear that town last night, hangi mb from w. t aun in. de) been livirg in the Thompson C neigh hood for a year and latterly lived with Patrick hai . before last Williams and Martin were absent on a deer hunt, and their wives were le(t at home alone after -1i Belor went' to the house artin with « pistol; he told. Mra. Martin he had come to protect her from rowdies and thas vietniay. Mins. = prowtng im whe . wares she was afraid of Belor, bat as he iffsisted on t~ Saying about the premises asa guard, and as aie had wo to ber mother's whe uo chance to house, she retired to bed with ~her you bal I y ards morning Belor forced an entrance to her room to outrage her per wilh him and resisted for a long time until she was han t "Soh Weartely Tift her hand: Then the inhuman monster accomplished purpose, life from her infant, which abe had been frantically to breast in the holding in the brutish beast from lis work, which he finally accomplished only half an hour before threatened to kill her da: if she told auy one of the outrage. Retarn- ing to Williams' hotre best horses went two miles distant, and was belping ber * be was arres at nine Martin, though near! to give thee pees again hit wis overwtelmirg," tty thie intense and it was with dittienity that coul-headed citizens saved Belor from being lynched at once. | Mean. while Martin, the husband, had returned and Was crazed over Peet of the outrage upon his wife, and be was only prevented by force from kiltiig Belor on the apot. At six Oelek Constable Arold and five well armed Ten started wi for the Shelbyville Jail, "téetve wittes divtant. advice of citizens he avowed all wroughfares, wer traveiii through the woods Le saceceded in getting just inside the corpora! limits war thi Jepot when a large crowd men, some of whom were diegaised, «uddenly raghed eat from beliuad the engine house ate freight cafs and in atwinkling the sarprised Officers wore overpowered. Tk L ib the brograph to her prejudice written by ---- Jameson froni her husband "WHO BANGED ENMNET I~ residing gpg ee dant ier inven aa . o wae eldest daughter | wae satetertent Qaery of a Dublin artist, und was born in 1797, and Seventy-Ftv died in 1860, «A man wae a woman of shone a 7 Colony, and every- the complete satis!ac- Wo negro ¥ ie 1871... Belor had bar | 5 wtage eating an apple. Woe wond: what wi thought of a modern lecture: following Cole. | oldier t the y : RRL TOL ET AS on the frozen regions, is Dr. Moes's "* Shores oes te of tha Pular Soa" Ax it gives the faliest des} or pert Biawet oH ler." wowen ol 'fame who were ll be read with avidity. A new life of Dr, Johneon has been lsted | typ many years be was aware of the the Stephen, who is an ant seeret, byt was pledged n. rier, beyond reach of Mz. Dale's" linpressicas ol America," ha beet Te¥ued in New York bY Messrs. Appleton try' He we: his hands hold out, in too many cases lost peare's works have been igsued is | took a fetal one volame. Though in small type it is | of my bin Hogtact yd dopey "s ee eee The Seord "aa shone Bak toaevine hat onrinons tithe of a new perivdeal just started tu Torante, inthe interest of the Knights of , a = -- . Mra. dead from the horrors of the night, was able ama at an early hour, anda Wiiak ae war or' track, "ait" arrested ~ He-wistaker bafors.« magistrate, ami be. "n ° ry Was the author of that charming | House "of Mi . : and is mid to beevery interesting, Miss students, for three quarters # high intellectual | hangman was qatte unhooun to - the weone of and Iuverness Loves of the Poets." She also | mes at the "7 Lane No. Diary of an Ennuyee,"' and , and No. of W. be several | Troe" Tay h merit. The o of ia to refute a sol b America has produced. Macmillan & Co. are to * Belect the towa major of i of Cicero," tran: y Jeans. ' * 'i The third number of Macmillan's "Dic. | thill of Emmet's sympathizers of Music and Musicians" ia ont. It claimed is edited by Dr. George thirt: -- § be in "* il hi quener of the blanders in the edition. wail. eatin dismissed as one of the epic poet than the immortal Mil- | i, sorutable tom has not ¢ "Para- | tity of the to be _* the most noble, or pation bas produced," Jobnson remarked | honeman of Emmet. Bat the mystery Milton *'was a genius that could cut a had so long lain bi rom « y< soul was like a star and dwelt apart; " diawe's *"ffistory of England" we i, to certain i iF * displa "| an aptitude for itieal phleteering long a¢ he was able to traumpabout he made Sait te inne A svelibocd 1 » that J probably owtug wae he only I t was strange for a hi saat te bs connted off his feet by repab. | velation to t an "3 ey Mi-ton wee bore Murphy. -the .. feather er in London in 1606 and died in 16 i been totally blind for many years. * gerald waa concealed, ahd' effected the cap- Peeallan, Sen-peet and lortnant,ene be.the ture of the Barney Moran tthe Bh } received five.| singer. He of "Paradise ably sonnet. ~~ Mier Mebeuchien inkimate with Clute for two years. FATAL EXPLOsio. ONTARIO RIFLE ASSUCEATION, Disastrous Fire at Wind- sor. 'SPORTING NEWS. Tho e . fourth race, Sene-qamete: a mils, Daniel, the favorite, won ; W. J. Higgin 4 amd Patri 1 Time, AR. ALivax, Ang. 98.--The race be- tween Nellie Thorne Sent akon re oH are No decision was taken in the matter. It was moved by Capt. Apaws, seconded as Bourke's large mass of flame. Both the Vinegar Works distillery n ed, together to them. Seton , was to proof no damage was done to it. The building in which the Titoger Werks wove lesnted wus owned by John A. Askin, of Bandwich, and by Ferguson & McPherson, The latter lose on stock about $3,000, onty $1,000 of which is covered by inanrance im the Re- Hance, of Toronto, Mr. Askin also owned the plant. He was insured for $3,500 in the North British and Mercantile [nsarance Com- y, London. His loss is about . Inasmuch as had been no fire in the place since July, it is conjectured that was bal there bot a railroad track crosses the q ys r . Oakley and Dick Loomer were . 2.80. a t Pept beRe il ek ie ie gt fi Acaaxt, N. Y., Ang. 29.-- William L. Clute, commasion Lavchlen, aged 16, were charged him fly up street she shook the broom after him, the world like aneent -- POPULAR EDUCATION IN ENG- LAND. of Ptaoie;** attend b nf og has reached three volumes. hey reer ment was to the y ore the well known green and gold form. . John Payne Collier, the Shakospearean | quite willing on annotator, is now in his winetieth + yet | * loyalty" by wi 've | a soldier's trae ¥ ing a * History of Dramatic P. his brain ' ae T= & higher grade of Masons. The pubbestion pity fells ua that the Knights are a fs Knightiy gentlemen, banded together under him, pisioved antique forme for the propagation of the Christian fuith. MASONIC. lodges substi! aj Bro, Moore is hard upon 1, ; lis arrangements as ing cotten and linen for lambakin aprons, | with the halter arog remarks: "For matare , | to theezecationer's aman of til Moran was at tomber 19, 1803, when an emissary from Sirr came him a 3 able sum if next morning he as hangman for Emmet. will stand it if omly | that awfal 4 'Thtiems St. Catharine's Chareh, and of a ledge. #6 neophyte that the badge a Mason shoald wear | pot yet. preenve * not ye ; invest him with' an apron made from | admits that he was the man who did the deed, on or linen, is simply ridiculous. and after the head from Hoe is right, and we are at a lose to under. | the body and stand how such'a thing is permitted. In | *pec 'Caras ot p p ls,...205. vel : it, for such an innovation would soon be pat | execution Moran was ito. There is nothing in which lodges | Major Sirr's underlings to the castle, atonce gathere conn: men rade pined the ty Ke t Banged " town had been picketed with strange horve men, who allowed none to = until Belor was intheir enstody. The lrnebers intended bh the that Belor sty never reac jail Large numbers of citizens from Shelbyville whet the ha: i" img. The culprit was banging by a «mall halter neck, The body presented a ghastly and revolt, img wight asttawanginm the oun light. A black and swollen tongue pro- moath. zed pite in db throegh thin white rims of half open lashes, while the hands ani iy were and po With stagnated blood ment of Bek ay ged td tecnnicali ties anil y of the law. came into the Tompson Creek community as a Some Whenee he came po ane ever koe ie refused to give any information about him self. He five foet eight inches high weighed 140 px a rep ve, seostial lace, wae thi ve years old, b he passed as a white man. ~~ THE WONDERS OF A WELL. ~ a Remarkable Plecerery by a Citizen of Penney! jin-A Trip te the Bowel: tae of Hanarsevnc, Pa. Ang. near Alexandria, Hantingdon, county, ae a signal, which waa anewered by peculiar whistles fromm all parts of the town. The elana pal. A and all burried away with him. All the streets of the : i The initiate iv carefully instructed in re. wandering gard to the apron, aod ina iveness of the | life of hardshiyand privation for half a cent. we with editon or linen, as seems to be th practice with some lodges in the United States, | (aly. would be prevented at --A man named r and should be more particular than following out | then sent back to military duty. He g * rules ' i) and there Se ae ical apron, idieative as it is of parity aud in. | around his head were ii cence. had done. He quitted y of him is sufficieyt to lead | ry, exactly seventy-five years to the belief that it would be death of @ violation ancient usage of | death aod a nameless order to substitute any material for the | is one lambskin. Bro. Moore may well say that to do wueb « thin a "warrant for diseardi: ere 7m inatrastions, and will) GINGHAM OBERSS MANTA IN PARIS tify the young brut in neg! bd ~ once. "s instructive paper in the July | dress Bro. Mac! Ot wt ber of the Voice of Masonry, on " Tradi-4 Is may be percals, it may thon and History in Masonry" we have seen fi rom We alluded to it recently as showing | the ;at too - 1 was placed on the | *kirt, knotted behind, traditieuary as the so-called early | poor little Mercedes, whose of Masonry ix: more mystical than core We agree with our brother | #laases that it is myth or 9 | Yard shops, old Queen Isabella to oblivion "without being satiafied | Self off to the country that it is @ jens, but we would | What she not accept a mere because it had been 1 saw her in by many as & trae | #Weet jeimplici ial fact. Bro. Mackey with sort of content .nk_sesasaded ect in & masterly manner, and has struek 2 8 would ns 7 in deeid Yesterday while I was looking at the analysis of every traditional ewels at the Exposition, who should about Masonry © aenipting it even truudiing part an historieal. " = 24 francs an Lour, but Modern Masonic wri have done gaod-| ©ut in one of those same ¢ostames, a brown serviee by the care they heve taken in the in- | linen with whi Vestigation of the traditional history of with wide brim, trimmed with done inl g z 4 4 e i; i E the for some | it is alwa, i i Hl 4 if te E Bead Bt fi ; Tocates _--------- trw ior without their CBREERIANG INDICATIONS, manderies, with a membership of 6,085 Sir god POISONED WITH FaRis GREEN. from a dose of Paris green his own hand whilst in « fit of temporary imaanuty. TRE NicRornenn. Sn gs ingym Her - 5m8. wm. ep. Aay Our te Moke it. wood, say two inches by one and a-half inches. With a pair of scissors cut «piece of thin copper abeat half an ineh broad, two 1. Keep one end le oth taking off the to « blunsy t, drill a hole" toward 4 of copper in a hand vice, and turn up toa right angle the pointed end to the height of half an inch. Now take another piece of copper plate the same breadth, a little short of an i ii hie q7£F nif Pi "peril {TEE i] FLEE ate E£ {fers HE 1 a7iFel abe Fee Hite ; [ists r E ene ri iE 'ly bre t at Frid E nae abies tne HH ltl Hs Alpi a IH EI i 3 i F : i it i Eft Ae i i ie Théend of the world ia set down for the Lith of Jul¥, 1879. daragl Ber we at Medina has recently visited by Prophet Mahomet, who laments the degener- acy of his followers, and attributes the af Hf ith i i # ; is i i H ratte fH i fit ith } j { | ' H E al f | 3 d E 7. / ft if if i lik lil | : i é b cf a E i | Anew paris, * Stone: Creek as ite Orrawa, Aug. 28.--P. O'Leary, ab Osgoode } ' farmer, Paria whi tal MOTHER-IN-LAW ETIQUETTE. inch in [ie 5 Fee 1 2 at f é Fe WOMEN CARVING &4 CORPSE. The Operation Performed in Full View ot the Te Ff if rider J =n. --A Npeetacic that Made the Felice Mhudder. Hl itl} Fi rf i Hl nf t | eFES. : fe [ERE eggs SE af E F f Bh ? ork 'August mecting, was won by Hudson's chestant colt Castlereagh. mstown Srd. Time, 1.46, 'ee chaso, 23 miles, Katie P. Hantroap, Conn., Aug. 49.--The races in the 2.3] and 2.25 classes at Plainville Park to-day. Bix beate and five in the decided. HI race, «pecial purse for Luis. Time, 2.90, 2.17 eunedy race account of boats onines hare arranged for aod that it will take Ist. _Hanlan will probably leave for the scene of ter part of next week or the beginning of Vrauea b Dean, b Vou Ti w latter z. In the third race, 3.45 class, Newme won. ™ . a ad nw "ee | f Neo. 96 and Saturday | x.) mecess. The |" a Wallace owe -- great_race on Priday for im, Morris and Plaisted. The fast in Jewets ed at 4.08. Riley was the first to tur the" malls ods halt stake, Gnd! won Tn 'S045 by Kennedy had the inaidw isd ted half length for the first mile when vant ahead ene length. This he easily to the duish. -Theiake was as smooth as glass, and there was a large crowd present. Base Ball. | e-Seeun ' romp.«. Taylor, b Ferrie right, b Keanedy > Bot out Bye Lag byes Total Woot pUauti.ten oolverton. ¢ Payne, b Petman. Te >» Petman rte » 8) wotkel! 8! ide Hattery ou y. 0th Royals omipeny. With Boyele enemy. A pamen "oo Banepssceenneges 7S keesunssn jon it cup m the same shooting with 317, the Guards ng nex 306, Bat- talon with 299, and the he Canada Company's prizes for ind: taken as follows T vidual prizes were Capt. bet = 'the : ~naiageemenes Corp, Carroll, Guards a" Pte H. Marria, Lith Batt as Sergt Lewis, Ove -- -- @ Ang. 23.--An is. (000 wo indace Hanian and here. SCRATCH Race. " Brown's Wharf to Willow Point, the scratch crews of the ng Clab rowed on Wednesday press four-oared race, whieh warrowed here on the 24th inst., I imake a few corree- 3 Toron: foul, and in that the stroke's oar boat struck bow's oar in the 'The opiuton of my crew ix i ie ay Seey. Toronto Rowing Clab, Toronto. H. Jarvia, beg Hi: re? rounds st each. Seven men shot in the Bat- talon mateh, six for the Tait eup, and four in the Company contest. Up to half- two 4 rather AUFLES. . Tonowto, Anguat 24. -- The non-com- moped of the Wil competition are: Meuars. Mo. Ewan, mM. CARVER To Aine. said toa reporter of the New York Eaprese:--* I shall tetize from % time. with which I have been identified." THE PULL econm. ~The following is the full seore--of--the 13th in the competition at the Paterio Ride Ascsciation matches for the * Chall Trophy, which th won by « considerable of points, The ranges were 500 and yards ; seven coon Fue 3 Sergeant J. 28 Private s Private J. a os Corp, Waldo, G nu Capt. Anderson, ae » Carp. Hilton, 4th Batt C Fos Maer, iam Best ] ne, # 2 Mabor Bonosen Batt a = The highest Yoh Major , Hist Batt. winner of the Dominion d amd #85. as Me. A. Belt; oth Royals ot Margetia, Tith Bats. ws Capt. Gibeon, Toronto Garrison Battery oy) Wheeler Ogg. Wellington Fiehi Battery rd Corp. Gray, Garda aw The Eikingtes -- was taken by Private A. Beil. 1th Boy . i» the extra series the three highest seores at SOO yards wer Pre. Belew: . 13th Rats a Pwo. A Bell, th Royals s Wheeler Ogg, Wellington Vield Battery = Athletics. *KENMON Ya. Bona, We have stated thas ot Belleville. challenges age p= gorge compete in various athletic sports, and has eres actomtemcmeenniomeaae Se nn ie ae ont ar ionpensien Chis pees within fonr weeks,. while Bows desires thas bv Lemettemals anche ar: clive oy pi at